Abandoned by His Wife and Doubted by Peoples, Single Father Struggles to Take Care His Little Girl

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the film opens by showing a couple who look very happy they are Matthew and Liz they were very happy because they had just been blessed with a child at that time they were both in the hospital to check Liz's pregnancy but the doctor said that Liz's anionic fluid had broken and like it or not in the near future Liz had to have a birth operation it turns out that Matthew is a man who likes to joke and is reckless instead of taking the doctor's word seriously Matthew instead joked by asking the doctor can the operation be postponed because tomorrow he has to play a game with his friends hearing that Liz who was serious and panicked scolded her husband a few days later Liz finally did the birth operation Matthew also accompanied his wife in the operating room it was a tense moment for Liz as well as Matthew and a few hours later the operation was successful and Liz gave birth to a baby girl the doctor immediately gave the baby to Matthew and he looked very happy to see his first child born into the world it was one of the happiest moments for Liz and Matthew afterwards Liz's parents came and congratulated Matthew and Liz on the birth of their first child everyone was very happy but Liz suddenly fainted of course Matthew was very panicked and the doctor immediately gave first aid to Liz the doctor told Matthew to wait outside the emergency room and of course Matthew was very panicked and worried about his wife moments later the doctor came out of the operating room Matthew immediately asked about his wife's condition but the doctor took a deep breath and said that Liz was bleeding so badly that her life could not be saved of course at that time Matthew immediately cried he could not believe what was happening Liz's parents also cried because their daughter had died after that Matthew sat pensively as if he had no hope of living anymore later the doctor gave his daughter to him and when he saw the baby crying Matthew realized that he must live to take care of his child the story moved a few days later Matthew was giving a speech in memory of his wife when standing on the podium Matthew could not say anything because in fact until that moment Matthew had not been able to accept his wife's death and he felt that he would not be able to take care of his child alone at that time Matthew was just daydreaming on the podium until he saw his wife's shadow in front of him and Matthew seemed to say to his wife Liz I'm willing to trade everything I have just to be with you one more day in the middle of his reverie suddenly Matthew's daughter was crying hearing the sound of his daughter crying Matthew realized that he had to stay alive to look after his child after that at Matthew's house there were many people visiting his friends Liz's parents and also his parents were present Matthew's two best friends Oscar and Jordan are as Reckless as him even when Matthew was grieving Jordan and Oscar were kidding breathe breathe a little artistic ass after that Matthew was shown holding his child Matthew named his daughter Maddie Matthew said to Maddie that right now she only had one parent and the one who should still be here was Liz because according to Matthew it would be better for God to just take his life because Liz would have been better at taking care of Maddie while on the other hand Matthew's in-laws and parents doubted him to take care of his own child because they thought Matthew was a childish man so he couldn't possibly take care of a child alone even then his best friend Jordan also doubted Matthew's ability I don't know how you're gonna do this in the evening finally Matthew's mother-in-law told him that it would be better if Maddie was brought home by her and she would take care of Maddie of course Matthew was confused because actually his in-laws wanted to help him but he also realized that he could not be separated from his daughter because Matthew's in-laws house was out of town Matthews and loss continued that taking care of the child was not easy and at the moment Matthew was also working so he couldn't possibly take care of Maddie alone at that time Matthew felt humiliated but he also felt he had to be responsible for his daughter ultimately Matthew decides to take care of Maddie alone because after all he is her father even though Matthew wasn't a perfect father at least as a father Matthew should always be beside Maddie and always take care of her Matthew's parents-in-law who still don't believe in dalium are finally forced to agree with Matthew's decision the next day as usual Matthew went to work when at work his boss talked to him his boss who knew that his wife had just died said that he understood Matthew's situation and it must have been very hard for him therefore Matthew was allowed to take time off and could work whenever he was ready however Matthew said that he may never be ready but to meet the needs of his daughter he must work but that day Matthew had permission to do his work at home because he had to take care of his child it's true a father always has a thousand reasons to keep fighting and cover up his sadness hearing that Matthew's boss asked if Matthew would take care of his child alone it turns out that even his boss doubted that Matthew could take care of his child alone Matthew firmly replied that it was true he would take care of his child alone his boss gave advice that caring for a child alone is not something easy because it requires a very high level of patience and dedication after that Matthew's boss finally allowed him to work from home but if Matthew is needed and has to come to the office then Matthew has to go to the office a few days later Matthew's parents and also Liz's parents left his house so from then on he had to take care of his child alone in order to prove to everyone that he can be a responsible father at that time Matthew struggled to care for his child and because no one helped Matthew finally took his child everywhere he took his son to work played basketball and wherever he when he always took his daughter with him because Maddie was still a baby one time she cried Non-Stop and Maddie was always crying so that Matthew could not sleep well Matthew who was frustrated finally decided to go to the mother's Association and ask how he could stop his baby from crying when Matthew came at first the mothers