Lessons on How To Stand From The Life & Teachings of Christ | 25.08.21

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[Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] good evening good evening good evening a wonderful evening to every single one of you all of you that are online all of you that are on the ruac app on the ruac website on facebook on youtube good evening good evening good evening welcome to rack city church it's our wednesday night we're turning our attention to the word of god we desire to become all that god has called us to be and there is no other medium but the word of god so good evening good evening good evening you know what we always say please share please like if you're on youtube welcome if you're on facebook welcome if you're on the rack app welcome if you're listening on our dab radio welcome welcome welcome welcome to the body of christ welcome to rack city church far and near welcome on behalf of our bishop and our co-pastor um our eldership every single individual our leaders of ruet city church welcome if you're from the network of churches uh we want to give um god praise it's been a beautiful day a hectic day but a beautiful day and we want to give god praise he's a good god he's a great god so much is going on but we are in the land of the living and once we have breath we stand in the gaps for others we stand linking arms with each other and we thank the lord for his goodness amen so bless the lord it's my privilege to be before you once again um to host this um bible studies which i believe will um access life by be calling access life it's a way of accessing the word of god for your life it's application series so what we're trying to do especially this year is helping us all to stand dissecting the word of the lord and trying to enable us to pass on principles examples from the word of god and tonight we're dealing with lessons on how to stand from the life and teachings of christ and there is no other template once we have christ he's the greatest pattern to follow he's the greatest template to follow and so welcome welcome welcome i want to give god praise thank god for our bishop and our co-pastor um thank god for the francis family we continue to surround them we continue to pray for them and ask god to continue to enable them to press through and receive all that they personally um have been promised as well as as they pioneer um these waters of the unknown um as we go from grace to grace as we go from glory to glory and from faith to faith and we also want to thank the lord for all our leaders all our resident elders um in particular let me highlight elder clinton and elder jose and their respective wives um sister janet and mother jose we give god praise um for us pioneering the work down at walthamstow all the wall from store brethren god bless you god bless you god bless you um if we go up north with elder simone and elder landry and all the birmingham brethren we give god praise for them and we thank god for a great work that's been done so the man and woman of god as they labor in the vineyard in birmingham we thank god for our co-pastor penny an anointed woman of god a teacher of the word everyone can testify to that um as well as everything else that she does as the wife of bishop as the mother of her three children and you know the the chief the the assistant yeah chief executive and and so much more are you a woman who's definitely somebody a multitasker and we give god praise for her what she's doing in the kilburn location and we thank god for the kilburn brethren we give god praise um for you all we give god also we have to um give god praise for our philadelphia location and and pastor andre and his family and the philadelphia brethren and what god is doing in rural city church philadelphia and not forgetting last but not least of course the brixton location where god has seen it fit to to pass the responsibility onto me as the resident elder for brixton and we thank god for all the elders at the respective location the eldership team and their spouses that continue to serve diligently things are going on in our lives but we're holding fast in the name of jesus and we're not looking back because we know in whom we believe thank god for the ministers also likewise who stepped up to the plate facing their responsibility and their call as a minister of the gospel so we thank god for every single one of you your family your children and to the whole household of faith we give god praise we thank god for those faithful visitors and friends network of churches those those pastors who have submitted to bishops leadership and join us regularly we give god thanks for every single individual and tonight we are in the hands of the access team under the leadership of elder anita and um we're we've got a treat for you tonight so get your your your your water ready get your notebook ready get your bible ready i'm going to open in prayer and then i'm going to hand over to the praise and worship as we enter into his courts with thanksgiving and a praise in our hearts we thank god for all the ancillary ministries all the ministries in particular for for making this happen the digital team we give god praise for all the media teams that work give their their their time and their talent so that we can be a voice to the nation and we give god praise we do not take it lightly and we honor the lord so let us pray and then hand over to praise and worship so father in the name of jesus christ of nazareth lord we thank you that once again once again father god we have breath in our bodies lord god which we dedicate to you we thank you for life lord so much is going on lord god so many things lord but you are in control you are suffering you are lord nothing has taken you by surprise and lord we thank you for your grace and your mercy we thank you that once again we can present ourselves before your word allow the word to read us allow the word to correct us allow the word to build us lord allow the word to anchor us in the name of jesus father you have given us the assurance that if we draw near to you you will draw near to us lord we need you more and more holy spirit open up the word as your women come lord god your woman servant your teachers whom you have gifted lord just to ponder on the word to share lord for the lord god the edification of your people lord anoint lord god this webcast today lord anoint every instrument lord anoint the praise of worship recording again lord for that person who's on the line for the first time spirit of the living god no one can come to the father except you draw him so father god we dedicate tonight to you lord let the ears of your people be open that person who's still got questions that person who has so much situation god if you don't move lord let tonight touch let the truth transform minds lord let there be healing let there be deliverance and let someone receive jesus christ lord wherever this broadcast is going we send it with the mighty power of almighty god we ask that you release your anointing we command sick lord god to be healed we command deliverance lord god we command captives to be set free lord this is your will and so father god let the spirit of the lord be upon us lord god to carry out the kingdom mandate to you god alone to you alone be all the glory be all the praise we thank you once again in jesus name we pray amen and amen and so we're going over now to our praise and worship and please give the lord praise clap your hands stamp your feet rejoice you know you already know most of the songs that we sing come on glorify god don't get so familiar let's give him all our praise as we hand over to praise and worship amen and amen hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah thank you lord even if in your bedroom your kitchen it doesn't matter god will still meet you in your point of need hallelujah hallelujah yes [Applause] [Music] no matter what your place looks like every day [Music] me [Music] [Music] for me me [Music] give you hey [Music] me doesn't matter what your second chances look like you better give him all the praise remind yourself that it's already done hallelujah hallelujah glory [Music] is is [Music] is so we give you a dance he's still listening you haven't forgot the weather he's spoken of your life it shall come to pass [Music] hallelujah me [Music] thank you lord just continue to lift up his name hallelujah thank you jesus thank you lord [Music] hallelujah what a great question that's asked in that song what have you not done for me what have you not done for me even what is not yet manifested it's already done so what has he not done