When Corrupt Cops Realize They Destroyed Their Career

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so I'm asking you nicely I know you are but just let me go I'm not I can't let you go we are are we're way past that point all right so let's make a deal this is 47-year-old Brian philipak a lieutenant in washon County Michigan who was pulled over on the 3rd of November 2016 in Mont Morenci County after police received two reports of a truck that nearly hit several vehicles and almost ran off the road several times can I see your LIC proof [Applause] inance okay you got your ID your apartment ID and your driver's license reason why I'm stopping you is we got multiple reckless driving calls about you okay and then when I'm following you you're hitting the shoulder of the road youve can drinking have a couple Dr how many just a couple okay what are you reaching the back for I seen you reaching in the back you have an open container back there okay you've been drinking on the way here got your registration proof and insurance do you have a firearm on you okay do you got your pistol are you a corrections officer or Deputy okay not long after the interaction starts we can see that Brian directly admits to having drunk this is not usual behavior from someone being pulled over but as we'll see it seems as if Brian believes he can do so because of his title Brian I'm going to have you step out of the car when I do Feld pry test for you [Applause] okay where are you going to Camp huh where are you going to Camp Moy Michigan so where M Moy Michigan where's that just around it's hman right around the cornerman Hawks huh no pass the Hawks I have no clue where that's at heard of it okay I'm going to ask you to step out of the vehicle what would you like me to do uh just let me I can't I had multiple phone calls you'd be in the same situation if I was in the vehicle in your county correct um I don't I've got multiple 91 calls about a reckless driver PL in all matches almost hitting vehicles I get behind you you're you hit the shoulder of the road twice all right just let me stay here you can't I'm going to ask you nicely to step out of this vehicle for the record Brian's actions could have easily been forgiven a few years earlier when body cams weren't used but that's exactly why they exist in the first place to capture despicable situations like the one that follows ran my hands are tied if I let you go I'm going to lose my career over you you don't think I wouldn't no this is Northern Michigan we are a small Department okay I'm going to ask you nicely to step out of the vehicle you know I I have my job to do you know that yeah I know and I just want you and I understand your your point where your position just okay I'm trying to be as cooperative and nice to use as I can so please step out of the vehicle for me you know how this works I know but okay so I'm asking you nicely I know you are but just let me go and I'm not I can't let you go we are are we're way past that point you know this no I don't you're a lieutenant you know how this works yeah I do you would tell one of your deputies if they called you right on the side of the road and they asked you what to do so if one of your deputies is in the position as I'm right now calling you as a lieutenant Lieutenant this is what I got what should I do you're just going to say let him go what Brian says next is absolutely incredible disappoint why why just because just because you're intoxicated I know it if I put alcohol in the vehicle that you're St your back I know it you know it I'm I'm not losing my career over you I you don't have to this will make me lose my career over you it won't so I'm going ask you one more time step out of this vehicle nicely for me Brian we let me can't I can't Bri no no no no if you let me stay here I'll be good no I promise Brian we've already went past that point no you you are I'm being nice to you no any person you a drug out of this vehicle correct no that's refusing to step out of this vehicle not where as the officer said this situation is particularly troubling exactly because of that the fact remains that if the person in question weren't a law enforcement officer they would have dragged him out of the vehicle 5 minutes ago however because it's a lieutenant that we have instead the story is completely different washing County will not do that okay so I think I'm being decent not yanking you vehicle yet don't I don't want to yank you out this vehicle no just let me go I can't we're done with that no no no no no we can't no my bosses already know that's fine that's not fine step out of this vehicle right now let me go be a good guy I am being a good guy Ryan out of this vehicle I'm asking you nicely I don't want to see anything worse happened okay no just let me go I I will go sleep in the bushes you no the next thing I'm going to go hands on with you and you're going to go to jail for rno you want that no I don't want that out of this vehicle right now stop regardless of the multiple consequences his actions will have Brian still refuses to step out of his car and keeps on asking the officers to let him go what's more surprising is that the officers kept on trying to reason with him instead of taking him out by force I'm being very Cooperative with you nice to you no you're not because my hands are tied no no no I cannot let go over and sleep it that's all I asked we're we're way past that point Ryan no we're not yes we are no we're not I had multiple 911 calls no that's why I'm saying I was you wouldn't have stopped without me lighting you up stopped for you you wouldn't have stopped I stopped for you yes you did you wouldn't have if we I didn't get behind you oh my gosh how would I would okay this you know intoxication just let me stop over and call it okay I can't do me a favor I oh my God I'm not losing my career over you and I'm not losing my career either so so you doing exactly what you're doing is not helping your career out no it's not well despite the multiple warnings Brian keeps on with his attitude but then we can surprisingly hear officer Zachary reminding him that despite them being cops they are not above the law which at least shows that not all officers are like Brian just let me I can't yes you can you think I want to do this arrest the fellow cop yes I think you do why I don't know just I know this career I know what you go through every day no just let me go over why do you think I want to arrest a cop we're not above the law I don't know CU I've had want to talk we could talk forever yes we can but so just and we're at the point Ryan you have to step out of this vehicle now I if I have to yank you out with this BNR officer you are going to go to jail for rno no I'm not along with other charges so just let me I can't do that you know that yes you can't my boss is already aware of the situation it's okay okay it just let me go over I'm not no out of this vehicle now no just let me go over B I don't want to fight you I'm not going to fight you're resisting already no I'm not I just want you to let me go I can't yes you can no yes you can you're getting recorded that's fine how could I just let you go knowing you're intoxicated no I said I was going to go and just Brian it's not like it's a road beer or two you're no I'm just going to go rest and and I will be on my way so we can't we're done with that guys come on as the officers mentioned everything is being recorded and that's without a doubt the main reason why they are doing the right thing what's interesting is to see how when Brian is told that he'll be arrested he shortly says no I won't thinking his title will be enough so far the charges Brian has accumulated up until now are multiple and finally after 10 minutes since the interaction started officer Zachary has had enough and takes Brian out of the car no we just have to out Brian go no hold on guys one more time step out of the vehicle no one more time to get a [ __ ] taser no out of the vehicle can we talk about it step out of the vehicle 17 step it up can we talk about [Applause] it step out of the vehicle you're getting the taser back up taser right now if you don't get out make out right now go to the front of my car having struggled and to no avail detective Morrison warns the lieutenant that he'll be tasered before Brian finally complies and steps out of the vehicle the lieutenant is seen staggering and swaying from side to side clearly showing how drunk he is he was then searched and asked if he was going to do a sobriety test but of course dealing with a drunk cop is not an easy task can I just pull off no on you going to do field sobriety test for me no just let me pull off we're done with this hold up talk to me yes or no are you doing field sobriety tests all right so if this was the other situation what would you do I'm in a horrible situation I know just let me if I was drunk in your position and you pulled me over I'd feel horrible but I'm going to I'm not going to resist I didn't resist we forced flee out you this I trying to make a deal okay just let me go I will yes or no are you going to do a field soety test for me I just want to sleep it off are you going to do a field sobriety test for me can we just sleep it off no we can't sleep it off are you going to do a field sobriety test for me I don't know come on buddy it's a yes or no question it's not that's a sleep it off okay are you going to Brian are you going to do a field sobriety test yes or no just let me no we're not doing doing this way Brian is asked again if he's willing to do a sobriety test but he hasn't yet given a proper answer what he's given instead is a statement that a police officer should never say in a situation like this yes sir or no we're going to do field no no just let me oh my gosh I take that as a no I'm on your you're on my side then do the Spidey test it's a no I'm not on your side if you're on my side you'd let me just go I'm doing my job you know that yeah and I'm doing my job too okay immediately after officer Zachary informs him that he's being put under arrest since he refuses to do the sobriety tests if you're not going to do field sobriety test turn around place your hands and back you're under arrest no I'm not you are under arrest no you are under arrest don't resist Brian come on come on okay stop you're you're not I'm not I'm not resisting but don't let's stop talk about let's talk about it okay we've talked no you're under arrest put your hands behind your back no don't make it even worse no I'm not let's talk about it let's just no stop I don't want to put you on the ground I don't want to make this worse all right I will just sleep it off you're you're dude stop it right now you know stop tensing up man I'm stop it I don't you are getting handcuffs on cuz you're fighting us entire time I want to talk to you Brian refused to take sobriety tests and was then handcuffed and arrested as Brian was being led to the back of the officer's car he brought up something that would incriminate just about anybody in that situation if not well handled so what do we got to talk about not much talking about you know what happens we're going to take you to the jail and ask for a data Master if you refuse that we're going to get get a search point for your blood take you to the hospital and get blood all right so let's make a deal okay what kind of deal do you want to make uh a cop to a cop that's what the deal is about a cop to a cop why are you putting me in that situation why you put me in that situation I didn't drink okay that's fine I didn't drive drunk okay we got a lot going on in my life and I said we all have a lot going on in our lives somehow Brian had forgotten he was being recorded and mentioned that they have a cop to a cop deal something that has clearly been previously discussed between officers and is known about in their Circle but Deputy Morrison wasn't going to let the super drunk Lieutenant drag him down with him you're going to sitting back in my car no just there's no know about it you were sitting back in my car back step back no I'm not going to fight but have a seat no let's talk about it have a seat we've tried talking you don't want to talk you didn't want to talk no you don't want to talk I said I would hang out on the side of road I would go to have a seat just take a seat no no no no no you come on you're not you're any other person is going to get an rno charge you know this I know no have a seat hey watch your head have a seat your head please no guys let's talk about it okay I've tried no no we have not talked Brian continued to argue with the officers and that was when they proceeded to use Force talk about it buddy sit down and we'll talk no we won't then sit down and we won't talk regardless sit down seat seat watch your head in my car no stop I'm not going to fight I guess grab a shoulder and start pulling them Brian please don't kick me that's all I'm going to ask no not bring your foot in and sit up right one there's two that's it stay right here no yes just Brian don't stop Brian was finally forced into the back seat of the police cruiser and was then taken back to the sheriff office where his blood alcohol content registered at 0.27 which is triple the limit of 0.08 Brian a 21-year veteran of the department was placed on unpaid administrative leave during the internal investigation and is now employed on a conditional basis working in a support role with reduced pay which translated means he got let off the hook because of his position if you agree that these cops should get actual charges like everyone else cops and law enforcement officials have the duty to keep people safe and they take an oath to protect those who need it but some of them don't seem to care here is one of the most shocking and disturbing cases I've ever seen when police officers arrest an innocent and defenseless disabled man Kenneth skines is a former Albuquerque police officer who was involved in the unlawful arrest of a disabled man who was at a Target store and because he had been taking too long to purchase his groceries the staff decided to call the police on him put you got to go after seeing him struggle the officers approach the man and demand he take all of his money and come with them the only thing however is that the customer is disabled his slur speech is noticeable but the officer officers seem to not care [Music] us can I please the money the officers grab the customer's money as he tries to explain he was just making a purchase they are seen talking to the customer at the same time which can be confusing to the disabled customer to catch on to not only that but everything that follows could have easily been avoided had the officers just helped him right away to purchase what he was buying I got my down man [Music] giving you the disabled Man shows how he cannot distinguish between a sore security guard and the police and proceeds to dial 911 refusing to answer any questions or provide his ID the officers then do not let him complete his call and proceed to arrest him help to me all right you get an idea any man not giving you any idea you don't identify yourself under arrest okay which is it going to be you're not police yes we are no you're not your security you got your p p yeah I do okay so what's your name man you're in business all right then you're under arrest go put your hands behind your back you're refusing to identify yourself correct Who you calling man you a even call already said anyway say just go and put him in handcuff he's refusing toidy himself okay hold on I was just paying I was just had my stuff locked in in my P pack and the security CS came I didn't take more time than anyone else the other ones before me here they explain how they're arresting him for not identifying himself which as we saw in our past videos is absolutely illegal telling him he's trespassing and could not come back to the store again so now you're going to be charged okay with concealing idty resisting officers okay no no I and you're going to be trespassed so you can never come back here again okay stand up no that's not right I was just paying my [Music] things I didn't know you are you are are you a police officers yes we told you that already I didn't see your bed okay well we told you right all have badges it's not our fault you didn't look man the officers then explain how Target doesn't want the man over at their store anymore just because he was taking longer than usual to finish his purchase and that he was now trespassing the reason to talk to you was they didn't want you in there no no more okay so we have the reason we asked you your name you didn't give us your name they didn't want you there and they have that right as the business not to want you there anymore okay so what you need to do we're going to help you stand up we're going to put you in that Patrol unit over there okay sound good no it don't sound good well that's what's going to happen I didn't do nothing having him put under arrest they proceed to drag the man back to the car where they check him for any weapons stand up you didn't believe usn't matter let go over here don't resist anymore stop just walk man no just walk all right we got to search you okay you got anything on you it's going to poke us or hurt us got a couple you got a couple of knives on you needles I didn't do nothing I was just about to paint my my money in the automated system putting my money you P me out without even identifying you don't make movements if this wasn't enough officer skin is then recorded casually whistling around as if the situation couldn't be worse already not long after as officer skin searches the man's Pockets the man tries asking for proof that they are the police which the officers are obliged to do upon request officer skin disregards the request and says the man has to take their word for it we told you what's going on stop I didn't know you didn't explain separate your Fe you didn't tell me your guys I didn't have to we identified ourselves well we are cops so we are police officers so you didn't any proof you didn't show me you don't need proof we told you who we were I security guard tell me were well then sorry those security guards told you that but we are actual offic separate your feet so let me ask you this you know we're cops now right do you want to identify yourself yeah hang on one second do you have an ID anywhere where's your ID at she has a what's your name tell me your name you going me anything man I tr get lawyer that sucks to suck man well you have to identify yourself still no no I I have the right to made Silent not when it comes to your name no no that's you do but that's why now you're going to jail for concealing identity the officer handcuffs the man and takes his money as he puts him in the police car the man still explaining he had done nothing wrong and questioning his arrest but to no avail as the officers ignore him I didn't do take a seat pick my paper we will pick him up man go ahead take a step on the okay pick him up your don't catch a felony charge by hitting me or anything step in all I was doing it was paying for my things yeah it was and you had to cut off one of my fan packs you know so hard it is to get my money out and I was trying to get my money out and I got it all out and then then you came and I tell you were security guards having this footage gone public officer skines was finally fired and charged with false imprisonment perjury making a false report and battery for his handling an arrest of the disabled customer what awful basis was there for you to ask for her ID I don't know um in order to detain somebody what do you have to have legally do you know I do not know the law legally okay doesn't there have to be reasonable suspicion that the person committed a criminal offense or violated a law because I'm going to I'm I don't know the law exactly you don't know when an officer is allowed to detain somebody this is Sergeant Jennifer Larsson and Lieutenant Donald meazzo both police officers that had served for over 20 years being deposed for the illegal apprehension and arrest of a woman named Samantha AKA pink camera Magic on YouTube who had been recording at the Cook County courthouse building from outside hey ma'am you know this is a public building exactly that's why I'm recording it it's also a court facility yep which there is a Judicial law or judicial order that says that you cannot Cape this building can I see that order yes come on in we're going to check your ID too oh no I'm not going in oh yeah no no no we're going to run you too no that's all right we're going to get your name we're going to do a report and everything so come on in um no no yeah you're going to come in now am I being detained yes for what because right now we you are doing something suspicious that's not a reason to detain anybody well it is for din come on it's really not so I'm just going to stay here and continue recording okay you're going to come in and we're going to find out who you are and what you're doing here no you're not okay all right who's got cuffs she does not want to go agreeably the interaction begins with Lieutenant milazo approaching Samantha and stating that she can't record in a public building and that is enough reason for him to detain her as she didn't provide her ID but what milazo doesn't know is that what he's doing is actually illegal as it is completely legal to take photograph s or film public places in all states unless oral conversations are recorded which is not the case here okay I'm being detained for just taking pictures of the building yes ma'am you're doing something suspicious and we need to know who you are and why you're doing it okay are you familiar with the First Amendment yes I am come on wow I tried to do this nicely you are aware of Homeland Security right after noticing multiple times that he was being recorded milatzo finally decided to aggressively grab Samantha's camera with which she was recording him to later detain her and take her inside lawyer okay call your lawyer that includes my camera as far as um consent well it's already on are you familiar with the Fourth Amendment oh great why do we always get the crazy I don't know that second person in the scene the one wearing the body cam is Sergeant Jennifer Larsson and what she and Lieutenant milatzo don't seem to realize is that what they are doing is absolutely outside the boundaries of the law and that Samantha knows that denying yet again showing her ID Samantha notices that Lieutenant milatzo is doing something Shady with her camera did you delete my footage do you want to cooperate or not I'm remaining silent okay it is only making it worse do you want to give us an ident remaining silent don't get sent to searches we're not going to search you we're asking for an ID if this wasn't enough the officers then mockingly laugh at her after she invokes her right to remain silent what the is going on today I don't know every crazy loon in the building is coming all we're asking do we'll do a report you can go on your way with your camera otherwise I'm going to confiscate the camera and we're going to take you downstairs print you because you're suspicious I'm remaining silent seeing no cooperation on her side the officers then decide to give Samantha an ultimatum in an attempt to finally settle the situation okay this is your choice you can either give us an ID so that we could do a report on this and find out who you are or we're going to take you in front of the presiding judge he's going to hold you in contempt which means that he can hold you for as long as he wants remaining silent okay that's Co 10 minutes went by and then Lieutenant milatzo finally came back with news or better called threats against Samantha Who as everyone should do just remained in silence okay um