Life Between Two Gardens | Lysa TerKeurst

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it's been a great morning already and we are so excited about what we have in store I was talking to Pastor Steven yesterday on the phone and he was telling me he's really excited about two things right now number one is he can't wait to be on this stage preaching next weekend at his favorite place in the planet so when he's excited spoiler alert you should be excited cuz next weekend is gonna be incredible are you excited to have our pastor with us next weekend and then he was also telling me he was very excited that we have Lysa TerKeurst in the house this weekend to preach to us Lysa and Art have been elevators part of our church for close to a decade now very faithful and committed just participants in our church we love them their family they're dear friends of Pastor Steven and Holly and if you didn't know this Lysa is a New York Times bestselling author many many many times over in fact her new book is It's Not Supposed to Be This Way it's out now she's the president she's the founder of Proverbs 31 Ministries she preaches and teaches all over the world inspiring the church globally and we are very very blessed and honored that she is preaching at her church home this weekend so at every location can you please put your hands together and celebrate as we welcome Lysa TerKeurst to the stage thank you so much what a joy and honor it is to be able to be in my home church and this is very exciting there's two things about Elevation that I have seen across the world as I'm out preaching and teaching in different environments and different facilities and it's this number one Elevation Worship is in every church conference I go to and what a gift it is that we get to hear it in our home church can we thank God for Elevation Worship and the second thing is when people find out that I get to sit under the teaching of Pastor Steven Furtick every single week they kind of wish they could move to Charlotte and do the very same thing can we thank God for our pastor Pastor Steven and Holly are good friends and so that gives me a unique opportunity to be able to see something that I'm so blessed by and that is that you guys are incredible people whether you're on the stage or behind the scenes you're good people and I thank God for that can we thank God for the gifts that we have in Pastor and Holly well stay standing for the reading of God's Word we're gonna read first off from Revelation in case you haven't been to the Revelation in a while I'm gonna unpack a little bit for you but let's read God's Word and be encouraged by it this morning Revelation chapter 21 starting in verse 3 and I heard a loud voice from the throne saying look God's dwelling place is now among the people and he will dwell with them and they will be his people and God Himself will be with them and be their God he will wipe every tear from their eyes there will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain for the old order of things has passed away come on somebody we have a lot to look forward to right you can be seated and for those of you who are note takers and I hope that means most of you you'll want the title of the sermon right away and that is life between two gardens and that may sound like a strange title but by the end of my message I promise you will understand life between two gardens you know as I read these verses in Revelation that gives me great hope for one day but I want to make sure that I have great hope and great faith to live out what I need to live out today because sometimes life can be hard a couple weeks ago Pastor preached an incredible message from a message entitled invisible prisons and he said something that really grabbed my heart he said what God uses to develop your faith is disappointment and what the devil uses to destroy your faith is disappointment I want to dive into disappointment today because I think it's something that we can all relate to I want to identify where does disappointment come from and what do we do about it and I'm also going to share from my heart some very personal deep devastating disappointments that my family and I have walked through the past three years and I think and I pray you'll be able to relate to today's message here's the deal we've all either just been through some stuff or we're in the middle of some stuff or we're headed toward being in some stuff and you may say well Lysa that's not very positive no I'm positive we either been through some stuff we in some stuff are we about to go through some stuff right and so I like to open up God's Word and discover what do we do about the disappointments that we all face every single day but first let's discover where disappointment comes from and to do that we're going to turn over to Genesis the very first book of the Bible starting in chapter 2 verse 5 now no shrub had yet appeared on the earth and no plant had yet sprung up for the Lord God had not sent the rain on the earth and there was no one to work the ground but streams came up from the earth and watered the whole surface of the ground then the Lord God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and the man became a living being now the Lord God verse 8 planted a garden in the east in Eden and there he put the man he had formed the Lord God made all kinds of trees to grow out of the ground trees that were pleasing to the eye and good for food in the middle of the garden were the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil skip down to verse 15 the Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it and the Lord God commanded the man you are free to eat from any tree in the garden but you must not eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil for when you eat from it you will certainly die and I'm convinced at this point that the man did not write the one rule down because the very next verse the Lord says ah it is not good for the man to be alone I will make a helper suitable for him and women have been making lists for their men ever