Investigating Islam with Dr. Jay Smith (2 Corinthians 10:5)

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I'm going to do something that's unique I don't think it's ever been done before I'm going to be shutting down Muhammad tonight and the Quran tonight and Mecca and I'm going to do it all three tonight using only evidence from the 7th Century from the century where this man lived from the century where this book supposedly was revealed and from the century where this city existed so bear with me that's an awful lot to shut down and I've got to do it in one hour so I'm going to ask that you don't look at me I want you to look at the screens because we're going to zip through this material put your pens down you're not going to keep up stop talking to your neighbors they'll probably be looking up here instead and afterwards because of the fact it's going to take a whole hour and probably a little bit more to do this I won't do I want to hear what your questions are but I can't do it from here so we're gonna shut down the the meeting and then I'm gonna come back out here in the in the front and if any of you have questions you want to throw at me please do but before I do I do want to introduce some books that my good friend George saying who's in the back when you go to the foyer please look at this book this is the book that really confronts the Quran uh the one that I'm going to be talking about is this book that's going to be on later on in the The Talk today this is the number one book that has really shut down the manuscripts of the Quran I'll be talking about some of the Muslim objections but this is by Claire Tisdale this has been around for a hundred years and I don't know why I'm supposed to flog this because this is this is me going through the British museum looking at the Bible as the as the alternative to the Quran but this is a uh a video a DVD that helps you with that so let's get right into the historical critique of Islam a quick overview emphasis on quick so let's head on what am I going to do I'm going to look at four areas I'm going to look at the problem with the sources then I'm going to hit Mecca go from there to Muhammad and then from there to the Quran we're going to end with the Quran because it's by far the most damaging material much of what I'm going to be introducing tonight most of you have never seen before and if you have well great God bless you because then you'll probably understand a little bit but most of you this will be new what are the claims that the Muslims make concerning the standard Islamic narrative s-i-n isn't that great sin we're going to shut down sin tonight the standard Islamic narrative is the are there traditions this is what every Muslim needs to know though every Muslim whether they are radical or nominal or liberal how they walk talk eat drink sleep is dependent on those traditions on the standard Islamic narrative now they all believe every Muslim would believe that Muhammad was the last and greatest Prophet born in Mecca in 570 died in Medina in 632 modeled Islam for the as a paradigm for the whole world and received the Quran as his final Revelation therefore the Quran is his Revelation sent down between 6 10 and 632 it is the greatest the only perfectly preserved Revelation according to Islam the final Revelation and it corrects everything that has gone before therefore Islam naturally they would say is their final religion based on Muhammad's life and saying that's the Sunnah and on the quran's teachings conclusion well obviously they're dependent on three things the book demand the place and that's what we're going to confront tonight the book The Man the place the book The Quran the man Muhammad and the place Mecca since all three are foundational to Islam without one of them the others to fall we should investigate all three and we're going to do that tonight but in the 7th century and in the central part of Arabia the hijaz where Mech and Medina are placed to do that we need to start with the sources where are we going to go where did all these stories come from everything we know about Muhammad everything we know about Mecca everything we know about the book itself has to come from a source now let's go and look at that Source because this will underline why there's a problem with everything else tonight now to be that I want you to look at this map here's a map of the Middle East of Arabia according to the standard Islamic narrative Muhammad's Empire encompassed that brown area so look at the brown area that was where that's what existed in Islam up until 632 when he died then what they tell us is the rashidun period came into existence that's the first next four caliphs they encompassed that orange area so there is the expansion moving out and then you have the umai dynasty which is the first three little big caliphate according to them that's the purple area I don't care too much about the purple area tonight I want to look at the brown and the orange area okay that's the area I want to look at so from Tripoli in the west all the way to Afghanistan the east from Turkey in the north down to Yemen in the south bear with me let's go to it now here's what they say this is their narrative this is not my narrative they say that Muhammad was born in 570 the Quran was revealed it beginning in 610 he then moves up and goes up from Mecca all the way up to Jerusalem goes up to the eight seven Heavens meets Allah comes down meets Moses and finds out that he's to pray 50 times Moses says get it down so he bounces back and forth between the seventh and the fifth heaven and gets it from 50 down to 30 down to 20 down to 10 down to five prayers so that happens in 6 21 he then moves out of Mecca moves up to Medina in 622 comes and takes over Mecca and defeats Mecca and 633 and then dies in 632. so that's the life of Muhammad according to their Traditions once he dies abubakar takes over for two years he dies peacefully and then comes Umar who takes over for 10 years he does not die peacefully he is killed and then of course uthman takes over and he lasts for about 12 years before he is killed but while he is there as the caliph the Quran is finalized so the Quran the book we're going to look at tonight was created this book that I have in my hands right here is from uthman that's what every Muslim will tell you and then when he is killed Ali takes over and he only lasts about five years before he is defeated there at the Battle of Siffin by muawia so conclusion Islam was fully formed in the hijab by 661 that's what they say do you all believe that we'll say yes for now okay in about an hour you can say no but for now let's just say yes go with me now here's the question everything I've just told you how in the world and where do you get it from well you would hope that it comes from people that were actually living at that time right and from people who are actually living there right eyewitnesses like we have with Jesus Matthew he was an eyewitness John he was an eyewitness you would hope the same thing would work with Islam well let's go and see what we find in order to know who Muhammad was everything that would happen everything that I just showed you we need to go back to the sources for all these stories now Muhammad dies in 632 the First Source we get are his what we know is his biography known as the sitha so who wrote the biography somebody who knew Muhammad right no the first one they claim who writes it down was IBN isak who died in 765. that's 130 years after Muhammad is there a problem there folks okay you're coming with me let's continue but we don't have IBN isak we have to go to this guy here IBN Hisham he is the one that actually writes down what IBN isak says throws out most of it and only retains what he likes he dies in 833 after him comes who dies in 8 35 that's what we know about Muhammad nothing from ebene sucks so let's just get rid of him inside whoop there he goes but that's not the only thing we have that's not the only we have enormous amount of material on Muhammad on what he says this is known as the Hadith and the sayings these are the sayings of what Muhammad said they were first written by down by al-buhari now look at his date 870 you thought you thought even your shop was bad enough this is 240 years after the fact and after him there's others like sahih Muslim ibind you have timidi you have Maja you have Abdul and then you have in a sight so those are the six uh what they thought authoritative Hadith compilations that were put down but look at they're all in the 9th and 10th Century right then you have one more two more uh genre of what we know as a standard Islamic narrative the tafsir will be the commentaries which explain the Quran and then of course the tafsid which be the histories of all mankind up until Muhammad first written down by al-tabri look at his day he died in 923. now I'm putting you their death dates purposely because everything was written normally within 20 years of their death days that's when they'd be written but it could be change and continue manipulated I'll write up until they died notice everything I've showed you doesn't even begin to get written down for 200 years 200 years after Muhammad died you get the setup and then you get the Hadith another 240 years and it's not to the 10th