What Are The Top 5 AI Tools That Are Better Than ChatGPT for Coding and Productivity?

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there are so many advances when it comes to tools with AI to help you stay ahead in coding productivity you're day today the thing is though if you want to stay ahead compete with this really competitive market you need to know about these tools and be able to use them and they're changing so quickly so I managed together the top five tools for productivity coding to really help make your life well easier we're going to dive into them and I'm going to provide some real world examples some of them are so cool I mean one the first one we're going to go through will literally take a screenshot and turn into code and it works really good like we're going to test on really complex sites all right before we get into it make sure to hit that subscribe button for more Tech coding AI all that good stuff related videos leave down in the comments what video you want to see next I left down four options so you can go vote on what topic do you want me to cover all right let's get to it all right the first one I really want to cover here is called screenshot to code and surprise surprise it does exactly that so let's go ahead and let me record my screen here okay so this is a tool I've been playing around with for a while and I recently stumbled across it I think it was on devb 2 when I was just going through different articles thought no way this is possible like just literally taking a screenshot and it converts to code that's pretty cool so I tested it out and it does work I mean obviously there are a few different um it's not perfect but it definitely is getting Advanced quickly now you can also see here uh it says generating what it will generate to so right now we have it to HTML and Tailwind we could also though do react bootstrap view it's pretty cool and then also too you can choose what model you want to use so for now let's keep it at this and now I have in a second tab here opened master class and I actually haven't tested this one out so let's see how this works so let's take a screenshot go here it kind of cuts off the text but that's okay and let's input it here so it's scanning please subscribe ah okay one sec I got to I got to log in here okay we are back now it is officially I'm logged in paid I'm paying for these services for all of you to see if it's worth it because I love you all right so let's go ahead and see we can see it's still generating kind of cool you can see it's literally generating code ins the side um so let's see how it does it's also really cool that you can see mobile version uh and the code as well I'm still going here we go at work it's coming it's coming to life we need like a what is the game show thing where it's [Music] like all right this is pretty [Music] good okay you can see here this is pretty cool I don't know this kind of blows my mind maybe I'm alone in this it's I mean it even generates AI images that kind of look like the screenshot listen it's not perfect by any means the images are not on the side um where it is in master class if I go back to master class so this Carousel here is now down here but the concept of it and where it currently is at to give you a template to further build upon is pretty cool so you can see here if you go to mobile it has a mobile version and then also so too you can see the code so no one is saying that this is perfect but it definitely is a great tool to use if you see some UI that you really like and want to focus more so maybe on the backend side of things or even take the existing UI and build on top of that I think it's brilliant and it's pretty cool I mean it does cost some money so I would use it on a per project basis but I mean I think this $15 I nowadays a coffee is like $5 $6 I don't know how much is a coffee for for you nowadays but it's very expensive so pretty cool okay next on the list is repple AI and honestly if you are not using reppel to begin with first of all what are you doing second of all their Ghost Rider I think it's called Ghost Rider I use it all the time let me find it here my rapples this is going to be so embarrassing I'm just we're being very transparent here let's see um why does it say two months ago it's that the last time I used it 8 months ago so much for using it all the time I swear I've used it since then but but anyways let's see what this is this might be scary this looks kind of scary this is like a this is like a test okay let's go back I use repple just as a side note I use it a lot because it's one of those things where if I just want to start building right away it allows me to do so I don't need to set up an environment I can start working in different languages like it's super user friendly so for example let's go create repple python just create a new project and take you to a new project you don't need to do set up anything else so it's super fun when you're just wanting to you have an idea or you just want to like kind of Tinker around with some code it's perfect for that now what you can do is say we want to um let's go to their AI so you can see here repple repple repple it it's my struggle forever a use repple to set up new projects answer questions about your code and assist your thinking so let's do generate a personal assistant chat bot and see how this goes and I really like it because I find with repet AI when I am building and and kind of wanting these code Snippets it is always there like this is the number one AI in my opinion that I find to be super userfriendly super accurate for what I'm looking to produce and it just it's really good all around so let's go here you can customize a response da da da so I don't think this will run I haven't really looked at the code yet we're doing this together but let's see what happens if we run it it's not running what did it do here generate yeah we want to use this okay here let's try now we have just built a personal chat bot that's so cool so what does it do you if user equal exit goodbye put the response all right okay yeah this is cool okay so let's go um hi how are you You by um let's do buy and then we'll say byy too okay so this is a very simple example but you get the point I mean in what was that like 2 seconds