since come on somebody say Amen yeah you know it's true you have a woman in the house today so you know just a special gift for you there and after that a helper suitable for Adam is looked for so Adam names all the animals but no helper was found amongst the animals and so then God causes a man to fall into a deep sleep and he takes part of a rib and from that he fashions a woman and then God brings the woman to Adam and listen to what he says it's so poetic it's almost like rivaling any rap song that you could hear today this is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh she shall be called wo-man for she was taken out of a man my friend Levi Lusko says that the original meaning of that part of scripture right there is she had apple bottom jeans and boots with the fur I can't find that in all my research but that's what Levi says verse 24 this is why man leaves his father and his mother and is united to his wife and they become one flesh and then one of my favorite verses in all of the Bible Genesis 2:25 Adam and his wife were both naked and they felt no shame they felt no shame though they were standing there completely vulnerable before one another and before God himself but they could stand there feeling no shame and being that vulnerable because they had no other opinion to contend with but the absolute love of God himself can you imagine perfection was everywhere there was perfection in their relationship there was perfect communion with God the atmosphere the environment all of their surroundings were perfect everything was amazing but then we find Genesis 3 verse 1 now the serpent was more crafty than any of the wild animals the God had made he said to the woman did God really say and don't you kind of wish that the woman at this point would have said if you're so interested in what God had to say go ask him yourself right that would have saved all of us a whole lot of trouble wouldn't it but that's not what happens did God really say and isn't it also interesting that the devil always wants to make us question God's Word I mean God is the creator but the enemy is the perverter not only does he want to make us doubt God's Word he wants to make us believe that God's Word is too difficult to understand and too hard to live out the thing about it though is that the God of the universe hand fashioned our brain I'm convinced with his word in mind we were made to be able to not only get into God's Word but for God's Word to get into us come on somebody that's amazing right but the enemy wants to pervert that and then look at what he does when he quotes back what God said his first three words the enemy's first three words that he said God said was you must not now what were God's actual first three words God's actual first three words or you are free we serve a God of freedom but the enemy wants us to believe that we serve a God of restriction the enemy wants us to believe that we serve a you must not God but that's not true we serve a God of freedom he has woven the theme of freedom he wants his people free all the way through the Bible now he does give us some restriction but it's for our protection we serve a God of freedom but look how the enemy twists that when he quotes God he says God said you must not eat from any tree in the garden and woman said to the serpent we may eat from the fruit from the trees in the garden but God did say you must not eat from the fruit of the tree that is in the middle of the garden you must not even touch it or you will die now that is not at all what God said she added that last little part I think it's very dangerous when we add our opinion on top of God's Word I really really do you know so many times it's like people will ask me Lysa what is your opinion about this issue and that issue and I say why does my opinion matter when God's Word is so very clear we got to get into God's Word and let God's Word get into us God will give us the answers that we need we don't need to be adding our opinion to God's Word verse 4 you will certainly not die the serpent said to the woman for God knows when you eat from it your eyes will be opened and you will be like God knowing good and evil and when the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye and also desirable for gaining wisdom wait just one minute so I used to think as I was reading the story that's kind of challenging that God would put this tree in the middle of the garden the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and hang on it fruit that was so pleasing to the eye and good for food I mean was this kind of like a super fruit like brownie a la mode fruit how could she resist right and like to put that there with that amazing fruit and then say don't eat from it that just seemed kind of complicated to me until I kept it in the context that that it's really in and if you remember when I read Genesis 2 there's a detail about all the trees in the garden all the trees in the garden had fruit that was good for food and pleasing to the eye they all have the brownie a la mode fruit hanging on it right she was surrounded by God's provision but she stared at the one thing God said not to have and we will steer where we stare right same thing we want what we want and when we get fixated on something even if God says no we try to say yes because here's the thing I think sometimes we do think God's withholding something from us God's not withholding something from us God is protecting us from all that's contained in that fruit that we have no idea that fruit was the knowledge of good and evil the human heart was never supposed to know the knowledge of evil it is too heavy of a weight God wasn't withholding from us he was protecting us you know what the knowledge of evil is it's all those things we experienced and we say it's not supposed to be this way a cancer diagnosis infertility struggle betrayal heartbreak devastations that we see on the nightly news you're right it's not supposed to be this way God never intended for us to know the knowledge of evil but Eve looked at the one thing she wasn't supposed