Which Element Is The STRONGEST In Genshin Impact?

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for nearly two years since genshin impacts released back in September 28 2020. the focus of the game's combat revolved around The Seven Elements pyro hydroelectro cryodendro animal and Geo these elements would Define almost every facet of the game's experience being responsible for establishing characters combat interactions team compositions reactions and so much more but prior to version 3.0 only six elements are available to us as for reasons only known to the game developers dendro was not to be instituted until the official release of Sumer with the land of the deadroarkod two years later the first playable denture characters were brought to the game tinare kolei and ether lumine's dendrovariant and with them two new dendro based reactions were introduced to complement its Soul current reaction burning those two are Bloom and Quicken dendril plus hydro and dendro plus Electro respectively it took a while but we finally have the fully completed Elemental experience adding on to that there's now a substantial number of units for each of the existing six elements giving the player base more ways to experiment and figure out just how valuable each one really is suffice to say now is a good time to find out which elements are the strongest engage in Impact so let's get started before I continue I just want to give a shout out to this video sponsor factor factor is a meal prep service that delivers handmade meals right to your door pre-prepared and ready to eat within two minutes or less and you have a ton of options to choose from so if you're doing keto trying to lose weight or follow a vegetarian or vegan lifestyle they have everything for you the menu features an extensive selection of at least 27 meal options and 33 add-ons like smoothies shakes dessert and more they Pride themselves on catering to every customer's individual Lifestyle by letting them decide how many meals they want per week if they feel like skipping a week any specific food preferences or 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aware that even though we have enough empirical data to draw reasonably accurate conclusions on pyro Hydro cryo animal Electro and Geo it might be somewhat premature to figure out where dendro will be ranked among the seven we have only three playable characters and version 3 hasn't even been out for more than a month even theorycrafters who've been hard at work figuring out what dentro is capable of can't ascertain its power level although they do have some initial understanding of the element based on how it interacts with other elements besides in the grand scheme of things the scope of an element's presence in totality won't fluctuate too much with the addition of new units not saying it has no effect the electro element received a ton of attention following shogun's release but outside of coincidental or synergistic interactions she didn't have as much of an influence on Electro as a whole the busted transformative reactions played a bigger part in elevating Electro's usability Shogun was just an overpowered unit who just happened to be Electro that being said each element standing is founded on the basis of the usage in combat consequently where I place them will be guided by the pool of available characters in each one in dendro's case we don't have a dendro healer and all-purpose dendro support a dendro unit with crowd control Etc even so the main purpose of this video isn't to decide on what is meta and what isn't I'll be looking at every element from a fundamental standpoint how well it's integrated into the gameplay experience on top of its practical usability as always the rankings are based on some degree of personal opinion although I'll do my best to be as objective as possible and one last thing I'm hoping you already know this but do not take this as a factual statement on what elements and by extension their characters you should be going after and what elements are not worth at the end of the day everyone is usable given enough investment and remember circumstances play a big role there's a ton of interchangeability anyways without further Ado let's get started at number 7 we have Geo unlike its peers our current understanding of it is that it's a very insular element not counting the newcomer dendro it was the least represented Affinity in the game for quite some time but through version 2 several units made their way into the roster Goro Ito and yunjin while there were certainly welcome additions to the game the Geo element in its entirety is arguably the weakest for one its Soul Elemental reaction is crystallized which occurs when Geo mixes with pyro hydroelectro or cryo dropping an elemental Shard that grants a shield based on the corresponding element even though Shields are honestly broken against him the strength of Elemental shards doesn't climb very far even with elemental Mastery and or bonus Shield power furthermore there are many units who can provide their own Shields and even more we can provide a token measure of healing crystallized deals no bonus damage effectively rendering geo with no worthwhile Elemental reactions that are conducive to the battle environment we have right now Additionally the majority of its roster has abilities that were designed to synergize with other Geo characters implicitly discouraging interactions with non-geo