When Michael Phelps Was Just a Teenager | Before They Were Superstars

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I think if you really just have a wide-open mind and use your imagination, I think a lot of things are possible. I swim here and eat and sleep and just hang out, pretty much. It's a thrill every day to come into work because he does things which I'm quite sure I'll never see again. I hate to lose. I think just the whole Olympic atmosphere is going to be exciting and I really can't wait for it. I want it to happen today. Michael Phelps was born in Baltimore. When he was a child, he was scared of even putting his face underwater. He began swimming at the age of seven, and in his teens, Michael was training at the North Baltimore Aquatic Club, swimming close to 100 miles a week. He even trained on Christmas Day to gain that extra edge. It's one reason why we train seven days a week, why we train on Christmas, why we train on Thanksgiving, 365 days a year. It gives you that extra day of training that no-one else has. There aren't many clubs that train seven days a week, so that gives you one extra set training session every single week where you can pick something up. So I'm getting 52 more practices than everybody else is. That's going to make that little all-over big difference in the end. I think everyone dreams about breaking a world record every single time they get in the pool but more than likely, it's not going to happen. I mean, I couldn't get in the race today and say I'm going to break a world record because I'm not prepared. There are a lot of things that go into it. Michael is double-jointed in the elbows, knees and ankles - just one of his many advantages in the pool. All right, ready? Go. He's been coached by Bob Bowman since he was 11. Michael was always a very superior athlete and I think had physical skills and was also extremely competitive at a young age. It was very obvious to see that he would be a special swimmer. I don't think you can point to any one thing that makes him great, but he has the physical tools, he has the right body shape, he had a family that understood swimming on a high level and supported his efforts. He happened to swim for a club that had a history of producing Olympic gold medallists. All those things sort of came together and I think there's a combination of factors. Nice job. Keep it going. Keep it going, Michael! We're very close. I think a good swimmer-coach relationship is needed once you get to a higher level in the sport. And definitely ours is extremely high and we're extremely close and friends. So I've been very fortunate to have him as a coach. Come on, man. Squeeze your butt together at the end. Squeeze your butt together at the end of that kick. It's a thrill every day to come into work because he does things which I'm quite sure I'll never see again. I try to enjoy what he's doing. And challenging him is a challenge in itself because he can handle virtually anything you throw at him. So I have to stay on my toes to keep him going. I've swum with the group I swim with for five or ten years. We've all known each other and been around each other the whole time so it's just fun. Like I said, it's like my family. Back in 2004, there was talk of Michael trying to win seven gold medals at the Athens Olympics. Anything is possible. But it's not one of the things that is number one on my mind right now. I came back from Sydney with nothing. So really, going to Athens and getting something is the goal. There's not much else that goes on. It's pretty much a laid-back life. Like I said, I swim here and eat and sleep and just hang out pretty much. At this stage of his life, away from swimming, Michael's big love was his new car, his customised Cadillac. This is a little flip-out TV. It's all touch-screen. And then we have two in the back. One on each headrest. A 15-inch Eclipse Titanium subwoofer. Sort of gives me some... I guess a little more fun, a little more bass to it. And then under the TVs, we have some Xbox. And then... ..they're all, um, 22-inch. They're called spinners. And when you go and you stop at a traffic light, they keep spinning when you stop. I think he has a lot of options. Because he swims so many events and because he's so young, I think he just has a lot to look forward to after this year. Just physiologically, he'll become stronger, mentally, he'll grow and become more mature. He can decide to pursue any number of different events than he's training now. So I think the future is bright for him and the options are open. Not many people in the US, or in the world, for that, can say they're an Olympic gold medallist. So coming back with one gold medal, obviously, I'll be completely happy. One gold medal is all I want. You're a more recognisable, notable person with the gold medal. So one gold medal is my goal. And whatever happens after that, happens.
Channel: Olympics
Views: 847,225
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Rio 2016, History, USA, Throwback Thursday, Teenage, Younger, Athens 2004, PLtbt, Gold, Team USA, Teenager, American, Before Fame, GOAT, Young Michael Phelps, Michael Phelps, Olympics, TBT, Swimming, London 2012, Thrwoback, America, throwback, Silver, Young Phelps, Phelps, Most, United States, Aquatics, Medals, Beijing 2008
Id: jm6qcEDVz9g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 56sec (416 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 27 2017
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