Our Love Story ⎮Met On A Cruise Ship

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oh hello guys hello look who's back yes it's no turning back now welcome back to my channel if you haven't been here before my name is cayenne and this is my boyfriend Kyle I'm so excited to be making today's video cuz we're actually gonna explain more in depth how we met and just our whole love story I guess the creation yeah just the first three days of it but kind of going more into detail alright so we're just gonna start from the beginning if you guys don't know we met on the cruise ship and in December so basically we were both there for our friend's wedding and I had no idea who Kyle was never heard of him but he was in our mutual friend group the bride and groom had everybody meet at like 5:00 p.m. at a specific spot and I got there and I was going to say hi to my friends and my friend Rocky was talking to Kyle so I went up to Rocky to say hi and then he introduced himself he was wearing a shirt that said prayer is a lifestyle favorite shirt which definitely caught my attention and I asked what they were talking about and he said that they were time Jesus okay love talks about Jesus and then walked away yeah I just felt like it wasn't my time but he definitely caught my attention I feel like in that moment I just knew I was supposed to get to know any more or talk to you more but other than that I had no idea but I just felt like God was highlighting you because I even like walked away to like I think I walked to the edge of the boat just to like look over and look at the view and I remember looking back to see if you guys were still talking and you were and this was like 45 minutes later I was still talking so I definitely had my on you and knowing that we were supposed to talk later I was kind of watching but she just wasn't the opportunity yet yeah and it's funny to see highly view it highlighted you in that moment too but I knew that was the conversation that I was supposed to be focusing on yeah so yeah so then we went to dinner and I kind of like was looking at the tables to see if I consider a table with you up but I couldn't I don't honestly don't think I remembered what you look like a different table and then you ended up like doing rounds of Ben and he came and said hi and then we all decided to go to this aqua show when I show about your experience of the aqua show yeah the Aqua show this is like one of my favorite moments what happened was we talked very briefly at dinner and then everybody started leaving so we just kept walking to the show we didn't really talk I don't even think we were near each other really yeah and when we got to the show I veered off to get a drink and everybody else just kept going down to gas ease and I just like feel like someone like touching my shoulder or like you came up behind you it's like I get really like light touch yeah and I turn around and I was just like like hey you literally just go so I just wanna let you know we're all the way down in the right hand corner there's so many people I didn't want you to get lost so like when you're ready you know how to find us maybe we have seeds or he says something along those lines and I was just like blown away because one we don't really know each other so the fact that you went out of your way to tell me that and you even notice that I veered off to do that definitely like made me feel like special already and made me like realize I was like I've friends I've known my whole life that wouldn't do that they were just go and sit down and like I'm on my own so the fact that you did that was just super special and I was like at that moment I was like there's something different about you and I couldn't wait to find out so I came down and I sat next to you we watched the show and then afterwards if you no Cayenne personally she gets very in the moment so afterwards everyone stands up and starts walking out and like you're still like just looking around taking it all in and everybody just keeps walking and she's like left behind so there's now like I don't know like 20 30 plus people in between us so I got to the top I wanted to return the favor so I stopped and I waited everybody else kept walking and then you came up and that's when we got to initiate that conversation that initiated the yeah the rest of it relationship that we have now then that night everyone went like the night club on the ship and we weren't really talking either I was kind of dancing we were both doing our own thing and eventually I think I asked you to give me a water let me started talking and then I asked if you wanted to let go talk somewhere else so then we went and grabbed coffee and we just talked until like 2:00 a.m. yeah so we were just like laughing had a really enjoyable conversation can't really remember what we talked about the nurse to be honest was the chocolate cake the oatmeal cookie and the coffee it was so good but it was it was such an amazing conversation it was really just like I believe is about just like our relationships with the Lord and opening up about our faith and just getting to know each other yeah so then after that this was a big thing that stood out about you is we've got an elevator and I could see you internally struggling like you're gonna fill up you're gonna press the floor like your floor but then you're like yeah and then you press my floor and then you walked me to my room and I appreciated I was like dang I want to know there was like a scene earlier and I was paying attention to what you were doing it was it was a battle it was a battle