Which inFAMOUS Game is THE BEST?

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over the past year or so i have replayed to near completion every infamous game and after reflecting on those playthroughs i had a difficult question in front of me which infamous game is the best it seems like it may be an easy question to answer but now that i have also within the last year or so critique the entire series i can't help but feel that each of the games more or less has interesting and notable qualities about them which not only warrant a playthrough but also justify its top spot on anyone's list this is the second ranking video that i've done and the first ranking video i did was on the batman arkham games but that video was structured in a more finite and list-like manner here i'd like to analyze the series as a whole from its different facets regarding gameplay story presentation and so on i think by determining which games do what the best we can come to a better understanding of which i feel is the best and which is my favorite i make that distinction between the best and favorite because i actually have two different answers for both i won't reveal those answers yet because another flaw with the other ranking videos that i told you what my list was before i gave context and justification which allowed enough people to be baffled enough with what was in my eyes relatively acceptable opinions to not even hear the context another way around this context problem is just by referring you to my other critiques if you're curious about my super in-depth thoughts on all these games and you have a solid chunk of time on your hands i recommend you watch those videos first that way this video doesn't have to be three and a half hours long of course spoilers are ahead and with that out of the way let's talk about the infamous series and try to answer the question of which infamous game is the best so just to make sure we're all on the same page here let's talk about what's at the top of the priority list for an infamous game firstly i think the powers are an obvious number one above all else the powers are what make infamous such an interesting and consistently fun experience i value them based on variety complexity and general fun factor below that i would put presentation i know that putting this above things like the open world and story may seem like a poor choice but i do it because it's near integral to your enjoyment of the powers smoke is a really cool ability but it would be far less satisfying to dash through fences vents and anything else if the particular effects were not turned up to 11. electricity would not nearly be as fun if you couldn't hear the sounds of the militia being cooked alive the comic like cutscenes also add to the comic book charm of these games too after that we'll have level design this includes main quests side quests world design and boss fights which to me are essential to enjoying your powers i can have fun farting around in an open world but being able to take down monolithic kaijus are just some of the best moments of the series finally the story and karma choices are what give us an excuse to continue the game and they allow us to feel like we are making an impact just because i think the stories are the least important out of what i've listed does not mean i think the stories are unimportant or unnecessary the infamous stories are some of my favorites and are really memorable but that is not necessarily what i'm there for and my enjoyment and replayability of the games do not rely on it now that we've established what i believe are the most important facets let's get into analyzing all the games through that lens and define which games do what best in my opinion starting of course with the powers while having the power to control electricity or smoke might be good having the power to control what you browse on the internet and who can see it is even better with atlas vpn you can keep your browsing private and secure an atlas even has built-in anti-malware to prevent any pesky 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complexity and depth of the powers are what make them the most fun infamous second son is a good example of a game with a wide range of powers smoke neon and video and of course concrete but those different powers have intersecting abilities and lack the same depth that something like electricity does so while i think that smoke is my favorite power aesthetically i feel like electricity has a greater repertoire and i really feel like electricity reached its proper conclusion as far as the variety of the powers go as mentioned before smoke neon and video have their varied abilities which is great but a lot of them are just remixes of the dash with an exception to neon or they're a remix of a power already seen in a previous infamous game for example the torrent bolt from second sun is just a remix of the rapid bolt from infamous 2. i don't think that inherently makes it bad though i think the only real competitors here are infamous two and infamous second son infamous one is just a more or less limited move set compared to infamous two and festival of blood has a super limited infamous two moveset with minimal additions firstly did expand upon neon but i don't feel like it comes close to second sun by sheer variety alone we are essentially left with a battle between quality or quantity electricity is flashy powerful and has a ton of variety being able to change the type of basic bolts you fire to even being able to summon a tornado instead of a lightning storm offers a lot of replayability and an excuse to change up tactics the traversal abilities didn't offer a ton of flow but i think with enough practice getting around can be a ton of fun and who can forget the