Blox fruits, Noob To Pro as Luffy but all NPCs are alive

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I will be going to the second CS movie so let's see this rubber food and now let's that was my rubber fruit wait what oh no don't let it go we can't oh yeah oh come back here I think I got away I see this island in front of me so I guess let's just go there a monkey oh stairway stay away oh he wants to fight he wants to fight hit that oh oh God oh God oh God okay he's strong he's strong never mind never mind I'll come back here for revenge for now I guess I'll just go back and check if the bandits have lived that Island okay we are back here and I don't see any Bandits listen here kid defeat five Bandits but why okay was bended down oh I leveled up oh that's why he wanted me to defeat five Bandits listen here again defeat five Bandits again again all right last one oh what's this new Quest available open your compass menu to find the next oh we can finally get off this island all right let me buy this boat and let's go okay this Compass is leading me to this guy I defeat six monkeys mate all right time for my revenge all right I'm done with the monkeys now what now defeat six gorillas mate gorillas oh my God how many animals do I have to fight okay now I'm actually starting to feel bad for these gorillas okay I'm also done with the gorillas okay is there any more now defeat the gorilla King my gorilla King oh this guy looks pretty tough all right gorilla King it's time to fight take that oh God oh God we're always punching air never mind that guy was pretty weak well I think it's about time to head to the next Island let me ask that Quest guy defeat six gorillas might okay how many times do I have to oh I can go to the next Island now okay goodbye jungle island and we are here the silence seems like a village or something good sir please save our village looks like a peaceful Village to me defeat eight Pirates oh my God okay bro whatever these guys are pretty strong all right last hit there we go next Quest available defeat eight Roots okay I'm guessing it's this way wait who's that funny looking guy got that reindeer nose and everything I don't know who that is but I definitely don't want to interact with that guy oh oh God they're strong but thankfully I'm strongers there we go all right what's next defeat Bobby who's Bobby Bobby he's the captain of all these Pirates and brutes who are destroying the Peace of this town wow you're talking like a normal person though defeat Bobby it's probably that funny looking guy I saw earlier all right Bobby take that oh wow that melted my entire health and last hit boom well that was that was pretty simple thank you very much random pirate did this guy just called me random and no problem that was a weird Village anyways my next Island seems to be a desert of some sort let me just set my spawn point right here huh what was that goofy laughing hey what what no I have to I have to check that out what was that nobody here sure God there was somebody here get off my Island you go away this is Miles oh my God you're really strong well wherever that guy was he's now gone anyways let's explore this island a bit now oh a person good day to you gentlemen can you please defeat eight desert Bandits are they causing trouble nah they are just chilling wow seems like an absolutely great reason to obliterate them oh that was pretty easy gentlemen defeat six desert officers and that should be it all right let's go to the next Island now oh gentlemen before you go huh you are heading to the snow Island next right yeah I heard that a man who possesses great abilities lives there try searching for him you could definitely learn some useful abilities from him thanks for the info bye bye what a silly man that guy told me that the ability trainer would be here I don't know where to search for him oh a cave oh there he is double ladies right oh [Music] how do you move or did he just fall asleep mid battle probably would have gotten frozen to death if that guy didn't fall asleep mid-battle is he still there okay he's gone he's gone I can finally learn all the abilities in peace sky jump yes give me that enhancement yes I want to learn that last step oh wait I don't have enough money for that let's go make some bank then oh a person hey old man do you live here yes unfortunately I do why is it unfortunate well if you look around this Village is swarmed with the bandits they took everything who the Bandit ass are you really gonna do that to me don't worry I got you just give me some money and I'll do a deal oh hey I can buy flashdiv now there we go and now I feel much stronger alright old man what's next there's a really powerful yeti on that Hill watch out though he's really strong who the yeti asked well that was way too easy alright then bye bye old man straw man before you go huh my friend has fallen really ill and he keeps asking me for a holy cup filled with water and I'm not sure what that is who no you can't do it this time it's about my friends asked oh my god oh hell no man goodbye all right we are finally at our next Island and it looks like here oh God it's enough where's that guy he's a rule oh my god oh look at you rats I don't know how I managed to beat them anyways let's take our first Quest here did you really beat all three of the Admirals three Admirals are you stupid or something you just fought them oh those guys ah they were pretty easy I