When Did the Flood Occur? Book of Genesis Explained Bible Study 20

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[Music] for tonight but it also means that you have to think not hard but just a little bit we're going to crunch a few numbers and sometimes when we start crunching numbers people automatically say well I wasn't good at math so I just kind of zoned out well what's good about these numbers is I walk you all the way through them all right so you don't have to think that much but you do have to think just a little bit so tonight as we go a little bit deeper just remember you asked for it all right it's kind of interesting I think we're on our 20th week twenty-first week and we were hoping to get through the book of Genesis in 12 weeks and we haven't even made it through the third event but the good thing about it is by the time we finish which will probably take about a year you will probably know more than 90% of pastors about the book of Genesis that's not meant to be prideful it just simply means that we do dig a little bit deeper and the majority of churches choose not to do that but we have a different philosophy about Wednesday nights I kind of feel like Wednesday nights is not supposed to be Church it's supposed to be more like Bible College and so you kind of get a taste of what I went through when I was getting my degree in biblical literature and New Testament Greek now not New Testament Greek too even though I'm going to bring that out and use it but in biblical literature you know it's kind of interesting but we would go through the genealogies the kind the kind of things that most people just kind of zone out but you'll understand why the genealogies are so important tonight in fact I had the privilege of reading this really interesting book and you notice I'm saying it with a straight face the Genesis genealogies but it is interesting to me probably wouldn't be interesting to you but I'm going to condense a lot of things and hopefully things are going to make sense so having said that last week we finished Chapter six and my goal this week was to finish chapter seven but I realized very quickly that that's not going to be the case we'll be lucky to get to verse number six and that's okay but we will get started in Chapter seven but before we start let's talk about the date of the flood and what year did the flood take place there's anyone know how many of you were thinking that there was even no way to calculate that how in the world would we know when the flood took place I guess that means every one of you knew that you could calculate it right did everyone know that you could calculate and know exactly when the flood took place well you can so what we're going to do is we're going to take a look at some of the genealogies in Chapter five to see if we can figure out the date of the flood because God doesn't put useless information in the Bible I don't know why but sometimes we think that he does that remember the golden nuggets are in the details but we have the tendency to gloss over the details and because we like to be elaborate speakers or orators we throw things in to make it sound good and so we automatically think that God does the very same thing but God does not do that if there's specific words there or details there are Nuggets golden nuggets in those details so we want to dig there well he takes a whole chapter Genesis chapter 5 and he starts giving the genealogy of Adam and the majority of us we just skip over that we go from Genesis chapter 4 we'd look at the first few verses in Genesis chapter 5 and we saw we're moving on to chapter 6 well I did that too knowing that when we got to chapter 7 we were to come back to it so we're going to take a look at the genealogies in chapter 5 so we can calculate when the flood took so let's start with Adam and verses one through five of Genesis chapter five since this is the book of the generations of Adam in the day that God created man in the likeness of God made he him now I want you to notice that word day the word day is the Hebrew word Yom and it refers to a 24-hour period so time is going to be calculated from the day that Adam was created that is going to be zero does that make make sense he's now going to go into the genealogies of Adam but he starts off with in the day that God made man and the word day is the Hebrew word yo it refers to a specific 24-hour period so that tells us that time is going to be calculated from the day that Adam was created pick it up in verse 2 male and female created he them and blessed them and called their name not his name their name Adam man in the day when they were created and Adam lived a hundred and thirty years and begat a son in his own likeness a hundred and thirty years from when a hundred and thirty years from the day that man was created again that word day is yo so we're going to use that as the starting point to calculate if we're going to say he was a hundred and thirty years old when he begat the son Seth we gotta know when did he start calculating he started calculating from the day that he was created verse four and the days of Adam after he had begotten Seth were eight hundred years and he begat sons and daughters and all the days that Adam lived were nine hundred and thirty years and he died now the way this is stated becomes a pattern in Genesis chapter 5 first were we're told how old Adam was when his son Seth was born and then we're toad how long he lived after Seth was born now we can calculate those two things to find out how old he was when he dies but we don't have to do that because he finally tells us how old he was when