Where was Noble 6 BEFORE Reach? (AND AFTER) - Halo Lore

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I've always wondered where was noble six before the events of Halo Reach and what happened to his armor and did anyone remember his sacrifice well I dug around and found some very interesting answers that might surprise you too because it did me plus new noble six lore maybe right around the corner guys a lot of exciting stuff to discuss let's dive deep into halo lore once again this video is supported by audible snap yourself a free Halo audio book write down the description below as a child either six or seven years old Spartan b3 112 started his Spartan training and like many others he became an orphan due to his parents getting completely pwned by the Covenant and was recruited into the Spartan program on the promise of being able to commit revenge unlike Spartan to whom were replaced with diseased Flash clones in the middle of the night without their consent and forced to be oneís personal weapons Spartan threes were eager to become a part of the super soldier program and die fighting the Covenant for vengeance b3 112 exceeded training along with only a few others amongst teammates that were categorized as cat2 and they were eventually handpicked by Lieutenant Commander Kurt Ambrose to serve in Special Operations on July 3rd 25 45 the worst mass casualties the Spartans took place during a UNSC operation to destroy a covenant refinery the intent was to stop production and capability of the Covenant fuelling station which was conveniently placed just outside of UNSC space in the war front being successful would triple the time of the covenant need to resupply and buy humanity a lot of time ultimately the event ended in over 300 Spartan three's deaths which you can learn about more in my other video I'm posting but thankfully Noble 6 or noble team didn't come to this which they were supposed to as they certainly would have died here even though Noble 6 didn't die at that event this was the beginning of him disappearing being marked out with black ink top secrecy and he was soon sent out as a black operator no profile non-existing and he became an assassin for owning and by this time I asked to mate noble six was only 15 years old if not younger coincidentally also his whole Spartan career only lasted about 15 years before meeting his end and reach in 2552 around the young age of 22 or 23 but during his career he had became known as an efficient lone wolf assassin perhaps a headhunter sent out to do the most dangerous most wildest craziest missions that you can imagine for a Spartan to take care of having entire rebel groups disappear and single-handedly destroyed terrorist organizations during the human covenant war although the details of his missions is pretty much unknown completely blacked out to even us the fans but we do know that he was pretty busy taking down human insurrectionist during this war and undoubtedly faced many many covenant soldiers along the way now he was used as a personal weapon and bodyguard for Oni and probably used very carefully to take out leaders or threats to oneis power from the little that we do know about this time period in noble success life he was excellent on ground-based combat and orbital missions and dr. Halsey referred to him as hyper lethal but the only other Spartan having that high of a rating his master chief himself yet during this time of intense missions in combat he had never seen a glassing prior to the fall of reach which is actually confirmed in the cutscenes originally all Z had disdain for the Spartan 3 program but despite that still saw noble 6 as having Eagle ability and trustworthiness as Master Chief himself noble 6 was also a test pilot for a top-secret UNSC project of the saber program which eventually birthed the Y SS 1000 Sabre space fighter that we use in Halo Reach gameplay now he used seed skills to destroy an insurgency operation on the moor on May 10th 25:52 which resulted and colonel Holland's transfer of him to noble team making him noble six proper now it said that his past superiors actually started using noble six as their private own personal Grim Reaper which made them reluctant to give the spartan up to noble team now i've referred to spartan tom as noble 7 the Forgotten Spartan of noble team but really he was the original noble 6 Thomas actually seen in the official live-action Halo Reach marketing trailer which no did not include noble 6 as well but rather at the original noble 6 Tom well Tom helped out Kath and carried the bomb the rest of the way into the carrier but even though it showed him running away he didn't escape in time and died and in a way he sacrificed himself for Kat because otherwise Kat would have been the one dying and maybe he saved all of Noble team to carry on to fight another day since noble team was like a family losing Tom made the whole team kind of reluctant to have a replacement so soon with only about two months after his death which left Kat feeling the most uncomfortable with the replacement which is why she's kind of a [ __ ] in the beginning of the game but really kind of opens up to us later on but as we know spartan b3 112 became noble six anyway but Kat and the others especially even Carter who mentioned said it does have a good reason on why they didn't want Spartan b3 112 on their team it was because that he was literally a lone wolf assassin and extremely lethal as a Spartan 3 and perhaps and very likely the second most powerful most successful dangerous Spartan of them all aside with chief being at number one even Carter says you got to leave that stuff behind you're not alone wolf anymore you are a part of noble team but as reach began to fill noble 6 was transferred over to reach and that's where the reach story begins and as you probably know noble six encounter the Covington had a front-row seat to all the glass things that you could ever see and took a place in some massive battles to finding reach saving civilians and even taking part in the Sabre program one last time which apparently Kant knew about his prior record in the program did everyone read noble sixes file is there no such thing as privacy and 25 fragment of Cortana chose noble six be transferred to the pillar of autumn and with the help of the surviving members of noble team he made it there along with Cortana and decided to join his comrades in Valhalla eventually being