The women DESTROYING Star Wars

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Star Wars is is very like patriarchal so it was kind of cool to have like this sort of woman centered figure I think it's Canon that R2-D2 is is a lesbian I wish there were such a thing as spaceships and I could use one to get me off this freaking planet hi my name is Sydney welcome back to hell and as per usual before we launch in today's video is sponsored by my Heritage which I actually love and of course you guys know the drill by me and my little tea company lies Tea Exchange and in case you missed it in my last video in light of the fact that I have just had a birthday and have officially hit the wall I'd like to celebrate by giving you pretty people 10% off storewide I've added some new bundles to the site as well but as you guys know by now I've worked very hard to create something that feels like a little gift to yourself that also takes really really good so use code the wall for 10% off buy yourself a box I will pop the link in the description so over the last number of weeks I have been quietly watching from the sidelines the entire internet meltdown over the new Star Wars show the Acolyte and honestly it's not really all that hard to understand why somehow the show has managed to include references to non-binaries and they thems is that the last let buzzle is he with us this is so clearly so Star Wars did you guys not know that Chewbacca is actually a furry and part of the leab community in a love triangle with Yoda and all of the Ewoks and the lead actress Amanda Stenberg also a non-binary they them called everyone racist and bigots in a rap for not liking her show I leave you guys alone with the entertainment industry for 5 minutes and this is what I come back to Stenberg also managed to copyright claim people on YouTube for using tiny Snippets of her rap notably the sides scrollers podcast who used a section of her video in their video I actually asked them about this and they said that they were surprised she was able to place her song in the YouTube copyright system clearly with the knowledge that people would be reacting to it on YouTube so yeah uh there's that disneystar Wars is clearly sending their best but seriously for those of you who have been following this drama it really seems like the acolyte is yet another attempt by Disney to force corporate feminism down everybody's throats undoing well understood Star Wars themes undermining male characters and ensuring all female characters are strong and Flawless so my character you know she's a she's a powerful leader she's a powerful leader yes yes yes uh in a very woman centered World which I I was very excited to kind of be that cuz I feel like Star Wars is is very like patriarchal so it was kind of cool to have like this sort of woman centered figure and it genuinely seems like not a single actor or actress in The Acolyte and probably honestly in the rest of their shows and films even understand what Star Wars and its Legacy is all about with most of the actresses in particular particular paring talking points around feminism and woman power and diversity in a world dominated by men I I think that when it comes to the world of fantasy and sci-fi in general it it hasn't felt like a safe space always for people of color um and it's been a world that I've always deeply loved and been invested in uh so to be in any way shape or form u a part of the wave that is ushering in inclusion and and safety for black nerds it's it's it's like is my dream come true but really who could blame them given that the women at the top who are driving these changes don't even understand the franchise themselves preferring instead to alienate star wars's Mayo fan base while at the same time creating unrealistic unlikable female Centric entertainment Disney has been at this game for quite a while with most of its princess remakes leaning heavily into these themes and many of the Marvel shows and films repeatedly giving us Mary Sue as characters but Star Wars is perhaps experiencing the most egregious push when it comes to the attack of feminism and insufferable political messaging and it's made worse by the fact that it seems many people behind these horrible changes are women which is just like so embarrassing for all of us and I'm not going to lie seeing all of the absolutely insane comments made by women who are performing in the acolyte really made me want to talk about this so that's what we're going to talk about today the women destroying Star Wars why they're doing it and how we can get this nonsense to stop just kidding I don't have an answer to that and of course all of my regular disclaimers I'm not going to get to everything in this video Even though I have Tred to include as much as I can and actually uh as I was editing this I was finding more things I wanted to add but I just was like I don't I don't we don't have time for this but before you once again bored my hell Gondola and together we cry our salty tears of sadness to fill this Lake of sadness on which we are floating let's hear from today's sponsor my Heritage understanding your roots is important the family kind not not the tree kind you can learn about yourself and your family like who may have been a gunslinger or a serial killer Sydney no and because I have always wanted to learn more about my history because my family is from all over Europe I was really excited to partner with my Heritage to find out more about my family tree with my Heritage I've been able to trace my family back to the 1600s on my dad's side this for example is my great great great great grandfather what a looka my Heritage actually lets you upload images like this and enhance them colorize them even animate them which is like so unbelievably cool I've also been able to correct some less understood things on my mother's side like the actual maiden name of her grandmother and all of this was actually reasonably easy to do because my Heritage is home to over 19 billion historical documents from all over the world that help you find records of your family members like this census here for my grandma who may or may not have lied about her age or this other census where my grandfather's name is mysteriously spelled with a V instead of a b my Heritage also has a feature called