When The Father Leaves, Feminism Arrives

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welcome back to the comments section I'm Brett Cooper so one of the core types of comedy of humor is irony and sometimes the internet delivers the best examples of this and if you watch the show regularly you know that we talk about this there are so many things in the real world right now that are so incredibly ironic I was literally saying this in an episode yesterday but I think that reality is far more funny than anything that TV has produced in years like watching things unfold online is just so much more entertaining at this point and while what we're about to talk about is funny it can also explain a lot about young women and feminism today so before we get into it make sure that you like this video subscribe to the channel if you've not already and ring that notification Bell so that you never miss a comment section or one of our live streams all right so a few months ago a video went viral on Tik Tok and on Twitter of a girl sharing a story time of a date that she had just had and she quickly became coined the factory reset girl because in this video she claims that she's a feminist she's you know bisexual she's dated girls she's dated like softer guys and then she randomly went on a date with a Chad a dude's dude a Bros bro the broest of the Bros and she said that the feminism left her body let's watch I went on a date this week and I felt the feminism leaving my body I live on the east side of LA and if you don't know what that means it's sort of like the artser part of La you know it's it's people say it's like Brooklyn and New York it is so hipster I cannot even tell you like that is the most hipster part of La it's the rich artists that hate that they have money so they live in this area so that they can be like cool and kind of Cosplay as poor cuz oh I'm hipster I live in like Sven Park I live in this par yeah no you are so rich you live in LA you have a really nice loft apartment you just don't want to live in Beverly Hills that's the kind of people there okay I go on dates with a lot of men and women who you know live over here there's always a negotiation about who pays and that's great I like to pay for people all that but what I will say is that I sort of fell into going on a date with the most guys guy I've ever been on a date with and he's from West West you know Santa Monica he's a bro right a GU guy is usually not my type like I cannot remember the last time that I went on a date with like a straight Bros bro you know what I'm saying but it befell me it befell me in an organic fashion organic fashion almost like you're biologically inclined to like that that if you just let your guard down that actually might be what women are interested in crazy I'm on this date with this guy and the thing about a guy's guy is he's putting his card down he's paying for everything and I really just it sort of activated something feral in me I'm not going to lie we went to like another bar and he went he was going to go to the bathroom so I was getting prepared to pay for our drinks cuz he's been paying all night of course I'm going to pay for the next round but as he's going to leave for the bathroom he turns to me and he hands me his credit card and he goes here's my card get us whatever it might be time for me to get away from all these you know liberal snowflakes on the east side my favorite line in there is when she says that it just activated something feral in her body like the bare minimum paying for a woman that's not even something to write home about but the bar is literally on the floor that that caused the reaction that that was like dear God I'm interested it's wild somebody commented and said haha I love these based pilled stories B somebody else said when you have your first date with a guy who's not a graphic designer somebody else said she flipped due to the credit card being used by a drink wait until she sees masculinity Flex in the form of homie mowing the lawn or fixing the plumbing in a house that he bought can't confirm it's hot somebody else said women are starved for masculinity yeah especially the LA breed of women whether they know it or not and this girl did not know it but now she does somebody else said it's almost like women hate feminism and want men to actually act like men crazy now this girl is a comedian and based on the Tik toks that she has posted since December which is when that video came out and went viral she has definitely not become some kind of hyper feminine tradcon like in the caption of that video she was like guys don't worry I checked his politics before going out I'm not going to become some conservative he's not conservative he's just like a GU guy but we do see a lot of Truth through humor which is why I love this story and obviously this man and this date stood out to her and apparently according to videos posted last week they are still going out she's continued to date him she's continued to talk about him she talks about this guy's guy all the time and every one of the videos about him is like is this how they act like he's texting me all the time we're having this kind of conversation like is this how straight like masculine guys talk to him like she genuinely has no idea but you can continues to talk about him all the time and maybe she should spend some time reflecting on all of this because it's not wrong to want a stronger more masculine man it's not wrong to like being taken care of even in the form of just a guy paying for a drink like not all men are toxic like a man being a guy's guy does not mean that he is the enemy crazy thought maybe we should figure that out but anyway I had not thought about this girl recently until not the be posted this article yesterday and they said this girl's dad abandoned his wife and four kids to pursue break dancing and doesn't she look familiar it's the same girl read that headline again this girl's dad abandoned his wife and four kids to pursue break dancing and guys this story is insane she posted it on Tik Tok she did a whole story time about it we just have to watch what's a piece of trauma that you have that's funny it has to actually be funny I'll go first my Dad abandoned my family when I was 5 years old that is um a wife and four kids he abandoned us and then pursued amateur break dancing and he got really good he like blew up like he became like a d-list celebrity status like viral break dancer he became like the oldest actively competing break dancer in the world and he got a Good Morning America and talk shows and Washington Post wrote about him and he went super viral and he did all these interviews and he danced with Paul Abdul here I'll show you to see take a look at this 60y old break dancer yes 60 years I mean it's impressive amazing that's been hard he's competing at a break dancing competition in Philadelphia and he may not have won but he I tell you what he is winning over a lot of people on the internet he really is y he's wi over a lot of people on the