didn't even break a sweat well you two look pretty strong can you beat up all these corrupt Marines no they don't even treat the people I absolutely do not care I'll give you money for it you got it wait that easily all right we are done with that Quest now let me talk to him again now beat the voice Admiral ah you forgot something 15K cash good that guy will be defeated once you face the device animals and then I can take all my money back oh that was pretty easy thanks for the money marine guy I'll be going now no problem that's a beautiful looking Island now how do I get up there oh I know rocket hey you you don't look like a Sky Pen uh who are you I'm Luffy the pirate who's trying to go to the second sea so you're a pirate huh so you must like killing for no reason that is correct okay then go kill these Sky Bandits I got you and time to finish them off what happened what was that just now ah well whatever it won't happen again I'm done with the sky Bandits alright sir I'm done with the sky Bandits now okay kill the Dark Masters now where are they right there ah finally I'm tired of this island goodbye Quest guy uh before you go I heard that you can go to the second seat once you reach level 700. oh I'm level 200 right now so I'm pretty close yeah you got this and this next Island looks kind of scary I guess I'll just leave my ship here let's go oh who's that he looks pretty strong though how do I get there without getting spotted oh I have an idea huh who are you oh oh I don't know you don't know your own name I'm Luffy the pirate who's trying to go to do you know where you are right now huh right here you are at a prison where Pirates are kept so does this mean that I'm a prisoner now you're about to be one no no no let me go shut up I will let you go if you beat up all those prisoners over there oh that's easy I'm done that easily go try and look on the dangerous prisoners now they are way stronger I'm done oh by the way who's that guy in that four thingy oh he's the head Warden of the prison he is very strong and uses the power of the oh it's that guy take that ah Cannon you survived that oh God ah it stinks what food is that what is he ah Cannon oh I beat him you how dare you beat our headboarding like that oh man when is it gonna stop ah who are you now I'm the chief Ward keep that talking what so you defeated all the wardens you're strong chewing voices with me let's turn this world upside down together hey are you really just going to walk away don't disrespect [Music] oh you are so no hockey well too bad your dreams in here well I guess I'm done here let's go to the next Island now um where did my ship go I swear I left it here I need a boat yes please so where we're going to the Coliseum oh by the way who are you my name is Jesse and I'm from the village I was once filled with pirates and I'm your huge fan I wanted to return you the favor ah thanks a bunch don't mention it I'll be waiting for you here time to grind here [Music] oh all right I'm level 300 now and we can go to the next Island hey Jessie take me to the mag my Island the magma Island no no no no that's way too dangerous ah come on man just take me there thanks a bunch be careful out there I'll be waiting for you here yeah I got this hmm you don't look familiar yeah I just came here who are you I'm Luffy the pirate who's trying to go to the second sea well I'm undercover as the mayor on this island so I can take down the magma Admiral oh so you're the mayor no I'm not but but it says mirror above your head no I just said that I'm undercover as the mayor so you're the Imposter ah you scum young man shut up you're gonna blow my cover oh sorry my bad well the magma Emerald's base is inside the volcano but these soldiers won't let me go would you be kind enough to help ah I got you really yeah you seem like a great guy I'm done they're all wiped out incredible with this we can easily defeat the magma Emerald where's this guy again you should be in that volcano it's golden oh military spies I didn't expect them to be here well I guess we gotta face them Gomer go oh hey mayor is that is that the magma roll yeah oh mayor are you okay yeah I'm all good you huh where's this guy aiming at oh wait I think I think Jesse is there you go check on your friend I got this oh okay did Jesse did Jesse sip did Jesse screw it I'm going back [Music] I can't find him anywhere that's because he's at the bottom of the ocean hmm oh come in we did it yeah yeah we did yeah foreign huh no but I saw some other ship sink oh so that wasn't your sip my God thank you straw man no problem how about you join my crew no no I can't do that why I have more things to do I don't care you're joining but that's not up for you to decide I refuse your refusal bruh well where are we going next underwater what are you doing you said you wanted to go underwater no no it's that way it's that way oh I think I'll just go in this portal I'll wait for you up here all right I'll be back in a second all right we are here come on you don't look like a fisherman how do you even get here oh there was just this funny looking portal up there and I jumped through it and ended up here what I thought it was closed off way long ago well if you don't want me here I'm going back go jump on you're derived here at the perfect time huh well I'm actually the king in this place was overthrown by the Fishman Lord he's in that Palace right yeah but you must first defeat his army so