he died but the reason he does it that way is so we can know that there is no mistake Adam was 130 years old when Seth was born he lived 800 years after that we add eight hundred and hundred thirty we get nine hundred thirty but he doesn't let us do the math ourselves he says and Adam was 930 when he died so now we're seeing specific numbers given in such a way that a mistake cannot be made and this is a pattern that's followed in Genesis chapter five in Adams genealogy let me give you one more example because I don't want to go through all of them because all of them follow this same pattern but let me give you one more example so you can see the pattern look at verses 6 to 8 and Seth lived a hundred and five years and begat enos now that's how you pronounce it if you have the King James Version but actually that's is not a good translation from the Hebrew it really is eNOS and if you have the NIV or the new American Standard it says eNOS so even though I'm using the King James Version up here I'm going to pronounce it eNOS so Seth lived a hundred and five years and begat eNOS and Seth lived after he begat inish eight hundred and seven years and he had other sons and daughters and all the days of Seth were nine hundred and twelve years and he died now we could have added those two numbers up and we could have came to that conclusion but God wants to make sure that we understand there is no mistake here he's giving us exact numbers so we see the pattern here Seth was 105 when he had a son Seth lived eight hundred seven years after eNOS was born and he finally died when he was nine hundred and twelve years old those three facts are given for each one does everyone see the go back and read Genesis chapter 5 it's not just for those two it's for everyone that's listed in Adams genealogy the first thing that's given is how old they were when their son was born the second thing that's given is how long they lived after their son was born and finally he doesn't allow you to calculate it because God knows some of you might be mad bad at math so he adds it up for you and says finally this is how old they were when they died that is the pattern and it's consistent all the way to Noah so everyone that's listed in this genealogy and Adams genealogy to Noah follows this very pattern now this is very important because this allows us to calculate the exact date of the flood how many of you didn't know that you just thought it happened oh yeah see we just skipped Genesis chapter 5 and we went all the way from Genesis 4 to Genesis chapter 6 and we thought well some taemin happened back there but we miss out so much not realizing that if we take a little time with the genealogies we can actually calculate not just the date of the flood we can calculate the exact date of the flood Wow people we know when the flood occurred but before we calculate when the flood occurred let me explain something Adam had a lot of sons besides safe and he probably had a lot of children including sons before Seth was born so why does he forget about all of those and he says and Adam was a hundred and thirty years before Seth or Gwen Seth was born why doesn't he mention all of those other sons because there's that little passing and he had many sons and daughters we see that through there why doesn't he mention that it's because we're only interested in tracing adam's genealogy to noah so we don't care about the other children in other words we don't care about the other branches in the family tree if i want to look and go all the way back to my great-great-great grandpa I'm gonna go all the way back there and I'm only interested in the Sun that's a direct descendant or or I'm a direct descendant from he might have had several children but this son produced this son who produced this son who produced George Nolan who produced me and it really doesn't matter that George Nolan had rebelled Doug's fever Carol we're just interested in me does that make sense now in this story with the flood one man and his family is going to be saved who is that one man Noah we don't care about all the other kids they're going to be destroyed in the flood so when we trace Adams genealogy we're gonna trace Adams genealogy to Noah and we don't care about any of the other branches and that's why the other sins aren't listed so keep in mind as we're going through this we're only interested in tracing Adams Gao genealogy to Noah so the only the sons that are in the direct lineage from Adam to Noah are listed does everyone understand that because if you don't you're thinking wow you know there had to be all of these people and yet we're just getting this why because it's all we're interested in when we look at the genealogies of Jesus we want to trace him back to David and from David to Abraham and from Abraham to Adam there are so many branches we don't care about those branches because we're only interested in Jesus and we're interested in David so from Jesus - David David to Abraham Abraham to Adam we're only looking at that and you need to understand that does that make sense good so let's look at a chart that's gonna help us calculate when the flood occurred so you must think a little bit not much because I explained everything to you all right very simple to see we're going to start with and we're gonna calculate from the day that Adam was created so on the day that I was created is zero everyone with me so Adam was a hundred and thirty years old when he had Seth and he lived to 930 so he died at the age of 930 now this is really interesting because he's going to have a lot of great great great great great great grandkids that he gets