When You Break Reality, This Happens... (Garry's Mod)

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welcome back to some more gary's mod today i'm stuck in the in between and i'm trying to get out in order to do that i'm gonna have to speak to the manager hi welcome to limbo so sorry about your death uh if you would just stand still for me i'm to use my scanner here to decide where you'll be spending the afterlife so just hold still let's see gave to the poor that's good help your mom in later years that's oh oh you stepped on a small dog on a walk in your neighborhood that one time that's gonna be hell i'm sorry sir have a good day oh my god what the next pentagram on your chest skull face um oh but you were a member of the pta at your kid's school that's good you're going to heaven congratulations sir no no god it's the same thing next oh wait brock this this guy just cut in front of me in line no he's been there the whole time oh he was just underground yeah would you mind spinning him around he's sometimes he gets confused sure hi welcome to limbo i'm gonna hold still i'm gonna scan you to see where you go it's hell sorry sir i don't want to get vaporized man yeah wow hey ledger well i didn't expect to see you here man um same likewise i didn't think like what is this is this like uh this yeah is purgatory yeah there's a lot of different names for it the in-between purgatory limbo where i hang out there's a lot of names for it hang out so this is where you got that new job and this is why i haven't heard from you in weeks wow yeah i've been interning here in the summers it's a cool job you know i i get to meet a lot of people uh and then i get to condemn them to an eternity of love or hate it seems like it's almost always hell yeah no you'd be surprised you'd be surprised there's a lot that go to hell so uh yeah let's just get you through here huh a sketch stand still listen listen i think there's been a misunderstanding i don't even think i was supposed to be here it's really weird i was like jaywalking in the middle of rush hour traffic and the next thing i knew you know bright lights beeping and then i'm here ah ledger i think you might have got hit by a car dog really yeah no you know i and listen you know like i said i meet a lot of people i hear a lot of stories heard that one a few times you know what i mean maybe we could talk to somebody and maybe they have the footage so they could clear things oh dude are you carrying me are you carrying me right now is this a karen move i'm sorry can i speak to your manager oh my god i'm sorry seriously i don't know no one else is in line everybody's been vaporized so like i don't know why not yeah no sundays are always pretty slow for death that's weird yeah i think it's because chick-fil-a's not open normally i wouldn't do this but since you're my friend uh and since i got nothing else going on yeah i'll i'll take you to my manager lead the way i've always wanted to see what purgatory looks like so far just lots of blood get used to that a lot of blood going on around here but you know i mean it's the in between for life and death uh now stay close to me this you don't want to get lost in here okay it's a whole maze it's like half in the real world half in the afterlife it's like cobbled together like that looks like it's from a movie theater or something have you seen king kong yeah i've seen king kong okay so you're familiar with the hollow earth theory yeah is that where we are no it's nothing like that where the heck what is what's in this one over here yeah oh glad you're careful now careful you don't want to you don't want to go too far off the oh the theater room oh i love this one this is the theater room all the chairs are just looking at nothing everything's a little bit backwards in limbo this is our dedicated theater room but every time we sit down to project a movie it projects on a different wall so we have all these individual chairs last time we watched a movie together and here uh it was on this wall that's why there was a movie did you watch uh transformers too okay this place kind of seems hard to get around oh gosh what is this room oh oh this is uh the dentist yeah we have oh you guys got dental we have dental the dentist comes in he's actually an ancient spirit so he just oh cool he kind of fully comes in and he dentals you and then he does your dents and uh and then he slaps you around your face and that's how you cover gentle and then you get out of here oh oh yeah here's his office there he is hey boss oh my god that that's your manager why's he got so many cars what is he jay leno yeah he's a collector he's giving off a weird energy man yeah of course he is ledger he's an ethereal being it's like the closer i get to him the farther away i am what the heck is going on oh god oh that hey did you just suddenly get drawn in close to him no see that's you're having some limbo vertigo i think classic symptom of getting thrown into limbo but uh yeah hey boss this is uh a customer i never met him before in my life he is having some trouble accepting that he's dead and he wants to go back uh you know i i haven't dealt with something like this before i just thought i'd run it by you uh so what do we do basically we're thinking like this the plot of the movie soul in fact boston i don't know if everybody's anybody's ever told you this you really look a lot like the the soul guys except kind of evil also this energies these little things he's shooting off are they dangerous am i gonna get like radiation poisoning no those are just neon lights the things in his hands though that is the amalgamation of life and death so don't touch those uh i'll i'll be right back i'm gonna look for the bathroom what ledger okay oh god i gotta get out of here i gotta get out of here what the heck is this oh god ledger you gotta be careful dude it's like amazing here yeah no kidding and it's just where do i go pee i'll be honest we usually just kind of go i'm trying to find you here oh the door's locked oh the door's locked pleasure oh yeah