lightning tether which turned this into a borderline spider-man game for me another unique ability in infamous 2 is the amp and while i don't think the concept is as good as the gigawatt blades from the first game the finishers here are as stylish as it gets and i also can't forget to mention the napalm and cryo powers which unlike second sun seamlessly fit into the electric moveset combining freeze grenades with tripwire rockets is a ton of fun and leaves me enjoying each playthrough when it comes to second sun we have a more shallow moveset but ultimately a wider range of aesthetics and playstyles starting with smoke i believe it's the best looking power in the entire series as it's just an insane mess of particles and using it to skyrocket through a vent only to chain another dash into a vent is my favorite way of traversing the city the smoke shots feel like you are hitting enemies with muffins but the rockets and specifically the grenades feel like you are hitting enemies with napalm infused mustard gas of course you can't talk about delson's arsenal without mentioning the chain which in my opinion is such an amazing weapon for its different variations across the powers but also for its snug fit within the game's aesthetic and overall rebellious tone we also can't leave the karma bomb out of the discussion as the orbital drop is near iconic at this point and is just devastating i think smoke overall is such a good power that it could have assuming the moveset was expanded upon occupied an entire game to itself much like another power which actually did get that opportunity neon neon is a lot of people's favorite because it prioritizes speed and agility over everything else zipping around the city at top speed was always fun and while it definitely looks cool and feels cool i couldn't help but feel as though the ways in which you traverse the city with neon lacked a ton of input from the player with smoke you had to time your dashes properly to get from one vent to another if you wanted to keep your momentum but that wasn't ever a problem with neon if i didn't have the most fun traversing with neon i certainly had a good time with the combat as the neon gameplay rewarded precision and obviously speed its karma bomb was a light show that is great for crowd control and clearing a 180 degree radius of anything living it was definitely the weakest of the powers when it came to the combat as aside from the bolt taking down enemies took a lot more effort and if you wanted to cruise down the easy street then you could just swap to video video is a power that focuses on brute force and strength as the aggressive video torrent pummels enemies to bits with bits and the wings are as close as we get to actual flight in a mainline game the massive swords that destroy your enemies are also indicative of the intense power that comes with this variation which is also shown off in the karma bomb which sees you sending an entire army towards whatever enemy is in front of you this is personally my least favorite variation of the main three but only because the flashy nature of neon and the iconic smoke just beats it out fortunately video almost never comes in last place because of the final power concrete concrete is another powerhouse like video but with fewer abilities while it is at the top of its class in the dps department in the variety department it's scraping the bottom of the barrel not only is it in concept a little bland due to how all of your moves are just different shades of grey but in gameplay it just felt unfinished due to how a lot of the abilities just seemed like they were pulled from other variants and had a concrete coat paved on top of it i don't want it to seem like concrete is that bad it was clear that it was meant to be a post-game power that was added for fun but is ultimately the weakest of the bunch when comparing the two i think infamous second son has a wider variety of powers but each power feels slightly underdeveloped when compared to how fleshed out electricity was in infamous 2 which felt like it was taken to its proper conclusion so much so that two other powers supplemented and held up the electric powers i think it's honestly a toss-up between the two if i had to pick i personally prefer infamous second sons powers barely over the powers in infamous 2. another area where it seems that infamous seconds on edges ahead of its predecessors is in the fidelity but what about the other facets of presentation animation quality cutscene quality art style soundtrack and sound effects i think infamous one is obviously the weakest in this category and unfortunately this is just a product of the time in which this game was released luckily infamous 1 is the only game to have black lightning which satisfies my inner palpatine i think the best soundtrack goes to infamous 2. but i won't go too in depth with that opinion because music is so subjective and i have no background in music to justify it i think the sounds of the different powers are the best in infamous second son as especially with smoke it feels like you can hear every bit of ash being sucked into delson's body the loud crackling of electricity especially in infamous 2 which sounds like someone is smashing an infinite amount of fine china against a concrete floor always makes you feel the raw power associated with it first light turned the neon particle effects up to 11 and continued to nail the aesthetic that second sun established i think that when it comes to presentation as a whole there's little competition i know that i didn't go very in depth with this but i mean you can see it on the screen right now second sun is the best looking game in my opinion and i think it's clear to see why as far as level design goes it's another easy pick for me