2011 FLW TV | Forrest Wood Cup on Lake Ouachita

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every fisherman dreams of fishing at the highest level of taking their shot at fishing against the best competition in the land it's a dream that takes hold and becomes a driving force when an angler takes the big step of fishing as a professional on the Walmart FLW tool at the start of the year there's only one place in FLW to a Pro wants to be at the end of the major season competing in the Forrest Wood Cup with a chance to elevate their career to the next level a chance to catch the winning bass and become a champion today that dream will become a reality for one man who will lift the cup and take his place among the legends of the sport Oh spear them don't Oh Bubba rocket whoa mama holy cannoli what a start that's cool good job or food the world championship of bass fishing is happening right now and one angler will take home over half a million dollars and the title of champion hits the Forrest Wood Cup in Hot Springs Arkansas presented by Walmart Lake Ouachita is a beautiful Lake with miles of rocky banks and flooded timber located in the heart of the natural state Washita has seen the vast population greatly improved since the last time the cup was held here in 2007 58 anglers and co-anglers qualified for this championship coming from the 2011 Walmart FLW Tour majors as well as the 2010 eastern and western and ever start series the TBF as well as the 2011 college fishing national champions University of Florida and the BFL all-american champion are also among the field of competitors while the action is going on out on the water downtown Hot Springs offers fishing fans a large outdoor Expo with casting competitions as well as a chance to meet the legendary Forrest Elwood himself hey everybody I'm Jason Harper along with Chris Jones and a real treat and honor to have the one and only Hall of Fame angler Hank Parker Hank you know what this pressure is like I mean this is the pinnacle of every anglers career you know being at the Superbowl of bass fishing before us would kind of put it into perspective what is this like you know these guys work all year it's very difficult to get here it's very very competitive just to get here and everybody looks at the pageantry that we have at the park would cook it's not like that every day I mean it's a grind it's cold weather it's hot weather it's real a lot of travel there's so much grind in trying to make it so this is the one carrot that you hold on to all year long to make the cup so now that they're here the pressures on because you won't win the Cup that's what will absolutely change your life and jump-start your career so everybody pressures on you know you got a top prize six hundred thousand dollars but it's too hard where it's that trophy the forest would cover me what is that like well you know every sport comes with its own sets of heroes and different people have different heroes but forest wood is the one man that is given more to this sport and I think he's everybody's hero too so to win that Cup bearing his name is the ultimate trophy and everybody wants it absolutely let's talk about some of the conditions these anglers used to triple-digits practicing the last 30 days day one little curveball from Mother Nature it dips it drops about 20 degrees overcast it's cool they weren't expecting that yeah I think you don't with the weather change get a fish change and your I don't think it's a comfort zone for these guys Jason they fished three days and heat bluebird skies and they got on some deep water stuff and then they would come so you've got a total changing whether you got wind you got clouds you got rain you got lightning and and some guys what shallow and you know talking to him this and here's the deal Chris these fish are moving shallow they're chasing shed that's migrating to the back these bays and these stump flats are full of quality fish and so you know guys like Randall Thorpe loves that shallow water top water bite I mean he's phenomenal at that and that's his strength Jason Christie another one those guys Jay yells they love fishing shallow those day one conditions that fit right into their game plan and they caught quality fish because a lot of clouds rain at times and a little bit of wind so it was it was good conditions for fishing Shalit it was a grind but I managed to catch five different that's a beautiful sight to see on the FLW championship day that's a beautiful sight one guy that decided not to go shallow was National Guard Pro Scott Martin day one leader he went deep 19 pounds 2 ounces he had his limit by 8 o'clock in the morning he said hey I'm going to be conservative I'm going to get off the spot I want to come back and hit later your thoughts you know who Scott Martin I talked to Scott and he has always been his own man he's never wanted to follow and take glory from his dad who's one of the greatest anglers ever Scott is his own man but I told Scott I said you're somewhat like your dad because you got that confident look in your eyes the way Roland used to get that look when he used to