Which FREE 4-Star is WORTH IT? (Lantern Rite Selector Analysis)

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Lantern right is here and that means we're getting another round of the GHIN fourstar selector not only does leeway have some of the most broken four stars in the game not to mention the brand new four star guming is also going to be included so we're going to be going over not only which of these characters is most worth it for you but I'm going to go over every single one of all of their constellation so you can make the best decision on this extremely important choice for your account welcome to Jello impact where we build and test every single character to help you decide who you want to wish for and build now since the last time we've had this kind of selector a lot of things have changed and I think the biggest one is that finina has opened up a lot of new possibilities for your account and if you happen to have both finina and yolan for example Singo isn't the must build that he used to be of course if you don't have those characters or if you're just trying to be the most efficient with your account depending on the teams he is still an extremely broken character but I don't think it's just as simple as oh if you don't have Singo just choose sing Cho I think that there is some considerations to be had but by and large you can't go wrong choosing Singo especially if you don't have him now I want to get a couple things out of the way make sure you wait until you're completely done wishing on whatever Banner is going on before you pick your fourstar cuz it's possible you snipe one of these four stars that you wanted or the constellation that you wanted or another one or something else happens and it changes your mind over what character you would pick like you can always get four stars off Banner like even if Singo it's pretty likely first of all that a lot of these characters will be on Banner during the time that you can choose them so you might end up getting them if you're wishing on the banners but also you can get any four star at any time from The Limited Banner unless it's a brand new fourstar and then it gets added the patch later but if you're going for anyone other than gaming you might get spooked by a random sing Cho or a random shingling or random yao yao or random bet and now it was a mistake to choose that character as your free character cuz you could have gotten something else so that's the first tip is make sure you do all of your possible wishes that you'll possibly be Wishing on first second is I would generally prioritize new characters over constellations if that character is part of a team that you really want to build so yes you know we'll go over the most notable constellations for sing Cho but even if you don't have those constellations he's still very much functional at constellation zero same with Shang Ling so if picking Yao yo opens up a brand new team like you didn't have access to aggravate with a Healer for example then I would highly recommend getting a character that opens up a brand new team again if that character is actually going to be useful for you you know obviously ning Wong opens up a ning Wong team but if you didn't want to play a ning Wong team or you didn't care that much then obviously that's not that's not recommended over getting a constellation for a strong character like a s sink show or Shang Ling so this is like should you build the character overall s is going to be almost every account the cool thing about genin these days is like you it's always been the case that no character is a must build but nowadays it's more true than ever there's so many different options like characters that like I would say coso used to be almost a must build if you want to build certain teams but finina has kind of opened up alternative options that are almost just as good he's still the best grouper hands down but in terms of buffing and resistance shred and stuff like that there's other teams that can now compete so and same with sing Cho like it used to be pretty much a given that you have to build sing Cho to really maximize your account but now with yolan and finina it's not so obvious that you need to build sing Cho so just because a character is an S tier that doesn't mean you have to get them if you don't have them but but you're probably going to want to make sure that you have certain other options aside from them so obviously Singo is going to go in this tier and those are the other options if you're not going to pick Singo make sure you have a couple other Hydro characters or make sure you're not using teams that really need Hydro characters badly like if you already have a novlet for example that does lighten the load a lot you don't need sing Cho and yolan at all if you have nolette obviously maybe if you're using him with Verina then the other side you might still want to use yolan and sing Cho cuz Hydro is Hydra is just so broken it's ridiculous how how broken Hydro is as an element and it's true that almost every account should build sing Cho I realized I didn't even switch it to him there but there are a lot of other options so other Hydro characters ayato kokomi maybe not always as optimal but if there if you just don't like his short for example even with his new skin if you're still not a fan of him of his design and you don't want to build them there