the infamous games in my opinion have never been the pinnacle of game design with a lot of the story missions in second sun being boiled down to just arriving in an area and pummeling whatever enemies were in front of you sure there were a variety of enemies but it was minimal compared to the likes of infamous 2 which had heavy variants of regular gun using enemies cryogenic conduits bertrand monsters not to mention the many boss-like enemies that each class had it's no competition when it comes to the boss fights all of the games suffer from just having you whale on a large conduit and while the boss fighting festival of blood was pretty lame i can at least say that infamous 1 had a fighting chance here the fight against kessler for example was an epic showdown that capped the game off really well the fight against sasha was that her name was it sasha i don't know was pretty good but ultimately wasn't much compared to the kaiju size alden who actually had some offensive abilities which satisfied my craving for a david and goliath battle which i should mention is something i also value here i have always loved seeing two super powered individuals have a titanic clash and it's especially fun when one is far bigger than the other i think infamous one doesn't satisfy that too much but to be fair that could be a technical limitation because let's be honest that game was hanging onto its double digit frame rate by a [ __ ] hair but second son definitely had a few larger battles such as those against he who dwells and augustine and they both look great with all the particle effects present but there isn't really any large scale boss fight better than coal and the beast battle that spans the entire map and ends in what is essentially a stalemate where the only thing that can really end it is the rfi that's also if we ignore the fight against a literal kaiju which is bertrand which sees you shooting weak points and banning them into larger explosives even with how basic they are mechanically infamous 2 in my eyes has the best boss fights as i saw you dabbling in both strategically taking down weak points and just pummeling them with large barrages of lightning i do think that the final fight against augustine which sees you charging your karmic meter is really fun but i think infamous 2 just beats it by a mile with its wider range and better quality of bosses boss fights aren't everything though as the actual missions matter as well and i'd argue they matter more unfortunately as much as i love second son this is yet another category where it's just no competition infamous one and two offer a wide variety of ways to use your powers whether that's powering up generators in infamous one or charging a bus full of explosives to ram it into a facility to blow the thing sky high in infamous 2. unfortunately even with the variety being so good the missions themselves weren't always powering up a portion of the map in infamous 2 was often boring and while powering up flood town was a good way to ice the player after swapping powers and give the cast a good chance to voice their opinions on the ensuing events powering up the other areas was pretty boring to me and going back to flood town some of the worst missions in the game were here like the dunbar beam which saw you using a spotlight to kill enemies instead of you know your superpowers and the mission where you have to put a cap on different pipes was just far too long but i'd rather have a solid variety with a few duds and the same mission over and over again with some new environments or a new ability or two i understand that much like the tagline of second son states the goal is just to enjoy your powers but i don't think taking out endless clones of soldiers is the only way to do that that kind of stuff should be saved for the end game which speaking of most of the series generally lacked the psi content in second sun for example was actually quite strange because it didn't let you use your powers much at all finding the audio logs was a matter of holding your phone up which could not be done whilst also using other powers the cameras were just a matter of finding it and shooting it and the spies were much the same it was pretty disappointing as far as end game stuff goes and i don't think i made that clear in my second son video infamous 2's side content while not in any way a master class was still generally enjoyable and the fact that it actually required you to use some of your powers makes it better than second son alone and the same goes for infamous one although its more limited moveset doesn't allow it to beat out two in my opinion the main levels in infamous one also had some variety but the low points for that game like the mission when entering the historic district stick out my mind to some of the lowest points of the series you'll notice that the standalone dlcs like festival of blood and first light haven't been mentioned too much and that's because both of these dlcs follow the same structure as their parent game when it comes to powers and the abilities are often a more limited version of their predecessors i can at least commit first light for having the arena which offers endless replayability and i think if we do by the grace of god get another infamous game then i think this feature is a must have as a final point here i think the level design of the dlcs are good and in fact i'd say the level design in first light sees you doing more with your powers than you ever did in second sun and in the case of festival of blood it's a matter of the level design being the same but infamous 2 essentially wins that battle by quantity alone ultimately i think when it comes to the level design infamous 2 is easily the best when it comes to the open worlds i think it's a