spank us in the old days so I'm worried about Scott Martin he's looking strong he's got that confident look all right day two things change up again that bluebird skies that these guys were used to comes back put the pressures on Hank we cut the field today from 58 down the sunshine and the high skies are going to make conditions much much tougher and anytime you follow up a low pressure with a high pressure fishing gets tough absolutely and we saw some changes on the leaderboard because of that we did Jason you know what the fish they got locked Joe no doubt about it but those guys that stuck to their game plan Jason Christie went straight back to his day one spot and he caught him again he said Chris the difference is it's a grind I'm not catching them as fast on day one I caught a ton of fish and I caught him fast he said day two because of the conditions changing it was more of a grind but he's still confident Randall stark still confident he said it's a grind but when we catch them when we hook up with them you know and you know what catching them on a top water bot it's tough to get them in its fit that bait you know they split those trouble hooks it's hard to hook them and get them all the way to the boat without losing them and you can actually see that fish come out of the water and just swell up on that bait but you know dont's fish they're in there say it's a grind I'm just staying after and I'm catching quality this is taking me all day to do it but Randall Clark said I can win this turn catch them like that Chris I can do it we'll have to see it looks like the benchmark right now is around 14 pounds for the anglers that can hit that 14 pound mark they ought to be in great shape the course will encompass the Superbowl a fast efficient message wit it gives you goosebumps this is what gets you pumped up this is $600,000 you FLW outdoors is brought to you by Walmart save money live better National Guard always ready always there Straight Talk cut your cell phone bill in half and feel Richard Evinrude e-tec with three years no maintenance spend more time on the water Castrol motor oil gets more than just oil it's liquid engineering and by kringles everything pops with twinkles you know the forceful income is in the Super Bowl protos a bass fishin typical this message wit that gives you goose balls this is what gets you pumped up this is $600,000 on the line 20 contestants sitting here this morning we're all trying to make it in the top ten and there's only one go whenever fishermen to mine and that's leave here number one welcome back to FLW outdoors and the 2011 Forrest Wood Cup I'm Jason Harford joined again by Hank Parker Hank this is cut Dave near the field down from the top 20 down to the top ten a lot of extra added pressure pressure pressure pressure you know everybody wants to win this tournament Jason but you got to survive to win you got to make that cut to the top ten there's not a lot of space between 20th and 1st so everybody's got to catch fish nobody can coach pressure is on to make the cut like you always say it is a true dogfight on cut day we'll have to see what's going to happen it's going to be interesting for sure Chris Jones is with our leader right now Diet Mountain Dew Pro Jason Christie Chris all right thanks guys yeah we're here with our day three leader Jason Christie the Oklahoma Pro met how you feeling I'm ready to go we got the same weather conditions with it the first day you know I was fortunate to get some big bites the first day and I think you're going to see some really big fish come across the scale today you know clear water like this you get days cloudy a little bit of wind they gonna show up yeah you're right it is favorable for a top water but I know you like the cloud cover the wind the rain yesterday things changed we're supposed to have these conditions for a few hours this morning within sunny skies this afternoon and the heat comes back you still caught them like that yesterday can you do it again yeah I caught actually caught more fish you know I don't know man I didn't have a very good practice so I'm still winging it I catch one it's a hooray you know all the way to five so I just want to be in contention after the end of the day I'll tell you what he was in contention for the Kellogg's angler of the Year title all year has had a phenomenal season he's carrying that momentum over into the Forrest Wood Cup here we're gonna watch you closely today and see how it turns out for Jason Christie 20 anglers going out today Hank bowling ten survive to fish one final day it's going to be a tight race I promise you you see who can survive to fish one final day this day is going to be nerve-racking for all 20 of the anglers as there's little breathing room among our top ten Scott Martin has to think hard about staying out deep when you look at the rest of the guys around him are all chasing big shallow cruisers angler of the year David Dudley is mired in the back of the pack yet he's only three pounds out of the cut it's going to be intense out on the water today this fish are just keen on on a little two inch shad there's really I