Century that you even get that Abdul Malik's name I'm putting up there because he's the first one to introduce us to a anybody called Muhammad look when he introduced that he introduces it in 692. Muhammad died in 632 you've got 60 years before he's even introduced into the world stage does that bother any of you but the Muhammad we're going to talk about the Muhammad of Islam that Muhammad was introduced by these people the abbasids and they do so they come to power in 749 the Muhammad that we look at is all their invention and they had 84 years to finally get down his biography in about 100 years to get down his sayings and of course the other two genres so Muhammad was revealed 84 years after the ambassads created him 141 years after he was first introduced yet 200 years after he supposedly lived these are all too late now on top of that let's take a look at the people that introduced them look where they lived everything we've been told they say happens in Mecca Medina that's the hijaz that's the central part of Arabia those two green circles yet all of the writers of those Traditions worked in Baghdad which is 1200 miles too far to the North you have ibnisham who was born in Basra he grew up in Cairo but he did his work in in Baghdad Cairo is 900 over 990 miles from Mecca basada is 1200 miles from Mecca you have al-buhari who write the Hadith he is from bukharat which is Uzbekistan that's 2 600 miles away al-tabri who wrote he comes from tabaristan northern Iran that's 1700 miles away none of the traditional writers lived or worked or in Mecca or medina they were all too far to the North of Mecca and came from the West in east of Baghdad all of these northern areas is where the abbasids originated from are you starting to get the picture there's a problem here everything we know about the man Muhammad everything we know about the Quran everything we know about Mecca comes from two to three hundred years later and hundreds of miles further north too late and too far away okay so you say well the same happens in Christianity we've got the same problem do we let's do the same application let's look at our let's look at our Hadith in fact let's put the same genre that we've just looked at for knowing who the book The Man in the place is and let's apply to Jesus Christ because Jesus Christ also has a sinner all right that's the biography of Jesus written by Matthew Mark Luke and John am I correct he also has a Hadith those are the sayings by Matthew Mark Luke and John when it's written in red letters every time Jesus speaks that's red letters so we also have the Hadith of Jesus we also have the tafsir those will be the commentaries written by Paul again the commentaries of what Jesus was saying and doing Paul then applied to Ephesus and up to Corinth into Philippi so that would be the comment commentaries and then we also have the Tariq which would be the histories that's the book of Acts written by Luke so you have the exact same four genre in Christianity that they have in Islam now let's apply the dates for all of them and I'm going to take the most liberal dates I can find I'm going to step on all of your toes please don't get mad at me I'm doing it for a reason so let's look at first of all the tahiq of Jesus the history of the early church written by Luke between 52 and 68 280 that's within 20 to 30 years you already have the tahiq of Jesus written down when you look at the tafsir of Paul's letters he was killed in 65 A.D he was writing within 50 years of Christ's death So within 50 to 34 years you already have Paul's uh you already have Paul's commentaries that that's it written down as far as the sinner in the Hadith the first writer to write them down would be Mark 70 80 that's within 37 years you have Matthew and Luke coming right along 80 years after and then finally we end with John who is the last to write the Surah and the Hadith of Jesus that's within 57 years what that means is that within 29 to 57 years all of Christ's Hadith have been put together all of the New Testament writers lived in the same place Jesus lived and they either knew him personally like John and Matthew did or they got the material from others who saw what he did and heard what he said like Mark and Luke to you do a comparative between these two when we compare these two different genre of literature Christianity knows everything about their book The Man in the place within 15 to 60 years Islam has to wait two to three hundred years which do you think is more authoritative look at the comparison folks thank God we don't have that problem as a comparison if we were to depend on the sources for Jesus compared to what Muslims are dependent on for Muhammad Jesus would not begin to appear until the third Century how would we defend him yet no one's asking the same question of Islam until we are now going to do it tonight so I'm going to make it one step further remember I just got done telling you that IBN Hisham wrote The Sitter of Jesus and he died in 833 and that's 200 years after the fact you heard me say that right I lied we have nothing from IBN his shop nothing has been written that was written by this man in the 9th century so where did this book this is the book you all have to read if any of you do any study on Muhammad you have to read the life of Muhammad written by Alfred guillon this is the standard work that everybody has to go to where do you think it comes from it doesn't come from it comes from this gentleman right here Heinrich Ferdinand wishtenfeld a German scholar an Erebus living in the 1800s who for two years between 1858 and 1860 went to four different German cities this is in Europe to different schools and certainly different libraries and he just started putting together everything you could find on this man named Muhammad put it together in that two-year period and published it in 1860. that is the biography that all of you have to read because that was taken by Alfred Guillaume that translated to First into French and then into English everything we know about Muhammad comes from that German scholar and it's only 160 years old the man who Muslims are dependent on to know who their Prophet is or what he did is an elderly German linguist who wrote Muhammad's story 160 years ago thus over 1 000 years too late can you imagine how they're going to defend this how if there's any Muslims here how will you defend your Prophet now looking how late everything is concerning what he did there in supposedly the seventh century you can see it in the Dilemma for Scholars today their conclusions are Islam as we know it did not exist in the 7th Century but evolved over a period of two to three hundred years the Quran probably was not revealed to one man in 22 years like Muslims tell us but likely evolved over a period of 50 to 100 years the conclusion the history of Islam at least from the time of the caliph of the Malik 685 to 705 and before is a later fabrication a later fabrication now if that were the case the problem is well what are we going to do how is it you can see what their concern is they said well where do we need to go well I would suggest let's go back to the 7th Century since we can't trust the 9th and 10th Century for Muhammad was doing or how what the Quran was in the 9th and 10th sorry let's go back to the century Muhammad live let's go back to the century if Mecca existed and let's go back to the century that book was written so let's start with Mecca why do I want to start with Mecca you'll see why Mecca is enormously important remember Islam is dependent on Three Lakes you take out one of the legs the other two collapse so if you start with the book The Man and the place for the three legs if you start to confront Mecca it starts to Teeter once you shut down Mecca everything else collapses because if there is no Mecca then it doesn't matter who Muhammad is or what the name is or where you find him he's not in Mecca right and if it's not in Mecca then what Muhammad are we talking about and it doesn't matter what Quran we're looking at it's not from Mecca if it's not for Mecca Bingo then you've got a different Quran so let's shut down Mecca first let's begin with Mecca and let's see what we can find now this is what they claim according to the Traditions according to standard Islamic narrative Mecca is where Adam and Eve are thrown down to in chapter 7 verse 24 in the Quran they're thrown out of the Garden of Eden down to Mecca so obviously this is the oldest city in history right you have to have people to have a city and there's no one before Adam and Eve so it's obviously the oldest city in history it's where Abraham lived according to chapter 21 of the Quran verse 51 to 71 that's 1900 BC therefore it had to have existed then sorry let's go back it's also the Center of Trade north south east and west so it should be one of the best known and best document places in history now it's also according to the Quran this the the center of history but here's the problem open up the Quran and see if you can find that word Mecca in it you'll only find it one time in chapter 48 verse 24. so it's not a book it's not a place that's referred to very often except for once it's the place of the Prophet so let's look and see what it says about the place of the prophet in the Quran well that's the mother