Among Us: The Bully | Cartoon Animation

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who are you i are i'm the captain of the ship i think you may have stepped onto the wrong ship quiet crewman from now on you'll answer to me i marry the greatest pirate in the sky oh no guys i've heard of him he's really scary what are we gonna do you can't just come on our ship and tell us what to do yeah who do you think you are there are girls here don't you know that it's bad luck to have a woman on a ship could you like uh leave silence do not speak unless you are spoken to follow my orders and you'll be fine i don't think you want to find out what happens if you disobey me that's what i thought now start this game [Music] i know i'm the imposter but i'm too terrified to do anything [Music] crewmen crew women meet me in the cockpit in 10 seconds if you're a second late there will be serious consequences [Music] you're light yellow my name is banana your name is what i choose to call you give me 50 push-ups but i can only do five hurry up if i don't have all day we have ships to loot and captains to kill ah there's no reason to be so hard on him shut up you're so stupid and your hat looks ridiculous how did you all let this guy on the ship anyway he should be somewhere hanging on a tree a stupid tree because he's stupid now listen carefully because if i have to repeat myself someone is going to get hurt first you will all do the tasks i assign you then we will rob a few ships and after that i might allow you to rest you with the hat and the stupid accent go to the steering wheel you're responsible for steering the ship and finding ships to rob who me of course not women can't drive i'm referring to you [Music] all girls go to the kitchen and make me a snack i don't cook this is ridiculous i'm a princess you a princess princess of the poop heads hey brown guy with the toilet paper on his head i assume your name is poop you can join them and you can be this cat lady subject [Laughter] what a chauvinistic idiot i know right orange and green go to the engine room make sure everything is running smoothly white and red go to electrical and make sure we always have enough light or i will electrocute you and you cherry hut guy my name is ninja what kind of ninja picks that kind of hat anyway we've already established that you're all losers ninja go to communications and hack into other shift systems to make sure they can't communicate with anyone while we're robbing them you might need some help because you don't look too bright planthead you go with him me yes what about me you're the jester just put on this funny hat and entertain me and everything is going to be okay [Music] what is taking you all so long i want smoked salmon and roasted potatoes what is this garbage but you just told us you wanted a shrimp salad that's what we made oh yeah well i changed my mind everything you've made so far is disgusting anyway who taught you ladies to cook if you're so dissatisfied then why don't you cook for yourself this idea of will having to serve men is idiotic and outdated [Music] what's your name pretty lady chloe you've been promoted to assistant captain what does that mean what do i have to do just follow me around and look pretty [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] good effort this time but i still expect more speed you guys are a bit too slow anyway get back to work [Music] please please [Laughter] what does he think he's doing very good job this time losers i will treat you all to a wonderful meal great i'm starving yeah i haven't eaten in like forever food squid my favorite food don't you have to cook this first are you making a joke because this is a lame joke jester give me ten push-ups no i don't think he's joking we usually eat cooked food on this ship and why did you give chloe ice cream instead ah because she is my lady and she deserves the best you what she's mine a lady like her would never date a loser like you you'll pay for this uh guys my squid is still moving ew well then you idiots will starve ungrateful morons get back to work we've got to find a way to get rid of harry yeah he's insane but how i'm the imposter and you haven't tried to kill him i was afraid well we'll try to find a way to help you he must die did you see how he made chloe his assistant pathetic it's because he knows she's the most beautiful the most perfect oh what your mum is but whatever let's kill this dude i think he's back in the cockpit screaming after chester again let's go blah blah blah [Music] what was that did someone throw a stone at me i don't understand yeah i shot him and nothing happened do you think he's invincible maybe he's wearing something we can't see like some kind of a of invisible armor or something maybe so how do we kill this guy [Music] are you confused why you're a boy but you call yourself misses oh that's stupid where's the guy who's supposed to be working with you mr pepperoni man another stupid name yes he went to the bathroom bathroom breaks are not allowed you're not working fast enough sorry where is jeff i don't know not his mom insolent give me 50 push-ups [Music] hey cherry ninja how's it going there are no nearby ship stack where's the blue guy with the leaf on his head i think mr grits went to look for his girlfriend but i'm not sure i haven't authorized any relationships on my ship [Music] you just left comms and is heading towards the viewing deck gotcha [Music] [Music] untie me what do you think you're doing get back to work nah uh i don't think so you're about to learn a valuable lesson you're like the worst pirate in the universe yeah what kind of pirate gets captured by his workers only the worst one also you're hideous a rock is more handsome than you in fact mud is no poop poop is way better looking than you thanks you're mean ugly and dumb i'm sure the crew kicked you off your own ship and that's how you ended up on hours yeah they kicked you out for being so annoying and ugly and stupid and disgusting hey guys maybe we're going about this the wrong way what do you mean have you ever wondered why some people are so mean not really most times it's because something awful happened to them in the past maybe nobody loved them maybe people heard them or teased them so they just become horrible people because they felt horrible inside maybe harry isn't a bad person bad things just happen to him and he doesn't know how to behave wow banana that's deep so harry why are you like this have you ever asked yourself you're so mean and it makes everyone hate you was somebody really mean to you in the past [Music] don't cry you can talk to me well when i was little i lived near the beach with my parents they didn't like me so in the night they'd put me outside and i'd go to sleep on the beach go on and sometimes i just swim far away to forget my problems then i decided i wanted to be the boss of the sea i also developed a love for seafood when i got older i ruled the sea and later on i wanted to rule the sky too well it's not everybody's fault your parents were mean to you you need to try to be a little nicer to others we're all really nice people and you've treated us awfully for no reason oh no i'm so so sorry see guys he's sorry now everyone can say something nice to him do i have to yes okay fine harry you have um good leadership skills you're not that ugly your hat is nice gray is a lovely color on you you have a nice smile wow nobody has ever been so nice to me before i'll never bully anyone again ever great and remember our differences make us beautiful let's all try to love and tolerate each other be a friend not a bully [Music] you
Channel: STA Studios
Views: 671,884
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: NZOx9bA-_qs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 10sec (790 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 20 2022
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