haven't found any you know big bait but they're for some reason they're all stood up on just these little tiny two in Chatham you know in the mornings they chase the bait in the afternoons they kind of go down it just goes in the morning a little bit and then it's done Lake Ouachita is one of several lakes that surround Hot Springs Arkansas that provide recreational fishermen year-round action this top water bite is a riskier pattern but with the big gamble can come the big payday seems like they're easier to catch you know up until about nine o'clock and then they stop already burn too much time in here and I haven't haven't caught one yet I mean that well I thought he was a giant mmm and he's a little guy on top of that Diet Mountain Dew Pro Jason Christie our current leader is finding out just how risky the top water bike can be the hardest thing about fishing this time is you don't know where your next bottle come from and you can go an hour two hours and not get a bite it's not like you know flipping you know a cover where you know where they live out here you just just gotta hope you run into them I didn't start doing this until the first day of the tournament I mean I actually started up in the river up here on some lay downs and Stefan you know I thought I got to do something and that only reason I went to the bank was because it's cloudy there's you got to begin even when you find the bass it's hard to convert a topwater buy into a fish in the Live Well National Guard Pro Scott Martin has faith in his deep brush file in the front of Crystal Springs he looked out a mouth and said man I'm just looking for places on Matt that look good you've never picked this spot I mean it's just a do-nothing bank with a little trough and there's a bajillion troughs in this lake only I can figure as it's out in the middle of the lake so you've got surrounded by deep water which probably enables the bait fish to funnel in here a little bit better than a lot of places this spot is producing numbers for Scott yet again may be enough to keep him in contention on day three you want to be moving up the leaderboard not down I'm fishing shallow you know with especially with this cloud cover deficient brim dad's throwing the top water Cody Meyer has excelled in the past two Forrest Wood cups finishing in the top five each time today he's fishing top water in the back of Crystal Springs gone alright number five barely hooked nice little largemouth right there on the top bar kid pals in 14 Elsa's 13 pounds and 11 ounces 16 pills and 3 ounces 16 pills and one else 46 pounds and 12 ounces after three highly competitive days these are the final 10 anglers looking to win the biggest tournament of the year it was also final day for the co-angler championship and it was just as competitive as Paul Muller consistently caught nine pounds a day using his Dobyns rocks and took home $60,000 as well as earning a berth into the 2012 FLW Tour as a pro you know Scott's got about a five pound lead but you know this is a porcelain cup and he's got a lot of pressure on his shoulders and five pounds is just one bite that's the force what up baby today I'm a little more relaxed you know I'm not I don't have a car to my back Scott's got about a five pound lead but you know this is a forest wood Cup and he's got a lot of pressure on his shoulders and five pounds is just one bite I know that there's a lot of tough competition out there all these guys behind me are fighting hard for it so I've got my work cut out for me but I feel very blessed welcome back to FLW outdoors and the 2011 Forrest Wood Cup presented by Walmart hey everybody I'm Jason Harper back with Chris Jones and here we are this is the moment we've all been waiting for the fourth and final day today we crown a champion $600,000 first-place prize put the trophy Forrest Wood Cup that leaves everything you know over half a million dollars that's an awesome payday and one of these top 10 guys is going to accomplish that today I tell you what the National Guard Pro Scott Martin he is your leader and he's been on fire this week he's carrying some momentum from what's been a great year into this Forrest Wood Cup he's on a deep-water pattern and he's got a great spot that he's fishing that's been successful every day it's replenishing itself he's catching a lot of quality fish off of it he's catching on fast which is giving him confidence to slow down and fish it more thoroughly looking for those quality bites but you know what Jason he does not need to look in the rearview mirror man the Chevy Pro Luke Clausen he's a former Force Wood Cup champion he had a win earlier this year told me River on the Walmart FLW Tour he's got a lot of success and he believes he can win this thing a Randall tarp never struck batteries Pro man he's had a great year - he told me this morning at takeoff he said yo Chris I'm around four and five pounders you know what Scott leaves the door open I can win this thing Jason Christie the dot Mountain Dew Pro it was your day to leave many Scott them big you've got David Dudley in this cut is the Kellogg's angler of the year another former