to see and fellowship with and no but he's a hundred and thirty years old when Seth is born now we come to Seth Seth was a hundred and five the scripture tells us when eNOS was born now Adam was a hundred and thirty years when eNOS was born but Seth was a hundred and five when in issue is born he lived eight hundred years and when I say he actually lived one hundred twelve but he was eight hundred years old when Adam died so he got to know his dad for eight hundred years that's what that number is right there Seth was eight hundred years old when Adam died now we're also told that eNOS was 90 years old when Kenan was born but when Kenan was born Adam was 235 years old does that make sense eNOS was 695 when Adam died but he lived to be 905 Wow are we catching this all of these genealogies are listed given with the specific numbers so we're not pulling this out of the hat we're pulling this out of Genesis chapter 5 now if you don't mind I'm gonna go through justice just so you can explain the chart all the way to Noah because we're going to draw some conclusions on that all right so Keenan was seventy years old see that 70 when he had mihaela loo and that's how you pronounce it believed on mihaela loo and Adam was 325 years old when mahalia was born Kenan da or Keenan was 605 when Adam died but he lived to be 910 mihaela lil was 65 years old when he had Jared but Adam was 395 mihaela lil was 535 years old when Adam died but he lived to be 895 Jared did that nope I didn't skip any Jared was a hundred and sixty-two years old when he had Enoch Adam was four hundred and sixty when Jared had Enoch and Jared was four hundred and seventy years old when Adam died at nine hundred and thirty but he lived to be 962 these are the years at when he lived to be 962 the date he died each one of these dates but let's keep going Enoch I don't want to say only lived to be 365 why do I not want to say that because the Bible says it Enoch walked with God and he was no more in other words Enoch was raptured he went to be with God supernaturally and so after Enoch Enoch though two had a child before he was raptured he was 65 years old when he had anyone ever heard of this guy Methuselah Methuselah and Adam was 687 years old when Enoch had Methuselah Methuselah was 243 years old when Adam died but he lived all the way to 900 to the age of 969 and he died in the year 1656 calculated from the day that Adam was created that's the year that he died all of this is coming from Genesis chapter 5 not making anything of any this up go back and read Genesis chapter 5 okay now Methuselah was a hundred and eighty seven years old when he had lain ik when Lamech was born Adam was six hundred and eighty seven years old when Methuselah had Lamech Methuselah was two hundred and forty-three years old when Adam died he lived to be 969 he died in the year one thousand six hundred and fifty-six now Lamech was 56 years old when he had Noah does that make sense now what's interesting is Noah was not born until I'm sorry 66 leymah quiz 182 years old when he had Noah and and what takes place is Lamech was 56 when Adam died so Noah was born after Adam died now let's calculate this all right that would make Adam his great-great-great great-great great-great grandpa but he only dies one generation from Noah does that make sense so when was Noah born that's very important when was Noah born he was born in the year 1000 56a AC what is a AC after Adam was created so he was born see this number 1056 this is the year that Noah was born so when did the flood occur it occurred 1600 in 56 years after Adam was created but I told you we could know the exact date on the 17th day of the second month in 1656 AAC hey ace AAA C stands for after Adam was created turn to Genesis chapter 7 verse number 11 in the six hundredth year of Noah's life when was Noah born a thousand 56 how do we know that he was born then Adam was eight hundred and seventy four years out at this time when Lamech was born Lamech was a hundred and eighty two when Noah was born so we add 874 to one hundred and eighty two what do you get when you add those two numbers 2 and 4 is 6 8 + 7 is 15 add that to 1 + 8 you get 1,000 56 it's not rocket science that's the whole purpose of Genesis chapter 5 following this pattern because God wants to make sure that even if you're not a math genius we're going to give you the answers so Adam was 874 years old when Lamech was born Lamech was eight 182 when Noah was born so we add Adams age at this point that Lamech was born to the age he was when he had Noah and we know that Noah was born in the 1056 that was the whole purpose of the genealogy genealogies in Genesis chapter 5 was for you to be able to calculate exactly when the flood took place so now turn to Genesis chapter 7 verse 11 let's read this through in the six hundredth year of Noah's life when was he born 1056 so we had six hundred years to that and what do you get 1656 so when the six hundredth year of Noah's life in the second month the seventeenth day of the month the same day were all the Fountains of the great deep broken up and the windows of heaven were opened and the flood began so what day did the flood occur the second month the seventeenth day in the year 1600 and 56 Wow how many years I would have never done yeah sometimes being a pastor is not that interesting I literally have a book on chronology lots of books on genealogies that you go through to figure out when Abraham was born all of these different things but to truly understand certain things you have to do that you've got to dig deeper and it's really not that difficult because let me tell you what God does