of all settlements according to chapter six it's where Adam and Eve were cast to a chapter seven it's where Abraham believed according to chapter 21. it's where Muhammad was born and it was also where Mecca became the center of the Qibla the direction of prayer according to chapter two now the above imply people have lived there from the very beginning yet the only reference we can find is chapter 48 24 if it's such an important Place why is there only one reference if you look at the Traditions which are written much later they're written in the 9th and 10th Century Mecca now does exist that's not a problem but take a look at where it places it notice what the Traditions say this place of the Prophet which is Mecca is in a valley and has a parallel Valley it has a streams it has ruins of a pillar of salt right outside it it has fields and trees and grass and fruit and clay and loam and olive trees folks that looks like it's pretty pretty verdant am I correct lots of vegetation lots of water look at Mecca there's no streams there is none of these in Mecca and there never has been historically it's never had water so obviously whatever the Traditions are referring to it's not the mecca we know today when you look and up unpack the Quran you look at it you will notice that an awful lot of it refers to geographical locations 65 geographical references but only nine places are named and over and over again it refers to these people from 23 times these people from that's the biblical ooze 24 times the people from Tamil that would be the nabatians that's seven times the people from Midian they're the midianites but take a look on the map and see where they're all placed they're up up in Jordan Mecca is at the very bottom of the map do you see it down there there's 600 miles if this Prophet we're having daily contact with these people from in media and he'd have to have a helicopter or a jet to get up and back in 1200 miles in just one day they didn't have helicopters back then can you see a problem folks obviously whoever this Prophet is who's having this relationship with all these people either had to live up there or this is nothing more than Fiction when we look at the prophets profit after profit Adam and Eve Seth Ishmael Noah Saleh Queen of Sheba Daniel they were all buried in Mecca over almost 300 prophets are buried in Mecca now when they're buried they're buried in a kneeling position so that they continue to be preserved in that kneeling position if that were the case that they still should be there today am I correct so look at the all the enormous amount of building that's going on around Mecca that's the building that you see there that Tower is the fourth highest building in the world when you look at it you will notice all the buildings around it you have to have huge foundations in order to build something that high as they're building these foundations they should have come across one Prophet they haven't found one suggesting that none of these prophets were buried there if the above were true on this would mean that almost all of the Bible would have to be Rewritten as all of our prophets are 600 to a thousand miles further south so when is the first reference so you can find temeka it comes from The Apocalypse of pseudobetorius continue Otto byzantia Arabica 741 A.D Muhammad died in 634 632 if he even lived that's over a hundred years later that we get the first reference of it what about the maps is he on is Becca on any map autonomy is a best source to go to because he wrote the geography of Arabia and there are those who've taken his geography and put Maps together like Lionheart hole in 1400s notice when you look at the map Mecca is not there here's another one put together by Laura freeze in 1541. notice Mecca's not there as well here's another one putting what Ptolemy said put together in 1571 put together by Sebastian Munster same problem Mecca just doesn't exist on any of these Maps here's a seventh century map that has been redacted back to the 730 do you see Mecca on it I don't here's another one redacted back to the 7th Century can you find Mecca on any of these maps not one so certainly pathology didn't know about this place when you look at the qiblas these are all the direction of prayers now remember in chapter 2 of the Quran all the killers were directed to Mecca according to the Quran itself Dan Gibson who's done the best work on this and he has gone through over a hundred mosques and he's gone to all their qiblas and notice what he has found from the 7th Century up until the 8th Century up until 706 every Qibla is facing Petra not one Qibla is facing Mecca we're in the eighth Century we still can't find any Moss facing Mecca it's not till 7 15 that the first Moss face Mecca what does that tell you for a hundred years they never knew where Mecca was and fix the fact look where all these qiblas are they're in they're in right there in Medina in China in India in Syria in Egypt in Israel in Jordan all over the world and yet none of them seem to know where Becca was for over a hundred years they didn't know where Mecca was they that inept or did Mexico even exist now we come to the trade route Theory and this is what Montgomery watt has helped out the Muslims he tried to help them out to show that you can find Mecca if you just look at the trade route the trade went through Mecca now the trade used to go this way right up through the Persian Gulf to vasara across Iraq across Syria over into Lebanon but then you had the sauce in the ends you started warring against the byzantines and for 200 years from the 5th 6th and 7th Century they shut down the Persian Gulf because of these wars so the trade had to be redooted re-routed so what Montgomery Watts says is they went from India remember all the trades coming from China and India they can't go north because of the Hindu Kush and the Himalayas so they come across the Arabians say they come to Aiden they're in the South and they go zip 1250 miles up to Gaza in the north now notice Mecca's halfway and so he said Mecca controlled that trait and that's how Mecca became important how many of you believe that no one's going to raise their hands you know why because I'm going to shut it down but I'm not going to shut it down Dr Patricia Corona shut this down this woman Danish read and wrote 15 archaic languages how many of you could read and write 15 archaic languages probably the greatest scholar of her day she just she just died of a number of years ago she was my authority she was the one that helped me when I started my doctorate there in uh United Kingdom and she looked at this map and she saw two problems to see if you see the same two problems this is the first one she said hold on a minute if you're taking all the goods off in Aiden and you're going up along what we call the Western Plateau where the Oasis are you'd have to go up to Taif and then from Thai if you have to go down to Mecca three thousand feet and then from Macau you've got to go back up to yathrib and then from yathrib on up to Gaza in the north do you see a detour there can you see the detour let me emphasize exactly why she's saying this let's look at this topographical map and let's just put these cities that are on the trade there's Aiden there's Sana there's Dave there's yathrib tabuk Petra and then on up to Gaza you notice they're all on the western Plateau are you seeing that can you see from this topographical map so where's Mecca Bingo right there three thousand feet down from Taif let me give you another map here's another one a topographical line map there's Aiden there's Sana there's najaran there's Taif now you can see yathrib there's tabuk betra and Gaza so where's Mecca Bingo now can you see it's way off the Western Plateau it had no water why would you go from tithe down three thousand feet to a city that our place that had no water and no food for your camels and then come back up 3 000 feet to get up to your thrip so that was the first problem but here's the second problem she said why in the world would they even get up to get their material off in Aiden and go 1250 mile by land when they have a Waterway on the left why won't you just stay on ship even today look how all our goods are sent all over the world they're sent by ship are they not it's the cheapest way to send anything and you've got the Red Sea there on the left so why didn't they go on the Red Sea now she's clever because she reads and writes 15 languages she went back to all the trading documents from the second third fourth fifth sixth all the way up to the seventh century something no muslim has ever done and she wrote a book called meccan trade in the rise of Islam I mean in 1987 and got death threats because of what she found this is what she found she said when you go and watch the trade it comes across the Arabian Sea over to aided yeah I did stop in Aiden they would get Provisions there but it did stop there they wouldn't take off any Goods there they would go up into the Red Sea they would go to Angelus and she found Angelus over and over again and then from Angelus went up the Red Sea on up to Petra and then from Petra to Gaza and then from Gaza right across the Mediterranean world that's what she found but she didn't go far enough that was in 1987. we have found something