When the Hermits compare their STATISTICS

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ladies and Gentlemen We Gather underneath the Llama today to play stat poker oh yeah I'll bring your diamonds to give me uh what nope no I'm gonna take them from you for those muscles oh I have the muscle here you'll be getting out muscle today oh that's fine oh that's a bird that's a that's a deep bird I can't come up with any comebacks I was gonna say like I'm gonna buzz you but it just didn't work your hand looks pretty buzzed are we ready to do this I'm certainly ready we we've had a little discussion of how this works beforehand so it's pretty it's pretty similar to like to Texas Hold'em yes we did score no we didn't trying to trying to you know set up your audience for failure as if you came I was a little late so we've all brought two stacks of diamonds right yeah that's like that's like the table price we've all got a corner where we can put our bets and we're going to start off with an anti of four and then over there we've got a button that's going to bring up a stat so yeah you're hereby allowed to look at your stats to see what number you have when it's pulled out and then it's a game of bluff yeah all right then I'm going to go I'm going to go first I'm gonna press the button uh-huh we're gonna get a statistic which is games quit and I'm gonna put my auntie in at four which means scar will lead the betting now what's cool about this is that your statistics are in alphabetical order wow that is a interesting number okay I'll put foreign games quick games quick at least now it's an alphabetical order before it was scales yeah everyone's put in four which means I have the opportunity to raise uh I'm gonna raise I'm gonna raise a couple of diamonds I think you know I think I've got a good number I'm not sure if I've got a great number okay I see I see milking and I need to match you right a Zuma that's right yeah okay I matched you I am gonna I'm gonna fold this one actually oh we got our first fold I I think I might do the same to be honest I think I'm gonna fold as well oh well scar has met me so it's between me and Scott okay mine was like three thousand nine hundred and something oh 567 so cool when you cleared the table I'm gonna double click on him right I got it thank you dang I should get a couple more diamonds in we got a bunch of quitters here that's what we got false my mine was only 1200 so yeah mine was that was like 1900 or something you win you get ahead in life by quitting very true extensive quitting oh okay scar well you will be the next Auntie because we're playing clockwise and you get to draw the stat Auntie is that what it's called Jesus boom ten diamonds we're going hard oh okay oh you don't know what it is yet you're supposed to put in four oh and then and then six would be your raise when it comes back around to you all right fine hit the uh hit the button here we got it I can't reach Cub can you get it for me [Music] I don't think any of you have built like villager Farms definitely not I'm gonna actually I'm gonna I'm gonna fold on this one again oh folding at the ante no diamonds in false yeah unfolding yeah no I haven't done any trading well I will I will put in I'll put in five diamonds he's matched me uh those go in the middle do we do another round of betting though or is that it because we're matched um I'm gonna put five more in I will match you for another five this is where I find out you secretly been doing tons of trading right no I just have a taste for danger okay right we're matched for 20 diamonds I got 3911 trades wait how many 3911. oh I have 244 000. whoa whoa whoa 204. oh he has been trading dang I've been doing a lot oh man let me let me just slide these diamonds into my pocket oh I might need to split these in a boat 100 was not gonna cut it I'm at like 82 000 I was like that's not gonna cut it that's not gonna cut it I didn't want it but yeah and there was 136 extra you know it was 244 000. that's so much that's my experience this season oh man Distance by horse oh no oh I'm not even gonna look this one's up in the air I think for it I'm not confident in this one unfolded like I I don't think I've even ridden a horse pull them out oh do you know what there was there is that okay there is that one in the uh in this one uh all right I'm gonna I'm gonna go in for 10 more diamonds whoa oh you know what I can't I can't match that so I'm folding cup doesn't even have to reveal his number these are Cubs diamonds no I had three kilometers oh that was more than me I had one one point fourteen dang I had 46. oh there he is wow okay yeah [Laughter] horses wow that's sad I don't know if this where is this so I think you have to go mobs and then oh this is alphabetical order now oh that's I have nothing in there so horses never killed me and I've never killed a horse uh that that should tell you that I'm folding car spreading four I'm on the bed okay I see mine uh Y'all Gonna raise two oh I'm gonna see the two and then I'm gonna raise another eight big round of betting here there is you know I'm I'm folding again oh I'm going hard I'm going in you need another six yeah what you need another six diamonds hold on I take back those two diamonds unfold [Laughter] well Cub wins again and and he doesn't have to reveal I'm really curious Cub I'll give you a diamond to reveal it okay if you give me a diamond I'll reveal it okay hold on hold on let me grab one let me grab one okay I want to know all right it was five no I had six times gotta think back to the Head Games who was involved in that I think everybody here was right so it doesn't really help us uh yeah I'm gonna put them in there I was writing it down so I remembered um all right Four Diamonds I'm gonna put down four and I'm also gonna raise five thank you I'm gonna fold I I yeah I I I think Hub has a lot I think that's a lot I'm going to add fight as well I will also fold as uh I had hardly any 21 like wow yeah 45. I mean I thought I'd have like a couple hundred but not anything crazy but there you go yeah we're in the crossbow games which resulted in many deaths so cubby you're gonna raise again or is that it that's it that's it that's it okay reveal your numbers okay I had 127. oh 108. it's taking it each round all right I'll take it I'll take it did you enjoy the clip then subscribe for more because my second channel is where we post Clips as well as the vods of the live streams that I do on twitch.tv slash Asuma which many of the clips come from anyway thanks for subscribing I'll see you in the next one
Channel: xisumatwo
Views: 71,069
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: grian clips, grian xisuma, Xisuma, Xisumavoid, xisumatwo, xisuma clips, xisuma prank, hermitcraft 7, hermitcraft season 7, hermitcraft funny, hermitcraft clips, hermitcraft live, best of hermitcraft, hermit craft, hermitcraft, hermitcraft nine clips, hermitcraft nine funny, hermitcraft 1.16, minecraft statistics, how to view your stats on minecraft, hermitcraft statistics, hermitcraft time played, hermitcraft death count, cubfan135, scar hermitcraft, scar hermit, falsesymmetry
Id: VlQr49syUpM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 44sec (524 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 19 2023
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