we give him the praise we give him the honor we give him the glory we give him the praise we give him the honor we give him the glory what have you not done lord you've done everything everything everything everything and so we're grateful we're grateful we're grateful bless the name of the lord we're blessed by that we're blessed because when we think of the lord think of his goodness think of his grace think of his mercy and all that he has done my soul says hallelujah bless the wonderful name of the lord at this time as i said it's our wednesday night it's our access for life we're putting our lives under this the mirror of the word we want to hear from the lord we want to um get understanding the bible says in all thy getting get understanding and the more i study the more i realize that the enemy has really come to keep steal kill and destroy but jesus came to give us life and his word is spirit and it's life so we're going to go over to a recording of some of our access teachers and they're going to be asking some questions um that thinking of you and answering some questions and we're dealing in particular with uh how to stand from the life and teachings of our lord jesus christ uh we're gonna hand over um digital team please play the recording god bless you and enjoy good evening everyone welcome to access life bible study series you know from the start of this year we have been looking at standing and we've been standing in various ways we've heard different teachers thought on different things and so this evening we are going to be focused in on we're going to be focusing on various characters who um some stood and some stood for a moment and for whatever reason um they failed at um continuing to stand so the character i'm going to be focusing on is king asa and many of you might be familiar with him he was the grandson of rehoboam and rehoboam was king solomon's son he was also the father of jehoshaphat king jehoshaphat and his story can be found partially in first kings chapter 15 as well as a more in-depth study in second chronicles chapter 14 to 16. and you will also recall that we had a look at king asa briefly in arjuna to prayer where el dolori and um elder enid both spoke at length about what it means to call upon our god and so king acer actually started out as a good king he did everything that was pleasing in god's sight in second chronicles chapter 14 verse 1 the bible tells us that um during his reign god actually gave israel gave judah rather 10 years of rest and during those 10 years of rest judah actually experienced no war they were able to rest because god had given them that peace from all their enemies verse 3 of 2nd chronicles chapter 14 says for he took away the altars of the strange gods and the high places and break down the images and cut down the groves and he commanded judah to seek the lord god of their fathers and to do the law and the commandments also he took away out of the cities of judah the high places and the images that many others had actually served at therefore the lord said unto judah let us build these cities he was saying let us build these cities and take up the walls the towers the gates he actually did everything and israel and judah at that time experienced prosperity under king asa first kings chapter 15 verse 13 also tells us that he removed his mother or some some actually some some if some other version actually says it was the queen mother which was his grandmother and he removed her from her position because she had built an idol and he destroyed the idol because he wanted the place to be consecrated that was the heart of king asa at that time but some time after that um the ethiopian kings they attacked judah judah had an army of 300 000 warriors but ethiopia had 1 million men and 300 chariots and so king asa cried out to god and god gave his um judah islam gave judah the victory over the ethiopian army and so judah carried out um the spoil they took the spoil the sheep the camel everything in abundance overthrown the ethiopians and so we see where god used asa in the most strategic ways during the first part of his reign um in first chronicles chapter 15 the spirit of the lord fell upon azariah and he said this to king asa the lord is with you while you are with him he will be with you if you seek him you will find him if you forsake him he will forsake you and for a long season israel had war while judah was experiencing peace or victory and so god was with asa every step of the way during that time because asa relied on god significantly and in those days he experienced the peace and he experienced a lot of joy and so the nations around them they even though they had animosity and cities were fighting against cities and destroying each other asa was able to experience god's hand upon them and so um when king acer heard this prophecy from azariah he cleaned up the city he pulled down all the altars anything else that was left that was strange he rebuilt the altar he renewed his covenant with god and for 36 years asa walked before god he walked with a pure heart and he what god was able to talk about him and to testify about him but trouble struck shortly and i mean after 36 years of serving god one would have expected that he would have been a sweet sailing home to spending eternity with him so to speak but bashar king of israel he went after judah rose up against judah and when he rose up against judah so str trouble struck and the basha king of israel rose up against judah so that none would go out and none would come in and so we know that we serve a faithful god a god who is able to keep us in all our tribulation keep us in all our struggles some of you are able to identify because you know the season that you're in and he always allow our faith to be tested to see what really is in us and when we sing songs like lord i give you my heart i give you my soul i live for you alone every breath that i take and every moment that i'm awake lord have your way in me when trouble strikes that's when that really is tested and so um the commitment that asa king asa had towards god this was now tested but instead of turning to god king asa ended up turning to the king of syria asking the king of syria to break his covenant that he had made with king of israel and come and form allegiance with him he says come and form alliance with me and break your covenant with israel in second chronicles chapter 16 um it says this and at that time hannah and i the seer came to king aesa of judah and said unto him because thou has relied on the king of syria and not relied on the king of thy under on thy god therefore is the host of the king of syria escaped out of that hand where what what about the ethiopians the huge host the very chariots and the horsemen yet because thou did not thou did not rely on god the lord will not keep you for the eyes of the lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth to show himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward him wherein thou has done foolishly though has those shall henceforth experience war and so this is a warning that han and i brought the prophet brought to king asa and in response to this rebuke one would have thought that king asa would have responded by repenting or by um saying you know lord i am so sorry but come back into alignment no king asa instead threw the prophet into prison he also started oppressing the people of judah and so later in his 39th year reigning he became diseased in his feet and the disease grew even worse yet he refused to seek the lord and he relied on the physicians which could not help him asa died in his 41st year of reigning and um when i pondered on how asa served god for 36 years and in the final five years so to speak things got it got a bit shifty things got a bit um that's the turmoil really that came into his relationship with god and i remembered what ezekiel actually said in his discussion to the people when they were complaining asking about the the sins of the father should that be passed on to the children and ezekiel 18 verse 21 says this but if a wicked man turns from all his sins which he has committed and he keeps my commandments my statues and does what is loveful and right he shall surely live he shall not die says the lord but when a righteous man turns away from his righteousness and commits iniquity and does according to all the abominations of the wicked shall he live all the righteousness which he has done shall not be remembered because of the unfaithfulness of which he is guilty and the sins which he has committed and so what can we actually learn from the life of king asa what can we learn from the