are other options but if you're looking just for Value in your account it pretty likely that he's going to be the most the the best pick because yeah even though yolan slightly better finina works with other team to you might not always want to use yolan with finina you may want the defensive utility that s Cho provides it may be very valuable the damage reduction the interruption resistance and you might want to use Yan and Singo together you might want to use Farina and Singo together there are still great reasons um to get Singo getting him means you don't have to get some of these other Hydro five stars which means you can spend your five star wishes on other characters making your account stronger a different way so Singo still probably the most valuable pull especially if you don't have him I will say he is available from the Star glitter shop but he's pretty infrequent on banners these days so if you're if you're an old player obviously you already have cick and it is what it is I'm more talking to the new players who don't have tons of constellations of these characters Singo is a character that not only is he a very strong character he has very strong constellation his constellation one increasing his rain STS pretty much not not a factor his constellation two decreasing the hydro resistance of opponent hit by his sword very very good very very useful constellation C3 increasing his burst level very very good constellation C4 increasing his skill this is an underrated constellation along with his C5 because if you play especially his national teams in the right way getting a vaporize on singo's skill if you have C4 and C5 you can hit some crazy numbers like over 100k over 150k on a team that's not focused on his personal damage and it's a big reason why you know rideing National's so good cuz you're able to run s Cho with a damage weapon so he can go tons of damage and getting those nukes is really really big um should not be underestimated and then his C6 increasing his Hydro application increasing his energy regeneration rate singo's constellations are some of the best in the game so if you're if you are using Singo and you are maxing him out he's a very good character to pick up just at c0 and a very good character to pick up constellations for he's not needed there's other options but he can also free up your pulls to not go for five star Hydro characters and go for other characters that you'd prefer so Singo amazing Choice shingling also an amazing choice you get her c0 for free though and it's only her C4 that really pops off so at c0 she's very good she does a lot of damage um I will say a couple things she's not for everybody because obviously some people don't like her design some people have other pyro characters that they like better like huta Yia CLE Linny but of course if you have Linny then you kind of want to build her because they work so well together and same with CLE but again there's so many great damaging options in genin that you don't have to go for her but if you do and you're trying to work towards her SE E4 that's the main thing you want to consider her C1 reducing the power res of opponent hit by guoba kind of cool but not like a huge damage increase the way her C4 is anyways C2 really is a nothing burger for her doesn't matter at all C3 increasing her burst level really really big burst levels are a big deal for a character that does all their damage with their burst and has such high scalings and then C4 a 40% increase for her pyron is an absolute Bonkers Bonkers increase like this just straight up is a 40% damage increase just for her personal damage but on top of that that duration allows the onfield characters and the other characters to react with this damage even more so it can potentially be even a bigger damage increase than this but overall regardless of exactly what number it ends up being it's huge one of the best constellations of the game C5 not that impactful comparatively and C6 giving all party members a 15% power damage bonus it's definitely nice it's definitely but C4 is really where you want to aim for after C4 the others are just gravy I personally like where is while sing Cho what his best constellation or one of his best constellations is his C6 probably his best overall although the other ones are good Shang Ling's best constellation is for C4 so well no matter what as long as you don't have C6 Singo picking any picking him up is going to get you a noticeable increase whereas after C4 for Shang langing unless you really don't want any of the other characters I wouldn't pick her as your character Beyond C4 like you really don't want guming or something like that so let's do guming next I know a lot of people are most interested in ging and let me tell you his animations look incredible and not only that his numbers look really really good I don't know how he did it but the genin scientist seems to have already made a lot of gaming videos somehow I guess he just must be predicting how good he's going to be and whatever but it seems to me that when you get to higher constellations of guming he will actually be a DPS that's comparable to other five-star DPSS which is just incredible for a four-star DPS we just don't have that in eng impact right now the only way that fourstar DPS is are are even comparable is if they're more driver type characters like sucros for example not