Top 10 Worst Things Walter White Has Done

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[Music] this is why Walter White is such a classic character welcome to tenth everyday so be sure to subscribe to our channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos for this list we're looking at scenes in Breaking Bad featuring Walt that made us shake our heads in disappointment or drop our jaws in shock number 10 blowing Gus's face off in a nursing home after deciding that Gus needs to go Walt allies himself with Hector Salamanca who Gus often visits to torment I know you despise me I know how badly you want to see me dead but I'm willing to bet that I know a man whom you hate even more and the to come up with a rather explosive plan Walt will plant a bomb in Hector's wheelchair which will blow both Hector and Gus to kingdom come and you know maybe some innocent bystanders who get caught in the blast luckily no one was harmed but can you imagine if some poor old lady was standing directly in front of the door that shoots off like a rocket it just goes to show the links that Walt will go to look out for number one number nine kidnapping his own daughter things got a little wild for Walt near the end there and in the heat of the moment he just up and kidnapped his own daughter much to the horror of Skyler and Walter jr. the great thing about this moment is that it not only paints Walt as a selfish a-hole but it somehow manages to make us feel sympathetic at the same time Walt just wants to be with the one person in his family who doesn't hate him or want him dead and when Holly asks for her mama he is utterly devastated with that one word Walt finally realizes that it's all over [Music] number eight forcing Jesse to kill Gail at the end of season three Walt's future with Gus looks grim he had betrayed Gus by murdering his drug dealers and soon finds himself training Gail who Gus intends to replace him with rather than going to the DEA as Jesse suggests Walt decides to murder Gail only Walt is taken by Mike before he can forcing him to utilize Jesse throughout much of the first three seasons jesse is a deadbeat but he's certainly not a killer and the despondent look on his face says it all this moment is the catalyst for Jesse's eventual downfall and it's harrowing to witness you don't have to do this number seven handing Jesse over to Jack in the episode to wash Olay Walt puts out a hit on Jesse and requests that his death be quick and painless that all changes when Todd realizes that Jesse was working with the DEA rather than killing Jesse Jack's gang kidnaps him and forces him into meth making slavery and just when you thought Jesse couldn't sink any lower - this is arguably Walt at his most petty and despicable not only does he betray Jesse's hiding location to Jack but he spitefully reveals to the already frightened Jesse that he was responsible for Jin's death I watched Jane die it's a low blow and it proves just what a conceited ass Walt has become I watched her overdose and choke to death number six strangling crazy eight it didn't take long for Walt to murder someone did it in the show's very first episode Walt concocts a chemical reaction that kills Emilio and incapacitates Crazy eight unfortunately for Walt crazy eight survives the poisoning forcing Walt to murder him in cold blood you can call it self-defense seeing us how crazy eight would have killed him but Walt still poisoned him kidnapped him and chained him up in Jesse's basement so it's not as if his hands are clean here it's not quite Breaking Bad material seeing how it's only the third episode but it's still a major transformative moment in Walt's character and it helps inaugurate him into the dangerous world of drug dealing when I do are you gonna stick me with that broken piece of plate number five murdering Gus's dealers fans have different opinions about when Walt embraced his aggressive and authoritarian alter ego but many point to the brilliant ending of half-measures in which Walt murdered two of Gus's dealers in cold blood the collision itself is graphically depicted leaving viewers to gawk in equal parts disgust and amazement and then walk gets out of the car grabs a gun and shoots the survivors square in the face rod with this moment Walt truly becomes Heisenberg before this he'd always shown remorse towards murder now he's completely in command confident and determined even in violence with this act Walt has accepted his destiny and his true character I'm sorry I have to go number four blowing up to ghost headquarters of course you could also argue that Heisenberg was born when Walt blew up Tuco's headquarters in season one after all it's when he officially adopts the name and it changes his appearance after Tuco puts Jesse in the hospital Walt goes to Tuco's and shows him what for by blowing up his office with fulminated mercury this he's not meth it's certainly badass and it's made even better by that tantalizing opening scene which shows a freshly shaved Walt walking away from the explosion with a bloody nose as badass as Heisenberg is there's still some Walter White in there but it's definitely a major step towards his full transformation no matter what happens no more bloodshed no violence [Music] number three letting Jane die despite it being a season later yet more fans claim that Heisenberg's true birth was the moment Walt watched Jane choked to death on her own vomit well it wasn't a fan of genes influence on his partner and when opportunity struck he just couldn't pass it up it's not a great scene because a major character died it's a great scene because we physically witnessed Walt's transformation from caring father figure to calculating drug dealer he initially rushes to help and shows remorse and disgust for his actions but quickly composes himself now confident in his decision it's at this point that Walt's money and Empire became more important than human life number two going full Godfather it's amazing how fluid and natural this show presented Walt's character development in the series premiere we would never imagine Walt owning his own drug empire and having his enemies simultaneously assassinated Michael Corleone style but when this scene played in the season 5 episode gliding overall it seemed like just another day in the life and it's both an extraordinary and horrifying sequence the heinous and graphic violence is brilliantly juxtaposed with Nat King Cole's soothing pick yourself up and it's an idiosyncratic blend that only Breaking Bad can pull off with you while Breaking Bad is full of depravity this scene is especially sickening yes it's done before we unveil our top pick here are a few honorable mentions [Music] this was my idea don't punish them if you tell Gus to blame me not them he does number one intentionally poisoning a child mr. White's he boys abroad yes we know he calculated the precise dosage to ensure brach survival but he's so poisoned a kid damn it in order to take out Gus Walt concoct an elaborate scheme which involves poisoning Brock with his lily of the valley berries and tricking Jessie into believing that Gus poisoned Brock with ricin who do you know whose children to be murdered Gus it can't be denied that Walt is an extremely intelligent and conniving bastard but intentionally poisoning a child is truly an irredeemable act there's a reason the season ended on the image of Walt's plant is most likely a flower called lily of the valley Walt's moral compass has been irrevocably shattered and that's more shocking and emotional than any death or touching goodbye could have been [Music] do you agree with our picks check out these other great clips from WatchMojo and be sure to subscribe and ring the bell to be notified about our latest videos
Views: 2,935,581
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: walter white, breaking bad, craziest walter white moments, bryan cranston, breaking bad characters, breaking bad fights, crazy breaking bad moments, breaking bad movie, breaking bad 2019, watchmojo, watch mojo, top 10, list
Id: 1BVgQ1fEfGQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 58sec (718 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 28 2018
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