closer tie between infamous 2 and 2nd sun seattle is truly a joy to roam around in and it is notably far more vertical than both empire city and more notably numerate comparing these two locations is a tough thing and rather than valuing things like variety and verticality i think i'd rather look at how well these locations mesh with your powers i specifically noted in my infamous 2 video that numerate felt built for your powers just as much as your powers were built for it numerate was a very horizontal map which on the surface may seem like a bad thing but when paired with cole's horizontal ability seeing him dashing forward grinding on power rails and yet his vertical abilities consisted of a large jump be that through a car or an ice shard and a vertical power rail your vertical abilities were there for the main purpose of just getting you to the rooftop level where a majority of the platforming and traversal takes place i think second son's abilities have a lot of potential for great traversal but there isn't always room to make use of it smoke for example in my mind is perfect for the first island as it's all low rooftops are on the same level kind of like new murray the abundance of vents fences and low platforms allows your dash to take you anywhere and chaining them together is endlessly fun as proven by the countless hours i've spent just running around dashing around the same can't be said for neon's traversal because it's primarily just holding circle and running forward a similar sentiment is shared for video and it's gliding mechanic and like the other powers it's not as good as electricity but i think it has more variety so again we land on a decision between quality or quantity and i feel like i'm starting to sound like a broken record here so let's move on to the karma and how it works in the gameplay and the story the karma choices are easily some of the coolest parts of the series and while i will be praising the different games for how they handled them i need to clarify that across the board a lot of the game struggled with creating proper moral dilemmas and justifying both sides especially the evil one i think when framing a moral decision your choice of words is integral for example nobody in their right mind would pick the option with the title corrupt eugene unless in a position where they want to be the bad guy because it's a video game and they aren't held accountable for their actions or because they are a completionist obviously i'm giving away my thoughts a little early here so let's start from the bottom up beginning with second son obviously festival blood and first light won't be considered here due to their lack of a karma system second sun's karma choices in gameplay just felt like a watered-down version of infamous twos which already felt like a watered-down version of infamous ones your karma choices and gameplay were some world activities where you take down some drug dealers rescue some conduits and on the other end of that you just kill them and everybody else within gameplay you could restrain or execute enemies but there was little benefit to executing enemies aside from the karmic streak this was how you used her karmic abilities and i'd like that it encouraged you to play a certain way the issue is that it's all they did they encouraged and benefited you i think the karma system works best when they cause you to actively think in game play and make sacrifices which is an integral part of doing the right thing i kind of want to put a pin in this point however because it can quickly turn into a tangent about the actual philosophies of morality and what makes something a truly good and selfless act but for the sake of this video not being an hour long let's just use the generally agreed upon requirements of a good action being an element of sacrifice be that time or health and something that isn't beneficial to the player and it helps either an individual or the general populace as a whole the reason the karma system in second son didn't do it for me was because it often wasn't very hard to be the good guy i'm not saying the game needs to be extremely difficult or even actively punish the player for doing the right thing but well actually yeah they kind of should take a look at infamous one where you're given the choice to either turn the valves for yourself or get someone else to do it for you if you do it yourself your health takes a hit and you are visually impaired this is the exact kind of sacrifice that makes superheroes so good as they are actively making their jobs harder in order to benefit their general society going back to second son you have the choice to either restrain or execute an enemy and either option doesn't do much and the only difference is the button you press in infamous 1 and 2 you have the option to bio leech enemies and more importantly civilians in both games the overlapping moral choice is to kill or not to kill sure you can justify killing an enemy in second son because they shot at you with the intent to kill but in infamous 1 and two the option to bioleach an enemy is an added gameplay mechanic that allows you to trade valuable vulnerable time in a fight for health and power but what if an enemy isn't within your vicinity do you sacrifice a civilian who otherwise did nothing wrong aside from being in the wrong place at the wrong time is that a justifiable action if you think so you'll be heading down the path of infamy and if you decide to spare the civilians you get nothing not even a bonus for not doing it you just keep your good karma in infamous 2 there were less of these but notably the first karmic instance did allow you to either not fight any enemies but at the cost of the civilians present infamous 2 actually serves as a great middle ground