he calls his sheep and sheep are not too smart sheep are really dumb creatures if it's raining and they hold their head up there drown and then will put their head down and they got a good doing that they're stupid creatures but he calls his sheep so when God wants us to understand something he makes it simple so if we get in Genesis chapter 5 and he starts this pattern it's like okay Adam was 130 years old when he had Seth and he lived for X amount of years and he was 930 when he died and Seth was X amount of years when he had his first child and he lived X amount of years after that and when he died he was this old why does it do all that because God's wanting you to calculate no by the time we get to the seventh chapter verse number 11 he can tell his exact day when the flood occurred people the Bible is very specific as to when the flood occurred why just a weaken now just so you can razzle-dazzle your coworkers tomorrow so you can walk in and you can say I've been studying my Bible do you know what year the flood occurred and the day you don't you studied like I did you know I was going through the genealogies and Genesis chapter 5 and you know kind of calculating this and you go through all this and you say you know what the flood occurred and the year 1656 on the second month of the seventeenth day mmm-hmm see now why would God do this not to razzle-dazzle our friends make us look smart he's got a specific purpose and we're going to understand why God is so specific when we get to verse number 6 of chapter 10 and also verse number 10 of chapter 10 I'm sorry of chapter 7 and verse number 10 of chapter 7 there's a purpose for this so now that we know when the flood occurred let's look at chapter 7 let's move their turn to verses 1 through 3 and the Lord said unto Noah come thou and all thy house into the ark for thee have I seen righteous before me in this generation of every clean beast thou shalt take to thee by sevens the male and his female and a beasts that are not clean by two the melon is female of fowls also by the air of the air by sevens the male and female to keep seed alive upon the face of the earth now I want you to notice in verse number one that God didn't say go into the ark no he said come into the ark which implies that God was in the ark if you're in the house do you look at your kids and you want him to come in and say go into the house no what do you say come into the house now if you're outside with the kids and you want him to go the house what do you say go into the house did you notice that he didn't say go into the ark he said come into the ark now why did he say come into the ark he said come into the ark because God was in the ark and even though the flood would soon devastate the earth and all those on the earth they were going to be safe with God because God was in the ark with him and that's a very important point I told you that this Ark was not considered to be a ship it had no steering mechanism Noah was not the captain basically all this was was a container that would preserve them when the floodwaters came up and they win in any and every direction but wouldn't that be dangerous because we know how powerful floods are floods can sweep things away and it pushes you into other things and as it's beginning to take place in there's mountains wouldn't it come in and crash it up against the mountain and break the arc and - we saw what happened to the Titanic when it ran into a great iceberg couldn't that happen as the floodwaters were coming and it was sweeping things and all of the sudden the waters haven't covered everything yet because it's rising don't you think Noah said when God was telling to build this Ark well God done this is great on these detailed instructions but I noticed that there's no way to steer this ship if there's gonna be a flood it's gonna be powerful and it's gonna sweep things and what if we run into something and God says don't worry about it Noah I'm in the Ark I'm the captain you're not the captain so when it comes time he says Noah come into the ark now in verse number two Noah's given a final a more detailed set of instructions he's told to take aboard the ark seven pairs of all the clean animals and one pair of each of the unclean animals now contrary to what some liberal theologians say this isn't a contradiction to what Noah was told in Genesis chapter 6 verses 19 and 20 if you remember in Genesis chapter 6 verses 19 and 20 he told no what did he want to bring in two of each animal now we get to chapter 7 he says I'm changing my mind I want you to bring in seven pairs of the clean animals and only one pair of all the unclean animals so liberal theologians look at this and say you know here's a contradiction he's changing the rules but that's not true turn back to Genesis chapter 6 verses 19 and 20 this is a problem when people don't dig a little bit deeper it says in Genesis 6 19 20 and of every living things of all flesh two of every sort shalt thou bring into the ark to keep them alive with thee they shall be male and female a foul their kind and of cattle after their kind of every creeping thing of the earth after his kind two of every sort shall come unto thee to keep them alive Wow and it says specifically to underline that word - - is translated from the Hebrew word Shania and it means - or if it's referring to a set it always means pair now a male and a female is a set two males would not be a set two females would not be a set so he tells them to bring in Shanaya a set you do not translate it as - in Hebrew you translate it as pairs so in this context is definitely referring to a pair a male and