Forrest Wood Cup champion so you know what Scott's going to have to execute if he wants to finish the game today Jason Chris you always want drama on the final day you've got it guaranteed I mean just look top to bottom in this top 10 hit his stack but this is it the final day the best of the best the cream has risen to the top they've worked not only all year their whole career for this moment today we crown the next four Wood Cup champion I'm not going to go to any place I think there's any little one so I'm going to go and try to catch five big ones today hopefully it works out we'll see the leaderboard paints a daunting picture for anyone looking to overtake Scott Martin mark Rose is the only other angler fishing deep water the rest are gambling on the big bass feeding on blue gills in shallow water well it's a boy baby now I haven't been I've been catching one about the first hour every day but the best bite for me has been between 10:00 and 1:00 it doesn't make a lot of sense but the sun's got to get up when we go to the bank and every Lake I've ever fished it's the exact opposite this is the actually the first tournament I've ever thrown a top water bait the entire tournament I've never fished a tournament I like there he is big one that's a big one that's a groan stay hooked up maybe I lost one Bob pounds right there the first day yes come on come on big girl come on yeah five pounder baby Forrest Wood Cup that's the way to start the morning right there that's what we're talking about that's what dreams are made yes dad that one's for you if you watch you know I knew that top water bait beer factory bluegill Brad and full moon but I was hoping that it wouldn't hold up its held up a lot better you know we've had some cloud cover which has made that clear water show out a little bit but nothing I can do about the weather National Guard Promark roses having a great start to his morning landing five keepers before 8:00 a.m. yeah five in the Forrest Wood Cup Cody Meyer has his mind set on finding bass around spawning blue gills the clear waters of Lake Ouachita make the brim beds easy to find this is actually kind of a former site fishing there's a lot of these fish this week I've I've seen them come up on the top water and missed them or just seeing them follow the bait and I'll stop and turn around and throw a little drop shot out usually every day I've been starting off getting one or two you know really key bites within the first you know hour and a half two hours but no luck yet there's something special going on in this spot this morning a lot more bait seeing a lot of activity and even marking a lot of fish on the depth finder I figure out exactly what I need to do it could be a real good day everybody dude yeah yeah they're still here baby just had to change my approach what a blessing okay low and slow low and slow Cool Hand Luke you got nothing on me dude I'm going slow Scotty boys low and slow today but you're running around top water and like crazy relaxing little slope school is out there chasing moving like crazy there's one Cool Hand Luke finds a good one and the rest of the top ten are putting fish in the live well it's the final day of the Forrest Wood Cup he catches big a bag as I can catch not going to fish conservative these guys are hungry behind me for their fish hard I got to bring it welcome back to the final day of the Forrest Wood Cup presented by Walmart here in Hot Springs Arkansas like watch it dolls definitely way better I think it exceeded everybody's expectations this week I mean without a doubt there's very few places you can go when it's a hundred degrees outside and catch fish like we're catching here like watch it all this week you know any time you fish in the summertime almost like sufficient a little talk especially in the Sun gets out it's a little hot my bites this week have not been real fast and furious but I've been able to again catch quality and that that's keeping me together because I just keep fish and keep fish and keep fish in different areas and I'm going to leave the series getting a little bit and go trust more brush piles and I'll hit three or four brush piles no bites and then all of a sudden I'll catch a good finish stuff five fish limit doesn't matter how long it takes me to get them feel like I can get a five every day and see where it ends up I've found some kind of some unique stuff they're a little different what everybody else is looking for I'm fishing my strengths I'm into an offshore zone right now I'm kind of continuing that into this tournament mark rose and Scott Martin are both taking the slow and steady approach today but Chevy pro Luke Lawson is among the rest of the anglers fishing the shallow top water pattern top water clear waters really really probably more effective than a lot of other baits on a shallow just because these fish can see so well they get educated smart and there's an illusion on the surface they can't see this as well as something under the water so there's one that's a good one stay out start with one like that we'll get a few of his buddies here shortly ow ooh so it's good to