to take and she took some and she ate it and she gave some to her husband who was with her and he ate it then suddenly the eyes of both of them were opened and they realized they were naked I wonder what that moment was like did they look down and go uh or did they look across and go oh no bro you got to cover that up like here you a fig and a leaf we got to do something about all that right I don't know I wasn't there but here's what I do know they weren't just physically naked they were also emotionally naked they'd never felt the weight of guilt before but they do now and they were spiritually naked they'd never felt the weight of shame before but they do now and think of all the things now that God would have surely been justified in saying to Adam and Eve they didn't just unleash sin that day we're still living out that reality today think of the weight of that so while Adam and Eve are hiding here comes God walking in the cool of the day and I just imagine all he would have been justified in saying but he doesn't he simply asked them two questions I'm stunned by this and I think that maybe God would like to ask us those same two questions today the first question he says where are you now their physical location was not a mystery to God he's God he knew exactly where they were located but Adam and Eve are hiding and they are afraid the sound that used to be such a delight to them when everything was perfect the sound of God walking in the garden it used to be like daddy's home and I imagine them running through the garden and being so excited but if you were a child and you ever had your mama say this to you you just wait till daddy gets home right you know the sound of daddy getting home on those days is not so nice right and I imagine now the very sound that used to bring him such joy is making them so afraid and so I think God is saying where are you because they've lost their spiritual orientation they've forgotten where to go to when they're afraid I think God asked me that question some mornings when I wake up and I'm in a funk have you ever been in the funk like you just wake up and it's like no particular reason you just feel like the weight of the world is on you and you're just kind of grumpy you know and you know you should listen to a praise song you know should read the Bible but instead you're like nah let me just hop on Facebook for a minute let me just hop on Instagram and I'll hop on Instagram and I'll start scrolling and all of a sudden it doesn't make my funk better it multiplies my funk because suddenly everybody else's thighs look thinner than mine their marriage looks more romantic than mine their kids are getting more awards than mine their house is better decorated than mine and my two best friends got together and went out to dinner last night what they didn't even invite me right and my funk is multiplied I think God would like to say Lysa where are you where are you girl you need to get off of Facebook and get your face in my book because that is where hope can be found I know what you need right the second question that God asks them who told you you were naked remember that Adam and Eve and God are not the only ones in the garden at this point the enemy is also there and I know from reading Revelation chapter 12 verses 10 and 11 the enemy is called the accuser of the brethren he accuses us day and night and so I know the enemy is there and I believe the enemy would love for Adam and Eve to believe and for you and I to believe that we haven't just done something wrong that we are something wrong and he accuses us so we can try to lock us in chains of shame right just like Pastor was saying the enemy would love for us to be imprisoned you know just by all the stuff I think God asking who told you you were naked is really saying who told you you were anything less than the amazing child of the Almighty God who told you you were naked you see I think some of us have words that have been sitting on us for a long time and pain that we carry around with us that was from a long time ago at some point in your life somebody spoke a line to you and it became a lie that you believed about yourself and then that lie that you believed about yourself suddenly became a label that you put on yourself and your identity and now that label has become a liability in all your relationships of today and somebody will say something to you today and it'll offend you but you have a way out of proportion reaction to the offense at hand why because you are still carrying the pain of that line that became a lie that became a label and now is a liability and you are holding this person accountable for things they hadn't even done who told you who told you that you were naked we cannot let their words become the words of our story we gotta let God's words become the words of the story of our lives amen amen well after this then God does have consequences for them because sin always comes as a package deal with consequences there's no sin that you commit where there's not a package deal of consequences that come with it and there were consequences but sin also demands a sacrifice let's look at Genesis 3 starting in verse 21 then the Lord God made garments of skin for Adam and his wife and he clothed them and with apologies to the animal activists blood of an animal was shed here animals were harmed in the making of this story but this is a pointing really to Jesus because this day was the blood of the animal that would be the sacrifice to cover their sin and one day it would be the blood of God's own son Jesus Christ that would be shed that would drip from a cross to be the ultimate covering for the sin of the world and the Lord God said verse 22 the man has now become like one of us knowing good and evil he must not be allowed to reach out his hand and take also from the tree of life and eat and live forever so the Lord God banished him from the Garden of Eden to work the ground from which he had been taken and I'll be honest if we were sitting at my kitchen table right now I would admit to you that that's