‘DANGEROUS!’ King must STOP Prince Harry & Meghan Markle’s foreign trips | Palace Confidential

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what is up with Prince Harry and Megan markle's charity and are they now planning more of their quazi Royal tours and why on Earth has someone been calling William the difficult one plus with the latest news about the king and changes at the Wales household we've got a whole lot to talk about this week hello and welcome to pelis confidential I'm Joe Elvin and back this week to talk about the big Royal stories is the daily mail's Royal editor Rebecca English the papers editor- at Large Richard K and diary editor Richard Eden great Trio well before we get into it I do just want to point out that at the time of recording we have 248,000 subscribers can you help us get over the quarter of a million Mark if you don't already please do click that subscribe button it costs nothing but guarantees you will see each new episode of the show also if you enjoy it please share the show with friends we're journalist we haven't got any friends to share it with family anyone you think might enjoy it this it really does make a difference right so let's kick things off what a better way to start with one with the King Rebecca Royal Garden parties the word is are back what tell us what's been going on they are and last week I was at the first one of the season and it was working as always I keep on telling them we don't even get to eat or drink we're just racing around after people tin violin I know um but what was lovely about it was it was the King was back um and I had an exclusive actually the week with the weekend before just saying that he was going to be attending his first Garden Party of the year now the doctors have given him the go-ahead um to do so and actually what was lovely was he was so enthusiastic about it I mean you he's clearly a am that's undergoing treatment he you know he doesn't look as well as he did say 18 months ago um but he was he was in just a really Jolly mood and was you know glad having as many people as he could and I was warned in advance they might try to tweak a little bit you know that he might do 45 minutes instead of hour of meeting the public he might Shake less hands but of course he listened to none of that and wanted to meet and greet as many people as as possible I did seem to be enjoying meeting the very glamorous women there I must say well wouldn't you I mean it's a great opportunity to get out your hats and your you know your Posh rocks and there was all the models like Rosy hunington whle and that was the one this week they did yesterday yeah they did a special Garden Party um for um the entertainment and arts industry there was a great M moment with Maya Jama when she said you know I I yeah Host this program called love Island I'm not sure you will have seen it and he was like well there's one born every minute you know he was he was being quite skittish I didn't actually understand that what did he mean by that I think it's to do with kind of love and she was talking about Snogging and things like that so blind me talking about Snogging with the kingles I just I can't keep track of that conversation at all Richard Kay back to some sense you uh you've been to plenty of these in your time and now other than being a royal correspondent like yourself and Rebecca how how does one get invited tell tell a needy desperate Australia it's quite hard H you can't turn up and get a one from a scalper from a ticket to outside um you have to be invited you can't apply for a ticket usually they're chosen guests are chosen randomly from all walks of life um randomly randomly yes um by local government by national government Lord the Lord left tenants of all our esteemed shy Counties have a hand in in who gets invited people's names are put forward and then they get a list and they try to get a am I right Rebecca sort of a representation a cross-section of people from society old and young you know new and old whatever and I like the idea of like maybe one day my name will be randomly put into this big tumola and it'll come out and I'll finally get to go it could be it could be something like that and they are they are um a very entertaining uh opportunity for um people watching and do they have any uh issues with people trying to Snapple little souvenirs well they did one year because I was actually there that that year and it hailed the heaven open I've never seen hell like hell like golf balls and people these tents aren't that big so people are trying to shelter under them so the minute the Diplomatic stroke royal tea tent exited which is basically when the royal family leave and people can still stay there for another another hour they let people go in there but then everyone started nicking the Crockery the knives the forks the spoons the cups everything so then the next year we did the Royal finances they made a point of saying their spending was up on Crockery because of the amount of stuff that people had need trust anyone unbelievable now Richard Eden with your Social Diary hat on it is it's quite a badge of honor isn't it to be invited to the Royal Garden pass oh definitely I mean there's one thing I love about being in central London at this time of year is you see all the the guests dressed up the men in their morning suits the women in their best hats and dresses and it really adds a lot of color but yeah I think there's definitely a lot of social status to um getting one of these invitations it's something to be proud of I mean remember a lot of people do it's