The "Girl Bosses" Are Waking Up

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welcome back to the comments section I'm red Cooper so we have done many episodes many many over the last 2 years about the pitfalls of feminism and recently we have talked about how Jen Z is making very different choices and straying from the millennial girl boss trajectory in favor of finding and being in their soft girl era it it get it it it girl they're avoiding the grind at all cost we did an episode about that when I was back in Hungary we can link it below in case you're interested but we haven't really discussed what's going to happen to these Millennial girl bosses or how they got there in the first place and that's what we're going to do today before we do though make sure that you like this video subscribe to this channel if you have not already and ring that notification Bell so that you never miss a comment section upload so in general a lot of women have started to wake up and they are realizing that what Third Way feminism fed them and promised them isn't all it's cracked up to me I mean I cannot tell you how many videos come across my Tik Tok page my exfeed all of it that are just like this man I feel lied to lied to by the culture uh but I'm going to take full responsibility there man I fell for it I fell for the boss the like I I could do everything by myself that hyper independent and I'm 31 now and I still don't have kids I still don't have a family I was focused [Music] on trying to get after the bag and all this yo what I'm in a place now in my life where I'm re-evaluating every everything my values my perspectives what I really want in the future and what I really want is a family is a family I feel like social media or just everything around us Society in general wants to push that women the woman is the Future No the family is the future that's so good I love that video I react Reed to it in another episode I think we might have even done it as a short but I wanted to bring it back a third time because it is so so good because she's not just reading some script and saying you know I'm angry because I did this and I want a husband now or whatever like you're watching this video and in real time she's trying to figure out what did she spend all of these years focusing on I think that might be my favorite part of the video is her just going like I don't even know what I was doing like I was lied to and I fell for it I have no idea what I was actually focusing on because it doesn't really matter and so many women around her age are re-evaluating their lives evaluating what the hell they were focused on for the last 10 or 15 years and are realizing that they probably want to change everything and to me it's heartbreaking because these women they really were lied to the feminist marketing machine of the last 30 years was insane and not leaning into it that's a Cheryl Sandberg joke I am a woman was considered the weird and non-traditional path if you didn't do that you were considered the black sheep I can't tell you how many times I've talked to my mom about this and how her choosing to stop her career to stay home and raise my brothers before she had me was considered absolutely crazy and people would look at her and go you know Diane you were so smart like you had all of these things going for you you were working in publishing you were working in real estate why would you do this and she was like well this is what makes me happy they could not wrap their head around it she was considered odd she was made fun of she was mocked in her 30s as an adult woman she was mocked for making this choice and prioritizing her family and her children but now these Millennial women who did not choose the other path you know they chose to do the normal thing that was given to them as they inch closer to middle age they hit their 30s they're taking a good long look at their lives and many do not like what they see in the comments of that video one person said the 30s will do that it's like a switch gets flipped family over everything but the sad thing is that used to just be the norm from the beginning from your childhood family was everything that is where you put your priorities now it's like you have to mature and age into realizing that that is what is most important which is very sad another person said this this is how we will heal our society glad to see more women waking up another girl said I'm glad I'm realizing this a 26 I think she's meing to say I still have a lot of time hopefully God puts that good man in my path another woman said yes I blame Beyonce independent woman's song the programming started in high school I mean that could be just a whole other episode and going through all the cultural icons and the entertainment that furthered this idea that women do not need anything or anyone accept their career and themselves to be happy just filling your life with plant babies and fur babies will not suffice that doesn't mean that I don't love my dogs though and because I love my dogs so much I really care about their health and that is why rough greens is so important to me Ruff greens knows that dog food is dead food and your pets deserve better Ruff greens is a supplement that contains all the necessary vitamins minerals probiotics Omega oils digestive enzymes and an oxidants that your dog needs every single day things that they're probably not getting from their dead food traditional kibble and the best part about Ruff greens is that you don't have to go out and buy some fancy expensive new fresh dog food subscription you can keep your normal kibble and just sprinkle rough Greens on their food every single day to make sure they are getting exactly what they need rough greens supports healthy joints improves bad breath boosts energy levels and so much more for your dogs we are what we eat we all know that the same goes for your dogs the team at Ru greens is so confident that their products will improve your dog's health that they are offering my viewers a free jump start trial bag so that your dogs can try it too and that free jump start trial bag can be at your door in just a few business days if you get it and you give it to your dogs in the morning just know that we are doing the same thing every single morning we will be connected our dogs and Rocky and tater will be one of the same so go to Ruff Breet or call 87766 my dog again that's Ruff Breet or call 87766 my dog today and I promise you're not a girl boss if you care about your dog's health that is just common sense my friend now around the same time that I saw that Tik Tok back in December I was sent this story 38-year-old woman decides that she wants a baby and claims that she has been betrayed by feminism and on Twitter this got 8.8 million views and the comments were lit up so this article is about a woman who did a video for Fox that's what the screen grabs are from and she got very vulnerable about her life and her choices and all of it but she was brought on to Fox because of an open letter that she wrote for Business Insider earlier in the fall and I cannot believe I did not see this until last month because it is so good and her open letter is entitled I'm 38 and single and I recently realized that I want a child I'm terrified that I've missed my opportunity and I'm going to read you some Snippets but I highly recommend you go read the whole thing it's free it's an easy read now basically this woman she got married young and then she decided that she did not want to be a wife or mother and she began to resent the man she married for wanting a stay-at home wife when