When God Says Wait - Minister Rob Wall

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and at this time i want you to receive this young man who um has been coming to our church and um his uh desire to be a part of what we're doing here um i want to give you the story i got a phone call and i was told that this anglican preacher wanted to come and see me to talk because he's in transition from the anglican to pentecostalism charismatic church and i when he came to see me i was looking for an old man to tell you the truth and when i came in i was like okay this is really a young guy um and um we began to speak and we began to talk and i heard his heart and sometimes god it was really funny because at that time reverend peterson i don't know if you remember him in our church was called he came to me says the lord's been speaking to him of moving from our church into the anglican church and um god has a good way of doing a swap so he was going there and everybody he said to me bishop a lot of people are telling me why am i leaving from pentecostal church to go to the anglican church and he says but the lord gave me an assignment to minister and i had to tell him not everyone is called to a certain kind of church not everybody is called to the ministry of ruac this is a global ministry and i spoke into his life and i said to him i release you to go and minister in the anglican church i want to know reverend peterson's in there having deliverance service casting out demons people are getting saved people getting filled with the holy ghost in the anglican church he's got all of the trinkets on and everything and he's just doing it just like that he's doing it all they have an all-night prayer in the anglican church and he's been prophesying giving word of knowledge and and you know in anglican church they're not used to all of that he said bishop sometimes i'm finding it very very difficult and i said don't worry i says be wise as a serpent harmless as a delve and he said to me bishop since i've come the numbers have grown the offering has grown and i said to him now you've got to a place where you're so powerful even if they want to move you they can't move you because they see success happening in your diocese so let's give god praise for reverend peterson so while i was on that conversation then comes minister rob wall who's coming to me and he's saying to me god's calling him to the pentecost god has got a good sense of humor he releases one and he gives it back another one amen ladies and gentlemen you're going to be blessed today he is also can be seen i think a new series is coming back on tbn um the lord is using this young man and i want you to receive him stand to your feet clap your hands and receive minister rob wall [Music] come on let's give god a shout of praise is he worthy has he been faithful [Music] amen amen please remain standing just for a moment before we i would love you just as i uh begin as i set up my office new office have you noticed new office new stand um i'd love you to turn in your bibles we're gonna we're gonna go straight into the word to the book of exodus the book of exits how many people know god is a god of exits he will make a way where there appears to be no way and as you find exodus chapter 13 we're just going to read and parachute into a couple of verses there i've said it from this platform before a couple of years ago for those of you that were here we we don't worship man as if he's god we don't honor man as if he's god but we do honor the god in the man and i don't know about you but i've seen it in our culture in this country to stop us from seeing leaders full of pride and inflated we tend to keep them down with the crowd and actually that does a disservice because we need to acknowledge and recognize the gifting within someone and pull out what's already in them what god's deposited in them and so what i thought would be great is you all of you now would be uh kind of like ceos chief encouragement officers for bishop john francis and his wife pastor penny hang on hang on hang on hang on i want you to embarrass them with the amount of praise you've got for them now look you don't get a culture like this by accident he's not just a bishop pastor penny's not just a pastor they're spiritual architects because you create culture not by default but by design so come on as if you're here for the first time maybe you are praise thank god for bishop thank god for pastor penny we're thankful for them in jesus name in jesus name in jesus name amen amen amen exodus the book of exodus chapter 13 beginning of verse 17. we'll start i'm reading from the niv version some of you might be thinking but rob i read the nkjv i read the kjv it's the same meal just served on a different plate and i'm a chef and i'm going to bring a few things together today and we're going to hear what god has to say so verse 17 says when pharaoh let the people go god did not lead them on the road through the philistine country though that was shorter listen listen to what god says god said if they face war they might change their minds and return to egypt how many people know god knows what battle you're not ready to face that some of you think you're ready for what you do see but god knows you're not ready for what you don't see because more of one thing means more of something else more blessing more burden more power more pressure and so god in his loving mercy looked at the israelites as he promised to bring them out of egypt and he says if they face war they might change their minds and return to egypt so god led the people around everyone say around by the desert road towards the red sea hey i like to tag titles to my talks my title is a statement my statement is simple and my statement is this when god says wait heavenly father we thank you so much that you're in this place my words on my own will have no power unless the unction of your spirit comes right now falls upon me falls upon this place lord we don't need more information today some of us don't even need a new revelation we need an impartation of your spirit of your power of your anointing bless us indeed oh god we do not want to leave this place the way we came in and we believe right now that your spirit is hovering over each and every one of us would we leave with the residue of your presence