Where is Jesus in the Old Testament?

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what was the reason that God told Abraham to sacrifice his son what was the point biblically I do not know the point biblically all right if you would grant me the privilege of telling you it's the study of typology that in the Old Testament there were fuzzy pictures of a greater reality to come it's called types and shadows and there are many of them in the Old Testament in Abraham and Isaac is one of the most beautiful pictures we have here's what you've got a father who loves his only beloved son marches up a mountain which was Mount Moriah which is right outside of Jerusalem which is where most people believe the crucifixion took place and he was told to sacrifice his son he's prepared to do so when God stops him God stopped a father from killing his only beloved son on Mount Moriah and then he provided a ram in the thicket for the sacrifice because God was going to provide the lamb now fast-forward 2200 years Jesus Christ died on that mountain when his beloved father killed his only beloved son for your sins the story of Abraham and Isaac is a picture of the gospel that's why that story is in the Bible who told Abraham to kill Isaac God right yeah you just don't like that God can do what everyone still no I find that unjust really at some point either you're right about what justice is or God is sure let me share with you the story of the Ark you remember Noah's Ark I've been being Presbyterian do you know the reason for that story to cleanse the world of wickedness right well that was a punishment for wickedness you're correct about that but God didn't kill everybody he saved eight people in a boat the New Testament says Peter said that Ark is a picture of Jesus that we were saved from the wrath of God just like those eight people were saved from God's wrath of water there's one door on the ark a lot of animals going into that boat one door Jesus said I am the door there's only one way to get into salvation the ark story was a picture of Jesus it's called typology and it's all over the Old Testament which should lead a thinking guy like you to go you know there's maybe a little too much about this book that isn't coincidental like let's just say 300 prophecies about Jesus Christ that he fulfilled starting with being born in Bethlehem you couldn't pick where you were born I couldn't pick where I was born Jesus was born in the city that the prophets were told he was betrayed he was crucified he rose from that all predicted that should cause you to go you know that Bible is a little bit more than just a book written by men I think it's a beautiful book in some parts well I do think that yeah what makes it beautiful though the thing that makes it really beautiful is not a moral code for how to live it's that you have a savior then you have a deliverer you have a redeemer you have somebody who's willing to take you in your muck and mire and cleanse you and pluck you out and put your feet on a rock and give you an understanding of why the world exists the way that it does what you're doing here Irving what's the point with an agnostic worldview there can be one but there doesn't need to be I don't believe there is but ultimately it's a very temporal purpose sure yeah but see you have a soul and it's gonna live forever when you die you're going to one or two places you're gonna go to heaven or you're gonna go to hell go into one place I know that you're going to which place that one which one the hell one yeah right yeah yeah you know Irving I can't laugh at that I can't I'm sorry but only because Jesus described hell as eternal conscious torment omit it goes on forever I don't know how thirsty you've ever been but you'll never have a drop of water to quench your thirst everything that we're seeing around us it's all just window dressing God is rich in mercy and he wants to save Irving so that he can be seen as being a great God I'll leave you with this thought all right every God has two types of attributes God has absolute attributes for instance he has power and he has honesty and he's unchanging and because God is a Trinity Father Son and Holy Spirit he can utilize those attributes show those attributes to himself but God is another set of attributes and these are attributes that are a little bit different there are attributes like mercy Grace and loving-kindness if God is perfect Father Son and Holy Spirit can the father show mercy to the son no cuz the son doesn't need mercy can the son shall forgiveness to the Holy Spirit no cuz the Holy Spirit doesn't need forgiveness in order for those attributes to be put on display do you know what God needs justice sinners sinners so he created a perfect world he put two naked vegetarians into a garden that's the story and he allowed them to choose evil and they did and because of Adam we are all represented by him and we are all fallen in him we all need a rescuer now check this out Irving this this this should impress you to a degree once they ate the fruit I believe it was a Honeycrisp apple but I could be wrong because those things are definitely tempting mm-hmm they ate the fruit what did they realize all of a sudden they they had knowledge then they were naked but they were naked and what did they try to do to cover up their nudity was it put like a no like a fig leaf or something yeah that's right sort of leap to cover themselves up because they were shame God finds them and he sees that their efforts to cover up their own shame are not satisfactory so the first blood ever to be shed was shed by God himself to provide a covering for people's sin do you see what that is it says the limited it's it's it's a it's a fuzzy picture of the gospel that you need God to provide a sacrifice because your works aren't gonna get the job done and the question is God promised right away I'm gonna provide somebody who's gonna crush the head of the serpent but the serpent will bruise his heel who is it who is it let's go back to Abraham he was given a three-fold Promised Land Israel nation the Jewish people and exceed singular a seed who is that seed Jesus you are correct you remember that from being Presbyterian every correct answer is Jesus Jesus that's right it was Jesus all of those things in the Old Testament point to Jesus in the new it should cause you to say wow that is the point God has been preaching the gospel as long as this planet has been in existence and he has preached the gospel to you today Irving and he is calling you this day to repent and put your trust in him because he desires to save you because that shows off his attributes of mercy grace and loving-kindness that's the purpose for the planet and if you're not in alignment with that purpose your life will be futile fair enough fair enough you're a gentleman you let me preach at you and I appreciate that thank you you as well can I give you a gift certificate to Starbucks you would love a gift certificate applaud please for Irving it was brave up got conflict in your life of course you do because you live with sinners we have a resource just for you conflict it's all about biblical reconciliation it is profoundly helpful and you can find it at wretched org
Channel: Wretched
Views: 373,551
Rating: 4.9131346 out of 5
Keywords: Todd Friel, Wretched TV, Wretched Radio, Evangelism, Gospel
Id: llIHPM9Xlg4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 27sec (507 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 18 2018
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