What Christians Don't Realize About Esau and Jacob: Book of Genesis Bible Study 56

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the last time that I spoke on Wednesday night we were in chapter 27 which is the story of the stolen blessing and the reason I refer to this for the story of the stolen blessing is because the majority of scholars refer to this story as the stolen blessing it's the story of Jacob tricking his father into believing that he's Esau in order to receive the blessing now tonight we're going to look at the fallout in other words the consequences of Jacobs actions because Esau didn't take it very well now the majority of us we look at this story and we say oh Jacob and Rebecca look what they caused see what happens when you take matters into your own hands and it's true they did screw up but what most Christians don't realize the person who carried the bulk of the responsibility for these problems was Isaac and one of the reasons I'm going to spend so much time on this story about Jacob and Esau is because the majority of Christians don't understand the story now last week I made the comment or actually two weeks ago I made the comment that most of you don't know what the blessing is and someone corrected me and said you know you shouldn't say most of you because it's kind of offensive I should have said most Christians don't understand and then you know I leave it up to you and you think that I think that you understand it and it's less offensive that way but the truth of the matter is I say that because I didn't understand this story for years I had the wrong view of it the things that I really came in and focused in on weren't really the major parts of the story but I thought they were when I looked at the characters and what they did I picked out certain ones and said well they're guilty and then I would look at others and say they're not guilty and the truth of the matter is I wasn't really looking at the things that were important from a Jewish perspective and so when I started studying this from a Jewish perspective looking at the traditions and the customs all of a sudden everything changed because if you don't understand this it's an labored you do not understand this story and I didn't understand the story and I went to church all of my life I went to Bible College my degree is in Konya Greek New Testament Greek and biblical literature and it's funny until I started buying books on Jewish tradition and customs and going back and studying the culture at that time I really didn't understand the Old Testament so normally I would just kind of skip over what I'm going to talk about tonight but I'm gonna make sure that you have a good understanding of this story because this is kind of a foundation in the Old Testament and the rest of the Old Testament including the New Testament builds on this foundation so turn with me if you would to the book of Genesis chapter 27 and let's read verses 41 through 45 there's only 46 verses in this chapter but I'm saving the 46th verse for the end of the sermon so let's read verses 41 through 45 from that time on Esau hated Jacob because their father had given Jacob the blessing and Esau began to scheme I will soon be mourning my father's death then I will kill my brother Jacob but Rebekah heard about he sauce plans so she sent for Jacob antonin listen II sauce consoling himself by plotting to kill you so listen very carefully my son get ready and flee to my brother Laban in Haran stay there with him until your brother cools off when he comes down and he forgets what you have done to him I will sin for you to come back why should I lose both of you in one day that's kind of interesting that she says why should I lose both of you because she knew but Esau would allow his emotions to carry him away and if he did murder Jacob because of the loss at that time and believe it or not it was not an uncivilized area he would be he would also be put to death so she didn't want to lose both sons he gets carried away with his emotion so this is what she says now the reason that Esau was so angry over his father given the blessing because it was because it meant that Jacob would receive the birthright not him it would be Jacob who received a double portion of his father's inheritance not him and it would be Jacob who became the patriarch of the family when Isaac died not him so of course Esau was mad when Isaac gave the blessing to Jacob instead of him how would you like to be the oldest son and when your father dies you only received thirty three and a half percent of your father's assets and your younger brother receives 66 and a half percent of the assets how would you like it if your younger brother was going to be the patriarch of the family when your father died and not you so yeah Esau was mad because he was the oldest so this birthright should have been his or at least he thought so think about it the reason it's called a birthright was because traditionally it was given to the firstborn it was his right by birth it was his right to receive those things by reason of being born first so it was called a birth right now the birthright is still recognized today in monarchies Prince William is the future King of England and not his brother Harry but the reason he is the future king the reason he's first in line to receive the crown when his father Prince Charles who still isn't king yet because of his mother dies is because he's the oldest son and unless he does something that disqualify disqualifies him from receiving the crown he will be the future king not Harry it's his right as the firstborn which brings up an interesting point something I've already covered but I want to mention again even though the firstborn son was the first in line to