Ending Lives With Lies (people died)

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you know it's going to be a good day when you get a 0 out of 100 on your exam now obviously I can't show this to my mother so I'm gonna burn it because I see a fire in the background it looks perfect so let's just uh take the report here yep at it ah very good don't worry about any smoke detectors we don't care about that yet yeah put it in the plastic trash can oh son did you get your exam results wait what is that like a Google AI generated or something anyway uh yeah mom I got a hundred percent yes I got 100 yeah tell her amazing I am so proud of you son don't even ask for it mom because the teachers doesn't send our tests home right that's oh oh no she just came out of the ground I curse you every time you lie your nose will get longer I don't want a long nose I don't want a long nose oh become the world's best liar and your curse will be removed so I just gotta lie to everybody and manipulate and ruin the world can I move around no but anyway the demon fairy has given me a mission let's start here we are at class we got some kids escaping they're making no sound whatsoever or maybe our teacher's death it's hard to say I have had a deaf teacher actually have to jump okay tap come on jump yeah we all just left look the chairs moving on on its own it's haunted I don't know if you saw that but that was oh wait why am only eye in trouble school yesterday oh um yeah I thought it was Sunday I thought it was Sunday shut up and go back to your seat that teacher's rude wait did I lose is my nose getting bigger all right so now I have to cheat tap and hold the cheat okay so we're just gonna peek over there good okay let's just stop for a minute the teacher's looking up we don't want him to catch me you gotta do it when he's not looking oh wait what did I get caught why do you both have oh no we're just uh we're just really smart yeah we study together we're friends we studied together next time uh that's horrible advice actually you should never study alone but look my nose is starting to extend in the entire world I'm at number 978. teacher's talking trash about me whoa are these my parents Let's Escape yeah run for your life see you later mom under your legs it's a skillful run anyway we just got a hold of her oh wait the teacher's back here with some children probably yelling at them because she's a jerk oh straight down so if I watch an ad I can't take this pet so I'm gonna watch the ad we're back and I have a dog I'm gonna keep walking I really feel like running look I'm only five years old apparently so here I'm gonna gain 10 plus months so am I gonna become six am I like five and a half what's the issue here I'm really not sure but we have some missions adopt a pet yes give me one dollars thank you we got some other things here prank your father we're back in class what is on the agenda today teacher oh yeah yeah oh my goodness he's gonna fall oh he hit his neck he could have broken his neck and died I didn't this uh classroom is haunted we saw it earlier the legs are broken I swear the chair legs are broken yeah that's right so uh grow my nose please oh my gosh just threw the chair at my face we have to try again I thought my job is to lie I thought that's the whole point all right so let's pull it out let's break his neck and then let's do a roach on it yeah I saw a bug there was a roach on it yeah I'm looking out for you man give me a hundred dollars thank you moving up the ladder let's keep saying ball oh no says bam uh no how about I join in please say or I just run away because I'm a I'm a wuss oh I'm five years old Ron yeah I'm five why would I like help you fight I'm not gonna run what what is this is this a new hairstyle if I watch an ad I become cool but I'm gonna remain a nerd wait the cool hairstyle will help you get girlfriends okay I have to get a girlfriend all right look at that I got the new hairstyle I wish I could see from the front well we're gonna get two months here so I should be um six years old now oh yeah look at me I'm so cool girls love this style of hair by the way one more hairstyle and I get a hundred dollars oh hello are these bullies these guys kind of look like Mark Zuckerberg how was my exam um yeah it could have been better I guess could have been better I don't really have any options uh yeah that's not happening yeah I only have twenty five dollars I only give 25 so these Mark Zuckerberg bullies are taking my money why would you agree to that just run we gotta get money for uh from mother I need some money why do you need it I'm hungry and your cooking sucks wanted for food no way oh my gosh mom your food is trashed let's try this again for a school project of course school project and not for the bullies that are harassing me mom you are Global oh my nose is gonna grow all right we got another hundred dollars this guy above me his name is wuss oh hello uh demon fairy I have no idea but now I'm six