imparted upon us and in us in jesus name we pray and everybody said amen amen you can be seated in the presence of god sometimes when i'm worshiping i'll look round at the crowd wherever i've been afforded the privilege of speaking and i'll look at the faces and i'll think to myself wouldn't it be amazing if if i could sit down and have a coffee with each and every one of you different stories different faces different shapes some of us right now are experiencing the mountain others of us are experiencing the valley good times bad times history story and experiences and one thing i do for a living is i ask questions i'm an executive leadership coach in my spare time and i just just spend time asking questions but occasionally i'll get asked the question in return and the question i will get asked is this rob give me some of the highlights give me some of the snippets of your story and i think if you and i were to sit down today and kind of fast track our relationship because let's face it we've only just met some of you thinking how come a teenager has been allowed to preach from bishop's pulpit as a side note i actually preached somewhere recently and a woman comes up to me she comes down the aisle to the front of the stage and she says isn't it amazing that this church has allowed one of their teenagers to preach here i didn't have the courage to tell them i'm the same age as jesus 33 married to bernadette for nearly seven years and have a beautiful daughter named gracie hope thank you and if my phone goes off today it's because my wife's going into labor she's due any day now so um we have a little boy on the way yeah but i say that because i probably tell you a bit about me but i'd also tell you the story bishop shared with you about me leaving the anglican church and going into unknown uncharted waters we left our vicarage left our salary left the security of our lovely three-bedroom home in south kensington with electric gates and we moved in to my parents-in-law's spare bedroom it was lovely anyhow what's been a consequence a byproduct of this is the fact that we've moved six times in three years so you can imagine two weeks ago when we arrived in our new home where we landed in wembley we were excited thinking we're going to be planted and rooted for a little while and you'll probably see on the screen right now a view of our new home which is in fact no more than say 30 meters away from wembley stadium so you know a lot's going on in wembley right now 60 000 people tonight coming to the final whether you're a football fan or you're not come on england in jesus name but get this we can hear the national anthem pumping out of the stadium whilst it's on the tv we can see thousands of fans coming in and out of the stadium i'm stood on my balcony kind of taking it all in and thinking wow this is amazing and when people realized i lived in wembley i was getting text messages i was getting calls i was having people say to me you're so fortunate you're so blessed you're so lucky and you know what when they were telling me this and i was looking out at the faces before me stood on that balcony i tried to ask myself hey why is it that i feel deflated and i don't feel excited you know you can be so close to something and yet so far that you can see something in your mind's eye and yet you can't touch it there's a certain frustration that comes with with standing in the balcony seasons of your life you know frustration comes with unfruitfulness just ask the young couple trying to conceive and there's another couple they hang out with all the time and they got pregnant by accident and they're complaining about it there's there's a real element of of frustration in unfruitfulness and what makes this season so difficult for us to comprehend is something that's very important but we wouldn't articulate so adequately is the fact that god is unpredictable now please don't read what i'm not writing please don't hear what i'm not saying i'm not saying there's any inconsistency in god's character god is consistently consistent god is reliably reliable he was a waymaker he is a waymaker he will be a waymaker he was a provider he is a provider he will be a provider in fact the reason some of us are still saying in the membrane is because in the midst of all this inconsistency and uncertainty god has been faithful covert 19 has been uncertain and inconsistent but god has been faithful some of you have been wondering why the economy is so uncertain it has been but god has been faithful and i want to promise you today that though there is no inconsistency in his activity the reason the waiting seasons are so difficult is because there's unpredictability in his activity which means though i can always predict who he will be i cannot always predict what he will do and the course and the quality of your life and my life is tied to tethered to dependent on determined by your ability and my ability to handle those seasons in our lives when god says wait and if all your eyes need to be dotted and all your t's crossed you will not live well because as we've seen life is full of surprises and the way you and i are going to navigate this waiting season it's going to be determined on how we see it because we have a picturesque portrait in this passage of this principle in action we have the israelites who have just been promised deliverance out of egypt 400 years enslaved and they leave the front door of egypt leaving a superpower in their wake and god promises moses years before doesn't he he says moses i am going to bring you out of egypt and into canaan out of egypt and into canaan they're the only two destinations in the conversation and so moses is all confident he comes out of the burning bush experience and god tells him tell pharaoh to let my people go and moses goes to his people and he starts preaching and he starts saying he's relaxed i need you to hear me god is gonna be faithful he is gonna bring us out he is gonna deliver us with an outstretched arm and a mighty hand and god is gonna bring us out and the israelites start getting all giddy and they start getting all excited and then we read in the text god didn't lead them straight to their destination he led them around but god egypt and israel and canaan land they were the only destinations in the conversation but god said i