receive the birthright it wasn't a guarantee that he would receive it he first had to prove that he was worthy to receive it you see nothing would be worse than to have a lazy irresponsible incompetent person become the patriarch of the family become the leader of the family people that would be a disaster so to prevent that from happening the first for the firstborn son had to prove that he was worthy to receive it people that took time that's why the father did not actually give out the blessing until he was old in life and he thought he was going to die because he needed time to make sure that the son who was supposed to receive it was truly worthy of it and if he wasn't confident that he was he would simply continue to wait to make sure that he was worthy to receive it and if he wasn't worthy to receive it he then had to look at his other sons and consider them to determine who was worthy to receive it now when he found out the character of all of his sons if the firstborn son was disqualified then he would have to come in and choose another one but no one really knew who was going to receive it the firstborn thought he was going to receive it he was first in line to do it but no one really knew until dad actually had an official ceremony and he gave what is known as the blessing in fact that's what the ceremony was actually referred to it was referred to as the blessing now there were two reasons why it was called the blessing first of all receiving the birthright was truly a huge blessing imagine attending a ceremony where you're officially recognized as the recipient of the birthright so now it's official you're not only gonna receive a double portion of the inheritance but you're also being named as the future patriarch of the family people that is a huge blessing in and of itself the second reason though it was called the blessing was because of the way the proclamation was made during the ceremony remember this was a huge deal because one of the sons was going to be named as the patriarch of the family when the father died so the father would make a mini speech which always included two parts the first part was an explanation of why the recipient was worthy to receive it the second part was a special prayer invoking God's blessing on the recipient now didn't matter if the firstborn was going to receive it you still did the first part you still had to in this ceremony in this mini speech explain why he was worthy to receive it and then you would have a prayer invoking God to bless the future patriarch of the family because you want God's blessing on him as he leads the entire family now look at the blessing that Isaac gave to Jacob but he thought he was giving it to Esau and verses 27 through 29 turned back there and let's read it so Jacob went over and kissed him and when I Isaac caught the smell of his clothes he was finally convinced and He blessed his son he said ah the smell of my son is like the smell of the outdoors which the Lord has blessed from the dew of heaven and the riches of the earth may God always give you abundant harvest of grain and bountiful new wine may many nations become your servants and may they bow down to you may you be the master over your brothers and may your mother's sons bow down to you all who curse you will be cursed and all who bless you will be blessed now did anyone notice that something is missing here anyone noticed that anyone see what's missing if you did go ahead and raise your hand what was missing he didn't do the first part in the speech he didn't give an explanation as to why he was worthy to receive it now why didn't he do that well I'll tell you why it was because he thought he was giving the blessing to Esau and Esau wasn't worthy of it and he knew it see there are two things that are glaring to any Jew now today when I say any Jew the majority of Jews don't know their culture because rabbinic judaism has changed it is completely different the way it was at the time of Christ and in the Old Testament but any Jew who's familiar with this there were two things that were very glaring first of all this was not a public ceremony where's the big feast we want everyone in the family including the servants to be here because they need to know who's been chosen to be the future patriarch of the family who gets the double portion of the inheritance this needs to be told but the second thing is that was glaring is he didn't give an explanation as to why he was worthy to receive it so what he did was he skipped this part and he went right to the prayer invoking God's blessing upon him in fact I want you to notice the blessing that Joseph received and then I want you to compare the differences in fact let's do that turn with me if you would we're going to jump at the head to Genesis 49 verses 20 32 through 26 and in this I want you to notice that this is the ceremony all of the sons are there it's kind of sad but he has to tell Reuben his firstborn I'm sorry son yours unstable as water you can't be it you wouldn't sleep with one of my concubines that disqualified you so all the other sons are like whew who's gonna get it and of course he starts going down like you normally do but he gets to Joseph and Joseph is going to receive the blessing it's not a blessing it is the blessing it's the whole reason we're here it's what we all want to know who's going to be the future patriarch when Jacob dies who gets the double portion who's the spiritual leader so let's look at the mini speech given towards Joseph Joseph is the foal of a wild donkey the foal of a wild donkey at a spring now let me just say this Springs are normally very slippery gonna sin so you'll have a little understanding there's usually moss where the water grows and so it's a very slippery place one