it's time to make sure soon he said yeah I was like no no like I don't want to like scare her push our way make her think like I don't know I just don't think all of these likewise from the enemy really coming in but like inside like my like my like gentlemen's side of me was just like no like of course you're gonna walk her to your room or to her room and you know you're gonna be a gentleman yeah so here's like that battle and then finally I just gave in I was like okay forget about all the lies all these thoughts I and yeah I'm really like kind of looked like I almost think I looked at you right away I was kind of like okay I did it and then like I looked over at you and you were just like at peace with it I was like okay good I think once you think like I was waiting for the responses like what are you doing thank ya I'm so glad that was like that's something I really wanted someone is someone and just literally it takes five extra minutes out of your life and it really goes a long way day two I so wanna cruise ships so we don't have service you didn't have an internet package I didn't get any others numbers or anything so we really didn't have any communication everyone was kind of just doing their own thing you'd wake up and so I didn't have like communication with anybody so I just woke up and do my own thing went out to the deck so we were sitting in the chairs and then you like appeared and you were like a little bit down like far enough where you didn't see us but like close enough we're like we could literally just like talk to you like yell at you and you could hear us and you're sitting there and you're just worship vainly looking out and I was like trying to keep it cool I was I was like okay I can't be the one to her because then it's like you know they're gonna be like wait oh there's something going on you so I got waited and then somebody else said oh I think that's Cayenne I said oh really but like I saw you like this striking like you stood there and sat down I saw you so this is like five minutes later so then I think you got up and started walking yeah and then we called you over yeah and then happen to be a see open next to me yeah was that playin no it actually wasn't bowing shot obviously having a whole figure No so that is a next you and then he was reading his Bible like she's out of a movie this he was reading his Bible I had a book and we were both just sitting next to each other reading I eventually like started asking what he's talking about and we started talking about like a passage he was reading that's the day I shared my testimony with you and you just had your you were just super supportive and you were like a little bit yeah love my Testament I talk to a lot we basically we just basically talk the rest of the day until dinner then we went to a Mamma Mia show which is so funny because every I really wanted to go see the Mamma Mia play and so a lot of people plan to go after dinner but then everyone just started everyone was like not about it so everyone started leaving and but I really wanted to stay and you were so nice and he stayed with me and in that I was like oh he cares the fact that he's gonna stay at this musical and all his friends are leaving so we ended up staying watching the musical and that really meant a lot to me that you were taking interest and what I wanted to do of course day three I didn't see you till like 2:00 so I was gonna like walking around actually you know what I did see you I don't think I don't do this you know so I was laying out in the top deck and I saw you coming up the stairs I think okay and you were walking up and you were kind of like looking around I don't think you're with anyone not yet I think you're kind of looking for I did my thing the whole morning yeah yeah and then I saw you but I put my head down or like I turned away like I wanted to hang out with you but for some reason I just put my head down but it was perfect because you didn't see me cuz I can give you what it saw me you whatever this is I would have came over but what ended up happening is you had a conversation with a Jehovah's Witness for like two hours yeah so then he comes I had no idea where he went cuz then I ended up finding a bunch of other people and he wasn't there and then you walked up later and the converse is so good I would really get your fire going don't have like a conversation about Jesus with anybody but like you start to have which I was witness like I love them but like they're just like throw scripture at you and I'm like basically try to see like if you can understand it more [Laughter] amazing about you that you were doing and talking about Jesus not just around me but around other people because I think a lot of people you know if they know you want a Christian God loving man maybe when they're around you they're talking all about Jesus but as soon as they walk away they're not doing anything representing Christ at all and that was the tip someone once told me is pay attend around them and pay attention to how they interact with other people what they talk about secret mission we just started being like kids and everyone else was kind of like drinking and hanging out by the pool and we just started like running around the ship we ended up stumbling into this kids area and all these little kids were making ships and doing like this competition so I was like let's do it and we ended up sitting down I'll insert the footage now this vessel of yours would pray in Jesus name let this boat stay up grumbling Jesus let instead this is your cross on your cross we stand our ship put