When Corrupt Cops Regret Messing With a TEEN GENIUS

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what's your badge number batch number that says name Okay now what's your name I'm not making any statements straight on the motorcycle uh I was on my gas bicycle okay that's gas powered vehicle you have to have a driver's license um no you don't not when it's 50cc and you have a permit for it you've just witnessed how a 15 year old dominated the police officers however that was just a tiny piece of a heated debate that lasted nearly 40 minutes during which the young man emerged as the absolute Victor by calmly shaming half the police station with his knowledge on September 29th 2019 the police received a report that a man named Michael franchek had a dispute with his neighbor over his 15 year old son jack who was riding a motorbike around the neighborhood the police immediately went to the location and upon questioning the neighbor found out that Michael allegedly had a weapon tucked in his belt when they arrived at the front door of the franchek family's house this happened can I help you hello are you uh Michael hi uh can I help you something yeah uh we're here about it officer Rodriguez uh first name Jim Jim how are you Jim your name please shut up sorry badge number badge number please let's go ahead and talk about the incident that you had out here a few minutes ago don't know what you're talking about okay just step down here for me yeah no no hey you've just witnessed the moment that changed the course of this police intervention after this Michael began to struggle with the officers who were trying to forcibly remove him from his house during this they used a taser before handcuffing and arresting him from this moment on everything you see was filmed by his son jack who bravely defended his father this is I know this is this you don't get my camera it's on my phone it's on my phone the whole thing is on film the whole thing is Jack follow me and record okay this way follow me give us space I'm not give us space okay what's your space what's your space important give us space does this look like enough space if the police receive a tip that someone might have a weapon especially following a dispute or argument they will investigate it to ensure Public Safety now regarding the house entry an individual has a Fourth Amendment right or to be more precise protection against unreasonable searches and seizures in their home generally police can't enter a person's home without a warrant or consent but there is something called exigent circumstances which refer to situations that demand immediate action and thus May justify certain actions by law enforcement that would otherwise require a warrant they are exceptions to the fourth amendment's warrant requirement under the U.S Constitution the validity of vexigen circumstances in this case would depend on the specifics of the situation and could be challenged in court I didn't do anything against your instructions you King this guy came into my house without a warrant without any probable cause let me just talk for a second I said I don't know anything and he tackled me in my house he recorded the whole thing this guy is out of control okay what's your name step back you can record all you want but you're stepping back right now this is my property you're not going to interfere with an arrest record all you want but you're not going to get close to it I'm on my property right here please move you're in my personal space what's your name yeah I do not need to give you that yeah yeah you do for one reason I'm involved with this yes but this guy threatened me and called the cops on you and what's your what's your badge number what's your badge number badge number that says name 3K 12. Okay now what's your name I'm not making any statements nope okay I have the right to identify you you understand that right then you can search up my face and you can search up my record okay okay you're for what reason for what that guy's threatening me why isn't that guy going to jail that guy threatened to beat me in his ass so why aren't you guys arresting him why are you attacking yeah he can just lie it's clear that Jack has a relatively good understanding of the law and knows his rights well also the way he behaves towards the police is excellent because he achieves what he wants without giving them a reason to react negatively now let's take a look at the behavior of the police it's evident that they are aware that the whole situation is a bit blown out of proportion and that they reacted inappropriately the camera even caught one officer saying I know when Michael stated he didn't resist officer Rodriguez who led the arrest in chaos in the house is visibly nervous and at one point is even aggressive towards Jack let's remember Jack is only 15 years old and the only threats to the police at the moment are Jack's knowledge and his cell phone step back do not step forward what did I just tell you please get out of my space I do not have to you cannot interfere with what we're doing don't step towards the car I'm not then you did step towards the car I told you not to you hey stay back I'm going in my house stay back I'm going if you try and come past me you're gonna go on the ground face first do you understand me okay and then I'm gonna file a complaint against you go grab your camera yes I'm allowing you to do that but you cannot walk in my house [Music] okay bye when interacting with minors officers should exercise greater caution threats especially ones that involve potential physical harm like the one made by Officer Rodriguez are problematic both legally and ethically if Jack felt threatened the officer could potentially face legal consequences any use of force by police including a gentle push must be justifiable police can't use Force merely because someone is recording them or because they find it irritating in the U.S citizens generally have a First Amendment right to record police officers performing their official duties in public spaces as long as the recording does not interfere with the officer's duties or endanger anyone and now finally the police questioned Jack about the misunderstanding and the alleged motor vehicle that caused all this chaos so you were the one driving up and down the street on the motorcycle uh I was on my gas bicycle okay that's gas powered vehicle you have to have a driver's license um no you don't not when it's 50cc and you have a permit for it but we tried to come here to ask a question and figure out what's going on because what we got told is the gun was involved in this incident no God no gun was involved not at all I don't know why you don't know that when we don't know that I know that's what I'm saying I understand that yes I totally understand that but you can't just tackle him but when he's told to stop he has to stop can get physical okay but you can't just come in the house without us we have to control the situation do you have a search warrant we don't need it yes you do divide it you don't want to go to school and learn the life I already know the law okay get out of my way okay this is my case that's your case we'll talk to you as much as I want okay well I'm not gonna respond to you you don't have to respond to me but I can talk to you have