characters in other words Geo units are hamstrung not only by their elements having an underwhelming and Superfluous reaction but their own abilities requiring they be fielded with other Geo characters the only thing maintaining jio's relevance is that its representatives are very powerful on their own Li Albedo and yunjin are decently strong but that is more to do with their own merits and not the benefits of their element to their credit however if you decide to commit to a monogeotine you can dish out staggering amounts of damage while being equally Invincible but I feel like that detracts from the main purpose of the game's Elemental system being all about mixing and matching characters and elements together coming in at number six I bet a lot of you are going to be surprised to see this one we have pyro for much of the early days of genshin especially the first year pyro was colloquially agreed on as the strongest offensive element in the game purely because it was the most populated element of the game leaving others like Electro and Geo rather underdeveloped and while still boss a respectable lineup of units some of which may even be considered the best pyro itself has lost a lot of market share and priority now that we have more characters to play with for the other elements true to its thematic nature pyro is all about force with this Elemental reaction is overloaded vaporize and melt lending Credence to its initial success the cast members also echoed that sentiment almost every decent pirate character is regarded for their offensive benefits either through their own damage output or through supplementation of damage despite their early release dates hutal and shangling have maintained their placement as two of the best DPS units of all time while Bennett has been in contention for the best unit in the game period Pyro's dropping the rankings is through no fault of its own rather a shift in what players value in combat the game's advancements in power and damage have come a long way in the past two years now that we have a wide selection of characters we've been able to discover many ways to increase our combat efficiency outside of big dick damage in essence pyro is still incredible but the rest of the competition has finally caught up and since there are so many other ways to kick names and Take ass it comes down to what more they can offer beyond that specialized teams like chain freeze and taser can output comparable DPS to standard melt and vaporize teams while providing more crowd control and we're at a point where every element has Premier damage dealers that's where pyro falls behind it's nothing but power in landscape where there's no shortage of it up next at number 4.5 and I say 4.5 because I and several others are unsure as to which one is better since they're so dependent on each other we have the new transfer student dendril there were a lot of mixed opinions on how impactful dendro was going to be for the meta but for the most part where we ended up settling on was that it was not bad not as dominating of a force as a likes of animal or Hydro but it certainly performs where it needs to contrary to vaporize the Melt where you want to condense as much force into a single powerful blow to multiply it dendro prioritizes quantity over quality at least or half of its contest for the uninitiated the Quicken reaction diverges into aggravate or spread increasing the damage of subsequent applications of dentro or Electro by a flat number keyword flat regardless of how much the original attack does so the goal is to get as many activations of either element is humanly possible and which element is known for Death By A Thousand Cuts Electro as for Bloom it creates a dendrochord that explodes after 6 seconds and depending on which element that follows after you get different effects if you tack on Electro it auto targets nearby enemies and does increased dendro damage whereas tagging with pyro if it was an obvious explodes it instantly for more damage case in point dendro's new reactions until setting things up for follow-up elements and depending on which elements those are different benefits take place this makes it a two-step equation rather than a one step such as all the ones preceding it this also means that three different elements can achieve one reaction while this makes her very flexible in the same fashion as animal it's also heavily reliant on a certain playstyle with specific units both Quicken and Bloom's damage is predicated on subsequent applications but that also means the only time you actually consider the dentro elements on contributions is when you're achieving spread everything else aggravate hyperbloom and version are dependent on Electro hydro and Pyro respectively so fundamentally speaking dentro is a very useful element but unless I'm missing something it has nothing to call it Zone as a disclaimer I'm not saying being a set of element is a bad thing the entire purpose of elements is to mutually set each other up some of the best team compositions only exist by virtue of proper self however it's unclear as to whether nod dentro is ranked higher than remaining elements from what we know so far and that brings us to The Other 4.5th Place element whose position is also rather inconclusive right now oh how the tables have turned it's no exaggeration to say that Electro had a rough start with its underwhelming reactions in comparison to the overwhelming force of