hard for me to hear that God banished them from the garden have you ever read that and kind of thought oh that sits heavy on you right and so I decided to do a little study taking the word banished and going back to the Hebrew to see what was the original intention of that word and I found something so surprising the root of that word actually means sent out not banished in other words God sent them out which tells me he was doing it for a purpose a reason interestingly enough the Hebrew derivative of sent out is closely related to the New Testament Greek derivative from John 3:16 when God so loved the world that He gave or he sends in his son Jesus again it's a pointing to what Jesus will one day be able to do for us that we cannot do for ourselves but why did God send them out of the garden why did they have to leave look at the text it's very clear remember there's another tree in the garden the tree of life they were allowed to eat from that when they were in perfection to eat from the tree of life meant that their lives would be perpetuated for eternity and that was good when they were perfect but now that sin has entered in their body is in a state of decay and they are separated from God if God would have left them and they would have eaten from the tree of life then they would have been stuck in that state forever and God loved them too much to do that so he sends them out and gives them a gift that will feel nothing like a gift at all he will allow their physical bodies to die so that they could trade that then for a spiritual body that through the forgiveness of Jesus Christ they could enter back into that perfect relationship with God this was not an act of cruelty it was an act of great mercy amen now let me just point out one more thing though from all that we've read I now know the human heart was created in the context of the perfection of the Garden of Eden so when Adam and Eve were sent out God did not strip from them that awareness of perfection the awareness of perfection is etched into the very DNA of our soul we know perfection exists but we can't find it no wonder we are disappointed this is where disappointment comes from have you ever been taking a picture with a group of friends and you all smile take the picture and then before they post it you say let me see it and then you hold it and you do like this who are you looking at yourself right mm-hmm and if you happen to be in the middle and you had your butt out and your hips tucked behind the person beside you and you look real good you'll be like oh yeah we got to post this one right away it's good of everybody uh-huh but if you were the sad fool that got stuck on the end this way and you wide looking oh you know what I'm saying and your arms are just not not not good and and chin something something happening you will hit the trashcan on their phone you will say it was blurry everybody's eyes were shut now let me get up here in the middle let's let's take that picture now right we know perfection exists we keep looking for it but even then even if the picture is real real good of us we still crop it and we edit it right we filter it and that's not even good enough now we got to post it and make sure other people think it's perfect refresh refresh refresh how many likes do I get right we know perfection exists and that's where disappointment comes from so here's my question why didn't God strip the awareness of perfection out from our hearts because it's his way of drawing our heart to him the one who is perfect the only one who is perfect the answer to every desire for perfection that we keep chasing and if lesser loves ever satisfied us we would think we had no need for God so my friends that's where disappointment comes from we hold everything up to this standard this expectation of perfection and then our experience hits right here and the fertile ground between those two is disappointment now if our disappointment if the worst disappointment that we face today is that we go through the drive-through coffee line and they frappe our latte and waylay our whole day we're like oh I'm just gonna put a little Jesus on it and it's gonna be okay and I'm going to handle my disappointment right and that's good that's good but a lot of us are going through disappointments that are pretty serious heartbreaking actually and it's not just disappointment really it's like a devastation a disillusionment what do we do about that well we heard in revelation that there will be a new day so let's turn back to Revelation because I want to show you something else that I think is pretty profound let's go back to Revelation chapter 21 starting in verse 3 and read that part again and then we'll keep going and I heard a loud voice from the throne saying look God's dwelling place is now among the people he will dwell with them and they will be his people and God Himself will be with them and be their God he will wipe every tear from their eyes there will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain for the old order of things has passed away he who has seated on the throne said I am making everything new then he said write this down I think because he's given the revelation to a man he didn't want him to miss it this time write this down for these words are trustworthy and true he said to me it is done I'm the Alpha and the Omega the beginning and the end and then look over at Revelation 22 verse 3 no longer will there be any curse you see let me give you a little spiritual orientation here we start out in the perfection of Eden but we don't live there anymore so we live with the anxiety of the first Eden in Revelation chapter 22 that we just read from my Bible says that's when Eden is restored so we not only live from anxiety of the first Garden of Eden but we live in anticipation that the perfection of Eden will return but right now we're simply doing life between two gardens and I wonder if that could help make sense of some of the disappointments and maybe we could stop expecting a perfection out of ourselves and others and our relationships that