a female so Genesis chapter 6 verses 19 and 20 is simply a general statement no was supposed to bring animals aboard the ark in pairs a male and a female of each species and that's all verses 19 and 20 in chapter 6 is saying it's not specific he's basically telling Adam I'm sorry I keep saying Adam Noah we started off with Adam he specifically tells Noah we need a male in the female we need pairs so what we're going to do is we're going to substitute the word pairs for the word - in verses 19 and 20 and you'll get the gist of what God was telling Noah because it should have been translated this way anyway whenever this Hebrew word is used for a set it means pairs not two so let's substitute the word pairs for the word - and of every living thing of all flesh pairs of every sort shalt thou bring into the mark to keep them alive with thee they shall be male and female do you see what he's saying it's gonna be a male and a female it's a sect they're pairs of vows after their kind and of cattle after their kind of every creeping thing of the earth after his kind pairs of every sort shall come unto thee to keep them alive so he's just making a general statement in chapter 6 verse 2 19 and 20 and just as explaining to know what these animals are going to come to you and you know what you're going to notice they're all pairs I won't send two mouths I won't send two females I'm gonna send a male and a female they're pairs these pairs will come on the ark don't stop them from coming on the ark they're here for a purpose they're gonna repopulate the earth now in Genesis chapter 7 verse 2 God's going to get more specific now have you ever noticed that about God when God's directing our life he gives us general directions in the beginning you know he's when God called me in the ministry he said Alan I'm calling you in the ministry what exactly do you want me to do God do you want me to preach do you want me to be an associate pastor do you want me to be a youth pastor what do you want me to do so I started as an associate pastor I'm going to school to learn all of this I don't know whether I'm going to be a youth pastor so she passed her senior pastor what God gives children but the closer you get to the objective you know what God begins to do he begins to give you specific directions so in the very beginning in Genesis chapter 6 verses 19 and 20 he's given no general direction I'm gonna send pairs of animals to you males and females oh yeah that would make sense god you're gonna kill everything we're gonna have to repopulate this earth then he gets close Genesis chapter 7 this is the story we're here now God's getting ready to sit in the flood so now it gets specific now you're gonna notice Noah that of all the clean animals because you're not going on a safari to get them they're coming to you you're going to notice that there's gonna be seven pairs of clean animals but only one pair of unclean animals Wow y7 why would you have seven and how does no one know which animals are clean and which animals are unclean because the Mosaic law is not going to come to way on down the line so how in the world does no one know what's considered clean and what's considered unclean well let's look back at this chart I told you I like this chart if you look back at this chart you know what you're going to notice you're gonna notice that no one knew all but three of the ten generation of patriarchs before the flood he lived with him the only three that he didn't know was Adam Seth and Enoch because Luke was raptured Adam see these were the only three that weren't around when Noah was alive Adam died 126 years before Noah was born how do we know that well we know because we calculated it that he was born in the year thousand 56 but he died at 930 we subtract those two numbers and guess what we get 126 years so before a 126 years before Noah was born Adam died Seth died how many years before Noah was born 14 here's Seth he was 130 year or Adam was 130 years old when Seth was born Seth was 105 but he lived 800 years or he was 800 when Adam died at nine-thirty had that 130 date hundred but he lived 912 years so is the year a thousand 42 so if I subtract a thousand fifty or a thousand forty - from a thousand fifty six guess what Seth died 14 years before Noah was born and the only reason he didn't know enoch is because Enoch was raptured but you know what that tells me it tells me that lived and knew eNOS Kenan Mahalalel Jared Methuselah Lamech oh my gosh he knew people who knew Adam who spoke directly to him who passed out all of this information he knew all the other patriarchs who lived during the time of Adam so they were able to tell him what animals were acceptable as sacrifices to God and what animals weren't now we're not going to study the story can't enable but if we did we could go back to the story of Cain and Abel then we could say Abel knew what to offer as a sacrifice to God and Cain knew too but he didn't do it he tried to offer something to God that God said that's not acceptable these is the only type of sacrifice our offering that I will accept and Cain got all huffy about it but you see every one of these lived at the time of Adam Adam only died 126 years before Noah and then we look at Seth Seth only got 14 years before Noah and Seth was I mean he he lived with with Adam for 800 years so all of this has passed down that's how no one knows what's clean and what's not he knew which animals was considered to be clean and which were unclean you see the animals that were considered clean were the domesticated animals that were acceptable for sacrifice to God and God had told Adam which were