When To Make Cuts - Double & Triple Distillation

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what do you do with something like a gin when you're going to distill the same thing multiple times when you make the cuts do you make the cuts at one specific point do you make the cuts at all points does it freaking matter that's what we're getting into today how's it going chases i hope you're having a kick-ass week i'm jesse and this is still it so uh like i said in the intro guys this is a common question that pops up a lot actually and i'm surprised i haven't made a video on this already i went back and had a look and i haven't so uh thanks for my man over on patreon i'm not going to mention your name i don't know whether you would like me to or not some people like their privacy i get that but thank you for bringing this up to me again and jogging my memory let's get stuck in shall we guys first of all let's talk about stripping runs and spirit runs and where you should make cuts when you're doing those two so a whiskey hella vodka anything i mean most things i end up doing multiple stripping runs you know maybe three maybe four maybe two stripping runs depending on the size of the stuff i'm doing and then doing spirit run later on i do not make any cuts at all on the stripping runs and the reason for that is if i'm making cuts the reason i'm making cuts is to separate stuff that i want from stuff that i don't want and the more precise i can be with that the better in my book i get to keep more of the good stuff whether that be just literally volume of product that i'm trying to keep or more importantly to me you know certain flavors that come through at different times of the the run i want to keep lots and lots of that stuff and keep all of the bad stuff out of it i want to get rid of as much as i can and once again whether that comes down to just straight up you know haziness or talesiness or whether it is a certain flavor that's coming through as well which does happen from time to time i want to be able to get rid of as much as that as i can so to me that is a precise operation it's something that requires a little bit of tact a little bit of delicacy a little bit of finesse and i'll tell you right now guys those words do not describe a stripping run not my kind of stripping around anyway i literally just run it as hard and fast as i can within the limitations of the power you have the size the still you have the potential for whatever's in there to to puke or boil over i'll run up to that sort of point and i'm not looking at flow rate i'm not looking at flavor all i'm doing is trying to cut down the volume or get rid of the goop in there you know if it's a solid goopy wash that i'm distilling i would much rather keep everything at that point in the stripping run and then when i move on to the spirit run when i am going to employ some finesse and some control and apply those to the situation i would rather make my cuts then which means i can have more finesse and more control over my cuts as well obviously when you're doing a stripping run you have to decide where you stop so i guess you could call that a cut sure okay i make one cup but no i'm not taking four shots i'm not taking heads i'm not taking tails or anything like that before we talk about the jitters situation first of all i need to say a huge huge thank you to the patreons thank you so much patreons uh i really i i don't know what to say man 2020 is gone 2021 is here and i'm still not entirely sure how to properly express my thanks to you but i appreciate it thank you so very very much all right uh jim so the thing with jin is we do a stripping run or multiple stripping runs we do a spirit run to create our neutral or our vodka and then we're going to distill the thing again right with the botanicals to infuse it with the botanical flavor so does that mean we don't have to make cuts on the the neutral we can just do it over when we get to the gin well no it doesn't mean that the first reason is um more often than not it works out better to make a large batch of neutral if you're going to make neutral if you're going to make a vodka it seems to me anyway it makes sense to make a large batch of the stuff you have it sitting on the shelf and you can proof down a bottle have it as vodka you can take out a liter or two and turn it into you know gin a and then the next day you can take out another liter or two and turn it into gen b you can whatever make lemon cello out of it or something it's a great tool to just have sitting there so when i make it i like to make a larger batch because i never quite know what i'm going to use it for making great cuts making quality cuts on that stuff when i produce it ensures that it's going to be good for anything i'm going to use makes sense right the second reason is that when it comes to gin i want to make my cuts based on flavor and when i say based on flavor i mean based on the flavors of the botanicals that are coming off the still at any one point in time every gin i've ever made has had a weird patch at the beginning that is a little bit funky and a little bit odd not because of the spirit the base spirit but because of the botanicals that are coming off right at the beginning i guess the more volatile stuff uh just it wasn't pleasant to me but imagine if you had a whole lot of heads in there and you had say 50 mils come off of weird ginny essency stuff that you don't like and you want to get rid of that but then when you get to 65 mils the botanical flavor is beautiful well if you've still got nasty heads coming through then you've got to make your cut based on the nasty head stuff and leave botanical flavor behind and the same is true when you get down to the tails um you know perhaps you get down to whatever it is 40 and the botanical flavor is still tasting quite nice you're getting some nice earthy stuff coming through from perhaps the i don't know the cardamom or whatever it is that you put in there the licorice root but you've got this horrible wet dog flavor as well well you can't get that earthy flavor from the cardamom and the licorice root i'm making that up maybe that's a thing think about the concept here uh well you can't keep them because you've got to get rid of the wet dog flavour so i would much rather have a really clean spirit going in that is just going to get out of the way when it comes to cuts and let me choose the flavors i want in the botanicals at that point in time which is what honestly the gin is all about right there you have it guys i think i've said my piece on it i i think it is quite a simple concept at the same time i don't know how long it would have taken me to work this out by myself i was lucky i got it handed to me on a silver platter by someone that knew what they were doing so if this video helped you out which i really hope it did make sure you give me a thumbs up down in the section down below the video that tells youtube that it's a good video and it should show it to other people so that would be great you can also drop a comment down there and if you haven't subscribed yet and you're enjoying these videos hit the subscribe button as well keep on chasing the craft and i'll see you next time see ya you
Channel: Still It
Views: 52,151
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ot0NLBHGgeM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 17sec (437 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 14 2021
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