we're going to probably take her in front of the judge okay he's going to hold her in contempt for I think right now he's doing 90 days okay so is that okay with you remain silent okay but you realize you're going to go to Cook County Jail for 90 days silent okay okay now you have an option all you have to do is show us an idea so that we could do a report and we'll let you go on your way I have an option yeah we told you that before CU right now you're just obstructing obstructing what you're obstructing us from doing our job I'm remaining silent all right cuffer let's get her purse get her stuff I don't consent to searches well we don't care anymore okay Samantha was finally handcuffed and arrested for obstruction to later be freed without any charges but what the officers are unaware of is that not only did they commit an illegal act but multiple unlawful detainment intimidation illegal arrest dereliction of Duty unlawful search and destruction of private property shortly after Samantha was able to hire one of the best lawyers in the country and sued Cook County for multiple civil rights violations the case has been going on for a few years now and the conclusion is not yet known but a part of all of this that we have is the following footage of both the deposition of lieutenant milazzo and Sergeant Jennifer Larson what unfolded in the following neverbe seen footage is one of the biggest and most shocking proofs of ignorance of the law and ineptitude in police history is it against the law to take pictures of a courthouse from outside no not that I know okay is it lawful to arrest somebody for taking pictures outside of a courthouse of the courthouse no nothing I know okay is there something keep your voice please okay sorry I got to get every word cuz it's on video okay are you familiar with this case at all which case the the case that brings us here today that you're testifying in yes okay and and in a nutshell what's the case about I would say that Amanda is I guess I called you to say that she was uh outside videoing when she shouldn't have been so she's saying we violated her Amendment rights you're correct um when you say when she shouldn't have been what does that mean was she doing something wrong just something unusual what us as officers would consider unusual unusual okay having shown zero knowledge of the law Samantha's lawyer then decides to push Sergeant Jennifer further to try to make her slip even more um depending on where you are in the country Mormons are unusual right depending on where you are might be unusual to see a Mormon do you get to detain Mormons in those places I don't know people detain Mormons I don't know if they detain Mormons would it be lawful just because it's unusual no I don't okay is there something unlawful about recording outside of a building I'm sorry what was the question let me ask you this was Miss doing anything illegal when she was detained I know I would say it was not illegal unusual talking about unusual things the statement that follows is something a police officer should never even be allowed to say um in order to detain somebody what do you have to have legally do you know I do not know the law legally and if you still think that at least Lieutenant milatzo knew what he was doing well you're wrong what would you do if one of those people said to you what's the difference between arrest and detain what would your answer be we' call Legal Mr Gorman seated to your left no Sheriff has their own legal oh okay they're own legal who helps them understand things like the difference between arrest and detain yes gotcha was there a lawful basis to handcuff her yes okay what was that lawful basis officer safety here Lieutenant Moto has just confirmed not to know the difference between an arrest and a detainment an occasion in which if they need help he indicates they just go ahead and call the office's lawyer to help them the question remains then how can someone work 27 years as a police officer and not know the law did you have any reasonable suspicion that she was committing a crime we had reason reasonable sub to ask her what she was doing and why she was doing it just to get who she was and why you and I agree on that that you had the right to ask her whatever you wanted to ask her did you have the right to put her in handcuffs offic safety for the security of the officers yes okay what made her a threat her refusing to give any information that was requested of her was she legally obligated to give that information when an officer has asked her for security purposes to give her identity up yes we do have the right to ask for an identity of somebody for our safety 20 years of service and Sergeant Larsson believes that she's not safe unless she runs your name not the kind of cop I would like to encounter if I'm being pulled over have you ever heard of something called a Terry search or a Terry Frisk I have okay what is that um I'm not going to say exactly I don't know the law okay seeing how she has no clue of anything related to law Samantha's lawyer then decides to make up a hypothetical scenario to further prove his point on how wrong the arrest was police officer goes over to somebody on the street let's call the person Mr plaintiff Okay police officer goes to Mr plaintiff and says hey let me see your ID and Mr plaintiff says uh no is the officer now allowed to put Mr plaintiff in handcuffs and detain him what object it's a hypothetical cause for speculation yeah you can answer okay um I do believe yes for officer safety they do have the right doesn't there have to be reasonable suspicion that the person committed a criminal offense or violated a law is I'm going to I'm I don't know the law exactly at least we saw so far how Jennifer takes responsibility and accepts that she doesn't know the law in big contrast to her Lieutenant who instead pretends not to understand any of the questions the lawyer asks and makes fun of the situation if you could go back in time to the day that you arrested her would you still arrest her so you were asking me if I can go back in time yeah I don't know how I could do that okay did you understand my question I did and you're asking me to suppose whether or not I can go back in time I can't so you can't tell me if you would still arrest her I can't tell you what would happen on that day if I went back in time no okay um are you is this an attempt to be funny not a bit are you trying to answer my questions I'm trying to answer your question you really can't figure this out because you can't wrap your head around time travel I'm again I mean I'm going to it's getting to be harassing again I mean is this what the question is hypothetical time travel backwards is that really how you interpreted the question is that what you're asking if he could go back in time would he do it differently is that not what you're asking yeah that is what I asked him going back to Sergeant Jennifer her the interrogation continues and her responses don't get any better as time goes on is there any reasonable suspicion that she was committing a crime yes or no we weren't sure what she was doing okay so if you don't know what somebody's doing do you have reasonable suspicion that they're doing anything in particular no but we have a reasonable response to ask what she was doing right agreed you could ask her what she's doing and when she refuses to answer are you now allowed to detain her yes who told you this that you get to detain people who are videoing and refuse to identify themselves when asked that is the face of someone getting caught being held accountable and humiliated for their illicit actions despite always refusing to admit that she had done wrong everything was captured on camera and the answer is clear as water at this point but this is not over as in complete opposite to sergeant lson lieutenant milatoo wasn't going to go down without a fight are you familiar with the fourth amendment by the way vaguely what does it say in your own vague terms uh no illegal search and seizure all right unless there's probable cause or good that's about all I know okay all right good enough he said that's about all I know all right um now there was somebody else who asked you the same question that I just asked you about your familiarity with the Fourth Amendment uh who's in this room right now do you know who that person was my client M asked you that didn't she I don't recall she asked you are you familiar with the Fourth Amendment you don't remember that no Lieutenant meazzo admits not to recall neither the location in which this happened nor who actually asked him when in reality all of us know that it was Samantha and he's just playing dumb and everything was recorded as we saw before lawyer okay call your lawyer that includes my camera as far as um consent well it's already on are you fam with the Fourth Amendment oh great why do we always get the cat I don't know after recalling the incident the lawyer brings up his offensive comment towards Samantha at the time if I tell you that your answer was oh great why do we always get The Crazies would you dispute that no does that sound like something you would say to somebody that's something I did say that day yes so you remember saying that yes okay do you remember saying that in response to the question are you familiar with the Fourth Amendment no I just remember saying it why is it that you felt you was one of the crazies when people act in a way that is not in their best interest how was she acting that was not in her best interest well at any time all she had to do is identify herself we could have done our report you have an option all you have to do is show us an ID so that we could do a report and we'll let you go on your way everything could have gone the own and if uh if somebody were to threaten you that unless you comply with their demands they're going to put you in handcuffs would you automatically necessarily comply with their demands yes object you would call for speculation he was able to answer so you would so even if uh even if there's somebody who is acting as a law enforcement officer giving you an unlawful order threatening you with detainment or arrest or 90 days jail if you don't comply with their unlawful demands you would still comply yes all righty is that what you expected her to do to comply yes having heard multiple times the need for a person to identify himself when requested by a police officer the lawyer then decides to question Lieutenant milatzo further in the topic is there a law that requires people to identify themselves when requested by law enforcement I don't know and when asked if he had deleted the files from his camera he blatantly denies it despite it all having been recorded by the body cam the sergeant had at the moment did you delete her pictures no who did don't know you don't know who deleted her pictures by the time you got in front of Judge Peter Feliz they were deleted weren't they as far as I know they were still on there you grabbed her camera yes away from her outside did you not yes from that point until you were in front of Judge Peter Feliz did she ever hold her camera again no okay so you had it the entire time yes didn't judge Peter Feliz talk to you about whether the pictures had been deleted he asked for the the memory thing so he could delete them he asked for the memory thing so he could delete them not only did milazo prove the lawyer point of the pictures being deleted but he also had just involved a judge in the same illicit act he's being accused for you just said that he asked you for the memory card because he wanted to delete the pictures is that your testimony yes okay and if he were to testify at some point in time that he absolutely categorically did not delete those pictures the then would you want to change your answer as to whether you or one of your people did I'm going to object calls for speculation no one H custody of the camera but me okay would it have been lawful for you to delete her pictures I don't know but what do you think are you allowed to go over to people's pictures and delete them no without a court order no right that would be a violation of which amendment do you know no if up until now he had been able to resist when questioned about his unlawful actions against Samantha when she requested a lawyer after being arrested was the last nail in the coffin for lieutenant milazzo I what do you do if somebody says they want to talk to a lawyer and you have them in handcuffs we allow him to call a lawyer do you keep asking them questions it depends on the case oh I got you okay tell me the case in which you would continue to ask questions of somebody in custody after they asked for a lawyer if we're doing an investigation we're going to ask I got you okay do you know which amendment it is that allows people to demand a lawyer do you have any idea no have you ever read anybody the Miranda writes no you've never read anybody their Miranda wres no have you ever arrested anybody no other than Miss burquest no um and uh and you don't know the Miranda Rights not off hand no all right um when you arrest somebody do you have to advise them that they have the right ter silent yes do you have to advise them that they have the right to an attorney yes do you have to advise them that if they cannot afford an attorney one will be provided to them yes okay um now what if somebody says yes I want to talk to an attorney do you get to keep asking them questions or do you have to call a lawyer for them before you want to ask any more questions I don't know you don't know you don't know if you're allowed to keep asking questions of somebody in custody after they asked for a lawyer no how long have you been employed under at Cook County Sheriff's 27 years 27 years and I imagine you only became a lieutenant recently no how long ago did you become a lieutenant 22 years ago you've been a lieutenant for 22 years and you don't know the Miranda Rights yes the case remains open but this is immaculate evidence proving how evil and corrupt cops are everywhere but what happens when they actually get caught I would love to know who called here are three shocking examples of when corrupt cops get arrested starting with New Jersey police lieutenant John a Chu who on the afternoon of April 27th 2018 had been driving in his truck erratically on Breakwater road towards Route 9 and almost crashed multiple times police officers were later called by concerned neighbors but when they arrived at the scene they would never have expected their boss to be the one causing the trouble what's up LT hey LT how you doing hold it on your driving ertic eratic driver head it home hey I'm sorry to bother you um um my mic's live just so you know at this point I mean my camera we had an Eric driver call um it Lieutenant chill after recognizing who they were dealing with the officer then goes on his radio and makes the report not without mentioning that his mic is on as well as his camera meaning that everything they will be doing is being recorded did you see who was did you tell him to stand by having shown concern for who it is that they're dealing with the officers then mention the body cams they have and one of them decides to turn it on after having turned it off once he saw the lieutenant you want yes you you're not turn it on I switched the cameras out what did he say I I was behind him I was or I was behind you did you get any yes we got to do what we got to do we got to do what we got to do is one of the main reasons as to why body cams exist in the first place if there had not been any what happened in the following minutes would have definitely not been the same we're going have him up he's 450 don't you told him to just hang tight M you didn't observe any alcohol in the thing or anything I know you probably this high truck is there an odor yet or anything anything no you didn't get notor all [Music] right I got to call [Music] Edwards just to let them know I can't pick them [Music] up we're going have to going have to pull them out hey I'm going to be um late picking I'm not going to be able to pick you up can you drive in we have an incident now my my mic's live we have we're on a 38 right now with uh someone we work with hang on one second hang on one second we had an eratic driver call um Lieutenant CH with Lieutenant Chu um we pulled him over we're doing we're doing some investigation right now I'm waiting for luten coming back so I'm I'm going to be late picking you up obviously if you could drive in all right all right thanks we shut these off for conf quick hang on after trying to reach out to another Lieutenant to figure out what to do and talking to another police officer and explaining the situation the police officer at the scene asks if they can turn the body cams off for a conference which of course is not true and it's just an attempt to not do what they have to do in this case yeah we're not going to mute our cameras at all or anything okay yeah absolutely yep all right see we're going to have to pull them out we can't meet our cameras can't do anything let's hope hopefully all right safe to drive Edward just coming [Music] in come on finally after 5 minutes since they pulled him over they are finally confronting Chu as they should have done from the start hey LT so we had the eratic driver call on you um I guess n just had some observation you have to handle this like anything else he's going to ask you to step out we already talked to Lieutenant broli all right he's he's going to he's going to make sure you're safe to operate the vehicle okay I drive half a mile I understand but everything's recorded now sir you know that we got to handle it how we have to handle it it's trust us we don't want to be put in this position either good can you step out sir he's just going to talk to you you know how it is he's going to ask you some questions make sure you're all right I'm fine having finally confronted him Lieutenant Chu is then tested for DUI which to the surprise of no one he fails absolutely not even being able to put one foot in front of the other then when he's faced with another test which consists of raising one of your legs and holding the position for a few seconds he seems to have had enough hands together feet down to your side you're going to raise either leg of your choice approxim keep your foot parallel to the ground and you're going to count 1,1 1,2 13 while you're counting I want you to look down at your toe keep both knees locked out you understand you know what hold on LT you don't you don't want to complete the tests no I don't okay you want to give it you don't want to complete the test sir no all right sir you know we want to be put in this position you know what John I get [Music] it you're not you don't have your weapon on you or anything you don't have any Firearms [ __ ] I got L [ __ ] now okay no all right seeing no way around it and especially since they are being recorded the officers then decide to notify Chu that he'll be detained your observations [Music] salty we're going to have to bring in put you on the box based on on the test you know we don't want to do this we have to do we have to do everything's recorded you understand that no I get that both officers are extremely hesitant to even dare apprehending Lieutenant Chu at this point most likely fearing to lose their jobs in the aftermath especially since Chu is capable of saying things like this I would love to know who called you can find that out you know that you can find out I don't know who called I don't I do not know but you know you'll be able to find that out L tell you at this point our hands are tied I mean I hope I hope you understand I totally get it and we don't want to make this situation any worse sir no listen I I I I will not make it worse I understand that I know you wouldn't that's I'm saying if we can get you in the back of the car get you out of here here let me ask you this can I 20 minutes sir you know we cannot do that everything is Sir everything's no I get it I I totally get it see people were starting to drive by LT let's get you out of here okay can we can you can you come with us yeah after such tension in the interaction Lieutenant Chu is finally about to be detained but he yet again refuses to give in let's go into back in Mike's car we'll get you out of here make what's up I can't let you get in the car you know that well then you drive it well if you have someone on team we can get it I see Mr eck's here we can try to get him to drive my truck home please your keys are in it we we'll handle that LT we'll handle that all right do front but search don't put them in the back I'm saying you call me if that wasn't enough Lieutenant Chu even dares to sit in the front seat of the car completely ignoring the gravity of the matter and thinking himself Above the Law you know you can't do that sir we can't have you the front I can't have you in the fronty we're not going to cff you in the back okay we're going to do it in the front all right are you serious yeah sir you understand this you would hate be in our position to J please please John please John I don't John [Music] please we'll get you help you need let's just come on you know we don't want to do this to you all right but we got to get you we got to we got to we got to get this process up people are starting to calm we're all going to get you know what other people responding sir I would like you this is what's going to happen we're going to get you behind this door so no one sees Mike's going to put the cffs on you in in the back no no there's no cops yeah what let do we have policies and procedures let me call the LT just you can show the Z for now Lieutenant Chu is finally detained and put in the car in the meantime officer John calls another Lieutenant to find out the right procedure in this special case it is then that CH was handcuffed but not like everyone else as in his case he's cuffed in the front we got to Cuff in the front we can we can do it in the front we got to do it [Music] LT we just talked to Lieutenant for we we have to in the front we'll do it right here don't have to do it behind your back okay please Co please cooperate with us some on John we don't want this to turn into anything more you know that we don't want it but we cannot lose our jobs you understand sir you're my first sergeant thank you I have to get a toad I have to tell [Music] him oh man but we've had guys get these before and gave it back to work just so you know hopefully go get the help he needs I know I hope so too it's terrible love the guy man see him throw it all away not long after the officer red chew his Miranda writes and despite footage not being available the report says that he lifted his middle finger towards both officers several times during this Lieutenant Chu was finally put under arrest for DUI and for 450 subsequent to a call for an erratic driver complaint then as his BAC reading ended up giving a 36% which in this case is considered to be alcohol poisoning and a potential life-threatening condition he was taken immediately to a hospital not long after he was suspended from his duty and fired with a $700 fine but if you thought corrupt cops trying to get away with their crimes is over that's because you don't know Michael Kyle Dunn Newton County chief Deputy Michael Dunn had been driving before a police officer had just seen him swerve almost entirely off the road in rural Boon Arkansas this continued even after the officer got closer to him so this being a suspicious and dangerous sign was enough reason for the officer to pull him over but little did the officer know of who he was actually going against hello I'm Trooper Valentine Arkansas State Police stop because you look like you're having trouble controlling your vehicle all right what's going on a lot I