When to use Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign? - LIVE stream #7

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hello everyone we are back after a couple of weeks YouTube we are out back I'm Martin and welcome to yes I'm a designer as I mentioned in the comments below I have a very special guest with me today she's my wife she's my wife she me and she's also designer she has been in designing for around five six years and you are completely self-taught yes 46 years ago I had no idea what Photoshop was or InDesign or illustrator then I started teaching myself and the last five years I was mainly working as a in-house designer and now I am freelancing and working for us I'm a designer oh and what we are going to do today just so you know what this stream is going to be about we will be talking about the differences and the similarities between Photoshop Illustrator and InDesign the three most important tools for graphic designers and creatives in general so I just want to check before we go any further that the sound and the video quality is good so if you can just let us know whether it's all good and you can hear us see us fine so we will be spending probably half of the time today to talking about theory and then the other half I'm going to show you an actual project so we will be putting together something which I've roughly planned but again I will improvise a bit similarly to what we've done last time in the poster design when Emily was here with me so I can see that all good right everyone's saying it's all fine so hopefully there won't be any technical issues if there's any problem just let us know in the chat Schumi is going to keep an eye on the chat for me while I'm presenting to you so before I go any further let me just switch on to mice and also let's set this up like that all right so what you see is InDesign right now I will start with a quick presentation and I want I won't waste much time on this but I wanted to also mention that this presentation and all the exercise files I'm going to use in this session you will be able to download if you support me on patreon so patreon is a website which I can show you later on where you can find additional exercise files and assets that can be useful when you watch these streams that we are doing and this stream that we are currently doing I already have all the assets uploaded on patreon so you can check it out yourself just look for yes I'm a designer on patreon and we actually have the link in the description as well to the patreon site so you can check that out now the topic is as I said choosing the right tool which is a difficult one it's probably anyone who's starting out going to face and you will probably also be asked at interviews whether you are strong at certain tools like Photoshop Illustrator InDesign which one is your strongest and it's hard to say which one is most important for a for certain job so that's what I would like to help you on explaining today so I am going to start off by showing you photoshop and let me just put this into full screen so hopefully you can see everything from this I created this presentation to make sure that it's like print friendly because it's a downloadable PDF on page 2 patreon that you can use as well if you want to keep this on your desk or put it on your bowl it's going to give you a really good reminder of deciding how to start a project and which tools you should work with so I'm not going to go through this because you can read it yourself but the way I organize this PDF is that I have on the left side what an application the current vacation is useful for so like Photoshop is useful for retouching photos correcting the colors of images and so on and so forth then I also have avoided for now this is something that happens sometimes that an illustrator would create things in Photoshop or someone would start a logo design project projecting in in Photoshop and so on and so forth there can be overlaps between these applications and that's not a big mistake if you use let's say Photoshop for something that can be better done in Illustrator but there's certain tasks like the ones here I mentioned in this list that is best to do in these applications so like Photoshop is not for logo design okay so the avoided for lists is quite important it's good to remember that the important unique features you can see another list although all of these applications have loads of features in them I listed here the most important unique features which you won't find in the other applications so you won't find adjustment layers in Illustrator or in InDesign so for these you have to go to Photoshop but also you won't find hint healing and cloning tools in the other two application that that's Photoshop that you need to use for that and then I also listed on the right side the primary tool for certain design rules or creative rules like retouchers would use Photoshop as that primary tool and then photographers in combination with Lightroom they would also use it instead primary tool and so on and so forth now just as an example I don't know when you worked to me as an in-house designer let's say Toni and Guy as an in-house designer was Photoshop the main tool that you used oh I think it varied as you said if we were to color correct images or make any tweaks to the image itself we will probably use Photoshop whereas if we have to put campaign together or a magazine we will switch to InDesign well I think all of them will used for its own special way but for mainly image retouching we will use Photoshop yeah yeah so it really varies some jobs you would be asked to use Photoshop a lot and you would probably spend 80 90 percent of your time in there if any of these jobs are what you are doing so if you're a retoucher obviously 90 percent probably of the time you will be in Photoshop but then if you are more into that's a logo design you would probably spend more time in Illustrator and so on and so forth let me just return to illustrator so you can see that we have at least for this as well so of course for logo designers illustrators pets and designers and fashion designers illustrator is the primary tool and what we have unique here is that illustrator in compared to Photoshop is an object based application so here you don't even have to create letters although you have letters you don't have to create layers because all the elements that you create will automatically be objects and I will show you this once we switch onto the actual applications and show you the real project that we will be working on so being object based illustrator is an advantage I would say over Photoshop but Photoshop of course allows you still to work non-destructively having layers in it so it's just difference between them that it's worth mentioning and there's also of course the very important advantage in illustrator it is that it is a resolution independent workflow that you do that which means that everything or almost everything is vector based so nothing will be pixelated while you are working and be on the opposite side Photoshop is mainly working with raster images or pixel images so that's a big difference between the two and the third one in the list is InDesign which is actually the youngest one out of all of all three of them you probably noticed that I have the date in which they were first introduced and Photoshop is 88 1988 illustrator is 1987 and then InDesign is 1999 so that's the that's the most recent edition out of these three in the in the Adobe package but obviously that has was already 18 years history so it became the again the industry-leading application in page layout and design and this is a very very important tool in the creators toolset because I would say this is and this is important this InDesign is the primary tool for graphic designers and a lot of people won't dare say that or even like in tutorials they wouldn't really emphasize that everyone is saying that you must know Photoshop you must know illustrator yeah but do you agree that InDesign is the most important 90% of our collaterals were created using InDesign as I mentioned we use illustrator to create vectors or elements and we use Photoshop to tweak images however both elements from Photoshop or illustrator will take into InDesign where we create the final composition so it's definitely an important tool that you should master if you want to improve your career and definitely enhance your yeah yeah so I can't emphasize this a smooth and really InDesign is so important and I remember when I first started off I was actually already teaching as a certified instructor Photoshop and I think I also started teaching illustrator the first I started of teaching Photoshop even though I was already teaching it I was really weak on InDesign and I've learned InDesign later on and then I became was an instructor later on but that took me years to really master this application because it's already when it was first released it was already a very robust and strong application with loads of features and probably one of the best ways of showing you how strong this application is a good comparison between the three of them is that when you go to the window menu in any of the application so I mean InDesign CC right now you will find all the panels under the window menu so first at first glimpse it looks like it's not that much so if we compare it to let's say illustrator and I go to window menu that seems to be much much more so it's a much more extensive list but if I go to Photoshop again we will see a fairly long list around I don't know 20 25 panels we have so each of these listed here are panels and panels we use to access features so obviously the more panels you have that means that you have more options and when we look at InDesign it seems like that's the shortest list but that's just the first first point when you look at it but when you hover over the groups because here we actually have groups of panels you will see that we actually have loads of more panels like under interactive we have a whole other set of panels on