really a DPS because they just don't give really amazing numbers um I think it'll be important to have characters like finina and Bennett with gaming but overall he's just looking to be an incredible character and so he's going to be the first to go in this tier which will be performs amazing if you like them so he's going to go here and now this is the cop he's good at c0 and great at C6 which I think is just an amazing place for four stars to be I don't think characters need to be great at c0 they just need to function very well like just be just be good just be just be quite good at c0 and then as you work towards your C6 and you finally unlock it then he's they're amazing I think that's awesome I think that's really good game design because it kind of feels good to earn your C6 four stars even if it takes you a long time even if it takes you a year that's okay what else you know it's it's fun to work towards that and I think something like Singo something like guming the state that they're in good at C 0 great at C6 I think that's perfect now obviously we'll have to wait until actually comes out make sure you do subscribe for my day one ging guide maybe day two I guess if I do shenyun earlier but still um really really good character other characters that are going to and and we won't go over constellations fully right now but just know that I think it's his C4 and his C6 do the most but you you can't un unless you get really really lucky on the main Banner you probably won't be getting a C4 or C6 but I I I would just say that if you don't have C6 by the time you're done all your wishes going for his constellations if you're trying to get him is is what I would do cuz the closer you can get to a C6 the better um other characters that belong in this tier perform amazing if you like them um I mean bet is definitely one I think bet doesn't perform as well as gumming I wouldn't I I don't think that they're quite in the same league I mean they're they're in the same league they're pretty close but I think B just isn't quite on the same level still a great character my favorite teams with her are the aggravate team where you use sucrose as the driver you're using yaoo as the defensive option and then you're using fishell as a b that's my favorite bet team but she also works in aam spread teams and some hyper Bloom teams where she's on field um you can check out my bet guide my bet guide is really really good um you can find it in the guides playlist but bet is a really really great choice if you like them I'm kind of torn where I want to put Yan Fe for me she's like right in the middle cuz it's like yon Fe she feels almost as strong as yoim Mia but she has a bit more comfort with her Shield um she has a bit more options with her Shield I think yon is a really solid carry but I feel bad putting her in the same tier as gaming and B it's like maybe maybe Yan belongs here and B performs right in the middle cuz beta is one of those characters where she's kind of horrible in single Target but she's really good in AOE I'm not I'm not really sure what to do here good or great I I just feel like Gaming's on another level once you get him to a CI but the jury's still out cuz he's not released yet so it's really tough hopefully you guys actually watch the video and you're not just skipping to the end because there's there's Nuance to this right um I'm going to put put yunen in this tier as well oh before we get too ahead of ourselves let's do the constellation so bet C1 creates a shield that absorbs 16% of BET's Max HP pretty good I mean her damage reduction she already has as a baseline so it's solid to like more resistance Interruption for a single hit but the Shield's pretty much going down after one hit but it's still solid like we we still take the defensive utility um C2 is the really big one this is her C6 this is where once you're passed see once you once you hit C2 you don't need to keep going for Betto constellations to make her perform really well but she definitely still gets a lot out of especially C5 being her burst level her skill unless you're playing main DPS beta which is valid but not optimal so it's not like the craziest constellation C4 kind of useless for most people unless you're playing her as a main DPS and then C6 decreasing Electro by 15% it is really good but you're already usually running her with an animal unit this will definitely get you more value in something like an alyam spread team than it will for like hazer team with sucrose or or even even a uh aggravate team C2 really is the big one and after C2 you can kind of do what you want if you yeah if you want a Max oo you still get good value from it but you don't need to C2 is that perfect stopping point for Yan her C1 really really big for stamina reduction very good quality of life constellation um otherwise she has pretty severe stamina issues so you definitely want to get that C1 C2 increases crit rate it's a pretty solid crit rate buff but only against enemies below 50% it's kind of tough it's like do you build way less crit rate to take advantage of this passive or do you just ignore it I think it's a solid constellation overall though because even if you've got like 80% crit rate which most people will not have at all and you have like an 80 180 you're just got a crack Deon Fe you know getting that crit rate from 80 to 100 is actually a DPS gain like so