Making Smooth Scorch-Free Liquor! | Moonshiners

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this is how we make the Moonshine what's happening cap well I was actually just cleaning this whole pot out here I figure I put a little water in this bullet it's cleaning itself ain't it thinking we're gonna need a new steel for the season right yeah sting you talking about just cooking alcohol with with stain what I'm thinking is take some copper and create a tank out of it lay on its side and then we put cores all around the bottom we'll be able to mash right in our pot well the steam ain't gonna Scorch nothing no well let's put this damn thing together to evenly Heat their fermented Mash without scorching it Mike and Jerry will build the steam pipe still as water is heated in a separate boiler it turns to steam which will then travel through 24 individual copper pipes lining the interior of the pot the setup provides even heat without the need for a direct burner the result smooth Scorch free liquor every run rolled gold right there son that is for damn sure this copper has just gotten outrageous 11 and 5 8 is where we need to be it's getting hard to get and it's very expensive We're not gonna start just cutting without measuring make a mistake that means we're gonna have to go back and buy more material and that's just something that we ain't got time or money to be doing right now it won't be long we'll be putting some cubes through here with these uh engines rolled right here we'll be Off to the Races I'll tell you what man with 25 tubes you know that's going to heat up in a hurry it's going to get hot quick you know this idea I've come up with a little bit more on the complicated side as far as a build but it's really going to make things move a lot quicker in the woods and they're like a hair and a basket baby most times your steals you can't hit them too fast because if you do you got to worry about scorching your Mash but running steam through it we're gonna be able to hit it with mash a lot quicker and really evenly throughout the whole entire pot we're going to be able to make a much smoother much more palatable alcohol all right 22 more to go we'll be set oh my God that's it right there on the bottom brother see what man I'm pretty dead get them satisfied with that me and Mike's finally got the heat exchanger done we got the piece two sheets of copper together actually gonna make a tube out of it and then slide the heat exchanger into it we're all but home free now snug is a bug in a down down rug [Music] you know something I thought about if we ever got busted they wouldn't tear up our damn Steels hell no they'd have to carry them to some kind of down Museum or something because they wouldn't uh neverify one of the woods like that again shoulder down walk when it comes to kill and steals me and Jerry are unlike anybody else in the Moonshine world oh yeah boy we are the type of people that walks out on the limb we like to build something cool something new something neat sure we're going to the woods to make our calling to put money in our pocket but there's nobody else out there doing what me and Jerry does we're about to take this trucker to the woods man yes sir porthole thermostat air ventilation we got a heat exchanger right here in the end a whole nine yards damn buddy I had a little gentleman's heavy Son thank God for a handle come on Wicker you ready to put the corn in the pot ain't you I'm ready to get the baggum ball rolling this season son yeah this is the start of the Season me and Jerry we're gonna Mash in a corn run I know we doing this right here for the first Rumble I don't know about you man I can't I can't afford damn grains all year long no because the inflation everything that's happening in the world ingredients that we need is out the road from prices I'm glad I had a little bit of that left there from last year we had some corn left over from last year we figured let's go ahead and do that for the first run of the Season get some money in our pockets and move on down the road all right I'm gonna pull little Coney corn to it get hot but hey let's get let's get it hot every time we do this it's always a different process it don't matter it's all going in the same hole I promise you you ever got in the car before yeah several times which store do you get in I had a driver's side every once in a while climb through the back seat Well that don't surprise me in these Emily's baby cut her down down down now we're doing is steeping baby make by God keep it stirring it why not I don't want to let it stick well he's sick and I got it there you go then all right tell you what this is going to be a good run I already feel it yeah boy we gotta start this damn season off with a bang son I'm glad you said that you know I've been thinking about something you know we brought old Sally I mean he should be a one hell of a liquor maker yeah you know if he's gonna be a be a part of this won't we let him try this first Rune you know he knows as much as his ancestors do then that's gonna do nothing but help us all right well hey we'll bring him in here I want to see what he's made of Popcorn Sutton son he may have a trick up his slave that we don't know nothing about he's gonna run a recipe that's yellow cracked