yeah arm your arm okay where is it huh it's on your chest huh been drinking a little yeah okay all right can I see your driver's license so where you coming from um just over Missouri okay how much have you had to drink much okay well is your vehicle off turn it off all right go ahead and step out with me [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] okay so you got a gun on you it's off it's off of you is it in the vehicle yeah okay so you're a deputy chief you're the chief okay well so you you know better some bad times okay well I understand that uh but I mean you know we can't be out driving if we've been drinking yeah and uh you I caught you coming back onto the highway back there you almost hit a sign and Then followed you for a little while and you touch the yellow line twice touch the white line twice okay okay all right uh so I'm going to do some test on you all right you know how all this is going to go uh if you are impaired there's nothing I can do for you okay great because it's not uh it wasn't my choice whatever you've done and you know my job's going to be on the line just like yours is okay having explained the situation and later discovering that Michael could be drunk the officer puts him to do the appropriate sobriety tests regardless of his status but clueless by thinking it would be that simple all right go ahead and stand all right you going you going to be all right yeah all right go ahead and stand up for me right here okay and face my car you want to go through these tests or you just want me to take you in huh I won't take you to Newton we're in Boon right now so I'd be taking you to Boom okay I know it sucks all right but like I said it's not my choice can't get me a break man you know I can't have abolutely can't it's on camera I can't do anything about it uh I've got family out here on this highway I'm sure you do too seeing no other option Chief Michael proceeded to try to come to an agreement with the officer in a bid to get himself out of trouble but he was faced by a solid negative response not because the officer couldn't do so but because they were being recorded all right so again it's up to you but like I said we can't sit here all day so either we can do some tests here I can PBT you we can see where you're at you know the law if you're under 8% uh I mean it's still it's still up to me you know between 4% and 8% whether I want to take you to jail or not I do have some bad driving if you're under 8% I can work with you if you got somebody that can come get you we can go that route okay have some [Music] seriously I've I can't do that I can't without testing you yes seriously you know that I have no discretion when it comes to DWI used to be it no it's not we've got cameras we've got everything else it's not like it used to be realizing that times now are different and it's not how it used to be Michael knows he's in big trouble now all right do me a favor walk up this way go aad and put your hands on my car all right we're just going to go through this like we normally do I just got to follow policy man if I want them to back me up I got to do what they want me to do all right go ahead and put your hands on there bring your feet backward toward me no put your hands on the car for me bring your feet back all right so you don't have anything on all right I will do the professional courtesy if you want we can uh I can just cuff you in the front sit you in the back of my car you want to do that or you rather have him behind you C me seriously like I said it's policy yeah all right yeah you want me to follow policy I think this is [ __ ] by the way but okay then Michael is finally arrested and put in the back seat of the car let's go I'll follow you set me in the back seat yeah we'll set you in the back seat go ahead okay yeah sure go we'll go on that side no go on the pass you want be buckled are you serious you not want to be Buck Ian that's up to you I guess man it's not my fault don't look at me like no no it's my fault okay I like I said I do not want to do this to another law enforcement officer I've always heard about it happening wanted it to happen to me okay but like I said there's nothing I can do about it you understand that no I I know I know it's I me you some other guy out here you know driving around suspended you know no job whatever I'd be doing the same thing here Michael has realized that he's done for professionally but if that wasn't enough already his wife's friend that came to pick up his truck brought him more bad news you can talk to him if you want can you let me out man I mean well I don't want to do that and I'm not saying you going to run or do anything stupid but anything say this is ridiculous and you are no better than Jamie [Music] Roston and she all she wants to say to you is for you to come get your [Music] stuff because if you cared about her you wouldn't do finally dun was fined $800 for refusing to do a chemical test of his breath he resigned from his position as Chief and was sentenced to one year in prison but cops trying to use power in their favor doesn't stop here it gets even worse pelis County deputy sheriff Shelby Elise Cornelio had been driving on the highway during the night of May 17 2022 when a police officer decided to pull her over for going at 56 mph in a 40 mph Zone and driving erratically after stopping her the officer approached Elise and asked her for her ID never expecting that the first thing that she would say would be can see driver's license registration for insurance I feel kind of okay and my driver's huh I'm a pelis County Deputy knowing that she doesn't have her driver's license she immediately turns to her position as a County Deputy in an attempt to be released little did she know of how bad things will turn to her in the end by having this attitude do you have your license registration no you don't do you have your idea on you do you have any weapons on you no okay well I'm a deputy but well that's why I'm asking do you have any weapons on you I live right there okay I would normally but do you have your some kind of idea or anything on you my ID is not here but I'm a penel kind Deputy okay do you have some kind of ID on you no I was just driving that way I dropped my friend off and then I went this way because my I live right there I get that but I pulled you over cuz you were flying past everybody and you were C no I was just driving okay when I was pulling dude at this point you were going like 56 and a 40 you were flying no I was not flying I was just do you have your registration with your name on it or anything well this car is not mine so okay do you have anything with your name on having been asked to provide any type of identification multiple times and not providing one Elise finally finds her driver's license but not her work license so everything she's saying could be a lie do you have your uh work ID no it's at home in my cruiser okay where do you live at I live at okay so not address in your license no really AF whose car is this my fathers then as the first officer is running her ID and license plate another male officer approaches Elise and starts talking with her and it's right here we can clearly see that she's definitely under the influence of something she said you were a deputy yes County Sheriff's Office oh you're with us nice how long you been with them years I mean I can get out I can get in I mean you can come in no no you're good right now listen I'm just trying to I'm just I don't know whatever you guys want to do whatever it is I live at that light right there Goa so if you want to hang out if you don't want to hang out where are you coming from uh not even long um you know Gandy Boulevard I picked up a picked up someone brought them over to their house and and then I was going back to my house got you because I am just living my life I got you and they actually live with panelas and so I was like oh I'll bring you home got boom boom boom boom easy got it but where from wa hm so you're Spanish yeah you say you say where mhm honey you know I speak you speak a span [Music] per per oh okay I'm Dominican Dominican oh no no no no what's wrong with that Italiano okay and I only speak a some Spanish okay for the most part itano but she pull me over I do what I want I got but you're St Pete so it doesn't matter not long after Elise is made to step out of the car for further questioning and it's here when she finally realizes the big trouble she's into can we step over here can we are you can you walk over are you able to walk over here yeah in the well no I just want to get on the sidew not [ __ ] okay all right all right talking to you I am getting some signs of impairment okay can I check your eyes real quick really all right I want I'm I want to give you every chance to say that you're fine okay so can I check your eyes real quick this is what we're going to do right now I I don't have a choice you don't have a choice no and you pulled me over for going 10 miles over the speed limit you were going more than 10 over with the speed limit and it's not just speed it's also how you were driving no look 10 miles over the speed limit I'm not going to argue with you I mean unfortunately we're past that point you understand my position all right I want to give you every opportunity for you to show me that you're okay to drive and I really hope that that's the results we get get okay but at this point I can't just look the other way that's where you're at right now yeah can I check your eyes real quick this is how you're doing it really yeah I don't have a choice it's the same for anybody else oh yes you do I can't treat anybody any differently yes you would no I I wasn't in other people's Lanes okay I'm not going to argue about that there dash cam video and all of that okay but we're past that point right now the point is you were stopped you're showing signs of impairment I want to no I'm not showing okay all right I want to give you every opportunity to show the best not I I want to ask what signs of impairment was I showing you've got blood shot watery eyes you have SL speech I want to know okay pulling over pulling over what was the signs of imper because I do not have bloodshot watery eyes because I have contact lenses in my eyes okay I have contact lenses in I'm not trying to argue with you okay I want I'm hoping that you can show me that you're that you're okay to drive okay but I have to go forward with this I have to at least invest no I just want to know I explained to you you you smell very strongly of alcohol you're movements have been very slow and fumbling you have a very dazed facial expression all these are signs of of impairment okay again if you're good to drive perfect but that's I have to I have to investigate that and if you thought she would go down without a fight you're in for a treat when you see how she reacts to the officer requesting her to do a sobriety test as I said I'm just conduct an investigation at this point I want to give you every opportunity you're saying that you're that you're fine I want to give you every opportunity to show me that there's no way in hell no way in hell okay can I check your eyes real quick just make sure that you're okay you're going to check it no ultimately she agreed to do a sobriety test she had her eyes checked and now she's about to do the walk test not without complaining about it is she new no been here longer than I have then why is she doing this when I live right there she doesn't care she wants to people over I'm pretty sure that's not what she wants to do so in the sense of being a deputy with her doing this what are what are your thoughts what do you mean in in the fact of me acing this or not it doesn't matter right no I mean that's that's the point of this right if you're you don't show signs of impairment why you do it it's better for you that's why we give you that option I'm still going to be perfect for this there you go because Elise completely failed all of the sobriety tests the police officer did on her she's questioned one more time about how much alcohol she had but she refuses to give in how much did you have okay so why do you smell like alcohol I do not smell like alcohol I smell like pigment that's not pigment that's very strong alcohol okay I mean you're a deputy you knowbody aan okay that's caused by alcohol so how much did you have to drink nothing you don't want to be honest with me seeing no cooperation on her side Al Poli is finally put under arrest Alise Canelo ended up submitting to a breath alcohol test and her BAC registered as 26% she was fired the next day I am under arrest because I am under arrest I am in handcuffs I'm not free to leave I'm not free to leave am I free to leave this is 70-year-old County Sheriff James Luhan being arrested by his own people for obstruction during an investigation being carried out against himself an investigation that started when he harbored former city councelor Philip shakon who was being sought after by the Espanola Police Department for assaulting a man but this chaotic and Despicable situation didn't start here but here in charge yeah yes people bring in bring who in philon that's who you have a warrant for right pull everybody out I'll bring them in I don't want to pull them out huh I don't want to pull them back excuse me on March 26th 2020 Espanola police finally issued a warrant for the arrest of shakan he hid in his residence pretending to not be home no so what happened is they were doing a search War because a little Jacob said that he got assaulted this morning so we were doing a search war on that house or one of those motor homes and then he shot one of his rifles so then we came around this way and right here on the other side where you have that like garage that's open and then there's another garage he was coming out with three rifles so then he dropped them and then went back inside and then he tried how many rles are in there do you guys have there's three that are there and I know he has more how do you know he has more cuz it's Phil no the officers however heard that he was home through the phone calls they made but couldn't enter on the basis that shakan was suspected to have multiple weapons on his person during the standoff Sheriff James Luhan suddenly shows up on the scene wreaking of alcohol and demands the supervisor in charge to pull her men out and leave his men on the scene instead I'm not asking I'm telling you I will bring him in okay we don't need to make this bigger than put it in hey uh the sheriff dis in and he's he's asking us to pull back and he'll pull him in but he's been drinking and I can smell it on him we're going to need somebody huh yeah we need to pull somebody over here somebody above me because he's he's already pushing his way around with me so okay despite trying to impose his authority over the supervisor she maintains her composure and decides not to pull back as requested the sheriff is here he's trying to make us pull back and he said he'll call him out but we're not pulling back he know I he does know him but he's not coming we're not going to we're not going to pull back because he says so no it's not going to happen just let you guys know okay yeah I'm getting hold of the chief [Applause] now we're not pulling back hi I'm waiting for I told Jeremy Jeremy's calling command one now uh but do you smell it or am I the only one who smells it yeah please do something about it hey I know I know we're here in Tabitha I know I know Tabitha but Hey listen Michelle's Michelle's the supervisor in charge okay I'm running the TAC team the tack F okay I know he just text me he's like Tav is coming do me a favor okay tell him to cooperate with me tell him to trust me okay tell him to call me I know that's why we're here well and then and then he shot uh while cops were here tab with the settle down okay tell him to text me and call me okay okay thanks by I'll call command 1 now yeah do something about that you're the supervisor so it's going to be on you but we can't uh I definitely smelled it really bad so did I so what how can he he can't be here at this point everything looks extremely suspicious and there's a clear confrontation between authorities but what's more interesting is how the captain tries to turn off the supervisor's body cam to then ask how it is that Luhan got there in the first place to make matters worse Luhan then disobeyed city and state police and walked up to shaan's Residence Into The Hot Zone of the scene with his phone in hand as if on a call with someone surprisingly not long after this shakan left the resident and was finally put under arrest yeah you told me to uh 22 get off and I'm going to take over I have to keep to the front door by the way for what front door his front door his wife gave it to me little did Lan no this had been his first step into prison the following day an investigation revealed that shakon could possibly have a connection with a man named Ramon vigil who then was issued a search warrant for his phone in order to find valuable information to incriminate shakon even further immediately after police officers from the Espanola Police Department were dispatched to Ramon's house this is a copy for the search warrant of your cell phone so today you will be seizing your cell phone and this is your copy okay hold a minute get on the Flor Bob I'm on the phone Bob right now they got a search word on my Ramon starts by showing surprise on the news and immediately tries to discredit the warrant's legality he calls someone who appears to be his lawyer and gives him guidelines on how to proceed then out of the blue Sheriff James Luhan shows up on the scene unannounced and explains that Ramon was the one who called him yeah I took the the copy of the wrong one he want to make sure he's not going to be arrested no that's not going to happen a warant and he thought it was Municipal Court Judge signing so more better that that's the big thing yeah he didn't know he called me and all scared and like what's going on come to my house yeah I know and I and I told them over last I have door was open went to the front of the house nobody answered we came back the garage door was closed so we knew somebody was yeah just to use a cell phone finally Ramon's phone was confiscated unlucky for Sheriff Luhan Ramon's phone was yet another link to his corrupt actions and not long after a search warrant was also issued but this time it was for his own phone hey I'm Sheriff how are you good this James here the sheriff just need to speak at his own headquarters Espanola police officers are seen looking for Sheriff James Luhan with two search warrants to confiscate both his personal and work cell phone as it is believed he had been having communication with shakon and City councelor Ramon Vil and they want to see if he was abusing his power in the cases he was involved in hello sir have a couple so one on your personal cell phone and then one on your uh what cell phone those are your cies do you [Music] want hold on to that F today yes sir you have your phone cados is not just which case what case is this so that is in reference to uh stemming from the original charges which one the misdemeanor so that one you got a search warrant on a misdemeanor so da approved it out of think out of cor somewhere yeah CL somewhere and then uh P signed off on well he has my personal phone and my work phone okay okay so he's going to stay there until I get it cleared to my attorney first fair enough busy right now it doesn't have the case number on here for the original right that's a PD case number it doesn't have a magistrate or District case this is in District Court too and this is a magistrate warrant okay this case is already in District Court this is aist warant you understand that this case this case is in District Court right after being delivered the warrant and notified of the situation Luhan immediately gives his phone to his unders Sheriff to then call his lawyer he then tried to find flaws in the document to invalidate it but to no avail and in order to avoid any more time being wasted the district attorney herself called luhan's lawyer to make things even easier once again the whole sit situation has become extremely Shady but not hostile yet and it is here when Luhan shows concern about the number of units Espanola police dispatched you three units out there so yeah you have all your units here so I have all my units here that's what you told who do you see here the unders myself the transport Deputy Leon doing report and so what are you saying I'm going to do something well we don't know you don't no really Ernest really fortunately sure wow okay well then you stand outside of my office I'm here that's really really really B it as an interesting observation when the officer tries to explain the situation to the undersheriff he answers in a hostile way that shows disrespect and annoyance at the whole situation clearly siding with his own Sheriff so so the district attorney is calling the lawyer I'm assuming so leave it let them do what they're going to do okay but despite having a search warrant Sheriff Luhan still refuses to give his phone to authorities and what's even more weird is that despite having the warrant the officers are not taking any step forward toward Luhan giving him time to wander around with his phone to do whatever he pleases giving him ample time to delete crucial information you have a question yeah we just wanted to I have to go call my attorney from my office since he has my phone phone yours or mine [Applause] okay is that his number I don't know just says name now then after a long wait the chief of Espanola police steps into the room but he wasn't as patient as his officers trying to make contact with on [Applause] sheriff is he going to comply or no waiting for his attorney okay be Tri call busy so he has the warrants they're signed they're legal to court order I know I know you guys are just doing your job but I don't want you guys in the middle of this all we needed the phones that's it well once he gets his advice from his attorney we'll do that I got him I have know you have your phone hiss phon yes okay can I see them at least so I could give you that professional courtesy okay so I don't understand with a legal order why he's fighting if you have them that's all we want his attorney right yeah but he has the court orders so uh you know our attorney called his attorney so she told him exactly what maybe that's why he's not ask me because he's on phone CU I didn't try to callone okay so I also try to call Tomas compos you know I don't want to take it there I didn't want to go this far just want the phones that said would be out of your hair I don't know at this point it is clear that Luhan is trying to save him self from trouble and so are his deputies and to show the gravity of the matter the undersheriff even asks the chief to pull his men back feeling threatened by their presence at the scene which we can't see from this camera footage angle but are all well prepared in case anything bad happens I think it can have you guys leave I make it more a show nothing going happen well I'm not the one making the show I had only sent these guys in here you know I just again we want the phone that's fine you're probably going to get the phone but wait till well as you know under Sheriff it's not probably there's a court order you know I don't want to I I really don't I don't want to have to put anybody in C I don't but if if that's what I have to do then I will do it I don't want to do that and you're saying cool him oh cuz he's the one not complying with the court order you know if you have the phones then we don't need to be having this conversation you know and that's just me I I I don't want to do anything else I just want the phones and we're out of here that's