like Jesus on it he started praying over it so they were actually shutting down and then the woman said we could stay and put the dominoes on our ship to see how many it would hold still and then that's when kind of Kyle started talking to her and asked her some questions really what I hope her clean up which is cool because it's not just about our words but about our actions you know really representing Jesus in that way so we're able to help clean up and through that have a conversation with her about Jesus really just not like what she believes in her faith outside of that and then from there being able to show the gospel with her and that was more so what you did I was kind of just a witness to all of this you shared your testimony you talked to her about Jesus and then after that conversation you like praying for her and for me that was super out of the norm I haven't see much evangelism at least street evangelist yes street evangelism so that was like oh this guy is like unashamed just cool with talking to strangers about Jesus so I almost was a little bit intimidated by that I've never seen it before and I was like whoa like I don't know if I could do that but yeah I didn't even have time to process but definitely I feel like made me feel like insecure or just intimidated I guess but I also was like wow I think that date dinner I wrote down that you had pulled out my chair mmm he was so chivalrous is awesome because we got to go to dinner every night and he would always just be such a gentleman like if I went to the bathroom he waited for me to get back before he touched his food I love doing that especially for you yeah day four is the day of the wedding so we woke up early and decided to go on an adventure so we went to a beach and we just like talked got to know each other more and then something that really stood out to me during that time was when we left he stopped and he said hey just really feel like I need to go pray for this woman's arm I was like okay and again I have never seen anyone do something like this but I was just loving it just eating it up so then he went up to this woman and he prayed for her yeah unless you literally just fell and broke that - she's doing like a fresh cast and everything was just so yeah it's like so grateful to you I mean I think one of the biggest things that stood out to me was your questions I haven't watched a video on how to make friends yeah yeah it was it so we went out with swimming and we're therefore at least yeah and the whole time it's just like consistent conversation and like anytime like a nominal conversation like if we cannot have a good conversation and it can't flow it's a concern it's a concern yeah so then on this day I had to go back to the ship and get ready for this wedding like super quick at a shower blow-dry my hair we're running late because we ended up staying and talking to that couple so I got into the shower and I just started crying your started bawling okay and I just heard God say think about your list and I've talked about this before I made a list of qualities that I wanted an husband and I said are you sure like leave that list and he was like yep so I just started thinking about all the things on my list I can't remember all of them cuz it's three pages and I just start going through all the ones that I could remember and I just like everyone was checked off and I just was sobbing I got on the shower I got out of the shower and just I remember feeling so grateful to just know you even if he's not my husband I'm just so grateful that I got to meet you so I know that there's men out there like you who exist and it just really gave me hope but in the same moment I was not attached to you being my husband because yeah I just really during out this whole trip I kept praying for God to protect my heart and he did so I wasn't like even thinking anything would really come of this but I was just grateful to know him and I was just like dang whoever does Mario's gonna be so blessed so yeah but I didn't even have time out to pull myself together and I was like okay real real me and ruling the emotions I got to go to this wedding this time I was pretty much at the point of this is somebody who's going to be a like a very closest special friend or this was my wife you know it was like I was going back and forth but I wasn't attached to it either and I was kind of in the same boat just like really grateful to get to meet you to know you to grow with you just to you know spend so much time glorifying the Lord with you like we're praying reading the Bible and doing all that stuff and yeah I mean I was just excited to see how this was gonna afford I was like four days left feels like it's been like two weeks on it he said let's let's just play it out so then we went to the wedding on the way there he prayed for my motion sickness but she never returned but it's just like little things like that that were so thoughtful and God centered that I had never seen before just praying over everything like I would have never thought to pray about my motion sickness and he just like started praying in the middle of the bus ride and then we got to the wedding and he has to take a picture with me I wanted one so bad one so bad but the same things like the elevator thing I was just like it's not too much too quick you know it's like maybe she doesn't warm one and then I was like no lies go like yeah let's do it yeah when you said yes I had a little celebration yeah I'm so glad you did because it was really fun to like be able to document that self come I felt like it was getting me