Where To Farm Editing Brushes? New Player Guide - Bleach Brave Souls

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I want to talk about where you can Farm editing brushes this is something that is mandatory for you if you want to actually do higher content uh you know it's okay maybe not mandatory but if you want to have a easier time with the game you're going to need them for getting things like attack plus 15 uh SP plus 15 what's actually 30 if you equip it to uh a character with the same attribute that's like a must and in order to get them you have two different ways that you're gonna consistently get them first one being if we go to I believe it would be let's just go to older notices that'll be a little bit easier scroll back to back a few pages on here hopefully I didn't pass it there we go repeat extreme co-op in seventh street uh like extreme Club honestly seven seat head the rates are pretty bad they're pretty atrocious third seat you know they're good so if you take a look you have third seat for the extreme Co-op and 17 for the seven seat extreme Co-op a lot of this stuff here I'm not going to cover because it changes from you know Co-op to co-op you have five time slots where you can farm and they're two hours a piece so it's not like you can Farm it the whole day that they're there which it goes It goes for like a week no you gotta wait you can do it for two hours and you gotta wait it looks like three hours and you gotta go do it for what two more hours then three hours two hours three hours so it seems to be about two to three hour type situation uh for the most part where you can Farm it for two hours then you gotta wait three hours before you can Farm it again for another two hours so the third seat extreme Co-op you can get editing brushes you can get uh what I call it those um summon tickets uh brace all summon tickets for accessories then you got the hogyuku wills hokyokus and uh the power hearts four star out of this the ones that you really want are gonna basically be well it depends if you have enough of these you don't really need them but all this is pretty good here you have seven stage extreme Co-op you got a three star instead of a four star you get whole yokus you don't get the wheels or the accessory tickets and the editing brushes all this is at a reduced rate so this is not worth farming other than for clearing out the shop once you cleared out the shop it's not worth farming and you need to be in third C PVP to show you what that looks like if you go to rankings you're going to start out here you're gonna have to and you only can go through one a week so let's say if you start here now it's going to take you one week two weeks three four five so it's like six and this would be seven seven weeks to get to this so it's nearly two months of time from the moment it's assuming you start the moment you know you're playing the game uh that that can be a little bit challenging but there currently is a better way and this one comes back at the moment right now comes back about every three months I mean look you're waiting two months for that anyway so why is well not I mean just wait a couple more months or not a couple more months like a couple extra months a little over a month and do this it's called brawlquest it's currently out right now and I'm actually gonna do a couple runs for you here to show you how good it really is so it's basically saying you're gonna fight a lot of enemies then if you do complete all the difficulties at least one time you get 10 Hogs 10 hog if you Wills 10 adding brushes this is a one-time reward only this is the normal drops which you're not gonna really Farm hard drops which is better but you're still not going to farm in the very hard you got the hogyokus hogyoku wills same stuff that they had another one you're getting large exp crystals that's a bonus if you have any kind of Crystal link or Jewel no no yeah Crystal links because I don't think those count as Jewels so Crystal links you can get tons of that if you have any droplet characters or potion characters this is going to help a lot although I prefer the potions over the droplets um you're also going to get a lot of evolution powders and evolution books this is good for evolving your accessories from four star to 5 star and the editing brush which is on par I about on par you know obviously it's gonna depend on luck um with third seat Co-op it might be slightly better might be slightly worse it's gonna it's it's basically around there um so if we go to Quest events limited time quests and here we go we got the brawl Quest so you just gotta scroll down if it's if you start up there there we go go to very hard prepare Quest both of these are a potion characters this is a potion super potion character there's no super potions here so that doesn't matter and here is a potion super potion and droplet character um times 10. and let's go if you're wondering what that message was that's basically saying hey your friend points are full and I'm like I don't care I wish there was like a little button that I could check that says ignore this message permanently as you can see there is one problem that you got to worry about and I'll show you is I think actually on this map actually this uh this first area since you got a little bunch of little guys running but right around there you see all those big guys that just spawned in if they hit you they can one shot you if they get a direct hit on you they can one shot you they do like a hundred thousand damage or something like that or 90 some thousand damage if I remember correctly so everywhere else though they don't really do that much damage you can just I mean just look just sit and watch you just click Auto and if you have a good enough character she's just gonna destroy him like right here well granted I have a 20 20 character and obviously you know the newer