failures or the mistakes that he has made number one we need to rely on god and god alone no no i'm not saying that god wants people in our lives to assist us but what i'm saying is our reliance on god should be what keeps us standing in our faith our reliance on god is that he is not our last resort but he's our only option and then he will send the destiny help us that we need but at the same time it is our reliance on him that will cause his response to helping us god wants us to turn to him and to find ourselves in his presence in difficult times and in times of calamity it is god's heart to see his children look to him as a parent um in this natural world i'm i'm sure the parents who are listening would not want their children to seek help elsewhere before approaching them first and it's the same thing with god he wants us to run to him for us because he's our father and he loves us and he will handle us with with gentleness his heart towards us is that we will look to him as our ultimate source our ultimate source for protection our ultimate source for provision our ultimate source for healing and our ultimate source for restoration we should not use any substitutes or any alternatives to god trusting in him and him alone king asap panicked he allowed fear to get in and he forgot about his faith in god sometimes god will remove the crutches that we have in our lives so that we will look to him ultimately the issues that you might be dealing with that you are saying all the enemies and the enemy that sometimes it's the crutches that god has actually removed to gain our attention and to get our focus on him what we perhaps call calamity is actually strategically been positioned by god a second learning point that we can get from king asa's life is that we should not compromise number two we should not compromise we cannot compromise by forgetting the values that we have we cannot compromise by forgetting the fact that our belief system has been established on the word of god our belief system has been established by the experiences and intimate times that we have had with the lord the times when he's proven himself to be more than enough the testimonies that he has given to us king asa was not short of testimonies he he saw how god used a smaller army of judah to defeat the ethiopians he saw how god came through for israel granting them peace from their enemies for 10 years so he had testimonies just like we have testimonies as well and so the challenge is we have to roll back the curtain and remember those testimonies when we face difficult times king asa is a perfect example of what can happen to us if we lose our focus or lose our trust in jesus king asa is a perfect example as well of what it means when the structures around our heart or the structures around our mind or the structure around our faith is um is wavering and the truth is we might criticize king asa for saying that how could he after 36 years walk away from god but the same thing can happen to any one of us but for the grace of god we have we cannot allow ourselves to compromise by coming up with temporary solutions which will later on have detrimental effects to our soul the third learning point from king acer is that we must run the race that is set before us consistently most athletes will tell you that the beginning and the end of a race are two of the most important parts of the entire race we oftentimes see videos or clips where those who think they were um going in smooth sailing and someone comes from nowhere and runs past them to the finish line and so the end of our race is also important the end of our walk before our eyes closed going on to glory is totally important we are called to run every part of this race with persistence we are called to run it with consistency and we are called to rely on the holy spirit that he will strengthen us when we can't get through with the difficult times god will tell us in our work and in our commitment to him that we need to ensure that we look out for the booby traps of the enemy where self-reliance and self this and um self confidence and all the other self self stuff that people have that they put out there it's not about us but it's about the god that we serve being able to equip us and empower us to get through whatever season we find ourselves in and so asa started out with a in a rough place where even his four parents his grandmother his grandfather they all had left him a legacy of sinfulness really and he managed to deviate from that for 36 years but unfortunately based on what we see in the scripture we don't know what his final few words were really but we can see from what the scripture actually tells us that even until his latter years he was sick in his feet and he yet did not call upon god neither did he turn back to the god that he had served for 36 years and i want to encourage us this evening that no matter where we have strayed or how long we think we're dealing with a situation and you're like god you're not working you're not hearing my prayers what are you doing about this may we never stray so far that we cannot see the foot of the cross of calvary may we never stray so far that we cannot remember the times of intimacy that we've had with god and how faithful he has been to us may we learn how to stand stand not in our own power and not in our own authority but stand in the power of god stand knowing that the god that we serve can never fail stand knowing that he is with us every step of the way as we rely on him as we trust in him and as we draw our confidence from him and from him alone and so i give god praise for the um the life of of king asa we thank god for what he showed us as to what it means to be dedicated to god but we can learn from his mistake also that we can run this race and be consistent in our commitment to god um god bless you i'm going to hand over this time to elder lauren thank you elder tomorrow good evening to everyone thank you for joining this evening the team today will be stand firm in faith and the focus scripture will be ruth 1 verses 1 to 16 but the key verse i would focus on today is verse 14 to 15 and it reads then they lift up their voices and wept again and all processed her mother-in-law or ruled cleave to her and she said look your sister-in-law has gone back to her people and to her gods return after your sister-in-law so just a little background about the book of fruits it begins with the grip of famine alimek the site departs from judah took his wife nahomi and two or two of his sons into the land of gohan in search of food was a pagan country a thorn in the side of judah that israel was warned not to mix with or fear of adopting their adulterous practices after a period of time in mohab elimelech died and um melon and killian who married two moramites women they also died nehomi heard that god was blessing his people in judah destitute and helpless nahomi and her two daughters-in-law set out to judah but on the way naomi the mother-in-law decided it would be more prevalent for her two daughters in law to return to their homeland to their family and find husbands and return to their gods after three attempts for them to return to their native land offer spent in the old me suggestion and kissed her goodbye and return to our native land however root refuses to return and cleave the new homie when i look at the contrast of ruth and nahumi we can see that roots and hobby were mobiles roots and root and opera were moabites rooting over encounter and experienced what was unique to the moabites for they were given a chance to become an israelites and to know the god of israel both lived with nahomi both knew the love of the one true god both enjoy material wealth and prosperity marriages out of the abundance of god's blessing and love ruth and oprah met with sad events in their life their husbands were dead and they lost the love the love of their life both roots and oprah started out following nehomi to bethlehem with the intention of going with her both when fate were challenges as they standing at the crossroad this was a major intersection for them but face a test nahomi persuaded them three times nehomie said to her two daughters-in-law in verse eight go return each of her moth to your mother's house in verse 11 turn back my daughters why you go with me in verse 12 she said turn back my daughters for i am too old to have a husband and when we look at roots and opera decision they take a major trajectories into their life and their legacy so when we look at the decision of oprah oppa were faced with a decision and a test naomi told them to return to their people and their gods oprah who does