the output as well we have plenty under styles we have five type and tables again another one utility is another one and I haven't actually counted this ever but I know that InDesign has around twice as much panels than Photoshop and it almost has as much panels as Photoshop and illustrator combined so it's actually shows well how much options you have in these applications and in this application and I would like to just ask you guys in the chat you can tell us whether InDesign is something that you are strong on or maybe what we can say is just writing the comment the strongest which one is the strongest application out of the three so which one you know the best which one you are most confident in or maybe the which one out of the three of them you use the most often so we will be able to see a little bit of a statistics obviously we can't count it properly but everyone will be able to see this and then I will just ask sue me to maybe give me like an rough estimate of which one was the strongest one I mean just wait a bit let's just get a couple of comments in and it's just interesting mainly Photoshop that's what I expected and died straight illustrator is second probably I think one or two people commented say InDesign yeah majority is Photoshop yeah yeah so there is also an interesting thing that on on the web and YouTube for example if if I don't know again statistics but if we would look at the available tutorials and videos on on these three applications again Photoshop wheeled out of a by far these the other two and improperly illustrator would be second but still like probably one to five the the relation between them so at there's at least five times more Photoshop that mid ten times more than illustrator and then there's even less content on InDesign I feel and that is I don't know what why do you think that is because the demand is there i I teach these applications regularly and I actually teach InDesign the most so in classroom trainings as the highest demand for that but what why do you think on online there's less content I do know why I honestly think people think in order to gain to design you just have to learn Photoshop everything is Photoshop but when you have my magazines when you hear when you read you know an article and you said image of a celebrity retouch everyone assumes is photoshopped and I don't know I think Photoshop just has a bit more of a it's known better than any other product other softwares yeah yeah I think I agree and I think Photoshop is just general is just cool because you can very quickly create something that's that's visually like engaging and you can impress people even just showing techniques so it is an easy one to impress people with while illustrator is an InDesign are a bit more technical and you have to really understand how they work to be able to create something interesting with them but I would argue that you can create just as amazing things with these two applications or maybe even more than them with Photoshop so there's no difference in the quality of work that you can do there's just difference in the style and the type of work you can do with them I think it might be good to ask people to on the chat say why they use Photoshop mainly because I can see that they using Photoshop and illustrator but it'll be good to know what they're actually creating sure yeah so if you guys can tell us in the comments so we can see that Photoshop is the most common out of all all of you and then illustrator comes second InDesign is hardly there was anyone singing in the Sun is strongly three comments yeah yeah yeah you no problem so that was probably the least strongest and then yeah as Jimmy said it would be interesting to see what you guys are doing or so so what are you using these applications for and based on that we will be seeing like I can see painting photo editing which for that Photoshop of course is the best so I won't go back in the in this presentation but as I said if you want to get the PDF you can find this on my patreon site and it will be something that will be probably useful for everyone to keep keep saved and refer back to so yeah I can see other comments are coming in retouching and then illustrator for logos Photoshop for websites InDesign in design for brochures that's great good and then I would like to move on to our next page so here's a really thinking why we are why we are getting the responses from you guys I always like to show something more tangible something more visible through which we can see the difference between these applications so we can see the difference on specific examples like typography I chose typography and anything to do with typography because that can be done in all three of them and it's something that unites them but still makes a difference between the three applications that we've been talking about so if I go into Photoshop there's a few examples here I collected from the web and these are at the type of designs that you should do in Photoshop if we are talking about mainly type heavy or type centered design so photo realistic effects textures 3d type text use for compositional element and so on and so forth these are the things that Photoshop is the best for so you can see that we have a couple of very photorealistic effects like the burning text that tears the burning text it looks like lava or ashes we have the neon light or the the fluorescent light coming from the lightbox we have the pop candy which looks like honey or sweet liquid sweet then we can also see the the portray on the right which is something that where the text is not really to read it it's just to create the composition and again similarly to the departed poster on the top left or the swan lake where the text is still legible but it's creating the composition it's used as either holding device or as an interacting element with the photograph so these are the type of things where Photoshop is great and although Photoshop is not really for working with text it's not for typesetting but this type of realistic effects and and 3d type and so on and so forth based on in Photoshop but now let's have a look at illustrator so illustrator again is a brilliant tool to work with text it probably has a bit even more options than Photoshop but it's used for different things so we would use it more for like digital hand lettering custom fonts illustrative characters like the a on the top right or packaging where again you have a lot of type but you are using it to create packaging or icons or logos so these are all best done in Illustrator and hopefully you can see the difference between the two of them so the type of typographic design you do in Photoshop and also the the ones that we do in Illustrator you should be able to tell the difference and then if I switch to InDesign again you will see the difference that here we are doing page layout we are doing typesetting threaded text across pages text wrap columns drop caps and so on and so forth so this is where multi-page design work comes into play and that's InDesign is best for that although illustrator and Photoshop can also handle artboards it's not the same as having pages and working with let's say master pages in InDesign so even simple things as numbered pages you won't be able to automate in the other applications you have to use InDesign for that so this again is just a simple comparison of these three once again showing it to you Photoshop Illustrator and InDesign so the three different examples on how we use these tools to work with text and type in general and I would like to also mention that there are also common things between these applications so that's one of the main reasons why a lot of people find it difficult to choose which tool to use for a certain task because there's quite a lot of things that are overlapping and similar in them so here's in this list you can see the similarities and the common craft between the three applications so of course there's more but these are probably the most most relevant and most important ones so just as an example working with thoughts and drawing vector shapes with the pen tool is available in all three applications does it does it does it matter which one you use for let's say using the pen tool I think application and sometimes when you're using Photoshop to do web design you might find it easier to use a pencil to create rectangle boxes and illustrator Pinto is amazing and in design I've used it a few times for clipping masks but yeah like I said they're all the same accessing in all application yes yes so Adobe is actually doing a good job on untying together these applications as close as possible I was toying with this idea I don't know in fact what you did why like a couple of years ago why don't they just merge these three applications together into one let's I don't know Adobe Creative or something yeah so it's not only us who thought about this and I work for Adobe sometimes as a freelancer I sometimes get to work with that will be directly and not and sometimes I even get to talk to developers working on these products and I try to find out what what their take on this and there's there's several different reasons why they still keep it separate one of the most important thing is because of the legacy of these products so they these are the most strongest and and longest use products in design so merging them together into one is a very difficult task because you would have to make sure that all the previous users will find what they are looking for and even individually they are huge imagine when you merge them together how massive it would be would be very difficult to find what you need to work with so what yeah probably but we never know in the future we might see even more tight integrations between these applications but even already now one of the best feature I can mention for anyone who's already on Creative Cloud is the CC libraries and I actually did presentation two days ago in London on the designers Fiesta about CC libraries and CC services in general which the good news is are that whole thing was