else see what she didn't realize is what part of the Red Sea and what side of the Red Sea did they go up to do that you need to look at topographical maps from space and you need to see where the channels are do you see the dark blue line there right in the middle of the Red Sea there I'm going to put a red line on it so you can see it even better that's where the big ships go today but back in the 7th Century they didn't have big ships so where did they go they went where the orange lines are the Golden Lights those are the channels that the boats use notice they're not on the Arabian side they're on the African side am I correct so unlike the East Arabian Shore which was arid and dry with no fresh water and thus few people the West African Shore had plenty of fresh water and had larger populations what's more the West Coast had easily accessible ports we know their names here they are the ports along them are asab agilis continue on sawakan veronese and safaga look at the dates they all predate Islam notice they're all one day's boat ride apart so they would go in every night to to shelter these have been around since the third Century BC on the Red Sea Side I'm sorry on the Arabian side of the Red Sea the only Port that we know of is called youngbu which supported yaphrib so what about Jeddah which supports Mecca Muslims have always asked me well then didn't Jetta exist also Dr John halting who is the world Authority on jedded wrote his book on it and if you look at his book he says Jenna did not exist until the 8th Century A.D it was created because Mecca was created Mecca had no water therefore it needed Provisions that's why they created Jeddah therefore since there was another let's get rid of Jeddah and Mecca boom they go off the screen without Jeddah without Mecca what happens to Islam a big red X well then what about the civilizations maybe they knew about this place let's ask and Dr Patricia Corona went around she asked this question if MEK was the oldest city in the history of mankind someone somewhere should have heard of it so she went and she looked and I looked at all the empires to see what they said now remember she region writes 15 languages she so she wrote read everything in its original tongue the Assyrian she found nothing about Mecca the Babylonians they knew nothing about Mecca the Roman Empire knew nothing about Mecca neither did the Persians what about those closer to it much more uh much closer like the nabatians they knew nothing about Mecca and the sabayans knew nothing and neater than the hemorites or the others or the kin does or the kedarites none of these people including the Nubians right across the Red Sea none of them had heard of Mecca not one word all the way up until the 8th Century what does that say about Mecca to you folks if it is the center of History if it's the oldest city in history it's where Abraham lived if all the trade now north south east west is going through it why had no one heard of it well what about the other cities that were in that area let's ask and see if they are because there are a lot of cities in that area or towns not really cities they're hamlets and let's see if history knows about them let's look at najran which is about 400 miles south of it a small little town but strabo talks about it plenty the Elder talks about it autonomy talks about it I read us all of it it's well known what about Sana in that are right near Rebecca yes they're well known the Greeks talk about it from the sixth Century BC they refer to these places has a whole book written on the history of it Petra jugowski has written an entire book on the history of Petra where Muhammad Muhammad has written another history on it why are all these insignificant towns referred to but none of them not one of them referred to Mecca I'll tell you why to know why take a look at a map and you'll see why look at those four Maps those are four topographical pictures of Arabian what do you notice about Mecca and Medina well the central part where median and Mecca are is a desert right where they're the dead there's no water where there's no water there's no food where there's no food there's no people where there's no people there's no towns where there's no towns there's no cities where there's no cities there's no civilization where there is no civilization there is no history it's as simple as that how long did it take me to say that 10 seconds and you can do the same you have to have water folks if there's no water there's no history that's why it was called Patria deserta by the Romans it's always been a desert that's why none of the prophets could have come there nobody has ever heard of it just like Mars without water there's no point even going there but we have to go there let's go to the hutch because the hudge is where you need to find out if the Hajj has been there from the very beginning then it should be also archaic it should be the center of History am I correct when you go to the hudge and those of you who can't go because you're not Muslims but you go and you circumambulate that square building called the Kaaba seven times why do you circumambulate seven times going counterclockwise good question I'm going to tell you to do that you need to go to Petra Petra also has a car but that you circumamulate seven times going counterclockwise why does it have a Kaaba well you need to go to this city do you recognize it Jerusalem you've got to go back to Jerusalem that also have a cover remember Kaaba means Square in Arabic it also means Square in Hebrew and the Kaaba in Hebrew was the holy of holies and the Jews would circum emulate it seven times going counterclockwise because of Jericho God told them to do it seven times going counterclockwise they still did it as a pilgrimage to Jerusalem therefore the Kaaba that was in Mecca is comes from Jerusalem it gets better than that after they circumamble it seven times they then run back and forth between Safa and marwa the two mountains that are there take a look do those look like mountains to you they're only about 20 feet high you can climb on them as kids those are not mountains those are rocks they're called marwa and Safa and the Muslims run back and forth seven times why because Hagar is in the desert see thrown out of Mecca by Abraham who's living in Mecca she runs out of water she needs to find water for Ishmael she runs in fact and forth seven times between two mountains folks those don't look like mountains to me in fact hold on a minute they're only a hundred feet away from the Kaaba which is in the center of Mecca if she's out in the desert she can't find water then one of the she's only what is she only doing 100 feet away why don't you just knock on any door and get some water for The Neighbors can you see there's a problem here folks this is not the original marwa in the original Safa this is nothing more than a facsimile this is nothing more than when you go to Las Vegas you'll see an Eiffel Tower there right that's not the original Eiffel Tower you'll see a pyramid there that's not the original pyramid they're nothing more than facsimiles that's what you're looking at so where is the original marwa and Safa so now though some people think it's in Petra you need to go to Jerusalem go to Mount Moriah where are the Temple Mount is what is the name for Mariah in Arabic you go down to the gidran valley and go back up to mount scopus that's what the pilgrims all did and what is the name of Mount scopus in Arabic Safa so the original marwa the original Safa are in Jerusalem God bless the Muslims all they did was plagiarize everything is plagiarized in Islam when you look at the Hajj you can see the takaba is plagiarized you can see that the sofa and marwa are plagiarized you can see that the hill of Arafat I don't have time to get into it that's plagiarized you can see the jamarats where they throw 49 Stones why 49 because it's a multiplication of seven which is the holy number in Judaism they've just plagiarized from the Christians you look at the zamzam well that is the same thing the same word that is used for Mount the well therein Salon the pool of Siloam in Jerusalem and then we get to the Black Stone thank God this is not plagiarized what in the world is the black stone doing there on the Eastern corner of the Kaaba every Muslim has their circumulate they kiss the stone so they can get their sins forgiven who can forgive sins but God this is idolatry folks and it's at the very seat of Islam the very center of Islam is based on idolatry if Muslims say God is one then what's that stone doing there that does not come from Jerusalem do you understand that I'm not going to go into it because I say I'm running out of time I need to keep going look and go up on fander Films we've got all of it up there we're now unpacking all of this material so you can see it so can you see no one could find make a place in the Quran Crone could pretty much debunked the trade route Theory Gibson the debunked the qiblas we I'm sorry krona also debunked she not only debunked that but she also the bank the the maps and then we debunked the base of the trade route going through the Red Sea and then of course the five stages of the Hajj though Mecca has existed since Adam and Eve in Surah chapter 7 verse 24 there is no evidence of it anywhere