between second son which had mostly poor karmic decisions and infamous one which had good karma choices for the most part the gameplay karma decisions were relatively good but the story decisions had some of the best in the series with the final decision being the first to come to mind and yet it also had some of the worse with the decision to not track down the main antagonist and instead create a family of monsters which while not as directly black and white as choosing between corrupting the youth and like not doing that justifying the evil action is still a tough battle that i don't think infamous 2 won all the time fortunately this wasn't the case for the ending choice as mentioned it's important for a choice such as this one that caps off the story across two games and potentially results in a character's death to be done well i think the only issue i have with this choice is that more time wasn't spent on it sure the threat of the beast and the choice that was looming over our heads for most of the game is there but the choice does not actually rear its head until the end of the game and by the time that question is posed the decision is made near immediately the problem with this i think is that the decision itself is not fleshed out enough especially on the evil side sacrificing yourself to save humanity is a noble thing to do but for how long at what point is another race sphere created and more conduits are activated will we have the proper conduits or an rfi to stop the end of the world again do we instead take the evolutionary leap of faith i go more in depth with this in my infamous 2 video but decisions like this appear in the first game too take the decision where cole is tasked with deciding between destroying a second ray sphere or not you either detonate it killing thousands but powering yourself up in the process or destroy it making your job harder while it is true that there is more to the evil side and it could be justified further by explaining that in order to protect the city coal needs to be in tip-top shape but that extra justification isn't needed hence why i enjoy the choice more here i think when talking about the morality system in these games we have to actually tackle the question of what is and isn't moral and who decides it for example the decision at the end of infamous 2 is really good because both sides are justifiable but regardless of how you slice it cole is deciding the fate of a lot of people because keep in mind that using the rfi not only kills himself but millions of others ones that don't even know that they're conduits and it prevents an evolutionary jump in humans yet this is seen as the evil option i think this issue shows up when talking about any morality system in a game but it unfortunately reinforces his theme of not making moral decisions but rather choosing to be the unwavering goody two-shoes or the unrelenting evil-doer as i write this though maybe that's just not the point and perhaps i'm just asking for the games to do something they've never intended to do in the first place i'm starting to believe that maybe infamous has never been about making hard decisions that make you question if you really are being a good guy i don't think sucker punch is trying to be judged during execution or immorality it's more likely that they just had a game with superpowers and thought huh wouldn't it be cool to have two routes one is a true hero one as a villain and maybe i'm just overthinking it go figure the guy who made an hour-long video on infamous two might be overthinking some things regardless if we judge the games from the standpoint of simply which games offered better moral dilemmas i think infamous one barely scrapes past infamous 2 and infamous 2 takes a crown if we simply value which game had better evil and good routes while i'm regarding the karma and the series as a whole i may as well mention that for future entries if we are ever lucky enough to see them i'd want some greater branching off from the good and bad stories in most games you simply make a decision your path splits for a mission or two and then you're back at a neutral point in the story in games with in-depth stories like infamous 2 this is far more excusable but in a game like second son where a single playthrough is at most 8 hours i don't know we may as well talk about the stories in these games as the karma plays such a large role and let's begin with the protagonists of these stories it's unfortunately again pretty clear who comes out on top cole being the best character is a bit of an obvious pick since he had two games and a comic worth of development which by the way won't be counted because a lot of the general playerbase didn't read them and realistically it isn't integral to his character anyways but even discounting that two whole games is a lot of development and that's a great thing because cool feels fully fleshed out by the end of the game coal goes from being a run-of-the-mill courier to eventually gaining the power to control electricity and after making a selfish decision to avoid his greatest foe the beast goes back in time to force his past self to not make the same mistakes going as far as to kill the past version of the woman he loves and by the time his journey is complete he still fails he isn't strong enough he ends up in a stalemate with the beast where even if both of them give everything they have they don't win it's a powerful story and ending no matter what side you end on and it's unforgettable seeing cole's journey was well delivered and well written and while not every story beat hit like it should the overall narrative here is fantastic despite the good ending of infamous 2 stating that every conduit on earth died after the use of the rfi which by the way is