When World Full of Racism, This Woman's had to Lost Her Child just for Whistling at White Woman

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This Woman's name is Mamie and her son is Emmett Till who is only 14 years old they both go to shopping mall in this 1955 racism in America is still too common even in public places by white people she has a mother named Alma at home she tells her mother that she is worried for Emmett because tomorrow he is going to Mississippi to visit his cousin her mother then told her to let her son go so he could get to know his family there but Mamie is still worried because they are black people the next morning Emmett is getting ready to go there she again reminded how to behave in Mississippi because there are some special rules for black people many advised him to avoid contact with white people and she then gives Emmett the Ring of his late father who died 10 years ago on the battlefield he was very proud to wear that ring after getting ready she drove him to the train station there they met Uncle Moses and his son named wheeler who was also returning to Mississippi Emma then goes on vacation to Mississippi leaving his mother behind who knows if that would be the last day for Mamie would see her beloved Son alive when the train entered Mississippi Territory the black passengers were then removed and separated from the white people long story short while in Mississippi Emmett who incidentally is a city person and often works with his cousins and uncles in the cotton fields then invited to relax at a shop while his cousin was playing in front he then walked into the shop to buy candy at that time the cashier was a white woman named Carolyn their image shows a photo of a film actress in his wallet and says that she looks like a movie star saw Emma contact with white people his cousin immediately pulled him out but before getting into the car he instead whistled Carolyn until that the atmosphere suddenly fell silent [Music] the people immediately fled because Carolyn immediately took her gun in the car while in Chicago Mimi was at work she couldn't stop thinking about her son who had been separated from her for a week she then goes to her boyfriend named Jean to ask him to go pick up Emmett in Mississippi they then agreed to go in a few days long story short three day later when they were relaxing in a place Emmett's cousin named Maurice finally couldn't stand at its Indiscreet Behavior he even discussed why Emmet had whistled Carolyn in the shop yesterday because his actions could harm them because Mississippi is different from Chicago in Mississippi black people were murdered over the little trouble Maurice plans to report him to his father so that Emmett will be sent home but wheeler told him to keep it a secret because maybe Carolyn didn't tell anyone else either they then went home and got ready for bed suddenly in the midnight another person banged on Uncle Moses house they're looking for a kid from Chicago who else if not Emmett they forced their way and then fetched Emmett they are Carolyn's husband named Roy Bryant and also his half-brother named J.W millam their Uncle Moses tries to get Roy to forgive Emmett because he is just a kid who still needs to learn but Roy doesn't care care about that in the car there was Carolyn waiting to confirm Emmett's face and not only that what made it sad was that there were also some black people there who worked with the Roy family Uncle Moses and his family could do nothing the next morning from a distance wheeler sees the man who had picked up Emmett lifting something onto the pickup truck out of fear he then immediately went into the house that morning Mamie also got call she got news that Emmett was picked up by someone last night hearing that news she then invited Gene to go to Mississippi but Gene tells her to calm down and wait inside the house a short time his mother aunt and Maney father also came to her house her father named John brought a man named Ray files he was someone who used to deal with matters like this He suggests many meet William he is a representative of NAACP National Association for the advancement of people of color to fight for the civil rights of black people William also knew important people and Mayors in Mississippi the next morning she is meet William there he told her that at this time he was also handling two cases in Mississippi namely the death of a priest and a man named Lamar Smith Williams suggested taking advantage of all the press in Chicago many must have the courage to speak in front of the camera so that the news of the kidnapping is known to all the public long story short finally the news about Emmett appeared in the newspapers hoped someone reading the paper knows of its existence even with William's help this problem also reached the governor but unfortunately the good news was followed by bad news there is information over the phone that Emmett's body has been found in the river his corpse is known because he wore his father's ring hearing the news of her son's death many immediately fainted news of Emmett's body being found was broadcast on television this case again became a concern related to the issue of racism against black people how can a 14 year old child be killed just to prove white supremacy to Rayfield made me beg to take her son body home at any cost because she believed that William could ask the authorities to help her she didn't want her son to be buried by the people of Mississippi Rayfield then reminded her to get public attention to this case because it's not just about Emmett but justice to all black people Emmett's body was finally returned to Chicago before going to the train station many talked to her mother there her mother was very sorry and blamed herself because she was the one who encouraged Emmett to go to Mississippi Emmett's