get that monkey off my back kitchen the first one catch four five like that they may have some problems the payoff can be huge on this pattern to be sure meanwhile Scott Martin is still working as main area in front of crystal spring this area right here is my primary area where I've spent pretty much the last four days and caught over half my fish it's basically just a big flat out here that has a trough running down through here 25 to 26 feet deep and in this trough here you've got scattered brush piles the reason this place is so good is not only the brush because there's brush in a lot of places it's there's a big bunch of bait in this general area right here and they're good-sized sheds so those bass or living here they're feeding on the bait and living in those brush piles the sunny conditions today will affect everyone's strategies Randall's our fields this will work in his favor it looks like today is going to be sunny and hot and what's amazing is the later in the day it gets in the hotter it gets the more big fish move up shallow and I mean they're just you'll see wolf pack after wolf pack the later in the day it gets there smart now they're hard to catch but you know you only got to get one of them fired up get you a couple big bites when the force would come IATI bigan that's the first one I caught on the prop bait like schooling but I fit felt like if I picked up another rod she might be gone yes yes she probably was up here just running bluegills and Randall mild off the bank and she was getting after one and I mean I just I was in the right place at the right time I made a perfect cast number two baby yes three pounder that's a good start it's the best start I've had of any day of the tournament now I mean I've got two fish that will probably go eight pounds and I mean all I needs three more just like the ones I got and uh they're going out to catch him shake so much is on the line today the nerves are boiling for everyone including the man in the lead not as big lazing he's a good one oh yeah oh he's good oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my god oh my god oh my god please Lord yeah yeah Wow dude I got goosebumps like Mount Everest right now hook fell out what a blessing thank you lord thank you lord yes you guys yes that gives me my limit look at that baby force look up put her in the good side that's what we live it's the Forrest Wood Cup in Hot Springs Arkansas presented by Walmart the youngest angler to ever win the BFL all-american Jacob wheeler has burst onto the bass fishing scene in 2011 the 20 year old from Indiana had a chance to prove himself against the best here this week in hot springs just to be here it's just an awesome opportunity you got your your idols on your right your left Ren Taylor and and David Dudley you got all these guys Jason Christian you got these guys that are just you know awesome wheeler held his own against the best in the sport making it past the first cut and fishing on the third day of the cup his 12th place finish leaves him optimistic about his future chances as a professional angler you mark my words I'm gonna give it I'm gonna give it a good shot now maybe next year maybe five years down the road maybe ten years for one day I'll have that trophy in my hand four foot cup here's how the final day is trending as we have only a few hours left before the final weigh in Scott Martin has got four solid fish and is maintaining his lead over a surging Randal Tharp who's moved past Luke Clawson to hold the second place position you know fishings never tough it's just choices out there it's decisions tough is the weather and you know the heat and stuff like that but you know what that's that's what I love about this game is that it's all about figuring out what to do when successful each day is different no two days are ever alike fish never do the same thing the next day exactly they're always in some type of transition as a fisherman you got to stay on top of that you got to kind of stay two steps ahead of them I've just been continuing to find a way of changing speeds changing baits but it seems like the weather really hasn't indicated much of what to do with different weather situations it's a lot of guests and trying to figure it out every day it's not a big big one this point we'll take it smallest one out of the bunch Clausen is struggling today while Randall Tharp has been more successful in his hunt for shallow Wolfpack bass I've just got some places out that I know that that's the place that they come to feed and I just keep pounding these places until I pull up in there there and when over there you can catch two or three really quick various bigger Wow oh there was to with it did you see that there was two more with him a 2 pounder baby pound-and-a-half at least yes number 3 gonna be a good day and they ever start today put this one in the small side I wish I would have had two baits on my line or have me if I'd have been a little quicker with the net I could have dipped all three of them up there was there were three there that's awesome I'll come back and get the other ones in a little bit Bart