you are the less damage you might do so you might have to worry about dealing with that one set of enemies in the beginning so do keep that in mind um I'm gonna have to try it on my alt I want to see how it works on my alt at some point I'm gonna farm that a little bit there because uh because right now I'm not in the mood of playing on my old I was for a while but it comes and goes I'm here though I want to get a bunch of editing brushes so I'm probably going to focus more on farming on here and as you can see there's a potion right there that I just got speed link slot potion I got about you get a minimum of 10. like if you have two potion plus five potion characters on there you're getting a minimum of 10. um sometimes it's 11 sometimes it's 12. it's not going to be more than um if you go to like an epic raid or something like that with these characters but it you know still helpful so as you can see this is round one and there you go that's done so now we're gonna see what our rewards are so we got 10 exp crystals there now if you have a good amount of exp crystals uh linked to your characters which I might end up doing honestly actually I probably don't even need it yeah I probably won't even matter with that um if you have a bunch of Crystal link slot Jewels you're going to get more of them from here as you can see look at that look at all those jewels and crystals now if we scroll down some more you got 13 speed link slot potions oh I got unlucky here I didn't get any editing brushes on this one run right here um two three three two and then you gotta hold you if you will and some Evolution potters and but some uh heart trick there if you scroll down to more you know there we got four editing brushes and more potions so if I'd say if I were to do a thousand runs I'm getting like just say on average I'm getting one to two on every one so that means a minimum getting like one to two thousand with all the potions but on here I'm getting like eleven thousand ten thousand uh somewhere on there uh if we go down here more link slots here's only one here I got two Evolution books which I personally don't need here's six hogyokus same thing four editing brushes eleven another book 15 Potions there four there so that one I got pretty good on the amount of potions I got that's like that means I got five potions normally because the minimum is 10. so that's actually pretty dang good 12 there more editing brushes more editing brushes to their one there here's the tencel ticket for the times 10 run 4 and 14. if we scroll down since I have the the the the first time I did this I did not have the extra uh whatever you call it so I didn't get the extra two runs for doing a times 10 run the subscription the five dollar subscription a month actually it's a little bit less than five dollars I think so 12 and four that's pretty dang good like if I wasn't thinking about doing another run but I think it would the video would be too long and I don't think you would want to sit through that but let's take a look at my inventory so you can get a general idea a lot of these crystals came from brawlquest um seventh anniversary and uh what do they call that farming the point event so I got such a large amount from just doing that I've only been playing since maybe like a week 10 days before July 23rd when they had the seventh anniversary so between then and now I've gotten 472 826 medium exp crystals and 263 994. large exp crystals which you can get a decent amount of that from the brawl Quest depending on how much you farm uh potions I got a lot of potions I think I was Tech and mind I believe that I originally did uh this with and I think I ended up getting a I can't remember how many I did I was either like like 12 000 per one per attribute for the mind and Tech and the rest I don't remember I think it was only like a couple thousand or it was like 20 some thousand but I did go crazy I went with the intent of getting a bunch of hogiokus hogiokuwills um and the last one which is over here editing brushes when I originally did this I had over ten thousand a little over ten thousand editing brushes then I used a little over 5000 it dropped to like four thousand nine hundred then I did extreme Co-op to about eight thousand five hundred eight thousand six hundred somewhere on there and I haven't begun farming it yet but if I were to farm this I'm probably gonna average it probably about two to three editing brushes per Soul ticket spent so if I were to do a thousand Soul tickets that's gonna be a couple thousand in my opinion for editing brushes so it might so yeah I think I did get a couple thousand Soul tickets worth of runs and I used orbs uh what was it so ten so 100 orbs would get you 500 sold tickets so I probably used about 600 or so orbs to do this last time to get my 10K without subscription with the subscription it's going to be much sooner it's about well 20 quicker to give you an indication so that is where you farm editing brushes so if you have any questions let me know in the comment section below if you want to see more content like this hit the Subscribe button hit the like button lets me know and have a nice day and I'll see you guys next time peace
Channel: Nsanity Games
Views: 9,081
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Keywords: nsanity games, Where To Farm Editing Brushes? Bleach Brave Souls, how to farm editing brushes bleach brave souls, where to farm editing brushes bbs, how to farm editing brushes bbs, should i farm editing brushes bleach brave souls, best place to farm editing brushes bleach brave souls, best area to farm editing brushes bbs, Where To Farm Editing Brushes? New Player Guide - Bleach Brave Souls
Id: kyn6RVo7lmU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 12sec (792 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 07 2022
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