Where Musa a.s will be Buried? | Sheikh Omar Sulaiman

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[Music] he actually tells us about musa how he felt about jerusalem how he felt about al-bait al-maktas in one in one narration musa he starts mentioning oh allah you've chosen amongst the birds you've chosen this and amongst this you've chosen that and he says and amongst the homes amongst the countries around the world are amongst the settled nations you've chosen aila which was jerusalem and in jerusalem you've chosen masjid al-aqsa you've chosen jerusalem you've chosen the sanctuary so musa you know what the prophet saws says says moses was very emotional about this and subhanallah the scholars say that if you feel bad that allah has forbidden you from entering into al-qudz realize that even musa was forbidden to the point that his last request to allah and this is the authentic hadith he asked allah as the angel of death came to him since i can't get into jerusalem let me be just a stone's throw away from it let me be able to just see it subhanallah and according to the bible it's mount nebu not nebo you can actually see jerusalem from it that musa islam went there and he just stared at it and his heart longed for it to the point that even though the prophet saws said musa made hajj musa has been to mecca his heart longed for al-qudz he wanted jerusalem and the prophet saws says and this is also an authentic hadith he said if you if i was there right now i could show you where his grave is you know the grave of moses is not marked he said i could show you exactly where he's buried he said he's buried beneath a road under a red dune subhanallah just outside of jerusalem because his heart longs for it and that was his last request to allah then the prophet saws says time goes on joshua comes the young man of musa and he is the only person who allah subhanahu wa ta'ala stopped the sun for what that means is yusha was going into jerusalem to conquer it and it was astertime and he looked to the sun and he said anta you are commanded by allah and i am commanded by allah and he asked allah to stop the sun to allow it to not set so that he could carry out with the conquest of jerusalem and the prophet saws said it happened in six days that yusha ali islam was able to bring jerusalem in six days now what's the story of bani israel constantly they take it they become wicked they lose it so you find this cycle over and over and over again yusha islam conquers it they're prosperous and then they become wicked they start cheating with the law allah causes them to be destroyed and expelled so then you have what allah mentions of that allah appoints taloot now to come back to jerusalem and take it once again and from the army of talut you have king david and david takes jerusalem and he is stat and he defeats of course goliath that would islam defeats goliath and for 33 years islam prospers in jerusalem now his son sulaiman alaihissalam takes over and solomon is the most important king in the history of jerusalem why because you always hear the temple of solomon sulaiman alaihissalam and this is now about 933 years before assad salaam so 933 years before christ sulaiman alaihissalam comes into jerusalem and even ambassador said he built about 40 messages so it wasn't just he builds about 40 messages throughout the earth and as he builds masjid al-aqsa and i want you guys to realize so i'm just going to clear this from now masjid al-aqsa is that entire rectangle that entire sanctuary it is humongous that is actually all mazel aksa the dome of the rock is the center of it so that entire compound is masal aqsa so sulaiman alaihissalam builds that all out the the original temple of solomon what's known as the temple of solomon right the first the first time that mazel aksa would be built in that in that caliber right he builds it throughout and the old testament has a lot of detail about how lavish and how elaborate the masjid was when sulaiman built it but we don't know if it's actually true or not but the point is that surah man builds this masjid throughout and he invests his heart into it and the prophet saws says he does something very beautiful at the end of it sudaiman islam when he built said he asked allah for three things he made dua for three things the first one huqman yusufu he asked allah for sound judgment judgment that was in harmony with his judgment then he asked allah for a kingdom that was customized that would not be replicated by anyone after him a special kingdom domination then he asked allah for a third thing and listen to this he asked allah that no one will come to this masjid and pray seeking nothing but the pleasure of allah meaning the only intention they came was just to pray in this masjid except that they would leave from that salah purified from sin the way that their mother gave birth to them that's the reward of hajj right sulaiman alaihissalam asked allah that if anyone comes to mess al-aqsa and prays two raka's or comes with the nia of salah just the knee of prayer and nothing else then let them leave completely purified from sin like the day their mother gave birth to them and rasulallah saw islam said allah gave him the first two and i ask allah that he gives him the third as well so the prophet's license and basically the prophet saws basically said i mean may allah give him the third thing he asks for as well after the prophet sallallahu islam sunnah and rewards ibn umar used to go all the way from madina to jerusalem just to pray to raqqa as in and ibn umar would not even drink a cup of water from jerusalem just so he doesn't break that nia just so he doesn't break that intention that i'm only going there for salah just to fulfill that dura of suriman that the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam approved so sulaiman builds massive about nine hundred and thirty years before isa salam he establishes it and you have all sorts of legends and movements and things tied to this temple of solomon so i'm not going to go into detail now but the freemasonry movement for example ties itself to the temple of solomon the kabbalah movement ties itself to the temple of solomon you know sorcerers tied themselves to the temple of solomon why because the accusation is that surah man alaihissalam used jinn and used magic to control his kingdom and he held the he he hid these tablets under his throne and when he died the shayat lean or they