instant discoveries where with a handful of known family members it will start piecing together your family tree for you so if you too want to learn more about your roots then click the link in the description or scan the QR code on screen to start your my Heritage 14-day free trial in 2012 shortly after Disney purchased the media property Star Wars the film film's Creator George Lucas sat down with the new president of Lucas film Kathleen Kennedy in the interview Lucas laid out what he believed was the nature of Star Wars the underlying message he expressed that it revolves around the dangers of selfishness and the transformation of democracies into dictatorships explaining that people can and will misuse their freedom leading to the rise of those who exploit power to strip away Liberties run your life in a very selfish way and you think you're doing good when you're actually not um and at the same time it's a it's you know how do democracies turn back into dictatorships why do why do people who have the power to have the freedom and turn it over to somebody who's going to take it all away from them it's happened through history forever and ever and all All Star Wars is a way of updating that idea to say watch out because there are people out there who don't play by the rules and if you're not careful you're going to lose all your freedom and at the same time those people who may not play by rules because they're selfish and greedy turn themselves into evil people who don't care about other people there you go the essence of today Kennedy also said that the main focus going forward was to protect the characters and make sure that they continue to live the way that Lucas created them the main thing is to protect these characters make sure that they still continue to live in the way that you created them and that the the universe of Star Wars continues to grow the sad but probably not terribly surprising reality is that this didn't happen at all both from the perspective of following Lucas's original Dream for the franchise and staying true to its underlying values and message and protecting the characters and allowing them to live as Lucas intended sadder still is that in an interview from 2015 George Lucas expressed that even if he wanted to be involved in the direction of Star Wars the people who had it over didn't want him there and didn't want his Direction all about generations and it's about you know the issues of Fathers and Sons and grandfathers and it's a family soap opera I mean ultimately I mean Spa we call it Space Opera but people don't realize it's actually a soap upper and it's all about family problems and that kind it's not about spaceships so they decided they didn't want to use those stories they decided they were going to go do their own thing and so I decided fine but basically I'm not going to try to they weren't that Keen to have me involved anyway but at the same time I said I'm not going to if I get in there I'm just going to cause trouble because they're not going to do what I want them to do so I don't have the control to do that anymore and all I would do is muck everything up and despite the fact that he had left them with a huge catalog of material from which to work Star Wars under the leadership of Kathleen Kennedy veered down the road of corporate feminism and mainstream diversity practices that are so common today in Hollywood all of this seemingly kicked off with the 2015 film The Force awakens and addition to the Star Wars franchise that focused on a female L story with the character Ry right out of the gate Ray's storyline had many many fans shaking their heads some people argued that she didn't have any meaningful character Arc and became excellent at many things without any prior knowledge and minimal mentoring and training Ry was inherently skilled at things that took powerful characters years and years to achieve notably Luke Skywalker and if we can pull someone from these later films kylo Ren what's interesting is that even at this time the feminist driven agenda was well and truly in place and if you cast your minds back to the 2015 George Lucas interview that I just referenced it's even more depressing when you realize that the force awakens had been released only a few months earlier poor George actually as another aside to this I found a particularly frustrating video where Kathleen Kennedy is talking about George Lucas like he's died there isn't a day that goes by or went by as we were making the movie where we don't talk about George you know it is it's the standard what would George do you can just give him a call Kathleen but you won't do that because you're a pair of sweaty salad tongues and you pushed him out congratulations you killed a man's dreams probably not the first time but it's not particularly surprising Star Wars was starting to go down this road everyone orbiting the project and Lucas film had been very open about their messaging objectives in an interview with Good Morning America the film's director JJ Abrams said that he hoped to transform the long running Space Opera from a boy thing to a female friendly franchise his comments which actually landed him in some hot water leading to many an article from an angry woman shouting that the early Star Wars film were for her too still acknowledge that Star Wars was always a boy thing and that dads could take their sons to it which honestly yeah yeah let that's pretty freaking true Star Wars is always a boy thing and and you know a movie that dads could take their sons to and though that's still very much the case I was really hoping this could be a movie that mothers pick the daughters to around the same time Kathleen Kennedy also gave an interview where she said that she's trying to grow the number of women at Lucas film and the number of female protagonists at that the vast majority of people who worked on the force awakens were women we are trying to grow uh in the work force the number of women in executive positions and in all positions inside the company and with the movies that we're making and with the protagonists that we're putting in the stor so I get a huge amount of support with that but we have 50% of our our executive team our women and six out of eight of the people in my story group are women and I'm sure there's a lot of people