recorded so it should come soon on to the YouTube channel I will upload it probably next week or the week after latest it was a really cool presentation around an hour long so just keep tuned for that and and make sure you subscribe if you haven't done it already because there's there's some great content that I was talking about on that event so CC libraries is something that if you haven't started using already make sure you do I feel around the Creative Cloud version because they save so much time I can't tell you how useful they are and I'm planning to do maybe another livestream as well specifically on CC libraries but in the meantime you will see that recorded session that I did on Friday so I don't even want to spend more time on this but I just wanted to mention that of course apart from the differences there are similarities between these products so it's just worth mentioning that and then if I switch on to this I think this is the last page here I just collected again all the points that I made throughout this presentation of throughout this document so again it's just a comparison of what you can use them for what you should avoid them for what's the important unique features and where are they used as primary tools in the industry do we have any questions so far before I move on to project there are few questions for instance announcer names in Russia yeah yeah what's better free character illustration illustration for children's book which application would you recommend I was at Photoshop and illustrator yes so let me give you guys a very good place to check what you should use so probably all of you heard of be hands already be hands was a separate company and it's it was acquired by Adobe I think in 2014 and since then is part of the Adobe Creative Cloud family so this is the site where all creators publish their work and you can find some amazing work here and because it's tightly integrated with the Adobe ecosystem you will actually be able to go under the discover option so Behance net go to discover and choose creative tools and then you will be able to find a list of the most commonly used tools Adobe tools InDesign and then you will see the most recent popular projects published by creatives from around the world so if you are looking for let's say what was it illustration in children books an illustration in general character illustration then you will probably find that similar projects will come up mainly under illustrator and also maybe on the Photoshop so we can see that here immediately there is an illustration project let's just have a look at this one so the Creator Matt green Holt worked in Photoshop so we can see that that was the tool used for this project and then we can scroll down and we can see these illustrations now Jimmy if you look at this why do you think it was Photoshop useful this and not illustrator what what do you think made Matt use this because she prefers Photoshop or because the style just better suited yeah probably the style is a bit more hand hand and one style not vector so I hope for in that flat case probably Photoshop works to give it a bit more role looking few yes and crayon style yes so the the edges are not crisp and sharp we have the textures we have almost as Jimmy said like a traditional media feel to it which is usually much easier to quickly create in English sorry in Photoshop while illustrator will look different so if we go down to illustrator we can look for let's say here's an that's an odd direction but there's an illustration project there as well but let's just have a look at this one I haven't seen these projects so it's completely random but I'm just speaking here but this is done in illustrator and Photoshop that's the two tools used but I would say as I can see this was mainly done in Illustrator it's the unique thing about vector illustration is that edges are usually very sharp and crisp and of course because they are vector based they can be used in any size way whatever you need so they can be printed in really big sizes and they will still look great so for example when you worked on exhibition designs through me what what was it wasn't useful to work with vectors because we were pretty large scale and these are like 5 6 meters high it's always better to go with vectors so you don't have print issues and things here whereas if you are using pixels or you know trying drawing things on Photoshop it's not as crisp when it comes to printing yes that's the main problem so we can see here another example again it's a combination of photoshop and illustrator now you can see that the sketch is the original sketches maybe they've done in Photoshop but then the final artwork is created in Illustrator and I just would like to point out that it's working in Illustrator doesn't mean that you can't have texture and you can't have rough edges so here's a really cool one I just found this this is also a recently published illustration and you can see this was I'm almost sure this is actually in Illustrator but this type of edges can be recreated by using illustrator as well even things like this way you have very heavy texture so it's not always the perfectly clean and sharp edges that you can do in Illustrator it's also possible to add textures to it so this one was a little bit maybe not the best example let me just go into a few other ones here let me just check that one out again this is Photoshop and illustrator so we can see that when you have a lot of texture like this it might need to be in Photoshop but illustrator can be pushed to a point where you can still have something like this we create it fully in vectors it might just be a little bit more tricky to do that and you will need a stronger machine to work with that because in Photoshop this could be a few layers while in Illustrator you would have millions of vector objects just to create that grungy rugged textured look so it's a little bit more it needs a stronger machine to be able to do this type of things so I don't want to go any deeper than that but I want to make sure that you guys check out Behance discover based the discovery option based on creative tools and you can even follow these galleries and then you will have a better idea of what creators around the world use these tools for and you will see a lot of overlap again so it's impossible to say like ok you use photoshop for this you use for illustrator for that because there's always overlap them people ask a questions such as which is better to create business card or book covers as you mentioned I think you can use all three it depends on the type of artwork that you want to create yes yes so one one quick like side note here for example with business cards I find InDesign actually to be the best you can again create the design in Illustrator if you want but then to populate older let's say you have a list of employees a hundred people 100 different people you have to create business cards for you can create the front and the back of the business card in Illustrator you can create the background and set up everything but then in InDesign you should use data merge to pull to bring in all the data of the names but your browse the telephone numbers the emails and so on and so forth which you can prepare first in an spreadsheet and then using data merge in InDesign you can combine that spreadsheet with the InDesign file and then you would get immediately a hundred different business cards populated with all the details so that is actually a good example of even for a simple project like a business card we might not need to use a certain application we can use three applications or two applications combined so that's a very common thing as well that for almost every design project you would probably use a bit of all of them there will be one that is used most but then you are combining and integrating these in your workflow is that question yeah well not everyone uses Mac you you worked recently somewhere everyone yeah a PC as long as as long as that computer is fast I'm happy yes I'm at it was a Mac or PC all the applications were perfectly fine in both yes it just really depends on your computer and also those sorry just a few more questions I just wanted to ask find out Terran asked I know for job is good for designing website but do I switch to illustrator or Adobe XD mm-hmm which is a better way again Adobe XD is probably the best tool right now to use for UX which can be for websites and mobile devices but the reason why it is good because you can design and also prototype so at the interactions and see them coming together and you can show it to your clients as well so it's a brilliant application but it's still in a beta so they are still developing it and there's a lot of features missing like you can't add gifs or animations or videos to it just yet and also there's a few things that I know that they are working on so there's there's definitely reason to learn it and start using it for web design but you shouldn't forget about illustrator so you can still use illustrator for certain tasks and even Photoshop and it should be like a testing thing that you need to check whether for your type of work because even reading that designer so many different styles for the type of work you do whether that's the best tool or maybe Muse Adobe Muse is also great for not too complex websites but something Muse is a tool where you can have fully responsive science created and even have parallax effects and if you are interested that's something that I have a course on so in that one actually I explain a bit more which are the current tools and how you should use these tools for web design so I have at the moment I think I have 18 courses on my website so I have the link as well in the in the description the one that I was talking about is the parallax website design course so here you can see it that's the one on the right now actually that was the slider design but yeah so the the what I wanted to say here is that the most important thing is that although these three applications can be used independently most