years old here is this like a TV what is this a towel oh clothes it will give you more confidence to lie that was a really weird ad anyway I have new clothes and let's gain five more months oh yeah look my nose is a little bit bigger you can see it getting long give me a fifty dollars okay I got the hairstyle and I got the a new outfit I guess all right now how do I play I'll hit the X dude I do not look cool I'm sorry there's no way I'm gonna get a girlfriend looking like this you are grounded for a week why fact I do Dad I'm literally just sitting there doing nothing okay I get to prank my father finally he's a loser I really want to do the bucket prank all right here's the bucket come on dad come on in yeah hit that wait now do I get the Hammers head into the wall or glue his eyebrows here let's try to hammer his head bam yeah yeah oh yeah get shot yeah that's a prank murder now I definitely don't have a father all right so my dad's dead let's uh move ahead here what's this pick any three cards all right let's uh do this one would you rather always lie or catch the liar well in this game we want to lie so we get that um let's go with this one here would you rather lie to your dad or your mom well my dad's dead I just threw a bunch of water on him and then electrocuted him so let's go with the mom and let's take this one in the corner you'd rather lie to save your friend or your love oh well my love obviously I don't have any friends what kind of liar are you I have to watch an ad to reveal the answer I'm a caring liar your choices show that you are not good at lying you are a caring person and you would go to any extent for you love you are more close to your mom than your dad well obviously I murdered my father oh what's this is this another hairstyle oh this one looks cool oh no it's a skateboard it will increase my walking speed by 20 uh I'm gonna keep walking slow because I'm inside you shouldn't skateboard inside oh I got a home wait what's this can I move around oh I build stuff with money okay so we build a little tree fort here for 100 dollars let's build a Jacuzzi because girls love little jacuzzis wait what well that was a rope not wait I want a Jacuzzi oh better rope don't give me the jacuzzi okay whatever dude I'm out of money got a bunch of swings oh look I'm swimming hold to pee okay I'm in my clothes and I'm peeing in the pool is this my potential girlfriend did you just pee inside oh no it's the instructor uh no it's it's yeah I bought these yellow trunks oh I am so sorry to hear that yeah no it's okay I just uh like did a somersault into my pee I don't know if you saw that but anyway got a hundred dollars and there's nothing wrong with peeing in the pool I do it all the time oh what's this we got some wings yeah see I don't need a skateboard I'm confused okay we have a question mark guess the lie and ostrich's eye is bigger than its brain owls have the largest eyes in the world um I'm pretty sure there's whales with bigger eyes yeah dog smell is 40 times better than humans dogs do not dream they definitely dream because my Doge dreams all the time these developers don't know anything my Doge literally dreams all the time oh wait I'm supposed to guess the LIE yeah I'm stupid sorry most people fall asleep in seven to ten minutes that's a lie wait what okay I I guess I don't know anything I'm yeah whatever anyway let's gain seven months I'm gonna be uh seven years old now let's go to my Hideout let's build a play area for 100 I got a stupid plastic basketball you know what when I was seven that was actually really fun I also got some mission the claim here I finally murdered my father and I got a new outfit but we're back in class with my teacher swipe to throw the ball okay let's hit her in the head oh yeah came from the wind one of those stupid kids out there yeah look at him all of you are suspended oh yes the Mark Zuckerberg is oh my gosh her dress is ripped and she just jumped through the window holy crap that was crazy whoa we're partying the teacher's gone we saw a snake we saw a snake oh no yeah yeah run look he just he ran through the wall another 100 please and now we are at 868 in the world well look I'm all by myself in the hall and there's a bird in here what are we gonna do with the bird let's uh step on it oh no we're gonna befriend it look at my nose it's a little long well I want to adopt it look at that I adopted the bird yay wait where's my dog did I replace the dog with the bird oh here now uh the dog's back okay I don't get that another outfit skeleton outfit okay I want that all right look at that I got that skeleton drip let's get another five months here oh yeah I even have a mask oh yeah dude the girls are gonna love me let's go to my Hideout let's upgrade the decor again I really want that kiddie pool but this time we get dumb swing all right let's expand the home we now have a table our teacher is back she fixed her dress oh oh no her dress is still ripped stop crying you stupid baby time