about 8,000 per party I think so 30, that makes me feel even more left out I mean can you imagine organ organizing that but it's an honor to go and I've I've noticed more and more people taking um selfies as well this year indeed yes I thought that was allowed I I think the rules have changed it's like generally with um with phones because they've been used so much um you know you can't be telling people off and I think they they want to make sure people feel relaxed and and that's part of it these days maybe one day guys maybe one day well we do have some fantastic pictures of Royal Garden parties from over the years coming up a little bit later in the show so stick around for that before all of that though Rebecca you were back at Buckingham Palace as King Charles unveiled his first portrait as monik what can you tell us about it yes it was on Tuesday so it was a winter in the morning and then kind of hotfooted it to BP in the afternoon and we kind of you walked into the blue drawing room and there was this it was done up like like a Christmas present with this huge bow on it and this this kind of black tarping about it's huge this portrait and I have to say he had seen it when it was 2/3 completed so it wasn't an entire surprise for him um but of course when when the toping came off there was a kind of audible gasp because it was a vision of redness um like we never expected um and I have to say there's been a lot of commentary about this picture and I'm sure we we'll come on to it over th with portraits Jonathan yo I'm hopefully I've pronounced that right who is one of the most celebrated contemporary portrait artists um did it and there was a lot of kind of inspiration and meaning behind it monarch butterflies hovering over the king's shoulder to kind of emphasize his metamorphosis from Prince to king during the process of the painting as well as his love of the environment but um it's really striking When You See It In the Flesh I think flat on a page it it doesn't come across so well but in the flesh there's almost like kind of a luminousness to it like this 3D quality but it was quite funny CU When the king this top allum was so big he kind of struggled to get it off and as he got it off he kind of muttered under his breath Christ and I was sing there thinking I really hope people don't think that's commentary on the on the painting it really was trying to struggling to try and unil it there's our King I mean I'm reminded Richard cave you know there was remember pen gate when he let you know the temp attach from Over the the pen stinking pen do he hasn't sat for the amount of portraits that his late mother did what how patient is somebody like Charles to actually go through that process well he isn't that's the point and he's he's he'd much rather be painting than being painted and uh he hasn't devoted as nearly as much time as his as his late mother did to Royal portraiture I think he's gonna have to I think that actually this is the second portrait one was unveiled last year uh which was done without a sitting although the artist was invited to go to some Royal events and took sketches um but this is the first long-term formal um formal sitting he sat for will there be more I'm sure there will I mean I think he he didn't particularly like some of the paintings that were done of him as Prince of Wales and um so he's quite Tuesday now about who who gets the commission actually so was so we should say although Queen Elizabeth was painted many times I mean she wasn't always enamored of the the paintings that were given to her I remember when we were in Germany in 2015 and the president of Germany get unveiled this painting of her as a child on a horse being led by her father and I was standing there and it was quite clear by her face she thought this thing was hideous I need to Google this pain got the stage in her life I think she she was less bothered about trying to hide it and she was like e that's an interesting color for that horse and then they said well you know that's your your father you know King George the the six leading you on that horse you know did you recognize him and she looked at him went no Queen Elizabeth has to be said never gave her opinion of all these portraits you know she'd sit for one every year of her Reign I think but never never gave her opinion did she but somehow in the inflection in her voice I think you kind of knew I think I need to request now that you do the rest of the show in that accent I really want to see how that pans out now Richard Eden Rebecca alluded to earlier there's been inevitably there's always controversy with you know a new Royal portrait and apparently there has been some comment about that he looks like he's bathed in blood what what's your view it is strange isn't it I think that the face is beautifully painted but it looks like he got bored or something and then just decided to cover it in in red like it I have to say well he said it was inspired by the the red tunic of the Welsh guard so that was the inspiration but all I can say is is kit the king ought to be feel himself very lucky because Jonathan Y is quite a naughty Chap and he's previously um done portraits he did one of um George W Bush when he was American president made up entirely of tiny little pieces from pornographic magazines filthy it was so filthy it I imagine somebody might have had a word about that exactly so when I go and see this portrait in pal M I'm really going to inspect it very closely I might come with you it was very flattering too because there's no uh sign of the famous kingly ears they