rejected him because he was a man but after knowing the fact that Matthew was a single parent they finally accepted Matthew and gave him lots of advice so that his child would stop crying later that night again Maddie kept crying and Matthew had done everything he could until the wee hours of the morning Matthew applied the method given by the mother's Association and it turned out that it was successful in getting his baby to sleep soundly Matthew was very happy and finally he could sleep peacefully every night Matthew was always sleep deprived finally the next day at the office he fell asleep during a meeting his boss immediately woke him to make a presentation but suddenly when Matthew was giving a presentation suddenly he heard his daughter crying therefore Matthew immediately stopped his presentation and went to see his daughter of course at that time Matthew's boss was angry with him because Matthew was presenting to all clients and the client must have felt Disturbed but on the other hand Matthew was trying to calm his daughter because she could not stop crying and it caused the people who were in the office Disturbed but at that time the clients who were supposed to listen to Matthew's presentation actually felt concerned about him and even the clients were amazed at him because he was still taking care of his child even though he was in the office after that they gave advice to Matthew in filing Matthew's child stopped crying even the clients LED Matthew to present while holding his child and at that time Matthew's presentation went well after the presentation Matthew was immediately called by his boss at that time his boss apologized first then said that this office is not a place for sleeping and also not a place for babysitting hearing what his boss said Matthew thought that he would be fired but his boss said that he would not fire Matthew because he was a very extraordinary employee but his boss suggested that Matthew hire a babysitter so he wouldn't have to bother caring for the baby anymore so he would also have time to rest and work after that Matthew followed the advice from his boss and he immediately hired a babysitter and Matthew let her take care of his child Matthew's friend Jordan who knows that Matthew already has a babysitter invites Matthew to go to a bar thew who had not hung out for a long time finally agreed to Jordan's offer and that night they went to a bar when at the bar instead of having fun Matthew just kept thinking about his daughter because he continued to be restless Matthew finally told Jordan that he had to go home immediately and check on his daughter's condition but Jordan instead asked Matthew to take it easy because there was already a babysitter who took care of his daughter after all Matthew had not had fun in a long time Jordan asked Matthew to enjoy the night regardless of Jordan's words Matthew immediately decided to go home because he didn't trust the babysitter the next day Matthew was no longer hiring a babysitter a few days later Matthew's in-laws suddenly came to see Maddie when his in-laws came Matthew was very panicked because the house was so messy because of that Matthew's in-laws again doubted him the reason Matthew's in-laws came was because Maddie was supposed to see the doctor that day after that they immediately went to the doctor to control Maddie's condition after being checked Matthew asked the doctor how his child was but the doctor didn't respond to the question instead she asked how Matthew was doing was he okay matthews-in-laws who still doubt him asked the doctor about Maddie's condition Matthew's mother-in-law asks if Maddie is okay seeing his mother-in-law's panicked face and also seeing the doctor's Sullen face Matthew immediately apologized because he felt that he couldn't take care of his child properly because he was an imperfect father and he couldn't do anything about it unexpectedly it turns out that Matthew misunderstood the doctor told him that his daughter was very healthy furthermore the doctor further said that Matthew's wife must be very proud of him hey Matt you're not a joke your wife would be very proud of you Maddie's doing great you can start feeding her when she's hungry when they came home from the hospital Matthew's in-laws told Matthew that in the next few weeks Maddie had to come with her because she was going to be christened a few weeks later Matthew and his daughter went to Liz's parents house in Minnesota when they got there Matthew and his daughter were greeted warmly Liz's parents loved their granddaughter so much that they always spoiled Maddie after that Matthew's in-laws asked Matthew to talk seriously at that time his in-laws said that Maddie needed a female role model to take care of her because if she was only taken care of by her father she would definitely lack affection later Matthew's in-laws offered to let Maddie be taken care of by them but Matthew sticks to his principle if he wants to take care of his child alone and he wants to always be beside his daughter the story shifts to a few years later now Maddie is in elementary school Matthew dismissed the opinion of those who doubted him and he proved that he had succeeded in taking care of his daughter until now not only that it turns out that Matthew's friends Jordan and Oscar also joined Matthew in taking care of his child so Jordan and Oscar are also very very close to Maddie at that time Maddie looked very happy because she could be with her father and also she could play together with Jordan and Oscar until one day there was a problem because since she was little until now Maddie has only been around three boys so Maddie's character tends to be like a boy for example at school she didn't want to wear a skirt because she felt it was a strange thing then one morning when Matthew was looking after his child who was playing Matthew suddenly met a woman unexpectedly it turns out that this woman has the same name as Matthew's wife Liz at that time Matthew and Liz had a long chat and it turned out that they had a lot of compatibility Liz who knows that Matthew is a single parent and takes care of his child alone is Amazed by what Matthew has done and since that day Matthew and Liz's relationship has become even closer until one day Matthew took his daughter and Liz for a vacation together it turns out that Liz gets along really well with Maddie the girl who until now was only taken care of by her father now looks very comfortable around Liz