body arrives at the train station saw a coffin being lowered that the Scribe immediately took a picture many was even hysterical when she saw the craze how could it not be at that time she delivered Emmett in good health and now she's picking up Emmett with a pathetic death at the funeral home Mimi and Jean saw the shapeless condition of Emmett's body with a bad smell and also the whole body that swells because it's too long in the water she then checked the body of her own son she watched carefully what happened to her son bruises all over and also a gunshot wound to Emmett's head and that made her even more Angry it really means nothing to the life of a black child who is very easy to kill just because of a small problem she then told Gene to go home to get a suit for Emmett and she forbade Emmett's body from being groomed as was usual Mimi wants the whole world to see what happened to her son a bold decision showing her son in front of many people with such conditions outside she tells reporters that her son came home with racial hatred she was hit in the face missing teeth and a gunshot went into the head many then asked one of the journalists to take a photo of her and Emmett for the cover of the Magazine's headlines invitations for an open funeral were eventually sent out across the country of course many people did not expect that this brutal fate could befall a 14 year old child hundreds of people gather at the church for Emmett's funeral there her aunt came while Maurice remained in Mississippi to look after Uncle Moses her aunt apologized and explained that she and her family had tried to save Emmett but they could not do anything she also decided she would move to Chicago forever because she couldn't stand living in Mississippi anymore she actually didn't have the strength to look at Emmett but she forced herself until she was hysterical when she saw her nephew's child the people they're more damage with the coffin open as proof that currently they are living in conditions that are not in favor of black people because of mani's persistence Roy Bryant and J.W milliam were finally charged with Emmett's murder but she is still dissatisfied that Carolyn is still free and not a suspect according to Rayfield it's been a success it's not easy being able to indict two white people in Mississippi but in fact in society the open funeral that was held yesterday has its pros and cons some people say that Mamie really has the heart to let her son be a public spectacle but somehow also saying if she dared because indeed the world should know the racial atrocities faced by black people even worse not a few people sent letters to Mamie with hate messages that had no sense of humanity at all in fact they're grateful that there is one more black person missing from the face of the Earth on that day many's parents came they told her not to go to Mississippi due to unsafe conditions but she said that Rayfield and William had worked out a plan so she could leave safely she did all this for Emma's she has to appear in court to testify for the justice of her son her father then offered her to accompany her to Mississippi Mimi then arrives at Mount Bayou and is escorted by Williams assistant named Medgar for safety's sake she was taken to a house they're a group of people working on black trial cases they conduct investigations search for Witnesses and help victims prepare for their trials Mentor then introduces her to everyone including Dr Howard who owns this Commando house Dr Howard was a driving force for the struggle for freedom for black people he works as a surgeon in a hospital he is willing to use his money to fund the struggle he went after the trial Mimi could join his organization to fight for independence for black people the because according to him it has not been a victory when she has indicted Roy and JW before the judge's verdict is truly Fair their struggle will be tough because they will face 12 judges who are all white they finally appeared in court when Mamie tried to make a statement to the journalists unexpected disturbance occurred racism in Mississippi is high even the toilets are differentiated and not only that only blacks were searched before entering the courtroom inside the room the smell of intimidation was very strong because almost all the chairs were occupied by white people out of tens of seats only eight seats were reserved for black people the rest were ordered to stand a sheriff's Strider is just as bad when he tries to provoke Mamie moreover the opposing team of lawyers did not greet her at all the trial then Begins the judge sent the jurors in and is predicted all were white and of average age not to mention the opposing lawyers have asked for the trial to be adjourned because they found another witness for his trial the judge easily agreed to the request the trial was adjourned after the trial Mimi asked Medgar to take her to town she then went to Uncle Moses house there she was given a letter written by Emmett that he had not yet had time to send it to his mother and also the Hat Maurice apologizes for what happened to his cousin Mani then went to meet Uncle Moses by the river Uncle Moses explained why he didn't fight back that night because in the blink of an island it happened he had to choose between fighting back with his shotgun and letting the rest of his family get involved or letting it all happen there he regretted this incident to make it sadder he was unable to testify in court because there is no history of black people surviving after fighting white people in Mississippi one night menker and his friend went to a house he seeks out wheeler to force him to testify in court wheeler tries to escape from the back door but is caught by them he then spoke to Howard's doctor and was persuaded to testify luckily he wants to help even though the