killed off by a swarm of zealots and I want to say killed one more time because noble six was most certainly killed here people theorized that noble six survived the ending and hid away in a cave and could have been rescued which for many other people I would say is possible but people say that we never saw noble sixes death so how do we know he exactly died well in halo the essential visual guide it is clarified there in bold black text officially date of death was August thirtieth twenty five fifty two even if there's some kind of error here or lore change later on now in the future I think noble six surviving would ruin the theme of sacrifice for the greater good I mean it would kind of muddy the entire theme of the entire game this guy surviving you know it would kind of the whole tragic as survival thematic value of the game itself him fighting to the death losing his helmet along with dr. Halsey straight-up narrating and confirming that he died there's little room for survival theories and that's the reason why I haven't really talked about it however that doesn't mean necessarily his story completely ended June the one surviving member of noble team did bring up noble six when trying to recruit Edward buck to the Spartan Ford program and they kind of remembered about how awesome he was and simply said that noble six was a good man and it was also some time later that dr. Halsey left a eulogy for him which we hear during the epilogue his existence is kept classified by Oni for many years later and even though during new Alexandria that was completely rebuilt and odd something 60 years later a statue of noble team was erected honoring the team and their sacrifice in the Museum of humanity however sadly noble six was not included here and it's a darn shame because despite noble sixes lone-wolf nature and his pretty scandalous past are probably doing some [ __ ] up [ __ ] ordered by his commanders and Chiefs well his heroism and compassion for other humans despite all that left noble team I think feeling inspired and comforted during their last days despite all the crap happening in the fall of reach and the death of an entire civilization and I suspect that through the dialog so what happened to noble Six's armor his helmet embodying gear well I would say it was likely found by either explorers or scavengers after the war if not by the elites that finished him off way back during the fall of reach and taken for research or to show off to their clan now Halsey says his body was glassed and burned which I don't doubt because there was a lot of crap happening during those last few days so about a year after all that about nine months after the war ended officially a pioneer group arrived on reach to prepare to begin read terraforming the planet not only for symbolic meaning of restarting and building over but he was also a pretty good strategic location as well it was probably during this time that noble Six's Armour was recovered despite the planet being glass there were still up to 120,000 people that had moved back that started building settlements and started scavenging destroyed warships be it covenant or UNSC and going through technology and so on and when only arrived here and began helping with this secret plan of re terraforming the planet it was likely their top priority to begin securing and recovering valuable scraps or data as they would want to avoid insurrection is getting their hands on it or X covenant terrorists reverse engineering Spartan armor let's say most of noble success life and career is a mystery it's literally this huge open gap in halos lore most of it is coated in black ink not only to us but also those in halo war and it's a damn shame because basically he's universally loved by fans and I think it's a large opportunity wasted if three-for-three decides not to explore and pursue this area of noble six in halo Lord although the reason why I think it may be so mysterious is basically to keep it realistic and Lord yet leave it to our imagination as people playing as the protagonist unlike Master Chief whose core idea was already designed as a vehicle for player noble six was much more loose as far as details go and he was customizable you know with both gender and armour appearance and also super bland and generic to keep it as neutral and open as possible for any type of personality or player on the bright side halo lootcrate if they don't just straight up completely go out of business I think we'll be sending the last noble team lootcrate which is the noble six loot crate and I suspect we're gonna get a new nug or nugs of details in lore about him his life in his time during the fall of reach maybe some kind of information about his life after his death although that may be unlikely considering we really didn't get anything substantial or wise with any of the other halo Luke race revolving noble team but regardless I am hoping considering that it's the last halo lootcrate ever probably because Luke crate I think is going out of business there should be some really cool or stuff included like this video up if you ended up enjoying and learning something new and snack yourself a free halo audiobook and 30-day free trial link down in the description I suggest listening to fall of reach being the first halo audio book I can personally recommend it is freaking fantastic I've read it a couple times now and it's easily the best book to start with easiest to digest with halo and a lot of things will probably make sense with reach - after you read it subscribe - to halo fall and join me on this epic halo journey of covering halo for eight plus years guys also I'm in the comments section for the first 10 minutes of each new upload so join the notification squad interact with me down the comments and hit that notification bell guys thank you for your time I'll see you in my next video soon peace you
Channel: HaloFollower
Views: 904,393
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Keywords: halo lore, halo reach, halo reach lore, halo news, halo reach noble 6 lore, did noble 6 survive reach, halofollower, halo reach what happened to jun, fall of reach, halo armor lore, halo extended lore, halo fall of reach, halo infinite, halo noble team lore
Id: 3AaVmgtXtis
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 37sec (697 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 14 2019
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