as long as you don't have more than 80 crit rate this is still a DPS gain so I would say this is actually pretty good I just wouldn't build around it like I wouldn't do like only 50 crit rate on your Yan Fe because of this constellation but overall I think that's a good constellation um this is burst Talent increase or is that skill Ah that's her skill sorry and the C4 creates a shield for her um this is good for her own Interruption resistance and it's also good if you want to use her as a shield for Hut or someone else I personally don't love using her as a shield up bot because she has such energy issues but you can make it work um but I I it's just you're used you'd prefer to have a shielder that gives some kind of buffing like even toas cick um at least give some buffing where she can hold thrilling Tails but then if she's holding thrilling Tails you're really going to struggle to have enough energy so you might be able to make it work I haven't really tried to make her work with thrilling Tales if you can do it then that could be really good and then this increases her burst level and then this increases the maximum number of scarlet seals which is a big part of her of her damage so overall if you're doing DPS yon Fe they're all valuable because your your DPS is heavily invested in your DPS is who's doing the majority of the damage on your team so if you're using Yan DPS I highly recommend going all the way to C6 and getting those constellations I don't see around banners all that much so really really good to get those extra constellations if you're trying to do DPS Yan Fe and if you're not if you're just using Shield bot Yan Fe then C4 is obviously your stopping point and you need to have C4 otherwise you can't do it so I think Yan Fe is pretty clear she she really wants her constellations if you're going to be using her um she doesn't perform at the level of you know five star pyro car carries but she still performs lenty well enough to be good it's but keep in mind that she won't just work you need to invest into her you need to treat her like a five star and you might want to consider getting her a festar weapon you might want to consider getting her um like really cracked artifact and really good teams and build your sub DPS well and build her really really well because she is a main carry DPS if you're using her that way you can't just expect her to work off the batc and especially she has four star scaling so although she preforms quite well she's not insane out the box and she doesn't have like a C6 that's crazy like guming that makes him that takes them really to the next level yunen is an interesting one because she's a character that people really love because she's a buffer and she seems to have so much flexibility so people really sing the Praises of Yun Jen very highly I think Yun Jen is good um if not very good I feel like people overrate her a little bit from time to time like I'm I'm going to put her in the niche tier um but maybe I'll maybe I'll take away the N here and I'll just put her here she performs good or great if you like them or need them like if you've got Yo Mia and you built Yun Jin like Yun Jin requires heavy investment to properly make work but once you do it feels really good and she also feels good if you've got a really hyper invested aato if you've got a really hyper invested Wanderer um the thing is wander and AO have better things that they can do than use lunin and now with finina so does Yia unless you're doing double GE with Jong Lee so I feel like like Yun Jin is a character that you build because you want to build Her Like She's a support that you don't really choose her for the ceiling damage but the other thing I'll say she's nice for is for when we get the wolf Lord in the abyss which to be fair hasn't been all that frequent but having the wolf Lord on my on my team uh when I'm using yir when I'm using whoever ever um yunin just shreds the wolf Lord's little doggies so very very valuable character for certain Abyss runs you can always use thrilling tals ning Wong as well so but unlike some of the other characters on this list at least yunin has places where she is very very strong even if she's not best and slot in all of those teams she does get very very strong especially with higher constellations so unlike someone like jinyan or ning Wong she has options where she's really really strong um looking at her constellations decreasing the cool down for her her her skill quite good uh lets her use two skills per rotation in a lot of teams which reduces her energy needs which is very important cuz she's got massive energy needs that's a thing for Yun Jin is that she she just has high investment requirement which is fine but it's something to know it's not like Bennett where you can just he's so valuable just with a high base attack weapon she needs artifact she needs levels she needs Talent she's a an expensive character to build um C2 increases normal normal attack damage further very important for her damage buffing um burst levels her her Buffs come from her burst so very important when she trickles or crystallize her defense increase by 20% um it's all right you don't get a crazy amount of damage from this for your team but it it is something it it increases her defense which increases her buffing she's not going to always trigger crystallize but you're going to often do it