design projects you would also use them in combination and to find the right amount of using them that usually comes from experience but that's also once again a good thing to start talking to creatives so joining a live stream like this is a great place to find out more about how these products should be used and my aim in the future is to show you as much as I can all kinds of different very project here in live on YouTube and based on that you will see how I combined these applications and for what type of tasks you should use which application you have another question is if you pan up we will try and go through them at the session if possible yeah but some Jonathan bish which wants to know so Jonathan be sure which one application yeah it's a good question which one is yours I like all of them I can't choose I'm sorry but at the moment I love illustrator because I'm learning to create patterns but I used in design but then I got bored of it for a while because I don't like working with so much text but maybe I was meaning to working in print and then Photoshop I love it for website it really depends on the project yeah I also had donek periods when I had a favorite but at the moment I would say probably illustrator for me illustrator has just so much depth that I still still find out new ways of doing things and probably my second favorite is InDesign and Photoshop is actually the third one I don't know maybe it's just an overload I've used it so much and I worked on retouching projects for a long time and I've used it a lot for all kinds of projects yeah so I feel like Photoshop is mentioned everywhere and InDesign and illustrator doesn't get as much credit so that's why I would say illustrator is my favorite currently InDesign second and Photoshop is only third it's true InDesign does all the hard work but it doesn't get recognized yes mystery taste one it's really great and I do I feel I need to improve a lot on that because there's so much to learn and Photoshop is okay I think yeah you go through your phrases don't you yeah and I'm not brood picking up my phone I'd actually want to show you guys something so I'm just going to put this on my screen let me just find the the phone app should come up here oh just one second don't know why it's not coming up I'm sharing so many things so it might not work but actually she's black just one second the reason why I want to show my phone is because coming up I tested it just before again it's never works when I want it to work yeah there you go so the reason why I wanted to show you my phone for a second the screen of my phone let me just switch to my actual screen so you can see it so there you go so you can see that on this side of my I mean I have several pages do we call these pages no screens yeah I have several screens loads of apps on my phone I try to organize them you can see on this screen I think all of these yes all of these apart from the tab at the bottom all of them are Adobe apps these are mobile apps and they are all free so if you guys have a smartphone smartphone and you haven't downloaded some of these make sure you do because they are great fun and you can use them for free even if you are not a Creative Cloud user or subscriber so the one that I use very often is that OB capture which is almost like a camera that you just walk around the street you can capture things and you can turn them into textures brushes and all kinds of things that you can later on using in the desktop applications but then there's also Adobe true which is like illustrator on your phone or tablet of course on the tablet it's a little bit easier especially if you have an iPad pro with the Apple pair so should we use that very often right you use Adobe true right yeah yeah so she was just working today and yesterday and a really cool project and in just creating floral patterns for a poster and yeah I just found out a lot easier to directly draw on the iPad using adobe draw it creates vectors for me I don't need it just makes the work for a lot faster and I only Steve would recommend if you can download a tail on your phone or iPad and of course for Android as well these are all available and yeah Adobe Drew and then we have Photoshop mix photo shops fix we have Adobe sketch again Adobe Photoshop sketch is like using Photoshop for a concept art or drawing in general so you can you can start off do the link on your phone or tablet and then it actually has a lot of functionality and really nicely integrates into the Creative Cloud workflows so I'm not going to talk about this because again this is a huge topic so I'm going to come back to this maybe in another stream we could actually have a series or streams on the mobile apps because they are just really amazing and you can do so many things with them but we have a little bit of time left if we have any questions and then I can really start on the project that I plan so let me just show that while I getting ready here so what I'm going to show you guys is because it would be boring to just talk so it's always good to see some action so we will see Photoshop Illustrator and InDesign and let me just bring this up I prepared this before I just like this little animation here the three products so they are so excited and they can't wait to actually be put to use so what I'm going to do in this project is to have the the images that you see here and the elements that I prepared put together into an InDesign put together into a leaflet or like a flyer or it's like an article about why is it good for climbing mountains and find this article and I just extracted a bit of text from it so we will be putting that together and the images I am using are free photos from pixabay if you guys haven't used it before if you can just type it in that pixabay is a cool really cool stock photo source and all the photos are free there and they are really high quality amazing images like you can see this one as well is really nice high resolution image this one as well is five thousand pixels so great stuff to work with and then we have some icons which is another free source that I would recommend everyone to check out it's the noun project if you can look for them as well and put it in the comments so the noun project even has a plug-in or like an extension for all these three applications Illustrator InDesign and Photoshop and I think that is a paint one I'm not 100% sure but I pay for it it's alright yeah it's only like 20 or 30 dollars a year but yet once you pay for it you have a full year access to them and you can see I have it here in Illustrator as a separate panel so the noun project is there together with the libraries the CCC libraries so it's a brilliant one because all you have to do if I want to just drag and drop in something let's say if i type in mountain again on mountains i can find all these icons and then i can just simply click and then it places it in straightaway into my design so that's just something I wanted to mention so the project that I want to do here is to combine all these things together and try to create a nice pleasing page layout so the main aim is to show you how all the three applications can work together hand-in-hand and which part of the project is best done in which application so once again just the whole topic we talked about now showing it in action so I've already out there anyway any questions stop it cool yeah all right so here we are in InDesign and I have this page via frame setup I have a blank frame on the top and I have the title and then the text for the body copy so that's extremely boring at the moment nothing's going on so we have to liven this up a bit so first of all I'm going to bring in the text so I have that RTF file here and I'm just going to place the same this is by Joshua Becker he wrote this article this is just an extract from that so I'm going to select the copy and I'm going to place it in here so that is going to be our copy and I am going to also bring in the title so why everyone should climb a mountain that's the title so let's just place that in as well actually if I place it in and keep it the original formatting that's a useful shortcut when you copy and paste into InDesign you should know that you have both paste and paste without formatting options I just use paste without formatting which means if you already have some design or like type setup in InDesign and you bring in copy from word or RTF documents paste without formatting means it will keep whatever you already have in InDesign and it just brings the copy and places it in it won't change the formatting so that's quite useful I use that right now so it kept the formatting but there's already one thing here that I would like to fix and actually one thing I wanted to also mention is that why do I start in InDesign you don't actually need to start in InDesign but if you know that it is a page layout it's probably worth wire framing in indesign via framing a lot of people mentions that mentions it as drawing via frames on paper i sometimes do my wire framing already in indesign i know that some some designers would say that all you shouldn't start an InDesign you should always sketch that's great but if you are confident in setting things up and if you have already an idea there's actually no harm in doing your wire framing InDesign so I know I will have an image on the top I know I will have my title I know I will have my body copy so I can have these frames prepared in InDesign already in the actual size and that is my wireframe that's the skeleton which I'm going to build upon always personnel we sketch in my head first with an ID on my head and then I can just jump into whichever application and you yeah yeah but you should if no I I do think it's important to also sketch yeah sketching is great but I'm just saying that it's not like a must you don't have to always do a sketch before and it's not like a rigid workflow you need to follow so it really depends planning is important so planning is of course important and whatever way you use for planning is good so now that I have this I'm