thought it best to take you a long way round because you know what you're not equipped yet to handle the adversity that's waiting for you in the other side of your promise and god told me to tell someone today there is no shortcut to suddenly there's no shortcut to suddenly i can pray i can prophesy i can tell you right now god's going to bring you out but i can't i cannot transfer the years of secret place history with god i can't transfer the anointing or you can't transfer your anointing to me it's made up of our composite parts our intricate relationship with god that can only be dealt with in the place when god takes us around so i was looking at this text guys and get me and i was thinking oh i won't want to be in the wilderness it's so negative but you know i i like talking to myself i'm quite an introvert and then i thought but actually no no no no no no it's necessary but no no no no it's negative no no no rob it's necessary it only becomes negative when you stay there longer than you were called to god told me to tell someone today some of you are making a permanent place a prolonged place out of a place that was meant to be temporary and the way you manage this season of waiting is the way you're going to determine whether you come out of this wilderness or whether you stay in this wilderness a generation died in the wilderness because they didn't manage the season they mismanaged the season and i want to promise some of you today who are wondering has god given up on me has he forgotten me god wants to say to you this is not about restriction this is all about protection [Applause] god works incrementally he never works immediately and when he does work immediately there's a reason he works immediately because there's a sense in which god knows you're ready to handle the things that you do see and the things that you don't see because more of one thing means more of something else and i want to say today yeah you can clap for that you can clap for that god says the reason you're hidden is because i'm waiting to make you whole and so very quickly i see this season of necessity in israel's journey and i look at it and i see that actually this was the season of preparation for the israelites and whenever there's preparation there's pruning which means bishop that forward movement isn't just about what we move into it's about what we walk away from sometimes we've got to give up to go up and i see three things the israelites had to deal with as they went into this wilderness season the first thing they needed to do was be pruned of issues just because they were out of egypt didn't mean israel sorry it didn't mean it was out of them that you cannot fight the battles for where you're going whilst fighting the inner battle in your own life that the enemy often is just the enemy i love daniel chapter three you've got the three hebrew boys coming out of the fiery furnace we read two things first and foremost the hair the hairs on their hair weren't singed miracle but i also loved they didn't smell what they came out of some of us are coming out of difficult seasons but we're still smelling of the residue of bitterness of pain of her of difficulty you're not trusting because of what happened in a previous season and god says today i need to prune you of some issues because where you're going next you can't stay how you are now issues [Applause] issues and so that's the first thing israelites had to deal with but you might not like this one he also said you've got to deal with the pruning of some individuals individuals bishop individuals you see you see i realized that on your ascent and on your elevation it's never the step you leave behind sorry it's never the step you move on to that creaks it's the one you leave behind and do not be deceived bad company corrupts good character corruption happens incrementally it doesn't happen immediately so some of you are wondering why your faith's down and i want to say to you not everyone that leaves your life is escorted out by the devil some individuals leave as a result of sacred sabotage it's the most painful thing when you have to embrace the unfamiliarity of loneliness than stay in the familiarity of toxic relationships oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh check this check this check this now isn't it amazing that that if we don't romanticize the text god wanted to prune israel of of people god wanted to prune a generation but moses prayed in who god wanted to pray out and the very people moses prayed in were the very ones that frustrated him to the point to the point where he struck the rock instead of speaking to the rock and he forfeited the promised land and i want to know today is there anyone that's been sucked in if you order your life and do a kind of analysis of everything going on is there anyone in this place that can say there are some people who have my ear and i'm in a season where i'm faith sensitive and because i'm faith sensitive i can't let a whole load of things come in and and i can't let a whole load of things come out and so you need to put on these lens this filter that that you need to you need to make sure god's still speaking to you with the right voices around you issues individuals but then inclinations because god says doesn't he that you're going to face wars that you're not ready for in fact you're going to go back to egypt because you still have the mindset of a slave and i need you to have the mindset of a soldier that where in the text does it say that they were called grasshoppers it was their own opinion of themselves because get this men this is for you you are always going to behave in a way that's consistent with the way that you see yourself and so amazing in the book of deuteronomy it's the second rendering of the law stay with me god speaks to the israelites about what they are going to receive before they receive it because he needs to make sure they have the mindset to manage and to handle the opposition so this is not the first time i've been to this church before obviously i've been coming for a few months but i wanted to tell you about the time i actually came here for bishop's anniversary several years ago bishop and obviously i didn't know who you were but i knew bishop jakes was coming to this church and i thought wow great preacher i'd love to meet