of the wild donkeys on the ridge in other words on the cliff archers attacked him savages savagely they shot at him and harassed him but his roubo remained taut and his arms were strengthened by the hands of the Mighty One of Jacob by the shepherd the rock of Israel may the God of your father help you may the Almighty bless you with the blessings of the heavens above and blessings of the watery depths below and blessings of the breasts and womb may the blessings of your father surpassed the blessings of the ancient mountains reaching to the height of the eternal hills may these blessings rest on the head of Joseph who is Prince the chosen leader among his brothers now verses 22 through 24 is the part that explains why Joseph is worthy to receive the birthright most of you probably didn't pick that up because man this is crazy it's about a donkey and an archer and right so let's read it again because this is the explanation of why jacob chose joseph to receive the birthright joseph is the foal of a wild donkey the foal of a wild donkey had a spring one of the wild donkeys on the ridge archers attacked him savagely they shot at him and harassed him but his bow remained taught in his arms for strengthen by the hands of the Mighty One of Jacob by the Shepherd the rock of Israel of course he's saying this but he is Israel he is Jacob when he's giving this now first I want you to notice they compared him to a donkey now that might seem strange to you sing kinda strange to me but you need to understand that that was a great compliment because donkeys are more sure-footed than horses so in Israel they were more valuable than horses because Israel has many mountains it's very mountainous and you couldn't afford to stumble because if you stumbled when you were on one of the ridges and one of the mountains you were going to die so in comparing him to a donkey he was saying that Joseph was sure-footed and he didn't stumble in difficult times in other words even when he was in these difficult times he didn't make stupid mistakes he didn't do stupid things he was sure-footed and the best way you could - comparing to us to a donkey in verse 24 he talked about Joseph remaining strong in steadfast in tough times and he compared him to a strong warrior who didn't retreat when he was attacked he didn't go backwards he didn't move to decide but he remained steadfast he stayed in the thick of it and he kept fighting his his but we remain talked he continued with his armstrong it didn't matter how savagely they attacked him he remained and he continued to fight and that's why Joseph deserved the birthright he took everything that the world threw at him and he didn't retreat he didn't back off he didn't turn his back on God and give up no he continued to serve the Lord and in the midst of it he overcame his brother sold him into slavery and he went into a foreign country was sold to Potiphar he rose to the top of the house and Potiphar's house until he was falsely accused of rape then he was thrown in to prison and in prison he was able to interpret the dreams of the baker and the cupbearer and of course they forgot all about him but one time when the Pharaoh had this dream and really disturbed him the cup bearer remembered that there was this guy in prison and he had risen to the rank of second in command of the prison still a prisoner but he was now like a jailer he took care of everything because God always blessed him so he brings him out they clean him up and he comes before Pharaoh and he's never lost his confidence in God he's seen God do wonderful things in the midst of all the horrible things that have happened to him and he's able to interpret the dreams God gives him the interpretation and what his favor will do he puts him second in command no one is greater in Egypt with the exception of Pharaoh and Joseph brings his whole family down when there's this famine and they begin to multiply the area of Goshen and so when Jacobs ready to dine he brings him in here he says Matt you are like a donkey in the spring where it slippery that donkey never loses its footing when he's on the ridge you can count on him but no matter how tough the terrain is he doesn't stumble you are like a warrior when you're being savagely attacked you continued to fight and you have prevailed that is why you've been chosen to receive the birth right now verses 25 through 26 is the prayer that invokes God's blessing upon him let's read verses 25 and 26 may the God of your father Jacobs let him know you had the same faith that I have may the God of your father because I'm your father help you may the Almighty bless you with the blessings of the heaven above and blessings of the watery depths below and the blessings of the breasts and the womb may the blessings of your father surpass the blessings of the ancient mountains reaching to the heights of the eternal hills may these blessings rest on the head of Joseph who has chosen to be leader among his brothers so as you can see this is a prayer invoking God to bless the future patriarch of the family so there were two parts of the blessing and this is what you have to understand the first part explained why the recipient was worthy to receive the bless or the birthright and the second part was a prayer invoking God to bless him as the future patriarch of the family but my point is this issac is going to bestow the blessing upon Esau in secret and there should be a big huge public ceremony but he doesn't do it and he doesn't do the first part he actually skips the part where he explains why Esau is worthy to receive it and he goes riding the depart where you invoke God's blessing on the recipient why did I do that there's only one logical conclusion because it was always given in two parts always