just switching back to bridge by the way I'm using command tab or controlled no it's alt tab on PC to switch between the applications when you see them coming up as icons like that so it's a quick way of switching between them so I switch back to bridge which is the file management application and from here I'm going to just use this image the panorama image but instead of just having it placed in as it is I would like to actually place or combine it with this hot air balloon image so I would like to combine the two together so let me just open up first of what this in Photoshop so that's the image I actually took this photo in Austria two years ago I think in the summer it's a beautiful place that mountain in the background is called - Dane if you guys have got the chance to go there make sure you visit is there anyone here from Austria by the way let's see if we have any Austrians watching today maybe there's someone from this region so let me just go back and open up this other image as well with the balloon and what I'm going to do is to combine these two images together so if I want to yeah I can see a good question here what's a good site for free vector images what was that site that you can use for free but yeah and guys feel free to share as well if you have any good suggestions [Music] cool Patrick is from Germany and close close not close enough but close and there's also Victor from Nigeria that's like the forever machine from Morocco did that spell right do you think washing machine was in I'm not sure cool so let's continue crack on with this so just to show you guys if I want to place two images together I can switch onto the view of window menu arrange tile vertically option which means that I can see my two or multiple images together in Photoshop and then using the most move tool I can drag and drop an image over another one it's a very base six things so I'm not going to spend too much time on this so we are creating a simple composite right now so we are going to prepare this image that can go into our leaf flat and of course we are using Photoshop from photo manipulation and combining images together so what I'm going to do here is to use now the magic wand tool and with that I can click on the background if i shift-click I can select more details from the background and that's selected pretty much all the sky if I now want to extract the balloon first I'm going to go to the Select menu and choose universe which now will select only the balloon and then if I click on the mask icon which is this rectangle here on the bottom right corner so I call it the Japanese flag if I click on that that will create exactly what we needed so we must out the balloon from its original background so we remove that and to make sure that I can work with this image I will also do another very important step I right click on the layer and I choose convert to smart object the reason I do that is because then if I use the free transform tool which is command T or ctrl t and resize this image I can make it really small let's say I want to put it somewhere in the background but then if I change my mind and I want to make it big again using free transform again I can increase its size once more and you will see that there is no harm done to the image so the quality is still the same as it was originally when I press R to show you guys if you haven't used free transform before it's under edit menu and then when you use a smart object the free transform even tells you exactly how big this is compared to the original size so as long as you keep it under hundred percent here on the top in the options bar that means you are safe to work with that layer so it's not going to pixelate it's always good to save the smart object before you start resizing so keep it as big as possible save it as a smart object and then you can start resizing it and when I use free transform I hold down the old and shift keys together and drag one of the corner points to make sure it resizes it and keeps it proportions Plus also resizing to the center point so I can make it smaller and put it somewhere that in the background where would you like where do you think show me we should put that Oh God is that okay then with a bit lost yes yeah so the reason I placed it here is first of all I wanted to create a nice movement and the way I can show movement is that I put the balloon exactly between the mountains and the sky so it leads the viewers eye from the sky into the foreground or vice versa so it creates like a link between the background the sky and the foreground and I also placed it there because I can see that there's the highest contrast that I can achieve so it really stands out from the background and if I were to place it somewhere here it would get lost and another important thing I don't know it maybe someone already mentioned it in the comments I haven't been cheated I can see need some reflection on the sea what I would do is normally I would use a plugin for this but I'm just going to show you quickly a fast way of doing a reflection I would alt click and drag on the balloon to create a duplicate so you can see in my layers panel as well then I have two of them and then I am going to use the layer option which now sorry edit option transform flip vertical I have a shortcut for it that's why I find it hard to get optional I normally just use my custom shortcut for it so when I flipped it around I can now zoom a little bit closer just so we can see what happens I can now change the blend mode of this probably to overlay maybe not overlay let's just see maybe screen and then reduce the opacity so it blends a little better in there do you think that's quite good reflection it's the same size as the other one well reflections depends where you look at it can be bigger or smaller or more stretched or not it depends on your viewing angle but I'm not going to go into details on that for now I think it's fine one quick thing about water we could use a more complex technique to create the ripples and the waves in the water but what I would use for that because it's a smart object I can go into the filter menu and choose liquify and with liquify if i zoom again closer we could use the tool the first tool as well or any of these tools to be honest but the forward word tool is fine with that we can just stretch along the edges a bit just to create a little bit of waves around there so I could use my tablet for this but I guess you guys can see it that it creates the illusion and even here in the middle we can just have a little bit of waves going around so when I accept this you can see it looks more like much more natural we can have the opacity a bit higher up and the cool thing about working with smart objects is that the liquefied becomes a smart filter which I can turn off if I want so I can show you before liquify and bit liquefying so that was just a cool little addition there which we added but now that we are ready we have our layers and we were completely non-destructively so if I wanted to move the balloon I could now select the reflection and the balloon itself and move them together around and you can see that we could even create an animation shall we do an animation yeah so let's let's say the balloon we want it to fly from left to right or it could fly from we could just go up in the sky so if we want to do that I can start maybe from somewhere here and then I will go to the window menu and choose timeline so Photoshop is not a video not primarily used for video and animation but it supports it using the timeline panel you can create two types of animations video animation and frame animation our frame is like gifts and video is similar to premiere or after-effects which will use your layers a separate separate elements that you can animate so if I choose create video timeline I will see my layers there and all I have to do is to open up these layers so I'm just going to call this one let's just put this on the top this is going to be my balloon and this is the reflection reflection like that and I'm going to make my thumbnails a bit bigger so you guys can see better so these are the three layers that I have and because the background is logged it doesn't show up here in the timeline but I have my balloon and and its reflection and what I will do is to look or add them but what do we call this keyframe to the transform option so let's lock both of them in this point and then if I go further in the timeline let's say three seconds later I can now select the balloon and move it up maybe around there and select the reflection as well and move it slightly down there so notice how in the timeline immediately we got the little keyframe created at that point meaning that Photoshop will be able to connect these two positions and creates the animation so if I now go back and press Paris you can already see it on my screen that it starts to animate it so there's the play button and it won't be able to give us a really nice detailed view first because it has to render it and because I am streaming at the same time and my computer is really struggling with this normally it would be a bit faster but because it's also a high-resolution image it takes longer to render but once I see that green line showing up that means that those are rendered frames and then if I now stop this and go back to the beginning let's play it now it looks a little bit better so we can see a bit more continuous movement there so that is something that we would be able to now export from Photoshop using the export option here and save it as a video file so you have to render the video and then it will give you a couple of options again it just takes some time to come up and then you can see that we have Quicktime we have mp4 and DPX options that you can choose from and you can also set it up exactly how you want it so there's different quality options for like the h.264 which is the mp4 format you can find loads of options so you can choose HD and so on and so forth you can even find the here YouTube and Vimeo standards here so it's a really cool thing that