When Criminals Are Smarter Than The Police...

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there will always be people who commit crime but not everyone can get away with it these criminals not only outsmarted the law but they did it in style like this prisoner who channeled his Spidey senses to parkour out of jail and let's be honest that's pretty impressive but what's not as impressive as whoever designed the prison imagine all Michael scoffield had to do was climb upwards to escape or just Master The Arc of faking an injury footballers can do it the full refs so what's stop and doing it to trick the police he had the whole hospital hoaxed no neck brace was going to stop his legs and judging by the way he moves he could have been a marathon runner if things were any different if never let them know your next move was a person it would definitely be this guy with the agility and unpredictability of an NFL running back he makes the cops look out of his League I guess this proves that the Tom and Jerry technique Works in real life [Music] too the police force often their job as taking the trash off the streets but this kid flipped that on them completely being the master of hideand-seek paid off big time and luckily the officer counted longer than 10 before searching you can run but hiding isn't a rubbish idea either just like this guy found out when trying to escape the entire squat team you'd think he was doomed either way but not when you have sneak level 100 turns out using cartoon logic in real world situations can actually work all he had to do was disguise himself as a CO coat hanger look perfect camouflage boy when you need to lose your wanted level in GTA fast this is the way to do it when pursuing a suspect cops definitely don't get paid enough to go base jumping that Target is Gone With the Wind you really can't afford to take your eyes off criminals like these he was not waiting around when you give some people a window of opportunity like that he'll leap through without hesitation and something tells me they won't hesitate in firing the guy in charge of holding him too but there's nothing like a bird's eye view to see the incompetence of others hiding in plain sight never worked as well they say the thing you lost is usually in the most obvious Place well that doesn't mean we always look there whilst others are thinking outside the box the Smart Ones hide in it imaginative people use their talent in various ways whether it's writing painting music or the master of being hidden what other reason would you carry around a giant Slinky that evading the police if you can use your initiative as well as this crook then maybe the law might give you a pass for Creative expression even when all exits look sealed off opportunism is always one jump to Freedom it definitely helps if you leave the gate open for the other prisoner too that's one way to multiply your problems one Escape is fun but two is a party even the cleaning lady had the Tidy Up the situation link and you'll miss it this prisoner decided he no longer needed a lift and went by foot instead the smartest criminals adapt to their surroundings and he figured on such a bumpy road who'd notice if he hopped out and those there to witness just decided they saw nothing we've all watched YouTube videos about how to get out of handcuffs and by the looks of it this lady definitely did a research police didn't know they were dealing with cat woman she had flexibility and IQ to get herself out in style God dang what kind of thief robs an ATM in front of a crowd of witnesses maybe one disguised as a repair man everyone just sees a man doing his job but the actual job was robbing them blind can he fix it yes he can well sort of that all he needs to do is investigate the robbery in his police disguise you can find get rich quick schemes everywhere but 90k in 30 seconds definitely takes the G these thieves were able to hack their way into a Tesla by unlocking its doors way to give a car major trust issues Elon Musk may have designed one of the hardest cars to steal but it was no match for these smooth criminals I've heard of a hid and run but this is more of a grab and go kind of situation he may have been the smallest guy in class but he measured up perfectly for this to happen so there's a way you can actually win the fluffy toys of your Dreams by cheating claiming not just coins but the morale of many some criminals use stealth and subtlety to get what they want others going heavy sure bank stickups and complex hacking can work but he went down an alternative route the oldfashioned smash and grab you can't argue with that this is the closest thing we get the Blockbuster film style heists but if you don't want to create a scene this is the way to do it we heard that slow and steady wins the race well apparently that logic works for jewelry theft too why run when you can just walk away he basically deactivated her fight ORF flight stealing a $116,000 ring never looked more simple and how was she to know that that guy asking to see it under natural light was actually a member of the dark side CCTV cameras are the bane of any thief's existence but some know it's all about angles having the world's slimmest television comes with a cost and this smart Thief took full advantage Life's good except when your TVs keep disappearing escaping locked rooms by crawling through vents in the ceiling only happens in movies yeah hold on to that not everyone who wears sport jerseys can move with athletic Precision but he combined both physical and brain power to get himself out is that an admission of guilt or just the more extreme version of I won't talk without my lawyer these two inmates proved the old saying very true one man's trash is another man's ticket to freedom it may be even more difficult to wash off that prison stink but they won't care because the best getaways aren't always the cleanest you know you've made it in the criminal underworld when you've got a street name the snake burglar knows a thing or two about motion trigger alarms they say if you want truffles you got to get in the dirt with the pigs and if you want $88,000 in cash crawling on the ground like a snake gets you the money when making a plan it's important not just to think outside the box but outside the flock these two sheep rustlers had a method that was foolproof and wool prooof I've seen Tom Cruz run on moving train roofs but can he do this having kids is expensive so this Dad thought of a cunning way to cut down on cost a little I guess that's one way to train the next thieving Prodigy nothing like using your own child to help hide a stolen laptop bet everyone has different family traditions so who am I to judge just like when I let my dog off the lead this suspect didn't think twice before making a break for it before his guilt was decided in court he already decided he'd be marked absent at the trial they say he can't outrun justice but with speed to burn like that he makes a pretty good case for being able to when the ex construct ruction guys hitched a plan to escape prison they made it look too easy whilst others were rioting these guys saw the chaos as a ladder and took full advantage all they needed to do was to follow some simple steps to Freedom this lady didn't even need a kid for her master plan her outfit of choice was enough to get her a new TV she dressed to impress but in this case impressing every criminal that's ever tried to steal from a store security guards can't compete with this level of trickery smartphones are way too distracting and this thieving Trio banked on that big time just by asking the shop owner to test the camera their Heist was set up perfectly let's just say it's a good thing he didn't turn the camera on selfie mode crawl to avoid the motion sensor alarms check get the money and Escape smoothly check cover your face so you don't reveal your identity to the whole world check these guys had it all figured out and while while his buddy was getting to the $1 million stash his partner cry made sure to stock up on some medicine samees having to book a doctor's appointment you know what they say Diamonds Are a Girl's Best Friend so while her friends were mastering Small Talk their accce took all she could carry that shop attendant may be able to multitask but she doesn't have three eyes for each person and she paid the price and talk about great teams of the three here's the perfect balance with the wife on watch the husband on stealing Duty and then a cute kid to make everything seem innocent in a hospital of patients they had the sickest moves and you know when those medical bills come through desperate times call for desperate measures if security cameras didn't exist these people would strip shops bear every day masterminds come in many forms and the ability to make robbing your local store look like a casual routine is an example of that every super villain has their special move check out that cough being a successful criminal is about knowing your audience as much as anything else college girls and Casual buyers definitely aren't going to be more than bystanders to a crime they came in hot and left with enough Apple products to burn a hole in their pockets there's no doubt criminals can have very high IQs but let's be real it's always best to use that ability to do more positive things such as hitting that like And subscribe button right now
Channel: Trend Central
Views: 1,752,155
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: when, criminals, smarter, police, smartest criminals, 200 IQ, police chase, ingenious thefts, smart criminal, suspect, caught on camera, crime, Trend Central
Id: L6rOx5N0NgA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 3sec (603 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 09 2023
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