what makes sense from a human perspective from oprah make a decision to let go of her fate and return to her country oprah choose to return to what was familiar and comfortable to her rather than rock the boat or shape things up even that cost her life she refuses to experience the unknown she was satisfied with the word of the safety she was hit by realization that it may be difficult it may be risky fearful of what might have happened to her oprah did what most people would do she plays it safer oprah says it's true about the living god but did not commit her heart to give herself over to the lord completely in matthew 13 jesus talked about the sower and the seed and jesus talks about in verse five and six some fellow thorniest places where they did not have much hurt and they immediately sprung up because they have no depths of the hurts but the sun was up and they were scorched and because they have no root they wither away oprah was a true sea that fell upon the thorny places that jesus has alluded to in this parable of the sower oprah unwillingness to leave the familiar into the unknown that's what makes her um keep her from god's best and sadly she risks so much more than she choose to play it safe as a result here she was only mentioned in the beginning of route and we don't hear anything about her her name just disappeared when we look at the decision of roots root was placed with the same situation and the same test nehomi told them to return to their people and to their gods root does not make sense root does what makes sense from a godly perspective no persuaded words naomi could have said to rule to shift her from standing firm into her fate she wanted to take care of nahomi even if it's mean a bitter life this is clearly seen into her response to nahomi in verse 14 he said brought rude cleave to her roots clifted naomi and the meaning of cliff means a glue to her hair to join to stick the word cleave is the same word you would it used in genesis 2 verses 24 that say when a man should leave his father and mother and cleave to his wife and this is why she said and treat me not to leave you or to turn back from falling after you for wherever you go i will go rude's heart was right standing with god she stand firm in her faith and renounces our eden past and embraces her new feature and future with the god of israel in whom under her husband's and nehomi's instruction she had come to trust jesus said in ver in matthew 13 verse 8 but others fell on good ground and healed a crop some hundred fold some sixty some thirty her heart was good ground to hear the word and to believe it rue believed in that promise and she choose to follow god even though at that moment it appeared as if there was no benefit and only bitterness she persists because she knew that god promises are true and this is why she said your people shall be my people and your god my god in hebrews 6 verses 11 verses 6 the bible says without faith is impossible to please god for he who comes to god must believe that he is and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him root understand the language of heaven that it is by fate and she was not willing to let go of her faith and her opportunity to be part of the kingdom of god as a result root was rewarded by god she got married to boys gave birth to a son his name was homemade he is the father of jesse and jess is the father of king david ruth is the great grandmother of david and more importantly she is one of the genealogies of jesus christ she has a book in the bible named after her that is a blessing that is a blessing to us right now from generations to generation it's heard how from a more might who was forbidden to enter the assembly of god to an ancestor of the israel light king david our fate and the love resulted to her being blessed by god in summary what can we learn from this and look at miles monroe said don't ever make a decision more than the consequence because decision give birth to consequences we don't live with decision because that happened in one moment but we live with the consequences every decision we make in life is a step to our destination a decision direct the course of our life and they have the power to launch us into the destiny of our future and in that decision consequences whether it is for us to stand or fail like roots and oprah all of us come to a crossroad in this pandemic in this new normal we have experienced grief bereavement depression financial loss discouragement challenges and pain everything around us look hopeless and so much more just as roots and oprah we have made the decision we have to make the decision in this time of the uncertainties and it is all have to do with the heart it is an art issue jesus said where your treasure is there your art is also matthew 6 21 what influence decision is faith everything look like there is no hope to be with the homie anymore she even compels them to not to follow her so it takes all the fate for rude to make that decision and her faith secure the future this is why the bible admonishes that in abraca 2 verses 4 that they just shall live by fate oprah turned back in the fear of the unknown to what was familiar to her and because she only gave her heart to the lord to the lord off-heartedly some of you and everybody sitting in your heart and the fear on the uncertainty paralyzes you some of us are in the moment of our life standing at the crossroad and we find ourselves going back to the gods what do i mean by that the gods can mean our habits i mean past relationship places and mindsets all this vain imagination we get entangled again with the yoke of bondage the life that we were once conformed to the world you once know that no longer benefit us like oprah we return back to it this will injure us and we will miss out to knowing and following the one true god with all our hearts but hear oprah and learn from her today don't make the same mistake and choose the same hopeless forgotten future jeremiah 3 22 said return to you black sitting children and i will heal your black sitting proverbs 6 21 can a man take a fire in his bosom and his clothes not burn stop flirting with the world as you will get burned and we give and give yourself fully and completely to the lord remember god will not leave you and he will not leave you nor forsake you when you choose to follow him is love is a strong tower and when we run into it you are safe oprah thought her choice was understand understandable it ultimately did not withstand the test of time roots stand firm in her fate and change her background and break generational curse god wants us to leave a mark he wants to leave foot prince ear on earth without fate everything looked the same because fate is again a game changer my advice to you is to stand firm stand fast stand strong gather up your courage and choose god not only in the good times but in the bad times be the sea that falls on the ground ground and eels crop whether a aunt should fall or 60 or 30. don't be the seed that when scorched by the fat by the sun withers away choose to be another root even evenness is mean turning your back on your past it's your future with god and your eternal soul that counts god bless you over to you elder anita thank you oh wow um what a word thank you jesus um good evening everyone um it's just uh it's just really really amazing in terms of looking at the examples that we've just talked about asa ruth and oppa and one of the things that's just struck me is the bible talks about aces feet got diseased now anyone with a diseased feet cannot stand if the disease if the feet is this is got a disease you it's difficult to stand let's put it that way so spiritually as well if our feet are diseased then it becomes difficult to stand and when someone is ill and weak in body weak in spirit it becomes even more difficult as well to stand and i was just looking at the life of jesus in terms of the most difficult time at the at his weakest point how was he able to stand we all talk about the garden of gethsemane he went there and he prayed but what actually made him stand because whilst he was sweating blood and he was sweating heavily and and and he was in agony and praying lord if it is your will take this if possible take the scope from me um luke 22 42. but then he said not my will but your will be done and i i i think i have come to realize that in the life of jesus the one key thing that made him stand regardless of what accusation regardless of how they tried to kill him before his time regardless of the challenges that he went through the opposition the one thing that it was really consistent about was he knew the purpose for