until 7 41. and everything we now find in Mecca we could find pine previously in Petra and now even earlier in Jerusalem you ready for Muhammad what do we know about Muhammad well last and greatest Prophet according to Islam model Islam for the world recite receive the Quran has a final Revelation everything we know about him we can find the Surah but as I now said it looks like that comes from a German scholar named wustenfeld and the Hadith we don't have anything from al-buhari until the 11th century and the eight of his nine volumes don't appear to the 16th century the same problem we're having with the Quran we'll get to that in just a bit now is it referred to in the seventh century in the time period he suppose he lives if he did exist someone should have known about him right or said something about him so what we need to do let's start with the coins because the coins if there's any caliph coming to power the first thing a caliph will do or a king will do will mint coins with his name on it his image on it and also what denomination he belongs to what religion he belongs to and the date of the coin right that's what all they all do in those ancient days because they didn't have newspapers they didn't have TV they didn't have radio they knew that everybody would touch points so let's see where the mints are according to Islam everything that the caters did was in Medina which is in the South there in hijabs but when you look at the mints notice where all the mints are the mints are all up there in Syria Jordan and Israel today those are the Western means what about the ones in the East they're all in what is today Iran in Iraq there are no mints whatsoever where they're supposed to be all the coins were minted too far north did I not say that earlier too far north what's interesting is when you look at the coins themselves the conclusion is none of these mints were in the hijabs and instead they were too far north possible because the hijaz was a desert with no water and where there is no water you know the rest of the story let's then look at the coins because the coins were being minted by people who were living at that time and they were leaders notice that when you look at the mints the look at the coins from the 7th Century 626 36 40 650 up until 661 you notice that almost all the coins are Christian look at the crosses on them that's what you do you put the cross in if you're a Christian we can't find any coins whatsoever in the early 7th Century that has anything to do with Islam anything to do with Muhammad anything to do with the Quran or anything to do with Mecca not at all so when we get to muawea who is the first caliph according to the Islam from the umai dynasty the first Cate of look at his coins he's supposed to be a good Muslim right but take a look what does he have above his head a cross take a look at the two that are on the right there look at the two the bottom ones there there's he has a cross above his head he's holding a cross in his hand on the back side of the coin is the word Mahmud which is Muhammad that's the first reference to Muhammad anywhere and that's 663. possibly is he Muhammad no what does Muhammad mean in Arabic the praised one so who's the praised one well if he's holding a cross and he's got a cross who do you think the praise one is what's his name thank you let's prove that so let's go to inscription the way you put that this is the inscription by there is his name and he refers to himself as the servant of God commander of the Believers and what does he have right there in the top left across so who is he a servant of God for and what Believers Christians he was a Christian folks all the coins say so they don't lie this is the seventh century he rules up until 680 and then you have Abdul Malik come to power in 685. Abdul Malik is the one that we need to look at because he introduces new coins that introduce the shahada there is only one God but God Muhammad is nothing more than the servant of God but remember the Muhammad is a title it means the praised one right so what does he do because of the he puts that up there Justinian the second goes to war with him he's the Byzantine emperor Abdul Malik wins the battle and he puts up this coin with himself as Victorious I didn't know you could put up images of yourself on your coins not if you're a Muslim so obviously he's not a Muslim obviously this Muhammad that's there has nothing to do with him it has everything to do with Jesus why just look at the Dome of the Rock that he built look at the inscriptions on the Dome of the Rock that he built in 691. when you look at the descriptions you will see they're all attacking the Divinity of Jesus his christology the Trinity and his sonship all of these inscriptions say not three for God is one and he has no son for truly God does not begin his nor is he begotten one is in chapter 4 verse 171 of the Quran the other is in chapter 1 12. these are all attacking Jesus Christ and then you get for truly there is only one God but God and the praised one so who is the praise when it's all about Jesus right so the praised one is nothing more than the messenger of God he was an anti-trinitarian Christian attacking the Byzantine Christianity why because they're his greatest threat as the other superpower of his day he then introduces this coin this is my coin I bought it now and all of it is attacking Jesus Christ folks this is the beginning of what later became Islam all started by this man and it was all to confront Jesus Christ it's all against our Lord the coins don't lie if you want to go to the inscriptions the inscriptions that find the exact same thing they're found in the north they're found in the South none of them are found in the middle why do you think they're not found in the middle there's no water there you go boy you learn fast ilkalinstad is the one who dated the uh he was the one that looked at the Rock in the inscriptions and he looked at the hundred year period between 640 and 740 and he noticed that all these inscriptions which are written in Arabic they have they do have formula but it's nothing to do with Islam it's Pious formula which has much more to do with Christianity it's not till 690 to 7 9 7 10 that the prophet Muhammad is to introduced into these inscriptions Muslim rights such as pilgrims and Pairs and fast are introduced by about 720 and Muhammad as a man and the people called Muslims and the religion called Islam are not introduced until 7 30. that's over a hundred years after Muhammad if Muhammad even existed it was only in the 730s onwards that there is evidence of popular devotion to a man named Muhammad as a prophet in messenger which makes the Islamic Traditions incredibly awkward there is a hundred year silence prior to this that indicates that Islam did not exist as a distinct religion until long after the time Muhammad which cast out on whether he had any part in starting Islam I'm going to go through these real quickly I don't I just want to show you what about the references to Muhammad in the 7th Century there are major references there are four of them only the four references take a look at every one of these references to Muhammad in outside sources take a look he is known as the day they were lochmans they lived in Iraq so obviously the praised one is from Iraq look where Iraq is on a map it's over a 600 to a thousand miles further north what about in 636 the Arabs of Muhammad which is in yadbank where is it's North of Israel so obviously this is way too far north Muhammad never went to Israel I don't remember him ever been to Iraq 660 sebaeus talks about the ishmaelite called mahmet who was aligned with twelve thousand Israelites first of all that's not historical there were no 12 000 Israelites who were going to war against the byzantines that never existed so obviously this is fraudulent but nonetheless look and see where this is this is way up in Damascus so that Muhammad I don't recall Muhammad ever been that far north and then you have John Barb Ben Kaya in 690 talking about a teacher and leader of the Arabs who obviously was named Muhammad who is this referring to look and see who the Arabs were they were all Christians but they were none they were not trinitarian Christians at this time it's really John of Damascus who really identifies and sees For the First Time The Muhammad were starting to come across and he does refer to it he talks about Muhammad who comes with its ludicrous doctrines comes with four books the book called The Cow which is now Surah 2 the book called women which is Surah 4 the book called the table which is Surah 5 and the book called The Camel which is Sarah nothing there is no camel Surah in the Quran so obviously whoever whatever John Damascus is it's not the Quran we know today and the Quran is much bigger than just three siras there's 114 of them in the Quran so obviously this means that there was no Quran that Ernie every reference of Muhammad in the seventh century places of in Gaza Jerusalem Damascus or Hira which are all situated too far north and probably refer to another Muhammad the praise when now we get to the Quran and this is where really gets really delicious this is the best material folks sit back if you want to go to the toilet you can do but you'll miss everything so let's