disappear into the background although I did see them in a caricature in the telegraph today so yeah they're back in some quarters poor Charles I think it looks amazing but Rebecca the king and the Princess of Wales were together this week we we we discussed this briefly last week for a special engagement what what was that all about so on Monday um the king and the prince of Wales were together at the Army Air headquarters at the wonderfully named middle wallup I think we should do a kind of a special maybe Palace confidential program on strange English place names um but it was it was it was announced last August that as part of a kind of shift around of military um organizations and patronages that the king who was Prince of Wales was P was um colonel in Chief of the army aircore for 31 years was going to be handing this down to his son and air and so that Handover took place on Monday and obviously there was a lot of um of imagery and symbolism to it because of course it was Prince Harry's Old regiment but of course he's no longer a working Royal and I I saw a lot of people saying he would have got it if he'd still been I'm in the family I'm not sure that's the case they stood in front of an Apache which obviously is the kind of the symbolic aircraft of of the uh of the core but of course was the you know the aircraft that Prince Harry co-piloted in um Afghanistan um but actually what I thought was really lovely about the occasion was the kind of interaction between the king and and William there was a lot of laughing and joking there was there was one moment which was captured on film that you could see Charles just looking with a lot of love and admiration at William and it was just one of those fleeting moments I think you know was beautifully captured by the photographers on the day I wonder when we'll see that Fleet Look of Love between Charles and Harry again Richard K far be it from me to cause Mischief but do you think there was any message that they were trying to con n too subtle I thought um you know the show goes on we're still here this is the important work of royalty um and we don't need these distractions I mean yeah I think as as Rebecca says Uh there's a lot of debate about whether Harry would or would not not have got the sort honorary Colonel ship of the Army Air Court it would have made sense if he had but you know Williams perfectly equipped to do this job too oh gosh there's been so much happening Richard Eden I just want to briefly mention that mail on Sunday reported that William and Katherine have now called off their hunt for a new CEO for their firm yeah this was I ran a story about the original advert for the for the job which was it was a real change because obviously in Royal circles you have private secretaries assistant private secretaries but to have a chief executive officer was very corporate very businesslike and it it quite revolutionary the idea was to change the whole structure the way things were organized um but that has been they haven't appointed anyone yet and that's been put on hold they've said you know it remains to be seen whether they will go ahead with that in the future but you know for obvious reasons you know um the Princess of Wales is um is battling cancer so I think there's so much in their lives at the moment that has been put on hold Frank it didn't really come as a surprise but Richard K do you think it is indicative of the fact that it is really tricky to change the structure within I I think so I mean I people tend to forget the but the monarchy is an ancient institution and it's evolved these systems where it has as Richard was saying private secretaries and a whole raft of the system private secretaries uh all looking after certain aspects of the royal principal's life we're talking mainly only about the king and certainly when he was Prince of Wales we don't quite yet see uh William having that kind of um Secretariat that his father had but it's you know it's early days yet um and maybe um as Richard said a sort of a modern Chief uh executive officer doesn't quite fit in to the the buttoned up courtier class that that they they're used to I guess we'll just have to watch this space now Rebecca also in the mail on Sunday there was this suggestion that the king wants to use princess beus deploy the princess what what's this all about yeah so they've been told that uh the king is Keen to be able to obviously beef up the slim down monarchy by using his nieces princess berric and princess princess Eugene now this is where I slightly differ because I understand and this is something we've discussed on the program a lot Richard I understand why there's a desire to maybe to see them out and about they're they're pretty popular young women who certainly their adult lives haven't really put a foot wrong uh you know few youthful indiscretions travel things like that but holidays bads but now I think you know they're they're very much in their groove but the reason why I I don't think this is going to happen is is twofold obviously firstly it's the problem with their father and that any increased Royal role for them would almost be seen as a backo way for him to to get his foot through that door again to do you think so is that is that fair duties I'm not saying it's fair but I'm saying that is a feeling but actually what's what's more significant is Harry and Megan because of course Queen Elizabeth and now King Charles have made very clear that their request for a halfin half out Royal role is unworkable and what's they have to be consistent in this approach if they're saying