to prank the teacher here we go she's walking through the wall so last time we threw a ball at her head and almost killed her so this time let's give her a banana and see if she slips to her death why am I in t pose there's two of me wait what okay so she just fell almost died mate she probably broke her ankle actually well a wrench for an ad okay we gotta see what this does here we go so we're sneaking by she doesn't see me unscrewing uh her chair and oh so she fell back hit her head on the wall she might actually be dead someone call 9-1-1 all right we're back in the hallway we're only gonna gain two months but this is gonna take me to eight years old I think is my nose gonna be able to fit through this mask oh we got some new bullies let's party let's go look at that look at those girls you guys say party and they just let these girls walk by oh no they invited them look they're here oh yeah we're part we got the DJ oh no Mom's calling do not answer I'm being forced to talk to Mom why are you not home yet partying mom I got that Riz I had extra class after school I had extra class after school very good son yeah I'm a great son she can't hear the the music in the background but the girls are impressed with my dancing skills broken vase oh that's not a vase that looks like something that carries ashes of the Dead like an urn right oh no I'm getting drunk oh eight years old drinking wait it's moving on its own it's haunted oh my and there it goes oh she just came through the door how did my antique base break sorry uh your your mother's ashes yeah the dog broke it the dog broke it we don't have a dog oh oh well I just got thrown out oh never mind she just wants me to clean it up okay dude I don't want to watch this again I like how it just starts wobbling on its own I didn't do anything to make it do that so it's definitely haunted by the the spirit of her dead mother so this time I say there was an earthquake which actually no maybe there was oh no okay feel it that's a room it was targeting here oh yeah look at that dance that kid has swag honestly who my nose just leveled up yay oh it's the demon fairy oh no is it gonna grow through the mask I don't really notice a difference oh yeah this is definitely bigger okay here we go six uh three cards would you rather be forced to eat only spicy food yes I love spicy food what do you see that's Hitler yeah would you rather lie to your teacher or your parents uh teacher for sure because school sucks and now I have to watch an ad I'm adventurous you love to take on any Adventure in a not afraid of circumstances you saw Hitler first which shows that you're a very aggressive wait why okay well maybe it's because I know history a Segway I don't care about that wait I should have gotten the Segway because it's for a mission here oh well let's go lie ooh where are you guys going that's the coach why do you care we're going clubbing coach we brought the girl wait what dude coach what are you doing why does he care we're literally just walking on the street having a good time and then the stupid coach all right we got a candle here wait what is this candle I'm seeing lots of electrocute him that seems to be a fun theme here we go oh okay we put some more how does he not see that he's blind oh okay well we just killed my coach like he's actually dead you can see the smoke from his flesh and now let's light him on fire that's always funny oh wait okay so you somehow survived the electrical shock so now he's burning his hand yeah these are some real fun pranks just ending lives right yep it's just a prank bro oh the coach is back how are you still alive practice today do 10 push-ups I skipped here let's give him a shock let's shock him again yeah now we're just gonna tasting the ball oh man yeah we're just like we're just like a mass murderer anyway so the coach is probably dead let's gain five more months we're out here kicking ball look how big I am I'm like actually a giant why are you dirty why do you care I fell in a puddle I fell in a puddle but it's sunny outside so this thing's called sprinklers all right I guess I got bullied so I beat myself sorry oh no way it happens the truth is I'm the bully who's murdering uh my father and then the coach wait what what just happened I wasn't paying attention I don't know yeah that's right he was wearing a mask okay cut spelled okay it's Oak another 100 thank you oh what's this some some angel wings once again what's it do oh what what happened did I get experience oh another dog to steal yes another one so I have a new dog what's this question mark about gen Z trivia what does red flag mean that's not gen Z that's just basic knowledge a warning what does yellow mean you only love Obama really I'm not gonna get any of these wrong what does flexing mean overeating yeah I've never okay all right so that was easy let's get fifty dollars and I'm now gonna be nine years old let's upgrade my home let's get the next Decor because I really want the pool