Where is Kate Middleton? The royal mystery the world is trying to solve | 60 Minutes Australia

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alarm bells in the palace could they be ringing could be serious crown and out it's a brutal blow for him the king loves being King the Mony in crisis Kate being conspicuously absent and with each passing day the mystery surrounding her condition is deepening coming up on 60 Minutes why are they not telling us is the palace concealing the truth the effort to keep the details secret is incredible about the princess in Harding and our seek King he's hopefully will be okay if he's not no I don't want to say that because you run with it Bain share it's not what we commoners expect to see the royal family in disarray they seem incapable of escaping yet that's the reality of the past few weeks with King Charles largely out of action as he receives treatment for cancer the firm is floundering how for example did a simple photograph of a supposedly happy princess Katherine and her children turn into a worldwide photoshopping Scandal that PR Fiasco must surely go down as one of the palace's greatest stuff UPS so what's really going on and is there a royal competent enough to restore the shine to the crowny if there's one thing the British Monarchy likes to get right it's detail glorious detail a prime example being the coronation of King Charles toes yours are together on that one and then okay I just need to come back a fraction this way towards me to the BR and so can you get your um that foot on that one I love it I love it behind the scenes from photos of the king and queen to the preparation of royal ro hopes are very good yes so look Splendid excruciating exacting planning left nothing to chance was it that side left side it your left cheek is better for the palace certainty is everything but right now there's precious little of that to go around God Save the King I William Prince of Wales pledge my loyalty to you as your Le man of life and limb so help me [Applause] God just 18 months in the reign of King Charles is mired in crisis what's Plan B I don't think there's a there's a great deal of long-term planning going on when there's so much what if going on from the king's Health Battle to the mystery surrounding the princess of Wilds the whole nation is now asking the question where is okay disaster wait there's a lot to unpack there there is his slimmed down monarchy is coming apart at the [Music] Saints why all the secrecy around Kate there is no secrecy around her I know there are all sorts of rumors floating around and I mean some are just beyond bizarre a combination of Palace missteps family feuds and sheer exhaustion conspiring to take the gloss off this new Royal era the palace is really struggling and so the future is very uncertain and people some people are assuming the worst and that you know William may actually come to the throne far quicker than anyone had imagined it had all been going so well until a routine prostate operation on the king in late January how are you feeling as the 75-year-old left Hospital with qu Camilla there was no hint of the bombshell to come surgeons had found cancer even now 6 weeks on what type and where remains shrouded in secrecy well Christina it's hard to imagine a London where King Charles isn't out and about I have to say Adam it would be really hard to imagine that cuz he does like getting out and about and meeting the public if anyone has an inside into to how King Charles might be coping it's Christina kiraku from 2009 to 2017 she was his Communications secretary a key adviser at the heart of the then Prince's inner sanctum the king's got quite the battle ahead of him I agree I think it's like any person receiving a cancer diagnosis initially there's shock and then you want to find out everything so he does have a battle ahead of him but no matter what he will still be performing his duties there will be no public engagements for quite some time but if anything the king appears to have been speeding up rather than slowing down in recent weeks I have been most deeply touched by your wonderfully kind and thoughtful good wishes for my health and in return can only continue to serve you to the best of my ability throughout the Commonwealth recently we've seen a whirlwind of meetings with politicians and heads of state punctuated by weekly visits to the hospital for treatment it's wonderful to see you looking so well it's all done by mirors well we're all we're all behind you the country is behind you the king might have cancer but to Christina kiraku he seems pretty unfazed about it all you know he's keeping his humor and that makes me feel optimistic this is a man that no matter what he's done he's done it to the nth degree so the fight for his diagnosis I feel like he'll be attacking it with as much Zeal as everything else King Charles's cancer was discovered by chance here at the London Clinic a surgeons carried out an operation to treat an enlarged prostate this is also where the Princess of Wales spent nearly 2 weeks recovering from abdominal surgery while Charles has been out and about Kate has been conspicuously absent from the public gaze and with each passing day the mystery surrounding her condition is deepening the secrecy surrounding Kate is is fascinating in fact I'm convinced that the only reason we were told that King Charles had this prostate problem was to deflect attention from what's going on with Kate because I suspect is much more [Music] serious Tom Quinn is a well-connected Royal author who delves deeply into the secret workings of the monarchy he thinks it's high time we were given some clear Direction about the palace going on usually with these things it's much better to be open right because if you don't say what's going on you just invite people to speculate it's a it's a natural human instinct we can't help doing