no to Harry and Megan they have to say no to beatric and neugene being more involved in the workings of the royal family because straight away we have the sauses going well if you're going to do it for them why won't you you do it for us so they have to be consistent I just think who cares about Harry and Megan honestly I just think it's so different I mean the point was that Harry and Megan wanted to combine their Royal duties with making a fortune but um beatric and yugan don't want to do that they've both got regular they would still need to make a living alongside their yeah and exactly as long as it didn't conf I can't see any reason why they couldn't carry out some um formal engagements while happening to work for an art gallery or something I don't I just don't think there's any comparison between traditionally that hasn't worked very well for me of the royal family we don't have to go back too far to remember the uh The Duchess of edinburgh's difficulties when she was running her PR business and her husband Prince Edward when he was running his TV company it just doesn't work mixing commercial activity with royal duty but it doesn't mean they can't help I mean Queen Elizabeth was always very keen to involve them in receptions and garden parties you I'd often see them at the palace doing things like that I think less so we've seen it with King Charles but I I wouldn't be surprised if we see them there is a requirement this summer uh for a bit more Glamour and and they those girls could could provide it but what one thing we haven't addressed here is what what do you think the princess's view on it is you know I think beus has been out giving interviews in the US do you think that's some sort of like waving I'm still here I'm you know I'm still I I could be of use now these interviews have been great one was given from the top of the Empire State Building in New York by Princess beatric um that was to do with the charity it was some people were ABS sailing off of the building um but yeah no look she that they they've always um been Keen to show that they're um that they're sensible that they're happy to carry out engagements and the King has asked them so for example at the coronation they attended a street party what Charlotte Griffiths was referring to in her report in the Mel Sunday was the forthcoming um Japanese State visit and that they might take part so they will always have been being invited to the state banquet and other things so you you know you'll see them there but that's not such a great change from what we've had in the past and and what about next month with the King's Birthday parade you've written in your newsletter that this could be a moment for another member of the royal family yeah this is something that hopefully is quite optimistic is just that it might be a chance um for um lady Gabriella Windsor um to return to public life in some way be a sort of first step back for her um if our viewers might recall that her husband died in tragic circumstances um and the King has invited her to come to his birthday parade she's always been welcome but to sort of surround her Embrace her with love that weekend and then the following weekend she's got a very big event actually because it's going to be a memorial service for all the friends who didn't attend the funeral which was very small very private so um it's another reason why this year's trooping the color could be a very um poignant occasion indeed well we'll have to wait and see now we've covered a lot and we still have a lot more to discuss in particular a certain couple's trip to Nigeria but before that some of your comments Maggie H has this to say about King Charles getting out and about again she says I think the king wants to in all capitals be the king not someone who is hiding in the sick room if he were too ill to be out he would likely not be out let him be king he may feel that he doesn't have another 20 years so he wants to do all he can while he can Salvia buckweat is on board with our idea I think you find it was my idea to introduce a Fanfare for the princess an section of the show we're still working on that but Salvia writes absolutely let's hear a fan fair to introduce the Princess Royal part of the show what a rock what a rock star we love Princess Anne here in the beautiful USA Midwest onto your comments about Harry and Megan and their trip to Africa will Janice Cook says they're going to Nigeria but they're silent about African Parks disgusting Henry meanwhile has this to say The British High Commissioner in Nigeria has been very forthright in saying that Harry and Megan's visit is absolutely and completely and definitely not a royal tour while Julie says don't expect to see Megan back in the UK anytime soon Harry and Megan Markle will never apologize in my opinion as they don't think they've done anything wrong Megan won't come to the UK because she knows she'll be booed in front of the world stage gosh thanks as always for your comments please do keep them coming in so let's kick this section off now with news of the susset is now we would never described Prince Harry's Behavior as delinquent but that is the term being leveled at his charity archwell by California's registry of Charities and fundraisers oh dear Rebecca what can you tell us yeah this was a bit of a bolt from the blue this week um uh it suddenly emerged that a document had been issued um from the Department of Justice in the state of California which is a bit I think they deal with Charity registrations much like we have the charity Commission in the UK and it said