go ahead what do the Muslims Claim about the Quran number one it's uncreated it's right there in the Quran itself in chapter 85 verse 22. therefore it has not never it has never been had any chance that any human could have any control over it it was sent down to Muhammad between 6 10 and 632 that's what they claim it was completed by uthman in 652 that's probably this book in this my hand right here is from Usman they say and then number four the Quran is unchanged in the last 1400 years not one word not one letter has changed have you heard Muslims say this every Muslim says those four things just memorize those four words uncreated sent down completed unchanged that's all you need to know I'll come back to it I'm going to shut down those four but I'm going to show you something even better about those four hold on so what do Christians Claim about the Bible is the Bible uncreated no of course it's created we know who wrote it we even know the authors we put their names on most of the books the Bible is not sent down he was inspired by God but not sent down uh through an angel the Bible was complete so yes we would say that that was the case the thing is we don't have any of the original manuscripts so we don't know what the complete is hasn't been changed yeah parts of it has we know where they've been changed we know even what we even put we're very transparent we put in right where the verses that have been added or or there have been scribal errors have been taken away so we know that we're very clear about that and we're only talking about 40 verses out of over 6 000 verses so tonight I'm not going to shut down uncrated or sent down because I'm not there I'm going to shut down complete and unchanged those two that's what I want to look at so what I want to look for is one Quran manuscript from the seventh century that's complete 114 series that is unchanged and this is what I've asked Muslims all over the world I've debated over a hundred debates that I've done with Muslims and this is what I always ask show me one manuscript of your Quran from the seventh century that's unchanged just like the Quran I have in my hand here where do we go to find out about the Quran we have to go to sahih buhari remember I told him that he died in 870 so we he's the one that tells us how the Quran is put together now this is what he says he says Muhammad died in 632 it had not been written down it finally got written down in his final form uh at the time of uthman in 652 the third caliph he then set five copies to five different cities Mecca Medina Basra kufa and Damascus and those been became the Canon the canonized Quran for the whole world uh in 652. the problem is almost immediately another Quran supplants the one in Damascus by written by uba IBN kab it had 116 surahs that's two more than on the Quran today another was written in Baghdad written by IBN Masood it had 110 surahs that's that's a four less than what is in the Quran today another wrist by IBN Musa 114 stores it had so many differences according to according to Arthur Jeffer who's done the work on this if you just look at those manuscripts and you compare with the Quran today they're about 15 000 differences you've got a problem so how could there have been one Quran there were at least five qurans and seventh from the seventh century from Mecca Medina Ambassador Damascus we cannot find one of them now one of those qurans exists today folks when we talk about 1400 years ago as Christians we have the city anarchists the Galax and dryness we have the vaticanus these are from the third and fourth century that's two to three hundred years before the Quran why can we reproduce our entire Bible we have 365 manuscripts of the New Testament before the 7th Century why can't they come up with one Quran from the 7th Century that's my question they are the ones that claim it not me where are these five manuscripts look at those cities they've always been controlled by Islam for the last 1400 years so how could they have lost it rather inept wouldn't you say so before we get into the manuscripts I want to look at the girat these are the readings this is probably done the most devastating material that's just come out in the last few years these are the original manuscripts now I say original means these are the earliest manuscripts you notice when you read them you can all read the Arabic you notice you can't why can't you read that because in order to be an reader Arabic you need to have dots and vowels right there are no dots and vowels on that you need that white because those manuscripts the Samarkand and the Sana or those ones had 16 letters but you can't read it today unless you have vows to help you out or dots today there are 28 letters so obviously another 12 letters were added why because of the dots now there are six letters that don't require doth like the aleph the lamb the MIM the new and the wow the other 22 all require dots what am I talking about well take a look at one smiley face month smiley face is usually the root of most letters in Arabic if you put one daughter but you have a nut two dots above you have a top three dots above you have a thought one dot below you have a bar two dots below to have a yeah five dots were added in the eighth century not in the seventh century now I can read it but that didn't exist in the 7th Century none of those manuscripts you just saw hold on it what about dialectical differences you need to have three vowels to have dialectical differences so you need to be have a dhamma which is the u sound you need to have a casa which is the e sound and you need to have a fata which is the ah sound those were only added in the late 8th century and early 9th century so you've got a problem here because suddenly you have Abdul Malik who comes to power and he wants to create a Quran because he's now introducing a prophet a prophet has to have a book so what do you do you have to borrow right left and center but the problem is you're borrowing in Arabic and you don't have any Arabic that has Dawson vowels so you decide to write your Quran with your dots in it and you call Huffs you decide to write your well you're supposed to be a male but listen pretend you're male today and you call it wash and you decide to write your crunching you put your thoughts and vowels wherever you want to you live in kufa you live in Cairo you live in Damascus and you put your own dots wherever you want to and you put your dots where you want to suddenly we have four different qurans right in four different cities well that starts to proliferate until the 10th Century there were 700 different qurans did you hear me 700 different qurans according to this man who did his doctoral thesis he's now him of uh the Islamic department at Harvard University he guests and estimates because they're not there today now you've got a problem I've got all these qurans none of them are agreeing you've got a difficulty so even with jahid man in the 10th century was given the responsibility to choose seven but before we do that notice if Dots are in different places with different vowels just with three different one of those little smiley faces you get 19 different words there's the difficulty so here's what he did he was given the responsibility to choose seven and these are the first seven he chose Nafi from Medina from Mecca even Amir from Damascus notice not notice that three of them are from kufa one to Damascus uh the other one is is from basil and the other two are from Arabia look at the dates what do you notice about the dates of every one of those look at the death dates every one of them either died between 736 and 805. that means 8th and 9th century did any of these men know Muhammad that they even live in the same Century as Muhammad so how could they have come from Muhammad these are the seven that every Muslim will swear came from Muhammad but no one's daughter to look at their dates I am the one that put the dates up there you've got to put the dates together folks and this is where you're going to shut down every Muslim they have no idea of these dates those are the first seven but this book is not there this is Huff's this is the official book for the whole world today memorized by 93 of all muslimsam you see Awesome's name up there number five he is a disciple of awesome so in 1194 two disciples were chosen from every one of the seven to make 14 right and that was chosen by al-shatabi in 1194. now you have 7 plus 14 how many you have twenty one am I correct I hope my Math's right that still isn't good enough in the 15th century in 429 another main name al-jazadi chose another nine to acclimate with another 21. so now you have 30 different qurans no two are alike but you've been told there's only one Quran right and the one that was chosen by Saudi Arabia was the Huffs that you see there guess how many differences there are between Huffs and the other 29. 