it you know I we're trying to do I try to call you this morning and meet up but because of time sensitivity you know I was trying to give you guys the professional courtesy you know see I I'm not surprised you guys are doing this I you got to do what you got to do that's your that's on your shoulders get go ahead and let them the mark know that just keep one I want we don't work that way you guys want to come that's fine you don't have to well I don't know why they're here ad you know me better than that right I tried calling you on I tried calling and it went straight to I'm not going get involved right and that's what I'm saying I tried to be you know as lowkey as possible not long after the conversation between the undersheriff and the chief Luhan comes out of his office making matters [Music] worse I have the coffee of the search War I gave him copies where are they what's that you asked for no you to me are you going to comply yes or no that's all I want I want the phones that's it I told you you have your search warrant says to search me for personal phones he has the phones he already told me he has the phones okay that's not start Warr says does it okay so you want us to lock down the Sheriff's Office go ahead and call them back you're going to stay out here Sheriff go through the court system we are we're going to lock down this building until he gives me those SPO really yes that's what the g off where is that on paper you can call her Andrea re do you want her number if this wasn't enough already while the chief was talking to the undersheriff sheriff Luhan is seen attempting to leave in his car what's going [Applause] [Music] out you're not going to stop me from leaving if I want to leave am I under arrest if we have to am I under arrest not not not now get away from not now go back inside we're going to lock down the office please go back in the office seriously go touch back up you can go in the office but back don't don't reach back go inside cuz you're not certified so back up seeing the situation has escalated the officer from whom we see the perspective speaks to an officer who's outside the building and explains they're locking up the headquarters um he's not complying he doesn't want to give up the phones he gave the phones to the unders sheriff and said search me knowing that he gave the phones to the unders Sheriff they're not voluntarily giving them up so we're going to lock down the building after communicating to this officer that they'll be locking down the sheriff's headquarters the chief tries once again to talk reason with Luhan so are you refusing is that what you're saying refusing what you're refusing a lawful order you still the back from the judge what judge judge on what case is that on on my case you have the search one on your case yeah you have the search one sear the case is going to District Court right you continue to continue District Court Judge showing a pattern of behavior yes it's a pattern of harassment retaliation harassment is twice that's okay you have your you have your opportunity in court I'm I'm here asking so will you on a misdemeanor okay for now for now I've done nothing are you accusing me of something else then why not give me the phones I told you I'm seeking legal counsel first I have that right do I not have a right to see order you have order and it doesn't say how long I have to give it to you does it it says now does yes it's a court order you have the copies it says now yeah well when do you okay so so you get a search warrant you just do it whenever you want that's today's date on it SE so I'm serving it then finally Sheriff Luhan decides to give the chief his phones but because they only have the order to seize them they can't actually go through them until they have a new order that allows them to do so Sheriff it would just be so much easier if you just give us these phones do well no but you we I saw you give them to your unders Sheriff who has them in his pocket so just the knowledge of that give the phone this is all harassment and retaliation because I told the city council that you shouldn't be the chief that's what it is think whatever you want I don't think I know okay that's exactly what it is go ahead give it to these phones are not to be gone through until you have a warrant for the content you only have a warrant for the phones content you're absolutely right good luck you better not come through a magistrate it better go through a district court judge thank you under shiff thank you have a good day sir unluckily for Luhan the Chief came back the next day and this time with a search warrant for the headquarters for refusing to cooperate on an investigation by not providing access to his phones but this time they weren't going to go that easy on him as this time SWAT forces were called to the scene and they locked down the building with Luhan in it are you you guys doing we're trying to do everything peacefully we tried to okay that's all we're doing we're we're done here we're leaving okay well get out of here then you're done get out we'll leave when we're ready you said you're done yeah we're we're wrapping it up right now you know how it goes you know how it goes we we're doing our law enforcement duties that's it District Court signed it that's it okay okay so as soon as we're done we're going to get out of your hair why are you calling everybody here to put them in our house well right now it's ours right now it's ours we own the building right now shut up don't talk to me like that shut up I don't work for you don't talk to me Shut upy easy get that let's go are we done in there shortly after this confrontation another one occurs between the chief and undersheriff where the charges against Luhan are explained he put himself in there not me so we have a right to investigate our okay so why does he show up finally we see that sheriff Luhan was put under arrest what's interesting is how he recognizes the person recording as one of his own men sir let over here that that's messed up that's what I'm saying let's get him on the opposite side of this truck you got over [Applause] there arm this is have a search for your phone the building for what I could Sheriff Luhan then discovers that the Press is taking pictures and recording him so he asks the officers to put him inside I got the press out here taking pictures of me and handcuffs [Music] push push him around into the doorway yeah push him around into the doorway at least to the doorway this is ridiculous keep him up there hold on we have keep him out there come over keep them out there stay out here stop stop it's a Jesus really you don't have to stand just stand just stand stand up stand up put put him on this side of the truck put them on the other of trck Jesus it hurt they're loose sir they're loose no they're not loose a remark that maybe not all of you know is that the officers that are grabbing him right now are actually luhan's people making this whole situation the more sad and Despicable the same detective we saw earlier had a discussion with the undersheriff then shows up and informs Luhan of everything that's going on and one is for your eye okay so I'm going to read the stipulation can you take these handcuffs off they hurt they hurt am I under arrest you're being detained well yeah why do I have to have cuffs on they hurt take them off just won't take them you have a search torn from my iPhone you got my iPhone you bought a search one for the building you searching the building I don't know what you're searching for though let just tell you okay let me explain this let me explain make sure his good you good here Sheriff Luhan is supposedly not arrested at this point he's just detained but the decisions he takes in the following minutes are what finally put him in the back seat of a police car he need the authorization to seize your Fone okay search your phone okay but it also gives me the authorization so what what I'm asking for you to do is unlock your phone unlock it give it back to me and I'm going to remove the security setting I don't want your passcode I'm not asking for your passcode I'm asking you to unlock the phone forther search on it you can read it if you want under number two I will if I get a chance to talk to my attorney doesn't work like that not a negotiation this is not a this is not a negotiation [Applause] Sheriff not a negotiation I'm I'm telling you the warrant says it right there you can talk to your attorney is done been asking when this is all done you can call your attorney but right now we're we're we're getting trying to get you to comply with the warrant the warrant stipulates exactly what we want you give us that we'll get the phone we're out of here that's it what do you want to do sh right now I am under arrest because I am under arrest I am in handcuffs I'm not free to leave I'm not free to leave am I free to leave no no then if I'm under arrest I have a right to an attorney correct you do okay and I'm not questioning you I'm invoking my right to an attorney right now you understand that so take him book me for what for obstruction obstruction who's I'm not obstructing over here to take over here over here shff over here sh they're going to book me really look at this [ __ ] look st stop stop stop just walk stop what are you doing look what is this really right here Rio AR I County Sheriff James Luhan was finally arrested and on December 29th 2020 he was sentenced to 3 years in prison for aiding a felon and intimidating a witness what else do you got on you got pocket huh I'm done what's going on though tell me what's going on bud I'm [Music] done you going to go with refusing it you don't want to do that I'm done one of the most common jobs a police officer has is to make sure that drunk people don't commit crimes but what happens when the cops are the ones that are drunk shockingly I found three cases of drunk cops who got caught starting with officer Justin Augustine who on 27 October 2018 was found in a drunken state after having crashed his patrol car Lieutenant Byron then is seen taking Augustine aside to strip him of his gear and to talk to him are you all right Augie yeah you see me you your focus seems divided on me what's going on you just nervous okay Byron is concerned about his officer who seems to be a really close friend of his as he talks to him in a kind tone and tries to understand what had happened safe to say this is not an easy position to be in are you under the influence of anything no good I hope not I I do where's your vest at I don't have it you don't have it on you okay all right what else do you got on you got done pocket KN huh I'm done what's going on though tell me what's going on bud I'm done you going to go with take the you're refusing that you don't want to do that I'm done okay so what does that mean all right are you under the influence of something you what's wrong with you right now I don't understand that I'm done okay are you going with me no Byron explains to Augustine that he's just trying to do his job and asks him to take the drug and alcohol test while while Augustine refuses and repeatedly says I'm done which is not what one would want to hear from a drunk person especially a big guy like him and multiple assault rifles available at hand what are you going to do go home can you call somebody come get you I don't need to well I I'm not going to let you drive yeah huh yeah yeah what what I'm not going to let you drive can you call your wife seriously Augie can you call your wife I can drive by it okay all right let's go out here all right don't don't play this game with me bud I'm trying to be your I'm trying to help you out here you do well I can't do stuff I'm just doing what I got to do all get my job if you want to leave go ahead and leave all right let's go let's go come on cloggy don't do this man it ain't worth it it ain't worth it all right I'm just doing my job I'm just asking you to relax okay done okay and I understand that I understand what you're saying all right I just don't want you to do it like this all right I'm not trying to be a prick I'm not trying to be difficult you got understand it's it's my job dude all right so don't treat me like that if you want to be done I understand that so if you want to leave that's up to you do you have your keys here Byron tries to help Augustine saying he can still save his job if he complied and did a drug test but he keeps on refusing Austine however suddenly breaks down and starts crying as if realizing the gravity of his situation so Augie are you okay to drive brother yeah seriously I'm worried about you yeah all right we'll get going then do what you got to do all right need to no I huh what' you say who is you just wrecked a cruiser it's not the end of the world that I know it's not the end of the world we can do this a if you just go down and take the test like we're asking you if you do that that then we can at least get that cleared to where you can come back to work seriously Augie I'm trying to help you bud [ __ ] up huh what' you I don't know what' you say up what do you mean you're fued up alcohol pills what are you talking about huh okay all right all right Augie I I get that but so I can't let you drive home all right yeah I can no you can't yeah I can you said you're fued up how you going to drive home I'm not up like up I'm fued up what I I'm help me understand Justin what the you talking about just in the CU huh we don't need to do this Augie come on we don't why are you doing this like why are you doing me like that huh what have I done to you for you to do that do me like that man seriously I am honest to God being serious with you what have I I done to you for you to treat me like that what the huh what the I don't know I didn't wreck the cruise in there and then have to ask you to come take the test [ __ ] okay and again I understand that Augie that you're upset I get that you're having a tough time right now with everything that's going on bud but it doesn't have to go out like this okay it's just an accident huh the word I do what do you mean what do you do what do you do if it's just an accident what do it do you hit you hit a semi-trailer so again as part of our policy we have to go down with that and go take the test if everything comes back okay then that's great it helps you it benefits you I've been drunk huh I'm drunk you're drunk right now no I've been drunk been drunk when today yeah okay so you don't think you are now no okay well I can't let you drive the car home and unless do what am I going to do is this the way you're going to do this you're about to get yourself arrested Bud you're I mean what for what do you what do you mean what am I going to do I can't let you drive so you try to get in that car I got to stop you and then you're going to start fighting with me what is that going to do huh seriously Augie I'm why are you doing this to me I didn't do anything to you okay I didn't do anything to you well let's go back in here so we can figure this out Augie here we can see how Augustine is aware that his career is compromised most likely finished but despite that Lieutenant Byron appreciates him and doesn't want him to cause himself any more problems then to make matters easier for everyone Augustine finally confesses to having drunk how much did you drink today a a lot you know he's going to want to do a test right no I'm talking about your driving just like we would anybody else you know what I mean not an employment test he's going to say hey this guy's driving a car we need to test him and I mean you got the right to refuse it but we got to go through the process on that ay now again I want you to understand that I'm just I know I know you probably are you're right I'm not going to I'm not going to sugarcoat it or lie to die huh Augie Augie come on bud come on just calm down bud I understand you're upset you got to calm down remember Augie you tell you huh I'm talking to you as a friend here too and you all right all right not long after Byron is seen calling his supervisor named Jason to ask for further advice on how to proceed Jason this is Byron hey uh is there any chance you can come in so we can talk okay well I don't know how much time we got as far as cooperation he's not cooperating real well he's right here in front of me I'm not hiding or talking I'm talking in front of him um he's acknowledged that he was drinking today um and whatnot so um that's where we're at now how do you want us to proceed with that [Music] yes he's refusing he's refusing to be tested so are you going are you going to go down for the test Augie he's refusing that okay thank you for being honest with me Al having come to an agreement officer Augustine is then taken inside and has read the consequences for his refusal to take the test and it's notified that he's under arrest for operating a vehicle Under the Influence or OVI as Augustine has read his arrest report he breaks down and is unable to hold himself up almost falling off the table the other officers at the station come to his Aid and try to help Augustine stay up until he's finally back home officer Augustine finally resigned but was sentenced to a year of Probation and 180 days of suspended jail time and a $300 fine which were dismissed after he completed an educational program but officer Augustine is not the only cop who had been drinking when they shouldn't have as it is the case of Captain Amanda Caden of Cincinnati Police Department who was pulled over due to crossing a yellow line multiple times and swerving hello you got Insurance on you real quick yes all right reason I stopped initially why I stopped was you made the turn at the five way um you there's a solid there's a dotted yellow line there and you totally like okay it was in the middle of your car I am a since night police officer too if that makes a difference I don't know where you coming from uh we were downtown 11 as soon as the conversation starts Kon says she's an officer too and mentions if it makes any difference hoping to get out of the situation using her tag little did she know of the big mistake she just made the officer then confronts her saying she reeks of alcohol and Her speech is slurred okay and your your speech is slurred and you had your gun on you I'm putting that in the trunk but your speech is slurred and everything I don't know what you want me to do I can't just I I see your badge but I'm telling you your speech is slurred you smell you wkak of alcohol what what you know you put me in a bad spot you want me to drive home offic no this no that's not how it's going to work you got your gun on you too I do all right we're about four blocks from our house kon's husband Patrick who is also in the car and drunk asks if he can drive instead but the officer informs them that they will not be leaving unpunished the couple then get into an argument with the police officer which given the circumstances could easily turn into a fatal scenario you don't understand the circumstances right now okay I don't you don't I mean everything's recorded I can't I can't just do nothing now you guys both wreak of alcohol you were sleep passed out sleeping when I pulled you over I was not okay that's fine okay that's fine but you she's slurred and everything I can't just no she's not you do officer you do what you got to do that's why yeah that's why J because I was fine okay okay let's do this step on out with me and talk to me we crossed we crossed a yellow line while we're driving you do what you got to do I and I I have to you understand that I have to it's not that I want to yeah you do okay hold on to your ID how long you been a cop P Pat stop it stop sir you've got your gun on you and you're intoxicated too don't don't I am not Pat she just said you were that's why she drove home she said that's why she drove home I said I she drove home because she's not intoxicated you do what you got to do well here's now now here's the problem two is that you've got your gun on you where's that at it's on my hip it's on your hip okay all right Miss Manda step out with me real quick okay just talk to me real quick and we'll go from there the officer asks keton to step out of the car so he can perform tests on her explaining that he's just doing his job kitton says she would not do the walking test as she's wearing heels which isn't really a clever excuse but more shockingly is how they keep mentioning the cameras and how everything's being recorded you know you know the circumstances okay um I've got another officer coming to back me up because you both are armed and all that stuff and he's agitated um I'm just going to check check your eyes and make sure you're okay and we'll go from there okay now do you have any head injuries or anything uh no are you epileptic or diabetic at all you wearing contacts for color or anything no but I'm not going to take any kind of even going to let me do hgn on it okay all right well and why is that well I mean you can do the H whatever but I'm not I've got high heels on I'm not going to do any all right and and that that's fine that's I'm going to wait till my bud gets here and then we'll talk about it um regardless I'm not charging you for the gun what regardless I'm not going to charge you for the gun okay I'm not going to do that to you stay right here the officer having talked enough proceeds to test kon's sight all right this time now I'm going to start the test I just made sure your eyes were Tre uh tracking equally all right then the officer is seen acting helpless as Kon clearly didn't pass the test refuses to do any other test and consequently he would have to charge her despite all of this it's worth noting that the husband is in the car drunk and armed you got gym shoes in the car or anything no right you know you've had too much to drink you know you drink too much to dry we live just down the street I understand where you live but you know I but I haven't had too much to drink you can follow us home if you want I mean well you're at Cindy the officer has no choice but to arrest Kon for drinking and driving his disappointment is visible as police officers are supposed to be maintaining Law and Order and shouldn't be committing crimes and getting charged for them get you home tonight okay we'll get you home regardless tonight okay but I am going to have to arest you for drinking and driving tonight okay um so let's do this put your glasses on or in your pocket I'm going to be nice and handcuff you in front I have to handcuff you it's our policy for transport you have any other weapons on you or anything okay so let's do that now we'll talk to your husband he's going to be mad as a badger but end up okay what district are you with again you're in I I'm in just mve to inspections okay well hopefully hopefully we can get through this just easily it's counting and we'll do our best okay you a county or 11 I'm loving but I'm saying it's going to County Court Claremont County court so now do you you say you have no weapons on you or anything else like that okay I'm going to advise you of your rights just as I would anybody else okay you have the right to remain silent you understand that anything you say from them will be used against you in court have the right to talk to your attorney and have one present with you during any questioning you're able to pay lawyer one will be appointed for you prior to any question if you so desire okay let's have a seat in the back of my car and I'll talk to your husband we'll park the car we don't have to tow it I don't want you fall down and slippery after arresting her the officer confronts the husband saying they would be arresting his wife after she denies performing the breathalyzer test however the situation soon turned chaotic are you kidding me no don't keep your hands where I can see them for you