you can do in Photoshop but I actually wanted this to be used in a leaflet can we use this animation in our printed leaflet not yet not yet there was a printed version with a video that you could play so it was like almost like almost paper but thick thing it was a big paper and there was a screening sighs yes so how cool is that that might be a new thing in the future yeah for now no way smooth yeah it's it must be very expensive but if it's already out there then hopefully we will see that more often and then things like this you can see how quick it was to set up that balloon moving and imagine getting a flyer where the balloon starts moving and maybe even Neve maybe even interact with the user so by the user clicking on the balloon it starts moving and so and so forth so everything about motion by the way that's that's the biggest tip of the day and I'm going to keep mentioning this that everything has to move that's the current trend and I don't think it's going to change the for a good couple of years this is going to be the trend so whoever is planning to get into motion design you are on the right track we are also learning more about it because we are not specialized in it but we are doing I do UX projects where I have to do animations humans also motion design but yeah most companies or agencies that you go into would like a brochure I would like a website and would prefer to have a video animation yes those those three things are great for marketing purposes and if you want to enhance in this view it's definitely something that you could try and then at this stage yeah yeah definitely so what I'm going to do is to save this as a Photoshop file saving it into the native file format of Photoshop means that it will be available I mean all the things that you do in Photoshop including yours non-destructive editing including even your timeline everything will be available later on to come back to but having it saved as a PSD we can also use it in InDesign directly so if I go back to InDesign now I will select that frame on the top and I will use the shortcut command or control D to open up the place option and I will just find this file from my desktop so there's the PSD file panorama and place it in so this this feature was by the way the file place option that's the one I use and I just have to make sure that there's no field color on this image and why is it not showing up there you go so why I used here is the field frame proportion the icon from the options options bar to get it in place now that looks quite nice I think for the top and what I want to do also is to have the title a little bit nicer so first of all I would select frame and press command or control B on the keyboard to get to the text frame options and I will choose a line Center that will keep the text centered within the box so then I can set it like this so it's vertically centralizes it but then I would press the T key to have the type tool coming up and then hearing the options but I can also use align Center so now horizontal needs also Center so now if I change anything on this text frame you can see that the text will always stay in the middle now this font is the Arial font it's a very boring font so let's just change it you have a suggestion what font we should use for hiking yeah so in in the Creative Cloud applications the type of font selector has the option in since since CC we have the little favorite icon the star with which you can very quickly filter for your favorite fonts so let's just see by bus how it looks I actually have Babis more options do you have this de set the 5 different colors yeah yeah I think this is I'm not sure if it's a target font no it's actually not even the type kit this is free so it's it has 5 different weights we have the thin very very thin and then we have the stronger ones but I think the light one looks quite nice maybe regular so a little bit more weight on it which it's called book so I'm going to use on the climb a mountain maybe a bold just to bring that out a bit more and I am not sure whether we need this black background I just wanted to show that you can align text within a frame but I'm going to take it off and there's another shortcut for that you just press the forward slash or question mark button on the keyboard and that you can remove for color but because the text was white we just have to select that and set it to whatever color we need like black in this case another useful shortcut in InDesign is pressing W with which you can hide all the outlines and see a preview of how it will look in print so I can use W to switch back and forth so it's getting there but normally the form that I'll use for the body copy would be something that's very easy to read by the text on the title is fine I mean babis is good for that I would never use battles for the actual copy it's always good to think of how you are pairing your fonts so never use all cap all caps fonts for body copy so it works fine for headings and titles but it shouldn't be used on body copy so for the body copy I am going to probably use let's just say Jesus son that's quite nice what do you think Jill or shall we use something like that yeah yeah so when you set your type on copy you have to be careful as you me mentioned that you have to look at the density of text if it's too dense again it's going to be hard to read so you want to make it easy to read it comfortable for you for your readers and there's another print yeah of course and there's another thing that you shouldn't have two long lines so if your lines are too long that's again not too convenient to read so sometimes if you just make your lines a little bit shorter it's going to be easier to read them you can always align your text in the center if you wanted to let's have a look it's a short article so it's not much text but we have spaced both at the bottom and in the center although I want to keep negative space I would like to have another image at the bottom what do you think would be quite nice to have something that had button as well right a smaller like somewhere in the corner yeah so what I thought of is to use this other image where is it this one with this girl and I'm going to open this up in Photoshop once again so starting in Photoshop and what I thought is removing the background without the I mean keep the trees and the girl and the ground and just remove them this is the sea and the sky so in this case I'm going to use another selection tool then you click selection with which I can draw over areas quickly and then we will be able to remove them now I'm not going to spend too much time refining this but I will make sure that we include that part between the legs and then this part here maybe I can also remove something like that now if I click on the mask actually before we click on the mask I am going to inverse my selection again it's a select inverse and then click on the mask but by the way if you create your mask and you forgot to do the inverse option you can always press command I or control I to inverse the mosque so what happens if I all click on the mask you can see white shows black hides but by using the invert option I can invert the colors and whatever is black will be hidden whatever is white will be visible so I have this cut out and obviously the edges are not great so what I will do is to double click on the mask icon which takes me into the selection I think it's called refine edge view I can't even actually remember the name of this feature because they renamed it recently selected master does the does the name of the feature so double clicking on your mask gets you to this point and what you can do is to increase the edge detection and maybe also turn on smart radius and that should help you to get the edges better but what I like to do is also to draw around the edges now I'm not sure whether I want to do that in this case so I just wanted to point out that you can always come here to refine the edges I don't want to spend too much time on this because it's just a very simple detail but what's important is that I'm going to save this as a Photoshop file again so let's save it as a Photoshop file and then bring it into InDesign so I use the command D or ctrl D to place it in and there is my Photoshop file so I'm going to place it in like so and I am not sure whether we need the trees to be visible as well but what I was planning to do is a little bit of a trick here so we will need to have her standing somewhere around here so we need to probably extend the ground a bit so if I ought double click on this in InDesign holding on the Alt key and double click that takes us back to Photoshop in Photoshop what I will do is to get rid of the trees I actually decided not to have the trees here okay holding selecting that part selecting the mask and using ctrl backspace or alt backspace I can hide by filling in the black or white but the same thing would happen if I use my brush tool and I just drew over with black the selection so that way I can hide it if I drove it white I can reveal again yes yeah you should never delete you should always mask and keep your mask intact shift clicking on the mask you can even show the original image so it never gets lost and another thing that I wanted to have is probably we will invert this image but let's just save it for now so I save it come back to InDesign and because we did the old double click it's already updated here so it's cut the trees off so if I want to invert to flip it horizontally I can click on this icon up here that flipper an option with which I will have the girl on the opposite side but you still have the problem I want her to actually look at the text so once again I all double-click here select the girl and I just want the girl to be swapped around so what I will do is I will have the girls separated from the original one so I will first of all have a smart object created from this whole thing and duplicate that it's a little bit more complex now because what I will do is separate these two from each other so have a version in which we have the girl