Why The West Love Israel & Zionism - Animated

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the christian belief is very similar to our belief especially the evangelicals that jesus is the messiah and he shall come back towards the end of times that there shall be a false messiah the antichrist and that christ and antichrist will fight it out and that christ will win over the antichrist in the great armageddon in this rough skeleton we are the same evangelicals baptists muslims we all believe the same thing of course there are many uh differences of them we do not have this as an explicit mention but they do and that is that this will only happen when the bani israel are gathered in the holy land okay this is the belief of evangelicals that jesus will only come back when all of the bani israel are gathered in the holy land and therefore because they want to see their lord and savior they are eager to bring the bani israel to the holy land and it is because of this that some of the most hardcore zionists are not people of the jewish faith they are evangelicals now ironically they believe when the savior comes the fir one of the first things he's going to do is to get rid of those who didn't believe in him and primarily according to their akida the people who tried to kill him or actually succeeded in killing because they believed they succeeded now this is the irony of ironies think about it i need you to understand my point here this group wants to expedite and support the bani israel to go to this land with the akhida that they will all be destroyed in that land you understand this how can the other group accept their aid knowing that this group wants us dead and you know my mind was perplexed and i actually you know i am interfaith person i'm involved in whatnot i had a friendship with one of the rabbis of of memphis we got to a very frank point so i actually asked him i said aren't you embarrassed to accept help from people who think that helping you will eventually cause you to be killed and he just smirked he goes well that's their belief if they want to throw money and power at us then you know we don't believe it's going to happen is there basically he said in a nutshell if they're foolish enough to believe it that's their business and we're gonna still accept their power and help so we have to understand this point all muslims the people who are supporting this guy in the white house right this whole move to jerusalem the capital what not this is all the tactical decision he might be a blabbering idiot but he is a tactical blabbering idiot he knows what he's doing he is feeding his base he's giving them the scraps from the table why is he doing this he knows his base is evangelical he knows this people they want him and so they feed him this stuff for do to do what because they want this land to be the promised land for the promised people so that the messiah comes and gets rid of these very people to establish heaven on earth and what not in the final judgment day all of this is going to happen so this is the of the evangelicals by the way catholics are different please muslims educate yourselves don't be any kindergarten level in your education and just extrapolate every christian group is different every filth is different learn your philosophy if you want to get involved in this issue otherwise do not speak speak with knowledge or remain silent how about the yahood how about the youth what is their belief in the messiah and why is our prophet sasam saying that the majority of of of the followers of of uh the jar will be from that group well in jewish eschatology the term messiah it refers specifically they do have this akhida and it refers to a future king from the line of david the messiah in there is called the king because for them the messiah is a political figure not a religious reformer okay for them it was the messiah is the one of power and politics so the messiah in jewish folklore is a king from the line of dawood who will bring about the restoration of the status of the israelites and reconstruct the temple of israel okay so they do believe in the messiah as a political figure and who will bring back the kingdom of ho of dawood and this has been a mainstream of ancient medieval and even some modern jewish movements as we're going to come to right now and that is why dear muslims when the messi came and he began preaching to the vani israel and he claimed he was the messiah the yahood did not care about a messiah that's a spiritual reformer they wanted a messiah who is what who is a king and so when they found out that this person is not a king they went and complained to the king to the roman emperor and they said we have a man who is claiming to be the king of the israelites did isa claim to be king why did the yahoo say he's claiming to be king because he claimed to be the messiah and in the eyes of the yahood the messiah is who the king and so what happened with pontius pilate what happened with them happened and they said oh this is a political agitator they would not have cared if they if jesus said he is a religious reformer they didn't care what is there to do with a religious reformer but they did worry that he's claiming to be a king they don't want any political trouble and that's why what happened happened and so they then went to arrest him and then what happened we will talk maybe another lecture what do we muslims believe and what are the various theories out there but anyway now you understand that issue now the issue we need to come back to is that belief in the advent of the messiah was a mainstream of jewish theology and for them the messiah will bring back the power and the israel of the kingdom of david that used to be and therefore all of their history that they consider to be the greatest jewish mind and that is the jewish theologian the most famous in the history of judaism maimonides memorize this name this is the single greatest intellectual of jewish history completely they call him the chief rabbi rambam and he is the first and most important jewish figure to write a book of akida and he summarized it in 13 points and he called it the 13 principles of iman so the 12th principle of these 13 and i quote from the translation i believe with full faith anima in the coming of the messier this is in the aqidah of maimonides which is the standard of the jewish peoples up until our times he is the only one who has codified to that level i believe with full faith certainty in the coming of the messiah and even though he delays with all that delay i eagerly await his arrival every day anticipating his arrival this is the of maimonides that the hood would memorize that they still believe to this day and as i have mentioned to you earlier with an orthodox there are many many uh strands and of course you have the hasidic orthodox you are all familiar with the hasidic has and the hasidic in particular is a strand of orthodox they have a very strong and passionate belief about the coming of the messiah that is very imminent just about to appear and they believe and this is important again that the more pious they are the more quickly the messiah will come and that explains their fervousness that explains there ultra literalism right they want to be the more pious they are so the more faithful they are the faster will come thee amongst the conservatives some of them believe in the messiah some of them don't amongst the orthodox they all believe in the messiah is that clear belief in messiah is common amongst the yehud therefore do you think it is surprising when towards the end of time somebody with power comes and claims to be the messiah and he is from that background is it surprising that lots of people will then accept that claim it makes sense you now understand why our prophet saws said that many of his followers will be of that group now important point our processor did not say many of that group will be his followers big difference it is possible that many of that group many of the jews will recognize truth and falsehood it is possible but from those who choose to follow him many will be from that background you
Channel: Battle Ignorance
Views: 17,511
Rating: 4.9185629 out of 5
Keywords: battle ignorance, Allah, GOD, lecture, islam, prophet, muhammad, reminders
Id: lsU-SQ-0AT4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 23sec (623 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 11 2021
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