pyro prior to version 2. a lot of people myself included placed it firmly in the bottom of the rankings but thanks to busted transformative reactions as well as more serviceable units being made available to us Electro is becoming more and more relevant in this day and age and with the help of dendro it's now possible to achieve multiple reactions in a short period of Time by circumventing The Game's internal cooldown in a roundabout way as I'm sure you know by now Electro prefers to strike rapidly many within its roster excel at protracted fights having reactions and energy charge to complement that though not as much power is loaded into one big explosion Electro's potential damage output can match or exceed pyros if given the right conditions and he can achieve this without having to be in the Limelight so to speak even before the Advent of dendro Electra was essential in activating superconduct the only reason physical damage is even viable to begin with and through electrocharges and Overlord taster teams have found a great deal of success what augments Electro a lot better is that its reactions are equally beneficial to its end goal being as many applications as possible rather than a single one that point is hammered home even further by its energy-based gameplay Electro has fantastic Elemental burst up time thanks to how many particles its units can generate the reason is tied with dentro though is because I don't think the presence of dentro alone is enough to propel it any higher than where it is now even so I can very confidently say Electro ranks above pyro and Geo and is equal to if not marginally better than dendro that of course is subject to change in the foreseeable future before we move on I want to clarify something while this is a ranking video the gaps between each element aren't equal in measure Electra being in fourth place and Pyro and 6 doesn't make the former infinitely better than the latter by numbers alone there are situations where pyro can outperform dentual Electro even cryo but in a general sense if we go by hierarchy these elements are very close together the only one that's blatantly inferior to everyone else is Geo and the only one that's blatantly Superior to everyone else well you'll have to keep watching to find out number three goes to cry out it's debatable as to whether or not cryo is stronger than Electro and or dendro given that of the DPS elements it's the only one that doesn't directly interface with dendro but I personally believe it inches out ever so slightly there are two things cryo is known for pressure and freeze more emphatically freeze most if not all of it soon is possessed a way to exert their pressure for long periods of time usually through abilities that persist even after they swap out Aya kaspberus can use skill and burst diona's burst shinho's burst GT skill and passive Rosario skill chongyun skill Caius burst even Eloy skill the output of each one varies greatly mind you but they attest to how consistent the element is speaking of consistency Frozen is debatably the most busted Elemental reaction in the game it deals no bonus damage but what it does may as well be considerableness damage rapid applications of cryo and hydro effectively stun enemies in place for a certain period of time the kicker is that Frozen has no internal cooldown or if it does is basically non-existent with the right ability you can theoretically apply freeze to a target for an indefinite period of time and since the entire cryo roster has units with long lasting wide range periodic applications of cryo this is extremely easy to pull off additionally cryos internal support is vast not only does it have a fantastic Elemental resonance but it also has a ton of cryo damage bonus and resistance shroud built into the aforementioned lingering effects all in all one of the most accessible elements in the game with one of the most broken reactions in the game and a very appealing beam of long lasting pressure combine all that with an impressive amount of coverage in damage and support and you'll find a stable element to fit into any party one only surpassed by the remaining two the silver medal belongs to hydro which I would consider the most adaptable element in the game based on reactions and its existing polar characters admittedly it almost all of its Fame stems from every Hydro 5 Star being excellent in their respective Fields while one of the only two four stars in the game is tied with Bennett in terms of how efficient and user-friendly his support capabilities are but that's just a pleasant coincidence more than anything else Hydro is the Catalyst where the other element's best reactions with the exception of dendro electrocharges electrodes most effective reaction at least prior to aggravate and the accompanying reaction to that is hydro vaporizes Pyro's best reaction and the accompanying element to that is also Hydro freeze is indisputably Prada's best reaction and once again the accompanying element to that is hydro it's the sole reason behind many powerful team compositions from taser to freeze to vape because it's the other half of every meaningful reaction adding on to that even though I said it wasn't going to attribute an element's ranking to its roster that much this is an exception child denial are two remarkably effective DPS units while kokomi Mona yella and Shinto make achieving hydro-based reactions quite trivial especially the latter two