93 thousand ninety three thousand this is the first time you're hearing this right I hope your people are watching you Muslims are watching you're listening to this this is going to shut down your Quran for you who is the one that found this my colleague she's only five foot two she's from Turkey in London she and I were on the ladder for three years there at Speaker's Corner every Sunday she was the one that found these by accident because she went to Morocco she went to Yemen she went to Jordan and she went into a bookstore and says show me a Quran and they said well Which con are you talking about I said what do you mean which Quran they said well we have Kowloon here we have Huffs over here we have water over here we have kisai over here we have IBN katir she said well give them all to me so she brought him back to London showed me them and I looked at them and I said oh man I started laughing I thought these were all destroyed in 1924 they were in Cairo and thrown into the Nile evidently not there they are she has found Now 26 of them she brought 26 of them down the Speaker's Corner we held them up in 2060. we filmed it went all over the Internet this shut down the Quran in 2016. see the man that's there on the right The Tall Man with the beard his name is Muhammad hijab one of the most popular men on the internet he has a following about anywhere from half a million to a million followers he was there filming us when he was doing that he realized there was a problem he quickly went outside the crowd and he yelled at all the people come to me do not look at what they're showing you do not listen to what they're saying I will explain everything to you obviously he explained it pretty well why because four years later he was shown these material I'm not going to go into all of these you can go into every one of them but you can see the Huff's on the left the washer on the right in every case it's completely different words just by changing the vows by changing the docs you not only get different words you get different meanings you don't even get different meanings you get different doctrines you get different theologies and you get different practices it shuts down the Quran from being preserved obviously these are all done by man there's a problem there and so he came to this man who's the leading Authority there on the right yasarkari there in Houston and he said I have a problem I'm going to put my hand out here and I'm gonna this is a blank piece of paper which Quran are you going to write on it which is the one that's Eternal which is the one that was revealed to Muhammad tell me which one of it remember he was the one that told all the Muslims he was going to explain it to them says we do not talk about this in public this is the most difficult problem for Muslim Scholars for the last Thousand Years he said we have a respect for the Quran we there are certain questions we don't ask so Muhammad said was that the problem you had when you were at Yale University getting your doctorate on this in 1995 is that where you had a crisis of faith is no no not crisis of Faith crisis of knowledge notice the difference he said in the West the scholars have come Leaps and Bounds in the last hundred years and they're looking at you pointing to Mohammed hijab in the east they're looking at you like the emperor with no clothes why because your standard narrative has holes in it what narrative standard Islamic narrative s-i-n has holes in it well we know sin has holes in it but can you see what happened this was only a 28 long this is really a question that was happening it was an interview for 28 minutes he didn't know we were all watching this he said I never have talked about this for 25 years I will never do a lecture on this so Muhammad had John put his hand out a second time he said you've got to tell me which is the one that's Eternal because the Quran says in chapter 85 22 1-22 that this book is eternal the Quran says in chapter 10 verse 15 in chapter 18 verse 27 that no man can change one word or even one letter it says in the Quran chapter 15 verse 9 that Allah protects his word which is the one after 28 minutes finally had to give in and he finally had to admit they're all the Quran all 30 of them you take a little bit of kaloon you take a little bit of watch you take a little bit of Huffs and you just mix them out and that's the crown we have today I started clapping I was watching this live I said yasukai you have no idea you've just now admitted that there are 93 000 differences I'm going to show you these two right here these are two of them right here there's the Huff's here's the watch you can buy these on the internet this is the one that is memorized by 93 of the world's population this is memorized by three percent of the world's population this is from Egypt this one is from kufa in Iraq there are 5 000 different words between these two books I'm holding them right here this shuts down the Quran within two weeks if you looked at their sights there were hundreds of Muslims they said we're leaving Islam because of what you have said and our blood is going to be on your shoulders they had a shut down those comments within two months they had to take that video off of both their sites but I've got it David wood has it how Tosh has it and every June 8th of every year we bring up that interview once over again and show the whole world you cannot say that this comes from God you cannot even say it comes from Muhammad you can't even say it comes from Usman this has been changed and manipulated from the last 1400 years now let's get to the manuscripts because the manuscripts we do have now we have 8 500 Greek manuscripts 10 000 Latin vulgates another 9011 different languages that's roughly 24 000 to 25 000 manuscripts of the New Testament alone am I correct just say yes how many manuscripts do they have that are early six you want to see them there they are the top copy from Turkey the summer Khan from Uzbekistan in London the petropolitanus I'm sorry I'm going the wrong way from France there in Cairo and the son of manuscript the most exciting there in Yemen I'm not going to unpack every one of them these are the ones we're debating I did a debate on these four six manuscripts in 2014 with the world's leading scholar Dr shabir Ali he could not answer one question because he never looked at these manuscripts I have three of them the facilities of three of them in my office we're looking at them folks you notice what we have found no two of these manuscripts are from the seventh century they're from the 8th 9th and 10th Century no two are alike and they don't agree with the Quran we have today the best one the Top Copy which is about 99 has 2270 manuscript variants when you look at the Sanam manuscript it has two different layers of letters and there are 63 verses in the lower layer it has 70 variants just within those 63 verses can you see there's a problem here I'm not going to get into these ones here these are the carbon datings but when you look at the carbon datings of the earliest management of the sauna manuscript they the datings of the carbon dates of this manuscript they are date from 390 to 550 they all predate the Quran they predate Islam and they pray date Muhammad proving that carbon dating don't use so they came up with this book here called the Birmingham folios the Birmingham manionship remember this in 2015 it was all over the internet when you look at the Birmingham manuscript it's only two pieces of paper front and back it's only 33 verses and guess what it's all about the seven sleepers of Ephesus chapter 18. that has nothing to do with Islam it's about the proto-evangelion of James that has nothing to do with Islam and it's about the story of Moses that all predates Islam all of these are in Arabic and they are nothing to do with Islam so what's going on hold on I want to interviews this guy here Dr Dan brubacher he was in our conference this last weekend you should have come this man has just shut the Quran down because of this book right here you need to buy this book basically what he has done is he's taken the Muslims afterward and he says if there's no changes in the last 1400 years let's see if I can find changes and he's looked he's the only one that's looked at all the manuscripts and he has found insertions there you can see some there he has found erasers there you can see erasers there he has found erasers over written you can see them there in the red he has found overriding without erasers he has found selective coverings there are so many coverings in the middle one there there are eight different coverings what every case when you see insertions when you have overriding when you have any one of these reference these differences what happens in every case it brings it down to a standardization of the huffstex means that this is censorship that's been going on for for not 1400 years it's been going on since the 1300s for 700 years they've been changing these manuscripts to make them so they all are alike selective coverings overwritten and tapings we went down to Speaker's Corner I go down to one hour I'm in London there's Hutton Tosh the five foot two lady that destroyed the Quran they're on my left there and we decide to introduce this book there at Speaker's Corner while we're there one of the leading Scholars on the right there Mansour Ahmad from Bangladesh got up there and tried to shut us down and he was making the claim that you can trace the Quran back all the way to the 7th Century so I turned him and I say okay you can do that show me what manuscript you're talking about it's not the petropolitan you can't use the husseini and don't use the