Which electric guitar type is for you?

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hey I'm Jamie Aaron and I'd say what are you talking about three of the most iconic guitars and what they do and what their features are and maybe which one might be right for you if you're looking for a new guitar so the first one we're gonna start with it's actually the first one of the three that was invented and this is a Telecaster style guitar came about in the early 1950s it's a solid body guitar just a solid block of wood and it has two pickups so in the neck position so it's fairly bright but it's a good single coil pickup sound so it's a little thinner so then if we go to the middle position we have the neck and the bridge pickup working together and this is a great sound for funk rhythm guitar [Music] and kind of get that print sound in the middle position and it's just combining these two pickups and then we go to the bridge it's a lot brighter telecasters are known for having a bright and twangy sound very popular in country music [Music] so it's great for that confident cool thing about Intel casters it really can get you almost any kind of sound it's pretty basic in terms of its function I've got one volume knob that works for both pickups and a tone knob that works in both pickups and the toe knob just takes the sound and darkens it a bit so darken that a bit you can use it Telecaster is a jazz guitar and it works on all the pickup so you can actually take a little bit of the edge off of the bridge pickup if that it's a bit bright you can take a little bit the edge off with the tone can also do a cold danny gatton trick and get a little mini wah pedal going so that's the Telecaster cool awkward guitar change standby yeah make sure this one's actually in tune so the next guitar we're gonna look at is a Fender Stratocaster and this guitar came a couple years after the Telecaster it's kind of a brother the next in line in the fender line came out in 1954 and this one was a little bit different than the Telecaster it's still a solid body still a solid block of wood but it has a contoured body that's one feature unlike a Telecaster to sort of fit up against where you play so it made it a little bit more comfortable and it also unlike the Telecaster had three single coil pickups which gives more tonal options so let's run through all the pickup sounds on the Stratocaster so when you start in the neck position [Music] [Applause] [Music] again it's sort of the darkest sound which works for rhythm or lead stuff the next position and the strat a little bit of a quack your sound and that's combining both the middle and the neck pickup so this one's great for funk rhythm kind of stuff [Music] then you get the middle all by itself [Music] a little bit brighter sounding in the next position you get the middle and the bridge combined together to get another good kind of funk R&B rhythm sound and then you get the bridge pickup with a [Music] little brighter but if you have the lead sound so the strat even though they're three pickups only has two tone knobs the first tone knob is for the nectar cup here darkens that sound up [Music] and it'll obviously work in that position too as long as the neck pickups engage and on a standard strat the middle pickup will correspond with the second toe knob but what a lot of people do which is very common is to wire the tone knob here to the bridge pickup where the tone knob is a little more useful because if you have a real bright sound sometimes you want to dial it back and I learned about that from Eric Johnson's instructional video and that's kind of how he gets a little thicker [Music] you know how to be kind of bright you dial that back a little bit this thickens up the sound a bit so strat is a great all-around guitars well for rhythm stuff lead stuff feelings been played by everybody from Jimi Hendrix Eric Clapton Stevie Ray Vaughn - rhythm guitar players like Nile Rodgers of course John Mayer synonymous with the strat so it's great obviously for a very specific sound you only really get that kind of sound on a strat style guitar and now one other feature is the tremolo system on a strat you'll see here I do not have my whammy bar in but I still keep this floating bridge up a little bit so I can still get that effect but if I had the whammy bar when I bend it down it moves the bridge via these strip these Springs in the back and when the springs move it lowers the pitch so you can get some cool vibrato effects so those are some of the unique features of the Fender Stratocaster so the next guitar we're gonna look at is a Gibson es-335 the es stands for electric Spanish and this guitar came out in the late 50s so few years after the strat and this guitar is a whole nother animal compared to the strat and the tele first off you can tell it's a lot bigger and no longer are we talking about a solid body instrument this is a semi hollow guitar so the sides are completely Hollow and see the F holes they're hollow in there but in the center you have this big center block and that's completely solid so you can get the sustain from having the the hollow element but it's not gonna feedback like a true hollow body guitar and the late 50s rock and roll is becoming very popular people were cranking their amps starting to experiment with getting an over driven sound and those hollow body guitars were just feeding back because they were completely Hollow so by putting that Center Block in guitar players could still have that sort of thick tone from a hollow guitar but have feedback so the other main difference of course is that this has humbucker pickups so unlike single coils humbucker pickups they're a lot thicker sounding we also don't have the buzz that the other guitars pickups have and so let's go ahead and just hear what the neck pickup on the Gibson sounds like [Music] so gonna hear that humbucker a lot thicker it's great jazz guitar [Music] so you're smelling snuff just a good nice thick but good for clean stuff so if we move the position to the middle like a Telecaster since there are two pickups the middle position gives us both pickups working together so great for funk rhythm it's also great for a kind of a blues sound and I also use this position for R&B comping just playing chords and a middle position is good on this guitar because if you want to sort of cut through the mix of a whole band playing a part like that it's not going to be so bright but it's also not going to be too thick and get buried in the sound and so then moving on to the third position here then bridge pickup it's brighter but what's cool about a gibson style guitar is with the three-way switch if you're in the middle you can actually mix the bridge and the neck together and so if this sound is a little a little cool too dark for you you can just pull out a little bit the neck pickup and have more bridge pickup or you can take out some of the bridge pickup and have my pickup so it really gives you the chance to mix the sound and really fine-tune that exact sound that you're looking for and if you turn one of them off completely get that fun trick so onto the bridge pickup lots thicker but with a humbucker pickup it gives you great lead [Music] and if you see here we got a tone knob also that's just associated with the bridge pickup and if you dial that back you can get that Eric Clapton the woman tone so we have bridge pickup all the way up up with the tone dial back so 335 just a great guitar for for rock for blues for jazz it's a good kind of all-around guitar and it gives you those nice they come back or pickups so Gibson 335 so those are three of the most common and iconic guitar models although there are other styles of guitar and other guitar makers and the best advice I give if you're looking to get a guitar to go to a guitar store and just try a bunch of guitars and find the one that feels right for you check out who your favorite players are and what they're using and just go play and find the guitar that you connect with and all these style guitars come in various price points so if you're on a limited budget you can find a 335 style guitar Telecaster a strat a Les Paul any of those guitars at the budget that works for you so you really you know it's up to you which style makes the most sense and there are people from all genres that play all these different guitars you can find a jazz player with a Tele just as much as you can find a rock player with the 335 so just go to a store play a bunch of these guitars and see which one you connect with and I'll be the guitar that helps you speak
Channel: Pickup Music
Views: 2,142,778
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: electric guitars, electric guitars for beginners, electric guitar for beginners, best electric guitar for beginners, best beginner electric guitar, types of electric guitars, guitars, electric guitar, cheap electric guitar, beginner electric guitar, first electric guitar, best guitar brands, best guitars, best electric guitars, how much is an electric guitar, best electric guitar brands, electric guitar brands, electric guitar types, pickup music, pickup
Id: WSdEuYDztvw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 40sec (760 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 28 2019
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