a good day okay here Jack explains how the argument between the neighbor and his father started in short Jack was riding around which irritated the neighbor the neighbor started threatening him and that's when Jack's father got involved telling the neighbor not to get in his face or he would have to defend himself that's basically it there was no weapon involved um we walked back inside and uh yeah and now you guys are here coming in the house and I don't know why he's detained I don't know why he's getting arrested well that's I'm not going to get into that and talk to you about that well you can because he's my dad and it was on my property but okay well it's not your property it's your dad's but we're not gonna get in that cage actually technically it is because I'm underneath his Guardian so okay well we're not going to get into that okay I'm just trying to find out where you know what we're trying to get situated okay is what took place between you guys okay and I'm filing uh okay just caught on him because he touched me when I did nothing County Jail okay okay I'm more willing to talk to you but I'm not gonna play the stupid games okay you kind of are because okay we're done okay okay can I have the case number right now okay can I have uh where I can give it to your dad no no right now I need it here okay tell you what you can go in the house you can do whatever but we're done with you guys you guys aren't being cooperative we'll leave it at that it seems that on the contrary officer Rodriguez is bothered by the fact that Jack talks a lot and knows a lot as already mentioned no weapon was involved in this entire situation there wasn't even a physical altercation so Mr Michael was unjustifiably treated as some kind of threat it's incredible how Jack is capable of silencing every officer around him if you look closely at their body language and reactions you'll see that Jack with his knowledge and verbal skills puts them in a very uncomfortable situation let's see what else Jack will find out from the officer when he starts questioning him about the weapon you know I don't know if there's an issue going on with neighbors and like with um your dad and that guy I I don't know what's going on this is the first confrontation the first time we've ever seen him met him heard of him looked at him like all right and the first thing I hear is him saying that bicycle is illegal it's a 50cc and I have a permit for it and I told him that and he goes he goes we'll move out of the way I'm gonna beat your ass so that's the first confrontation we had and all of a sudden he's calling or I don't know if it's per exactly him you don't have to tell me but saying that there's a gun involved okay it wasn't here okay did he call he called about something probably right about the bikes and stuff from and whatnot yeah probably yes but it's legal but it wasn't there was other people that were just kind of watching because they heard the commotion and then they just seen it tucked in the back waistband as you guys were walking back to the house so if he has if he has a concealed carry permanent permit or anyone here and they have a gun isn't that legal and you can open carry and say to Utah right it is yes but there are some but there's a difference between tucking in your waistband that is not open carry that's that is a foreign open carry is seriously this is open carry yeah like it there's no instructions yes so once you tuck a weapon in like your waistband or anything yeah that was kills concealed carry for me yeah now the average Joe that's standing out here if they see they don't they don't know yeah you can and all they know is there was an argument yep and there was a confrontation confrontation a positive weapon yeah we need to find out I understand that yes I totally understand that like you don't know if there's a gun being pointed at someone anything correct you have to plan for the for the worst so we just have to look at it so I understand that yes but so okay so that's just working were you standing at the front door with I was standing on the sidewalk so who was with him at the front door well eventually everybody was at the front door well first two went well knocked on the door so he was standing on the porch and I was standing out on the sidewalk in front of your report and can you tell me why he tackled him into the house I saw him with his arm behind his back and twisted all around maybe that's not saying come outside that's not tackle and I've heard that something that there was big smacks and stuff like that so it's easier yeah I know but I'm still talking can you please not enough um so I was I heard all this stuff and then all of a sudden you guys are in the house did he allow you guys to come in the house okay I'm not gonna get into that with you okay because you because you know that you guys came in illegally if Mr franchek has a valid concealed firearm permit in Utah he would be allowed to carry a firearm concealed including in his waistband Utah also does allow open carry of firearms if the firearm is two actions away from firing for semi-automatic Firearms this typically means carrying without a round chambered however if the firearm is concealed then the aforementioned cfp is necessary if someone knowingly lied to the police about Mr franchek having a weapon they could potentially face legal consequences now let's look at the very end of the discussion and see what happened after all of this so what's your name uh you already figured it out I figured it out you already got it from him did we get his identification yeah he didn't give it to us you have his last name and you figured out my first name so so I'll screen this for uh no disposure I okay I literally said I don't make statements you're like begging me for myself Jack let me explain something I'm not talking to you Jack the reason we're here is because of you racing your motorcycle or your gas-powered bike or whatever that I have a permit for okay so I don't know why you're here you're here because he told me because someone called the cops saying that there was a gun involved so you don't have to lie because I know that guy we found out there was a gun involved later no when someone called you got he told me you guys came here for that I have it on video you okay ultimately Michael franchek was arrested and charged with interfering with an arresting officer failure to disclose his identity and disorderly conduct however these charges were dropped soon after the arrest following this franchek filed a federal lawsuit against Park City alleging that his and his son's civil rights were violated during the confrontation officer Rodriguez was found in violation of five acts of procedural misconduct after a detailed investigation three Park City police officers were found guilty of a total of nine violations by Internal Affairs and for the very end Sergeant Cameron Thor was fired from service foreign
Channel: MrBroken
Views: 7,116,647
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: documentary, crime, story, explained, police interrogation, police, detective, true crime
Id: OszxsY63XIk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 35sec (875 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 27 2023
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