I Couldn’t Stop Upgrading My Gumball Factory

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another day another game with incredibly sussy music oh it's a doge how do i trump this music oh there we go hey doge you ready to make some gum balls yeah that's right i'm going to be chewing some balls oh i can claim this one so let's go on in i can't wait for my gumballs to come out of the container let's go ahead and claim a lemon gumball all right let me gumball oh look you can see it coming down wow it's my first ball oh there it is it's gonna go into uh whatever this machine is here okay open door the gum factory oh there goes another yellow ball and what's happening in the gum factory comes out as a cube wait where are they gum factory load gum oh it's a stick of gum there we go just got a dollar who would have thought my balls would turn into gum okay so let's go ahead and load these balls up and i need to load the gum again or whatever i think i'm just sitting at spam e oh they're all coming here they go so i need 20 dollars to get another lemon gumball oh doubt do you want to become gum oh you silly fake doge oh i can see in the bottom right i have zero out of 25 a gum limit oh we got dough disappeared silly dead i now have twenty dollars time for lemon gumball number two thank you so now we got twice as many balls coming down here all right go on in and let's make some gum just spam this button here they come making me lots of money how much is lemon ball number three oh it costs 50. okay but is there like an obby in this one let's find out oh well there it is finish for one minute double rush okay i'll be professional so it's really easy for me and i'm dead all right let's not die this time it's embarrassing the people expect a professional to be showing them amazing hobby skills come on now ah there we go and then one more and easy all right so now i got multiplier 2x so let's get my balls into the gum machine oh my god look at all the balls my gum limit's gonna fill up really quick we gotta spam it go quick we need more gun okay we should have a lot of balls turning into gum oh we're getting two dollars per gum all right so we just made a lot of money we could definitely afford lemon gumball number three we got 25 seconds left on the multiplier get in there we got like one second left and i'm at 75 dollars so let's let uh our gumball stack up again it's time for the har dobby so if i finish this one i get two minutes of the multiplier so here we go ah just keep watching me people on the pro hey don't worry i'm a pro i know what i'm doing on to here and then here oh okay don't die back made this stupid obby okay uh oh my gosh i was born to do the sabe okay do not die here okay this is the big one oh first try oh i'm so freaking good okay let's open this up i'm gonna make so much money just spammy oh look at all the money coming in so now i have enough for the next gumball that would be the cherry gumball thank you and we still have a minute and a half on this sugar rush so let's open up where's my first cherry gumball there it is okay but we got to make some gum and there goes my first cherry gum oh look how much i'm gonna get for it let's see ready we got 12 that's a lot i got to open this thing up there we go and let's make some more gum let's get cherry number two nothing like having two red balls there we go i have 300 i can raise the gum limit to 50 which i want to do if i go over 25 then i lose all of that gum i don't like to lose my balls so let's load it up wait i should have done the easy hobby first oh i'm so stupid let's open this up let's jump over to the easy obby hurry up and finish this don't die why do you have so many knives on you no okay nice and easy and ah there we go don't you keep distracting me silly boy i got one minute let's open this up i'm just gonna sit here and spam this oh it's adding up what can i get with 500 so i can open this longer for 30 seconds i don't want to do that yet anyway let's get the the last cherry gumball my gumball tower is almost full okay gotta open this up gotta sit here and spam don't stop stabbing me with all your sexy knives oh he's gonna slice me end up doge is dead oh now he's a dinosaur you silly kid would you like some gum mr dinosaur oh he's an alien let's go ahead and buy the blueberry gumball for 700 thank you so now i'm gonna start getting some blue balls and the blue one is worth um i didn't see it here comes another one ready oh twenty dollars okay i see it oh that was a spider let's open this up how much is the next blue ball it's one thousand oh what are you now sir you look like something from a world of warcraft we're gonna go do the easy hobby now it should be open just go sideways and bingo got the sugar rush and make sure we're using it here gotta get spamming oh look at the money go i'm at 000 and i still have 20 seconds left i'm gonna buy this uh open longer for 30 seconds i'm gonna save for this gum upgrader let's find out what it means oh you sussy rat get out of here i will smack you in the head yeah let's make some more gum okay let's uh get the gum upgrader what does this do toggle upgrader okay um what's less 20 i don't know what that's doing i really want to buy this uh auto collect for 1000. my finger's gonna break off oh i got a thousand yes please okay auto collect thank you my finger will survive now all i gotta worry about is uh opening this up the next blueberry gumball is one thousand dollars easy purchase i can still actually spam this and they come out that's good enough for when i have the multiplier uh oh listen all that money i'm gonna save five thousand