it where is Kate Middleton where are you Kate some people think she's dead some people think she got a BBL from a Brazilian buttlift on the Royal derri a to a haircut gone wrong speculation has been as ludicrous as it's been exhaustive she's in a coma she's had a face lift until now a long lens Paparazzi shot has given us the only clear view of her since Christmas other than the now Infamous Photoshop fail of Kate and the kids which unsurprisingly fed a frenzy of susp it has been pulled by five major news agencies because they say it was manipulated but all it's done is add to these conspiracy theorists George this is all very strange why wouldn't the Princess of Wales come out and say I'm okay so we see her I think Kate probably would have done that but remember one of the big things that Princess Diana hated about being in the Raw family I think Harry too is the fact that you're you're not a free agent you can't move you can't scratch your ear or brush your teeth unless this vast machine that runs a raw family gives you the okay you know and I suspect she would have said she would have been open about it but she's probably been advised you look don't say anything because it will just lead to more speculation again the palace probably getting that wrong because not to saying leads to more speculation telling us stops it for all the furor Tom Queen says more than 3 months off the job is plainly the result of just one thing a very serious health challenge I mean I suspect it complications caused by hysterectomy or a benign growth but you know you don't take that much time off if you're not very ill well the palace says we'll see Kate back soon can we believe that um I think from Easter she probably will gradually come back into you know into view more publicly but I suspect it will be quite slow and the fact that they've tried to swing the attention of the press and the public to King Charles is probably linked to the fact that she's basically said I'm exhausted you seen how thin she is she's so thin you know it's not it's not good as for King Charles Tom thinks that he too is facing a more serious prognosis then perhaps it appears well I've spoken to someone who knows the family well and she said look I can't give you the exact details but it is an aggressive cancer you know it's not good it's treatable but it's it's aggressive you know and everyone is really worried because it's not something that's going to be easy to treat so this could be going on either for quite a while or sadly not long at all that's exactly the treatment is going to be really really damaging for child it'll be sick nausea um will there'll be weight loss you know it's going to it's going to be dramatic all of which is taking a toll on the air to the throne Prince William he's been forced to whittle down his public diary to focus on his wife and father and stay home to look after the kids while also according to Tom Queen being at the center of rapidly accelerated succession planning I've been assured that already succession planning is taking place and originally until this diagnosis um the idea was okay we've got at least five years till you know King Charles is roughly 80 before we have to start thinking about preparing William to take over the over so at the moment you've got Prince William trying to care for his father who has cancer but then also being trained to take the throne I think you can see in recent film and pictures of of William you can see the stress because first your father may be Gravely ill or become Gravely ill may even die but then you've got yikes I'm going to be I'm going to be king what does that involve so you know he's going to have to get up to speed in the next few years already trimmed back to just 10 working Royals and with two of the leading lights out of action The Strain on those who remain is showing as you'll see it all begs the question is there anyone spare who might be called on in the family's time of need the fact that some people might want Harry back is neither here nor there some people have appalling taste to no judgment you don't hold back do you I'm trying to avoid telling you what I think I'm trying to be [Laughter] discreet it's not every day you get invited to a castle but when you're meeting up with British aristocracy a certain quality of residence is to be expected lady C hello greetings welcome to Castle Goring thank you thank you do come do come showing me around her palatial home is Lady Colin Campbell better known as lady C well this is Queen Victoria's budo she's a colorful socialite and bestselling Royal author so this is the state dining room who prides herself in very much keeping a finger on the Blue Blood of the royal pulse seats up to 26 comfortably who have you hosted here in your time can't mention their names but you will know of some of them with all that's been happening around King Charles there's hardly been a more productive time for dining table discourse this is a king who waited decades and decades to be king it's a brutal blow for him what would he be thinking right now life is unfair life can be cruel Anything Could Happen yes of course anything could happen he could die but if they've caught something early and it's treatable which it is he's hopefully going to be all right so everybody's optimistic and we just wait wey there's nothing we can do except weency is there as for the Princess of Wales lady C believes there's nothing secretive going on just the appropriate respect for the Privacy that would and should be shown to any patient I mean why would she be expected to give any more information would you ask your mother or Aunt or grandmother or sister to oh come on you know share it with the neighbors and I mean I'm afraid that's not how people function and let's remember we are dealing with people why all the secrecy around Kate there is no secrecy around her they have said