When I die - Rumi

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[Music] when I died when my coffin is being taken out you must never think I am missing this world [Music] don't shed any tears don't lament or feel sorry I am NOT falling into a monster service when you see my cops has been carried don't cry for my leaving I'm not leaving I'm arriving and return alone [Music] when he leaves me in the gray don't say goodbye remember the grave is only a curtain for the paradise behind it will only say me descending into a grave now watch me rise [Music] how can there be an end and the sunsets artomonov star it looks like the end it seems like a sunset but in reality it is at all when the grave locks about that is when your soul is free have you ever seen a saint fallen to art not rise with the new life why should you doubt the rise of a saint named the human have you ever seen a bucket floored into well coming back empty why lament for it so when it can come back like Joseph from the world [Music] when for the last time you close your mouth your words and soul will belong to the world of no place no time [Music] you
Channel: Inner Sphere
Views: 2,512,059
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rumi poetry, poetry, sufi poetry, when i die, when i die - rumi, inner sphere, rumi poems, rumi poems in english, Taufiq, Md Taufikur Rahman, Taufiq poems
Id: ucqbkJVzurI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 14sec (254 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 31 2020
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