that it described their archwell Foundation as delinquent because it had failed it said to either issue its uh annual report or um to pay the fees associated with it now this caused a bit of a fluster in Camp Sussex because they were all either on route or traveling in Nigeria uh for their trip there and they said they were going to look into it um the first explanation was that we had sent a check off um but it seems to have got lost in the post oh that old one yeah the dog ate my home then the next day they said no we can and and actually to be fair the Department of Justice did confirm this it was received but it hadn't been processed the insinuation from the sussexes was well you see it's not our fault they hadn't done it on their end uh things are now okay and they had um they've now been declared as a you know a perfectly um legitimate operating charitable Foundation again but obviously it's an incredibly embarrassing incident I mean that kind of thing really shouldn't happen with an organization as high profile that wants to be even higher profile as as theirs yeah I mean Richard K obviously Charities run by the working Royals there's been ups and downs there's been controversies but this is kind of a new one isn't it I've never heard of this before ack being lost in the post and do people still send checks for I mean you know maybe they do in the US um no it's highly unusual uh normally as Rebecca says Royal run Charities are scrupulous in getting stuff in on time they never we never hear stories about them being late in filing accounts um so this is a big lapse on Team sussex's part and Richard Eden particularly unwelcome timing as you know this was announced during their big PR push in Nigeria I think the most unfortunate thing is the use of that word delinquent it means something different with companies doesn't it yeah it's it's not a word um used here in Britain for that meaning but clearly it is in America and it's it's such a great word it CES up all sorts of bad images um but yeah I think it's I mean we've seen this quite a bit actually where it's a reflection that they're not very well organized um I I think there's a danger when you come from a system in the royal family where everything is done for you and organized very smoothly when you've suddenly got to organize everything yourself you know archw the charity archw the companies there's a lot of admin bureaucracy but they must have senior staff in place there they can't be at the cold pH of that they do but we we have seen um quite a turnover of Staff as well so clearly someone needs to get get a grip there but maybe you know they need to appoint their new um CEO or whatever yeah fun job fun job uh Richard K what were your impressions of the Africa trip well was it a royal tour or wasn't it a royal tour um I couldn't possibly say no well it was very interesting um it looked fantastic um but it was highly curated tour because they did not meet very many Ordinary People the these were handpicked guests all very colorful as you would expect in such a populous country as Nigeria um and you know in many ways Megan uh conducted herself magnificently I mean she she really was the star of the show Harry sort of disappeared into the background bit like Charles in his portrait um but it's an interesting pointer because is this going to be a sign of of things to come are they going to carry on doing these faux quasi Royal tours which aren't quite right or are they going to actually be bolder and uh allow them to interact with ordinary members of the public who may have treated um their presence in their country with a little bit more indifference is this really a what people keep saying a quazite royal trip or is it the soft launch of me Megan's presidential run well it could be I mean she could be dipping her toe into the water I mean who knows uh I think she's got a long way to go before she'll have a tilt at at the White House well Rebecca a piece in the mail suggested this week we talking about Megan's outfits alone for the trip would have cost around $130 ,000 something like $65,000 us whether she paid for those or whether she's borrowed them she was it was a very strategically planned pulling out all the stops right I I mean I got the impression it was very much the Megan show I mean even though they were there for Invictus she always seemed to be kind of taking one step in front of her husband it was all very much about her and her projection um I what was very interesting for me and I think it's a really good point of of the fact that you know On on Royal tours which are also very heavily scripted as well there will be a lot of walkabouts a lot of meeting people and you don't know what reaction you're going to get and and sometimes we've seen in the UK recently you know uh Republican demonstrators have used those things to those walkabouts to campaign against the monarchy and they you know they're perfectly entitled to do so there were never going to be any demonstrations on this tour not with the level of security well exactly and also I thought what was very interesting and I I promise you I'm not saying this as a gripe as a journalist but also on those Royal tours there's a wide variety of of Royals um with a wide variety of journalists um from all different papers from television from Radio photographers not always people with a a positive view in their paper of the monarchy what was really interesting about Harry and Megan's trip is that nobody was allowed to cover it apart from one handpicked journalist and one handpicked photographer both of you know one