canon infamous second son stars delson rowe only four years after the numerae incident interestingly the conduits are back to square one of being hunted by the government and while that does make the otherwise powerful ending of infamous 2 obsolete i'm going to try and not hold it against the game because it would be pretty lame to just stop the analysis here delson is our newest conduit and takes a similar journey to cole except delson is far more of a loser this time around in infamous one cole was a guy you would just see and forget immediately he worked for himself kept to himself and would be by our standards a good functioning member of society delson isn't he's a delinquent a vandal a deadbeat i think that makes his rise to glory all the more rewarding or damning if he takes the opposite route unfortunately that's kind of all there is to say about delsin sure he's a cool character and i really like him but what i just said about him is pretty much what you get he has no development outside of his karma and while that plays a pretty big role i feel that delson hadn't gone through enough of a journey cole by the end of both games had his views on the world change i don't think delson needs to have a complete transformation but some change would have been nice i think one of the better stories in the series was actually fetches in first light she doesn't have any karma decisions because the continuity didn't really allow for that but i think this actually worked in the character's favor learning about her past and how she got her powers and most depressingly how her brother died while retconned was pretty engaging and while not long enough to give the other two entries here a run for their money was still pretty good and weren't some praise a similar sentiment is shared for festival of blood but that dlc is even shorter so its quality is also capped pretty hard when it comes to supporting characters second son is again looking like the weak link regi was one of the more memorable characters and serves as a sidekick throughout most of the game and seemingly kept delson grounded however his death and more importantly the dialogue during his death felt anticlimactic given how the dialogue doesn't change across playthroughs fetch is also in the discussion again as her presence in second son was decent and the same goes for eugene however it felt that they just had tiny arcs that lasted for like an hour or two and then that was it there wasn't a lot of room for improvement or growth with their characters and while you could excuse that by citing the game's overall length it isn't much compared to the likes of the cast of infamous 2. characters like trish certainly pissed me off at best but it's easy to forget about that when the constant entertainment of zeke jebediah dunbar is on screen as his rants about beer boobs and mechanical bulls prompted just as much laughter as his ending monologue about his past best friend prompted tears something i wanted to see more of an infamous one was how cole dealt with his new powers emotionally and while it's okay that we didn't see that i liked seeing quo struggle with hers and her character as a whole was great the same can't be said for her more irrational counterpart who seemed included with the sole purpose of having an evil sidekick for coal and didn't seem to contribute much at all to the plot i think that the villains in two were miles better than augustine who granted did have a good backstory and her motivations were understandable i doubt anyone in their right mind could agree with unlike john's motivations which while also understandable were also agreeable to an extent to be fair the supporting cast of infamous 2 didn't change or grow too much throughout the story but zeke's behavior and 2 is far different from 1 due to the events of that game and at least quo and nix end up on opposite sides of the karma spectrum by the end of the game for good reasons so as i'm sure you can gather infamous 2 has the better characters better scale and is overall the best narrative in the series of course the fact that it is building upon the first game allows it to take the characters and everything else to new heights but i think it's fair to say that even if we count just infamous 2 it would still outperform the other games it has a gripping story that has everything from a great foundation and build up to a legendary climax and with that we've touched on just about every other aspect of the series and to give you a reminder the best powers are a tie between infamous 2 and 2nd sun it's a battle between quality and quantity the presentation easily goes to second sun which is just a product of the game's release dates the level design however is borderline no competition because infamous 2 had the greatest variety of how to use your powers and while having some low points had a lot of hives like the great boss fights as far as karma goes i think it was really a battle between infamous 1 and 2 but infamous 1 really instilled the same kind of sacrifice that being a hero takes within its gameplay while also having interesting dilemmas throughout the story allowing it to get on the board for the story infamous 2 is a clear winner with an expanded cast greater scale and greater climax and of course the legendary ending so based on what we've seen here it's no wonder that infamous 2 is widely seen as the best game in the series and obviously from a critical perspective i completely agree if i had to rank the games i think it would go festival of blood for its small scale unlimited selection of powers infamous one which is while fun at times in my opinion too janky to be enjoyed these days but its story is great so don't think that it's a game you should skip first light told a great story and