in regards to Elemental reactions Hydro is simultaneously the most important element and the least intrusive it accomplishes everything that's required of it without occupying any more attention than it needs to it Powers virtually every combat and utility-based reaction in the game while its members perform spectacularly in every faceted against his combat system except for one another thing is that hydro's resonance was recently changed to boosting Max HP in of healing bonus and a lot of its units synergize or directly scale off of Max HP making it even better but even with all that there's still one more element that Towers above it it should come as no surprise to anyone who's played this game for a while that animal is the single most powerful element in Genji and impact by a wide margin take the overwhelming force of pyro the lasting pressure of cryo the setup of dendro the battery of Electro and the fluidity of hydro and you get animal more than that animal surpasses every other element by virtue of its mechanical theme crowd control the running Motif is that its characters are specialized in crawling enemies together by literally blowing them around either towards a standing location or a designated area making anything and everything you want to do a lot easier want a chain freeze you can force everyone into your cryosone you want to explode everyone with pyro everyone stuck together have at it you want to bounce a million electrocharge conductions around everyone's clumped up together animal ensures the consistency of every win condition in the game without sacrificing any damage or utility in the process if anything it is some of the best utility swirl allows animal to double as any one of the four combative elements at a time pyro hydroelectro and cryo causing it to deal the absorbed element's damage in a small area given that it forcibly repositions enemies that makes it easy to apply the splash damage to maximum effect and by extension it lets animal characters pull in all for one and gain the quirks of those four elements in totality animal characters can vaporize overload melt electrocharge superconduct and free spy proxy moreover animal attacks are all massive in coverage they do a ton of damage through Elemental Mastery which is prevalent in many of them they have low cooldowns to their attacks and a lot of supportive elements including amplifying the damage of their entire team basically by existing it's the closest thing to a Flawless element you can ask for there's never a situation where animal is not useful it lets you do everything the other elements can do and out of all the elemental artifact sets Veritas inventor is just straight up unfair for how versatile it is one final thing Mobility Animo is the best element for exploration and for some players that matters a lot if you need more convincing just look at how many people relentlessly begged hoyo for kazuha's rerun no further proof is needed I'm aware Mobility isn't the reason everyone wanted custom Hub but play along with it Animo is overpowered ironic how venti is canonically the weakest archon but he rolls the strongest element alrighty and there we have it I know some people are going to ask about physical damage and in all honesty it's in a weird spot the game's so focused on Elemental damage rightfully so leaving physical damage somewhat neglected I would say it's better than Chio but not pyro as a reminder please do not interpret this list as its Representatives being weaker or stronger in a black and white sense each element has its Golden Goose and black sheep or several of each understand their characters lend more Credence to an element's potential but their value is ultimately sourced by their own merits Geo may be the worst element in the game but it has very strong characters it's more so the element itself does almost nothing to help them therefore they need to be very strong on their own to make up the difference similarly to how there's no physical resonance or physical multipliers to supplement Eula hence why she has such ridiculously over inflated scaling so if you disagree with my list feel free to leave your own element rankings in the comments down below let's see what the rest of you have to say also a special shout out to the coaching means for helping me make this video you guys are awesome but for now if you enjoyed the video I'd appreciate it if you could leave a like And subscribe consider following me on Twitter joining my Discord server and checking out my other content if you still haven't yet till next time though thanks so much for watching and I look forward to seeing you again soon take care [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Vars II
Views: 234,153
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin, genshin impact, vars genshin impact, genshin why no one plays, genshin impact gameplay, genshin discussion, genshin impact analysis, mihoyo, hoyoverse, genshin impact graphics, genshin impact game, genshin impact good, genshin impact pyro, genshin impact dendro, genshin impact cryo, genshin impact hydro, genshin impact 3.0, genshin impact sumeru, genshin impact anemo, genshin impact geo, genshin impact electro, genshin best element, genshin elements, genshin ranking
Id: o5LlROUUSj4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 51sec (1071 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 10 2022
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