When God Writes Your Love Story *insane*

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okay okay filming part two oh we're a minute in we're coming part two of our love story okay welcome back to our channel oh wait I just called it our Channel welcome to my channel if you don't know by now my name is kind of Wolfgang and this is my channel my channel is all about helping people understand who Jesus is and who they are in him through my story the testimony that the Lord has blessed me with we want to come to you to just share with you what guy shared you crying so touching reading reading first things first [Music] welcome okay we're gonna tell the second half of our love story if you guys haven't watched the first half we will have it right here we're gonna have it down there it's gonna be all over you need to watch it or else none of this is gonna make sense oh okay we have gotten day well but we need to do that it's kindness goodness gentleness to self-control self-control yes for an increase in self-control in Jesus name so we left off with him asking me to be his girlfriend oh yeah so a lot of suspense yes so day six comes around and after he asked me that I kind of knew I wanted to say yes but I was like well this is kind of also a lot and I also did not expect it at all I was shocked as the kids would say I was shocked that he even asked me I'm so taken aback so I think I was just like can I pray about it just to buy myself some more time absolutely and I needed to pray I think I prayed before I went to bed I remember is like what do we need to tell each other like God just give us just put on my heart convict me of everything that I need to tell him before entering relationship and any questions we need to ask each other before entering into a relationship I don't think we mentioned but we had already talked about kind of our convictions about relationships at this point yes we had talked about saving ourselves for marriage yeah purity so a conviction I shared with Kyle actually was that I didn't want to kiss anyone unless I knew that they were gonna be my husband in a way to honor my future husband because if I was with someone and I didn't know that yet or I knew for sure that they weren't in a way to me at least that I felt like that would not be honoring my future husband because like yeah I knew this guy wasn't you but I kissed him anyway so that was a conviction I shared with you I love that - yeah I really like that don't know - I never heard it that way before because you know staying pure and honoring you know I mean just like not jumping into things especially the physical you know it it can be very difficult you know but when you have that mindset of like well it's not just I I don't want to do this or I shouldn't do this but it's I don't want to do this because I want to honor my future husband wife for like having that mentality makes it so much easier because there's hardness behind your action yeah instead of just doing it because you think you're supposed to so when I heard that I just like I received so much revelation I was like that's amazing yeah I think that's super helpful for everybody and at this point we had not kissed asked him about porn I asked him about any temptations that he struggles with sexually I asked him about masturbation ask him how he felt about sleeping in the same bed together before marriage we asked about I asked about how he feels about having a public relationship because that's something was important to me I don't think a good there's no way someone who's super private would ever want to tell everybody everything everything that's if there's anyone he has had a sexual past with that he still sees or is in his circle and those are like super important questions that I believe you should definitely talk about before getting in the relationship because it began the relationship without talking about it you're gonna run into these questions eventually and I just might not be as smooth and it might be damaging to the relationship like example like if I was still showing with porn and masturbation and you didn't ask that question and then we're going through a relationship and I still had this really lustful mind and then I'm stepping into this relationship thinking that it's going to fulfill that and you're over here thinking like no I'm just trying to have this pure relationship we're gonna run into problems there's gonna be a lot of complications and if that attachments already there it's gonna be a lot harder to resolve that and let's just be obedient to God so getting that out there in the beginning it's just so powerful and to be honest but guys if you're struggling with that stuff you should not be in a relationship like you need to work with God first allow God to remove that from you and then you can join into relationship when the time's right one of his timing comes into fruition so is just being patient and like putting God first we went to the napkin art history class so how it's funded from that four corners is Donald Duck that's pretty good I feel like I'm becoming a napkin champion I think I was born to be this so much fun she cries when he laughs like all the time so God was good and faithful teaching him how to come to France it was all very romantic things and I was like all these moments would be perfect for a first kiss we were both thinking it it was funny because we're dating and we haven't kissed yet but I was definitely like well I don't want to kiss anybody I didn't know if he was gonna be so we didn't I was talking about something about our future and you're like so does that mean because I still hadn't given an answer then you had told me that your parents were in town which I wasn't aware of I don't think mm-hmm well you were going to after the trip go back to your hotel or whatever B&B is there hang out alone and we were going Jamie his parents live in Tampa and my parents were picking us up and we were gonna go meet them and hang out with effort but I think I just asked you if you wanted to come he wanted to prank his mom I needed he's appointed to prank his mom so we devised a plan which we will go into later base a day seven we get off the ship and we go to coke okay which is like a private island owned by the Royal Caribbean we rented snorkel [Music] you want to go shopping yeah I want to go shopping so he took a nap I decided to go shopping and Wow I really wanted to get something for him