him so i emailed his team and his team member says come to me after the service and you can ask bishop one question and you can get a photograph and i was like come on bernadette we're going to get there early i'm going to go get my hair cut this is going to be awesome and i get there and i'm in the hallway at the back here i even remember bishop you don't remember this but i remember you taking the double look thinking who the heck are you how did he get through anyway bishop arrives big bishop deep bishop chicks he said there's a young couple here to see me and bernadette kind of come up and um i've got this moment with the bishop bishop james could ask him anything we're about to we just left a nomination we can ask him anything and i go can i have a photo please you're with bishop jason you're asking for a photograph and i thought afterwards it was only when maturity kind of kicked in after a few experiences i realized like that's the last thing you probably do in that situation and i thought gosh lord i've ruined my opportunity to ask bishop the question i want to ask but you know what god in his sovereignty um he was wise and he knew that there would come a time where he would redeem that silly moment and last year i managed to do an interview for tbn with bishop jakes and i had 10 minutes before the interview with him and i said right this is my time to ask him a question i didn't ask for any photos and i asked him a question bishop what would your one piece of advice be to me about my ministry going forward and he said i've looked at your social media your instagram just shook his head and at this time i had a very anglicanized instagram i had about 15 000 followers it was all very exciting and then bishop says to me you're still trying to live off the brand of a previous season and if you carry on with this account old seasons sorry new seasons will feel like old seasons because you're still dealing with the old issues and the old people and the old critics and the people that can't help you move forward because they're so focused on perceiving you where you were he said i would start it from scratch if i'd been asked that question two years ago and given that answer i wouldn't have done it i wasn't mature enough i hadn't been pruned enough i wasn't ready and god knew that there's a time when i can get that exposure but at the same time i have to realize i'm in a classroom to receive lessons that i have to be humble enough to receive i mean if i'd been told that by bishop jakes two years earlier i would have gone home and cried it was a rebuke of sorts but i went and did it and it's slowly slowly slowly building but god knows when we're ready for what we think we're ready for though we're not ready for it so the question becomes as i come into land guys how do we manage these wilderness seasons if you can't change or fast track a wilderness season then they must be managed and how you manage the world in the season will determine whether it's permanent prolonged and temporary and so i'm not one of these preachers to tell you the problem without giving you just the solution but giving you some how-to handles as to how you go out there and deal with these seasons so very quickly very quickly i'll be keep three minutes four minutes three things i've done in the world in the season because i left my denomination because i believe there were promises from god on my life but i naively thought like the israelites i would go straight to the promise but god took me around he he took me around because he thought right rob you're not ready for what i've prepared for you so let me prepare you so you're ready for what i want to give you and so the first thing god did was he developed my character please bring out these journals so what you see here is a composite of my journaling to god over the past maybe three four years and i don't know i would say hundreds of thousands if not a million words there just me me and god okay me and god and if i was to sum this up don't worry i'm not going to read them all to you today but if i was to sum up every single word in this dissertation of life it would be this how long oh lord you've made me a promise you've told me i'll preach and yet here here i am in private writing to you and scribing to you and don't be put off if you're not a writer you could be speaking to god but there's something about the character god wants to prune in you because you might have the anointing of a king but the responsibility of a shepherd and in private all you have to fight is the lion and the bear but in the palace you've got to watch saul throw spears at you and try and duck them without throwing spears back character are you ready for the blessing secondly competency we don't talk about this so much in church but dr darius daniels once said you're probably not as good as you think you are and so dr john maxwell says when opportunity comes it's too late to prepare so i thought okay if i'm not going to be used by god immediately right now i'm going to become the best preacher i can possibly be and there's a picture here of what's called an evernote folder it's an account whereby i would transcribe sermons word for word i'd put down quotes i'd list all the different influences that i have and over the course of several years i managed to gather about 24 000 notes so that if i get a call on monday like i did last week from bishop saying can you preach i'm ready i live in a state of preparation so don't be overwhelmed thinking oh how am i going to do 24 000 notes start practicing your soft skills start putting your pitch on paper start practicing in front of the mirror when you've got nobody to preach to if you still don't have a husband start thinking about who you want to be when that husband comes because i can promise you your husband or your wife is going to be the greatest irritant and adjutant that you have ever received yes you love them yes they're a blessing from god but at the same time they're going to chisel away your character to such an extent you wonder what it was like being single and my beautiful bernadette's watching this online with our little baby did we get that photo i want to show you i want to show and prove to you that that there were hours and hours spent just preparing i have what's called a rule of five five things i do