and then I will have a version in which we don't have the girl so let me just get a selection and master town so we can now see that I can move the girl freely I was going a little bit fast here so don't worry guys if you want to learn more about photoshop I have a really extensive course the photoshop master class and if you like what I'm doing here I explain every step what I'm showing here and much more in that it's a 12-hour course structured explaining from from the beginning to more complex techniques but I'm sure there's people here who are much more advanced than would be able to do this even faster than me but what I wanted to do is to have the girl standing maybe something like that maybe move that down a bit something like that and then I save this go back to InDesign and then it should update here and we just have to put it back to the way it was okay so she's standing there maybe we can make her a little bit smaller and you actually it's probably the other other way around was better over something like that so do you know why I have yes you know me too well so what I'm going to do is to use text wrap on this image so I will select the Photoshop file and the shortcut to get to get the text wrap is ctrl W or month-old w which will bring up this panel and having the image selected all you have to do as long as it appears the file with transparency which thanks to the masking we have you just have to click on this icon the wrap around object shape and with that it should work but you have to also make sure that you have the alpha channel selected and that way it creates an outline around your alpha channel meaning that the text won't go over the girl and you can even keep the text further away from the girl so creating a safe zone around it so that's a quite nice little touch and the reason why I have the girl on the right side and not on the left because we have a left aligned text and with left aligned text you don't really want to mess up your left edge so that that nice clean edge can stay the way it is and we only messed up the edge on the right side but one thing I noticed that I have a little bit of something left over here in the image which we can find probably on this layer is it that layer just above check [Music] no it's mmm yeah it's something up there which is weird okay cool so let's just save this and if we come back to InDesign hopefully that will disappear still there still there all right no problem we just crop it with the frame yeah just save a bit of time and then what I want to make sure is this text doesn't have hyphens so I will use command alt shift H or ctrl or shift H to remove the hyphens and I don't like to have things like the first letter of a sentence starting with I being at the end of the line so I'm going to press shift enter just to bring that down just to refine the copy a little bit and then maybe we can have this part of the text the last sentence aligned to the right that's command shift R or control shift to align it there so it's looking a little bit better already I mean again a little bit more interesting and we can maybe have one last thing here maybe an icon because we haven't used illustrator so let's not forget about the illustrator this was very heavy on Photoshop and InDesign but we haven't used illustrator just yeah so what I want is to represent what hiking is about and combinely about create like a little set of on icons almost create like a logo for this article so if I switch to illustrator I have these couple of elements already here from non-project and what I'm going to do is to create a little composition of this so hiking obviously is little man walking with the stick and the backpack and by the way with vector graphics the big advantage is that it never gets pixelated so we can zoom in as far as we want it never gets pixelated so let's just grab the little man and I'm going to make this smaller so let's just resize and make it smaller then let's just grab the boots as well another one and I think I need to turn on my bounding box it was turned off yeah so there's the boots and then Mountain probably we can put at the bottom because it's more triangular so it fits in a little bit better there and then we have the backpack on the left are there any questions in the meantime galoshes yes in the in the link underneath in the description you should see that we have a link to my courses so the courses of the assignment design and calm but I say check out my online design courses that's the one but maybe show me you can just put the link in again so that's where my courses are a cool thing that I have is that you can subscribe to my courses so you not only get access to illustrator but you get access for a month for all of my courses for $19 so if you guys are interested in that you can check that out yes I have Photoshop masterclass which goes through all the from very beginning to very complex workflows much more complex than what you see here by starting completely from scratch I call it the zero to hero course and illustrator as well same thing so master class if you want to buy the course you can buy it individually each of these or you can buy them or pay subscription fee per month and then you get access to all of my courses and by the way just a news about my courses is that the InDesign master class is almost ready so that's that's has been in the works for months and it's a massive course again covers everything you need to know about InDesign similarly to the other two master classes that should be released by the end of this month so whoever is subscribing now will have automatically access once that course is released and actually will have early access to it the subscribers get early access to my new courses so I just did a very quick little simple design here I will just simply copy this so I selected it copy it and move it into InDesign paste simple as that and the InDesign is smart enough to keep this as vectors so I can now make it smaller and I can place it somewhere here I think we can make our text a little bit closer just in changing the letting old up and down arrow by the way is the shortcut to change letting and I can move things a little bit down maybe this whole thing can go down something like that and then we can also have what do you think about this remedy if we have like a half a circle here and then move the because if I just put it like this it's hard to see it I just feel that destroyed you sort of think on the left one the I can't even tell ya yeah that one that's actually because well spotted that is because I didn't outline this if I just I'd outline this or expand it I can choose object expand now I can just use the Pathfinder and I had to add a little bit of thickness on that but because we moved it into Photoshop it started to get messed up so I'm just going to join them together and then copy over again yeah that's what I just do here from InDesign to illustrator I just copy paste it and it's not always the best technique because it won't allow you to all double click on this item and get back to illustrator and make your edits but it will allow you to select them individually still so if it was a group you can still select them individually and move them around so it's almost like starting something in Illustrator and continue to work on it in Photoshop and by the way I don't know if you guys know this but in InDesign if you have Photoshop file you can right-click on it and choose object linear options and then you can actually see your layers so if you decide not to see the balloon you can just turn off both the reflection and the balloon and I didn't even have to go back to do that and then go back to photoshop to do this I could do it directly here in InDesign so there is a reason why I think of InDesign as being like the boss or like the hub where you do everything and Photoshop and illustrator is serving in design so it's prepares things and then InDesign puts things together most of the time so let me just draw quickly a circle here do you think the circle will be good okay so let's just put a white field in there and we are almost done that's just okay let's just have this slightly smaller I'm gonna come with this one top a bit maybe smaller circle well maybe what if you have a triangle or is that too big like a church yeah just sort of artistic yeah so I can have a duplicate old click and drag and just remove the circle and instead I'm going to use a triangle you can draw a triangle with the polygon tool in InDesign if you just click you can type in how many sides you want and then you don't want to starve inside so I want to set that to 50 so that should be if I actually still have the starting sir we need to set that to zero is it you yeah that's it so we have a triangle and then I'm going to change this to white fill and no stroke I remove the stroke from it and align it behind the other design element just stretch it out a bit I think that works better because it looks like a mountain yeah so again it's just resembles the whole theme a bit more so yeah it's always good to test things out and I'm just going to glue this together and align them in the middle relying on my guides cool so if I press first of all control as a command s to save your work and then shift w not control come on w that would close it shift W is the presentation view which will give you a full screen view of your design so once again I think that was 45 minutes from start to finish half of the stream spent on our design project half of it was theory so hopefully it was both useful and now some questions yeah just before we get to the questions I want to make sure that this the whole concept here made sense so just to summarize what I've done I used all three applications Photoshop InDesign illustrator in a seamless integrated workflow using all the non-destructive techniques like smart objects masking using text wrapping InDesign using illustrator vector artwork bring it into InDesign while still keeping it vectors so you can see how these three applications can work hand in hand and form a united team so