dollars and buy this gumball tree that sounds interesting and just like that i'm at 5k all right dumbbell tree yay oh look at the balls in the tree oh it drops them okay come here i got a dollar how much do i get for this six dollars okay i guess that's kind of cool we're gonna let those balls just fall off the tree and the obby might be open once again oh no oh my auto collect isn't going fast enough i'm literally losing ball okay i'm coming i'm coming okay i'm just gonna spam this get it down to zero there we go it's now uh making the money i wonder if these balls ever despawn i'm just gonna sit here and watch and see if any disappear i don't have the patience let's go do the obby it is now open it's so easy i beat it i thought i died but that'll never happen because i'm professional at hobbies you can now buy blueberry gumball number three and i'm gonna buy these uh grape gumballs and let's raise the gum limit to 100. i don't think any of these balls that despawn yet i'm just gonna keep them here and see if it uh breaks the server how do i rebirth someone tell me please oh it's false oh no we need to open this up i can't rebirth until i buy everything okay so i got a lot of work to do so with my 24 000 let's buy a bunch of gumballs okay that kiwi gumball was 15k now i'm sassy poor that's okay i'm always poor all right let's go collect all my balls on the ground i haven't seen a drop any for a while i think i think it's maxed out so oh my god that's really loud let's buy gum upgrader number two not really sure what that does oh no i don't need vip i'm too poor developer's always trying to take my money let's go see if the obby is ready yes it is now we get the times two multiplier oh it's filling up i'm almost at 100 just gotta break my finger again so after breaking my finger i'm at almost a hundred thousand dollars awesome i'm gonna get the steam upgrader for 75. i really don't know what that does oh it's giving me an extra 250 dollars per gum okay that thing's pretty awesome well autoclick speed one i'm going to buy you and we're going to raise the gum limit i'm getting rich you can just hear all that money coming in it's also open this longer and let's buy gum upgrader number three so this one's give me a 1.5 x this gives me plus 100 and this gives me plus 20 so i understand now kiwi gumball number two is mine i can get a shiny upgraded for 1 million oh i'm gonna need a lot of money i'll definitely need this uh next steam upgrader this one gives me 250 dollars i can't even imagine what this one will give me oh my tree is now dropping a green balls awesome kiwi gumball number three oh i can also afford the watermelon gumball it's 100 000 and let's once again do the stupid obby it's time to make a ton of money let's open this up about 205 000 oh it's going up so quick i could get steam upgrader number two yes excuse me 1.5 x okay i think that's good let's just uh spam this again and break my finger remember folks i have to buy everything in order to rebirth so i might as well buy this auto collect and buy watermelon gumball number two and open the stupid factory door might as well get this so now this is gonna stay open for 80 seconds and i can now hold 500 gumballs just trying to upgrade everything i want a rebirth let's buy this i just hit 1 million dollars let's get the shiny upgrader bam what's it even do okay this this doesn't even say what it does so hopefully i get a lot of money i need 800 000 for the next gumball and i just hit 800 thousand so let's get the final watermelon gumball and now i'm basically just uh sitting around letting my money stack up oh i need 2.5 million for the chant oval upgrader oh what's that even mean i went and did the uh har dobby so i got two minutes of the sugar rush you can almost get the snow gumball yeah let's get it and let's save up for 1.5 million i'm almost there already and there we go bam snow gumball number two is mine whoa the server just got a 2x rush awesome it lasts for five minutes oh no oh this isn't my tycoon this guy's a noob here's my factory i just bought the timer number three and it now lasts for three minutes i just hit 2.5 million let's buy this upgrader i don't even know what that does i just hope i'm uh making a lot of money i'm gonna go ahead and buy this mint gumball it's gonna be worth more than the snow gumball okay you know what i'm gonna buy that too mint gumball number two is mine this hard obby is so easy look at all these idiots failing hahaha there you go you can do it oh and the way it goes they'll never do it no one's as good as me at hobbies okay let's hit it now i got this for two minutes i've got a almost 200 gumballs saved up so time to break my finger let's get mint gumball number three and i almost have enough for the orange gumball let's just pick up some blue balls over here and now i have enough bam i now have uh 20 million dollars excuse me mr dinosaur buying the two final gumballs and now the last thing to buy is the auto collect speed three okay can i uh rebirth now please oh is this it rebirth i need 10 million dollars that's okay i'll have it soon i've done it i have 10 million dollars it's time to rebirth hello doge number two yes it is time here we go oh everything's been respawned and have a multiplier of 1.25 it's time to do this 519 more times oh that's gonna be so much fun [Music]
Channel: VitaminDelicious
Views: 1,488,515
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: oqO3rL2ggf0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 51sec (591 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 12 2022
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