we were able to generate the basics of a chat bot obviously there is a lot of work that needs to go into that we're not saying otherwise but it's a great place to start and this is something that even if you're working on say a project at work or a bigger project you can take some of that code if it's a work project maybe don't take the code but if it's a person project you can take it build in repple and then take it out and build locally it's just super handy um this one as well though is I think I pay for it actually um or maybe Ai No the AI is part of the free version which is good so good free AI tool for coding out there okay coming in at number three this one isn't necessarily a code generator but for all you people out there who are looking to start a business or work on a personal project which I think is all of us uh this is is super interesting so this is called namelix and I recently stumbled across this one I haven't heard too many people talk about it but what it will do is you can enter in some keywords about the company you want to build or the business you want to build and it will generate different business names now if you haven't had to come up with a name for a product or a business before you're probably thinking CH that's so lame like who cares naming is one of the hardest things you will have to do so let's do something for cats let's do cat fuzzy warm cozy I don't know I don't know where these words are coming from so select a style let's do um let's just do auto all styles Randomness let's make it medium random and all right let's do this no no let's just do total and we can check domains too which is pretty cool generate initial initial I can't speak today it's going fast let's see whoa marmalade cat that's really cool actually War mug so you can register domain so what would that domain be let's see and it generates different kind of logos like what it could look like this is pretty cool you can't tell me this isn't cool it goes so quick too like I mean it's really it makes you get so creative which is pretty cool logos um you know we just did wait where is this tab here here we go soft whisker cozy cat meowy these are good so yeah this is really cool you can get really creative with it from finding Don name names for it creates logos and then also too obviously creates different business names this is a really fun one okay the next one on the list I know these are all you know better than chat GPT but this one is a chat GPT plugin but we need to talk about it it would be such a Miss if we didn't which is Whimsical diagrams I don't know if you've used this before but if you haven't you need to get out of under what is this saying stop living under a rock because this is incredible now this really changed honestly my my workflow my day-to-day when I think about projects when I think about coding even if it's something nonrelated to coding it is so helpful so what it does is you can literally uh visualize different architecture or diagrams so let's go here visualize chat GPT architecture and it will generate this architecture for you and break it down for you so it's super userfriendly especially if you're into system design if you are into even if you're a business individual being able to or product manager being able to understand what the developers are building this is huge for you all right it's being a little bit slow speed up this part of the video all right you can see here this is what they generated I mean this is pretty high level you can get ask it for more details and it will get very specific which is awesome I also wanted to show you yesterday I was making a video on websockets on my for my uh Instagram and Tik Tok so I'll show you what happened here this was really cool so a simple sequence diagram illustrating a websocket connection this is a better example I find because it's a little bit more detailed but this is really cool you can ask it to create diagrams for anything you can view or edit the diagrams and if you go here click in whimsicle um you can literally just kind of like move it around which is so cool if you ask me so anyways this is a plugin and it is super useful I'll link all these down below by the way so you can go and uh check them out okay the next on the list is Claude And this is a more popular one I'm sure you've heard of Claude before I love Claude I've been using them for so long and I since they're specifically since their latest release with their new models it is incredible I think they are really blowing uh a lot of other chat Bots out of the water when it comes to the coating responses and quality that you can get from them so yeah Claude it's another really great one and I wanted to include Claude because it's not only good for coating but if I'm going to write content captions if I'm going to write emails literally everything Claude is my go-to it is my one chat bot that right now anyways I rely on heavily so let me know if you're a cloud user or not because I love them all right we just went through five really incredible tools I'm curious to hear have you used any of these what ones will you be using leave in the comments and if you haven't already make sure to go leave in the comments your vote for the next video all right thank you all so much for your support your love your excitement for my videos there is nothing nothing I love more than creating content for you and I just love that you are so supportive and just always show up for me so I always try and show up for you as well okay that was so sentimental all right bye everyone [Music]
Channel: Tiff In Tech
Views: 22,617
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Top 5 AI Tools, Top 5 AI Tools That Are Better Than ChatGPT, What Are The Top 5 AI Tools, coding and Productivity, Tiff in tech, tiffintech, productivity, coding, software engineering, software engineer, productivity tips, ai tools, best ai tools, ai, free ai tools, artificial intelligence, ai content writing tools, ai productivity tools, top ai tools, ai tools for business, ai seo tools, new ai tools, how to learn code, how to learn to code, how to use ai
Id: O2w6z8oI1fA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 26sec (746 seconds)
Published: Fri May 03 2024
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