journalist from publication that's very very Pro Sussex is in the US and and their own photographer who they've worked with for a long time and I I thought that was quite interesting given the criticism that Harry has leveled against the media and the royal family but also this kind of position he puts himself up there as as a kind of a commissioner against you know misinformation and yet everything was very very very much pushed out through a very narrow prism of and they very much controlled the way their their T was was seen in public I just thought that was very interesting what do you think can we assume that this W won't be the last of the not at all honestly a royal tour well they've made very clear in said publication in the US that they intend that this will be a template of of things to come so Harry made a comment about this you know could be the the first of many um and I I've been hearing sort of mutterings in diplomatic circles here that there is great concern about this because it's very dangerous you know you've got um Harry and Megan potentially visiting countries without that control that we have you know any um trips by Royals are organized by the foreign office it's all monitored you make sure that they're not being used but you know in this case Harry and Megan are open to being manipulated by Foreign governments who may not have you know the interests at heart of Britain or of America and I think it is dangerous uh interestingly as well just returning briefly to the topic of last week's show Richard We Now understand that the king offered Harry a room in a Royal residence for the London leg of his trip but was turned down yeah I mean it's very kind of unclear actually as to as to to what's happened I think it's um the King has has made clear that if um Harry wants to stay at a royal residence he's always welcome um but who knows how those sort of negotiations are organized what we do know is that Harry turned down that offer if it was there and he stayed in the hotel by all accounts when he was in this country gosh every every conversation seems so labed on both sides now doesn't it Richard K you've written about this both sides seem to have different views on what happened are we back in Recollections May Terr I think we are precisely that um you know there did did Harry want to see his father I'm sure he did um did Charles want to see his son I'm sure he did um but it was convenient uh that he had a very busy week and he didn't have the time I think what a lot of people what a lot of our viewers and our readers have puzzled over is how how could a father not find five or 10 minutes even a man as busy as the king uh to sit down and say hello to his son who's flown 6,000 miles um but that is that is often the Royal way and I think what people have of neglecting to remember in all this is that that the king is having still having cancer treatment um he does still get tired and meetings with his son are fraught and there is no doubt they have remained that way for some time and Camila the queen uh the king's close staff do not want him getting frazzled because of a a conversation which goes wrong with Harry well there was an interesting piece in the times though wasn't there that suggested that the king for all the reasons you've stated had no time to meet Harry but he did have time to meet David Beckham he's a very important public figure and he's clearly being lined up for some sort of charitable role with the uh one of the king's foundations um yeah uh I think that was a died engagement a private engagement Beckham went to see the king to discuss one of the foundations am I right yeah he about I think becoming Ambassador for the king's Foundation yeah well he knows that David Beckham's not going to give him any grief isn't he he can have a very pleasant meeting with David Beckham who as we know is always diplomatic respectful he'll enjoy it they'll relax have a cup of tea talk about nice things and he's not going to have all that you know drama that so what you're saying is David Beckham is the son that Prince that King Charles never had well also we we won't hear David Beckham's version of events we won't have you know spokesman from California brief about what they spoke about and all all that type of thing he he can feel safe in David Beckham's presence whereas he can't in the presence of his younger son as we know dear sorry j because I wrote a couple of pieces last year in which I said you know the king will always leave that door a jar because he's his son and he you know despite what he's put him through he does love him but Charles's mentality is that he and this was even precancer he's just going to put the whole Harry issue to one side he's King now now he wants to make whatever time he's got left on the throne work work for his people and for his country and I think that's doubly so because now he's got his own councel to contend with and it doesn't mean he doesn't love him and one day they might not sort it out but he's just got other things to deal with and as Richard says you know Harry comes with a whole load of grief and concern and trust is an issue and it's like look I just don't need that at the moment it's no coincidence that on the one occasion that the King has met his younger son um since he had the cancer treatment um the queen was was also there you know I think he feels you know he needs a witness almost when he's and of course Harry went back to America and gave interviews about it so true oh well well now Richard Eden to a very curious piece from petranella Wyatt a journalist Who quotes