that would be surprised that we making Star Wars movies and the majority of the people involved in the development of those stories are women don't get me wrong I get women uplifting other women and actually I'm all here for that but what's like the primary motivator of killing Merit why do you want all these women Kathleen you want your Cycles to sink up now some of this absolutely seems to be an overcorrection of sorts to Decades of male Le project in Hollywood and entertainment after all it's only been in recent years that female creatives has started taking up more space in the industry after plenty of women from way back when attested to just how challenging it was to break into the entertainment field and then be taken seriously some of the most notable and beloved Classics are male-focused male orientated movies that strongly appeal to male audiences and while I can understand the drive to see more things that appeal to women more things that involve women which you know like I'm always here for you guys know that I love a good well-written female lead I don't think that the way to go about that is by attempting to hamfist feminism and diversity into that which already exists but this seems to be one of the central issues with Kathleen Kennedy and her band of female creatives according to these women as far as Star Wars goes there must be more female representation and even if it doesn't make sense and even if the audience doesn't like it even as far back as 2012 Kathleen Kennedy had literally assembled a female only group of writers directors and showrunners some of whom notably Kiri Hart rain Roberts and Carrie Beck have held and continued to hold executive roles at lucasfilm and each of these women seemingly from day one were United with Kathleen Kennedy in her quest to completely reorientate the Star Wars franchise whether that was hiring women for specific tasks at the company writers directors other people who do things in the in this space or forcing female representation and diversity into every single project and if you think I'm exaggerating I'm not in 2017 the New York Times published an article titled the women who run the Star Wars Universe the article discussed K Hart's female only story group explaining that in the early days they literally s around and discussed how they wanted to create more female characters today the story group has expanded and added a handful of men which I I mean okay good good stuff but their objectives are more or less the same more women and more diversity starting with for example the growth of Ahsoka as a story in the franchise a character who just by the way was originally not remotely well received by audiences ah it's like there's a theme here however the group proceeded forward with her anyway allowing her to satisfy a desire for another female lead and someone who doesn't look white because she's orange I guess this article also credits this writing group with the diverse characters in The Last Jedi specifically pointing to Rose Tio played by Kelly Marie Tran the first Asian-American woman to star in The Saga this oh my God our our barriers of Entry are so low and for their efforts this largely female Le writing group was able to Pat itself on the back for including more women and more non-white people and more diversity than ever before but obviously this feminist Forward Thinking didn't stop in 2017 if anything it's only accelerated since then not only because we have been saturated with Star Wars content but what's being turned out looks completely different to Lucas's original vision and frankly at least in my opinion that's a bit of a travesty that's putting it mildly of course this is in fact terrible then it makes me sad inside I can't help feeling bad for this guy because his entire contribution the entire thing that he brought to the world has just become one giant in April 2023 Kathleen Kennedy said that even more women Le projects were on the horizon insisting that they don't set out to have women in charge but it just so happens to go that way okay Kathleen we believe you she said I think we have attracted some really strong women in front of the camera and behind the camera and that's been thrilling she was of course referring to the upcoming Ahsoka series The acolyte which we'll get into in a moment and the upcoming movie about Ray set 15 years after the events of the rise of Skywalker a film that is also just directed by another woman called I'm not even going to try this is um charmine o obeyed chinoy I don't know just put me on the ground a woman who came under Fire earlier this year for saying we're in 2024 it's about time we have a woman shape a story in the galaxy far far away we already have for the last number of years that's why your franchise is dying the blowback she received for her comment was nothing compared to the hate storm brewing over the acolyte probably one of the worst creations the star Wars Universe has never made the acolyte was doomed to fail from the outset for a multitude of reasons from the cast joking about it being the gayest Creation in the history of Star Wars I want to ask you both because this is I would say arguably the gayest Star Wars I think by a considerable margin and uh are you excited about that are youing yourself Star Wars not it's pretty gay let's be honest Leslie are you how do you feel am I gay well no I know you are gay but I'm asking are you excited about putting this you know this is going to be a talking point is it going to be a talking boy I'm sure so because nerds are gay well not well some nerds are very not gay and are very threatened by gay stuff well that's true but in my world nerds are gay to the showrunner Leslie Headland and the lead actress amand L Stenberg attacking audiences for not enjoying the lesbian magic witch coven they were given in episode 3 that's not a joke these people are genuinely making me a grandpa the angry sort that hates everyone Leslie Hedland definitely set out to create something gay or queer orientated and the rest of the Star Wars team was obviously more than happy to oblige even casting a non-binary gay actress as the lead in the Acolyte and when the ridicule and disdain for this show got to be too much Kathleen Kennedy herself stepped in and tried to run some interference and she of course