A nice Roman Catholic tries to explain the Gospel.

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as a Roman Catholic what is the good news of the gospel it's supposed to be the golden rule like love thy neighbor as thyself okay let me let me suggest to you that that isn't good news basically what that law says is you need to love everybody here as much as you possibly can all the time that's what me a choice people respect oh my god who is the time for no I'm talking about loving them as much as you love yourself I love myself a ton all right that means I'd have to love everybody as much as I love me and I love you too but it's not that hard like I love you I love you I love people here but it's not that hard of a thing to do well having an attitude that is amicable it's not the same as loving and serving somebody no I understand that but basically what I'm trying to say is I understand we have differing opinions I understand that but I still respect you still love you me too but what I was responding to is your definition of good news was actually a law the law is not good news the law for us is very bad news so let me help you try to find the answer to what this gospel thing means all right the laws of God are going to be applied to everybody as the standard by which God will judge the world in righteousness okay and he's gonna be thorough he's gonna get into the thought life all right it's as if imagine this the God that's we put a little computer chip behind your ear and we could record every thought that went through your brain for one week and then we all came back together again next week we put up a big screen we put the microchip in and we got to see your thought life for a week it would make me shudder to think that that would happen to me and God sees it all the one who made the eye also sees the one who made the ear also hears so every sinful word we've spoken every hateful act we've ever thought god will judge it that's bad news but which God though is it the Mormon God the God of the Bible what did the God of the Bible do to save you from the wrath that is to come what did he do sent his son to die on them that's the good news all right here's what I'm here saying to people today I'm not trying to impose my beliefs on you I'm a beggar I have been shown bread I am a very wretched sinful man and I know the sewer that I was in and God saw fit to stoop down and rescue me by sending his son to die for me a sinner and I just want people to hear there's a way to have your conscience cleansed your sins forgiven but there's only one way and it's through the Lord Jesus Christ and if you fail to respond to this good news it'll be heaping more judgment on yourself because you've had an opportunity to hear a gospel good news of grace the gospel says your sins can be totally forgiven I know what Roman Catholic Church teaches you have to do seven different sacraments and if you haven't done everything right you go to purgatory where you work it off the Bible says by grace are you saved through faith that not of yourselves it is a gift of God not of works including purgatory so that nobody can boast God is going to boast on himself for saving sinners that is the good news of the gospel why would you reject this offer of kindness today to have your sins forgiven what is it that causes you to go this thing is false if I refuse it the God's not gonna be like okay that's cool I'm going to hell yeah it's not a cough no it's a gun to your head follow me or you're dead okay now do you feel that way as an American citizen what do you mean by that there are laws you have to follow or you'll die you yeah there's laws you have to follow where you go to jail that's just and right that's not unkind that's just now if it's an evil deed it's not just but if it is a just act than it is kind and good sending somebody to hell is the right thing to do for their crimes committed against the sovereign but the thing is you can't compare the physical world to the spiritual because if I were to go to prison for committing a crime I would go to jail serve my time and I would get out yeah he's like that's a turn Denisha for sinning let me let me let me ask you to listen very carefully to this I'm gonna give you a three fold scenario all right if I go home and I lie to my son do you know what's gonna happen to me are you gonna go to hell nothing nothing my son can't do anything right he's under me now if I lie to my wife I'm gonna be sleeping on the couch if I lie to my boss or to the government I could get fired or go to jail now here's what happened I committed the same crime but there was an increased punishment for the same act what changed in the scenario the level of submission yeah or I would say the level of authority you did it the opposite way but I agree with you the one against whom I committed the crime determines the punishment when we lie were sinning against the God of truth who is far above all judges and rulers and spouses so when we commit a sin against the eternally totally holy God of the universe it demands an eternal punishment because of the one against whom we committed the crime but back to my original question though like there are different gods of the Bible like you have current modern Christians who believe that homosexuality isn't a sin which it's not it shouldn't be but if I were to go to the Catholic God and they'd say oh it's okay to have gay thoughts just as long as you don't act on them but like which God do I follow you know here's what I would suggest do that you do do you have a Bible I do but is it the correct version is it your version I don't know but if you've got something like Matthew Mark Luke John acts Romans Ephesians etc through the books the 27 books of the New Testament read those and see for yourself but each Bible is translated from their origin language yeah and so things are lost in translation I know do you believe that Mary had other children besides Jesus that Jesus had siblings sure appears that way yeah see I've heard that the Hebrew word for cousin doesn't necessarily literally mean cousin sure I understand that there can be differences in interpreting the Bible see that's why I like we we as Catholics believe that Mary is a virgin untouched by sin so she hasn't had sexual relations inside her marriage with Joseph she inherit that perfect nature through the Immaculate Conception so she was immaculately conceived yeah because obviously she had actually didn't have a mother or a father she did I'm saying that's why that's just what Catholics believe III know that and I disagree with that some of these are minors some of these is really real which one of us is the truth because there can only be one yeah but not right now in America there's hundreds of thousands of different truths well there's probably not that many denominations but here's the key issue for you today because we can we could talk about all of these things and it's fun to do that the key issue is Jesus he is either the way the truth the life or he is not so I would encourage you challenge you today to determine in your heart is Jesus Christ going to be my Lord to whom I submit or am I gonna live my life like a rebel and reject him and face the consequences whatever they might be that's your choice all right the choice is not well it doesn't matter because there's a lot of confusion there's a lot of different Bible translations choose this day will you submit to the king or will you be a rebel that's the issue that I would ask you to work through that is that fair yeah it's fair but like one last thing before I go like but if if let's say the one true God is Mormon and I as a Catholic follow the one true Catholic God would the Mormon God rain rain hell fire on me like what I be would I go to hell well for not following that God and being a rebel and not submitting to that God well if the Mormon the Mormon God doesn't exist so he can't do that religion is not a figment of my imagination religion doesn't come true because I believe it the intensity of my faith is irrelevant I could believe this microphone is God clearly I would be wrong I really believe it I'm still raw so how much I believe in something doesn't matter we must examine the object of the faith and when you examine Jesus Christ you will see that He fulfilled hundreds of prophecies he did miraculous deeds he rose from the dead with eyewitnesses who died for their testimony you've got a book that claims to be divinely inspired and it proves itself to be divinely inspired read the Bible and determine for yourself whether or not Jesus Christ is your Lord or not you
Channel: Wretched
Views: 869,203
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Todd Friel, Wretched TV, Wretched Radio, Evangelism, Gospel
Id: O9biFy__IAM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 35sec (575 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 09 2019
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