important I would want to document it but also as a girl I feel like I was not about to be like please take a picture right so I'm really happy you initiated that to realize that I forgot to include this amazing story when we were at the wedding actually started pouring rain and everyone ran inside and Kyle stayed out there and literally started praying and rebuking the storm in Jesus's name and it was the coolest thing ever just seeing how much faith he had and within 15 minutes the storm completely changed directions and the Sun came out it was my favorite part of this day for sure and I had to make sure I cluded the story in the video I would have been so sad if I forgot it baptizing the plates yeah that's it blessing us with some holy water know anything that's right Wow which was amazing went back to the this is when we started talking about our feelings we got back to the chef and we were watching the sunset and at this point we hadn't discussed like where we were at emotionally when it came to each other we were just getting to know each other so then you opened up that conversation yes I did wow that was a big round beautiful high string yeah doesn't she beautifly Thanks trying to get some lighting for you guys it's so gloomy in Chicago how you doing I was talking to Jamie and he was basically calling it you're so in love and I'm like dude I just met her I can't I don't like I was just like really trying not to get attached to it but like my feelings really told me otherwise and I was just trying to like protect myself as well so then we sat down and I would just I felt like I just need to just talk to you about it you said you were gonna you were planning to wait the last day yeah that's what I told him I said I came now like what if it's not on the same page let me spend the rest of this church just like I just be embarrassed you know but god convicted me otherwise and he's like now like now is the time so yeah we were sitting there and I started sharing with you how I felt I think what I was feeling basically what we said was we both feel like something is happening yeah we don't know exactly what it is we knew there was something new that God brought us together yeah I think that's like what we came to the conclusion of through that conversation and the next thing you know we're still having this conversation like there's like 20 people around us yeah I got it to nowhere and we're literally there alone when we started and then it was the sunset so everyone started coming and now we were literally surrounded everyone's there watching the sunset and meanwhile me and him were just like having business this is hard to me David about our feelings that we're just surrounded by people on the sudden and then when we came to a mutual understanding that we both had the same feelings and same convictions that's when I came out with the big around beautiful eyes and like there's this one guy like right next to us and I'm I heard him laughing so I'm pretty sure he was laughing because he was hearing our conversation but it just we didn't care you know it didn't matter if we came around or anything we just kept you know yes it felt like it was just us there yeah it definitely did it was just because at one point I was like I'm just like look at all these people like imagine I'm listening in this conversation and they just hear you say you had the biggest no one was overhearing it they'd be like oh my goodness this is like romance so then we went to the reception because there's a little bit of a break between and at this point they were doing speeches and the bride and groom had not done long distance so that was brought up Kyle goes over to me and like whispers in my ear goes see it's not impossible right because I just talked about long distance oh yeah yeah yeah so like I always said I would never do long business ever like no matter what I'm just gonna go yeah like that would ever like ever and then when I met heard like open up my mind so I was like babbling that too I'm like no like this is not something that I could do or that I wants to do but then I look at you and I got to get to know you I was like but she's somebody that I could date and want to date so how does this work right and so I was just sharing that with her as well where I thought like I can never do it and I didn't want to do it but then getting to know you my mind started opening up to it and the guy just started like shedding that off of me mm-hmm I feel for me so yeah when we were there and they said that I was like this is just too perfect I actually left after that because I started to get really overwhelmed yeah I went to leave in attica Holloway like I hold back yeah I went to the bathroom and I would another when I cried again I knew I was like starting to like him and like really this is the first guy was like genuinely interested in and so long so I started getting overwhelmed with just like you're I think giving my heart to someone and just allowing someone in and who could potentially hurt me so I just started getting so fearful and I was just crying in the bathroom probably like five to six minutes like what is going on out there and I just started praying and I was like God I trust you I surrender this like just pre please give me peace and then within a minute it was like all gone and then I got a really cool revelation about that later which I'll probably share that in a separate video just about how our hearts are not meant to give to anybody else always supposed to stay with God and that brought me so much peace okay day five so Dave I was Puerto Rico