internet this guy wouldn't pay my medical [Applause] bills the worst part damn it he's good he should not be able to move his body like that it's like impossible it's beautiful hey Dad like there is no custody or anything like he just like left four kids to do that he may not have paid for some of my medical bills growing up oh my God I just she's wearing one of his shirts oh my God I just noticed it he did give me this break dancing merchandise so that's him he's on his head Benny Hana is his b boy name CU his name is Ben Hart you know I'll get texts like this happy birthday question mark and then like links to his to his break dancing videos if you have funny trauma like actual funny haha trauma I need to hear it I mean that is wild that objectively is very funny now I know that she did include some videos of his break dancing but this one just made me laugh so hard this was in a random comment section this is him in 2019 in front of the White House oh there he goes yep that is her father what a man I'm just imagining him like setting up the camera and it's just making me cringe so hard you know I think as he's aged a little bit he's lost he's lost some of the talent I think he peaked very quickly and then lost it because that basically just looked like a cockroach running around now somebody said all the news stories calling him the break dancing dad when he was a total dead beat Peak peek I mean would you expect anything less from our culture like seriously and I mean it's no surprise because this is the same culture where 70% of women who get abortions say that they did it because they felt pressured or coerced by their partner and that is where pre-born steps in rescuing 200 babies every day from abortion by simply providing a mother with a free ultrasound and allowing her to hear her child's Heartbeat by 6 weeks the baby's eyes are forming by 10 weeks a baby is able to move his or her hands and pre-born helps mothers see and experience all of that and for just $28 you can fund one of these ultrasounds giving a baby a better chance at life and if you become a monthly sponsor with preborn you will receive stories and ultrasound pictures of the lives that you helped Rescue all gifts are tax deductible and 100% of your gift donation goes towards saving babies to donate just dial pound 250 and say the keyword baby again that is pound 250 keyword baby or you can go to pre-born docomo donate again that is pre-born dcom Bret I mean if our society does not even value children when they are the most innocent and the most precious what makes you think that they're going to stay and not walk out on their kids for freaking break dancing like none of this is a shocker sadly if you look up Ben Hart it's like the Washington Post article is talking about his family and you know being the break dancing dad Good Morning America called him the break dancing dad like everything was about his role as a father when he was literally not being a father at all another person said imagine leaving your family just to pursue your new hyper fixation for break dancing somebody else said This Girl's video about meeting a guy's guy and having feminism leave her body in this there should be a sitcom written about this girl in her life like literally I don't know if you'll watch this video girl but you are a comic you should write it and if you don't I will because it's absolutely fantastic now even though this story is objectively funny and we can all laugh at this it also breaks my heart because no wonder she was shocked by having a strong unflappable dude take her on a date and do the bare minimum of paying like she's never had that her father doesn't even remember her birthday apparently also through one of the comment sections on some posts about this video and about the story I learned that her father has now moved on from break dancing he's a little too old to do the head spins and he's now become a crypto guy a right-wing crypto guy like he was even interviewed by denes to Susan he featured this on his blog and I think this is an important point because I think a lot of people on the right assume that just because they're conservative or have conservative values that they will automatically be good parents that that just inherently makes somebody better but just being on the right does not mean that you have good values like your politics does not inherently make you a better person this right what we're talking about is not about politics I do not care it is about prioritizing your family putting their well-being above your hyperfixation of the month of break dancing like this father walked out he abandoned his family he left his four kids alone like she was four years old when that happened he left his daughter without a role model both for her or for the type of band that she would hopefully find and fall in love with and sadly I know you guys know this but this is not a rare occurrence in 2022 there were 73 million children in America and of that number 18 ion of them lived without fathers and this does not include the fathers that are just not present or not active in their lives or absent fathers but are still married like that does not include that that is 25% of American children like no wonder we have women growing up resenting men or being taught to hate them or not trust them or just naturally being attracted to women instead of men or softer less masculine men like none of this should be surprising now obviously that is not the only cause of feminism like not by a long shot but it is certainly a contributing factor but the good thing is I have hopes for this next Generation because of you guys because I read the comments on all these videos I see your DMs I see the things that you guys send me on Tik Tok I see the stories that you share about your children and your marriages and the choices that you're making for their Futures and it's incredible all children obviously need their mothers but we cannot forget fathers and I'm so glad that we've woken up to this reality well guys I hope you liked that video make sure that you like and subscribe to this channel if you have not already and if you want even more content you can follow me on Instagram and on Snapchat and on Tik Tok see you guys next time bye
Channel: The Comments Section with Brett Cooper
Views: 181,319
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: brett cooper, the comments section, viral, Madi hart, ben hart, break dancing dad, Madi hart dating, dating masculine men, feminism, dating, feminist, masculine, feminists, modern dating, feminist debate, feminist march, masculine girl, feminist tiktok, masculine women, feminist fail, not a feminist, what is feminism, fatherlessness, fatherlessness crisis, fatherless crisis, impact of fatherlessness, crisis, eradicate fatherlessness, epidemic of fatherlessnes, daddy issues, fathers
Id: 8nsQAK4ZCmU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 28sec (688 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 17 2024
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