things don't get messy okay then pay me give me money for it how does a hundred thousand sound I don't know man sounds like a scam to me one million you got it all right what's next oh the Fishman Commander you got it all right what's next come on how are you this strong well I'll just build different I guess you really are I think you could easily defeat the Fishman Lord now I got this huh who are you you're the fisherman Lord right well I kind of just wiped out your entire Army and I'm here to beat you up you you could never beat me well I'm done here thanks for the money fish Kingdom King guy admirable power he has jump on hey Jessie let's go to the sky now whoa this island is beautiful Hmm this place looks a bit familiar all right I'll wait for you down here don't you also want to go up this island uh no thanks okay hmm I think I remember this island oh hey you're back I knew you would be back huh who are you how do you not remember me hmm are you a restaurant owner That's So Random okay anyways I don't have any business with you then sir wait hey what quest God guard okay okay time to finish them off huh oh man not again oh you you right there oh where did he go I'll cast this guy no matter what oh there you are do you really think you can defeat God himself yes very well oh no Thunderball what why is it not working hmm well [Music] oh I can finally grind without getting interrupted alright sir meet me in the upper Sky okay see you there let me explore this island a little bit more hmm is this Cloud solid oh oh no no oh that was close anyways I'll just go to the upper Sky now welcome to the upper sky [Music] this place is in chaos because of that Thunder God he took over and now this place is filled with his army oh I already beat that guy wait what how did you even manage to beat him I don't know well either way that makes things much easier so just beat his army as Sean does over there okay I'm done now beat their leader I'm done nice now go meet up with gone fall over there okay man I'm tired of grinding I just want to go to the second sea Straw Hat sir please I got it okay okay I got it but I'd even say anything I'm done uh awesome okay I got it why so angry sir man I'm tired of grinding I just want to go to the second sea well you're in luck then because your next island is the gateway to the second sea so wait that means the next island is my last Island yeah I was once a pirate just like you who lost patience at grinding that's very reassuring all right then bye bye wait Straw Hat sir what there's a legendary god in that pyramid and he's a master Instinct go ask him if he can teach you that what is the Instinct I don't know ask him uh hey well hello there do you want to learn Instinct yes well then first complete the saber puzzle what is that okay I'll tell you how first you press all the buttons then pick the torch then burn a curtain then pick the cup and fill the cup and give that cup to the sick man you met at the snow Island and meet with the sun you feed them up then unlock the door and defeat the saber master [Music] oh my God that was way too complex for me but anyways I'm done okay you have learned it wait what already yeah that was your training oh dude thanks I guess now go on to the second C hey Jessie take me to the founder City let's go whoa that's a big Fountain I guess they don't call it the Fountain City for nothing all right then Jesse I'll see you in a minute all right good luck now where do I go oh staircase so you are here to go this I can see yes can you tell me how absolutely not wait wait I'll tell you I'll tell you but you need to do something for me first well you see those pirates over there okay I got it wait I didn't finish okay I done already yeah well their captains are still around aye aye sir okay how are you this fast come on now tell me how to go to the second C all right then got it thanks a lot blue guy wait for me second see yeah let's go you will not be going to the second seat huh I guess I'll have to beat you then revolver I'm not losing here losers can't decide when they lose ah that guy was strong well I should be going now Jesse you're late Jesse it's time to go to the second sea let's go wait where where's the second C oh I don't know what how are we even gonna get there well the guy from before told me that there's some pirate who knows the way to the second sea in the Middle Town alright let's go then yeah by the way what happened to the old mode oh there were a lot of good shipwrights at the founding City so I just bought a better boat ah all right Jesse hold on here hey rookie you must be going to the second c yeah I can take you there just follow my ship all right we are here Mighty seconds oh that first island is huge now good luck with your journey thanks a lot for dropping us here so they have arrived to my kingdom this shall be fun
Channel: officialnoobie
Views: 3,998,260
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: officialnoobie, officialnoobie roblox, official noobie, roblox, blox fruits, noob to pro as luffy, blox fruits becoming luffy, blox fruits noob to pro, blox fruits noob to pro as luffy, Blox fruit luffy but all npcs are alive, blox fruits luffy, blox fruits luffy noob to pro, blox fruit, roblox blox fruits
Id: deU3oZOhQa8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 56sec (1316 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 08 2023
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