corn sugar and water sugar and water I would say this would be the perfect little recipe for Solomon to try to run oh Tommy run right here I got it swelled up ain't it popcorn shutting's a down legend for his corn liquor Solomon is popcorn sun so I'm thinking this should be fairly easy there we go oh it smells like good corn liquor don't sure does that's good and hot melting that stuff down real good yeah it's melting I ain't had some good corn liquor in a while we can't wait to drink some of it ain't nothing wrong with doing a good old-fashioned run every once in a while yeah we know plenty of Old Timers at a drink it won't grab our magic dust magic dust right here brother I'll tell you what I'm excited to see how this whole thing will work out for us yeah me and you both we got the first run the corn run mashed in got it I got at it we're gonna bring Solomon in here and see if some of his old Daddy's tricks rubbed off on him good job yeah let's get out of here start of the Season baby we're deciding to let Solomon run our first run on our new steel that we have you know I'm sure he's got Tricks up his sleeves magic touches from you know his family something that'll work for us so we can stay above the competition this season well it sure ain't simple like it used to be is it I ain't used to always fancy take your time we ain't no hurry just get her together and fire it up how do y'all watch this thing you can tell it off the bat he's not real comfortable or real knowledgeable about this steel that we've got there's something goes between that pot and that pot there I'm guessing to be this hose right here just used to the old style Stills all you want to learn them why'd you all have to build this fancy Contraption does this make your process faster or something it helped multiple things it does it Heats really fast you can Mash inside the pot it don't Scorch it he's been caught the old way which is nothing wrong with that fire in the hole but we need him to be able to step up and do what me and Jerry does on an everyday basis all his own all by himself this thing is a whole lot faster to put together yeah buddy it's got like three fittings and it's done now you'd have to worry about your 15 minutes and put cinder blocks on her so she don't go to the moon or anything there ain't none of that no more well fellas we got steam coming out you sure do there you go you know you gotta do things a little bit different make things a little bit better a little bit faster there's more competition out there these days there used to be if you're going to stay in the Moonshine business you've got to change with the times or you will go broke that's kind of nice not to have to transfer all that Mash into the steel and all that that saves a lot of time too might want to pay attention oh she's running you got liquor brother what's it smell like smells like it's good corn liquor your buddy I must have done a pretty good Mash got a little spitting going on there you want to take my pectin stick in there and what okay yeah put that pecker in it's good luck sticking your pucker in it oh God it helped it out son didn't it yeah looks like you got your first jar yeah buddy he's catching the first jar which is the heads and he turns around and pours it right over into a Fresh Catch bucket why the hell did he just do that instead of just pitching the heads off so I got a question for you what's that you ever been taught about heads what are they in there if Jerry wouldn't have never said a word he would have poured that second jar in on top of them heads pitch them damn heads off through there there you go me and Jerry figured you know with him having the last name of Sutton he would know what he was doing on running liquor it looks good and clear but the real test is just is to see it for your own eyes and the first rule is is to pitch your heads proof it out for us to our style tell us what you think we got uh about 140 ain't that's over 145 150 even that's close here's the real test of it too God damn good corn nose to it you know this liquor came out pretty damn good you're close right there to 10 gallon liquor I think we're done son but it's just simply because of our steel and our Mash let's let it run out in that door and finish off it that's right yep and kill you fall yep you know Solomon's a good kid I love him to death shut her down we're good to go but he's not gonna be touching our steel for a while he just don't have the experience that we thought he had let's get these things covered back up get her covered back up yeah buddy you know you put methanol into the jars we want to beat our competition not kill our customers [Music]
Channel: Discovery
Views: 151,275
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: discovery, discovery channel, discovery+, discovery plus, discovery shows, moonshine, moonshiners, moonshiners full episodes, reality tv series, steven ray tickle, illegal alcohol, moonshine culture, tim moonshiners, tickle moonshiners, how to make moonshine, moonshine making, moonshiners caught, moonshiners police, liquor still
Id: RZEaxSu1bG4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 28sec (628 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 04 2023
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