which god created him and he was going to start and do the will of god regardless of what the situation around him was and so i i i'm beginning to think in order to stand and i was really actually reading a scripture first corinthians 10. and first corinthians 10 um if we read from verse 11 and 12 says now these things happens to them and we're talking about people in the old testament people in scripture and as examples and we're written down as warning for us on whom the fulfillment of the ages has come so there were written asa was written in scripture for us as an example ruth and oppa as i'm el dolori was talking about were written down for us as examples verse 12 then goes on to say um first corinthians 10 verse 12 says so the one who thinks he is standing firm should be careful not to fall so if we think we're standing we should be careful we should what be careful so that we don't fall in other words there was an overconfidence that was with asa when it was um when it was in the initial part of his life he had it all sorted he was on god's side he was prosperous everything that elder tamara told us about him and then in the later part i suspect he was overconfident and relying on his own thoughts and his own plans and that was what gave him brought him to a place where his feet got diseased and so i think for us lessons to learn is about making sure that we're relying on god we don't get overconfident that we're using the examples just like our elders have taken us through some examples we're learning from those examples and we're implementing those actions all those examples all those things that elder el dolar was talking about in that individual lives so we're not just here as alone but we're doers of the world and again when you go into hebrews as well sec hebrews i think um hebrews 12 hebrews 12 12 12 and says therefore strengthen your limb hand your limp hands and weak knees and we all know the knees support the feet and the feet support the body and that's what makes us stand so it says strengthen your weak hands and limp hands and weakness make straight parts for your feet so that the lame may not be disabled but rather healed and verse 14 is very interesting he didn't say pursue peace with everyone as well as holiness without which no man shall see the lord and we all know if anything that is the one thing that jesus was all about peace and holiness peace and holiness peace and holiness and that's why i was able to say the prince of this earth the prince of the world comet and he found nothing in me so he was able to stand firm even in the time of temptation he was able to stand firm and resist the devil even at the time of weakness it was able to stand firm and resist and disobeying god or going in opposition to the will of god and being able to submit his will to god because he knew that standing really is all about submission to the will of god and so i hope it's been a blessing tonight and i hope you've learned from it and may the lord continue to bless you wow that was fantastic absolutely fantastic um we did we we we had four examples um elder tamara elder laurie and elder anita finishing off with jesus elder and uh i'm not going to go over it but i i yeah it yes i was in my element it was fantastic um elder tomorrow gave a very very very they're all sobering but but i i think it's very graphic about asa many many many many many years with the lord and at the time of testing at the time of trouble got some miraculous breakthrough and it just goes to show that you know we we always hear that it's not the start is how we finish and um we saw some brilliant and i would say please go back over this take time to meditate and learn it's important every single one of our lives is reflected in these scenarios we too might have been walking with the lord for a while and no matter how long you've been with the lord this pandemic has shaken you and the desire of the enemy is that you too will become lame in your feet can't stand maybe just even out of arrogance out of this confident in yourself rather than confident in the lord and so please go back elder tomorrow get a brilliant exposition and then she gave a summary and then she gave some very very good tips don't trust in the arm of flesh that's what i put down the arm of flesh will fail you and so it's not about trusting in your own ability or the credentials of your past it must continue uh with the relationship with jesus um elder um laurie touched um what one of my favorite and i think i touched on ruth i used her as an example when i was teaching on commitment about ruth and oprah both of them had some the same experience both of them came to the same crossroads both of them was given the same counsel and he did a a quote i didn't get it all but what uh from miles monroe but she spoke about you know the decision is for a moment but in my own understanding of what she says the consequences of our decisions last much longer and so we see we don't hear anything more about oprah although the both of them came from the same um you know um the same lineage so to speak in terms of they came from mohab but because of their decision one we don't hear about anymore one made a decision that took her right into the genealogy of jesus christ and that's not far-fetched for us to believe that the decisions that we make in this life can can leave legacies upon legacies and only god knows how far that can go but it depends on your decision and so she's admonishing us to not take the comfort zone don't go back to the things don't go back to the things that make us comfortable but stay with jesus and elder anita finishes it and i'll wrap it up about um and this is a catch phrase that i have since pursuing the word of the lord and you know in this pandemic i've come to the conclusion that god delights in our dependency on him put that in the chat god delights in our dependency on him god delights in our total dependency on him total dependence total and i think it was um elder uh yeah elder tomorrow if not eldar which which one and all three of them was brilliant but spoke about him being our source him being our everything god will use people to bless you and there are people who have a heart to be used of god to be a blessing to others i can testify to that but ultimately he is the source he is the source he is the source he is my source he is your source no matter what comes your way god is able no matter who is for you or who is against you no matter the report no matter the odds no matter what you seem to have lost no matter what you seem to have gained god is the source of it all and we're not to take our eyes off the lord i pray you've heard elder anita spoke about what made jesus stand ultimately jesus stood because he recognized and i'm just going over what she said he was dependent on what he agreed with the father nevertheless logic will say do this reasoning will say through this you might have everyone come against you and said that's absolutely ridiculous but if you know that's what it's it's out of the amount of two three witnesses you have a weakness in your heart you have the witness by the word you have a witness by the spirit of peace that is with with you stick with god you will never lose no matter what you lose it actually even what you lose in this life jesus said you receive it back what we try to do is work out the how so i want you to hold on to the the the summaries that you've heard tonight so that you'll be able to as paul says having done all you'll be able to stand now if you've been listening today and you've been blessed by our three beautiful teachers or just you know women are just after the mind of god the will of god the heart of god and therefore when they teach you receive life if you've been online and you've heard you might be a backslider you might have made that decision like oprah but god would so have it that you're online tonight and you've heard and you want to come home the lord says i will marry back to the backslider if you've never heard the gospel before but you've heard you're hearing that jesus christ is lord you're hearing that he loves you with an everlasting love you're hearing that he gave his life for whosoever god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son john 3 16 that whosoever believe in him should not perish but have everlasting life i would like you now we will want to invite you to give your heart to jesus you're about to listen to a video where one of our elders are going to lead you in a time of prayer they'll ask you to repeat the prayer but as long as it comes from your heart and you are sincere at the end of that prayer you will become born