They BOUGHT ME This 5 Star...

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the real question is do we get kaza for ourselves cheerleaders you know what to do we're getting serious [Music] 75 we're in pain you want c1 kazuha [Music] is he coming home early wishes left are you interested in pulling for me right now should we should we bless charlie with my amazing streamer look right here i trust your luck and 50 50 skills i'm not gonna lie i'm actually very scared are you know what you guys are right you guys are right i shouldn't be doubting myself i am the number one 50 50 winner in north america so this is charlie's account what don't show my usacc oh go to the asia server you chat i understand now this is charlie's proper account now we're on the asia server there's five polls left six if we i don't know do it daily or something pity check okay so it is indeed 71. hopefully we get kaza here we gotta go to our special location as well of course i want c1 the crystals are ready you want c1 you want c1 causa i know i win 50s you know i know i win 50 50s i have generally good luck when i'm pulling but you want c1 kazuha i'll see what i can do but no guarantees okay bennett just got hit by a boar that's typical bennett luck all right let's get to our let's get to our good good luck spot 71 pity six wishes will we get kazaa i'm sorry i should be laughing 73 74 oh my god what happens if i don't get kaza 75 [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yes that's five in a row 5 50 50 is one and i love you thank you charlie why is he what do you mean hi what are you talking about the real question is do we get kaza for ourselves oh god pity is not looking too hot 45 all right 46. imagine imagine i get closer here wouldn't that be wouldn't that be cool yeah unfortunately looks like we're not getting kaza here all right you know we'll get one more pull we'll get one more pull off of our daily who knows who knows but if you got the luke instead of kaza well then i would uninstall and quit this game alright i think that is enough for one more pull [Music] it's not happening today guys can you please pull choco doko thank you so much for the 50 dollars you really want us you really want to feed into this gambling addiction is it is it seriously all right if i use this on gaza one two three four yes it's okay my pity is at 45 it means i need at least 30 pulls all right i will do this much that is exactly the amount you donated all right cheerleaders you know what to do you guys know the protocol shake those hips i want to see some epic dance moves nothing all right i'm a single pull i'ma just single pull hello you're not even on the banner we're single pulling we're going we're speeding through this last one nope no today i don't think we're even at soft pity i think this is like 73 or something oh my god do i seriously keep going here just imagine we have to go to hard pity that would be that would be absolutely terrible wait i actually needed that that's got to be like 80 right [Music] physical barbara 50 50 winner in north america you guys got to be joking right what the what is that i hate you guys so much there's still hope guys wait i still i still have a tent pole what if what if i'm just colorblind and that's actually a goal bro atsu thank you so much for the raid we are in pain right now raiders i'm being mocked right now we lost our 50 50. it's a [ __ ] c1 mona and now my viewers are mocking me look at this they are literally making fun of me oh stop it guys stop it guys [Music] what the [ __ ] whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa wait whoo jenna jenna gifted you primos holy sh i think i know what we have to do why [Music] 20. is he coming home early any any believers in chat dude this is like c5 bennett believers in chat then we're not even gonna get there [Music] no way actually it's like what the stop what yo stop there's only one thing to do now [Music] please come early please come early 50 60. [Music] 70. oh my god [Music] seriously this this would not be possible at all without you guys jeno thank you so much or your investment will not be put to waste i have something uh something special planned i think with these if you guys are watching this on youtube please consider subscribing like the video turn on the notification bell and join us here on twitch forward slash anthony chen for more streams like this i love you guys thank you so much for watching i'll catch you guys next time peace you guys are absolutely crazy you guys are crazy you still can't believe it i'm i'm still in shock
Channel: antonychenn
Views: 299,920
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: EmL3213fzAA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 37sec (517 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 16 2021
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