not even God expects like I wonder if we could just give people a little more grace right stop expecting our jobs to be so perfect stop expecting church to be so perfect stop expecting your neighbour to be so perfect your spouse to be so perfect your kids to be so perfect I wonder if we could just step back a little bit and just acknowledge yup I'm doing life between two gardens right it's not always gonna be that way but it is that way today now what do we do about it to do that I want to turn to Mark chapter 14 there's a middle garden in this life between two Gardens in Mark chapter 14 Jesus has just had the last supper with his disciples and they've walked across the Kidron Valley and now they've gone to this place they would meet at often outside the city called the Garden of Gethsemane and this Garden of Gethsemane Gethsemane means the place of the pressing of the olive verse 32 this is what Jesus says knowing full well that soldiers are on the way to arrest him and take him on the road to the cross they Jesus and his disciples verse 32 of Mark chapter 14 they went to a place called Gethsemane and Jesus said to his disciples sit here while I pray he took Peter James and John along with him and he began to be deeply distressed and troubled my soul Jesus said is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death he said to them stay here and keep watch I don't know about you but as I read these words of Jesus I find myself saying there are no words of Jesus I can relate to more than this because I know what it's like to walk through something and feel so overwhelmed with sorrow that I say I think this just might kill me have you ever been there that's where my family and I have been the past three years I know what it feels like to come into church sit way back there because I feel like I'm walking in and I can barely breathe that's another reason I'm so grateful to be sitting under the teaching of Pastor Steven because when you're that overwhelmed you can't remember whole messages but sometimes it's sentences within messages that change people's lives because we can hold on to those sentences and we can preach back those sentences and we have a Pastor who cares so much about our hearts that he writes messages with sentences that we can remember and preach back to ourselves that are inspired by the Holy Spirit where he spends time in the text and he unearth's these truths that sometimes we can't find for ourself and for those of us who are hanging on by a thread dear God that's what we need that's what I've needed some of you walked in church today and you're right there just hanging on by a thread can I say to you I'm so proud of you for getting to church today this is exactly where you need to be this is exactly where you need to be and those of you joining online it's the best way for you to spend your time it's the best place that you could log on online of all the choices you have you chose elevation church dot org and that was a great great choice you know why because sometimes when we can't find footing in our faith we got to go stand on somebody else's faith we got to go stand on Pastor Steven's faith we got to go stand beside somebody who's in a different season and they are proclaiming the faithfulness of God in a way that it shifts the atmosphere of our depression it lifts our anxiety we got to get ourselves to church we got to get in a place where we can be reminded that our God is good our God is very good you see what my family and I have been walking through in the past several years is that in February of 2016 I found out my husband my life partner for over two decades was being unfaithful and it about broke me in two it didn't just break me it shattered me it was the hardest thing that we've ever walked through as a family that's why I think Jesus says to the disciples stay here and keep watch I used to think it was just because the soldiers were coming and he didn't want to get caught off-guard by the soldiers but Jesus is God I mean he's full divinity and absolute humanity he knew where the soldiers were now maybe he didn't want the disciples to get caught off guard but I think there's another meaning I think Jesus is saying stay here and watch how I do this life between two Gardens stay here and watch me because you're gonna need this you're gonna need this you're gonna need this when you go through times of deep sorrow and deep heartbreak stay here and watch me keep your eyes on me I want you to write down some verses that this week I want you to take some time and go read for yourself it's in Hebrews chapter 2 verses 14 through 18 in Hebrews chapter 2 verse 14 says this since the children have flesh and blood he too shared in their humanity so that by his death he might break the power of him who holds the power of death that is the devil next verse verse 15 and free those who all their lives were held in slavery by their fear of death next verse for surely it's not the angels he helps but Abraham's descendants next verse verse 17 for this reason he had to be made like them fully human in every way make no mistake Jesus was absolute divinity and full humanity at the same time without sin but fully human he knows what it feels like to be human now he hasn't experienced maybe the exact same circumstances as you but the emotional turmoil that we experience he knows what it feels like to be betrayed he knows what it feels like to be heartbroken he knows what it feels like to be so very human and the weight of all of that and the reason God sent him was not just to make an atonement for our sins but what a great gift that was but also so that he could be a merciful and faithful high priest to us we can trust his teaching because we can know he felt what we feel we can't listen to Jesus's words and say well he doesn't understand because he's God after all no fully human in every way we can trust his teaching even when we're experiencing the deepest heartbreak especially when we're experiencing the deepest heartbreak going through the hardest stuff because Jesus knew what it felt like