again i'm going to ask you to listen to this video right now hi i'm elder caron and i hope that you have been blessed by today's message now maybe at some point during this message you've decided that you would like to become a christian and you'd like to make jesus your lord and savior well if that's you we're about to give you an opportunity right now it doesn't take much and it doesn't take long we're just going to say a prayer to invite jesus into your life and so if that's you i'll ask you to repeat after me dear lord i thank you for your love i admit that i'm a sinner and that my wrong and my sin has separated me from you i am really sorry and i want to turn away from my past sinful life towards you i accept jesus as my lord and savior to rule in my heart from this day forward please send your holy spirit to help me and i accept you right now in jesus name amen and if you've just said that prayer welcome to the family of god we are excited about the decision you have just made and we welcome you to join the family of god now if you have said that prayer we want to encourage you at this moment to head straight to our website ruachcitychurch.org to the new believers page if you fill out the information there we'll be able to keep in contact with you and to help you on this new journey we are excited about the decision you have just made and the whole of heaven rejoices because of the decision you've made today we thank you for joining us today and stay blessed bless the name of the lord so i want to add my congratulations to if you have said that prayer if you have asked the lord to come into your life the whole of city church and everyone that's online want to congratulate you um put it in the chat say um i have said that prayer and i've accepted jesus christ and you'll get a lot of emojis sending loves and hearts and um congratulations and all the other symbols that there are out there in the social media speak congratulations you have done you just like what was said you've made a decision that is going to have an eternal consequence so god bless you please follow the instruction because it's uh it will be an honor to walk you through the early stages of your um new believers life in christ we have individuals that teach on a thursday night we have classes for those who are newly saved to understand the footsteps what does the bible say to learn about this new faith that you have so that you can grow in your faith in christ so please follow the instruction please go to our website please go to our discipleship page everything is there please fill out the information and somebody from our new believer's team will call you introduce themselves to you and take you through the process we don't want you just to you know i've said um the prayer and then you disappear we want to be a good steward over your soul and help you to grow in christ so congratulations again and welcome to the family of god welcome to the family of the lord jesus christ we've come to that time now where we want to give of our substance we know um things are very difficult um but the bible says if you give to the storehouse of god uh you can never out give god it's not a manipulation is not you know saying something for you if you if you've given to god any at all you have no other testimony more than you can never out give god god always give back to you exceedingly abundantly above all that you could ever ask or think um and so your store basket will never be empty that i think it's david that's quote that said the righteous is never forsaken or received big bread the bible tells us he gives seed to the sower so if you are a sower god will always give you seed to ensure that you sow whether it's offering and tithes in the house of the lord so that we can continue to have all the facilities we need to preach the gospel to be able to stay on air to meet the expenses of all the outgoings that our premises require and still be a blessing to individuals that with a church of this size we are managing the the not managing steward in the the the um the finances of god's house there are many of your brethren that um in their time of need they can receive additional shopping so that you know they can manage their stretch their own limited finance that bit further we're doing so much with of course we're confidential so we're not really you know elaborating on individuals but you can um you you can make believe and you and some of you know people that that's been blessed so we're asking you to give and to give generously um so that the house of god can still continue to be a blessing and jesus name could be exalted so we're going to ask you to watch you're going to watch a video right now it's going to give you the various ways you can give and after you come back i'm going to do the decree and and pray a blessing over your giving so we're asking you to roll the finance video at this time the offering video rather we're about to participate in giving in our services today and if you've been blessed and you'd like to join us also you can do so we know that god will bless you and he will favor you as you give the lord loves a cheerful giver and we know that when we give to him he gives back to us pressed down shaken together and running over we want that blessing for you also so if you would like to give today follow the instruction video that you're about to see how to give by bank transfer if you would like to set up a standing order or make a direct payment to iraq city church for your ties or offering please use the following details account number zero three zero eight seven two four zero sort code thirty ninety six how to give online go to the ruac city church website and click the giving tab at the top of the page select your chosen offering type for example your tithes all you need to do now is enter the amount it's really simple follow the instructions on screen to complete the transaction we hope you have a blessed day bless the name of the lord i'm going to ask you to put up the decree on the viewers so that i can decree over the people of god um and please remember that if you're giving by tithely we always like to highlight this um ensure that you obtain a receipt and please check your receipt because we want to ensure that you are clear as to who you've given your tithe to we just want to highlight that because we've had incidents in the past and we just want to be um to ensure that you double check so please follow all the instructions and we're gonna we're just gonna declare the word of god as we've been decreeing for 2021. so according to god's word in job 22 28 things i'm going to use the word we things we decree shall be established in jesus name can i well he remain amen put it in the chat whatever platform you're on we decree that 2021 is our year to stand amen and amen in agreement with ephesians 6 verse 11 we put on the whole armor of god so that we will be able to stand against the schemes of the devil in jesus name amen we decree that in 2021 we will walk by faith and not by sight amen we decree that when we hear bad news we will stand firm we got brilliant example today of what not to do so when we hear bad news or trouble whatever it might be we are decreeing that we will stand firm we will remain steady we will trust in god stay focused on his word in jesus name amen in 2021 we will be steadfast immovable and always abounding in the work of the lord amen we're standing on god's word as a giver and a tither so that all financial curses are broken off our lives therefore we decree quick progress in our money in our business in our health in our job in our in our jobs in our properties in our education and all that pertains to every single one of us in jesus name amen we decree that in 2021 god builds a hedge of protection around us and our family members in jesus name amen we decree that everything opposing our success will be completely destroyed in jesus name amen in 2021 we will rejoice always pray continuously give thanks in all things agree in in all sorry let me say that again in 2021 we'll rejoice we will rejoice always pray continually give thanks in all things in agreement with god's will in christ jesus amen we decree that in 2021 we stand in the power and the authority of the name of jesus amen we decree that we will have victory over all the schemes of the enemy principalities and powers and evil rulers of the unseen world in jesus name and we can all say this together in 2021 we will stand in jesus name amen and amen we're standing in total dependence on the lord we're standing in total submission the word of the lord says we submit to god re-resist the devil and he