5 Guitars You Think Are Good (but they're not)

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some of you may remember a series that I used to do on my channel called legendary licks well I've got a brand new gimmick for you that I think you'll really enjoy or hate today we'll be going over guitar models the people AKA people who own these guitars aka Big old dummies I think are actually good when in reality they're not so good I mean I'll play each of the guitars that I talk about you know just to see but they're not going to be good all right let's kick off our list with the guitar you think is so cool so retro so awesome sounding the Fender Jazz master one of the main issues with the Jazz Master is this pesky little Bridge right here that comes standard on most models a lot of people end up upgrading this part of the guitar in particular because of this kind of unreliable tremolo system the thing is sometimes I find myself knocking the strings out of these little grooves right here and you know that's not good look even at the grooves for perfect there's just not a lot of tension to keep the strings in place and that is directly related to this bridge I mean who would want a guitar that you could knock out a tune with one Epic Bend who would think this guitar is good [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] next up on our list is everybody's favorite Rock Machine the ever iconic Gibson Les Paul so I feel like the whole g string going out of tune things guitarist experience today originated due to the Les Paul dropping out of tune on specifically the G string but sometimes due to this three tuning pegs per side situation other strings could be unstable too nuts with angled nut slots or string tree situations that can be attached here are potential fixes for this issue or guitar Builders like PRS have opted to actually align the tuners as best they can on a three tuning pad per side system but sometimes you just want your Gibson Les Paul to work right out of the box like this Les Paul right here straight out of the factory no modifications who would think this guitar is good [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign foreign [Applause] [Music] the next guitar on our list falls into the novelty category and it's a Timberline tar first of all is this even a guitar I mean if this is a guitar it's just ridiculous it's completely unnecessary how am I Ever Gonna Change these strings I probably have to hire Orcs in the depths of Mordor to forge them and that doesn't even sound hard it just sounds expensive this guitar is obviously a spectacle and nothing more I mean what saw this guitar and was like oh that looks good who would think this guitar is good [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] how could this list be complete without the quintessential guitar shape the Fender Stratocaster [Applause] I mean there's tug problems with these guitars and they're big problems too plus possums with any of the other guitars you see the thing is um problem with strats is this volume now is kind of in a little awkward spot isn't it a little high a little close to this bridge pickup maybe and you know the real problem with strats it's almost impossible to have just one they emit some kind of mystical energy like an intoxicating aura that lures you to Pine after more and more versions of the same stupid guitar what is wrong with this picture this is malevolence in its most evil form who would think this guitar is good [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] and for the final model of guitar that everyone thinks is good but it's actually not leave a comment I'd love to hear from you because there's so many to choose from and as you can tell the tongue-in-cheek sarcastic tone of this video is clearly not there and I'm being 100 serious about everything I've said okay but in all seriousness I own all these guitars I love all these guitars it's just a way to talk about some preconceived notions and here's the thing all these things may be true about these guitar models but fighting an instrument to get what you want out of it is part of the joy of playing guitar so despite all my quips about these guitars in the video I love them all dearly wow what a happy warm fuzzy way to wrap up this video I hope you enjoyed it and I hope you have a lovely day and love your guitar no matter which one it is until next time keep shredding if you're still watching this video you must be an avid supporter and I appreciate you if you enjoyed this guitar gear Centric content you may be interested to know that in Guitar super system my learning platform for guitar players you can find the guitar gear guide where you can learn the nuances of your guitar tone from the ground up and how effects and amps fit in sign up at guitarsupersystem.com or in any of the major app stores
Channel: Music is Win
Views: 407,225
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 7hX7uz7K4Tg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 15sec (495 seconds)
Published: Mon May 15 2023
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