stakes are the safety of his grandparents and himself on the night of the incident he saw Roy JW and several black men picking up Emmett but the people had left the city because Roy paid them that nightmarger's wife merly accompanied her to speak merly believes in the struggle they are doing because she doesn't want their children to live in fear in the future even though her life was at stake even though merly was terrified every day because she was waiting for Medgar to come home the next day the trial was held again finally Uncle Moses had the courage to testify for black people sitting there as a gamble for their lives Uncle Moses bothly recounted the chronology of events how JW pulled a gun in that night and with Roy they kidnap Emmett don't know what the hearts of the people who or they are made of Uncle Moses testimony was even ridiculed and laughed at gunpoint Uncle Moses also bravely stood up and pointed at JW who was in the front seat after that Uncle Moses Simi and Maurice immediately left for Chicago to follow their aunt for their safety now its Wheeler's turn to testify he recounted the incident of how JW put Emmett's body in a pickup truck but Roy's lawyer instead asked why he didn't scream for help there he could not say anything other than to say if he certainly could Roy's party also presented a witness Sharif Strider his testimony is so absurd he said it wasn't clear if the body was white or black when it was found he even accused this of being the idea of a black Association Emmett must be alive somewhere he said then it was time for Mamie to testify through questions from her lawyer she explained that it is difficult to describe what a mother knows but she knows that the body is Emmett's son she has been taking care of him for 14 years she had touched and recognized every one of them its bodies A Mother's Touch can easily recognize her child even with eyes closed like recognizing his Laugh In The Crowd so nothing can hide a child from his mother different from Roy and JW's lawyers they even lead questions outside the case they asked about Emmett's insurance policy which indirectly sends the jury's opinion that mainly benefited from insurance in the event of her son death he also suggests that Emmett may be a problem child but she still answered the question with convincing answers the next day the trial begins with Carolyn's testimony and the judge decides that this testimony will be conducted without a jury present because it's irrelevant there Carolyn said that at that time it was just her and Emmett in the shop while another black man was outside playing chess she said Emmett held her hand when he asked for money she had to stomp her hand to release the grip after that Emmett seduced her for a date he even came closer to her and clashed her hands behind her back and harass her a piece of crap in that Court making it seem as if a 14 year old boy who still watches cartoons acts like a grown man who is addicted to pornography after that funny testimony Mimi immediately decided to return to Chicago and at that moment she was unable to hear the judge's decision because she already knew what the outcome would be and that's right the jury finds Roy and JW not guilty of the murder as if the trial for three days is just a formality while in Harlem New York Rayfield asked her to tell her story and hundreds of people who had gathered there in Her speech Mimi told our son was abused and meant nothing in the criminal justice system in Mississippi as always the black victim is to blame she used out a nice house in Chicago she has a decent job but because of Emmett's lynching she left it all and will fight with the association to defend black people wherever they are because one of their problems is a common Affair that must be fought for her speech managed to inspire many people many May Fail in demanding Justice for Emmett's murder but her actions succeeded in creating a movement that paved the way for civil rights action in 1957 she then dedicated the rest of her life to educating children while fighting for human rights in America Madrid became the leader of the movement but eight years after that he was murdered outside his house in front of his wife and children less than a year after the trial Roy admits that they killed Emmett in an interview for a magazine they were paid four thousand dollars to confess their actions in the article though they told how they beat him shot him and threw his body into the river with a fan from a cotton mill tied with barbed wire around Emmett's neck so his body would drown but even though they admit what they did they still spend the rest of their lives as Free People Carolyn was also never prosecuted for her involvement in the kidnapping and murder this film is indeed dedicated to Emmett Till's memory that his struggle has become a legacy many died in 2003 in fact the law was made to protect anyone regardless of ethnicity religion and race but if the law is only in favor of a few people then a country has not fulfilled its promise to protect all its people and remember those who lie hide the truth make fun of it and by the law maybe they can escape the snares of the world's laws but their limbs will bear witness to their deeds on the day of judgment and no one will be able to escape God's punishment thanks for watching remain fair in all circumstances [Music] foreign
Channel: StoryLine Movie
Views: 235,186
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Keywords: movie recap, film recap, story recap, storyline movie, mystery recap, mystery recapped, based on true story movie, motivational movie recap, inspirational movie recap, sad movie recap
Id: YhCIKa6lESk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 42sec (822 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 11 2022
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