mighty manuscripts and certainly don't use the sauna manuscript because all of these are 8th 9th and 10th Century which is the manuscript that goes back to the 7th century he finally had to admit that there were 63 There was six I was 96 of the Quran that they could find within the first century that means between 6 22 and 721 or 719. notice the 63 that he's talking about these are the fragments that he has found notice we looked at every one of these fragments none of them those ones I'm putting up there there's no one has come to any conclusion on those 20 the next nine are all after the sixth seventh nineteen so they shouldn't have used those to a nine and the next 34 no one's done any working which means he has basically what the Muslims have done they've just created manuscripts or fragments most of these are just one or two verses they've tried to come up with 63 to come up with 96 of the crime and they're all none of them can be used from the first century of Islam oh I love it makes my job so easy thus none of them are really valid since all of them are either later or tentally dated or have no supporting evidence so where did the Quran that we have in our hand where did it come from this book right here it was chosen in 1924 by one scholar named why because they were having some problem amongst the uni the high schools kids there in the City of Cairo they're having 30 different answers for all the questions they went to Muhammad said choose one and he chose this one what did they do with the other 29 threw them into the Nile like I said earlier thinking that would get rid of them they didn't count on hatun Tosh five foot two lady to decide to find them in 2013. nonetheless that was so successful of choosing one crown that by 1936 it was then chosen as the Quran for the entire country of Egypt by 1985 the Saudi Arabian government saw how successful that model was so they chose it for the whole world in 1985 how many people are older or were living in 1985. just raise your hands that means every one of you who's raising your hands is now older than the Quran oh boy that must make you feel old but now we're coming to the best this is the last thing and this is lovely see you'd like to know where the Quran really comes from right I'd like to know where the Quran really comes from because if you're having to put together a book because a man had has been chosen who writes the book you don't have anything at hand what are you going to do you're going to borrow are you not so this is exactly what happened in the eighth in the ninth in the 10th century but what did they borrow let me introduce this man here Dr Gunther Luling who was a German scholar he did his Doctorate in 1970 and he's Nook at the Quran he noticed that there was some beautiful poetry in the Quran he said I've seen that before so he took those five dots off and he took the three vowels out and replaced them with Syriac and abiti and dots or Syriac nabatin Syriac or Syriac documents put the Syriac dots back in and put the vowels back in and guess what he found that these beautiful poetry were Christian hymns written by Christians about Jesus Christ this was found in 1970 as a result of that he was such an embarrassment for the Academia there in Germany that he though he received in his doctoral the examine Opus which is the highest grade you could get in Germany which means that you should be given a professorship in any University of your choice he was thrown out of Academia and he went Into Obscurity for 30 years lived on welfare with his wife I met him in 1998 I saw I said could I see your doctorate I took her back to England and I got it from Germany Germany and put it into English now remember when he writes one sentence is 400 words long that's how the academics do it in Germany we had been bringing it down so people could manage it we got it written in English it could not it would not they would not publish it there in Germany so that he had to get it published in India but because of that there you can see it right there the challenge to Islam for reformation don't read that you shouldn't read the the strong small print he then was able then was resurrected because it was all over the English-speaking world and he died a happy man in 2014. now Dr Christoph Luxembourg decided to go one step further he's also a German but that's not his real name because he will be killed for what he has found he decided to do what Gunther little league did but he decided to look at the dark passages 25 of the Quran no one understands not even the scholars understand it a quarter of the Quran even the scholars don't understand did you know that can you understand the whole Bible certainly you can when Jack kid gets up here does he open the Bible please say yes does he read it please say yes does he unpack it for you and does he apply to your lives why because you can understand every word of it and you can understand it in English right thank God for our Bible but see you can't do that with the Quran you can't do that with the Quran you can't understand these 25. so what are you going to do well he decided to do what Gunther Luling did and he took and went to every one of those passages and he went through seven layers I won't go unpack each one of them he went through seven layers taking off the vows taking off the dots looking at the lexicons looking and seeing if you can find any Arabic words you couldn't find any there so he went to Syria put the dots back in put the vowels in hey went to the lexicons in Syria and guess where you could find he could reproduce all the 25 percent all the dark passages he was able to reproduce but what did he find once he took the Arab Quran and put it to its Aramaic Roots all the dark passages were Christian lectionaries Christian homilies and Christian hymns every lectionary homily him was about Jesus Christ it had nothing to do with what they found but who they found folks there are four textual Evolutions I'm not going to go with them tonight but can you see what we're doing I want to ask the same question of the Quran and come to the same conclusion remember I said the very beginning the Muslims have four things that they demand of the Quran it must be eternal it must be sent down it must be complete and unchanged I think we shut that down tonight have we not and we would not say the same thing about our word of God the Bible but hold on a minute is the Bible the only word of God we have don't we have someone who's also called the word of God the logos Jesus Christ let's apply those four to him is Jesus Christ eternal number one was Jesus Christ sent down number two is Jesus complete number three is Jesus unchanged absolutely everything the Muslims need we've got thus the four criteria Muslims are looking for in their Quran as their primary revelation we already have in Jesus Christ Our primary Revelation folks we need to bring them home to a much greater and a better Revelation and what's his name what's his name oh I love her what a name let's pray our heavenly father as we've gone and we've unpacked these three areas we've looked at the book The Man in the place we've also looked at the sources Lord when we look at these and we realize just how hopeless and impractical practical Islam is when we look and see that this is not a man who lived in the 7th Century oh there were many people called Muhammad the praise one of course possibly even you were called that when you were here but Lord when we look and see who he is and what that what has become of him and what David put to it's not a man I want to follow when we look at the Quran and we see that there was no crime in the seventh century there was not even a city called Mecca Lord everything they're dependent on on those three things we've now just using seventh century we have shut down Lord they still want to know you they still want to believe in God and they still want to be brought home Lord we're the only ones that can do that Lord I want to bring them back to a better God a bigger God a better book a bigger book a better Jesus a bigger Jesus I want to bring him back to you because we're the only ones that have the antidote though we can shut it down that's not in the reason I don't want to shut down their man God and book I want to bring him back to our man Garden book Lord that's something we've got to do the atheists can't do this the humanists can't do this because all they give them is nihilism in response I love these Muslims they're my favorite people I've worked with them for 40 years I wouldn't be wasting my time if I didn't love them I want them to know you and the only way I can do that is to bring them back to you what a God you are a God who enters time in space what a God you are a God who gave us his Revelation what a God you are because you came and died for us and rose again and that's the god they need to know Lord help every one of us who's here and those who are watching let's bring them home let's bring them home Christ name we pray amen
Channel: Calvary Chapel Chino Hills
Views: 1,596,905
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 40DclW84HkM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 15sec (4335 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 15 2023
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