cuz you said you have your gun on you hey not get off I'm dude I'm I'm doing the best under the circumstances okay you're you're starting this whole traffic stop because we crossed a double yellow line while making a left hand turn oh couple couple times but that's the one that Drew my attention to her and that's what I was telling her okay we can argue about this that's is what Court's for if it goes that far are you if she tests if she tests under I'll just bring her home no she's not going to do a test okay well that's up to her she's not going to do a test okay well I'm not charging her for the gun I'm not doing anything that what the hell 1611 what are you talking about what are you talking about no I said I'm not going to what why would you because she's intoxicated carrying a firearm she's not okay well then she can do the test and prove that no she shouldn't okay well then she why are you pushing this issue because I have to I'm not losing my job because I'm letting someone go away J you don't know how this works here yes that's how it works yeah I do know how if I were to let her go and why didn't you arrest one that you thought was four blocks four blocks from our house I've arrested people in their garages before it's not the point all right so what's your plan what you mean what is my plan well I can park the car here and we can give you a ride home and then we'll drive her home when we're done I don't want to ride from you [Music] guys do what you [Music] got Patrick ended up walking to his house and Kon was charged with OVI refusal and Centerline violation and arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol but it's not always drunken cops who put up a fight as for this one the proof was so solid that he couldn't do anything against it on 15th of October 2022 Florida police officers found Deputy John Guzman allegedly drunk and asleep in the driver's seat of his vehicle with the door left open sir are you okay hello hello sir we might have a s one over here sir is your foot on The Brak there Hey sir 11 excuse me sir are you okay just need to turn the vehicle off okay let's turn the vehicle off sir huh yeah I'm trying to turn the freaking car off here can you just hold him back so I can all right do me a favor Step Up hi yeah put the vehicle in Park St by the vehicle vehicle he was like oh careful all have a seat over there step over here sir I'm going take a seat when asked if Guzman had anything to drink he denied and said he was just trying to get home have a seat what's going on sir are you okay I'm not okay you're not okay no when I saw you you were outside of the vehicle vehicle in the car yeah car still and drive right what's going on tonight you had loads to drink huh have you had something to drink tonight no I'm just waiting I'm just trying to get home he's trying to go home okay when asked for his driver's license Guzman couldn't remember where he had kept it and couldn't follow instructions when told to keep his hands out of his pockets where's your where's your driver's license at sir car where the car in the car it's in the car I can't I don't know where it's fine just keep your hands out of your pockets for me okay where are you coming from was at a friend house you at a friend's house doing what huh what were you doing I was hanging out with a friend you hanging out with your friend okay you realized when I saw you you were passed out head out of the window throw up next to you on the ground pass out you passed out while driving yeah want it get your hands out of your pockets please thank you Guzman was patted down read his Miranda rights and then arrested he complies with the officers as he knows he's been caught and has no other way to escape Gusman was temporarily removed from his law enforcement duties and is currently pending an investigation I'm nervous as possibly losing job yeah I would say those look like this is 32-year-old Jonathan Schuler a SWAT officer who on the 7th of September 2018 had been driving his personal vehicle and hit a concrete curved barrier wall he then merged onto the freeway took the first exit and pulled into a parking lot not long after Chandler PD Officers arrived on the scene to investigate really tired from this week finally got into that lab McDonald's and he [ __ ] on the corner did you have a collision with another vehicle at all no I was detend honest to God truth eating my McDonald's and my fries okay not paying attention ha [ __ ] on the curve tried to get off the roadway here I am okay where did you say your license was yeah who do you work for city of amaca okay I do have one off duty weapon right here so you know okay and then I have one in my truck as well sir okay as the conversation starts officer Schuler says he had a long day at work and because of this was having dinner while driving so what happened to your car well driving down the highway trying to eat my Big Mac and my double cheeseburgers trying to punch you in the address and radio [ __ ] up what'd you hit C like on the freeway or yeah on uh got to be the 202 or something was it was the tire sparking or something I don't know that's what we were told that's what I'm asking oh okay no I don't know I hit it and then I was just looking for an exit found this one and bust it over here Schuler exhibits nonchalant behavior when asked about the accident as if he doesn't seem to care he then explains that he thought it was a curb he had hit and not a car where was the curb at that you hit you think wa a mile back I think yeah so we we got called that they thought your tire was sparking um it very well could be I drilled that thing that's why I was trying to get over yeah how long you been with Maricopa about 3 years years 2 and a half so we got called because somebody said you hit a car on the freeway oh [ __ ] I thought I hit a thought I hit a curb did you where were you at when you hit the curb uh it was on the 202 and then I just exited real quick trying to find where where are you headed right now Chandler yeah Chandler okay an officer then notices him sweating and shaking in an odd manner as is usually typical for these cases of DUIs he repeatedly ask Schuler whether or not he had something to drink which could have been the reason he lost control of the car would you mind siep out of the car for me please are you still looking for the insurance yeah yeah let's see if you can pull that up real quick you all right you're shaking Bud yeah sure hate accidents I've been in one accident before I I got you what time did the uh the wet lab get over about mine was done about an hour hour and a half ago okay and then I was waiting on officer Torres who's officer Torres he's a motor officer for America okay so you you hung around waiting yeah we just hung out wait waited for him I dropped him off grabbed some McDonald's talk to my wife all that jazz trying to get home missed my turn Okay McDonald's and yeah I see okay so when you were hanging out at the wet lab did you have anything to drink no unfortunately I was one those what's that unfortunately I was one of the SCS okay so and and being an officer you know that when you hit something right you're supposed to pull over stop how long you been with Mar again about 2 years 2 years were you a police offer anywhere else before that okay I was trying to find over the next safest place cuz I don't want to pull over a highway no I got you and then that's why you stopped here yeah I didn't even see you guys pull up until starting to get out okay so you pulled in and stopped and then that's when so I turned around I saw the officer directly behind me okay all right Bud um there nothing to drink tonight no prescription medications okay Schuler then asked the officer if he had hit another car a sign that he is not really aware of his surroundings did I hit another car that's what they said it was on the freeway I don't know DPS transferred it to us when you got off the freeway so okay you didn't notice another car I honestly didn't I was trying to dig through my McDonald's to eat all right I'll give you a phone back you mind steping out for me please the officer tries giving sheller multiple chances to come clean but he then notices Schuler's eyes are bloodshot and he's exhibiting shaky behavior all right nothing to drink nothing to drink man your eyes are a little bloodshot watery you're kind of shaking and I'm shaking because I know how this goes down how what goes down well you're going to investigate me for a DUI most likely well I just want to make sure it's be driving you know what I mean witness said that you hit a car you don't recognize hitting a car you've been doing this long enough you understand you were in my shoes how that would be yeah no I completely understand that okay having set the terms of what going on the officer performs a series of tests on Schuler to clear him as a drunk driver he first examined Schuler's eyes closely and the result came out as a possible DUI the second test he performed was making Schuler walk in a straight line but unfortunately it doesn't go that well for him all right told you do is put your left foot on the line right foot in front of the touching heel to toe and remain in that position until I tell you to begin can you touch he to toe you need a minute I'm nervous as hell not going to lie that's fine take a minute catch your breath possibility losing a job here why would you lose your job well when I'm acting like this even though what do you me I got triple zeros what do you mean acting like this scared as I get scared and you you understand how this works it's the totality of everything if you legitimately haven't had anything to drink that's fine but I want to make sure that we do our job and we don't get accused of trying to sweep something under the rug for fellow food T especially when there's possibly another vehicle that's involved on the freeway I understand sense today's I understand today's society I got you all right any reason why you wouldn't be able to do this nope all right go ahead and begin 1 2 3 4 5 Schuler fails the walking test as well and because he's a law enforcement officer himself he knows what's coming for him all right you all right take take a minute you're psyching yourself out bud I know just you know how it is I I understand but you also know that if rolls were reversed no if there's no impairment then there's no impairment right but the totality of it with another car we just okay all right Bud finally in the final test which consists of raising one of your legs while counting he also fails all right go ahead and relax when asked if he had taken any medication or drugs Schuler answered he hadn't but had taken a prescription medicine prescribed to him after his elbow surgery have you have you taken any prescription medications or anything uh I took no prescription uh hydrodon you took Hydro Cod on yeah for uh my elbow surgery when was that 4 hours ago 4 hours ago yeah so it should be pretty well out of my system I would think how how much you prescribed Oh I thought you said you took 10 pills I'm like God man call an ambo yeah holy crap okay um so you took what's the milligram five you took you took five it's the the prescription is five whatever 3:25 like the time release stuff I just had elbow surgery okay Schuler says he's nervous about the prescription medication he had taken this raises suspicion as he would have nothing to worry about if he had consumed a prescribed drug his distress only increases as he's told the other car he had hit hadn't been found yet so let me let me ask you this are you nervous more so because of the prescription medications you took no CU I've taking them before it was just a I honestly got lost did they find the other carway I'm not sure Gall sure you want to have the DPS guy talk to him for then out of nowhere when the situation seemed all normal so far Schuler seemed to show some signs of a withdrawal from the pills he's taken having shown multiple signs of impairment the lieutenant then questions Schuler further on the matter and then checks his blood pressure so you don't know if he hit something I hit something definitely but you don't know if it was a car I I thought it was the I don't it's a median but the on the outside Lanes I think I beered into that and then came back over you been drinking anything tonight at this point of the investigation Schuler's Behavior shows extreme anxiousness nervousness and he's sweating profusely all signs that combined with his testimony could mean that it's not alcohol that we're dealing with here what have you taken today um prescription ibuprofen prescription uh hydrocodone apren or whatever it is hydrone MHM anything else how long ago did you take to hydro code on uh probably an hour before I went to HDM the lieutenant then proceeds to run some checks on him by now the officers suspect he had taken his medication either way too early or had taken a rather large dose to be driving unfortunately for Schuler this means he is arrested on DUI charges all right Jonathan here's here's what we're looking at all right the trip Zer is was was kind of what we expected I think with with everything else that you may have either taken more than you were prescribed of the oxy or you took it too soon to be driving safely in a vehicle all right so at this point you are under arrest for DUI all right I need you to put your hands behind your back for me please my is it is that going to cause you any discomfort no you're do okay as one officer reads Schuler his Miranda writes other officers inspect his car and make a shocking Discovery Xanax and Aderall filled in boxes labeled as an asraa a drug prescribed to Scher but no pill of anestol was found in any of the boxes hang tight for me for a couple minutes and uh we'll get we'll get going you want the stuff in the center console he's got pills and stuff in there these are Z Parts yeah that's the same same thing but there's two different pills yeah he's he's putting pills in here cuz that's that's a hell of a lot of Z not long after Schuler is taken in for interrogation at the police station here we can see that he's still anxious and shaking in his chair while sweating as he's being prepped to have his blood drawn to test for alcohol Schuler admits to having taken a sleeping pill but he did so before getting in his car to drive home Bo bud you said you took a oxy Coto hydro hydro I'm sorry Hydro 4 hours ago well you told me that at the stop yeah were you at FAL County in Florence when you took it right afterwards so afterwards yeah where is that prescription P home tracking tracking what I'm I'm curious so did you took it while you were there after the wet lab yes what did you retrieve that fil from my pocket so you just had a loose oxycotton in your Pock or oxycodone hydrocodone I'm sorry I'm not a z I need to I need to get better that so you just had a loose one in your pocket yes did you take anything else no well you told us you took ambian when you the hamburger amb you're yeah where get the ambient from you got it prescribed hold the pill from oh my pocket so you just have loose pills in your pocket yes why would you take a sleeping pill prior to driving a vehicle to tell you the truth because I haven't slept for I haven't slept very well you're not going trust me you're not going to offend us if you C you're fine okay I haven't slept for since I had the surgery on my arm 3 weeks ago I'm averaging two to three 2: to 3: at night and I wanted to take it get home and crash and not me up until 2: to 3: in the morning so I thought I would take it should say I thought I would I took it grabbed some food and driving home so you were just trying to curve the time that it would take effect yes you didn't think that was a bad idea getting behind a wheel after taking that Stu I honestly my body weight Stu now what does the ambient look like have any marking on it I'm sure it does you don't know what they are is it round is it oval is it Square oval oval and it's pink yeah so before you left the house to go to the wet lab you took an oxy pill and an ambient pill and Loosely put it in your pocket yes okay are you prescribed anything else uh prescription uh ipren some other things I don't know off the top of my head I have lots of old prescriptions what are those off top of my head I really don't remember having said all the prescription pills he has Schuler is then confronted with the Xanax pills found in his car PL of stir with an a you just about started to say you know what listen you're a police officer right you get it and and you can relate to this 90% of the time when we ask a question know the answer you started to say what that other prescription was it started with an AEG you have no idea you've never been prescribed anything else no not for breast cancer no isn't that what that pill was for yeah your wife had breast cancer this is a male breast cancer pill no according to drugs anal what is that oh for testosterone that's a testosterone yeah okay okay so that's that's fine the problem is in your car we found the two anzle bottles but those are Xanax why help me understand why you have Xanax in a testosterone the level why wouldn't you keep the Xanax in the prescription blott and are you prescribed to anx yes for what for sleeve for anything from back old U Afghanistan okay is it prescribed to the VA no Schuler then says he was prescribed Xanax by an army doctor years ago back when he was in Afghanistan but he's questioned about the Aderall pills they found is that the pink ambian pill you took broken in half is that what it was though yeah okay this is ader all I think you knew that though cuz when he said a prescription that started with a it looked like you were starting the mouth of the word ader rol and then you stopped yourself I was not okay and that's fine I could be wrong I've been wrong before and that's fine are you prescribed ader Ral no so where did you get the adderal cuz there's quite a few pills in there right and it's in a pill bottle that's prescribed to you but it's the prescription for that testosterone that you were talking about I have had those forever since the army they had a r you prescrib this in the army yes how long have you been out of the arm 2015 2014 the officers being fed up with his story decide to finally confront him making him tell the truth Walter reads in DC please listen you you're backpedaling now all right this this is a lot of Xanax for a legitimate prescription they have ways of tracing your prescriptions that have been issued to you so if we get a hold of our narcotics guys and ask them to pull your prescriptions are they going to find a prescription for Xanax be honest with me because this is all going to come up you know your agency already knows about generally what's going on they're going to get a copy of my report they're going to see that okay this in it of itself without talking to you is prescription of a narcotic because you have taken a prescription and put it in a pill bottle that's not what it's prescribed for which is deceptive at best all right so I don't want you to or jammed up for lying about it on top of it catch out of the bag we have this stuff right have you been prescribed this Le no okay where did you get this an from something off the internet so you bought it off the internet yeah okay and then you put it in the prescription bottle hoping that you could do with just pass if you ever got stopped or somebody went through your car I th in the car yeah yeah that's fine and the same with the ader all yeah okay were you issued ambient or were you prescribed ambient if this wasn't enough already Schuler's answers unfortunately aren't consistent as he doesn't know what drug he had taken did you take any today no you just went through hgn school right mhm what causes hgn what kinds of things will cause hgn uh CNS depressant okay Xanax is a CNS depress and so is ambient okay did you see hgn neither did he so you haven't taken any ambient today you the one that the adderal is what you said you took you said you took half of one of those pills yeah okay but it wasn't ambient it was the atero yeah I just want to make sure we're on the same page yeah okay the officers explained to Schuler that his symptoms did not match with the drug he had taken he claimed to have taken ambient which would have him drooling and sleepy but Schuler is exhibiting signs of having taken an Aderall a drug that amp him up the uh ambient Ambient tell just I'm not just from looking at your your body behavior from when we were first on scene to now you had trouble standing still before but you are going 100 mes hour compared to and me personally I'm not a Deary and they can back me on this I think you took an Aderall I think you took the whole because you are twice as f now almost 2 hours after I first had contact with you than before okay I can to be that's what we're looking for we're looking for honesty I get it I am a nervous fidgety guy with a million things running through my mind right now at first I was trying to say clearly that's not the policy and I know that's not the right policy I can tell you I did not take an adderal tonight Schuler was finally arrested for DUI of drugs and possession of a dangerous drug officer suer resigned from his position on 2nd March 2019 following yet another arrest for drunk driving shortly after which had led him to hit a tree after swerving in a residential area here are three cases where corrupt cops realize they're done for chief of Hazelwood he is Hammer drunk right now starting with Hazelwood police chief Greg Hall who on May 28th 2022 had been pulled over after weaving by an Ofallon officer and as many of you would imagine it didn't take long for him to identify himself as a fellow officer the reason why I pulled you over um you've been weaving quite a bit well I know cuz I was eating my H okay eating while driving okay um well how long has it been since your last drink couple hours couple hours okay um I'm a police officer where you work at Hazelwood Hazelwood okay somehow Hall must have thought that mentioning his position would make the officer let him go however the officer noticed his slow movements and asked that he perform a test involving the alphabet uh starting on the letter d and ending on the letter N without singing so D to n without singing [Music] d e f b g h i j k n Qs to what way stop and um all right seeing that he was having problems with the test Paul then performed a breathalyzer test all right deep breath in and then just blow hard until I tell you to stop all right um hang tight right here uh I'll get back with you okay we can't see it but most likely the result is not good news for Hall officer Nathan then seemed troubled most likely because he was dealing with a police chief and so he decided to call his supervisor who surprisingly asked whether or not the stop had been caught on video so Chief Hazelwood he is Hammer drunk right now yeah he he's he's over two yeah he is hammered he was dodging sniper fire out there weaving all over the place is it all on uh is it all on the uh dash cam yeah the driving and all the contract so far yes officer Nathan explains the situation and tells his supervisor that Hall's blood alcohol content is more than two and a half times the legal limit officer Nathan then conducted a series of field sobriety tests which didn't make much sense considering that they already knew he was drunk I just need you to remember hang on one second for me sir um just not able to do this you know what just thought John I know what to do seeing who they are dealing with even the oallen chief of police is called to the scene right Nathan if I take in home or you going to have any issu not at all not at all I'm sorry to get you out here I just no no make sure that's okay cuz you you do what you got to do if you don't mind I will