When Nothing Else Will Satisfy | Third Week in Lent

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[Music] [Music] welcome to the third week of Lintz and as we find ourselves the beginning at conversation today let's just begin with where we are in this third week of Lent for some of us we start off Flint with a bang right we came up with great expectations and hopes and desires and and maybe your life just gotten away maybe you started off but maybe for a variety of reasons you haven't maintained that momentum if that's where you are in this third week of lengthen that's okay how about we just recommit today we'll start all over again together [Music] for some of us maybe you have been diligent about your spiritual exercise but it's the comparisons that are influencing you now and as we pause just for a second in conversation let's talk about those comparisons right it's easy for us to either compare this lint to other Lintz that we've experienced in the past or perhaps we compare what we are experiencing an our life this led to what we think other people are experiencing in their life right we compare ourselves to other people and that's never a fair experience for us or perhaps you just happen a great lint and if that's where you are then praise God but wherever you are on the journey what we all share in common is our desire for more and if we pay attention to our hearts listening we will discover that we all won more I remember some time in my life it was after college and before seminary I was working in Washington DC and I think it was just this insatiable search for more what would make me happy that would spend a lot of time in the National Shrine for the Immaculate Conception there and just reflect upon my life and I remember thinking that once I got a job in that job that I had it would make me happy well I got the job and I wasn't happy I remember thinking to myself well once I started making money and I had the house that I wanted and the things that I could surround myself with then that would make me happy well I was blessed and I had a lot of that and none of that made me happy and then I said to myself well maybe if I found the right woman and I could find someone to marry and share my life with well then that would make me happy and I found someone who I thought would would fulfill that dream in my heart and and that did work out and that wasn't going to be the way that God would make me happy and I realized that there was no one person on this earth or any one thing on this earth that could fulfill every desire in my heart I was made for a person but a particular person the person of Jesus Christ [Music] it was a person that made me a person that designed me and it's that person God that I was made for this third week of Lent we also meet another person the Samaritan woman at the well who has the same story that I had and the beauty of Jesus intentionally pursuing her what we find in the store from the gospel in the third week of Lent is that Jesus knows exactly what he's doing when he is pursuing the woman at the well he knows exactly why he's going there because he wants to find someone who doesn't want to be found he knows exactly what's gonna happen when he finds her right he's gonna find a sinner someone who was at the will at noon for a reason and it is exactly what he wants to do with her he right he wants to liberate her and free her and I love the part of the gospel when Jesus says I thirst [Music] [Music] he longs to bring her freedom just like he longed to bring me freedom in my life Jesus thirsts for us and he created us with a thirst in our hearts we were made for more we were made to longed for more that's what I see in my life that's what we all see it the woman at the well and the story there and if we pay attention enough to our hearts this lent we will discover that we were made for more and that we are thirsting for more so my encouragement to you at this stage of Lent is to pay attention to slow down and to let the Lord take you deep within your heart to ask yourself what are you really wanting life what are you really searching for in life do you want more [Music] you
Channel: Ascension Presents
Views: 19,581
Rating: 4.9726028 out of 5
Keywords: Fr. Mark Toups, Fr. Mark Toups on Lent, Lenten Companion, Ascension Lenten Companion, Ascension Lenten products, Lent motivation, lent inspiration, Catholic motivation, free Catholic videos, videos for Lent, Lent 2020, spiritual exercises for Lent, Ascension Press, Ascension Catholic, lent year a, lenten reflections, what is lent, third week in lent, lent fail, restart lent, failing at lent, woman at the well, John 4:5-42, John 4, thirsting for more, lent struggle
Id: riyWT_kthX4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 53sec (353 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 12 2020
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