Where You Can’t Go Behind the Scene - Forrest Wood Cup 2018

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go we gotta go we got to go we got to go we got to go forget it you know where we're going we're on to the FLW Forrest Wood Cup Expo because today is the day after and that you see that tone of my voice though yeah the day after because there's a problem who's Rachel for / we'll talk about that in a minute but we have B he's getting ready editing some sweetness that we have dropping on the channel there shortly this is a brightness part this video right here turn the video coming shortly and you'll get to see where the problem is there's a problem probably this everybody we got to go hang with you guys okay that is a good thing I'll use don't get a chance to do that we're gonna go hook though with Billy Brian's gonna come back and do a little editing for all y'all were wondering about this home this is cool this is cool in case you didn't see the travel blog this home right here built in the late 1800s this is my grandmother right here she was born on this home here's all of us standing on a front porch of this house my entire family this is my old house not my old house my grandmother's old house she was born this is the old kitchen it's like a home away from home we've kept it in the family fisherman's code Brandon early to bed early to rise fish like yell and make up lies okay we gotta go we gotta go man I've been saying that for Wow ooh a little condensation got to go man got to go all right here's a tip for you it's a non fishing tip we travel all over the country in this truck Chevy Silverado HD awesome vehicle lots of gear look at the back of our truck here not too bad some hats back there but look here we have trash can it's a trash box brandon loves the trench box yes there's a trash box right here and then we empty the trash box out it's a trash can basically instead of just leaving stuff can't stand all the trash in the car so we just put the trash box back there yeah that's the tip of the day get you a cardboard box get your cover box in them using all her some trash here seal up trash trash box he thinks gonna win I got a funny feeling so what time is it right now it's 951 in the morning and I'm gonna make my prediction right now and this is based on them not catching anything so far like that court with any may hardly John Cox is gonna win I do I think I feel it or Adkins up on the screen got him is three but he's so he's got four about that size Lambert's got three no four he's a second but he's about to tap out because he's got he's really got four so it's fifth one I was only gonna give him he needs some big uns what up man go go quick on the way here the other power pole went down was dragging down the road that's crazy man she is sharp dude sure all right I'm bringing everybody along we're doing a video today you know what the video is gonna be called the day after the day after 2020 still coming by the way hey that's gonna be a good one cuz I I know all the reasons by the way guys check out the shirts I don't know if we're gonna have any left if we do we'll put a link in the description you can pick up with you we only had a limited amount of these so if any of y'all that didn't make it in force would come and want a shirt limited sizes limited quantity reach out to us we're just gonna film everything you know I'm saying like there's no script just film getting gas we're gonna film brain his new sunglasses that he's got his new coasters is it have you seen the ultra clearance the coach told you how to have those are nice those are the coach don't focus they're polarized ultra player we're gonna drop the link in the description right those are nice dude look they're so clear look you know why he lost his glasses in the case you missed it we're gonna put a clip in right now this is why I lost his glasses so check this out here does Brandon at 82 feet is about to attempt a backflip a single axle bat alright that was crazy huh you've got cojones my friend you want cojones but I did did you notice when you get out there anyone like this whoa whoa yeah yeah twice twice hey I don't know how you're gonna edit this cuz he's just randoms craziness okay all right now we're gone you know why they call the hot springs a little trivia question for everybody you know why there's a mountain right there see that hill well wherever it's a big help that goes right through like a round town like the town is built in a little hole around this little mountain right and there's it's a mountain with lots of Springs inside the mountain water and it's hot be my granite in The Rock keeps everything it's a mineral water that's warm all the time we've been in the winter stays warm and it comes out and they these hotels downtown like the Arlington and some of these old of historic hotels they're built into the side of the mountain and the water comes out of the mountain into their hotel - they have the spas under the hotel like a whole time built back in the 30s and stuff you really have us yes yeah these are the old tubs he's big cuz I don't know I don't know like 90 degrees or something 85 degrees or something I don't know but people come they used to call the Fountain of Youth that people would come here back in the 30s and 40s they thought that the waters had healing you know properties to it and so people would come here all the time and that's that's how hot springs became so famous all right well there you go there's your little nugget information about hot springs how about that I'm going to the live stage where where's the live all right we're gonna go in and do a live I thought of you live right now it's gonna find it is the lot where's the live stage so that's where we're gonna be sitting up there in a minute telling lies don't we telling lies hey I'm up next I'll get those guys back on the studio with you go alive huh yeah we're gonna go live and just like probably two minutes two minutes I get again yeah where's my seat middle one laughs so I didn't mess up slide if you mess up you can't go back how you doing man good to see it he too did good man you did good thanks for coming out thanks for coming out you get that a lot don't you are you doing sir good man are you guns how many saw Leo on the Frog video there's people talking about right there here that's that's funny oh it was the duck video that's right that's it yeah was it duck frog sure thanks that's right you got to put that