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Evans spoke to people whose lives changed in an instant the whole back here is flooded it's about probably 2 ft of M Jesus Baron is dealing with a muddy mess at his Henda Height's home in LA county he shot this video after a Mudslide barreled into his house on Tuesday then he took us inside we have no power think about the amount of force it took to do this it came through the wall as you can see yes it took down the studs it took down everything yes wow there have been hundreds of mudslides across La since the atmospheric River first slammed into California Sunday dumping more than a foot of rain in some areas the powerful storm left a trail of Destruction and a massive cleanup job across the most populated county in the country this is a huge tree just look how big the trunk is his neighbors say it came down around 6:00 in the morning a huge crash that caused a chain reaction took out multiple utility poles down the street yeah I'm still kind of speechless CU Stephanie Z told us she was housesitting in Brentwood when that tree fell the power was out so she went to charge her phone in her car when another tree barely missed her that one that one right in front of your car I am lucky I'm alive this is Jesus Baron's backyard and it looks like that Hillside is ready to come down the whole in his house is already as big as I am and the danger is not over yet the ground is so saturated here we could see trees falling and more mudslides days even weeks after the storm passes fan all right Carter thank you very much turning now to California where a powerful storm system has dumped more than a foot of rain in some parts Southern California has seen 3/4 of a Year's worth of rain since Sunday there have been hundreds of mudslides which have Swept Away Homes and businesses and Jonathan vigotti is on the ground in Los Angeles we're getting our first look at just how extensive the damage is in these Canyons near Beverly Hills in 2 days torrential rains have triggered nearly 400 mudslides but as bad as this looks from above PJ barefield lived through it I got up out of there quick grabbed some shoes got whatever I felt I needed at that time didn't have no keys no wallet no phone no nothing his home is now a total loss you were asleep at the time so you had no idea what was going on no man literally it just happened in 3 seconds rumbling Big Bang throwing debris and pieces of the ceiling off my body La has received more than half of its average annual rainfall in just 3 days in belir more than a foot it's led to several rescues like this man and his dog pulled from the swollen LA River and it's made the soil feel way too vulnerable toppling trees throughout the state here's my colleague Carter Evans this is a huge tree just look how big the trunk is Neighbors say it came down around 6:00 in the morning a huge crash that caused a chain reaction took out that tree then multiple utility poles down the street that knocked out power and essentially trapped people in their neighborhoods it's one thing to be trapped another to suddenly be jolted by a massive landslide underneath mud debris trees everything I don't like got telling you I don't know how I'm alive right now and Jonathan joins us now for more Jonathan what can you tell us about these extraordinary landslides yeah John these landslides are life-threatening and I can't think of a better example than the home that we're standing next to at least what is left of it this home was up against this Canyon wall with all of the heavy rain on Monday morning that Canyon wall collapsed it forced this home off of its structure and Foundation pushing it more than 40 ft we're actually standing in what is the driveway we know this because underneath all of this destruction there's a car this home also colliding with another house fortunately there was no one inside at the time but I think it gives you that perspective into just how powerful this atmospheric River was and how massive it was and I shouldn't even talk about in past tense you see the rain still falling down still very much a threat with all of the soil as saturated as it is this evening John well exactly that ongoing threat so the National Weather Service called this one of the wetest storms ever to hit Los Angeles so how long is the risk going to last yeah it's going to be lingering for some time flooding is a big concern with the soil as saturated as it is there's no place for all of this rain to go we are seeing some isolated flooding situations in the roads they're mostly manageable the landslides the mudslides nearly 400 as we mentioned in our report still a big concern not just today and in the days to come but really for the next week or so even when this rain does stop and the Sun comes back out it's going to take some time for all of this soil to dry up and firm up so a lot of nervous people as you can imagine specifically the residents here in this neighborhood dealing with walls like that flooded with water and super saturated John incredibly unsettling Jonathan Vigliotti in Los Angeles thank you Jonathan uh let me know if they're going to short hul over to you and so we'll get a rescue your way otherwise let me know if they're just going to transport I'll let you coordinate with uh fire P once they get them up in the copper where they want to put them at cop I see just let me know if you're going to go ahead and shortall over to land companies or if you guys are going to handle [Music] the uh let me know if they're going to short over to you and so we'll get a rescue your way otherwise let me know if they're just going to transport I'll let you coordinate with uh fire once they get them up in the cter where they want to put them at copy I just let me know if you're going to go ahead and shortall them over to landas companies or if you guys are going to handle the [Music] transport [Music] for [Music] [Music] for [Music] I think this guy on the right is just keeping that opening clear so stuff can flow and the guy on the left is pulling it out and dumping it to keep it flowing this traditionally at Bridge Street um really over kind of overflows the road and makes a big huge mess and these guys are awesome for doing [Music] this I think this guy on the right is just keeping that opening clear so stuff can flow and the guy on the left is pulling it out and dumping it to keep it flowing this traditionally at Bridge Street um really over kind of overflows the road and makes a big huge mess and these guys are awesome for doing this [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh
Channel: CBS News
Views: 484,561
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cbs news, news, california flooding 2024, california weather, california storm, california flooding, california rain, weather news, weather report, weather update today, storm
Id: 5UoStR-zfqE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 0sec (900 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 09 2024
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