take in home I've no I have known for a lot of years yeah no animal and and again start to wake you up Chief nope no NOP that's okay he and I are going to have a long talk on the way home shockingly Hall was then driven home with no charges against him not only did he evade a likely DUI charge but City officials say he will enjoy all the benefits of retirement but unlike Hall who was caught drunk driving another case involves a police officer who abused his power during a stop in Texas City and here we are talking you're threatening to take me to jail and so I shouldn't be getting upset this is Christopher scha who on April 19th 2023 was stopped and questioned for what the officer called disregarding a traffic control device but as you will see this case isn't all about Sha but rather about the officer with the body camera as Sha pulled up to one of the pumps officer Harold a 4-year veteran of the Texas City Police Department approached him leading to a series of back and4th arguments is there a particular reason why you bu you need to come through the parament like that I didn't think I did anything wrong I just came over to get gas you were speeding and you cut through parking spaces you know you can't do that going be confirmed on Rob was anything man I mean you to get y oh are we going to go back and forth or you just going to you asked me a question you want me to answer it or not I'm not okay if anything I thought I was going even slower than normal no sir normally people don't even park where you park and that's the direct path to the gas BPS through the parking spaces is the direct I I do realize that I I know that there's parking spaces there you almost hit that car that was turning right there I was watching man as soon as you cut in front of me like that I was like looking and I watched it happen so I come here every day there's almost never ever ever anybody you were sitting there this morning now uh last week for about 3 days someone was parking there but if I come here 365 days a year which I do there's someone sitting there maybe 10 times so there's never ever a car there so yeah I go through there cuz it's the straight path from the entry way to here which is what you're going to see everybody else do it but I mean you know I I hear you man I I got it to you it looked like I was going fast to me I thought I was going even slower than normal cuz I didn't want to get too close to you officer Harold questioned sha about speeding through the parking lot when he was coming in but that was not the case as scha tries to explain officer Herold however didn't agree with him and then threatened to take sh to jail you know you did wrong you know you're not supposed to cut through the and instead of being like oh yeah I messed up sorry it won't happen again you want to sit here and go back and forth with me right there's a lot better things than this to be doing for you you're right I was working on a report you can be over here and I mean there's people right now running on you want to go to jail so you want to go to jail you could go to jail for this you can do what you want to do I can't stop I don't want to take you to jail no that's that is definitely a waste of my time I'll look that law off on private property I don't believe youd have to do anything here on this on this parking lot like that I could also take you to jail for class B reckless driving or class I'm sorry class a reckless driving because you did almost hit that car I didn't almost hit anybody I was nowhere near there there's cameras everywhere you can do what you want to do Harold I can't stop you if you want to be this way then that's up to you I'm trying to be reasonable person you having a bad day sir is there a reason why you're acting I'm having a bad day because IED you're doing this to me have I raised my voice to you at all sir you're the only one who's getting upset I'm upset because I think this is ridiculous I think this whole thing is ridiculous I think it's ridiculous for someone who goes to buy gas every day it is safe to say that sha would know what and what not to do to avoid any trouble to no one's surprise their argument escalated and officer Harold went ahead to put sha in handcuffs what do you specifically do you think is your that we're even talking about nothing happened and here we are talking and you're threatening to take me to jail so I shouldn't getting upset I don't call it a threat sir no it's a threat it's a that is a threat you're threatening being under col of law now to take something on private property which I don't believe you even have the authority to do diary term sir it comes from black laws it's a Class A misdemeanor for you to threaten or arrest me over something that you know it's not really true but that's okay what's the penal code on that sir trust me that's okay trust you okay I I we're we're good trust you we're good I don't feel like we are I feel like this is uh this is this is a problem a problem I feel like you're going to continue to to commit these behaviors that are unsafe and put people at risk you don't feel like you did anything wrong something that's possible they may do in the future so now now we're playing John Club vanam future cop and you're going you need to stop me from something I may do in the future that's now your position you're feeling like you should take action cuz maybe sometime in the future I might possibly continue to do something come on what is the law designed to do sir oh I know you want design to stop people from doing I know you want voluntary compliance go put your hands on back wow for those of you who don't know in Texas traffic laws do not permit police to issue traffic tickets to people who fail to obey traffic signals while on private property so what officer Herold did was totally wrong but even after being arrested sh refused to be accused of what he did not do I'm just a little upset because I I really honestly sir I watched it happen I was working on a report definitely have better things to I didn't think that I did anything H I didn't think I did anything and it was very people don't think that but I explained it to you and then you wanted to argue with me cuz I didn't think I did anything I still I know I look young this is not my first day on the job sir I promise nothing to do with any of that I didn't think I did anything you almost that white truck I agree with you that that that's what you think then that there's nothing I can do to change your point going to be on the cameras I'm going to get copies of it I didn't think I did anything it was frustrating for me to try to explain to you that I didn't think that I did anything and you're not hearing me I hear you sir I disagree with you it is evident that officer Harold isn't going to listen to reason either later on another officer arrived at the scene and to prove that Harold was in the wrong SCH was later released I'm going to do this a different way so the other officer has a ticket book he's going let me use you're going to receive be receiving a citation okay and uh cuz I think going to jail is a bit excessive but well I agree with you but I didn't have another option I don't have another ticket book and I don't have a ticket writer with me so we're going to do it that way okay step out for me a month later an internal investigation was launched and the Texas City police chief pinned a letter to the community announcing Harold's termination a surveillance camera showed that sha was not speeding as Harold had said and his citation was later dismissed but if you thought corrupt cops trying to get away with crimes is just this that's because you don't know the case of James Matt turn off I cannot sir please I know you're aware of a body cam policy you know I cannot turn off this body this is Captain James Matt French of the OK cpd's homicide investigation team who on March 12th 2023 was pulled over on suspicion of drunk driving by Sergeant Chris Skinner St in your vehicle back in your car I'm drunk no I'm the captain huh the captain a what captain of what the big don't reach in your pocket get back in your car after pulling into the driveway of a home French told Skinner he was an Oklahoma City Police Captain before shockingly pointing to his chest and telling Skinner to turn his body camera off you've been drinking T night I just got a ride you've been drinking tonight sir I'm a captain on a police department what Police Department Oklahoma City camera what division investigations what are you doing pulling in here my mom and I stay here you been drinking looking at French it is evident that he's extremely drunk what's more interesting however is to see how he blatantly asks for the body cam to be turned off but despite his repeated demands Skinner never wavered and refused to turn off his camera [Music] camera please huh turn the camera off I'm not turning my camera off okay go ahead and step out of the vehicle you got to be kidding me yeah we're not going to get a return on it how much we drink tonight sir I was at a poker game uh-huh Cuz you were swerving all over when you turn off you didn't use your signal I'm sorry how much did you drink at your poker game not much not much how much is not much I don't know beer liquor how many beers three or four after confessing to drinking up to three or four beers a few hours earlier French was then made to undergo some field tests to confirm he was drunk safe to say he didn't do that well I want you fall tip my P without moving your head okay don't move your head sir just keep going there off I cannot sir please I know you're aware of a body cam policy you know I cannot turn off this body cam I but I'd like to talk to you I can't do that sir please please I like talk to you are you going to do the test or not will you please talk to me I'll talk to you once we're done you can turn it off you can turn it on I can turn it off once I'm done with my investigations okay I'm asking you I'm a captain on police depart I understand that sir and I am a sergeant on this police officer and not taking an oath to uphold the wall I don't show favoritism to anyone regardless I don't care if you're a gang banger or the president of the United States sir I'm not asking for that if I was to treat you differently than I was to treat like some Southside Loco or some pedo how's that look on me okay I'm not asking for that cuz I wouldn't do that for any of them Sergeant skner please as he struggles to maintain his balance the captain again asks for Skinner to please turn off the body camera the sad part is French wouldn't have said turn the camera off unless it was very common for police officers to let other police officers get away with things like this however Officer Skinner wasn't going to let the captain off the hook and made him perform one more test all right anytime you're ready you may begin 1 2 3 [Applause] 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Captain French was subsequently arrested and later booked on charges of driving under the influence of alcohol and failure to Signal the intention to turn the captain was also placed on paid administrative leave while an internal investigation was conducted which we all know what it really means that that that doesn't have to read what it reads I can't go jail sit down sit all right that's fine sit down no problem know you know sit down you know sit down Jo sit down here are three times when corrupt cops realize they've been caught starting with Midland County Sheriff Scott Stevenson who was found unresponsive and slumped over the steering wheel on the side of the road on November 16th 2018 calcasa sheriff's deputy Ashley van slotton was dispatched to the location without any idea of what was going to happen next sir sir pardon pardon sir you need to wake up and talk to [Music] me I I don't understand what are you doing you're on the side of the road slumped over what's going on what's that I need to know you're all right right now you don't look all right what's your name not seeing much response officer Ashley decides to go back to her car and calls Emergency Services worried for the well wellbeing of Stevenson what's going on today oh jeez uh back boy what is a what do you got me you light up for I have you light it up because we had a call well first off it's so no one hits us yeah yeah and second of all someone called said you were sitting on the side of the road Road slumped over which you were yeah yeah all right what uh what's going on today nothing nothing no you got to give me a little more than that not not just we don't all just sit down and sleep on the side of the road I know I'm sorry have you been drinking yeah yeah yeah okay y yeah bad bad uh okay uh I'm not driving right but you how did you get here is the question yeah I know I I uh uh bad bad bad Deo where you coming from Midland Midland I'm from Midland Stevenson is first seen completely unresponsive and what's interesting it's that he immediately confesses to drinking once asked something pretty unusual in these types of situ situations then Stevenson's Behavior changes entirely as soon as EMS arrives on the scene no I don't know he listen I don't know who you are I'm I'm Midland County Sheriff I I'm good I had a bad day okay I don't I don't need EMS I don't need you it'd be cool if we what what you know but I I don't I do not need EMS where where where are you kelasa this is kelasa County he's he's all right we're good we're good we're good we're good um step out yeah but talk to them they they're going to need to know you all right cuz they already have been caught you know the drill once Emergency Services arrive it appears as if Stevenson realized that he could be even more compromised if for example a breathalyzer test was done on him then as calcasa County Sheriff Jerry Cannon arrives on the scene van slotton has Stevenson perform several sobriety tests which Stevenson fails miserably at one 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 yeah can't really do you know mhm nine to SL here okay ready ready ready when you are you sure yeah I don't know if I want to do right or left though it's up to you which whichever one's more comfortable for you one 2 3 Officer Van slon then Mak Stevenson take a breathalyzer test and here is when things get heated okay blow blow BL blow blow blow blow blow blow is that [Music] good might be Jesus Oh Jerry well you know what [Music] hey hey man Jesus Christ I'm I I know I know the situation I 5 give me a try to help me out man I can't go to jail seriously seeing the test has given 0.23 Sheriff Stevenson knows he's in big trouble and he won't go down without a fight that that that doesn't have to read what it reads Jesus Christ Jerry I I I I'm I'm I got my uncle that's going to goddamn nurse home my mom's [ __ ] the same way I have nothing my brother and I I I I it's been a bad day Jerry Jesus Christ please help me man please please help me man can help me I got enough I got enough [ __ ] on my plate right now I don't I don't need this you know how embarrassing this is do you know do you know how embarrassing this is Jerry imagine I can imagine Jesus Christ Jesus Christ I I and in vanel I mean a I I give me a I'm not going to I'm not going to get into a goddamn accident or something I'm not going to hurt anybody Jesus Christ please help me please I want to but I mean Jesus Christ SL you can you you can Jerry you godamn Jerry are you serious I'm going to I I can't go to jail for Dr Driving man you created this situation okay you know this and it's a sandwich and you're throwing it at her feet I'm not I'm not trying to throw it at her feet and I understand you're upset I and everyone has I know you don't have apologize over on the road man I I I I know I it's not like I hit somebody or it was I pulled over him like I got to I know Jesus Christ L please help me out man just please help me out Jesus Christ Jerry it's not my call I mean I'm it is your call to a certain extent it is where's your s i mean i Jesus Christ Jerry come on man I I was I got chilly in the back of my goddamn car your to go to your place man Jerry this is not this is not the end of the world man I was pulled over I was I was I was already over I wasn't knocking anybody off the road I was I was here Jerry Jesus Christ I was I was here I'm going up to your place just please don't don't don't that's a you put me in a spot where understand you know what I mean you put me in a spot that I I have no I have control over but you know that morally I can't just let you go don't then then then get a get a hook and and take my car and I'll go with the hook and and and whatever uh be there for8 hours or what I don't I don't get but you can't take me man don't don't don't do that the sheriff Stevenson's Behavior with Van slotton in Sheriff Cannon's absence is enraging and not only has she been giving him ample time and consideration more so than they would do with a normal citizen but he continues to ask and beg the officer for her not to take him to jail which if she were to do she'd be fired once the truth is revealed then shockingly as the sheriff explains what's going to happen he says it's not like the old days once again reinforcing how important important body cams are for these situations y got to go got to go I'll take responsibility for this you don't have to call or okay I'm so sorry I I don't know what that means she got to take in oh Jesus Christ everybody I mean it's it's on the radio it's they don't it's just the cat's out of the bag and it's you know it's not like the old day Jesus Christ I can't go to jail for drunk driving God damn it are you me can you not just can I just not get this car towed and put me I I I I don't I don't know Jerry come on are you me I'm not this is as serious as the heart attack and you know it I'm Jesus Christ are you me arrest me for drunk driving we've already been through this all right Jerry Lo her up give me the keys it'll be at my house I'm I'm so my my brother's going to be oh Jesus Christ my life's taking a change taking the change I'm I am Stevenson was later brought down to the station surprisingly with all of his belongings on him and no cuffs fortunately he was later booked on DUI charges Stevenson was sentenced to just one year of probation as he pleaded guilty to being intoxicated and if you're wondering he didn't lose his job and continued being a sheriff until 2020 and we all know that whenever something happens a supervisor is one of the first figures to be called on the scene but what happens when it's the super visor the one who's committed a crime on January 1st 2021 Gainesville Corporal Scott berik had been driving in Florida when he reached down for his lighter and crashed into a vehicle that had just started to move officer Brook shutterly responded to the scene immediately and noticed something off about her supervisor reached out for my lighter slammed into his ass cool yeah not really not really yeah he didn't want to do an information exchange no he does I just no now I found it okay well okay he exchange I found it all right are you okay oh yeah no I'm good my airbag went off your car no absolutely that [Music] sucks police kns off you can come give your ride godamn repair do you want me to let him know you found the insurance same thing well maybe you should not do that then so uh you want me to let know you found your insurance see if he wants to do an information exchange christ officer Brooke immediately recognizes her supervisor which it's clearly drunk and even laughs when thinking of the situation as the officer approaches the victim we can see their car and we can safely say it's not lightly damaged so he mentioned you guys had talked about exchanging information but he hadn't had his insurance pulled up um we have a couple options with this it's really cut and dry so if you want to just go through Insurance you can if you want a full-fledge report we can do that however you want to go about it after explaining some insurance details to the victim we can see some wrong things with the way shutterly handles the victim that tells us she is taking the side of her supervisor instead of being neutral so a couple things one do you mind giving me like a couple feet one cuz I like personal space and two cuz cigarette smoke really it tears me up a little bit give me just like I said it'll probably take me about 15 20 minutes and then I'll get that done for you okay no we don't take pictures of it cuzz crashes are civil yeah whenever we do any kind of crash reports or anything unless there's a DUI involved or you know like a hit and run or something a criminal aspect we don't usually take photos thank you thank you you know I don't need that should hypothetically autop populate give me a second cuz I'm going to call prer and see if he needs me to do anything special since one of us yep so give sorry birdie referring to her supervisor by his nickname birdie and saying she would try to see if she could help him out of the situation is only making matters worse she also fails to inform the victim that he had been involved in a DUI accident without mentioning how she treated him in a completely different way as she did with her supervisor then after she's dealt with the victim things take a turn as she informs berick that he is is going to be detained so birdie you you giv me some indicators oh listen listen woman listen Valdez is coming out just to I'm not going to lie to you about it she's on her way yeah she's on her way cuz I I'm not I'm not really comfortable with this whole thing at all but I'm not going to lie to you about it oh no and I don't mean to put you in that IND yep yeah so from now on you know how it goes you can't consume anything okay cuz right now you you're being detained wa what and this is when birdie realized he wasn't going to get out of this situation as easily as he had thought I'm holding on to you because I have a supervisor coming to see if I need to do a full-fledged UI investigation or not9 so please don't make my life difficult I would never do that to you okay I I'm very uncomfortable right now and and I apologize for putting you in that position okay after being notified and apologizing it seems as if berik still thinks he can get away with it it until he realizes that everything's being recorded are you on yes yes I am and I'm going to remain on fair enough cuz I integrity not long after this we can see how berik goes through a period of realizations as he acknowledges he's in big trouble that person life being out there I'm not going to say anything it's out there I don't I mean about this I'm not drunk I'm pissed and I'm tired me she did get I don't give what the [Music] man3 never divorce divorce chist as a supervising officer arrives on scene bik is made to perform several sobriety tests which we can say he doesn't perform really well you may be getting the [Music] test one 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 you may begin the exercise 13567 17890 2011 12 13 14 St perfect having failed the tests completely berik is told he will be arrested while arresting berig shutterly says she wouldn't cuff him but he asks her to as the victims had stayed to watch the officer get arrested as they waited for the toe company take them around to your driver's side yeah there you go listen to me put them on I'm not going to talk you oh yes you are cuz they're watching no yes you are they're watching okay we'll we'll cuff you over by my car yes you will watching Supervisor berik was finally sentenced to fines totaling $974 50 hours of community service various substance abuse DUI classes and a 6-month driver's license suspension he was also sued by the the driver and passenger of the vehicle he struck and a settlement was reached in that case but not all drunk cops complied with the arresting officer though as this next