sticker back on I'm gonna put you guys on the flour because you guys cool look you know there you go they got the team hats on what's your name Eli rotten Jude Jude right now she's boys okay we just met this young man here and he says I've guys said that he actually was behind Brandon her brain was not yes yes he was he was on our tail Brandon you're going a little fast oh yeah Hey he said Brandon was driving too fast behind was pushing him like I don't doubt it yes he thinks the trucks a sports car yes squeaking you know why because he goes Nandi to a dead stop like that how many tournaments have y'all been to now we've been to three maybe you've been too buddy yeah all right my buddy here Jude has got you a letter you will give it to him Jude his artworks getting a little better I think you can figure out what's on the back there he's got a spike I like it I can't wait here I'm not gonna read it now you know every time 20:20 video is this we did last time and when we got shirts hey I know you don't need another shirt I don't think you wear an extra large you're talking about a larger large if you're up here fix your air conditioner yeah we're doing something or you need a sweat rag yes there's your shirt baby there you go buddy I like it thank you that we got an autograph already so what do you say when you give a little dude thank you seeing what appreciate good all right dude guy Jude's back can I have some Pringles can I have any flavor I want I'll try one in this mood what what flavors you bloody mustard but it's good in six second one that one a time that then he can have what three flavors you want Wow a little slice of heaven plaid a wagon ain't got nothing on this guy we just check it out the bus here he told me to come pick out my font which one's yours I'll make sure I don't pick you hey big sexy good left back yeah we need to go take everybody you can call me big sexy stay next to it this dude is only six foot tall Billy know I'm six foot three he's like your forehead you're four eight and twelve and fifteen too so I think that all right it's good show everybody the what's inside for all you guys that have been wondering what the FF of the Forrest Wood Cup is we're about to go show you inside the Coliseum and we'll let you guys see what up bastards all about look at this guys this is this is your this is where I won the tournament back in 2000 and this is a way in are you ready you ready for this all of these people came to just to watch Fishkin waited is that crazy let's go down this one Scott Martin channels I'm coming next for you Lake Okeechobee pretty cool huh alright did you get a seat yet get what did you get it on special seats got your seats brother they're nice making sure it's interview bill Taylor we have built a strong famous bill Taylor right here I'm tournament director Bob FLW operations and it's the man salt keeps everybody long that's right yes he does only one time now got Martin you know one or two more times than that you know I'll tell you what's gone I'd give anything if everybody was the street to the rules you are oh good job let's go shooting ready backstage anybody No all I need is like a yellow shirt there's two weeks that I've been working out everybody would just get out of the way be like just party ladies cheers Scott Martin no man no man Scott Martin over three hundred thousand subscribers eight times FLW Tour champion horse Wood Cup champion angler of the year the same man bringing on the bass fishing millionaire I mean he is leading this revolution in bass fishing this is high school movement we got going on youth movement that's should be part of the stats that's that's definitely boy the stats yes so you're bringing him next year yes he's gonna hide your rod lock that's right he's gonna hang around lock on the show trying to come up with something else so just think about it if you get something to shoot us an email or text or something all right I'll be in touch with a noise okay 6:00 a.m. drive safe really Suns come just in time for breakfast hey be careful dude slow down okay I'm going I'm going in here to the weigh-in I want to see who wins how do you think they'll write your prediction they'll be safe y'all be safe see me good job today right that's pretty good stuff so when we had a little forward you did have fun that's what I like oh yeah I was I was doing a lot of comments here today and and I was watching everybody's demeanor yeah and I'm like plant is fishing he's having fun he's he's motivated he's he's having fun he's talking I said you look at sit in there like cast and then real chastened and reelin and i said he's gonna catch his fit with this before he comes back I said he's gonna get you Smith won it's just gonna be a matter of what these other guys do you know a good time you know oh yeah yeah good job good good work man here I won this tournament this giant trophy the Forrest Wood Cup and here was the guy whose names on the trophy and is just as awesome with you guys come on watch the show another big one all the way else he's got like 17 all right click Davis here we go man a former Rookie of the Year the bottom fellow Alabama his third time to the forest Boyd come to take the lead from Alabama's West Lothian the rookie duties for pounds or take it out snap you got three new ones in there Clinton's achieve you since the day he finds the Kimber heaviest bag of the tournament 17 that's over come on we're just filming everything have like six hours of footage drop eight pounds yeah 36 have to five hurts that's amazing yeah she deserves it he's been fishing a lot of years he works hard hey real quick real quick is everybody for the channel one day mr. man good job dude close this out close out the club here we go radial BAM
Channel: Scott Martin
Views: 73,169
Rating: 4.9393482 out of 5
Keywords: Scott Martin, SMC, Scott Martin Challenge, How to, How to fish, instructional, bass fishing, fishing, lures, baits, teaching, legends, roland martin, bill dance, googan squad, lunkerstv, jon b, apbassing, alex peric, andrew flair, blacktiph, dallmyd, challenge, MTB, swimbaits, intructional, how to, googan baits, scared, attack, angler, fisherman, rubber duck, spinnerbait, freshwater, large mouth bass, crazy, insane, arkansas, fwc, forrest wood cup, lake ouachita
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 27sec (1227 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 21 2018
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