and that was because he knew Esau was not worthy of it but he was gonna give it to him anyway remember he thought he was blessing Esau not Jacob now every Jew would have caught this because they knew there were two parts to the blessing now let me shift gears here and give you three reasons why Esau should not have received the blessing and Jacob should've and why when you see these three reasons Isaac knew Esau shouldn't have received it so let me give you these three reasons you should already know them but I want to reinforce them if you walk out of here you should be able to tell anyone well there's three reasons why Isaac should not have given he saw the blessing and he should have given it to Jacob so let me give you those three reasons reason number one obviously he wasn't worthy of it if you remember at the very beginning of the story were told that Esau was a cunning hunter a man of the field now we've always been taught by our pastors and Sunday School teachers that man he was a man's man oh yeah big and burly and strong no no no this means he was lazy and irresponsible and very rebellious towards his parents you see that word four men of the field that word field means uninhabited he'd like to go on what we would probably call walkabout he wanted to go camping out hunting trips go where no human was and he would want to hunt these so instead of doing what he was supposed to he was always going off to hunt and fish which simply meant that he wouldn't work because he was lazy and any Jew at that time reading now he's a cunning hunter he's a man of the field we go he doesn't stay at home and work because let me tell you in that society you had to work but he was lazy irresponsible and rebellious towards his parents didn't matter if they told him what to do to do something he didn't wanted he just went off and did his own thing Jacob on the other hand was a plain man dwelling in tents I told you that the word plain is translated from the Hebrew word Tom every time that it's you in the Old Testament with the exception of this time it's either translated as righteous upright or perfect in fact this is the very word that's used in the book of Job to describe joke so when it says that Jacob was a plain man it didn't mean that he was homely it meant that he was a righteous upright perfect man the phrase dwelling in tents doesn't mean that he was a mama's boy we kind of think that what it meant is he didn't go camping out places no he stayed at home he dwelt in tents he learned the family business so right from the very beginning we go from there birth will we see that God has chosen the younger to receive the birthright to all of a sudden they're young men they're in their early 20s and now we understand what their character is because he describes him in this way so right from the very beginning we are told that Esau was lazy irresponsible and rebellious he did what he wanted to do when he wanted to do it and he was a stark contrast to Jacob who was a righteous upright perfect man big difference and every Jew understood that the second reason he shouldn't have received the birthright was because it was in history safe we looked at the story where he sold his birthright for a bowl of stew now no one would believe this so if you remember what did Jacob have him do he knew - my brother is an idiot and this idiot is going to be the patriarch of the family so when he comes as I'm dying give me some stew and probably he'd been on this camping trip and hanged killing things so he was very hungry and very weak and Jacob said Shalom take advantage of this because he's an idiot he could probably go to the next tent mama would give him some brand he says some of your birthright this is okay why I'm gonna die anyway in other words it's a long ways off who cares he didn't even think about the future sure and Jacob realizes yeah you're just saying that swear to me everybody gives a legally binding oath the implication is God is invoked in this oath so it's legally binding so the truth of the matter is he did not own the right to the birthright he sowed and even if he received it it should have gone to Jacob anyway because he sold it and last but not least the reason he should have received the birthright was because God had specifically told Rebekah and Isaac because she's surely toting that jacob was to receive it because if you remember she thought something was wrong she was going to miscarry she hadn't been able to get pregnant for years and then he goes and prays for her Isaac doesn't she gets pregnant but I'm telling you something's not riding here so she goes away and she seeks God and God says hey there are two children two nations inside of you and they're rivals and they are warring within you but the younger or I should say the older will serve the younger and she knew exactly what I meant that was a hebrew ism it meant that the younger is the one that's going to receive the birthright now I'm sure she didn't go and just keep that to herself no she went home and Isaac probably said what's wrong did the Lord reveal it to you and said yes there's two kids in here I'm gonna have twins and they're fighting with each other and you know what God told me God told me that the odor would self it would serve the younger in other words the younger will receive the birthright so God told Rebecca before Esau and Jacob were ever born that the older would serve the younger which meant the younger was supposed to receive the birthright and Isaac knew that so wanting to give Esau the birthright was in direct defiance to what he knew to be God's will so what I'm trying to tell you is even though Rebekah and Jacob were wrong dead wrong can excuse their actions Isaac was a fault and he was a greater fault because he was