The Super Simple Beginner Corn Mash Recipe

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hey everybody today i'm going to be doing a 10 gallon batch of the super simple beginner mash recipe now this is a recipe that is specifically designed for the beginner hence the name and it is really simple it is almost fool proof it's hard to screw up and it really has a great flavor so in my opinion it is the perfect recipe for the first timer if you're just getting into home distilling this is the recipe to try first so uh if you have been listening to the still in the clear podcast you've heard me talk about it before uh in fact episode 3 of the podcast is all about that recipe so you can go there and listen to it also i'm going to be doing this batch today using the super simple beginner mash recipe kit that we offer on and i'll leave some links cards and links in the description or whatever so that you can go find that kid if you're interested it is not necessary to do this recipe you can find the ingredients locally the all stock is a little bit hard to find because you can't use all stock with pellets which is what most everybody sells but either way you can use the kit or you can locally source the ingredients yourself so without any further ado let's get rolling okay so during this video my generator was running and so i've decided just to mute the video and narrate what's going on uh the first thing you want to do is get your water uh heating up because it takes a while so step one is get your pot ready put your water in it turn the fire on and i've got between four and five gallons of water to put in this pot that i'm going to heat up first this you know i don't measure that part exactly you certainly can if you want to while the while the water is heating up i get my supplies ready so you can see i got the sugar that's eight pounds of sugar for this recipe i've got one of the recipe kits that we offer at that kit has everything you need and then i've also got my mixing paddle because there's going to be a lot of stirring uh if you're interested in that mixing paddle there's a video for it i'll put a card up for it on the youtube channel so in the kit you've got three pounds of uh sweet feed and that's all stock sweet feed no pellets it's really important that it doesn't have any pellets that's what that first bag was and then this is a six pound bag of cracked corn and then two tablespoons of yeast is required for this recipe and that's what i've got there that is a dry activated distillers yeast it's very durable yeast it's my favorite to use so i'm getting all that out and ready here i'm checking the temperature and this is when the temperature got finally got up to 160 degrees uh which is where you want to add the grain and uh so the water is ready for some reason my camera was off i don't know why while i was dumping the grain in but no big deal i put all the grain in the kit into the mash at the same time the corn and the all stock sweet feed both go in at the same time at 160 degrees and now we're going to stir this for 45 minutes you've got to constantly stir it because of because the grains are sitting on the bottom the heat will scorch the grain if you don't stir it and that's going to give you a bad flavor so you just got to sit there and stir it and what we're doing is we're just kind of breaking down the grain a little bit so that the flavor is released because we're not starch we're not converting starches in this recipe so we don't have to fully gelatinize these grains in fact it's better if it's not completely gelatinized you just want to release the flavor if you completely gelatinize the grains it gets really thick and it's just part of the process when you're when you're mashing but for a sugar wash it's not really necessary and here i'm adding the eight pounds of sugar uh and this is probably a good point to say that eight pounds is the minimum amount of sugar you can add more sugar to this to get a higher yield the more sugar you add the higher the risk is that you stall the fermenting process and that's why i use eight pounds in this recipe because eight pounds of sugar in this 10 gallon batch is not gonna stall the stall the mash and so for the beginner that's just the easiest way to go um and i'm also adding at this point my 45 minutes is up the heat is off and i'm just adding the sugar into the hot into the water while it's hot because it dissolves more easily in hot water so i'm just stirring in that sugar making sure it all gets dissolved before i put it into my buckets and i'm going to be fermenting this batch in five gallon bucket fermenters we've got a video on how to make one of those if you want to check it out i'll put a card up for it and they're really seriously easy to make and they cost about six bucks when it's all said and done i'm doing a 10 gallon batch so it's going to take two buckets now i'm going to use three buckets for this process and you'll see why because i use a three bucket system just to mix everything up real good so i'll dump all of my mash into these buckets and then i'll add the rest of the water cold water and that helps bring the temperature down because uh remember i only added four or five i only heated up four or five gallons of water and so this is a 10 gallon batch i'll need to add another five gallons of water i'll add cold water we've got to get the temperature down now from where it is probably around 155 right now we've got to get it down to 90 degrees before we can pitch the yeast so it's got to completely cool down and this i'm just dumping all of the grain out and then i will start mixing it now the first batch of cold water i'll put inside of my pot and what that does is uh get the rest of that little grain there's nana checking the mash for me thank you girl um then uh there we go getting the rest of that the last little bit of grain out now i'll start mixing by just moving buckets pour half into a bucket take the full bucket finish both buckets up then i'll pour half into that bucket and get the full bucket and finish those off it's just a way to mix up all that cold water and so that the temperature is all uniform and then uh here in a little bit i check the temperature and i realize that uh it is the temperature is not going to go down where i need it so i'm going to let it set overnight which is what i do you'll see there i am checking the temperature and that's when i realized okay this isn't gonna happen today now if you have a wart chiller you can cool it down with a wart chiller i'm gonna be doing a video on a wart chiller here soon but for the way i'm doing it right now i just gotta let it sit overnight so this is me coming back in the morning the temperature is down to where i can add the yeast and what's interesting is you can see that it already started fermenting overnight and i'm not sure what caused that my guess is there was just some wild yeast in the air got in there and started fermenting but i'm going ahead and i'm adding this yeast and then i'm gonna mix these buckets up again just like i did when i added the cold water uh and then i don't know if you you can't really tell in this video but one of those buckets is shorter than the other two and doesn't hold as much so i i've got two buckets there that are big enough to hold all of the mesh but i'll just keep stirring here and get it all in there now all i've got to do is put the lids on let them sit and let them do their thing that's really it that's all there is to it it's a really simple recipe again we do offer the kit this kit for this exact recipe on i'll leave a link i'll put a card up and you can go check it out if you're interested you can also get these this cracked corn you can get at tractor supply the sweet feed you'll have to look for you it may be available in your area and it may not it's hard to find without the pellets in fact a lot of times when you ask them does it have pellets in it they'll say no and then you buy it you get it home you open it and it's got pellets in it so be sure and ask them if you can see it right there in the store before you buy it because a lot of times the the clerks the the people working in the store they don't even know for sure so but that's about it you can see this is about 12 hours later i had forgot to check my original gravity so this is the next day and um it's at i think 1.04 or just just under 1.04 it probably started around 0.045 maybe 0.50 so anyway it's a medium yield recipe works great give it a shot i think you'll really enjoy it and that is the super simple beginner recipe i'll also do a second video where i distill this batch talk to y'all later
Channel: Still'n The Clear
Views: 558,422
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Home distilling, moonshine, fermentation, fermenting, home made moonshine, how to make moonshine, distilling equipment, Sugar wash, moonshine recipe, beginner moonshine recipe, corn mash for beginner, easy moonshine recipe, simple moonshine recipe
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 21sec (681 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 03 2021
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