so when when you do it's going to be it's going to be it's at least useful it Buffs your team um upping your skill level this one's pretty much useless and then C6 increases attack speed by 12% this is good in yu Mia Ayo wander teams this is a big part of what takes them to her to a Next Level and makes her you know better than Bennett for Yia for example or makes her a really fun choice for aato plus if you just love attack speed C6 yunin plus C2 Gene um plus like ma or something is kind of super funny in terms of machine gun machine gun wander machine gun Yia machine gun aato it's very very cool uh but yeah yunen solid choice if you want to go for her but definitely not a must pull even if you m Yia even if you made aato she's not a must pull she is still a character that you build because you like her but you know I like her so I'm very happy I build her and I have a lot of fun with her I think it I think she's also really fun support especially with that increased attack speed it is something you can notice so I'm I'm I'm a big fan um shinan and ning Wang both belong here if you're really I'm not going to go over all of their constellations Yun Jin's um ning Wong C6 is really important if you're using main DPS ning Wong maybe I will just just just for you just for the five people who are considering xinyan upon critical hit normal and charge attacks increase by 15% this is pretty good you're always going to hit critical hit that damage boost is good um she's a character that really wants C6 Bennett to be played in monop pyro um and if you're meing xinyan that's the best you can use her as a defensive utility and and stuff like that but it's not really as good compared to Yan or Toma who already are barely best in slot for defensive utility uh physical damage has crit rate increased by 100% this is pretty fun for some nuke stuff but it's not really practical because a physical damage dealer um a physical damage dealer that's pyro just makes no sense it's like foraa with extra step cuz you're already you're not able to do anything um skill level doesn't really matter swing damage increas his opponent's physical res so this is what you want to have if you're going to use her as like a nuke support for Ula or something for screenshot damage but it's not really a practical team anyways uh increases her burst level good for for burst damage for her monop Pyro Team which is her best her best team realistically and then C6 decreases stamina consumption of her charge attack you're going to be using her charge attack for her main DPS roll going to be infused with Benet pyro so this is a probably a good idea to get and attack bonus increased to 50% of Defense so this is actually uh her C6 sorry I forgot it's the one that's pretty much mandatory to use her um as a as a good main DPS so if you're going to be Ming shinan as a DPS you definitely want to keep picking her until you get C6 so you know have at her enjoy um definitely don't recommend her for the majority of people um ning Wong one of the best character designs especially with this skin how is she not a five star how did they not make her better um uh I'm pissed okay C1 when normal attack hits it deals AOE damage uh this is fine the AOE still isn't that big but it's it's okay when Jade screen is shattered it's cool cool down will reset this is really good because your Jade screen often does get shattered um and you can also use it as Tech to get to to get your first one shattered on purpose and then be able to make a new one so you just do extra damage while still having the walkthrough effect so C2 is good C3 increasing her burst level important if you're going to use her as a burst DPS C4 increases character Elemental Rise by 10% uh pretty useless C5 increasing skill level for Jade screen it's okay it's extra damage but it's not that great and then C6 gains Seven Star Jade when her star shatter is used she gains Seven Star Jades this is very important for her main DPS you pretty much have to use her as just a burst DPS before cick and that's generally what I like to use her best as she's my favorite on Navia teams as a burst DPS or as a thrilling Tales holder for um huta teams when I need that g application from when I didn't have Jeong Lee overall she did get a buff with the new artifact set um it definitely increases her sealing damage but she's still not insane but she's fine if you really really build into her I don't definitely don't recommend building her for most people it's definitely not the first character I'd recommend for people I'd recommend her after you can already 36 star the abys and you want to build your ning Wong now that's when I would start doing it um but if you are a dedicated main then you will get value out of those constellations um Chong Yun he could go in it could be like this it could be like this I'm not sure I'm going to put it here just just because um I just feel like he is strong and he has good front load and he has good he is underrated he is I call him a disrespected character and maybe I'm doing him a disrespect by putting him here as well I do think he's solid it's just that he's overall worse than Rosaria in my opinion but I'm not trying to slander him like I want to I want to put him here good or great if you like them or need them yeah I think he performs good but I kind of put him lower on my power rank here L if you super invest into