will flee and so father in the name of jesus christ of nazareth we come in agreements with lord god with your children who are in the north the south the east and the west across the globe across the uk father god far and near wherever they are we stand as one in agreement lord as father god your people sow into the kingdom of god lord we understand that little becomes much in the hand of god father god there are people lord god who like ruth is at the crossroads with uncertainty but today they are giving god because they know in whom they believe like ruth god they have experienced you like ruth god even though at the time she lord god had bereavement lord which like so many people have lord they're not looking at their circumstances but they're looking at your credentials in their life lord they've seen lord god that they've not gone naked they've seen lord god that you're the one who drives their tears they've seen lord god that you're the one that will rock them to sleep lord god when they've been burdened with things they don't know how they're going to manage and so father god they continue to give out of their love for you they continue to give because you've been a faithful god they continue to give god because you've given back to them good measure pressed down shaken together and running over and i thank you father god in the name of jesus for those who are giving tonight but lord we lift up the hand of those who don't have to give we lift up the hand of that person lord who's wondering how are they going to be able to make that journey tomorrow we lift up the hand father god of that person is lord god anxious because they see lord god that their cupboard is getting empty and empty and they cannot lord god go to the lord their bank account lord we ask you lord god to scan over the your people lord god bless that those who do not have to give lord god i pray in the name of jesus let somebody be able to testify by sunday god they will have a testimony on their lips that wednesday night when this prayer was made when this decree was made god supernaturally provided and let them so happen to testify testify to somebody else who need that testimony to continue standing so father god bless your people lord as they give and lord we lord god put all the finances of rock city church we put it before your throne tonight we ask you to bless it we ask you to multiply it we could ask you to continue to provide god you are the one that has brought city church to nearly being 30 years old and god it's you that's been our source it's you that's been up in our provider it's you that spoken to the heart of somebody that's given a 5 000 a 10 000 lord god more or less a 50 a five god you are the one that's put it into the hearts of the people you are the one who bless individuals and then put it in their hearts to be a blessing thank you for those individuals god who have said you know what i had this money put aside but i'm going to put it in the kingdom of god i am going to show god that i trust him i'm going to show god that i put his kingdom first father i thank you now bless not only rock but bless the churches god bless the body of christ bless the ministers of the gospel of wandering god with all the uncertainties over their churches with all this uncertainties of low god sicknesses and their congregants call it virus people in hospitals lord and some pastors lord are wondering god you are their provider and lord we will not sit back because we're a large church lord and you've blessed us god you you have taught us even through the man of god we've always been a blessing god even in our need so god we speak a blessing over the network of churches we speak a blessing over every store basket we speak a blessing over every denomination that jesus christ is lord father god the body of christ we release a blessing now and we declare the righteous will not be forsaken and lord we're not righteous because of our righteousness it's your righteousness neither will they seed big bread we thank you father god lord god there is food in cupboards lord god in the name of jesus and bills will be paid in the name that is above every other name need every education meet every educational needs as we're coming to the beginning of an educational year god provide for mothers and fathers for single household that has the finances of their children lord you are a provider and we pull on the anointing of the provider because god you are able to supply all of your people's needs according to your riches in glory and we thank you that it is done in jesus precious name amen and amen and amen we give god praise i feel it praise in my spirit i thank god for his goodness my prayed so long my ipad is gone bless the name of the lord so i can go bless the name of the lord i want you to put some chats i want you to say you know uh there is testimony in the house there are testimonies in the house the the the resurrection power i preached on sunday is at work we're not waiting until uh the the breath leaves our body from the moment we accept jesus christ the resurrection power is at work and the same power that raised jesus christ from the dead is the same power that is at work in every believer and so we're not looking at the natural because he's able hallelujah bless the name of the lord we're going to go to the weekly announcements that i've taken over in it i'm running late now bless the name of the lord we're going to go to the weekly announcement you know i get carried away bless the name of the lord that will tell you what's going on for this week [Music] hi guys my name is nicole joy and this is the rurak news all of our locations are now open so whether you are in north east south or west there is a viral city church local to you head on over to our website to register for services taking place at our brixton birmingham warms though and kilburn location none of our locations will be open right now without the help of our volunteers if you look around you can see the peacekeepers you can see the ushers and you can see the camera crew but we need more people like you to join we are looking for people to help manage the cameras and graphics which appear on our sunday screens every sunday you know the graphics like these and like these yes you can help manage those we will teach you we'll train you don't worry about a thing so if you'd like to get involved why not head on over to our website and get plugged in if you are a ruac city church partner we want you to join us for our street ministry night evangelism on tuesday the 14th of september 2021 if you are a ruac city church partner why not join us for our street ministry night evangelism on tuesday the 14th of september 2021 at 7 pm we'll be distributing meals and ministering the gospel of jesus christ to the homeless in vauxhall victoria charing cross camden leicester square oxford circus kings cross stratford northernstar central and surrounding areas we'll be listening to their stories and praying hope into their situation to register please email outreach at ruachcitychurch.org or visit the outreach table at one of our london locations brixton gilbert wolthamstown if you're unable to attend the street ministry night evangelism at this time you can still be a blessing by donating any of the following new items hats gloves scarfs socks blankets sleeping bags tents thermal flasks toiletries we're also accepting donations in the form of supermarket food vouchers please bring your donations to the outreach table on a sunday at any of our london locations you can be jesus's hand extended to someone in this difficult season [Music] tune into wreck radio on dab you'll hear all the latest gospel music and interesting thought-provoking conversations that we have on offer also if you have a business and wish to advertise it please contact us at admin rear citychurch.org we'd love to promote you there is a saying if you want to hide information put it in a book however for those of you who are interested in sewing into yourself why not head on over to our website where you can go to our bookstore and get information that you need to help you grow also if you have written a book and would like that to be added to our catalogue why not email us at admin rackcitychurch.org and we would love to get you plugged in if you're in the building right now have a look at the person next to you lock eyes i know it might be feeling a bit awkward but don't worry lock eyes you're locking eyes and if you're at home and there's someone else there i want you to look at them right now i want you to repeat after me say this we are going to party in the park did you say it good all