When your main character is finally maxed out

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in this video i will be triple crowning and leveling up clea to level 90. the reason i am doing this is because it is cli and my birthday so i had to do something special for this day however by the time this video comes up it will probably not be your birthdays anymore so i would really appreciate it if you guys could like the video because it took very very long to actually save up for these resources so yeah let's begin so for anyone that didn't know i was actually planning on leveling up cli to level 90 today and i am going to triple crown her making this 10 10 10 10 10. [Music] you guys told me that there's a birthday wish or a birthday voice line for clee i actually want to hear this because uh i'm kind of curious what she says let's see let's actually hear this [Music] birthday dear traveller oh my god happy birthday to you and she says it to me you're older than me right that means you've had way more birthdays than me okay why does she actually have this spot on right now and she literally says happy birthday to me what does she say in japanese actually i want to understand japanese but oh that's actually nice uh yeah i actually like japanese voice lines but i didn't know she's gonna say that in english that's actually kind of cute let's hear this okay yeah i don't understand this but it's still it sounds sounds cute oh that's so sick though i didn't know every character has a uh birthday voice like that i think that's so sick actually all right we're gonna level up clee to level 90 first of all she is my main character so i wanted to do this from a long time ago from when i got her but i decided to wait for my birthday to actually do this first we're going to level up to level 90 which is really really pog we're going to waste 170 purple bugs but we'll get that back sooner or later yeah level 90 clay oh my god i really hope to use clean more and more because i use it already like a lot on my main roster so i think it's really cool getting a level 90 and then [Music] i have never used a crown before this is literally my first ever time using a crown on a character and i think it deserved i think it it's definitely made for clay because she is my maid and it's it is her birthday today this is definitely deserved for her to get crowned and my first ever crown on a character so first we're gonna do one crown uncle oh i don't know how i feel about this look at my board it's gonna go down and down but it's it's totally fine it's totally fine one crown dang i really use the crown that's crazy that's my first ever time using a crown like i said oh my god clee talent jumpy dumpty level 10 oh my god i'm going to have six or five crowns after this so it's pretty cool and uh bye bye borah like someone mentioned in the chat and then our last one is going to be this one so let me go back one more crown for clea level 10 oh my god what am i doing all right moment of truth last crown thank god i had one more ring of glorious if not i had to make another one it won't make a big difference but as long as i have a triple crown clay i think that's all that matters i definitely wanted to triple crown clay like i said from the beginning and i i wanted to use a crown on clee just because she was a favorite character of mine from when she first came out and i didn't get the chance to actually roll for her because i didn't think much of it but thankfully i did roll for her again when the rerun happened so i'm really happy that we got klee even though we wasted like 20k primo drums but she's so worth it 20 triple crowned cle oh my god that looks so satisfying 10 ton ton oh my god clee you were triple crowned thank you for your service happy birthday oh yeah my birthday mail you're right you're right you're right i forgot so it is cleve's birthday these last couple of days clee came up with a plan to get on a big great or great big adventure before her birthday bracelet managed to slip away while master gene was busy with their work next clip ran off on a plane that master gene will not be able to find clear random rent oh my god clay's always running then clee got very excited thinking about her birthday and might have run off too far master jean would be angry if she found out oakley will give you a strange drone from the great big lizard if you find out how to make treasure with it come teach clee okay oh and then uh i'm guessing she fought a primal geo bishop which is pretty scary but let me claim it and then this is my own birthday wish it's so sick dude me and clay had the same birthday that we both could uh mail birthday cake cake for traveler very nice so thank you mohoyo for that thank you i am making the decision of wasting one single 10 wish on the weapon banner and since it is kali's birthday we will go to the clean spot since it makes the most sense that's two that's two times a luck it's only two times a luck this can't go wrong right ah i'm gonna regret this i'm gonna react this i'm gonna [ __ ] regret this but it's okay did i do it right i'm pretty sure i'm supposed to click it char course and then one single ten wish just one just one just one singleton which all right clee's birthday it's my birthday best luck we can get right now just the best luck we can get dude why does this always happen can i get a curt right though right that's not good guys that's not good we got defense okay oh i bought it already oh one single ten wish [Music] no it's five okay okay okay i do want a four-star weapon like the witsif cons or refinement would be nice not a good sign pavilion slants that tag is for zhong li two stringless two four-star weapons regardless it is our birthday so you know mahoyo ohio actually hate you dude why'd you do this to me i should have actually got a four-star character or i should at least got a four-star character right there but you didn't do that so uh i hate you oh yeah such a nice person oh you're such a nice person [Music] all right let's do it [Music] oh my god what are we doing all right since it is clee's birthday and i'm pretty sure clee fought the primo geo bishop alone we might as well do it with fort cleese so go go go go go go go go go go go go go go oh my god all right i bought this thing before and we beat it so i'm confident we can beat it before cleese oh my god the explosions holy [ __ ] dude all you are you see these explosions before please someone died no come back this is with my level 10 talents so i used to do like maybe 5k let me do a charge attack actually charge attack 2k didn't hit crit oh no no no oh run it uh oh okay oh no wait everyone's dying oh i gotta run rich deal i might die right now [Music] ah holy [ __ ] oh no i saw three cleaves died so far or four cleaves we got it though it's only like a few health left i'm gonna finish it i'm gonna die no holy [ __ ] i finished it here we go oh wait we got an achievement what orcleague defeated a primo g of bishop just like the birthday present so [ __ ] [Music] you
Channel: DenQuieT
Views: 64,143
Rating: 4.9828219 out of 5
Keywords: genshin, genshin impact, klee, crown, level 90 klee, maxed klee, genshin impact klee, den, genshin klee, genshin impact max talents
Id: L-5SxvE3shk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 3sec (483 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 06 2021
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