him cuz here's the thing he has a ton of front load with his burst so if you you super invest into him he actually can perform good or great it's kind of like I think he feels a lot like Yan Fe if you really really invest they've got some stuff going on I just feel like with Yan Fe like you kind of have finina double Hydro now and getting a double swirl may actually be more practical I just think Yan Fe has the better teams even though Chun is about as good of a character it's if cry this is what it is he's cryo as well if cryo gets some more buff Chong Yun will go up here but even still don't worry like if you're a fan of Chong Yun like I built him up and he has some pretty awesome clears and he's pretty pretty fun there's some crazy crazy clears out there with Chong Yun don't shy away from building him if you like him um the last attack of Chong yun's normal attack combo releases three ice blades um it's good for main DPS but not not insane Elemental skill anal burst cast within the frost field have their cool down time decreased by 15% this one is really good if you know what you're doing um extra skills shorter rotations extra bursts it's a good it's a very unique constellation it is very good um increasing your burst level huge huge huge huge massive constellation uh Chong in regenerates one energy every time he hits an opponent affected by cryo good constellation he need he wants that energy you want to burst as often as possible um skill cool down his skill does damage so it's all right but it's not a huge part of his damage and then C6 really is the big one before C6 he doesn't really pop off um but I think C6 is definitely you definitely want to make sure you do get C6 if you're going to be Ming Chong Yun and finally yao yao who is definitely one of the better characters here um performs amazing if you like them or need them um absolutely I think aggravate is where she shines the best but she's also super insane in Neu teams she's solid in hyper Bloom teams alyam teams um you can use her in Hopper Bloom which is one of the funniest teams in the whole wide world to play with finina check out that video it's a four-star only team by the way I have a video on finina for with four four star teams only um she's a character that does not need constellation wow it seems like all these these characters benefit so much from their constellations but Yao ya is a character that doesn't need them at all see1 cuz was her main focus is healing and dender application which she has at in full force at c0 so C1 uh characters within AOE gain 15% dendro damage bonus um actually pretty solid especially for Al haam spread teams this is definitely one that you can pick up and is is solid for other teams not necessary um aggravate teams don't care about dender damage bonus they care about Electro damage bonus and nuu doesn't care about dendro damage bonus cuz it Doesn't deflect Bloom damage but if you're using her with alyam then that's a really good constellation C2 Yaya regenerates energy she already doesn't really need too much energy so this is not so necessary um extra skill levels more healing it's fine but definitely not something you need to go for um Ya's Elemental Mastery increases this is good for as a driver in Neu team um this is great for that I actually recently got this I should try her in NE teams once again because I haven't used her for a while since I got this so this means you can build more HP and still get elemental Mastery more Elemental Mastery H really good that's actually super cool so if you're a NE Enthusiast and you're using her on a Neu team this could be a constellation you go for but again she works totally great at c0 it's not something you need uh the burst levels more healing and then C6 for every two white Jade radishes she throws out the window the next throw will also release a mega radish that will have a larger AOE deals AOE dandro damage restores HP for character so it's more healing and a bit more damage um not something you need to go for by any means so C1 so her arguably one of her best teams um aggravate you don't need any constellations at all and then for Alam spread C1 and for Neu C4 but even alyam and Neu they don't need those constellations they aren't super massive buff so yeah yeah you great choice this is my general list for picking up these characters I think this is fair I kind of want to put Yan here I'm not sure I haven't tested Yan enough I've tested her some I could do this just for like symmetry or this just so Chong and M don't get mad at me but you guys get it this is it's something like this it's always it always depends your your best character to pick out of lantern rate is definitely your favorite character if you don't have them and then the second best character to pick is characters that enhance your favorite characters and just characters that enhance the fun so that's important but if you're looking in terms of value then this is kind of where I would uh in terms of like especially if you consider value this is is what I would say so let me know your thoughts let me know who you're going for let me know what you think of sing Cho's skin take care bye for now
Channel: Jello Impact
Views: 47,403
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 27sec (1647 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 19 2024
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