in direct defiance to God in any Jew reading the story understanding the traditions and the customs of the time is reading this and going oh my Isaac really screwed up and the problems in this family comes from the father not dealing with the problem child and the way that he should have dealt with him Wow because he knew Esau didn't deserve it he knew Esau had sold it to Jacob he knew that God wanted Jacob to receive it and yet he was still going to give it to Esau so Isaac was to blame more than anyone else and the truth is most Christians don't know that but Jews do now let's get back on track looking back look back at verses 41 and 42 from that time on Esau hated Jacob because their father had given Jacob the blessing and Esau began to scheme I will soon be mourning my father's death when dad's gone then I'm gonna kill my brother Jacob but he didn't know as man he continued to live on but Rebekah heard about he sauce plans so she sent for Jacob and told him listen Esau is consoling himself by plotting to kill you the truth of the matter is Esau couldn't keep his mouth shut he was the type of person that when he was mad everyone knew he was mad and when they said he saw what's wrong he said don't worry about it but eventually couldn't keep himself he had to tell people when dad's dead when dad is dead Jacob will be dead too I'm gonna kill him and Rebekah heard about it now here's what's interesting Rebekah knew her sons sometimes we get the impression that you know gosh Rebecca didn't even like her own son under them as we read the story she loved Esau but she just knew his character and she knew it wasn't just talk if he said he was gonna kill Jacob he was going to kill Jacob so she sent for him and she told him what Esau was planning to do now look at verses 43 through 45 so listen carefully my son get ready eat your things together and flee to my brother Laban and her and stay there until your brother cools off when he calms down and forgets what you have done to him I will sin for you to come back why should I lose both of you in one day now here's what's interesting she doesn't want him to kill Jacob but she doesn't want to lose either of them why should I lose both of you what this tells us she loved Esau dearly but she wasn't blind to his character now the interesting thing about this is Rebecca knew that Esau never stuck with anything for very long and eventually he would get over his anger and move on but until then Jacob needed to be out of sight and out of mind and the best way to do that was to tell him - you need to go away for a while so she told Jacob to flee to her and now her Anne was about 400 miles away as the crow flies it's about 500 miles as you follow the road next week is we're going in chapter 28 we'll look at the path that he would have taken but here's the interesting thing it would have taken him at least a month to get there on foot now is Esau such a bad guy that you don't just have to get out of sight and out of mind but you got to go 400 miles away as the crow flies no not at all Rebekah had another reason and so did Esau for sending Jacob to her and she wanted Jacob to find a wife there so she had an ulterior motive and so did he and so did Isaac for sending him to her Anne which explains why verse 46 is added because why in the world would you put verse 46 in here huh let's read verse 46 then Rebekah said to Isaac here she's told her son to leave but he hasn't left yet just get your things ready then she turns to Isaac he says I'm sick and tired of these local Hittite women I would rather die than see Jacob marry one of them now you need to understand why she's saying this let's read between the lines Isaac's heard about it - he knows his son you're right Rebekah's heard about it she's the one that sent for him she then went to Isaac and she said have you heard what Esau says he's going to do he says yeah let's get him out of sight out of mind he'll cool down but then she comes to him and she says I'm sick and tired he's local here ty women I would read dive and see Jacob married one of them I want to send him 400 miles away it's what she say this is thrown in here because the person writing this wants you to know just how worthless he saw it really was well Wayman I thought you said he wasn't going that far away because Esau wasn't that bad that he would travel no no no there's another reason and there's a reason it shows us how worthless he really was and to make us met make sure that we understand beyond the shouted out that Esau was not worthy to receive the birthright and Isaac should have never even considered giving it to him they through verse 46 in here she turns to Isaac and she says and I don't just want him to leave and go to the next town I am sick and tired of these Hittite women and I will not have him marry another and Isaac is feeling really guilty about now because at this point he realized he screwed up the entire family because of the way he raised a problem child it's his fault Wow now how do you know that I don't you're saying these things there's no proof well you see in their culture marriage was arranged by the father but the father wouldn't even consider arranging a marriage for a son until the son was mature enough to get married how many of you have ever had a child that man they fall in love when they're 1415 years old and they want to get married and you're gone oh my gosh son you couldn't even support yourself let alone marry well it wasn't so much they couldn't support himself but in that culture the father wouldn't even consider arranging a marriage person until the son was mature enough to have a healthy relationship and to get married and it was tradition that the oldest marry first oh yeah remember the story of Rachel and Leah it