failed because everyone hates her too she said that the reason for the hate was the result of the male dominated fandom in an interview she said operating Within These giant franchises now with social media and the level of expectation it's terrifying I think Leslie has struggled a little bit with it I think a lot of the women who step into Star Wars struggle with it a bit more because of the fan Bas being so male dominated they sometimes get attacked in ways that can be quite personal yeah it's definitely not the absolute horse poopies that you guys keep vomiting out the fandom there's obviously the problem the thing that seems to be so lost in all of this is that none of this was ever necessary to make Star Wars an ongoing amazing franchise and not all of the newer characters have been universally hated like Gina corano as Cara June in the Mandalorian example but obviously kanano was fired for having some no no opinions because she wasn't screaming from the rooftops about feminism and diversity and she wasn't non-binary enough it's really it's a problem so what we are left with is a team of women forcing corporate propaganda on audiences who simply don't want it and then abusing those audiences for holding that position the tragedy is that as with most entertainment in this day and age Star Wars creatives seem to place more emphasis on skin color and sex over creating meaningful storylines with well-rounded well-written characters even when working on the force awakens in interviews creators are clear that they essentially chose a female lead because they believed there hadn't previously been one okay who's Princess Leia than friends these creators bizarrely in their own words end up describing Rey as this Mary Sue character that she ultimately turned out to be and they weirdly are like so gleeful about this this is very confusing and what this indicates to me at least is that these creatives are not secure in their own writing capabilities and they don't seem to believe that women can relate to male characters in the franchise like Luke Skywalker Anakin or Yoda so instead of giving us the opportunity to like a character on our own regardless of their sex they instead decided to insert Ray or Ahsoka or OSHA to make everything more female friendly and inviting but the reality is that it kind of already was one of the saddest things to me personally and I've referenced this and said this in other videos is that well-written really well-written female characters are honestly so fun to watch so often we are instead given women whose characteristics are entirely built around being better than their male counterparts who are made artificially weaker less intelligent less useful and sometimes even stupid creating and adding female characters to almost seems to be done for the sake of it and them being included at all shouldn't come at the cost of every male character around them just like it also shouldn't come at the cost of giving these women actually meaningful character arcs and character development and flaws and struggles and a relatable personality which they are almost always lacking the women working on Star Wars today are a symptom of an ongoing cultural Obsession to rectify per received past gender biases and entertainment when there were apparently too many men and too many white men in this attempt to make Star Wars less problematic for modern audiences by introducing new characters that align with modern sensibilities or forcing storylines sladen with overt left-wing political messaging we are ultimately left with entertainment that is at the core unsatisfactory pandering the fact is there is nothing wrong with Star Wars being originally and forever more a franchise that is just more appealing to men that doesn't mean that it can't and doesn't have crossover appeal with women the unnecessary gender targeted iterations we are seeing right now will simply leave everyone unhappy while pissing off the original fan base something I also wanted to add here but I didn't know where to put it so I'm putting it here is that George Lucas actually addressed some of these corporate feminist criticisms recently at the 2024 C Film Festival he made mention that people have accused his films of having no female characters he responds who do you think the hero is later on when they were making more movies they said there's no women in the movies I said who do you think the heroes are in those films who what do you think Princess Leia was she is the head of the Rebellion she's the one that's taking this young kid that doesn't know anything and this boisterous I know everything guy who can't do anything and trying to save the Rebellion with these clowns I said she's the hero of the movie he also mentions Queen amadala and goes on to say that you can't just put a woman in pants and expect her to be a hero it's about her brain and her ability to plan and think and be logistical and they said well but there's no women you know I said you can't just put woman in pants and expect her to be a hero you know they can wear dresses they can wear whatever they want it's their brains and their ability to think and do and plan and be logistical and you know that's that's what the hero is so the question arises why are these women destroying this franchise as I've mentioned previously over and over and over again like a broken record part of the problem here is that these people never create anything original instead of creating something that's new and fresh that they'd like to see they instead shoehorn their way into that which already exists like we've seen with all this race swapping for example why create a black superhero when you can just make Superman black it's unoriginal and it's lazy and I think it's partially rooted in the fact that these creatives know deep down that their original ideas just won't be successful with audiences because they can't create anything that's actually worth watching so they end up piggybacking on existing good ideas and hope that the shoehorning works and are baffled when their changes fail to resonate secondly it's worth mentioning that whenever creative directors or creative people in general come in and take over a media property and immediately inject virtue signaling and insufferable political messaging it seems to be partially based