moves on in his relentless search for a five pounder mark Rose started hot this morning but his deep bite has turned off as the day has progressed this is where I started the first day but I hadn't started here the last two days I've caught some good ones in the mornings and then it's a grind I just can't figure out where these fish have gone to trying to just locate this school Scott Martin has been able to catch over 14 pounds a day on his main area and he continues to hammer it again today stressing but that's human nature human nature is just stress and worry yes yeah boo boo he's not that big he's only two something but that gives me my limit the man who Scott needs to worry about is ever start pro Randall Thorpe his pattern seems to be working well today I'm pretty fired up I mean those other guys are probably catching them too but I've got two really nice ones and honestly I'm if I catch two more keepers I don't think I'm gonna move back in you know what I mean I looked over and there she was cruising and I laid it about four feet in front of her and I twitched it she turned away and my heart just sank got him and I touched it again and then she turned around and the third twit she came unglued on it I mean that's that's what we live for that's awesome man yeah there's a four pounder baby Oh barely had her look at that baby for some look up littering the goods up yeah that's a deal maker right there I mean I'm one bottle way from winning the four Sherwood Cup these boys are coming they want to take me out I'm ready to win this it's down to the final hours of the biggest tournament of the year don't go away yeah FLW outdoors is brought to you by Ranger Boats still building legends one at a time Lawrence and it's HDS High Definition system with structure scan add-on option Mercury Marine Chevy and the Silverado HD motor trends 2011 Truck of the Year Brunswick zone good times and open lanes await you and bye ever start fish more worried less it's the biggest prize in professional bass fishing the Forrest Wood Cup and we're just a few hours away from crowning a new champion Luke Lawson started the day in second place but has been unable to put together another double digit stringer Randall Tharp has been winning the top water gamble today locating and finding some big bass for Mark Rose it's been a grind but the National Guard Pro has a decent limit going into the homestretch Scott Martin has fought off the nerves and pressure of leading the biggest tournament of the year and has stayed focused on what would be the biggest win of his career last day at philippi Championship can I give up these boys are coming they're hungry they're mad they want to take me out I know that for a fact so I got to catch him I gotta catch couple minutes I need 16 17 18 pounds and then they can't catch me I'm catchable right now I'm ready man I'm ready don't win this there's only two ahead of me and they're all gonna have to catch them I mean because I plan on it ah thank you Jesus that's a nice one that's number five two and a half thank you lord I just feel it I feel like I'm won by the way I might be wrong I don't know what anybody else is doing but I knew I was going to have a day like this for this tournament was over and it's happening and I'm gonna get some more big bites I can just feel it the clock is ticking down on this final day and there's not much time left for our anglers back to my my best area what does that commonly refer to as the number one stomach I believe that the spot that I have by far hands down is the best spot Lake Washington I put markers out this morning on the brush piles that we caught fish around as well as we marked so now to save time I can pull right back up and fish them a little bit more thoroughly instead of wondering if I'm you know too close for not far enough Martin is banking on there being one more fish left in this key spot mark Rose has abandoned the slow deep pattern and is going shallow at the end of the day yeah baby whoa you got to love it a little Strike King 8000 buzzbait and a three and three-quarter Nisan it's all about the last-minute decisions when to stay when to go Randall Tharp has been making great decisions all day and has moved once more in his hunt for a winning fish Oh God it's five pounder she's just lying up there by herself ez5 that's why she's there I started the day five files behind Scott gosh that's a big fish one bite we're even oh my god it's huge it's huge gigantic bass yeah Wow thank you Lord what time is it what time is it hot this once more that's a car go that's what members are made of right $600,000 one bite when we return we crown a new champion don't go away time is up for our ten anglers competing in the 2011 Forrest Wood Cup presented by Walmart here in Hot Springs Arkansas it's been a good day you know without a lot of fish I knew the opportun was going to be there was going to be a spectacular day for it to happen I fish it like I did the first day of the tournament and every other day when you start the day off with a five pounder I mean that's what you need you know on the final day to get you go and these