every single day no matter how i feel what's going on what the emotion is that i will always do every single day so every day i will write every day i will file every day i will watch every time i will every day i will read and every day i will think you're only one thought away from a completely new future everything started with a thought so you've got your character he wants to prune you of your competency but then the final one and this is promise you where i land there's conditioning hey we've only just met so do i have permission to tell you a little story so as i mentioned bernadette and i've been married about well nearly seven years and like a lot of families you have that expectation and anticipation and hope that you're going to start a family and we're married a couple of years bernadette gets pregnant and it's worth saying no i'm sharing my story i know this is common for a lot of people and for you it'll be very sensitive and you might not want to share it so i'm not imposing me sharing this on you but i just want to share my story with you bernadette gets pregnant and we're so excited and after three just under three months we have our first miscarriage so you know it's common it's common it doesn't make it easier it doesn't make it better you have questions but it's common second miscarriage happens six months later christmas eve third miscarriage happens nine months later and we go to a specialist and we sit down at these at these very old hospitals pull up our chairs the doctor looks us both in the eyes and says it is an unequivocal medical impossibility that you two will ever have children who is like that it's like the judge banged the hammer against the wood and said case closed and if that's not enough i'm sorry sunday morning i know the foot was on tonight i don't need to bump you out if you're watching online look at it look we're going somewhere i promise then after the third miscarriage my best friend of 30 years old promise you this is not therapy session dies 30 years old four four deaths in a matter of time and after the third one and after i heard the doctor say that to me that there's no way you're ever going to be able to start a family there's no way you're ever going to be fruitful just stop trying it's going to be a waste of money ivf won't work you won't be able to do anything else i remember going to my house well it wasn't my house it was still my parents-in-law's house they had to study i remember going to my parents-in-law study and getting on my knees and saying god this is crunch time now we can't impose our will upon god but we can get in the secret place and figure out god's will for us and i remember guys such a strong impression for me to get on my knees for me to get on my knees and i heard god say can you still praise me and bless me if you never become a father because i'll come good on the promise but rob the last few years in your pursuit of all my promises have you forgot the promise sir to go back to our original text am i going to give you the grapes and you forget about god and i got down on my knees and said okay i'll praise you and it was an elevation worship song called won't stop now three months later bernadette's pregnant cold call yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah i know so it's like it's not like yes come on because we all know stories about where that's not been the the bow tied on the end of the story but the whole point of that exercise the whole point of that moment the whole point of this testimony testimony was god testing me he didn't send those miscarriages he didn't impose them out of his um will what he did do is he wanted to see whether i would point all my hope and trust back to the person and not the promise because god forbid in all our pursuit of god's promises may we never forget the promiser because all the promises are is an arrow pointing us back to jesus remember jesus who was picked up by the scruff of the neck the original greek says in luke chapter 4 and in matthew's gospel and was thrown into the wilderness and the babies came and now i'm a father and i love it but i promise you i've not just become a father i've got the history and the wisdom and the insight to come with it because i've managed the wilderness seasons and this isn't a picture for you to say well i've so far to go rob i could never do this it's to say what god did for me and i have a massive fear of public speaking i was told by the ancient church you will never be a communicator you're not good enough you've got a little bit of a lisp you're never going to do it in fact last thing i will share last thing when i ended up being ordained as an anglican priest we had to do a test on our communication and out of 40 i got marked 16 the lowest in the whole of london i shouldn't be here it's not a natural gifting but i asked god the question how long must i wait as i stand on the balcony of my life and look out and everyone else is going into the stadium everyone else is having babies and i'm stood on my balcony and god said it's because you're not meant to be one of the crowd and to go into the stadium you're meant to start one yourself and so you ask god how long must i wait god looks you in the eye today and says son daughter i will get you there right on time jesus thank you that your spirit is in this place thank you that your presence is with us thank you that this will be an adjutant for some but the anointing will have touched hearts and imparted and inspired others and i pray right now by the power of the holy spirit as we wait in these seasons that we're called to manage that they're not negative they're necessary that many of us are hidden but the hiddenness is there because he's waiting to make us whole so that we can't minister to others out of our fragmented state but we minister to others out of the experience of your fruitfulness and deliverance in our lives if you are waiting god says i know i see you i know where you are and if you want to trust me then i promise you i will come good on my promise in jesus name in jesus name amen
Channel: Ruach City Church
Views: 582
Rating: 4.826087 out of 5
Id: DjCBy-fZqNE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 49sec (2389 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 14 2021
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