that is what she had actually agreed to when they got married she fell into the feminist trap she followed society's lead she rejected all of that and they got divorced and she spent years and years alone focusing on herself chasing her career and dating people who also did not want to get married and also did not want to have children and then she turned 38 and she took a good long look at her life I told my friends and family that I'd never get married again I needed Independence a fulfilling career and space to chart my own course and I didn't think marriage fit into that Vision I was content to look towards a future without a husband children or the trappings of a traditional life but then after a bad breakup and her 38th birthday she said that she began to feel an incredible urgency to find the relationship and stability to see me through the second half of my life to my amazement I began seriously thinking about marriage and children I hardly recognize myself and this next part is so important I also began to feel selfish for spending so much time focusing solely on myself I went from proudly proclaiming that I was too self-centered to be bothered with a family to realizing there was more to life and Independence and the pleasures of living for oneself my very existence started to feel shallow and Hollow that last paragraph is so good and I love that she really said the quiet part out loud here about feminism telling women that they need to be self-centered and that that level of selfishness is healthy and needed when really they're just glamorizing narcissism and I guarantee you have never seen a truly happy or fulfilled narcissist so it's never going to work out I mean Society has told women that nothing matters except themselves that they don't need anyone else that they shouldn't want anyone else in fact wanting a partner specifically a male partner is just indoctrination from the patriarchy and so you need to completely reject that but we are social creatures we rely on community and partnership we were biologically designed to need and want a better half for protection for procreation for community and it's not oppressive or backwards or wrong to acknowledge that or crave it because once again it is natural and it certainly doesn't mean that you lose your Independence or your autonomy or your individuality like in fact I'd argue that the right partner strengthens all of that with their love and their encouragement and the stability that they offer you so that you can go off and do good things on that you can come home to this person and I love that she discovered this even if it's later on and at the end she wrote if I sound desperate it's because I honestly do feel a little desperate at my age I know that creating a life may not be an option for me and I worry that men who want a family aren't looking for a woman pushing 40 I get it I'm no longer the ideal candidate for motherhood and it's a scary truth but I still hope to find somebody who thinks that I'm the ideal partner and create our family together and like it makes me want to cry because there's so many women in the same boat as her my heart goes out to her and I genuinely hope that she finds somebody and I know that it's possible don't listen to what people on Twitter are saying and on that note Brandon Tatum's wife Karin talks about this a lot on podcast on her Instagram and I adore her I think she's fantastic but I don't think that they met until she was 38 years old and they had their son soon after and they are an incredible incredible power couple they have a fantastic relationship they run their business together I mean they are wonderful their son is adorable they are so happy it is not too late for this woman or any of the women out there just the fact that they are waking up is huge and speaking of that as so many of these Millennial women are coming out of the girl boss brain fog I think we need to reevaluate how Society is going to treat them because the typical right-wing and now red pill bro response is to make fun of these women to throw their choices in their faces and tell them that they've hit the wall because they're above 30 years old that does nothing to encourage them or welcome them or make young women feel confident or supported by our side of the aisle it it truly does more harm than good and yes these ex-girl bosses did make choices and they are facing the consequences but they're taking responsibility and they shouldn't be shamed for that and we can't ignore the fact that they didn't make these choices alone this is what our culture told them to do they were doing what they believe to be the right thing Britney Martinez who is the editor and chief of Eevee magazine wrote a great tweet about this recently and I want to kind of end this episode with this she said what people don't seem to realize is that a lot of the people in this millennial generation either came from broken homes where marriage was not modeled well for them or were told by their parents that they had time or to focus on their careers before settling down they didn't have people encouraging them to get married and find love young while their hormones were conflicting them the women grew up with the be a girl boss messaging throughout the media because that was the cool thing to do not saying that you can't have a career but now these women are turning 30 and lost they're told now that they're worthless when they thought they were doing the right thing all these years by getting their PHD or whatnot we will have a generation of unhappy people and we will especially see it in the millennial generation unfortunately but it's not helping anyone to tell women once they've hit 30 that they're doomed if they're single is it easier to find love younger yes to others find love later in life also yes if women want to help the Next Generation not be in this predicament they can show the world how beautiful it is to love and be loved make marriage look sexy over being single in an epic high-rise in Manhattan granted marriage isn't for everyone but it is beautiful and I highly recommend it I just see no point in laughing at others misery you can't turn back time but you can always make the most of your future people specifically women taking account of their life their values what they want and trying to make a change isn't something we should laugh at our society needs good women we need good Mothers we need good families and we certainly need more children if you've been listening to Elon Musk now is not the time to Mock and point fingers just so you can say I told you so well guys I hope you liked that video make sure that you like and subscribe to this channel if you have not already and if you want even more content you can follow me on Instagram and on Snapchat and on Tik Tok see you guys next time bye
Channel: The Comments Section with Brett Cooper
Views: 878,316
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: brett cooper, the comments section, viral, feminism, girl boss, girl boss feminism, girlboss feminism, feminist, girl boss scam, was gossip girl feminist?, girl boss trope, girl boss tiktok, girl boss culture, death of girl boss, toxic girl boss culture, boss, feminism doc, fake feminism, disney feminism, instagram feminism, feminist doc, fourth wave feminism, gossip girl, black feminist, feminist march, feminist songs, girl, feminists, betrayed by feminism, feminism backfires
Id: lRh_SrX62gU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 6sec (666 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 23 2024
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