it's signing the bathroom you know hurry up in there we gotta scan you and send you to heaven or hell for eternity so you know wrap it up this is so crazy about time you got here big dog what is this place oh is this outside yeah this is our chance no it's our chance to get out of here brock come on we're getting out of here fill up a car i don't i don't think this is a good idea man my manager gets pretty pissed when people go outside i'm just going to fill up this car i honestly kind of just thought this into existence can you just think things into existence here like a dream try it okay yeah i'll give it a shot oh did you just think spider-man oh god dude i'm sorry oh i just saw the new spider-man movie i was thinking a lot about spider-man god is evil why is he evil everything everything that comes from this space has a weird moral compass you know it's it's limbo after all was he throwing grenades what is he throwing spider webs he's throwing spiderwebs here i'll just go ahead and scan him actually let's see um joker no yeah he's bad he's went to hell okay you go to hell okay cool let's fill up the car i don't know dude i don't feel great about this i'm also leaving with company property which i think is is bad no no you're gonna be fine come on get in let's blow this joint we're getting out of here yeah oh my god is this a wall ledger it's just another room it's just another room the boss told me that this was the way out oh no the car just disappeared what the heck he knows where we are dude he knows where we are you're hiding this dark corner oh yeah let's just cower in fear but oh rock i see him where's oh he's looking for us he knows this place like the back of his hand dude it's not gonna be long i think we're successfully cowering in fear though yeah we're cowering pretty well right now but it seems to be he seems to be looking in our exact direction oh okay well now he's coming okay not good oh god is this just what happens you just get put back here well yeah dude because this is what happens after you die you come here first to get decided oh no here's what we do we kill him you want to kill the manager i want to kill the man i want to yeah that's what i'm thinking dude what do you think that ray gun you have would do to him let's just say theoretically oh well i mean if i had to guess i think it would actually fold in the tunnels of time uh in such a manner that he would end up in heaven and hell at the same time but unable to enact his divine will on uh mortals such as us could i have it yeah sure okay cool uh don't worry i'm not gonna scan you okay yeah no please don't because now now that i've died i am i'm also eligible so please uh please don't scan me all right well now we gotta go find him we're now we gotta go hunt him down we're in this together now so if you see him we gotta shoot okay no i know you're right it hurts me but he did trick me into being here for all eternity i guess he told me that was the way out oh see that's what he does he's not in here yeah he's trying to study i wonder if this goes anywhere maybe he's still in the um in the outside area okay so we come this way this is the this is the water i was talking about and then this is the gray room oh what's this one go to oh this one goes to belmont really weird what i wonder what's down here definitely looks like a loading platform i feel like we're not supposed to go this way yeah well we're trying to kill the person he's coming he's going no okay come on okay go go go close the doors close the doors we need to make a trap ledger we got to find a good room to trap them in yeah oh mill maybe the clothes room is the room to trap them in i don't know man it's pretty oh this is perfect let's get up on top of this things how do we do that oh yeah this is good yeah no i think this is solid okay i'll go to this one okay and then and then he'll find us with our scent and we'll just get ready to open fire on that door okay yeah open fire on the door you the you're the first guy and then i'll shoot second you ready oh there he is oh god okay shoot him god starts him too here we go how do i shoot i can't shoot the gun no no oh my god oh oh my god oh dude i think we're out yeah it worked this is the way all the cars were coming my way oh this is the street you were crossing there's a street i was crossing and i think it's finally time to accept the fact that yeah i probably did get hit by a car look everything's back to normal and oh my god what ledger i think something went wrong oh did we let satan out of hell on accident i think that maybe everyone from both eternal damnations are here in the real world yeah look there's mickey mouse it checks out should we put them back in the box yeah ledger we gotta solve this once and for all you have to hit satan with the scanner you gotta send them back to hell okay i'm gonna take on the ads oh yeah here they come okay okay oh god okay get the get the extras and i'm gonna i'm getting the ads big fella i'm shooting the gun i think wait oh oh okay i missed i killed i think i just killed mickey mouse oh no i just missed it takes so long to fire dude yeah dude no he's coming how does he fit in here oh my god oh that's terrifying that is not good oh i got him did you get him yeah i sent him back wow you sent him back good job man good job oh what's that noise oh oh it's my manager it's your manager hey boss hey really sorry about all that oh he's saying well done he's oh we did a good job saying thank you for returning all these beasts where they belong even though you were the ones that let them out and he's saying as a reward he will grant us our freedom wow here in detroit here in detroit yeah this is detroit no take me back to hell
Channel: Mr.Gibbs
Views: 322,965
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: When You Break Reality, This Happens... (Garry's Mod), glitch, broken
Id: 7i2smCrW1TU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 3sec (663 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 14 2022
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