in resentment because how can that radical of a change come from a good place from the outset it cannot it's not possible for these individuals to have genuinely loved or cared about a media property and its Legacy if they are hellbent on changing it because if they were truly a fan or even if they just had a basic respect for it they wouldn't try to reshape it to fit their own worldview these individuals are familiar with the material but they don't have a deep appreciation or love for it in my opinion that's likely why these people are so comfortable doing this it's because they don't care about the original material they might acknowledge it but they're not fans and if you don't believe me the New York Times ran a piece in May 2024 about Leslie Hedland and the acolyte it noted that Hedland added a Ghan American writer Joselyn bio I hope that's right what an unfortunate last name to the writing team precisely because she wasn't a Star Wars devotee in an interview be said Leslie asked me what I knew about Star Wars and my answer was Harrison Ford runs around space with a giant dog and lesle said you're hired this is basically a running theme here I'm sure all of you have noticed it seems at least some of the time as demonstrated by this little excerpt some of these people come across these roles for absolutely no good or meaningful reason Kathleen Kennedy is honestly a perfect example of this she has no history with star Wars and her appointment appears to be driven by personal ambition rather than a genuine love for the franchise it feels like she's making decisions based on her own preferences with a team that lacks the passion for preserving the original Spirit of the series lastly and I think this is one of the most important things to note there is a recurring Trend with these female creatives they can't relate to characters that aren't like them and they don't think that anyone else can either because with these women their creativity starts and stops at the mirror if they can't see a direct parallel reflection of themselves in a piece of media they don't understand how they could possibly ever like it or relate to it given that they've warmed their way into these roles and have assumed creative Direction they eliminate things they don't like or understand and the things they don't understand are basically anything that's not like them which was all of it before they got involved so again they're not fans they don't care about Star Wars they don't see themselves in its original Vision so their objective is to reinvent it to revise it so that it finally makes sense to them that's just the theme here that we see over and over and over and over and over again the last thing that I just want to add here is that I don't want videos like this to turn into a women bashing session because I am certain and in fact I know that there are plenty of women who do work in the creative Fields who do bring really great contributions and who aren't like this and the thing is I don't want their contributions lumped in with these smashed I also focused a lot on female characters in this video because that seems to be who the women in charge of Star Wars are the most focused on I think that there's also uh some very questionable male characters that I could have gotten into but again the ones that these ladies referenced over and over with the female characters so sorry they were on the chopping block there's nothing wrong with female characters at all if they are well fleshed out and well- created and not terrible weird feminist nonsense people finally there's actually nothing wrong at all with setting out to tell a specific kind of story but jamming corporate feminism into absolutely everything at absolutely every opportunity is never going to satisfy or impress audiences regard regardless if those who are viewing are male or female and in the end political messaging like this that these women that these creatives that these people are so obsessed with is never going to outdo good and meaningful storytelling now before I open the floor to all of you this is just a reminder check out my Heritage using the link in the description or scanning QR code on screen I promise you you should definitely take advantage of their 14-day free trial it's very cool you'll find out a lot of really interesting stuff about your history and I encourage most people to know where they come from also don't forget to click the link in the description or go to Lion my little company to take advantage of this birthday celebration thing that I have going on use code the wall for 10% off storewide now open the floor to all of you what do you all think are you somebody who likes this current version of Star Wars and you like the shows and the films and what's going on at the company are you somebody who hates it and you think it's terrible and you wish that they would just stop do you think that there's a need for more female characters and appealing to women as an audience do you think that it's not necessary at all and women can just get by with what's already on screen what do you make of the women at the top of this company at the women who are working on these projects are they in the right are they in the wrong are they good are they bad what do you think of corporate feminism as a general idea that is infiltrating the media industry and the entertainment industry is that good is that bad and what do you generally make of this issue overall as always if you have made it this far in the video congratulations I always like having you guys along for the full ride if you are new here and you would like to see more of me and more of this sort of content feel free to subscribe to the channel as well as leaving this video a like and a comment because I do read the majority of them and I really like reading your feedback of course if you have any video ideas or suggestions feel free to let me know because I have a running list of all of those but in the inim I will see you wonderful pretty people in the next video
Channel: Sydney Watson
Views: 530,581
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 9mCl70Poocc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 33sec (2013 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 03 2024
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