went and retrieved these tablets and they realized how sure was really running his kingdom so you have all these satanic movements that attach themselves to the temple of solomon right and allah says that sulaiman did not disbelieve it was the shayateen that disbelief the shayateen that led people to connect themselves to salam in such a wicked way so you have all these movements associated to temple mount even again the the the zionist claim to mesothelioxa is temple mount right that this is the temple of solomon that mazel aksa the dome of the rock is built on top of the temple of solomon and we have to get it back it's all tied to the temple of solomon now what happens after suriman ali he dies they become wicked once again and when they become wicked allah subhanahu ta'ala brings about the destruction of the temple of solomon the first destruction of the temple of sulaiman alaihissalam and that's in the sixth century before christ so about 590 years before isa alaihissalam the babylonians invade jerusalem and they destroy the masjid altogether and then allah subhanahu ta'ala sends them prophets and brings them back and allah gives them another tense so they go back to jerusalem then he is given another chance at jerusalem and in the year 352 before christ they established the second temple so this is the second time they're building the temple of suleiman or the masjid at that time and in this time you've got to understand that for the the next 400 years think about what happens and allah grants him it's a blessed place to make dura so yes zakaria makes dua in for a son in his old age and allah grants him this is the same masjid where maryam alaihissalam was tucked away in her in her in her in her own dedicated space of worship where she would worship allah subhanahu wa ta'ala and allah would send all sort of miracles sort of sorts of miracles to her this is the same masjid that yahya john the baptist all of this happens in the next 400 years and of course isa is the place of the preaching of jesus peace be upon him now what happens many islam tries to kill all of them right kills the prophets fights against them allah destroys their temple once again when they killed yahya allah promised them the destruction of the temple so 70 years after isa alayhi salaam the temple is destroyed once again now that back history background is to basically put you in the mood now for what the prophet saws encountering historically speaking in the year 312 in the year 312 christianity expels jews constantine and the christians expelled the jewish people from jerusalem together and they made it illegal for the jews to live in jerusalem for hundreds of years all the way until um so the christians would expel the jews at that time and obviously there was enmity between them and for 300 plus years they would not be allowed to enter into jerusalem due to that persecution and they persecute the jews anywhere they found them right and it was you know there were jewish revolts and rebellions in different parts of the world but there is a war that's taking place between the christians and the jews pretty much around the world now let's get to the prophet salla islam when the prophet zlatan was born he says that because it starts from his birth that a light came from the stomach of his mother when the prophet prophets islam was born there was anur that came out of amina and what did it light up the prophet saws said it showed me it showed busra from the land of hashem and busra is modern-day may allah make it easy for those people they are one of the most persecuted groups of people in syria so the prophet saws the light comes out as he's being born and it highlights the palaces that were in busra at the time and the land of asham is palestine syria jordan and lebanon that entire area is a shaman it was the most prosperous place in the world it's where the romans resided right and as the prophet saws being born before he says a word allah is showing that this part of the world will come to the prophet that his message will reach this part of the world and subhanallah just out of prophecy was the very first city that was conquered by the muslims from the very first city that that came to the muslims cried when busla came to the muslims because he remembered what the prophet saws said that that's what lit up when he was born the prophet saw sallam as he becomes a messenger of god he's commanded to pray towards massa though he's never been to jerusalem now you think the prophet's life son was standing in the haram in mecca and turning his back to it no he would place himself in a way that the kaaba was in front of him while he was still facing towards massa so he always prayed towards masjid al-aqsa in his priam in his night prayer in his in you know in his daily devotions in the morning and evening prayers that allah legislated the prophet saw islam he faces and then you have another interesting hadith and this is all in meccano the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam he says that as i was sleeping i saw the light of a moodle kitab an amudal kitab is the pillar of the book meaning i saw the light of the quran coming from under my pillow and he said that light traveled and my eyesight followed that light until it reached asham and the pillar was established there so the prophet saws sees the light of the quran coming from under his pillow and his sight follows until hashem and it's placed in the middle of a sham and the prophet saws he said verily faith when there are when there are times of fitnah trials and tribulation you will always find iman in hashem you'll always find the people holding on to their faith in hashem that allah would establish the religion in that area he would establish the religion in asham now comes the journey obviously of islam and this is where the prophet saw sallam is going to see masjid al-aqsa for the first time now you have to understand that the prophet saws as he's as he's there he is uh you know he's sleeping in the hedgerow of the camera just imagine this sight he's asleep in the head of the cab if you you know the semi-circle in the ka'ba he's actually sleeping inside of there and jibreel comes to the prophet sallallahu and he opens the heart he opens the chest of the prophet saws and he takes the heart of the prophet sallam and he pours inside of it faith and wisdom reassuring the heart of the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam and he's about to take the prophet saw islam on this amazing journey and it's not just a spiritual journey in fact the last parent says glory be to him glory be to him and obviously subhan here and some of them faster in they said that's the first proof that this was a physical journey right because subhan is used in amazement that allah took his servant of his in one night from al masjid al-haram in mecca to al-masjid al-aqsa and where allah subhanahu ta'ala blessed it and as well as its surroundings and allah then took the prophet saws and allowed him to ascend where he would be shown the signs of allah a physical journey and spiritual journey of the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam from masjid al-haram to masjid al-aqsa and ibn we've blessed everything around it as well because ibn abbas says there is not an inch in the entire city of jerusalem except that an angel has stood there or a prophet has prayed there or a prophet is buried there not a single inch in el cots in jerusalem except that an angel or a prophet stood in that area and allah is going to take the prophet alaihi wasallam to that place and jibril islam brings al-buraq right and al-buraq i know you know if you've seen those persian drawings and stuff like that al-buraq is this he's not it's not a pony it's not this animal with wings all right there's no winged horse there's no pony there's nothing it's not what you see in those drawings it is an animal that the prophet saws says that is so fast that with every it's a it's a regular animal but with every stride it is to the end of your eyesight so every time burak takes a step it is to the end of your eyesight that's how fast it is and this is allah subhanahu wa ta'ala who created cheetahs as well as turtles right allah subhanahu ta'ala can create whatever animal he wants and allah subhanahu ta'ala can give them whatever speed he wants you're not gonna say well that doesn't make sense because well how does a cheetah speed make sense right how does a hummingbird speed make sense right it doesn't make sense of course it doesn't make sense but that's the that's the amazement of the creation of allah subhanahu wa ta'ala and jibril islam when he brought al-buraq forward for the prophet saw islam to ride on while got anxious he said there has never been a more honorable man that has that has that has written on top of you never and the ulama say that that's a proof that other prophets have read have have been on and some of the scholars say it was the animal that ibrahim alaihissalam took from jerusalem to mecca and ibrahim al-islam came for hajj so now the prophet's son is going from mecca to jerusalem it could be the same animal but even if it's not it's still an animal that has had other prophets on it as well and the prophet saws as he travels upon al-buraq with jibreel you have to realize allah could have taken the messenger of islam directly to the heavens he didn't need to go to jerusalem right if there wasn't something special about jerusalem why didn't allah just take him immediately to the heavens but there is something about there's something about something about jerusalem the prophet saws says he said when we got to baital maktas when we got to jerusalem he said jibreel he simply pointed at the wall he pointed at the wall fakhara kabhi hilhaj is pointed at the wall it splits and he tied the barak to it subhanallah it's an authentic hadith subhanallah that the prophet saw islam is witnessing these amazing things with jibril now according to the strongest narration first the prophet's license pray two raka is by himself he enters into masala aqsa and he prays two raka's by himself then the prophet saws see i raised my head and i saw all of the prophets of allah gathered for me standing there waiting for salah can you imagine he raises his head and he sees ibrahim alaihissalam standing there he sees adam there he says he sees sulaiman islam who built he sees musa i'm standing in who didn't have the opportunity in his lifetime to be to be in that land and they're all waiting for the prophet saw to take his place to lead them in salah and the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam he was shy so he says took my hand and he put me in front of them until i led them in salah subhanallah he led all of these prophets and this is the only time that all of the prophets have been gathered in salah the only place where this has ever happened and it was there that jabril ali islam presented the prophet sallallahu alaihi with a glass of wine and a glass of milk and gave him the choice and the prophet saws chose a leban he chose milk to which jibril commented alhamdulillah allah guided you to your natural goodness if you would have taken the wine your ummah would have gone astray he says ascended with me so then it was from that place that they started to ascend to allah subhanahu wa'ta'al and you know subhanallah this journey and and you know this is a little bit of a tangent but alhamdulillah if you look at the story of jibreel which alhamdulillah finally now uh is on is on being a tv because a lot of people have been asking when's it going to go online when's it going to go online if you look at the amount you know that the that the closeness that the prophet saw son has with jibril islam as they're going on this journey walking the prophet's islam through it jibril pointing to the to the wall and and splitting it and by the way the the place of burak is the opposite side of the wailing wall today okay it's literally the opposite side there is a little uh there is a little chain link there it's not the place where javida islam uh tied al-buraq but it's in that area where actually mazda al-buraq was established right subhanallah i mean he's going with the prophet saws and he's taking him through this entire journey and the prophet saw sallam on this night of the islam allah shows him his greatest signs and jabril explains to him all of these things paradise hellfire the different prophets of allah he meets them he sees that the he sees all these things on that day
Channel: Quran and Islam
Views: 24,508
Rating: 4.941349 out of 5
Keywords: quran, islam, Allah, Muhammad s.a.w, guidance, omer suleiman, yasir qadhi, noman ali khan
Id: D3VYAxi9qF0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 37sec (1297 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 12 2021
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