one tried to flee the scene East Cleveland SWAT Detective Joe Mar had been found intoxicated and slumped over the Wheel by Ohio police said he's breathing I don't know he's breathing see if he see if the door's unlocked all right I can't tell if it's in gear or not all right police open the window open the window sir open the window Marsh had locked the doors and was unwilling to get out of the car then all of a sudden he does something you wouldn't expect from a detective open the window stop stop [Music] stop I can't reach stop now open the door I can't go get the switch yet no no Police Department stop put your hands up right now put your hands up put your hands up put your hands up when Mar was finally handcuffed an officer found a loaded MP7 automatic weapon in his police bag along with several items from his personal kit seeing this and the fact he's absolutely out of his mind he's taken to the station once there Mara surprisingly has sobered up and realizes he's caught in a mess but he won't go down without putting up a fight my name is officer truso and call me Vance okay I'm all I see tonight all right I'm going to uncuff you Joe no problems right man to man K me H listen to me man okay I just stand up on C you okay contrary to what they would do to 99% of people they uncuffed Joe as soon as he got to the station to later interrogate him further you being arrested for the I you put my partners in a bad position okay bro I shouldn't be arrested for anything listen well you put them in a position then you start then you start resisting I didn't resist anything okay listen I didn't resist all right well what this is what we're doing we're having some of your teammates are coming to pick the car up and everything Joe okay listen real with due respect sir listen to me I'm going give you respect listen to me you're wasted you're sit down sit down sit down sit down Joe Joe sit down I know sit down that should definitely not be happening everybody knows a weapon is dangerous now imagine a dangerous weapon in the hands of a drunk person what's more shocking is not this but how the officers didn't retrieve the gun from him before I can't drive around drunk and have my weapon on me we shouldn't be able to do that sir on top of it you have all your turnout GE your kit in the back and you're [ __ ] MP7 in the back I do oh come on sir I do I'm not trying no disrespect at all I respect you all right get it you were passed out I'm in my side street all right listen we got your some of your teammates are coming down to pick up your vehicle we're going to process you and then they're going to come here and pick you up I I need to ask you is that your service weapon or is that an off duty no it's my my service weapon your service weapon East Cleveland owns that yep okay hate to do this to you I really do I'm not doing anything sit down sit down all right that's fine sit down no problem you know you know sit down sit down Joe sit down please sit down I do I get it but you you put my teammates in a bad position and I get it how do I put your guys in a bad position you were passed out on the side of the street sir you were passed out over there listen go ahead go ahead you could talk oh God you were passed out on the side of the street my partner had a freaking knock on the window several times you put it in park and went to drive away and I know for a fact the way you're handling yourself right now if this was EC and someone did that to you you'd be doing the same thing sir you don't what you know I'm right I you what I'll tell you what you're Stern to smirk CU you know I'm right I'll tell you what I probably wasn't I know I know I probably would but I would not jam up one of your guys what am I supposed to do you're jamming me up I'm not jamming you up I'm processing you and having your teammates come and get you jamming me up bro I'm not jamming me you're Jam me up you put my guys in a bad position you get man you did come on man you're not doing any of this no all right I got to read you the form anyway so just told that he running sh for me I got you you kidding me nothing I can do about I got to do my job man let me tell you something I'll tell you what do your job but I'll tell you what come come on the other side of the bridge I'll do my job we're on the same team bro that okay exactly I got to look out for my teammates absolutely I got to look out for my teammates you understand me Joe not only does the officer speak to him as if he was some type of mafia boss but Detective Joe even dares threatening the officer saying he'll do his job if he finds him in his jurisdiction one day thre me dude no no I'm not I'm not okay I don't want to do this I'm threat now I'm listen come on I don't hopefully there's cameras yes there is cameras thank goodness I'm not bring you at all get the out of here marcha had his driver's license suspended and only received a 30-day suspension without pay but is that enough for a drunk cop who's armed let us us know in the comments crazy people are everywhere but what happens when they take on the role of police officers please do not ruin my career please please please here are three of the most shocking cases when fake cops realize they've been caught starting with 26-year-old Casey Williams who on April 8th 2021 had been waiting at an intersection with his car flashing his red and blue lights to civilians not long after whitefall officers arrived on the scene to see what was going on so you're an actual Cleveland police officer no no I'm not with Cleveland PD I work for uh Cleveland Watchman we're a security company that hires only off-duty police officers to do traffic control for uh are you an off duty police officer yeah yeah so who are you with uh pway Sheriff's Office pway yeah all right yeah so so you're you're out of they do Ohio and you're here working in Franklin County and whiteall as an off-duty police officer no I'm working as a security so we do no you're uniform marked as a police officer you're working as a police officer right now with a car that has red and blue lights on it right I've got I've got some paperwork I can give to you from absolutely and I'll need to get your information I've been asked to come up for by my Deputy Chief and get that okay Casey told the cop he was an off-duty officer working a special Duty detail for Watchmen based in Cleveland but because his story quickly showed gaps saying he he's a bodyguard but has a police uniform the officer knew something was off are you fulltime over in pway I live in pway so um 74 to 105 so I left the Sheriff's office there I'm going to uh I was fulltime there I like fulltime uh as a jail up there so you're not even a police officer uh currently I'm I'm well I'm starting a new commission with a village up in um Richland County so yeah okay yeah but what I'm saying is you're not even a police officer you're currently not a full-time or a part-time police officer anywhere Reserve okay where are you a Reserve officer at so give me a second I'll give you the name of the village because it got hooked up through the company here that I'm working with so okay you have an ID from that Village not with me no not with you no so you don't have an ID you don't have a badge what's the badge you were displaying earlier sorry what's the badge you were displaying earlier what do you mean do you have a badge yes what was that badge you were displaying earlier that's my old pickway one so you have a pway county badge but you don't work for them it's a previous one from there yeah all right you have that with you currently yeah it's a flex badge can I see that please yeah at this point it is clear that KY is lying and the officer confirms it with every question he asks but he can't yet come to any conclusions some minutes later other police officers arrived at the scene and they were briefed about the situation it is here we are notified that the badge Casey was wearing is actually made out of plastic here tell me what's wrong with it it's plastic yeah that's what he was displaying and he's armed and everything have we taken his firearm not yet see this is who he works for which is he's in the military screen front he's in the military he the guy who owns his company is his uh commanding officer some uh Sergeant First like all right and they got hired through this company here areawide areawide protection he say he used to work it was awp was on one of those trucks yeah well no that's them they're they're separate so they so he says he now works for the village of Glenmont Ohio to work pway County I said so you're currently not certified anywhere and he go well I'm a Reserve officer I said give me an ID or Pat I don't have one because they're trying to get that do so he's over there his boss who is a military officer all this all these people are related to the military Cassidy Casey Williams oh yeah he's over there you know him yeah he was fired from away but he's he's displaying their badge out here uhoh that's a made badge that's not our badge we don't provide those and we don't approve those well yeah another police officer shows up and confirms that Casey worked in Pickaway but was fired little by little things were starting to escalate for Casey the police then confronted Casey with their findings but when asked again if he was a commissioned police officer he continued to avoid the question okay so I can't get a hold of the chief from Richland Township which is Glen MMA um it's Richland Township yeah so it's it's a Township Police Department or Village in Richland Township okay say Village in Richland but you have no but you have no ID from them all right and have you ever been sworn in by them I've talked to the chief no no I'm asking you a direct question have you been sworn in by them it's very important you answer this correctly because being a former police officer or someday a current police officer you know if you lie in this situation you go directly to jail I'm going to if you are telling me you are a police officer right now is that what you're telling me so you are not a commissioned police officer I have spoke with the chief that's what I'm asking you I'm asking you one question are you a commissioned police officer through the state of Ohio I have an a certificate that's not what I that's not what I'm asking you I'm explaining to you I have no no no you're not you're not answering the question you're avoiding the question it's very simple are you a swarm police officer anywhere in the state of Ohio any Department not currently okay that's well I'm I'm unsure I'm unsure I'm unsure you can't be unsure you would have to raise your hand swear sign a form and you would get I've talk to paperwork on that the police officers then put all the evidence against him together and concluded that he was actually an impersonator of a law enforcement officer I found a good paying job and I was told by the guys like hey we'll take care of a commission we'll get it taken care of it's no big deal I come out here you I told hey you can start make some money that's all I was trying to do please do not I'm I'm asking you for Courtesy man to man please do not ruin my career please please please I think I think you did that kind of on your own Casey please all right Casey finally realizes the extent of the situation and begs that they don't ruin his career but there was no way the officers were going to let him off the hook the pway county you knew you didn't work for pway County you displayed that badge all right you're out here acting in law enforcement capacity displaying a badge that you have no right to have or fact assly of a badge that's not even a real badge you were aware of that okay it's not real okay so all right you're going to be charged oh seriously I'm serious okay now we're going to be nice about this okay and we're going to take you over and you can take your gun belt off and you can set it on the hood of that car okay um and we're going to take you in we will not we don't have to handcuff you this officer is going to pat you down all right and we'll let you out all right on a summons all right after going slightly easy on Casey and confiscating everything he had on him the police proceeded to search his car they found more things that completely changed the gravity of the matter and their take on the case got all right and it's loaded right okay we're not going to yeah the police officers found a rifle along with a deputy sheriff jacket in the trunk of Casey's Cruiser the officers wasted no time in putting Casey in handcuffs and under arrest listen man there's just way too much you you've got a code in there that doesn't belong to you that's got deputy sheriff stuff on there you got a loaded rifle you're a traffic guy man that's all your details going to be what active shooter situation you going into that you need to carry a loaded rifle and rifle plates listen this is all because we're trying to look cool whatever I get it well you're completely in the wrong that's all I can tell you goad and put your foot in there Casey faced felony charges and was accused of impersonating a police officer and improperly handling a firearm but if you think Casey is the only one capable of using a badge and a gun and pretending to be law enforcement that's because you don't know John Switzer 67-year-old John Switzer a so-called former NYPD officer handcuffed his neighbor's wife on May 3rd 2021 because they were supposedly playing loud music shortly after this incident police officers arrived in responds to a 911 call reporting the disturbance he come my house he left my wife what he come my house he left to my wife who who is he this guy come here come here that's H my hand right now that's so hot ow yeah they're not comfortable hold on let me get them off ow ow oh if you stop moving I'll get them off be hard thank you sir mhm I don't do anything why do it to me relax I'm talk to you in a minute we start by seeing something pretty unusual a Vietnamese woman handcuffed at the scene but no police cars or any lights are visible do you guys know this guy I don't know he's over can you stop yelling thank you he say I'm so scary he said what he say he bullet he come my house he say he bullet he officer he come my house he lock to my wife he just walked in your house yes he walked to my house he lock to my wife Lo and he got a gun too he got a gun too I'm scared okay what were you doing why would you do that I don't know just sit here wife my wife do ringing many time already not one time decid it you know you come to my house lock to my wife you guys vietnames we are Vietnam here we we are here what's going on with him I don't know 13 to 11 too many time too many time you see the music too loud and he got the hey I'm going to have a deputy that speaks Vietnamese come that way this makes more sense cuz I'm having a hard time following your broken English you the officer asked the family what had happened but was having a hard time understanding what they were saying meanwhile another police officer approached John the so-called officer who handcuffed the woman and questioned him about the situation they started Uprising with the music being very loud very very boisterous I told them I said please turn it down uh the guy right there in the jeans who was qu talking to the other officer he uh he hit me and and she who it that hit you par me who is it that hit you the gentleman right there in front of the other light the one that's lighting a cigarette um he hit me and and she was being very belligerent and I wanted to keep her away I put her in cups I'm a former officer up in New York and I'm just upset with it so you put handcuffs on somebody yes I did because you were upset with her well no because I'm tired of the [ __ ] plus he hit me I know it's probably wrong what did she have anything to do with that she was getting in my face John mentions how the neighbors were being loud and boisterous and how the husband had hit him when he confronted them he also mentions that he handcuffed the woman because she was all over his face later on a chat with John revealed how he used to be on the newor New York police force before quitting you like working at the midnight trip I've been working it for almost 7 years really so how many years you been been on almost s years really yeah the uh has been 25 in New York what part of New York uh actually inside the city uh uh part of the 2 two which is Central Park area and uh and after 911 I had to go a few minutes passed and another police officer who spoke Vietnamese arrived at the scene and asked the woman to explain her side of the story and her side of the story quite differs from John's foree fore comfortable put your hand out come here hearing this verdict one could start to think that maybe John wasn't being that honest when he said he was a police officer after all does she want two press charges against him explain make sure she understands that what he did was illegal that he is not an officer and he cannot do that and does she want to grast charge yes yeah you have to do the law okay okay yeah you have to do the law please okay after this the officer approached John and asked for further details on the incident so when you first went over there did you identify yourself as a law enforcement officer and have a badge and gun in your possession that you they know that I am that you are a law yes maam former law enforcement okay there's a big difference well yes and yes I agree so did you specifically say I am a police officer not to them no okay did you because I am not did you have a badge that you showed to them no I have not okay did you have a gun in your hand that you were no ma'am I have not so you did not have a gun no ma'am I have my cell phone okay okay so you said you had your cell phone in your hand yes ma'am did you ever think about dialing 911 to allow us the opportunity to deal with this instead I was on the phone with a dispatch at the time to get you know at the time that you placed her in handfast no before okay so that's what I'm asking you is if you had your cell phone in your hand and that's what you were holding why not just call 911 instead of putting her in handcuffs because she was being boisterous my bad I I agree I I could have I could have used the situation better having heard enough incriminating facts the police officers and JN know he was in the wrong the officers immediately arrested Jon before he was put in the back seat of their car then the truth is revealed and the badge that you have on the holster right by the door that says Florida investigator Sergeant where did that come I was a private investigator a long time a private investigator yeah okay but not law enforcement no okay John was never a police officer and he was just pretending to be one all of this time Jon was evidently charged with impersonating a police officer and unlawfully handcuffing a civilian other than Jon is a man called Omar Ford whose supposed good intentions took a really unlucky turn 43-year-old Omar Ford on March 29th 2020 pulled over an off-duty Orlando Police Officer for what he perceived to be erratic driving little did he know this was going to be one of the worst decisions he'd ever make a Castleberry police officer was immediately called to the scene by the off-duty officer Zachary price knowing something wasn't right but did he have all his lights on yeah all of them the front and everything and then he had a siren on too and I could hear it because I had the Top Gun it's like and he's like changing between the siren tones and he's like right on my ass and I'm like is this guy trying to pull me over cuz he has white white lights and then I'm like I don't know what he's doing and then he goes um pulls up next to me with his window down his lights still on he goes he just slow the down when you're passing me and I'm like are you pulling me over and he goes you just need to slow down right now and I'm like so I stopped and I'm like okay like are you trying to pull me over so then I just called 911 I'm like hey but when Omar was asked what had happened he gave a different story hey what's up man how you doing what's going on where you security at I work over in witer park in Central place uhhuh I went to the Wawa and while I'm coming going home the gentleman flew past me and his car danced so I thought he might have been intoxicated I didn't want him to hurt himself so I blew my horn and I flashed the light and I put my speaker up and I pulled next to him and said hey slow down you're going to hurt yourself and then I kept on driving and he looked like he was going to f he started following me so I made a u-turn I think he may got a road rage or something I'm like I don't want to get into any altercation I just didn't want to hurt himself I made the uturn and then he kept on following me so I came here to make another uturn and then when I seen him he was behind me I said well maybe something is wrong because he he kept following me I said well maybe something's wrong let me get out and find out I said hey when I got out he said oh stay stay in your vehicles I said well I don't know what the heck is going on at this point I just didn't want him to get into an accident cuz you know it was doing pretty know pretty fast and car kind of did a little fish tail I just didn't want to get hurt that's Omar gives his side of the story that slightly differs from that of Officer Zachary and here we find out that he's actually a security guard not a police officer however officials explained that what he did was wrong and that he could be mistaken for being an actual police officer the issue we have here is you're dressed as law enforcement you're in a vehicle that's out outfitted as law enforcement so therefore somebody's going to mistake you as law enforcement when you're not law I never got out the vehicle okay but usually when a concerned citizen sees somebody that they believe to be impaired M they call us they don't flash lights I was on the phone at the same time so what what lights did you flash I have my take Downs so you flashed your takedown yeah I thought it was an issue if you like pulled someone over and got out and you know went through the whole thing I didn't know no you're taking you're taking lawful action to sit there and try to stop the vehicle I didn't want to stop him I didn't try to stop to let him know to notify him whatever you're trying to do but I didn't know that I thought you know as a concern just as a concerned with someone right but if you're a concerned citizen mhm you should call the police you're not supposed to take your your security I got on the phone again you're not supposed to take security action on the road that's where you're wrong okay Ford insists that he was not trying to impersonate a police officer but he's informed that if he were to stop a regular person they might easily think he's an actual cop because of how his vehicle and uniform look when a detective arrived at the scene he and one of the officials discussed whether Omar should be filed or not what do you think detective instructions aren't very helpful no but he took action based off of hitting the lights the siren and the PA are it's a it's a shame he wasn't getting him to pull over that would have made it more cut and dry yeah he was just saying pull up he's just saying Slow Down slow down but I think we can file on this probably and he never got out and like presented himself no badge as Oho he just threw his vehicle actions yeah but yeah I mean certainly can still file it yeah we'll file it the real officers decide to file Omar with impersonation although Omar didn't say pull over or present himself as a police officer he performed all the vehical actions of an actual police officer this being enough for the officers to charge him first you you're suspended for 3 years apparently