acceptable as sacrifices that's how no one knew now why was Noah supposed to take more of the unclean animals on the ark than the unclean animals why was he supposed to take seven pairs of the clean animals but only one pair of the unclean animals we're gonna find out something about God's character here two reasons number one because no is going to offer one pair of each of the clean animals as a rifice to God turn to Genesis chapter 8 verse number 20 and Noah built an ark to alter this is after the flood they come back on dry land we're in Chapter right now and Noah built an altar unto the Lord and took of every clean beast and of every clean fowl and he offered burnt offerings on the altar Wow so the first reason he took seven is because one pair is going to be used from every clean animal as a sacrifice and the guy but Alan that leaves six pair and you only had one pair of the unclean here's the second reason because each son is going to get two pairs of each clean animal to start his own herd that's right each sons gonna get two pair of cattle two pair of sheep two pair of lambs goats going on through now here's what's interesting because this gives us the character of God remember God gives seed to the sower God's not just going to have these animals come and repopulate but these are the domesticated clean animals and so right now he's going to have enough when they come off that each son Shem ham Japheth will have two pair of each of the clean animals because God's character is such that he gives seed to the sower you see we get to thinking when God wants us to give money to him through tithes and offering that that's my money I worked for it and you know what God says mmm that's wrong you need to understand I give seed to the sower what does he mean by giving seed to the sower he means that the seed that you're using to bring in your fruit to bring in your crop to harvest that seed didn't come from you as he came from God and God gives us the sea - so now some of us get to thinking that you know I created all of this I went to school I did this I went into this career and I make this money it's mine and you know what God says I gave you the intelligence you have I gave you the gifts that you have the talents you have the abilities you have I gave you the seed to sow into that education into that experience into that career to get that fruit remember I give seed to the sower and what's great about this is not just the responsibility we had because he gives seed to the sower but it shows the character of God that he wants us to have a multitude of blessings he wants us to have this the huge harvest so you know what God does he says I'm gonna give you a seed so when they get off of the ark these animals don't just go stirring off most of them do but not to clean animals I don't know they're there here's offered up to God because God they came from you and each one of the sons goes in says two pairs God gives seed to the sower God you are so good we're starting to fresh but you've given us more than enough to be able to live by it now I want you to remember after the flood man became meat-eaters before the flood man was yeah they were vegetarians look at Genesis chapter 1 verses 29 through 30 when God said look I have given you every seed-bearing plant throughout the earth and all the fruit trees for your food and I have given every green plant as food for all the wild animals the birds in the sky and the small animals that scurry along the ground everything that has life and that's what happened do you realize that before the flood man was a vegetarian even the animals your lions your Tigers your leopards they didn't eat meat but after the flood that all changed now I have a my opinion is for the animal kingdom it changed it changed the fall but when they went supernaturally upon the ark they went back to that state of course until they came out but man remained a vegetarian until Genesis chapter 9 verses 2 through 4 notice what happens this is what God says all the animals of the earth all the bar birds of the sky all the small animals that scurry along the ground and all the fish in the sea will look on you with fear and terror I have placed them in your power under your Dominion I've given them to you as to you for food just as I have given you grain and vegetables but you must never eat any meat that still has the lifeblood in it so I want you to understand before the flood those who obeyed God were vegetarians they didn't eat meat but after the flood because God is changing the host structure of the world the environment in which man lives in now I comes in says he's gonna need another source of protein and because of that he says I have given you all of these animals for food so now man is gonna raise certain animals for food and that's why more than one pair of clean animals was taken on the ark number one sacrifice and number two to allow each son to build a herd [Music]
Channel: Cornerstone Fellowship
Views: 6,538
Rating: 4.891892 out of 5
Keywords: book of genesis bible study, book of genesis summary, book of genesis free, book of genesis small group, book of genesis, genesis, cain and abel, noah, creation, babel, creation of good and evil, tree of knowledge, sin, noahs ark, adam and eve, creationism, cornerstone fellowship, allen nolan, genesis sermon, genesis series, introduction to genesis, introduction to bible, book of genesis explained, book of genesis guide
Id: fB4vD2qXXmM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 44sec (2624 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 13 2020
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