rosie to party in the park take a look at this summer is here and it is time to have some fun rat singles ministries presents party in the park relax play games meet new people make friends and shake a leg join us on the 28th of august at a south london park register now on the right city church website [Music] as you go about your week please remember to pray for all the people in haiti and afghanistan we have all seen the horrific videos and images of destruction in haiti and people literally running for their lives climbing onto planes in afghanistan please let's continue to pray for their peace we would like to hear from you if god has done something amazing in your life whether it was today yesterday or a long time ago we would love to hear your testimony so if you would like to share your testimony of us why not email us at admin iraq citychurch.org and we'd love to hear it this was the rural news we hope you have an amazing week [Music] bless the name of the lord we've come to the end of a beautiful evening i would like to thank um elder tamara elder lori and elder anita for a wonderful summary of using some great examples in scripture and giving us a good mix of starting well but not finishing well at all um the dilemma in the crossroads of life as well as the ultimate example of jesus christ i believe we've been given much food for thought and i believe the holy spirit is more than able for every single one of you that's going to spend the time um with the lord just just just feasting on the word of the lord and building up yourself in your most holy faith so it's great that you have these um various teachings now online so you can do it as often as you want to make it your weekly study your monthly study part of your devotional spend time with jesus and you will find that you're being built up as you become more and more hungry for him and the word of the lord says if you hunger and thirst after righteousness you will be filled so i pray that you were blessed i just want to encourage you to continue utilize the website for anything that you want to be informed of remember please register and can i just say that we're finding at the brixton location we've been open this is our i think his fifth week we're going into a fourth or oh yeah i can't remember my head so much is going on but we're finding that a lot of people are registering but are not turning up now please there's there's so many people that want to come out you can stay and watch it online but if you're going to register and i know things can happen you might intend to register and something happens and you're unable to come then go back on and and cancel or pass it on to somebody else but please do that for us we're trying to be a good steward um and we're trying to ensure that we still keep everyone safe and secure that attends our premises but we need to be able to help ask you please help us to manage the registration better i can only speak for and i don't know if kilburn is having the same but generally people are booking and not turning up and i know it's not willful but we're asking you please do your part so we can continue to service you to the best of our abilities amen so pray that you have a great week the weather seems to be wonderful let me close in prayer because you know when i get to the word i just continue my mouth have no stop light bless god so father in the name of the lord jesus christ of nazareth lord we thank you again we bless you thank you for these examples lord that you've allowed to be penned in the the annals of time lord god that we can lord god study lord god and by your holy spirit give give us examples lord show us where lord god we we can go wrong show us lord god how to be mindful thank you for wisdom that is our teacher lord god and so father god we ask indeed that our hearts will be good ground that we will be amongst those father god whose the word has lord god god into our hearts and we will bear fruit lord god to the glory and the honor of your name lord we can pray this but lord we need your holy spirit to lead us we need your holy spirit to direct us we need your holy spirit to instruct us we need your holy spirit to reveal unto us god and so god once again we thank you for tonight and we thank you that lord god you are a long-suffering god you continue to teach us to show us to guide us to correct us lord you are never tired lord and we are grateful lord now we turn to all the needs of the world we turn to the needs lord god of our neighbors we turn to the needs of our community lord we turn father god to the needs of our government lord god father god we turn to you lord god lord we bow to you lord god we depend on you father god we helped for your mercy we ask for your grace we call to mind lord god those people in afghas afghanistan we call to mind god those people oh god where they're flooding we call to mind god these things that are classified as natural disasters the war and rumors of war the atrocities lord god that mankind is doing upon mankind lord we are through your mercy lord we are for your grace lord we ask you to direct us we ask you to instruct us father what lord god while we grieve in our heart the truth is we don't even know how to pray because we know that we're living in the end times and we know your word has shown us god that these and greater things will come to pass lord i pray in the name of jesus christ of nazareth for those believers god that are in these churches these places where lord god persecution just because they believe god show forth yourself god reveal yourself unto them god we ask for your mercy your mercy your mercy your divine provision your angelic assistance in the name of jesus christ and for those of us who believe lord god i pray that you lowest lord allow us god to put away childish things father god for us to lord god get serious lord god i want to grow up lord to utilize lord god the gifts that you've given us to do that which you've called us to do father we're living in perilous times but you're able to keep us from dangerous seen and unseen and we thank you because it was not us that woke ourselves up this morning we pray god for lord god the funeral tomorrow we pray in the name of jesus for your handmaiden god we pray for her family god we pray that you'll be in the midst lord as we surround her as a church family god but only you alone we pray for those who are grieving we pray for those who've had diagnosis this week we pray in the name of jesus for those who are recovering we pray in the name of jesus for those who've been hospitalized we pray in the name of jesus christ of nazareth for those who are still anxious god feeling overwhelmed god but we speak your peace god your peace lord your peace that pass all understanding father let it guide and guard our heart and mind we pray again for bishop and co pastor we pray in the name of jesus christ of nazareth for to lisa lord and terry we pray god for terry who's had a bereavement lord god we pray god father god our flesh lord god is unable to manage if it's not you we can't stand so god for everyone i don't know everyone's name but for everyone every member of iraq every partner of iraq everywhere we should of wreck the body of christ every christian lord god who's online lord cover them with your mercy cover them with your grace lord when they lie down to sleep god we ask that you will sing over them lord let them wake up with the peace lord that pass all understanding and with the knowledge on the inside of them lord that you are in total control we give you all the glory thank you so much god thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord to you be all the glory to you be all the honor in jesus name amen god bless you god keep your may's face shine upon you and give you peace god bless you we hope you've been blessed by our webcast today please be sure to visit our website www.throughoutcitychurch.org to find out more about us don't forget to subscribe to our youtube facebook and instagram if you would like to help us as we help others through our ministry efforts and endeavors you can visit our giving page at www.bluehawkcitychurch.org forward slash giving we hope you can join us for our next webcast until then it is our prayer that you stay safe and stay well god bless you [Music]
Channel: Ruach City Church
Views: 924
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Church, God, Faith, Gospel, Sermon, Christian, Jesus, Jesus Christ
Id: gs0xokIRaco
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 94min 0sec (5640 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 25 2021
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