you got seven suspensions can't sweet you can't be driving man I'll just park the car well I mean we can't I mean this has got a lot of stuff in it I don't want somebody getting into this car so pull it into the neighborhood right there and park it well that' be the worst place to park it neighbor I live like three lights down I mean it again it's it's on you what you want to do with this vehicle but I highly suggest against it I would prefer you call somebody at home that's got license and y'all take this vehicle to the house I could do that too that's the first issue all right second issue under Florida statute this is textbook impersonating law enforcement officer all right I I was not trying to listen all right I understand what you're saying by the way this vehicle looks by the way you're dressed with the Insignia this is the company's uniform okay I understand that but when you try to pull over a citizen you know a citizen would mistake this all day for a law enforcement officer get out I didn't get out or anything okay but you still on your way home from work you you hit your strobes according to him you hit your siren and you cycle through two different Sirens right that's you can't do that you're not allowed to impersonate or to you know try to do your own traffic stop a regular citizen would call us immediately and we get these calls all the times about a vehicle they suspect to be in DUI and we come out we get behind the vehicle and because we've been to the schools we can pick up cues MH that would give us profitable cause to pull that vehicle over so before we can even hit our lights we have to have profitable cause and we're trained to detect probable cause and determine what probable cause is you're not but you hit your strobes and according to him you hit a siren all right he thought you were Leo so I mean you're not you're not going to be arrested but there is going to be charges filed on you all right and they're going to go to the state attorney and the state attorney is going to determine what they're going to do from there all right but I mean you could be arrested on two two separate things tonight for one driving wild license is invalid M and impersonating Leo all right I'm not going to arrest you but you they're you know document the incident and we're going to send it up the state attorney to let them determine the officer tells Omar that he's not going to be arrested but he is going to be charged and could be arrested for driving without a valid license and for impersonating a police officer he was then told to call someone to come pick up his car from the road you want to get on the phone get somebody down here we get this you know vehicle off the road and not parked in the neighborhood where it's going to get viralized I think that's the best course of action well I mean I'm a cop in Castlebury this is cber so I know try to Burger like this hey I'm telling you man what Ford was booked into the county jail on September 8th 20120 but later released after posting a $2,000 Bond I'm both my right to sign right to have my attorney presid po I'm not answering questions I'm not giving you an IDE we have the right dur an investigation to identify you I'm not identifying myself so you're going to end up going I told him my name was Jeff and that's all I'm giving you no if you want to give us your information then that's fine but we still have to be entain at this point yes for what for the identif for the identification of you which is an investigation that they started I'm not I'm not giving any identification I don't like to Sil okay at this point you're being detected okay I'm just going to ask you straight are you of the opinion that officer batty and officer GT uh viol ated this subject civil rights based on your review of the video evidence yes absolutely this is Sergeant Richard Kirkland and these two are officers K Bey and Brett G being interrogated for an investigation taken by the New Smyrna Beach Police Department following the illegal Detention of an innocent veteran named Jeffrey gray in the following never-before seen footage you will see not only how corrupt cops act but how they react and face the consequences of their fraudulent and dishonest actions on the evening of December 14th 2021 officers GT and Bey detained an innocent veteran who is identified to be Mr Jeffrey gray for holding a signboard that had the words God bless the homeless written on it after a cad call from the manager and RP Axel of The Brewery Company who complained that Jeff was violating property rights and making employees and customers uncomfortable as he asked for money officer G walks up to Mr Jeff Gray and confronts him about the complaint from the brewery company's employee he further asks Jeff to show his ID which Jeff denies as is his right to Jeff proceeds to tell the officer that he has a right to stand on the pavement if he wishes as he was not in violation of any law said you're asking the customers for money and stuff like that that much okay well they don't want you up front of the business I don't want you up in front of the business okay well that's not how this is going you can go get your part no I'll give you 5 seconds I they just don't want you up here anymore I okay they don't have the authority to tell me not to be here they said you're asking for money and stuff like that that's what they said it's your set huh that's your say that's I say I'm not asking for money okay well they said you're up front so can you just go somewhere else no why cuz I'm not going somewhere I put in my heart to stand right here I'm stand right here okay but they don't want you blocking the sidewalk and stuff I'm not blocking the okay you have your ID on me uh I don't have any ID on me there okay and if I did I won't give it to you anyway all right well you need to just move along there that's all they want you to do nope not happening why cuz just saying God bless some St okay yeah and you have the right to do that they just don't want you in front their business officer G then proceeds to interrogate the business employee about Jeff and the call they had placed to the police the officer chats with the employee manager Alex present on the scene explaining that Jeff was not asking for money and was on the public side of the sidewalk you got you guys told yeah yes sir you can ask him for money yeah he's saying he's just saying he's doing his political job let America stuff he's on his public side of walk and he doesn't want to leave you has no no um one of my one of my employ has de with him before at another location um I've never seen him before here um I've had a couple of customers complain about it he as he asked me to go up the street I'm like dude I just I tried to talk to him be like hey man yeah he's saying the same to that he's on his public sidewalk and he's not asking people for money he's just saying when I went out there he was on our sidewalk on our side of the side okay is that okay he just stays on the public sidewalk I'd rather he didn't he's not going to accordingly I'm recording him this is going to be a I mean doesn't want to identify himself so right and that's not uh like him harassing customers out there it's gotten to that point officer G proceeds to call officer Bey who shows up at the scene and tells Jeff he's panhandling in violation of the city ordinance Bey tells Jeff that he is not allowed an attorney as it is an investigation and acquires Jeff's gun from him as G handcuffs and detains him both officers in violation of Jeff's rights as a citizen you were asking for money okay so they have every right to have you move along and since we're here because they called for you we have to identify I'm not I'm not giving you any ID if you don't you'll go to jail I'm not giving you any ID I I got showed him can I reach I got my ID it's this is my ID you I mean you want to play that game I'm not showing anything anything else at this point uh I'm invoke my right to remain sound invok my right to have my attorney pres during questions I'm not answer any questions I'm not giving you ID okay I'm just making sure that you understand that your attorney has nothing to do with us okay your attorney has to do with court that that's not us and because we're here for you we have the right dur an investigation to identify you I'm not identifying myself so you're going to end up going I told him my name was Jeff and that's all I'm giving you no if you want give us your information then that's fine but we still have to be entertained at this point yes for what for the identif for the identification of you which is an investigation that they started I'm not I'm not giving any identification I like made sign okay at this point you're being detected okay so let me see this you have anything in your pockets don't poke stab or anything since you're asking if I have anything in my pockets I am armed lawfully still carry for okay where is it at um here's my hands I'm not it's in my pocket in your front pocket yeah here's my hands right perfect matter of fact once you guys just put me in cuss I don't want any you are live here but your attorney is a court that's Notting all we want to do is identify you so that I don't to any searches well you're you're right now I'm making sure you have no knives on you and then when they write a statement saying that that you were breaking the law it's this knife or no is that a knife I don't have any knife okay there's two magazines in my left pocket okay I don't consider searching it's fine you just told me there's magazines to the gun that I just pulled off so just grabing those just to have keys on you that don't have a knife officer Bey explains Jeff's detain mment while Jeff tells the officers to cautiously proceed as they are in violation of his rights Jeff here seems to have more knowledge about the law than both the officers do as they lie and twist the violations he's charged with due to them not being well versed with panhandling as a city ordinance just so I want to make sure that you understand that you're forcing a hand that doesn't need to be forced okay we're not here to take your gun you'll have it back right now it's mine because we had to detain you okay that's what you pretty much asked us to do okay when you don't want to identify yourself and we're called so it's totally different if we're driving by and that's you over there right you're not requesting anything on your sign you're not breaking any laws okay when they say when they complain to dispatch that you're asking for money and there are customers who are telling the staff that that is against the law so we're doing an investigation to see if that actually occurred okay that's the only reason why you're being detained but because it's an actual investigation of a complaint you have to identify yourself that's State Statute okay just make sure you're aware of what's going to go down because you won't I like to main Sil look at my attorney pres further questions okay I will advise you guys that you're in violation of civil rights absolutely not I actually cauly upon further investigation and after interrogating an employee who had been working outside it is found that Jeff is not in violation of any laws as he had rights to be on the sidewalk and had a legal weapon carry permit um your sign doesn't say anything about money and I just asked the the guy who's sitting on the porch and he says he didn't hear you a p for money and and so the only person who has a complaint has a complaint about you standing on city property which is not his problem which is what I was explain just I just want to stand there on the sidewalk that's what I was trying to just tell just got fure out what's going on 104 um so you have the right to be on the sidewalks and you have a CCW you have the right to carry a supervisor inquiry is conducted on December 15th in the Florida police department on Friday December 24th 2021 Sergeant Richard Kirkland is interrogated by Lieutenant Mark sance in new smyna Beach Florida Police Department the sergeant had been working as a Bravo shift supervisor and was doing overtime at the time the call was dispatched to officer G he is contacted by Officer Bey after the incident for the panhandler call in the following footage of the interrogation Sergeant Kirkland confidently answers questions on officers gton Bey along with providing the synopsis of key findings in the report walk us through what happened sure um so the ultimate findings uh are that the gentleman was not creating a crime or was not committing a crime he was completely within his rights he was on a public sidewalk and he was simply holding a sign saying God bless the Hess fets wasn't doing anything illegal or suspicious for that matter uh they they did not have a right to detain him to seize him his property or or anything that that was my ultimate findings uh the way I got to those findings is I reviewed uh the the video that was recorded by the subject and posted to uh social media I also reviewed the uh both body warn cameras from officer G and officer Bey um essentially officer G gets on scene first uh he goes to make contact with the mail he tries to summon the mail over to him uh the mail didn't really appear to respond respond uh so he approaches the mail and they have a brief interchange where where officer G basically tries to get him to move along and uh tries to convince him the male challenges him and says I don't have to move along um uh I don't know if you want me to get into exact words and stuff or you just want me to kind of give the no uh did Officer G uh make contact with the business owner or the manager not until after he had this you know verbal kind of back and forth with the the subject uh I I believe that he thought he was just going to walk up the subject and ask him to move along as we do on a lot of calls and if the guy doesn't have a problem with it moves along no harm no foul well this case the the gentleman says I have a right to be here I'm not going to so you can see G kind of has taken him back a little bit and he said okay well let me go in and talk to the manager so he does go in and talk to the bar staff um the he tells him the guy says that he's not going to move and that you know he's on the sidewalk walk um I believe the bar manager tells him well he was on our property and yeah so so there was some dispute over what was their property what was public property correct uh it appeared from watching the video that the bar manager uh the reporting party that I believe his name is Axel uh thought that the entire sidewalk belonged to their business um it it clearly doesn't it's a public sidewalk and the subject was actually standing on the far the farthest away on the sidewalk he could be from the business Seance asks Kirkland to summarize the policy violation that had been committed by the officers in their negligence can you summarize the policy violation you proferred a couple of uh policy violations the one uh can you read that from the record there uh the group two the group two M violation of rules orders Etc issued by the city commission um you know it's basically he he violated our rules and policies and procedures regulations by ultimately going uh against what he did uh for preliminary and followup investigations um he's he he he basically detains someone without the legal authority to do so um so clearly in violation of that policy um it I mean as far as officer G I do think that he also uh had a had a duty to recognize that what was going on was not okay but again I think he was naive and ignorant to the fact that panhandling is not against the law and we cannot enforce a panhandling complaint by uh detaining people so I think that um they were they were operating under the impression that they what they were doing was correct but we're just misinformed concerning documents and videos from YouTube and body cams were provided for review on December 27th 2021 on the evening of Friday December 31st 2021 officer GT is sworn in and made aware of the perjury he would face if he reported wrong facts he is also given a gity warning here is his interrogation regarding the incident with Mr Gray when you made contact with we we'll call him Mr Gray because we ultimately did identify him during the encounter uh can you describe the interaction you had with him um I was just trying to be like people like I am on most calls just trying to get to know who he was what his purpose was there uh he was really blunt not like straight up not like asking or answering my just questions just normal questions I had just what would you do in there um is there a purpose you're up here um stuff like that he was just keep it to himself at that point okay what what did he tell you he was doing uh that he was just uh whatever the sign sign was like like um God bless the homeless vets he was just trying to make people aware that God needs to bless the homeless vets okay and he just kept going on that topic where was he at when you first encountered him um on the sidewalk by the car by the light post by the curb yeah where the cars parked okay why did you ask Mr Gray to move along or leave the area um the business owner said initially saying that he was um asking his customers for money um he just didn't want him up front of his business okay what was uh Mr Gray's response uh he said he wasn't wasn't going to move he he has the right to be there and he didn't want to he didn't feel like moving along officer G is made aware of the violations he has committed by breaking Jeff's rights as a citizen to not identify himself this shows that the officer is not well-versed with the laws he's supposed to mandate and protect why did you tell Mr Gray that asking for money is technically against city ordinance at that point I thought P handling was a city ordinance violation okay so it was your belief that it was yes sir where did you get that um I thought that early on in train that we had a call and um there was people asking for money and I thought that we looked up a syy orange violation that was panhandling and it's not pan it's not a syy orange violation it's a state statute actually so for uh what's the state statute referred to uh like if you're blocking like stepping out in traffic blocking people's right right to move so it's a it's a 316 violation for some type of impovement of traffic if you're traffic VI soliciting or entering traffic patterns right that wasn't the case here was it no okay so at this point in your investigation did you have any reasonable or articulable suspicion that Mr gr committed was committing or was about to commit a crime or a violation of city ordinance at that point I believed he might have been asking people for for money due to him not answering my questions um so that's why I went back out and re-engage with him I thought we had something maybe stirring up so so at this point you you're you're still thinking panhandling is a is a city ordinance violation and you're acting on that assumption to try to continue the investigation is okay Officer G proceeds to give an account of Officer bey's initial contact with Mr Gray and how he had stood by witnessing it instead of stepping in and taking the more correct course action can you describe officer Batty's initial contact with Mr Gray um he was asking him the kind of the same questions I was kind of starting over the the process um and then when he didn't want to identify himself that's when um he kind of went instead of talking to the business owner he kind of went Hands-On with Mr Gray M and at that point um I usually like when we investigate other crimes and stuff like that we listen to both sides of the stories um come back talk to each other and I I don't know where that happened maybe because he was flustered with him frustrated with him um do you think that would have been a more prudent course of action to to continue the investigation and figure out what's going on I do yes on the evening of Sunday January 2nd 2022 officer Bey is sworn in and made aware of the perjury he would face if he reported wrong facts as they did with off officer GT officer Bey is given an in-depth list of the violations he has committed due to his misinformation regarding the state statute he tries everything in his power to distort the truth of the case even after the lieutenant reminded him that there was video evidence the lies from Bey just kept on coming the officer is in the perception that he could get away by manipulating the law to his Advantage he laughs as he realizes he's been caught for his misinformation is asking for money or other words another way to call it panhandling uh in a public place public sidewalk is that a crime or a city ordinance violation to my knowledge now no I want you to tell me what were you thinking when I when I when I came to the scene um there when I came on a scene I did think we had a city ordinance I swore we had a city ordinance okay um that you weren't allowed to pay ANH handle even so even more so because I could have sworn that I've been told to enforce that on right underneath the Martin Luther King bridge on the Lal extension officer Bey describes his interaction with Axel the employee manager about whether Mr Gray had actually committed a crime to which we find out that he had not and his presence making a waitress uncomfortable had nothing to do with him after speaking with the uh the business employee the manager Axel his name was there evidence that any crime or C ordinance had been committed at that point no so your investigation resulted in that there was no crime even assuming that your assumption that panhandling was a crime correct he actually when I asked him why we get told that all the time he threatened me or she threatened me right and so you ask what that is and he said well he didn't really say anything to my waitress she just is afraid to come back outside now because he's here okay and I said well that's not a that's not on him right he's allowed to be where he's at okay that's when I was done officer Bey also talks about how he informed Sergeant Kirkland about the incident after it had occurred instead of before or during it as he is obliged to and how Kirkland had informed the officer that he had violated Mr Gray's rights uh did you call Sergeant Kirkland after the fact to advise him of the incident yes can you describe what his response was to you uh he immediately said he said well you violated everybody has okay uh I couldn't hear the other side of the conversation on the phone but uh what do you mean by that I mean that's just what he said I told him what went down I told him you know the manager saying this and he's being defiant so to get space between the manager and him we did rained him for the investigation brought him over to my car and then he's like well you I hope he doesn't make a big deal out of this because you just like I think I don't know if he said what amendment but he's like you just violated his rights okay officers Bey and G are held for violating the rights of innocent Mr Jeffrey gray who had made employees of a brewery uncomfortable due to a signed God bless the homeless Mr Gray does no harm as he stands on the sidewalk long before he is detained by the officers wrongly due to their misinformation about the city laws Sergeant Kirkland has a role to play in not supervising his officers correctly and ensuring they were aware of the laws of the city always remember them being agents of the law doesn't mean they will always have your best interest at heart
Channel: Detective Williams
Views: 4,858,446
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Id: APsDkrxUuBw
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Length: 240min 4sec (14404 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 16 2023
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