wasn't just for women it was for men also now Esau wasn't mature enough to get married but Jacob was but again traditionally the oldest marries first and that's why Isaac has failed in his obligation to make arrangements for Esau and Jacob to marry and people they're 40 years old at this time they're not 20 they're not 25 they're not 30 they're not 3540 and you're looking at you going boy Isaac really felt there's nothing to know he didn't fail in the way you thought he was not going to arrange a marriage for his sons because the oldest had to marry first until they were mature enough and Esau wasn't mature enough and Jacob was Jacob was ready but he saw was it so Isaac didn't seek brides for them thinking that this would force Esau to grow up but Esau refused to grow up but he also refused to wait so Esau took matters into his own hands and he married Canaanite women he didn't wait for his dad to arrange it look back if you would at Genesis chapter 26 verses 34 and 35 at the age of 40 Esau married two Hittite wives Judith the daughter Barry and basemath the daughter of Ellen but Esau's wives made life miserable for Isaac and Rebekah people Esau was 40 years old and he still wasn't mature enough to get married and that's why Isaac had not gone back like Abraham did to find and arrange a marriage for her sons but he saw didn't care what his dad thought he wasn't gonna wait any longer so with or without his dad's permission he just go get his own rights and he went out and he married two Canaanite women now again Jacob was the plain man Hebrew word is Tom upright perfect righteous he is a man who dwelt in tents learned the family business and he was an obedient child who did not take matters into his own hands even though it was East halls fault not his and he patiently waited for his father to choose a mate for him and that's why verse 46 is thrown in there it's meant to reinforce how much of a problem child Esau was and how good of a child Jacob was because now when it's time to go and he says well Jacob just needs to go to the next town out of sight out of mind it'll be alright and Rebekah says oh man you don't get it he wouldn't wait on you and he went and got to Canaanite women and they've made our life hell I mean I'm to the point where I'm sick of living and I will not have him marry a Hittite woman anyone from Canaan and she says this is a good time for him to go to my brother Laban and get a wife from there so when Jacob gets needs to get out of town for a little bit Isaac and Rebekah decide to send him to her and to marry an acceptable bride now here's what's interesting to show how much they trusted him they weren't even going to make the arrangements in a culture that you made the arrangements instead they're sending him up there by himself and allowing him to choose his own bride now we look at it always forty years old after all that didn't matter do you remember when Abraham he got to the age where he couldn't make the trip so he sent his trusted servant as a representative and he said I'm praying I know God will lead you to the right person he didn't send Isaac to choose a bride no no you didn't leave it to them he's sitting in that there but here they are sending Jacob on his own and him the freedom to make his own arrangements and to choose his own bride but the reason this is thrown in here verse number 46 it's just to illustrate one more time just how much of a problem child Esau was and how unworthy he was to receive it and how good of the child Jacob was and was worthy to receive it and every Jew reading this story would have gotten the point but Christians not knowing Jewish tradition and putting our arms at it at arm's length and Satan and then though we don't want to learn that you know this is all new Testament we don't understand and so we read our own meanings into these stories but every Jew understood the customs and understood exactly what this story was doing and why verse 46 was put in there again so here's what I want to do I want to read verse 46 again and the next verse which is chapter 28 verse 1 notice what it says then Rebekah said to Isaac I'm sick and tired of these local hittite women I would rather die than see Jacob marry one of it so Isaac called for Jacob blessed him and said you must not marry any of these Canaanite women now I'm gonna add because you can read between the lines you must not marry any of these Canaanite women like your brother did without our permission now I know I've spent a lot of time on the story but the reason I have is because you really need to understand the story to see why God never once comes in and says Jacob what's wrong he never once comes in and says I can't believe you did that so I'm not gonna bless you he didn't do that in fact three days later he's gonna have an unbelievable experience with God because God wants to confirm can confirm you are my choice I've seen your character I saw it before you were ever born and I will do great things with you now knowing that we're gonna have the story of Jacob and we're gonna see what a good man he was
Channel: Cornerstone Fellowship
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Keywords: esau and jacob, esau and jacob bible story, jacob and esau bible study, jacob and esau story explained, jacob and esau bible, genesis jacob and esau, genesis jacob and esau sermon, genesis jacob and esau series, genesis bible study jacob and esau, genesis explained allen nolan, genesis bible study allen nolan, genesis bible study verse by verse, genesis bible study notes, allen nolan, pastor allen nolan
Id: yduBTNoFqZ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 5sec (2405 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 31 2020
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