had a good main protagonist that wasn't shackled by the karma system like delson was in his game which would come up next the best would definitely be infamous too with its excellent gameplay art style yadda yadda it's a no brainer so with this list i've tried to be as unbiased as possible and really look at what these games did right and wrong in my eyes but if any of you are interested you may notice i said in previous videos that my favorite of the series was second sun and to explain that further my personal list is quite similar to the one i just presented except that would put second sun at the top i realize that this may seem ridiculous because let's be real i kind of dogged on the game a lot here and i think the criticisms i levied against the game were correct and fair but from a purely subjective perspective this game was made for me its gameplay was flashy fluid and fun and its world and art style is easily my favorite of the series while the story itself is pretty good i just found myself really identifying with delson felson's kind of a loser and a delinquent and as a teenager who was also a juvenile [ __ ] at the time projecting myself onto a character like that was easy especially compared to someone like cole who more or less had his [ __ ] together at least before the blast so that's why i'd say the best infamous game is infamous too but second son is by far my favorite so with that unfortunately that is essentially all i have to say about the infamous series this series is one of my favorites of all time to the point where every time we see a mos morales related trailer from insomniac i [ __ ] myself a little bit thinking that it might be an infamous remaster or a new game entirely since playing infamous one for free thanks to the playstation hack and feeling like i found my new favorite game to the emotional swan song that was the ending of infamous 2 to the pure awe of the visuals and relatability to the characters of second son sure the games aren't perfect but damn if they aren't good and in some cases pretty close to perfect and for evidence of this outside of the games themselves look at the fan base which is still enjoying creating things about and discussing these games and while if i'm honest i don't think i will i hope i can revisit the series on this channel sometime covering a new game or a remaster but until then thank you for watching me overthink and talk for way too long about this series and take care thank you guys so kindly for watching this video if you enjoyed it please leave a like and subscribe do all that nonsense and thanks again to atlas vpn for sponsoring this video i appreciate it a lot uh the next video i'll be working on is kind of a secret i actually don't want to say because a lot of people i revealed at the end of my assassin's creed origins video and a lot of people didn't watch that far in so i feel like it's still kind of a secret so i'm going to keep it on it down low but uh you know if you know you know it's one of those kind of things i'd like to say thank you to our patrons ben conway bossian chiefy chris evan gonzo gonzalez mark short nathan figgs pyrite tj clark toyota jeff offhednar845719 and william eurotovic i really appreciate your guys support as always and i also appreciate the support of our one youtube member supreme pasty i really liked working on this video considering that it was a lot smaller than my origins video which was like oh editing the origins video felt like i was stuck in editing hell for like the last two three weeks and editing this it was like oh you know four or five days i'm just cruising you know what i mean i have all the footage in front of me it's not like i have to sift through like 70 hours it's like i just have to sift through a little bit of b-roll figure some stuff out and it was a lot more of a relaxing editing experience and um so since i made one ranking video where i like actually tried to make it like a video essay and another ranking video where i just sort of i guess more or less ranked the games actually what do you think is better i'm not sure i kind of like the one i did for batman more but i feel like this one's good too let me know what you think and uh look forward to the next video it will be a collaboration with a with another youtuber and i'm quite excited about it and yeah that's all i got for updates this is this is being recorded like a week after the origins video came out so like nothing's happened in my life aside from finals are coming up and i'm [ __ ] myself a little bit over it yeah i hope you guys are doing well take care of yourselves and uh stay safe stay healthy i love you guys and thank you so much for your support i'm currently looking at my dashboard like what the [ __ ] we have 91 700 subscribers where did that come from thank you but like god i get [ __ ] chills every time i look at it it's weird okay i'm i'm very grateful but like thank you so much that's all i'm trying to say is it's thank you thank you for watching and take care [Music] you
Channel: That Boy Aqua
Views: 657,016
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ranking the inFAMOUS games, Which inFAMOUS Game is the best, the best infamous game, infamous series critique, infamous series retrospective, infamous 2 critique, infamous critique, infamous second son critique, infamous second son vs infamous 2, that boy aqua infamous, the infamous series ranked, infamous retrospective, infamous analysis, new infamous game, infamous ps5, infamous remastered, top 5 infamous games, best infamous powers, best infamous story, infamous review
Id: jZc-3Pp538s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 12sec (1932 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 25 2021
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