because I love gifts gifts is one of my love languages so I am inclined to always buy people gifts so I wanted to find him something like Jesus related to get him from the trip so it's just like God just bring me to the right Hut cuz there's all these little huts so I was praying just like bring me to the right place to find this gift little did I know God was bringing me somewhere for a much bigger purpose so I get in to this one Hut and this lady is playing worship music and I was like okay and I was asking her I was like hey do you have any crosses or Bible verses and she was saying how she used to have so many and she used to just travel across America giving out crosses to people but now she she's like I think I have one and she goes like in the corner and finds the 1 cross which is so big this thing is but it's awesome I love it I'll even wear it I didn't really necessarily get it for him to wear it but it's cool decoration I thought I noticed the lady had this huge brace on her knee and at this point it were these Kyle had been evangelizing the whole trip so really opened up my eyes and I was like way maybe we could pray for her so I really felt like all my heart to pray for her the lady ran back you read you were taking a nap because we also we only had like 45 minutes it was leaving to get back on the ship the ship was leaving when we got back it was filled with people she was checking me out and I was like hey we would really love to pray for you she was like do you know she was like yes I would love that meanwhile Kyle starts talking to this other worker can you talk about that yeah this guy was wild oh so filled with the Holy Spirit he was going in on like everything he's seen and like older man too so he's been around for a while he's been you know living for Jesus for a while and he was just telling me these crazy stories of like amazing healings and Jesus name and people being delivered from like you know all kinds of like demons and and other spirits that were really hindering them so eventually everyone cleared out and then that guy decided to join us and then he was the four of us just printing over her knees and for healing you're like crouched down on the ground touching her knees yeah it was so cool I remember she said something like she's always pouring into other people but because she like lives on the island there's not a church so she literally has like travel she flies to Florida every three months yes go to church so she doesn't get like that feeling so she was like you guys are like a blessing from God to come and important to me to pray for me because I don't get this enough you know what she say you had to come yeah she asked if we were in a relationship and we were like yeah or we just met and then she prayed for us yeah her name is Janet so if you guys would like to pray for Janet and her knees were went to the sundeck and watch the sunset I wrote down that you said you were falling for me I'm crazy for you no he said I said when we on the sundeck yeah no no no I said I'm falling all right I mean safe I kept it really short I was like I'm falling I'm pretty sure I said I'm falling huh and then like I just left it at that yeah I've seen the bachelor I know what this I know what's that was just like oh man I'm falling high I was like okay I want us to do something he's like I want to go tell we're gonna go tell 50 people about Jesus and I was like what so he like takes me we walk to his room and he comes out with all these bags and he has 50 bags with like DVDs so there's a Jesus DVD and like I think it's like 13 different languages with like three movies on it explaining the story of Jesus from three different perspectives this kid literally brought 50 so we just huddled on doors okay day 8 is the last day we're getting off the ship your parents are picking us up at correct they have no idea they don't even know she's a thing that she exists that she's gonna be coming with us on this journey so my parents pool I go to meet them and then she can hang back she could hang back with Jamie and those guys so I get in the car and like they're about to get out of the car and I was like wait I gotta tell you guys something and they're like okay what's going on and I was like so I met somebody and like my mom's like really well you know cuz my mom's been like praying for me to really meet somebody for like the last couple years and she's like been so excited for this so I was like yeah I did and she's amazing and she's beautiful she's smart she loves Jesus and I mean she does have three kids and you know a restraining orders already on her axe so like that's taken care of and I know I can handle the three kids so it's like not that big of a deal but I just want to let you know before you met her she's actually out there you gonna meet her just so like you're aware of what's going on my mom's like okay my dad didn't say a word not a word he just like I know he like heard it but it was like he just ignored it my mom and I walk over and my mom knows like Jamie Luke and Maddie so she says hi to them all and then comes the Cayenne ago and mom this is Cayenne Cayenne this is mom and I just burst out laughing yeah well you made a joke you're like yeah sometime you talked about the kids again yeah your mom was like so sweet just be like yeah right and then I was like in mom this is she actually doesn't have three kids and there is never stray anywhere yeah we're good okay if she goes then we spent the day with your parents and Jamie's parents we drove the Tambo and got lunch we went to dinner with hot tubbing swimming and then we ended this was our last night my flight was the next morning so obviously you know don't get juicy yeah so then we started talking pretty serious yeah it's been serious this whole time but like really just like okay this is like yeah we're leaving let's lay it all out there do you have anything that you were you knew you wanted to tell me before I left I didn't know exactly what I wanted to tell you to be honest I wanted you to know where I was at mm-hmm and like how I saw you I felt about you what I could see this turning into you know the vision for the future I saw a shooting star what I said exactly no I think you just had said you had you had falling through you didn't use the word love no I was definitely not using the word love I was like mm I can sing at it but not yeah not committing to it no I just didn't want to be like overdoing it in a