after the vacation Matthew finally told Maddie that he and Liz had a special relationship little Manny doesn't understand what her father is saying but Maddie is very happy when her father is close to Liz because Maddie already feels comfortable with Liz for this reason Matthew and Liz's relationship is getting more intense day by day so that Matthew spends more time with Liz one day Maddie who was playing at school suddenly fell and even hit her head until it bled Maddie was immediately rushed to the hospital and it turned out that at that time Matthew was with Liz Matthew was called by the hospital to tell him that his daughter was seriously injured without thinking Matthew immediately rushed to the hospital and he was really panicked because he was afraid something would happen to his daughter Matthew asked the doctor about Maddie's condition and the doctor said that Maddie was not bleeding badly on her head so she just had her head stitched and could go home after being stitched up by the doctor Maddie went home with her father when they got home Matthew felt very guilty because he felt he could not look after his child so that Maddie got hurt Matthew also feels guilty because he feels that he spends too much time with Liz so he can't focus on taking care of his daughter and at that moment suddenly Liz came to Matthew's house to check on Maddie's condition Matthew who felt that he should focus more on his daughter told Liz that they should end this relationship because Maddie is not ready and what's more Matthew needs to focus on Maddie hearing that of course Liz was very sad because actually Liz also wanted to help Matthew take care of Maddie but Matthew didn't want to and at that time Liz decided to leave Matthew a few days later Maddie who already feels very comfortable with Liz asks Matthew while Liz never visits them anymore Matthew didn't respond and he just said that Maddie would never see Liz again at that time Manny was very sad later Matthew and Maddie go to Matthew's in-laws for several days Maddie was at her grandmother's house and she was very happy because her grandmother took very good care of her was very attentive and also always spoiled her Maddie who had not found a mother figure for a long time was very happy once upon a time they were celebrating Maddie's birthday Matthew's in-laws came back to talk with him and said that if Maddie needed a family then it would be better for Manny to just stay with them Matthew felt offended and he was angry at his in-laws after that he immediately took Maddie home when she was invited to go home Maddie refused because she felt comfortable at her grandmother's house Maddie said that she no longer wanted to go to her father's house because she only met her father when she was at home instantly Matthew realized that Maddie was happier at her grandmother's house than it is in the night Matthew saw Manny who was fast asleep Matthew kissed his daughter passionately and he seemed to be saying something to Maddie Matthew thanks Maddie for wanting to be taken care of by a father who isn't perfect like him and he apologizes if he hasn't been able to make Maddie happy all this time and now Matthew knows that Maddie is happier at her grandmother's house and one thing that Maddie must always remember she and her mother are gifts given by God to Matthew after that Matthew left Maddie the next day Matthew finally decided to leave Maddie at his in-laws house at that time Matthew said goodbye to Maddie Matthew only smiled faintly in front of his daughter and he advised Maddie to be fine at her grandmother's house sometimes in showing his love for his child a father acts more because he is not good at saying it after that Matthew went straight home went on the way home Matthew cried and the next day while at work Matthew was unexpectedly summoned by his boss at that time his boss said that he was amazed by Matthew because Matthew could take care of his child and he also played a big role in his company because of that Matthew's boss was promoted so that the position for supervisor is currently vacant at that time Matthew's boss recommended that Matthew could take his place hearing the offer Matthew was very happy but again his mind was distracted because he was still thinking about his daughter a few days later Matthew was still playing together with his friends Jordan and Oscar while the three of them were playing they felt something was strange because Maddie wasn't there because of that Matthew felt sad and his friends were sad too a few days later at that time Matthew was at the airport when he saw a girl saying goodbye to her father and at that moment Matthew was reminded of Maddie and he realized that he really had to live with his daughter without thinking much Matthew decided to go to his parents-in-law's house to see Maddie when he arrived at his parents-in-law's house there Matthew said that Maddie had to stay with him and unexpectedly Maddie who had not seen her father for a long time immediately haunted her father and said that she wanted to go home because of that Matthew finally decided to take Maddie home and come back to live with him when saying goodbye to his in-laws Matthew said that he was very grateful because they were willing to take care of Maddie his parents-in-law immediately apologized to Matthew because he had underestimated him all this time and thought that Matthew could not be a good father but after hearing Manny tell the story they knew that Matthew was a very extraordinary father and they were sure that if Matthew's wife saw this she would also be very proud of Matthew [Music] yeah good hearing that Matthew shed tears because he didn't expect his in-laws and his wife to be proud of him after that Maddie who really wanted to meet Liz forced her father to go to Liz's house so the next day Matthew and Maddie visited Liz's house there Matthew apologized to Liz for separating her from Maddie and finally Liz made up with Matthew and the three of them were very happy
Channel: StoryLine Movie
Views: 158,233
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: movie recap, film recap, story recap, storyline movie, mystery recap, mystery recapped, based on true story movie, motivational movie recap, inspirational movie recap, sad movie recap
Id: Z1f5aOyTc3w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 27sec (1047 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 31 2022
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