look at the very next words that he says verse 36 going just a little farther so they could still see him he fell to the ground and prayed if possible the hour might pass from him Abba Father he said everything is possible for you take this cup from me oh dear God I know I know what this feels like to know that our God is possible and capable of doing everything God everything is possible for you change this circumstance in my life after all I see you changing it for other people so dear God change it for me and is it at this exact moment where our faith comes in conflict with our feelings and it's so hard isn't it but never forget these aren't the last words that Jesus uttered after he says take this cup from me change this God make a different plan I don't want this to be my life I've uttered those words but now look at these nine earth-shaking hell shattering demon quaking words he says yet not what I will but what you will in other words he had a marked moment before going to the cross where he exchanged his will take this cup from me for God's will because he knew God's will was better you see here's where I get in trouble sometimes with my faith I know even if God doesn't change my circumstances I know my hope is that God will do or bring good from even this I know that the scripture teaches us that but here's where I get in trouble I then like to run ahead of God and write the script of good that he should surely do right and people will sometimes say Lysa have you prayed about this oh you know I prayed about it when in reality I have stressed about it I have fretted about it I've called my friends about it I've cried in my bed about it and then if I actually did pray about it I was so busy making suggestions to God of all the ways he could fix it that I didn't really stop to listen to God revealing to me what he was actually doing and I think it's so helpful for us to stop holding God accountable to a good that he never wrote he will do good but it will be his version of good and his version of good is always better amen here's how I have marked moments where I trade my will for his will I stand in the middle of my circumstance and I say God you are good God you are good to me this doesn't feel good and it doesn't seem good and I might not be able to even see any good that's gonna come from this but God I know you are good and you are good to me other people might not be good to me but you are good to me and God you are good at being God so I'm gonna lay down all my suggestions and I'm just gonna sit here and realize my job is to be obedient to God God's job is taking care of everything else everything else marked moments of trading my will for thy will and can I tell you I had to do that the past three years not just one time not just sometimes I had to do it every day sometimes hour by hour and God has absolutely worked a miracle in my family but it wasn't that he ever listened to any suggestion I made we serve a good God with good plans and his plans are always better and the miracle that God worked in my family was so much bigger and so much better he wasn't just after changing behavior in my husband he was after giving him a brand new heart and can I just acknowledge today my husband is sitting on the front row and I thank God I thank God I thank God I thank God for you it is a miracle it is a miracle some people say Lysa you're so courageous for sharing your story I don't really think I'm the courageous one I think you're the courageous one Art because you were man enough to humble yourself before the Lord and in the face of so many people knowing you came home and you fought for my heart I thank God for you I think you're a shining example to many and I do thank God for you I remember one time we were in counseling and I was supposed to ride an impact letter talking about the impact that this had had on me and at that point I was not very hopeful that things would work out and so I remember writing this impact letter and I remember saying that sometimes when you walk through broken times you look around and there's broken pieces you glue them back together and then God's light and love can shine through the cracks of that brokenness we all love that story we sing Kumbaya and yay everything right but in this impact letter I wrote but that's not our story because I look around and I don't just see broken pieces I see nothing but dust and you can't glue dust I put a period I signed it I folded it up threw it on the counter and intended to end it just that way here's the miracle though getting into God's Word and letting God's Word get into you he'll chase you around he'll remind you there's a different ending with him and he reminded me from Genesis 2 of all the ingredients that God could have chosen to make his favorite creation and he had access to it all God chose dust and he picked up that dust and he breathed into it and life came from that dust oh my friends no matter where you are today dust does not signify an end dust is often what must be present for the brand new to begin amen amen and amen thank you for watching the Elevation Church YouTube channel but don't stop here join the eFam our online extended family and join us live every Sunday subscribe to this channel so you don't miss a single video or live stream and share this with a friend you can also support the ministry by clicking the give now button to help us continue to reach people around the world for Jesus Christ thank you again for watching God bless you
Channel: Elevation Church
Views: 300,511
Rating: 4.8997097 out of 5
Keywords: elevation church, lysa terkeurst, elevation church lysa terkeurst, lysa terkeurst life between two gardens, elevation church life between two gardens, life between two gardens, it's not supposed to be this way, it's not supposed to be this way lysa terkeurst, lysa terkeurst proverbs 31 ministries, Steven Furtick
Id: x5kH3SI1nJs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 17sec (2657 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 25 2019
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