a former Palace source as saying it is William who was often the difficult one and it is William who's preventing his father from having a proper reconciliation with Harry this isn't helpful at a point in the time when the country would be boyed up by seeing them together again as would the King why'd you make it that petrell is a is a friend of mine and um you know she writes entertainingly and this was a a column she wrote her main argument is that they need to bring Harry and Megan back because the Nigeria trip has shown um the glamor that they have and the excitement and she wants a bit of that brought back to the royal family well I say no I couldn't disagree with you more we you know that that would be the completely wrong thing to do because nothing has changed you know Queen Elizabeth was very wise and she didn't want them um to come back because of that issue about money and what they want is conflicts with everything that the royal family represents which is you know which is honor which is service you know they're now on this path to money making and that is a very dangerous route for the royal family to go down so so I'm sorry petronella but um I just can't agree with you wow now it is time for the princess an section of the show and this week all the chatter about her side of the family has been about the new woman in her son Peter Phillips's life Rebecca what can you tell us in what kind of a mother-in-law do you think princess an would be so it's emerged that he has been dating for the last month um a lady called Harriet Sperling who's a pediatric nurse um a single mother herself actually has has written about it um I mean it's important stress it's only been a month um but then again she met Queen Camila at the um badminton horse trials so does that mean we should be buying a hat could be as soon as he gets a girlfriend everyone's you know speculating about when they're going to get married it was a meeting with the queen that was significant and he was very open with this girl they may have even known each other for a month but he didn't care who saw no he was according to photographers they were walking around hand in hand quite openly and he had a very big smile on his face well he looked very pleased with himself I have to say she's a very attractive attrative young woman yeah all right calm down let's move on Rebecca before we I know Rebecca before we get to the Montage there were some beautiful pictures that have just been released that fans of Royal Nostalgia will love I love them I have to say they're fantastic it's not often in this job you get to some see something that's genuinely new and genuine on scene but there's going to be a fantastic new Exhibition at the King's Gallery at Buckingham Palace it's the first exhibition actually since it was renamed the King's Gallery it used to be the Queen's gallery and it's a royal portraiture throughout the um throughout the centuries and there's there's some brilliant pictures that people have never seen before I've never seen before uh the one that really caught my eye was this kind of picture of motherhood and it shows Queen Elizabeth Princess Margaret princess Alexander and ra and The Duchess of Kent in 1964 it was taken by Princess Margaret's husband Lord Snowden the photographer and each of them were holding a baby they one of their babies and they had these four babies within a period I think of about two months in 1964 and the picture was taken and they signed it as a thank you to the um to the gentleman who delivered all of those four babies so I think it's just a beautiful glimpse of motherhood but also it shows you how close those women were at the time it's a really joyful picture I mean there's lots of other stuff behind the scenes of Queen Elizabeth and her her father King George the six there's that beautiful portrait we saw of the Princess of Wales do you remember the very eal portrait that was based on uh uh kind of a a very old painting looking kind of very glamorous and that's going to be there I mean there's just there's tons of stuff but it it's going to be one of those genuine ones thing well I've never seen that before we should say who the babies are don't you think yes Prin grab some babies Lady Sarah Armstrong Jones lady Helen Windsor Who The Duchess of Kent's daughter and J and James ogy well done you did your homework well done well many were delighted to see The Return of garden parties to bucking and Palace this month not least our Rebecca who was at one last week well here are some of our favorite pictures of Royal Garden parties over the years la [Music] la [Music] lovely moments there a reminder again if you don't subscribe to our Channel please do and help us get over that 250,000 Mark and then maybe we'll get a bottle of champagne maybe thanks to Rebecca the two Richard and to you for watching we'll see you next week bye-bye
Channel: Daily Mail Royals
Views: 560,536
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Prince Harry, daily mail royals, daily mail royal family, royal family, meghan markle prince harry, meghan markle daily mail, royals news, royal family news, prince harry news, harry and meghan, royal expert reaction, king charles coronation, king charles, prince harry, frogmore cottage, king charles iii, palace confidential, meghan markle, meghan, kate middleton, netflix, prince harry netflix, prince harry movie, meghan markle netflix, meghan netflix
Id: zmaiL4ViksY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 30sec (2370 seconds)
Published: Thu May 16 2024
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