Where To Farm Accessories? Bleach Brave Souls

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so it started a new account or you're a new player and you're wondering where do you get accessories you might be having issues right now you might have a good character like this Ichigo on screen right here but you might not be doing as well as you could theoretically if the character had accessories now obviously depending on what you know you have available you know like what characters you have it can be easier it can be more challenging if we take a look at this character right here I have this character decked out for uh speed movement spiritual pressure plus 30 this is a four star accessory that goes into a five-star accessory this one is a minus 30 stamina but it gains thirty percent for SP and focus with the roll of 30 SP and then you have this uh Captain's rope that gives you 40 more stamina and you have the roll for 30 SP so those are some pretty good accessories they're not the best accessories I mean they're they're pretty good there are some better ones but those are the five star accessories and those are far more rare you're probably not going to be pulling them for the character you want early on so let's take a look if we go to quests events go to limited time quests and this event will change so what you see now see this event lasts three days but then when mid-month because you know that's when this Banner's gonna change the new Banner comes out this will switch to whatever theme it is there it's usually the bottom one and you can tell if it says total points this is what is called a point event and if you're a new player you want to hopefully pull as many bonus characters as possible four out of four is recommended um if you're a new player you can three out of five you can get away with but I would not farm this with your orbs uh early on if you do not have four out of four or three out of four for the first time if you farm at the point event again it should be four out of four and usually whatever the current Banner is the main Banner the three main characters will be three of the bonuses and something to keep in mind if you pull like let's just say this is a new character that is part of the main Banner if you pulled two of him this yukiara keep one a five star like Max one of them and then keep one as a five star the reason for that being is each character will count as a 5 Star a six star and a six star resurrected so if you have a resurrected character a six star and a five star of one character those are three separate characters even though they're the same character so something to keep in mind this will definitely help you when farming this and we're gonna do a quick run right here to show you what uh see I'm doing a times 10 run I'm gonna be getting two extra runs because I have the subscription which is five dollars a month or four dollars a month and it'll give me an extra 10 Soul tickets and 20 more rewards if you're wondering why I'm getting more Rewards or why I have 60 Soul tickets that is why now this character has good accessories as you can see that's why he's moving pretty quickly and this event is pretty easy this character is one of the best characters in the game um at the time of this recording that may change in the future um you know probably not anytime soon because this character is so broken that it probably will take like a year or two from the time of his release to start being outdated um that's how powerful he is unless they decide to go really crazy with the power creep um sometime soon yeah you should be around for a while and as you can see we're already at the boss and there we go oh we had the other guy we had a an ally or a friend uh Yamamoto that basically just one shot the boss fairly quickly as you can see that only took 36 seconds now this is a pretty quick run for a point event I've seen them if you have like you know focusing on the uh the runs it would be what a minute minute and a half sometimes uh on the on the slower end depending on the room's layout and what accessories you have equipped so if you're if you're over a minute on your clear time that's fine you're just starting out I would like honestly if you're just starting out I would not be surprised if your your clear times like a minute and a half two minutes uh depending on what you have so now what we're looking for let's see if we get it is this we get two drives per Soul ticket plus any extra jobs due to bonus characters so that means you're getting two draws and if you have four bonus characters you're gonna get a total of six drops so that means this whole row plus this one right here is one draw that's one drop and I did 10 Soul tickets but I'm getting two extra Soul tickets this board so it should be 12 times six that's how many of these icons should appear here now this is pretty decent to get for some you know early on accessories but soon require you to level up the accessories to Five Star but this can help you out but what we're really looking for let's see yep right here we got two of them at least those are brave uh accessory tickets for bracelet accessory tickets and those are really really good um save them up honestly probably the best way to go about doing it save up at least a hundred uh I personally would save up 100 if you're new if you're a veteran and you got a decent amount of accessories and you're able to farm this pretty uh not frequently um basically if you're able to do it without any issue or a very little issue uh then save up more I personally save up around 500 to a thousand 500 is on the lower end a thousand on the higher end because it's I think every 200 to 300 of these guarantees you a five-star accessory now it's not a four star that goes into a five-star accessory it's a true on five star accessory and I'll show you what they look like in my uh box and this is another bonus um this is a character to summon you know from the premium pool of five star characters um about three percent rates that means that for every 100 of this you use you will end up walking away with on average three five stars from the premium pool that is not limited units and that's not seasonal units um we didn't get the other one that I want to talk about but we do also get Soul tickets times three Soul tickets will appear here occasionally I don't think we have any here no we don't so you're getting really good stuff from this now let's go to the accessories so I can show you what kind of accessories you will pull and why they're so good and why you want to farm that okay this right here is a pretty good example oh wait do I have one of every tea set okay I didn't realize that um so you have Soul Reapers this is the base this is what it's going to look like uh when you first pull it the second roll will change it won't not it might not be defense plus one percent it could actually be something good um then you have Soul Reapers uh captains and Squad zero gain 15 spiritual pressure now that might seem like a small amount but let's click on here now it says 25 plus an additional fifteen percent now you might be thinking that that's not a lot but when it's equipped to a character of the same attribute so the same icon which is speed a speed unit and it has this right here the soul Reaper captain or Squad zero affiliation they'll be getting 80 percent more SP so this is the tea set this is really good if we scroll down some more I think this is one right yep right here this is the Quincy version one so I'm missing one as you can see I'm missing one um Cape Fastener right here as