what was wrong with her and they have said how long it's going to take there is no secrecy around her I know there are all sorts of rumors floating around and I mean some are just beyond bizarre but Catherine will certainly be up and about in the not too distant future are we sure about that I'm pretty sure about how can we be sure about that you may not be sure about it but I'm sure about it she's a very popular key Royal though she leaves quite the whole in the royal family when she's not seen by the public she certainly does but then that's what happens when you're the star of a show the current Health crisis has certainly revealed one thing Above All Else the fragility of a working royal family that has been reduced to the beest of bonds I've been seeing for 25 years that the King was absolutely wrong and that a slim down monarchy would be an absolute disaster and I think that they are at a Crossroads and it's crunch time and they need to get their act together and they need to rectify the error of having slimmed down too much well I don't hear alarm bells in the palace Robert but could they be ringing they are not ringing yet business as usual as a phrase I keep hearing that in the church chilian phrase wartime adage kbo keep buggering on amid all the conjecture about the unfolding challenges Royal biographer Robert Hardman is a voice of reassurance he spent a year in the shadow of King Charles as he chronicled his ascendancy to the throne I think Easter is quite a key kind of turning point for for the monarchy I think that's when there'll be kind of reset we'll sort of see where where things go from here would to borrow a sporting analogy who's in reserves who's Team B who's stepping up to the plate obviously the the big burden falls on William as a of the throne uh he's got his own issues obviously cuz he's got his wife ill at home he's looking after the kids I think what we've seen a lot of is Queen Camila and the Princess Royal um uh they they really um steep forward they're doing a lot of stuff you've still got the Duke and Duchess of Edinburgh uh and you've got the The Queen's cousins the Duke and Duchess of Gloucester yeah if you if you look back to 10 years ago 20 years ago and you see this sort of extended family you think well there's plenty of plenty of people there to help out now it's looking rather leaner but that's the way it is the draw back of the B team is that both star power and youth are non-existent the Duke and Duchess of Edinburgh Edward and Sophie are 60 Princess Anne 73 and the dukee and Duchess of Gloucester are approaching their 80s obviously there's another member of the family who's completely uh out of action Prince Andrew um there's no way that he no matter how bad things get I don't think there's any appetite to bring him back into public life he's out in in in in a sort of internal Exile if you like one thing that King Charles's diagnosis did achieve of course is a visit from Prince Harry as fleeting as it may have been if the sussexes are hoping for some sort of reconciliation lady C rates their chances as a big fat zero we love family just not our own we love public service but please pay for it I mean anybody who's duped by them really deserves an idiot's Crown you look around your Castle here there are portraits of Monarch's past do you sit here and look at the current royal family and fear what's about to come good question I think the royal family needs to make it more apparent to the public the young public that they are relevant and that they serve a purpose it can be difficult to stay relevant if you don't see them I couldn't agree more ultimately if it weren't for all the dramas and calamities author Tom Queen believes we may have lost interest a long time ago so Tom what do you reckon the average person thinks about this Royal crisis he love it it's a soap opera you know how could they resist it all the fights now it's brilliant for the average person brilliant like so many crisis before Tom reckons the palace will once again muddle through but what might just emerge is a royal family that looks and works a little different to how it does today so I think the future of the monarchy will not just be slimed down it'll certainly be that you know they're just not going to work as hard William wants to be a good father he wants to spend time with his wife and children he doesn't want to be this kind of machine because really you know Elizabeth she was Elizabeth II was like she was like a machine everything she did was about duty duty duty um almost to the point of being obsessive compulsive Charles and William they want a different kind of Life which may be good for the monarchy unless people begin to say Well they're not doing very much maybe we should get rid of them which is always possible well cheers to the king's Health yep cheers to the king's Health hello I'm Adam heg thanks for watching 60 Minutes Australia subscribe to our Channel now for brand new stories and exclusive Clips every week and don't miss out on our extra minute segments in full episodes of 60 Minutes on .com. 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Channel: 60 Minutes Australia
Views: 1,520,050
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 60 Minutes, 60 Minutes Australia, Liz Hayes, Tara Brown, 60Mins, Amelia Adams, news, world news, news australia, investigative journalism, 60 minutes australia youtube, 60 minutes youtube, 60 minutes episodes, 60 minutes australia episodes, 60 minutes australia, 60 minutes, Adam Hegarty, Dimity Clancey, Nick McKenzie, royals, royal family, british royal family, king charles, kate, whereiskate, kate middleton, princess kate, photoshopped photo, kate photoshop, hrh
Id: eSgWsF7my78
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 59sec (1259 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 17 2024
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