way oh yeah absolutely pretty sure I fell in love with you by like day five so I just came back and was like well I love you yeah and I was like oh perfect okay I love you too and then I kind of said you know when I talk when I think about you like I really just see you as it just doesn't feel right to say like you might be my husband or referred to you as like maybe anymore to me it just felt like that's what you were gonna be right this whole time my problem was not being too pushy or too assertive but like being assertive enough right but like I had like this like limiting belief or like this fear of like overdoing it's gonna push her away which is perfect cuz I would take it so far and then I would stop and it's like you would always just take that one more step yeah I never give you that peace of being like oh I can go this I yeah you know so it was really cool how that happened and yeah once you said that I just had like such peace and like freedom from all that and it was just like oh yeah absolutely like you're my future wife mm-hmm yeah so then I was like well what's this mean well this is when we prayed yeah well cuz I was like okay well with that all being said what how do you feel about kissing like let's revisit that conversation where we had both said we had agreed that we did not want to do that unless we had that confirmation right so then we prayed a big thing big way for us to receive confirmation from the Lord and then to know that we're following him and trusting him is like the peace that comes from that you know if you're not feeling that peace and there's like a bit of turmoil or stress or worry or fear or anything like that it's typically a conviction from him letting you know like you're not in line with what I'm trying to do with you well we had prayed for I basically remember you saying like maybe uh Switzer more yeah make it really heavy on our heart that you do not want us to have it and just like really asking to be convicted if it was like too soon or but basically literally giving God the decision especially like with you I'd like to hear from you first because I don't ever want to explain so yeah I asked you you know what you got from him and you basically were just like I said I kept seeing the words free will free rule and that's all I kept hitting I wasn't in turmoil I didn't have any conviction anymore about not doing it up to that point I had I was like no not kissing yet but then when I was praying I just kept getting well as in I really felt God was very proud and satisfied that we prayed about it and brought it to him basically to get permission before doing it and so Hughes got up to you pretty well that's what I got have you had peace yeah definitely had peace about it so basically then I asked what did you get and you said well I just kept getting this question like is this your future wave is this your future wife and then you looked at me and you said in the answers yes did you leave me kiss me right yeah so when I said yes those four was so much peace yeah yeah so that's when I leaned in to kiss you right oh yeah see she's such a romantic like I feel like I'm a romantic but she's so much more romantic yeah you are you're like visual detailed picture and I have this like concept I said yeah well when I watch videos like this I'm like give me the details like what if his breaths not like you know I know everything it was beautiful yeah and it was it was a night to remember he drove me to my Airbnb I didn't drop me off I brought in my suitcase for me say goodnight and this was not like 1:00 and 2:00 in the morning this and then I had to be up for my flight I had to leave for my flight at like 6:00 and you did so then he was so sweet he dropped me off and then drove woke up in the morning again and drove 20-30 minutes to come pick me up and take me to the airport I could buy an igloo that was the end when we were on the beach I realized just I had this revelation of the seven days of creation and just God giving me like yeah I write your love story in seven days and on the seventh day he rested yeah and that was when we yeah then that's what we said after we got to the revelation that we were gonna get married I was like and then he rested because he was like my work is done yeah so it literally felt like weeks he did he slowed down time for sure this girl message me in October and she said she had a dream about my husband oh yeah that's pretty cool like like this um so this kind of ties into it before you have all this happen this happened and one of my followers message me and she said hey I had a dream about your husband I should open up the the message I'll answer it now you she specifically said like the dream was in slow motion hmm really I remember her saying that I was gonna be awesome and yeah she know that was it I had two messages about they say I had two prophecies about my husband in October my friend catcher had message me and she's like I just had this feeling that your husband's gonna be so like awesome anyway so after I got back I was like I need a message this girl and send her a picture oh and she also said she thinks she's like she feels it's coming soon that I was gonna meet him there are you ready so yeah you guys will understand I sent her a picture of us and she's like she's just like I saw my dream we hope you enjoyed this if you have any questions for us feel free to leave them below maybe we can just do a Q&A so if we miss out yeah any questions about your questions we also want to do a video on just intentional questions be asking and dating anyway we love you guys so much if you would like to subscribe and stick around see our story unfold more she doesn't love that give us a thumbs up and yeah we'll talk to you guys in the comments [Laughter] [Music] you
Channel: Kian Tilton
Views: 105,658
Rating: 4.9638386 out of 5
Keywords: kian tilton, testimony, christian, jesus, christian living, christian YouTuber, milena ciciotti, kristin johns, sadie robertson, christian advice, morgan and paul, nate and sutton, my testimony christian, christian dating, faith related videos, transformation church, our love story, how we met, love story, christian love story, how we met storytime, christ centered, when god writes your love story
Id: gK8RnOAAcEw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 37sec (1537 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 12 2020
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