ten guys right here aren't playing around so it's going to be it's going to be interesting 10 of the best anglers in America are headed to summit arena where a crowd of thousands has gathered to indulge their passion and celebrate everything they love about the sport of bass fishing the anglers take to the stage to find out if they have enough weight to tip the scales in their favor and hold the Forrest Wood Cup in their hands Andy Morgan had a great day and is currently on top after catching over 10 pounds on the final day Jason Christie will be the fifth angler to try and knock him out of the lead one bass that weighs 1 pound 7 ounces moves you to 7th place with 42 pounds 3 ounces he won a Tour event just two weeks ago on Pickwick Lake a bass fishing millionaire from Marion Arkansas you guys welcome to the tanks National Guard Pro mark Rose you've amassed 41 pounds 5 ounces of Lake Ouachita fish in three days do you have a 5 Basilan mark Rose in contention to walk away for us with Cup champions here we go your 5 today new leader 9 pounds and 10 ounces you put yourself in contention for the win here at the fours woodchuck Jason Wow from Gardendale Alabama this man loves to flip didn't work for him on Washita welcome to the stage ever start Pro Randall starts there in his big Fiat him there he his bigger Randall Tharp started strong with a five pounder and he seemed to find bass at every new location will he have enough to move ahead of mark Rhodes look at that baby for watching look up over half million dollars on the line cool you've got the five Wow look at that hot springs randall dark just made it hotter start is doing the math in his head Randall Thor you need nine pounds nine ounces five today worth new leader fifteen pounds and one ounce 15 pounds one else has you in first place with 56 pounds seven ounces of Lake Ouachita bass he's already won the force per cup and the Bassmaster Classic Chevy produ Clausen Randall Thorat just lays the bar so your last two are going to need to be goodness I had a rough day today it didn't pan out like the other days every other day I've been able to kind of struggle around figuring out a different bait or a different area and say I ran all over the lake just couldn't put it together three today 7 pounds 4 ounces officially Luke Clausen can move into third place with 48 pounds and 10 ounces dude I got goosebumps like Mount Everest right now National Guard fro Scott Martin was superb on the water all week yeah and when it was time to elevate his game he did just that his father Rowland flew in to watch his son possibly achieved the biggest win of his career he has three FLW Tour victories under his belt he's a fast fishing millionaire from an incredible fishing family could he seal the deal today Scott let's go to the tank there's dad right there all right here we go first place coming into this final day of competition at the Forrest Wood Cup you've amassed 46 pounds 12 ounces of Lake Ouachita bass looking for a 5 bass limit Scott Martin if you've got number 4 and 5 full amount Wow 2011 four-foot Cup champion national guard Pro Scott Martin your credit to the for division your credit to humanity we appreciate you and congratulations $600,000 Richard Scott Martin it's a Forrest Wood Cup champion I tell you what I just almost feel like a dream I mean literally I feel like I'm gonna wake up and it's day one of the term it was just all a dream you know but what a great week I had a lot of confidence going in but I also I had a lot of the reasons to do wellness event I just I just had a good feeling about it I mean I you know just don't bless this week I've I've been getting out of great practice cut some good fish and quality fish is really surprising I thought ten full pounds a day would be what you need but after I practiced for a few days like man there's some missing nice fish in here I had to convince myself just so I didn't crumble under the pressure that tomorrow is another day of fishing for the for the cut florida championship day I act like today I got to make the cut that's how I kind of got through today because if you sit there and think about the money and the trophy and the prestige and all the pressure I mean you lose a fish while you're thinking about it and just about go crazy this definitely solidifies my career and just gets me at peace and again to win a championship for my dad I mean that's just unbelievable he tried for so many years to win he's the best in the world and fishing but he could never win a championship and so says I'm very proud of her now congratulations to Scott and all the anglers who fished at this year's Forrest Wood Cup tune in every week to FLW outdoors for the best in tournament fishing action or go to FLW outdoors comm for expanded coverage and tips from our top pros on behalf of all of us here at FLW outdoors thanks for watching
Channel: MLF BIG5
Views: 60,469
Rating: 4.8827362 out of 5
Id: 2FI1IbPeG5Q
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Length: 45min 11sec (2711 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 14 2015
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