it's really all about team play so when whenever someone asks which one is the best tool for using a graphic design job it probably the best answer is that it's a combination of all three of them so that's like the the main thing I wanted to get to so although it's important to learn which tool to use when most of the projects we work on I would say like 90% of the projects wouldn't be restricted to one application it would always be a combination of the three but maybe the balance is shifting so sometimes illustrator is more depending on the project you are working on cool so let's have a look at the question once you know how do you know if your phone is downloaded or downloaded or a default how do I know if what effandi performs is downloaded or is a default font okay so you can't actually see that you can't actually see it once it's used in Photoshop Illustrator in InDesign whether you have the whether it's a free phone or whether it's it's license the only thing that is hundred percent license is if you are using Creative Cloud and when you look at your type the font selector and you choose the type kit option so if you filter for Typekit fonts these are all licensed fonts so as a Creative Cloud user you have I think hundred fonts you can synchronize from Target and use both for print and web some of them might be only be available from for print of that but these are the ones that you definitely know that they are coming from your licensed source while other phones you will you won't be able to tell the better you have the license or whether someone gave it to you so you have to be careful to keep in mind and keep track of your fonts I use as an application to organize my fonts it's called font Explorer I'm not sure whether this is available for PC but on Mac and this is a very good application and here I can even keep track of projects like Nickelodeon I worked on recently I have the fonts save for that project so I know exactly which ones I bought and licensed for that project so then my client in that case Viacom or Nickelodeon they also knew which ones I worked with also I would like to know if you can yes so I am doing a portfolio review in October a life portfolio review in Bournemouth UK obviously this is a localized review that will only be available to whoever is in the area so it is on the 26th of October and if you look for being as portfolio reviews you will find it so once again it's organized by assignment designer and we will have some reviewers if you guys follow on my courses you might know Alma she is going to come she's a concept artist she's going to be one of the reviewers it will be there as well I'm sure and believe we'll be there as well so that's a cool event to meet us but we are also planning to do one in London hopefully not too far ahead that won't be an official Behance review but that will be something that I'm planning to do on a regular basis but what I'm going to do most likely is a stream like this where we can review people's work so you can just send me your portfolio links and then we can go through your work Schumi control maybe maybe maybe we can have Emily as well so the three of us can most like a board can look at the portfolios so yeah that's a good point we would do that online I think Francis Irene asked earlier on is in design form PageMaker did a company page maker yes that was the original one so I think pagemaker was removed completely and then InDesign is the one the InDesign is the descendant of it I think Martina wants to also get certification in Photoshop in Russia do you have any advice yes so what you need to look for is an AC e certification or a C oh yeah I can see you said a CA as I understand rightly it is necessary to get a certificate from Adobe a CA yeah so there's two type of certifications there's the Adobe certified associate which is the ACA and then the Adobe certified expert AC that's the higher level both of these you can get from Adobe proctored I mean exam centers the ACA I think now both of them are done through Certiport okay Certiport can do both of these levels it used to be view Pearson VUE for AC II but it's certain or certain port you can include that link in that and that's the best place to look for an exam Center well you need to go in and do the exam if you want you can do the AC e straight away or you can start with the ACA if you want to find out more about exams again my courses can help you on that I actually have a Photoshop exam preparation course and I'm working on the illustrator ace preparation and in designing his preparation course as well I'm more seen doesn't like your grandma's in Martin yes yes it's a I know I'm really sorry that was a quick mock-up yeah yeah I could we find that very quickly but it was just a quick another question was Martine Rosie wants to know if you can this stream on data merge can you give a stream on data merge please yeah I might upload a video on my youtube channel because I have a video in the new upcoming InDesign master class course so one of the videos is on data merge so I explained it quite well I think I would just upload that video as a teaser for the course itself and then hopefully that will be useful for not only but also others so that you can expect soon is that still a thing yeah yeah Coral Joe well of course it is still a thing and it is the biggest competitor of Illustrator it has been around I think even longer than Illustrator or maybe roughly around the same time and actually because we have the balloon here the core of Joe's icon is the hot-air balloon so maybe that's what brought up the question but yeah so it's still around but unfortunately for coral they are losing ground against Adobe because Adobe is everywhere and it's it's hard to keep up with the way Adobe is moving ahead they they probably now took over the industry completely threw out all divisions so in video production as well Adobe is probably the main tool in photography in illustration everywhere coral is I think cheaper and it's still a professional tool but it probably won't give you as much options as Illustrator although some things might be easier in coral so I'm not against it I haven't actually used it much so I can't really say why I use quite often is coral painter they have a really cool traditional media painting digital painting application which is actually better for digital painting than Photoshop so that's a more specialized software which I can recommend for everyone to check out Sakura painter is still cool alright so I think we went through everything once again what I would like to make sure that I just want to mention again is that you can see the link in the description below to my patreon site I already shared all these files that are used today so if you want to practice and recreate this using the three applications you will find all the the assets that you can use and you can also download the PDF that I use for the presentation what you need to have is sponsoring me on patreon for to get to get these files or if you subscribe to my courses you will get all of these files through the subscription so it's up to you whether you want to support me on patreon or you want to actually learn from my courses then come to courses dotting assignment design is calm so that's all I wanted to show today do you have anything to add there's actually a PDF on my site so I can just show that very quickly and also the keyboard show cuz if you can just show them as well yes yes so I'm just going to show this very quickly so on my site yes I'm a designer dot-com you will be able to find some useful resources on the right side so on this side here where it says designers kit you will find keyboard shortcuts design terms useful websites designer skills and even a collection of image file formats so these are all things that you can actually so it's not shared so on yes I'm a designer calm I'm on the main page and it's here on the right side on the designers kit so that's where you can download these are free pdf let me just show you the useful websites this is how it looks so it's collected some links might not work anymore because I've done this like two years ago I think the last time I updated it so I might need to look into updating it but this is still probably 90% of this still is available and it's a useful collection of resources cool so anything to add all good so thank you guys so much for joining us today and hopefully we will be able to do this now every week as I usually as I planned originally so Sunday at five o'clock GMT or London time we are going to come back and talk about design I'm not sure next week that timing will work so I might need to shift it slightly maybe we need to do it on Monday but I will try to keep doing it every week maybe sometimes we have to just shift the time around and expect also videos to be uploaded to my youtube channel in between these live streams so I have lots of content prepared and the big course is coming up in design course will be soon available to watch and once again thanks a lot for joining us today and see you guys next time thanks a lot for staying till the end I hope you found this video useful don't forget to subscribe to my channel as I'm adding similar content regularly if you are interested in learning more from me you should probably check out my comprehensive training courses on my side I have more than 200 hours of video training from beginner to expert levels with lots of exercises quizzes and resources to help you develop your skills and become a professional design just click on this link and create an account to start your free trial thanks again for joining me today and I hope to see you in the next one [Music]
Channel: Yes I'm a Designer
Views: 16,716
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: adobe, creative cloud, graphic design, photoshop, indesign, illustrator, illustration, behance, tutorial
Id: gmGKX0vz56s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 101min 16sec (6076 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 17 2017
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