we went okay mm-hmm we went with a group of people ended up running into this woman who gave us a map of Puerto Rico and told us all these spots the head and me and him were like so down let's hit it all but everyone we were with kind of wasn't feeling it so it kind of gave us an opportunity to separate ourselves and be alone we've been a switch so then we spent like the whole day running around Puerto Rico [Music] [Music] yeah so many details we won't go into that night we decided to do worship yes such a good night yeah we went to the back of the ship for an hour I was just drained I was so lost at this point what like no not at all I wasn't like sleeping at all and but like all I want to do is just like spend more time with her so I was like she's like you're tired you should go take a nap no fine fine like she knew I needed to go to sleep yeah so let me go to worship and I sit down in a chair and like within how long within the first songs I would say within the five minutes you now so I just kept worshiping on my own no I don't think that was the night yes maybe a girlfriend so remember when I said they or was when we just started talking about her feelings so day five we went got coffee mm-hmm after dinner that's right and you really really like just tired just very tired but then all of a sudden you were like so and then you like initiated the conversation that I was not expecting yeah when I started with so you know something's coming what was going through your head did you know your girlfriend like all day it was another one of those things where it's like waits at the end and then I was just convicted in the moment where he was gonna wait for them to ask me like to the entrance and the trick right and then I'll just convict I'm like well then if I waits at the very end I'm good on that time to stand in between I don't know I just didn't feel right it's like I feel like I'd only wait because I was scared mine was going in like 12 different you know lies were commenting questions doubts fears like all this stuff and the only thing I knew for sure was like I was falling for this girl like that was the only thing I knew so I was like okay you know what let's do this Jesus I know you gotta be like and I remember it was so I felt so awkward like asking you to be my girlfriend after like this is what they said I said five I haven't asked somebody to be my girlfriend in like the longest time like years so I was just like when he like came out like felt like I felt like a child yeah and I remember like I think I was like leaning on you like in bags because I was so tired and like I didn't want to like look at her side like this yeah you know I was like well I think it's just something like if I'm gonna do it I might as well do it now or is something along those lines and I was like just like hesitating and like trying to delay and then I pretty much just said will you be my girlfriend yeah you went into like long distance and you're talking about how since the day before is when you're saying that's something you thought you didn't have to do so then today on this day you were saying how like you think you would really want to get well or you said I would really like to try a long-distance right with you that's what I said so we're gonna do it we'll do it now yes I did and then you responded with I said pray about it can I pray about it I was like of course like I love that - yeah that was huge because it's like not jumping into things without taking it to the Lord first you know so the fact that you did that I was like that's like perfect answer and then we get to day six but I actually we should in the video here and we can do a part two of the last few days day6 is like when i either say yes or no find out how i and then responding is that we go to the Bahamas and pray for healing over this woman how do I meet your parents so there's still a lot more to OB say I love you oh we don't even know if you're gonna say yes what is going but there's a lot more to this story there's a few more days left so if you guys want to part to give this video a thumbs up let us know in the comments yeah yeah I feel like the story's a little bit too long to squeeze in here good work it's only been like 30 minutes okay well I hope you guys enjoyed hearing about our love story more we will make another video if you guys want explaining the rest and I'm sure we'll be making a lot more but we kind of wanted to give you a foundation an explanation of everything because now we'll be filming and around each other a lot more often so you see more of this kid it's good to hope you like his face I do I was shaking I actually wasn't shaking oh I'm not abuse Finn are you gonna wrap it up I'm gonna wrap this up guys with that being said stay tuned love you guys jump comment thumbs up do your things subscribe thanks [Laughter] [Music]
Channel: Kian Tilton
Views: 202,677
Rating: 4.9575596 out of 5
Keywords: our love story, kian tilton, testimony, christian, jesus, christian living, christian YouTuber, milena ciciotti, kristin johns, sadie robertson, christian advice, morgan and paul, nate and sutton, my testimony christian, christian dating, faith related videos, transformation church, when god writes your love story, christian love story, how we met, falling in love, love story, dating story, how me met storytime, the story of how we met, meet my boyfriend, meet my girlfriend
Id: n1Dwq9IkBLo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 16sec (2056 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 07 2020
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