you can see I got one of every attribute here here I am missing the attack one which is the green and this is for Quincy's and standards it does the exact same as the tea set so it's really good if you see I'm scrolling by a lot of these accessories that's because these are the ones you can get as four star and evolve into five star here is another one it's the same thing I got one first or two for Speed and two for uh mind which is blue and uh Orange this is for Iran cars and espadas so that's gonna be what 40 SP if I for example I have a mind bargain that's what this is equipped to he's getting eighty percent more spiritual pressure if we scroll down I'm not sure how many more of them there are well actually there is quite a few more but of that that type here's another five star accessories that you're going to want to keep an eye on this is not for SP as you can see it SP is reduced to zero when you equip this accessory onto a character but all other stats get 18 and attack is i1 for attack plus 15 here so if you look at this way you're getting 33 more attack and well as a base you're getting that but it's actually more if it's equipped that's 36 plus 30. that's pretty good that's over 60 percent attack uh it's 36 percent everything but SP which is pretty significant but you're only going to equip these on what we call a NAD character and as you can see I got one for well actually I got two for purple two for uh power three for Speed I am missing mind and technique which is uh orange and green for the golden chappie this is focus uh let's go for the like Focus uh it's reduced to zero which is pretty bad Tack and stamina plus 15 and attack plus 15 a lot of people don't really care for these uh golden couples dispensers they're not as good as some of the other accessories they can be used don't get me wrong if this is like your first accessory maxing this out is gonna help out tremendously but if the higher end when you're looking for the best accessories these aren't necessarily going to be good for you to utilize you'll probably have better accessories that'll be worth far more for you to use than this right here and the same thing with this one Focus reduced to zero but this is focused on SP and stamina you know this one's attacking stamina and I think there's one more accessory that I'm looking for to show you and then I'll kind of show you exactly ah Owen here's another one no affiliation characters gain 25 spiritual pressure so this is the other one you're going to want to keep an eye out for I got four uh different attributes Tech heart uh Power and speed I am missing mind and if we scroll down I think I got one one of the other ones but it's a dupe so I should say I have two of the same attribute if I can find it what I'm looking for is called uh spirit cane I think it's called I just called the king oh I actually have three of them this one's for humans gained 20 25 spiritual pressure and then plus 15 and all three of them are of the power attribute so I'm missing the other four or four yeah four out of the five attributes on this one and this is the one you're gonna want to keep out I own four but if we take a look at our character for example this Yamamoto he has a base of 1 356 SP if uh let's just say remove one of these let's say let's just say I didn't need this one right here which actually this would probably be the least likely one I would get rid of would probably be this one uh I would still have the 30 SP roll but I would gain the actually I'll just equip it right now to show you so right now he's getting plus 1221 total SP from here by equip it the tea set is it going to show no look it went to one eight nine nine the reason why I'm not equipping this by the way is because right now I'm not focused on uh how much damage I can do because this guy is just so strong he doesn't really need it but if we look back his overall SP is 1 356 right here plus 3145 that's almost that's around 4 500 SP now if I were to five out of five him like let's say pull two more dupes of this character right here I would end up getting a chance for another five star SP or a three star F wait three star SP roll which would give me 500 SP which would be insane that'd be an additional 500 SP on there that would bring it to 1 856 as a base so that's pretty strong especially when you get a character like this one right here where you're going to get an 80 spiritual pressure boost if you inflict the status ailment so that's why accessories matter you just keep on compiling all those different uh you know what do they call it multipliers some of them are additive I think as well if you want like better number crunching or a really good number crunching I would check out spiteful hopes on this character because he did it and it's pretty insane once you realize how much stronger Yamamoto is compared to pretty much everyone else now if you want to summon for accessories it is not recommended unless you're you know a person who likes to spend a lot of money on this game to summon on these banners for 150 orbs it sounds like it's oh it's only 150 orbs it's 100 orbs cheaper than uh the what do they call it the summoning for characters you know 250 orbs there at full price well the thing you gotta realize is you're better off spending orbs especially as a new player for soul tickets and to farm the point of end which is the event I showed you earlier on in the video because over time the amount of orbs you spent on there is going to get you a quite a significant amount of this and it'll give you a crap ton of this right here bracelet Summit tickets I recently got done doing a video on this where I summoned what was it like 800 700 900 somewhere around there I don't know the exact amount um of these tickets and I pulled quite a few uh five stars from it and that's basically why the amount of orbs you would spend on something for characters and the those uh accessories and orbs you'd be better off especially if the banner is a premium Banner putting your orbs not all of them mind you don't go crazy don't go until you know you never like you don't spend any orbs on other banners because you're only getting premium characters from this you're better off spending at least a few thousand orbs on the point event to build up your five-star character pool hopefully pull some accessories um personally I'd probably spend if I was a new account then I got the five out of five uh or five out of it four and four bonus characters I'd probably spend 2000 orbs in the first point event because I don't macro a few macro you could probably spend a lot more orbs than that for the appointment um yeah that's pretty much it for this video if you guys have any questions put them in the comment section below and hopefully someone will see it and have the answer to what you are looking for and I think that's yeah I'm pretty sure that's all I wanted to cover on this video thanks for watching have a nice day I'll see you guys next time peace
Channel: Nsanity Games
Views: 16,852
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Keywords: nsanity games, Where To Farm Accessories? Bleach Brave Souls, where to farm accessories bleach brave souls, where to farm accessories bbs, best place to farm accessories bbs, best place to farm accessories bleach brave souls, where to farm accessories bbs 2023, where to farm accessories bbs 2024, where to farm accessories bbs 2022
Id: 7U3q3AqerUk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 39sec (1059 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 13 2022
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