finally I got the pool that's all I wanted and let's upgrade the play area oh so we lose the basketball hoop or a plastic horse going for a shower don't disturb me okay mother am I gonna drop the tote oh okay this is a family friendly hmm am I gonna drop the toaster into the uh the tub because that's so funny isn't it wait let's put some paint in there that's actually funny oh yeah mom does not see me pouring red bloody paint it wasn't me Mom I promise totally came off first so she doesn't care all right you know what let's just give her a black widow might as well it's very venomous so I'm gonna go watch an ad that's the weirdest ad ever anyway oh that's not a black widow wait what what that's a huge oh mother that's a huge spider do we live in Australia what is this on the ground oh money so if you find money on the ground it's yours that's just the rule of Life yeah into my pocket maybe it's my coach's wallet oh look another hairstyle we're gonna go back with this anime Giga chat hair that was really impressive get a new outfit as well oh I can become a furry oh wait no an alien well I don't want to be a furry that's just really cringe ring ring ring alarms going off but I don't hear anything It Off we're gonna skip school today yes 30 minutes later good oh 8 30. [Music] mother is not being a response too late for school you're my mom it's your job to wake me up and drive me to school look at this irresponsible mother this is why kids are so messed up these days I have a tummy ache I have a tummy ache yes our poor child take some rest take care of me mother what a terrible mom by the way but you know what she's a single mom so it's just really hard for her because I killed my dad but now I'm gonna go play [Music] yeah all right let's celebrate oh yeah look at that dance dude oopsie spilled my mom's morning water that's a lot of water that came out of that mug crap I need to clean it before Mom comes in oh no I didn't finish oh wait my dad's alive what happened to the new carpet uh it's just a new design Dad this is just a new design wow looks really cool yeah I'm glad you're out of the hospital it's been uh several weeks what is this a car okay I gotta get a car yeah I got a car look at that hole to run okay well we're not running we're driving I'm now gonna be 10 years old awesome okay let's get my 100 I've completed all the missions for today I get a Mega prize and look at that tie it's tiny let's equip it oh that is some rizz tap to eat candies okay eating all the candy out of the bowl that's gonna give me a stomach ache hello Dej oh look now dad's giving me trouble who ate all the candies the dog ate it I saw it the dog ate it take him to the vet bad dog oh Dad's going to beat up the dog uh what a jerk oh hello mom please wash the dishes while I am gone no what do we want to do my mom is just moonwalking in place anyway I'm gonna go take a nap video games are cringe I use an eye mask at uh what 10 years old why didn't you do the dishes I was doing homework I'm being a good students wow son I am proud of you thanks Mother oh my nose just leveled up the demon fairy is gonna pop out of the ground there she is oh no it's getting longer oh yeah look at my nose definitely getting longer would you rather live without a cell phone or Internet well you need a cell phone to access your internet unless you just want to use a PC all right yeah you know internet's better what about this one what do you see a tree and then we'll take this one the corner would you rather be invisible or able to fly I would like to fly I think that would be really fun I'm a stealthy Thief you will be nearly impossible to deter you decide that property is worth your time nothing can keep you away yeah that's true I love stealing seven months will this make me 11. my nose is actually growing let's sneak up on Mom we're gonna take her money oh that's what you get for looking at your phone where did all my money go oh I don't know Dad stole it Dad stole it oh wait dad's dead let's check your room first okay good luck finding it in a hidden compartment oh why would I just put it there I'm actually really stupid I should have known that it was a thief option because I just got credit for being a thief right a thief stole it me that's actually not a lie because I am a Thief what I am calling the cops yes get them over here Escape cops wait so the cops are coming for me oh where did the thief go I don't know officer he ran away he ran away yeah good luck idiot I'm an average phony at uh number 692 in the world I think this is a good place to stop if you want to see more of this game then leave a like and comment below I'm such an idiot call me Captain idiot
Channel: VitaminDelicious
Views: 721,948
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: perfect lie gameplay
Id: DKwkK3T4o3c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 32sec (1112 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 29 2023
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